TlIVItH U A Y . NOVEMBER 2«, 1934 PAOBTHRBB SERVICE STATIONS / WHO IS WHO AUCTIONEERS DANCING W. L. BRAY GENERAL AUCTIONKKH STUDENTH MATINEE DANCEH OR. MILTON V. WALKER Uanaral Gasoline, Oil and Greases ?ka Friday after Thanksgiving Goodrich Tlrea will be a holiday for «indenta and "A Hum« Owned Htatlun." (earlier« In tbe local acboola It haa bib and A HI».. Hprlngfleld. Ph. 44 been announced by school board member». Thin gives tbe school« M It cheli Hervlce Station a Gii « « d a y w eek en d holiday. SI.L R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS Students at the Lincoln school — Yale T ire . — present»« a Thanksgiving »lav pro­ Oreailng • Battery Rei barging gram Wednesday afternoon They Expert Radio Repairing by have already »tarted work on their LEE CRAY fhrlatm aa programs. Phone 43-J Farm Hales uud Livestock Our AT Hurgery and Ihaeaaaa of Women 7th and Main Hta. Specialty. WINTKKOARDBN 4tb and Main Hla. Hprlngfleld Phone 82-J ¿ On» RA73 H. P, iiimh I cutidlllun. i Power I'u, A HT SERVICE STATION and What They Do A Classified Directory of Reliable Bugine«* Firm* and Professional People This Newspaper Recommends to You. IL F III SEW ING uml R«uiti<|«llug klllllN. lt»U»lllllll)tu plicim, lluilw (or whul have you Jordon. U.IU - Fighlli phon« 15ft W Ml. I tf. of all (,r wilt | Nelllo or N22 29 SCHOOL BOARD SETS SPRINGFIELD VOTES EXTRA HOLIDAY DATE COST COUNTY 23 CENTS ('oiiiiiiuolty Hales Every Wednexday Multi HI. Hprlngfleld PHYSICIAN ■ SURGEON Kv«ry Haturday Afternoon 2 • ft o’clock 10c Hprlngfleld OREGONIAN SERVICE STATION TO ALL WHO SUFFER STOMACH AGONY It cost Laos county an sverags of twenty two and onehalf cents for each rota which was cast in Hprlngfleld In the recent general election according to figures re­ leased by W. B. Dillard, couuty clerk. The sum included the coat of materials as wsU a« election hall rent and salaries of workers. Ib Hprlngfleld the cost per precinct was as follows: First, 33 cents; second. 14 cents; third, 33 cents; and fourth 33 cents. Rent was paid the school» for polling places but not tbe city ball Tbe averse« coat per vote la the At the Hprlngfleld Junction G as and In d ig estio n county wae 30 M ata, or a total of OAH ANO OILS Mutt Go or Money Back 55432.71 for the complete election. Hervlce Day and Night ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES AUTO DEALERS During tbe past year thousands Tbe lowest coat was In Eugene Grocery Huudriea, Tobacco'» and Hprlngfleld, Oregon of sufferers from severe and dis­ number * and * at 13 cent» each, Sprlngflflld Electric Supply Picnic Good« : ANDERSON MOTORS, INC. tressing Indigestion have blessed P in t National Bank Bldg I'b 43 Wiring, Ueneral Contracting W«»t Hprlngfleld Ph. Spr 33 J the day they first heard of this and the highest wae in (he Five NOTICK O f A D M IN IS T R A T R IX 'S K ip erl Repairing — All Work O. E. laimpa, I'nlveraal Houaebold grandest of all stomach medicines. Rivers precinct where the total SALK OF LAND Guaranteed. Electrical Huppllea. PLUMBING - PIPE FITTING TRANSFER A STORAGE Not only will Dare’s Mentha Pep^ vote wa» 15 and tbe expense per Goa, Oil, Tlraa and Ballarle« »In, a pleasant tasting elixir, re­ vote was >2.61. Oeneral Repairing Nolle« I» hereby uiviin I bul by MOVING— Our Plano and Furni­ lieve the moat severe attacks of virili« ot u Urena« mill order o( 6th and A Hta., Hprlngfleld Ph. 4» 442 Main NIEL POLLARD Hprlngfleld stomach agony, but taken regularly ture Mover» are Expert«. •«I« ot III« fa m ily Court ot luino P L V M B I N O S U M M O N * t'ouuty, Oregon, made 5lovniub«r lliapeit our New Inatullatluu at STORAGE — Concert« Building, will help to overcome the moat die IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF Copper Colla a Specialty. traaalng stomach trouble that ex­ BROWN MOTOR CO. Hub, r»34, uuthorliluu me u» ml Heaaonable Rate«. Reliability. tbe Htate Game Farm. T H E S T A T E OF OREOON FOR ists. Hea. Pbone 153 J mliilalrutrlM of Ib« unlul« of Kara