TyVIlSDAY, NOVEMBER 2». 1»34 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAORTWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Hh Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County, Oregon by THE W ILLAMETTE PRESS OSC BEEF FEEDING TESTS LUMBER BUSINESS ON MAY CREATE INDUSTRY UPGRADE PAST WEEK I Seattle. Waah , Nov. SS -A total Use Of Surplus Feed« In Valley Te Produce Better Meat In <>i 643 down and operatiti« mllla In tlregou and Washington whlvh re ! Spring la Started COfiN-HÛG PLAN DIFFERS IN 1935 Ina Itigli wtty limai ila, aponaore of LANE COUNTY HAS 21 Die "Iml'a Quii Kllllug" drive are ACCIDENTS IN OCTOBER Ibis week esiliti« upon all garage and servine s la Iloti altvndanta in Total of Ml Persons Killed In the alale lo make a spedai check Stats During First 10 Months of thè Ughi i of every car they ser­ Of Present Year viva, lo determlli» If bolli head- Oregon's carelessness loll In tight« ara operatiti« ported tu thè West t'oaat L.utuber I l-oaalbility ot developing a profit men a associatimi for thè week end State Officials Tall Change« able wittier cattle leading Industry Ing November IT produced 7R.4O6.- > Juries, deaths and property dam­ Entered aa second class matter, February 14, ISOS, at tbe poetofttce, ; in western Oregou Is belug inveatl-' 33» board feet of lumber. This was In Benefit Payment Con­ ages arising out of automobile ac Springfield, Oregou tractu For Next Year a»ted th1« season by the animal approximately 2.000.000 feet over t ltlenls continued to mount during MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE nuslKu.dry department of the OSC the preceding week. The average t timber, according Io final reports Smaller beueflt payments for One Year in Advanee ...__$1.60 Six Months ------- Si.oo experiment station. The expert- production of this group of saw- i (hl week from the Oregon Statu 60c menu are the result of the chaug- mills iu 1034 has been 73.407.110 hogs, but less reduction unit more ■Motor association. one of the spun Two Years in advance »2.60 Three M onths lag consumer demand for a higher feet; during the same period la liberal contract requirements In I stirs of the alalewlde "Lit'a Quit THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2». 1934 quality beef thus Is normally offer- 1033 their weekly average wag 77,- oilier respects, characterise the Killing" safely campaign 1336 corn hog adjustment program, <-d iu Ibis region iu the spring 327.038 feet. Cor the first leu monlhs of thia POINT O l’T TH E WAY according Io advance uunounce months. '|'hv uww bualuess reported last lueuts received by exlelialou offl year there have been 16.736 acct Business and industrial leaders are calling upon the ad­ tlenla. aa compared to 16,363 for Twenty head of feeder cattle W0ek by 643 mllla was 33.223.341 dal al Oregon Stale college from m inistration every few days for a more definite statem ent from eastern Oregon rauges were the aloe period Iasi year; 4.002 j against a production of the Agrlcullurul Adjustment ad ot future policies. Confidence to go ahead is lackiug and m i. based at the Portland stock 7s.406.300 feet aud shipments ot 1 minlanwi'lo«* I ersnus lujuied this year and 3,34.1 it is said this is now the principal object in the way of re­ j yard this fall and. together with 10 s7.4s6.700 feet. Their ahlpmeuis in 1333; 261 persons killed In 1334 Coplea of the new contracts have and 133 In the same period of Iasi covery. head of calves raised at the sta- «ere over production by It.4 por­ not been received, bill detailed re. U ncertainty lies not entirely with the leaders of large tion. have been placed In feed lots cent and their currant sales were ports of their pi »visions show that year Accident death records for Juuuary to October, Inclusive, this at Corvallis for the winter. over production by 12.6 percent. business and industrial operations uor is its cause wholly growers who voluntarily choose to year, have already exceeded by Try Various Rations The orders booked Iasi week by, with the adm inistration policies. It is a factor in this com ­ One of the older lota is being ted (his group of Idaollcal mills were " *“ ** ,*1 Iwti futilities the record for Ihe m unity and every other city, county and state and it is 1 on a combined hay and barley re- raise up to 30 per cent of their eat whole twelve months of 1833, It was over the preceding week by about am ong all classes of people. When you go to Calllnraia. try I lion, while the other Is being given 14.000.000 feet or approximately 1 ahllshed hog base Instead of 76 per points» out. Indicating that a new lit» I rain! Big ihangea have l a k r u cent aa was the case this year. all time high record for motor cur There is need for more and better houses yet no one , hay and mill by-products, the pur­ 13.2 percent. plate on out tails. Pullman I Corn growers may also pluut up (o killings will be set before the end ihargrt STS a third I»»» than w auls to build, even if he has the money, when low return pose being to compare the relative Isat year. Kail la»»» are tom huig and high taxes stares him in the face. T here is no incen­ I economy of several methods of NUT GROWERS TACKLE i 30 percent of their base acreage. of IMM : (hough they tuay elect to reduce h u tto < u at 23 a mils and I»»». tive for a workm an to build or buy a house when his job feed. The project la being carried Comparative records for Lane Lom plrt» await io our dining PROBLEMS DEC. 7 AND 8 1 down to 70 per cent, as was allowed is uncertain. Mill owners will not expand w hen the m ark­ I on by B. W. Rodenwold. assistant cars tost aa Ultlc a» 60S For de­ this yeur. aud lake rental benefit county, for October 1333 and 1334. ets are Bncertain and some code may put them out of busi­ professor in animal husbandry, who tail». »»» your l-aal agrnt or are aa follows: Methods and results iu Irrigating write J. A. Otntandy. 704 P a tih c ness. Business men will not increase their stocks and allow 1 has several year's results already walnut orchards and discussion ol puymenls tin the 30 per cent. I called earn a living. Springfidd Creamery Co. ' in the last 10 years has been so 'contracted acreage' have been re The trouble with any such scheme, like m any other market that many packing compan soil moisture and Irrigation ques­ moved under the new corn-bog I desirable social reform s, is th a t their adm inistration has to ! ies have been forced to carry on tion will be discussed Baturdny plan, and (he contract signer can , be lift to political appointees. Before we can go wholesale extensive winter feeding operations afternoon by C. P. Nlebert. a Jef raise anything he pleasee except into Socialism, we m ust first reform our entire political | to get high quality beef to supply ferson grower; Art King, exten­ corn ou thia land and for any pur- , system of rew arding partisan efforts out of the public tre a s­ their trade in the spring. One sion soils specialist; aud Mr. Schu­ pose, except as he may be bound ury. Seattle packer is reported to have ster. by other adjustment contracts. -------------- • -------------- Other numbers on the program j feil over 5000 head last winter. Feed Shortage Entera An important by-product of such include a fifth progress report on Oregon is 1000 autom obile accidents ahead of last This lowering of restrictions on walnut blight control by Dr. P. W year. This is no record to brag about, however. With a new enterprise would be the in­ We are thunkful today for the lilieral patronage what are now termed "shifted 4000 persons injured and 251 killed, speed and careless creased fertility to follow feeding Miller. OSC; a chestnut and filbert a cre" Is explained by (he Wash­ we have been given uud the m any friends we have eu- driving go swiftly on their way. When are we going to 1 operations on the farm, the O9C discussion by J. O. Holt. Eugene, ington officials as being necessary joyed this yeur. Ours Is a service Institution und we both on Friday forenoon; "Walnut men add. quit killing? iu view of (he shortage of feed find u real pleasure In the muny people who appreciate drying." by F. E. Price. OSC; "Pec­ --------------- ♦ --------------- which Is expected to develop early our work. Don’t be asham ed of your parents who are wearing THURSTON FOLK TO SEE ans in Oregon,” by Knight Pearcy. next season In many of the areas Salem; and "Golf vs. Filberts for shabby clothes for your sake. affected by drouth. The AAA lead — ■ ■■ ■ 4p~- “WHERE IS GRANDMA?' the Business Man." by H. A. Hen- ers believe continuance of (he corn- As the holiday season upproudies let Egglm aun's nentan. Portland, all on Saturday hog control Is necessary In the be your candy headquarters. We will huve a fine com­ Half of us are unhappy because we can ’t have the The play "Where is Grandma." forenoon. Charles A. Cole of Salem modified form, however, to prevent things that m ake the other half miserable. plete line of delicious quality candles. In to be at the Thurston hall Fri­ will speak on Ihe state standardisa­ rapid expansion of Ihe corn pro­ -------------- • -------------- day evening. November 30. Follow­ tion program Friday afternoon. duction and repetition of the sur­ C arter Glass says there is no use using dynam ite when ing lg the list ot characters: Grand­ plus conditions first In corn ano insect powder is sufficient. ma. an old lady who first of all INVITATIONS OUT FOR then In hogs. _________ ♦ _________ wants to be young. Mrs. Inus "W hsrv Ihe Service la D iffe re n t" LARGE BRIDGE PARTY Regional meetings In connection The biggest crop of wild oats are grown with rye and Shuugh; Gretchen Blake, a young with the new contracts will be held gasoline. wife, Mrs. Hubert Gray; Bob Blake. Many Invitations have been sent soon after Thanksgiving, the une -------------- • -------------- Iter brand new husband, Jay Grant; out Ihe past week by Mrs. Harry The only thing a m an has when he dies is w hat he has Jack Worley, Gretchen's brother, Stewart and Mrs. Walter J. Scott for this territory to be In Salt latke city. Soon after this the extension given away. \ Loyd Gray; Lucy King, Jack's for a dessert bridge party which leaders and county and community ---------------*-------------- sweetheart. Hazel Edmlston; Ar- they are giving on Wednesday committees will prepare for the Men like mules don’t kick and pull at the sam e time. line