C1IKYHLKK and PLYM O U TH L A N E CO UNTY. PACKING — Experienced H a Ip Weallngboua« laitiipa and Thousands in thia part of the 8. fo llili», du4'«tt»«d, to null the 420 Main HI. Hprlngfleld, Ore. Hulee and Hervlce state know It so If yonr stomach A LTO N B. DOW NES and S TELLA Appliance«. Meuua Safety and Protection. lauda hereinafter described ui pri­ B. DOW NES, husband and wife. keep« you feeling miserable, start vat« aal«. I will on und ufl«r live- Complete Automotive Hervlce Plaintiffs. vs. A LICE M. EG PACIFIC TRANSFER A IIENHERKR ELECTRIC PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS to make ,lt strong and healthy to­ ember 2lat, 11*34. al Ion Tiffany Open hay mid Night GERS aud JOHN DOE EGGERS, 420 Main Ht. Hprlngfleld day—one bottle ot Dare's ______ Mentha S T O R A G E CO. Hid a . Wagen«, Grugnii, and < -i the her husband, also all other per Phone 1767 Carl K. Baker Mini Shop 69% fttb. Ave W. Eugene. Ph. 74 Pepsin Is guaranteed by all dnut- Itea. Phone 148-J premine» Io be »old offer at private Ittft Euat Hr mid wiiy sons or parties unknown, claim­ If no answer Call 104 R f * ' 1» to ‘“ 'P J0“ « o re thaa «ale Io Ibe party offering the moat Kuguue, Oregon Euat man Filina — Kodak» — ing any rjgbt, title, estate, lien, ________________________________ thing you ever tried or money therefor, «anil In baud, the follow- FRUIT PACKERS Frame» — Album«— Motion or Interest In the real property lug lami« WOOLEN MILLS beck described in the complaint here­ SCHERER MOTOR CO. Picture Camera«. H«g I no lug at a point 13.29 cha. Eugene Emit Grower’s A hh ' d in, Defendants. IIU IC K — G I.DHM OBILK — We Photograph Evarytblng N of Quarter Comer between Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packer» TO Alice M. Eggers and John EUGENE Hei-tlonn 11 mid 12 Twp. IK H. It PO NTIAC Anywhere. Doe Eggers, her ban band, also all uud Shipper». Ice and fo ld Storage. W OOLEN MILL CO. 3 W ot W M In Lane County, Molar Cara Mall film» to P. O. Box 447 other persons or parties unknown, College Ice Cream Manufacturera. Oregon, Ilium « W K 70 dia.. J Manufacturers ot Woolens. claiming any right, tlUe, «state, H A LE» and HKRV1CE <98 W illamette, Eugene Ph. 436 Ilium ,- N 14 ftI i h» to til« W II Coco Cola— Kiat Beveragea Specialising In Ladies an a id ig e s t io n i lien or interest in the real pruperty lamelle Hiver, thence Kanterly Till and Oliva 81«. — Phone Kftft described in the complaint here­ Cider Vinegar COATINGS AN D SUITINGS. along Ibe »outli bank ot »aid PRINTERS Eugene, Oregon. in , D EFEND ANTS: Pbone 1480 Retail Department at Mill. Hiver lo Ui« E line of »aid »ec. NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R * IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STA TE U , I l i r u i t - H. 14 41 ib» to Iho Ferry near 8th Ave K. Eugene, T H E WILI-iAMETTE PRESS East End 6th Ave. Eugene, Or«. AUTO WRECKERS NO TIC E IS HER EBY G IV E N . O F OREGON: You are hereby ro­ place of beginning. Ien» aud «s- That the County Court of the State qulred to appear and answer the Hprlngfleld repi therefrom the K. ft aerea, . .. . n a««!«,* 1- (UA 10% off with Oil» coupon LARGE GROUP ATTENDS FEED-SEED-HAY of Oregon for Lane County has ap­ complaint filed against yon in the Phone 2 being K.63 aeroaa more or lu»». above entitled Court and canse on Phone 3243 Red Read, Mgr. pointed Clift Abrams as Adminis­ Hubject to the approval and con- Business Stationery—Office Form» ENDEAVOR FUN PROGRAM trator of the Estate of Louisa E li­ or before the expiraGon of four Grimillón of tbe court Eu»t Bide Auto Wreck«™ ADAMS FEED & SEED Booklet» — Placard» — sabeth McDowell, Deceased. All weeks from the date of tbe first f l , AHA FAW VKR, A ilin i En­ Srv«nly-tlv« persona attended persons having calms against said publication of this summons, to- feed ('are, Truck« and Trailer« STORE Dodgers, ate. late Frrii fo llili» . D eceased. wlt: On or before the 6th day ef Oi iterator, Armature A Electrical Full line of Feed, Heed and Hay. A Modern Print Shop Producing the monthly church night program Estate are hereby notified to pres­ (N 12 IS - U 4 13-30) ent the same, duly verified, to the December, 1»34; and if yon fail so at the Christian church last Thurs­ Service. fu«tom Grinding, Cleaning and to answer, for want thereof, the Up-To-Date Printing day evening and saw the two par­ undersigned Administrator at the plaintiffs will apply to the Court NOTICK TO CREDITORS 2046 Franklin Ulvd. Eugene, Ore. Mixing A Home Owned Inatltutton. Phone aud a Salesman W ill Call. ody playlets, "Mellow D ram m er' Law Offices of Harris. Smith A for the relief prayed for In their Notice I» hereby given that the Bryson, Miner Building. Eugene, Main HI., Hprlngfleld • - Pbone 8 underalguod ba» ben appoluted by and "Pokey Huntus" presented by Lane County, Oregon, within Six Complaint, to-wit: That you be re­ BEAUTY PARLORS the fo uu ty Court of Ibe M ate of RESTAURANTS quired to eet forth the naltua of members of the Senior Endeavor (6) months from the date of thia your claim in and to the following Oregon for Ia n « fouuty Admlnla Oregon Feed & Heed Co., Inc. Permanent Push Wavett notice. Ml » Melba Harris and Mia« Iralor of lb« Kalut« of W. E that- ! IRENE'S CAFE Dated this 2»th day of Novem­ described premises, to-wlt: I t 76 aud Up. Good Luck Manamar Psultry and 1er, deceuaed All peranne having Tbe Northwest quarter of Lot Mina Peterson were readers for ber, 1934. Breakfast 16c up — Dinner 26c up. Dairy Feeds claims again»! »aid ealato are here ' The BR O W N IE B EA U TY HIIGPPK One (1) Clark and Washburn's the plays. C L IF F ABRAMS. AdmUiiitia- Chill 10c Addition to Springfield, Oregon, by lilrei led lo pi. »«nt lb« »am« Io Apprentice Finger Wave 25c. Prosper W ith Manamar tor of the Estate of Louisa aa the same Is platted and re­ Home Cooking Ibe und«r»lgnod at the office of r H naer Wav« 60<- Seed Cleaning a Speciality. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS Elisabeth McDowell, Deceased. Gordon H. Well», Miner Building. * Finger w ave 50c corded at page 77 of Volume 2 Ire Cold Beverages on Tap Estate ot Janie L. Cruaan, Deceased (N 27— D 4-13-20-27) Phone 40» Eugene, Oregon, duly verified and BH W illamette, Eugene, Ph. 44# Delivery Lane County, Oregon Plat Re­ NoUce 1» hereby given that Wm. Main Bet. 4tb and 6th Sts. 206 E. 6th St.. Cor. High Eugene with proper vouchers attached. ........... 1 cords, In Lane County, Oregon, 8 U M M O N 8 U. Hughe» has been by the County Springfield Open TIB Midnight within »lx months from the date BATTERY SERVICE and that all of the adverse claims No. 2342» Court of tbe State of Oregon, In of the flrel publication of this me PACIFIC FEED A SUPPLY CO. and for Lane County, appointed Ex­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E of the defendants in and to sold lice, - 47 K. Broadway Eugene, Ore. STATE OF OREOON FOR T H E premises may be determined by SCHOOLS-COLLEGES ecutor of the last will and testa­ EUOBNE EGG DEPOT the Decree of the Court. And that Dale of first publication Novem PERRY'S CO UN TY OF M U LTN O M A H . ment of Janie L. Cruxan, deceased. We Pack and Grade Eggs for tbe by said decree it be declared and K A T H E R IN E A L IC E QC1GG. also All person» havlug claims against b ,r B f ” H TA TZEIt. A d m lu BATTERIES. BRAKES ENROLL NOW FOR Merchants of Eugene and Spring- known aa Katherine A. Qulgg, al­ adjuded that the defendants, and the estate of said deceased are totr of Estate of W. E. HtatxerJ IG N IT IO N , MOTOR WORK, Day and Night Claaeve In a Oood so known as K. Alice Gulgg. each of them, have no right, title, hereby notified to present the field. deceased. Wheel Allgulng. School. Plaintiff, vs. The unknown interest, or estate whatever In or same, duly stated and verified at Cor. 6th and W illam ette St. |N 22 2» D 4 12 20) heirs of P. C. Renfrew, deceased; to said premises, and that the title "Any Hervlce—Any Car" the office of said executor la the Shorthand. Bookkeeping. Typing Eugene. Ore., Phone 148 ths unknown heirs of W illiam of the plaintiffs thereto Is good and First National Bank building In 726 Oak Ph. 747 Eugene Eugeue Business College Renfrew, deceased; the unknown valid. That the defendants, and Springfield, Oregon, within aix A. E. Roberts, Pres. keirs of Rufus A. Renfrew, de­ each ol them, be forever barred months from thia 1st day of Nov­ FURNITURE LAN ECO ceased; tbe unknown heirs ot and enjoined from asserting any Phone 444 Miner Bldg. ember. 1»34. Ellen Nesley, deceased; Ellen claim whatever in and to said BATTERY FACTORY WM. O. H U O H E 8, Executor of JOHNSON FURNITURE CO Eugene, Oregon Nesley, a single woman; and also premises adverse to the plaintiffs' the Last W ill and Testament Could not atanil I ho bright lights? Ranges and Circulators all other persons or parties u n -. and that plaintiffs' title thereto be Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Our customers did uol care to pay of Janie L. Cruxan, Deceased. Complete Business Courses Several Linus Including Muutag. known claiming any right. UUe, quieted, A. E. W H E E L E R . Attorney. Naturopathic Physician the difference. After Nov 10—hack Service Day and Evening Classes estate Hen or interest in the ' of this summons la made Linoleum—Inlaid and Pelt Base (N 1-8-16-22-2») at our old locallon. Pre-N. It A by publication thereof pursuant to real property described In the The personnel of our college Is Phone 91-J Attractive Prices on Furniture prices will prevail. Recharge 60c. an order In said cause by the Hon. SUMMONS complaint herein, Defendants. experienced and capable. and Ruga 346 Van Buren - - Mione 1003 Sadie H. P yk c-T yp in g . Bookkeep­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E IN T H E NA M E G F T H E STATE G. F. Sklpworth, Judge of the above Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M. S ee Us Before You Buy ing, English. S TA TE OF OREGON. IN AND OF OREGON: You and each of you entitled Court, which bears date 404 Fourth Htreet CREAMERIES - are hereby required to appear and ‘ l**e 7th day of November. 1934 We Deliver Phone 1188 Martha Ryan—Shorthand, vocab­ FOR LA N E CO UNTY. answer the complaint filed against I * “ d Dreicril’ « i the defendants Paul Kloeter, Plaintiff, ulary, b u a I n e s a 649 W illam ette Eugene Demand tbe Best —Costs no More you in the above entitled -u it with above named be required to appear Va. arithmetic. BLUE BELL Christen Pedersen and Mary A. In four weeks from the date of the and answer within four weeks from Blanche Mack—Steaotype. GROCERIES Pedersen, bla wife, Johannes first publication of this summons, the date of the first publication of Dairy Products E. N. Hathaway— B n a I n e s a man­ Watchmaker and Jeweler Vlndlng Larsen, and Lavrlts Kr. and If you fail to to answer, for this summons, and that sold sum­ ager. Ice Cream. Butter, Cheese. Milk mons be published once a week for HPHINGF1BLD DIBBLEE’S Larsen, hla Guardian, and Harold want thereof, the plaintiff will take SCHOOL OF EUGENE FARMERS CR EAM ERY. w So. Paalfle Watch Inspector J. Wells, aa Administrator of the Judgment against you as prayed The date of the first publication RED & WHITE GROCERY MODERN STENOGRAPHY First Clase Work nt Reasonable estate of Peter F. P 4 * . ~ M O V < TM t P l A l iU A M A W A Y TO V A B Y IU O CMS- TAMCES PftOM THE EYE AM D A T o u t PO lU T 7H 8 OOT W IL L O IS A P P S A a ... Your preHont lenae» can he uned In many of the more mod­ ern frainwg, and the coat is sur­ prisingly low. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist By ED. KRESSY nun t e a r u i m euHOifior^srs a ui« t » P E Q i(u c (S v n a t w o a to w i s t - vst It IS f STIM A I t o THAT W IlllA M tMAKESPLABf .11 V i « « A I H A u 'u n M l A X I S » u U U f Ÿ S O I * e A S A o n o m m o enoM u s w v o a a * B o s t o w . G B Itk l GRASS IMS 8 4 0 * C A U I P THfc 0 0 8 » I?. M 4 0 C I M 6 C H U T AMP MS SMOULP HAVE COM- 9SAM T A O C S M T O I T . a b a pw m « um * m t .