Truesdale, the girl Gretchen afternoon. December 5, at the borne new campaign, with tbe new con ------------ «,------------ wants her brother to marry, Caro­ of Mrs. Stewart. The party begins tracts probably being offered some­ A record of some m arried lives would be a scrap book. line Worley; Gretchen's sister, who at 1:30. ------------ ------------- time in January. has a mind of her own. Genevieve Edmlston; Midnight, a “chocolate VARICOSE VEINS------ Visits Daughter—Mrs. Stevens of ! brown" houseman, who enjoys his ULCERS— OLD SORES Bakersfield, California who arrived I uniform very greatly, James Edmis- here recently for an Indefinite visit, ton; Dahlia. wife of Midnight. Clean Powerful Penetrating Oil Is the mother of Mrs. Clarence Fan- "High Yaller,' and a determined Quickly Promotes Healthy Healing drent. The Holy female. Mrs. Ruby McCloskle. eod which con taifB Four Great Treasures Get a two-ounce bottle of Moon'es Emerald Oil (full strength) with IS NOT PARENT the distinct understanding that you Miss Gladys Cooley is not the must get quick relief and splendid TH E DIVISION mother of an Infant child as was resulttt or your money cheerfully The first line reads, ‘‘The Holy Bible.” Since the word erroneoasly inferred from an Item refunded. The very first application will in this paper last week which re­ biblia in Lathi is plural and m eans library, we know a t once give you relief and a few short ferred to Mrs. Cooley as having re­ that we have here not a single book but a collection of sev­ treatments will thoroughly con­ turned from tbe hospital. Miss vince you that by sticking faith­ eral books. i Cooley underwent an operation for fully to it a short while longer your The second line, “Containing the Old and New T e sta ­ appendicitis at the Pacific hospital troubles will disappear. Flanery's m ents,” m eans obviously th a t there are two m ain divisions ' and she was released from the hos- Drug Store Is selling lota of It. and that the distinguishing feature is a difference in age, I pital nearly two weeks ago. An one group of books being m ore recent th an the other. item published on November 16 The third line says, “T ranslated out of the original 1 told of Miss Cooley's having under­ gone the operation. H. B. MAXEY. Editor TRY THE TRAIN TO CALIFORNIA Southern Riclfic Milk for Health IVeVe Thankful R G G IM A N N ’S WE’RE READY AND O.K. BY SANTA CLAUS ""¿y-B-KUCt « A H IUN MOONE S tongues,” indicating th a t the Bible was originally publish­ ed not in English but in more than one other language. “And with the form er translations diligently compared and revised,” shows th a t this translation, which was made under the authority of King Jam es I in 1611, is the succes­ sor to several earlier translations. T urning over the pages we discover th a t the text is divided into num bered chapters and verses, which seems rath e r an unusual way to present a book until we learn that these divisions were not m ade by the original w riters but were inserted in 1551 by Mr. Robert Stephens, a pious printer, who believed th a t more people would read the Bible if he made it easier to read. Several earliej attem pts had been made to divide the books into chapters and verses, all of them unsatisfactory, A single glance is enough to indicate th a t the Old Testam ent Is m uch larg e r'th a n the New—and here is an easy way to rem em ber how many books are in each. The key num ber is three, which multiplied by itself gives nine. The Old T estam ent has thirty-nine books. Again multiply three by nine and you have tw enty-seven the num ber of the books in the New Testam ent. Caesar, you rem ember, divided all Gaul into three parts. Similarly scholars divide the Old T estam ent into three divisions the historic hooks, beginning with Genesis and ending with Esther; the poetic books, beginning with Job and ending with the Song of Songs; and the rem ainder, which consists of serm ons, or, as they are more commonly called, books of prophecy. Of the historic books the first five have a certain unity which has long caused them to be regarded as one. They are called the Pentateuch, m eaning the five-in-one book, and there is a tradition that Moses wrote them all. W hether he did or not we can leave to the scholars to dispute. These are the five; Genesis— the book of beginnings. Exodus—the book of going out, Leviticus— the book for the priests. Num bers—a sort of amplified census report. Deuteronom y—a Greek nam e m eaning “second law,’1 or review and digest of the laws. EMERALD OIL 8UMMONS FOR PUBLICATION In Foreclosure of Tax Lien the amount then due and delin­ quent for taxes for the year 1927 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF together with penalty, Interest and THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR erty assessed to you. of which you LA N E COUNTY. are the owner as appears of re­ A. F. Fir, Plaintiff, vs. Christian cord, situated in said County and H. Furre, Defendant. State, and particularly bounded To Christian H. Furre the above and described as follows, to-wlt: named defendant. The East H of the NE*4 and IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the NW’/, of NE% and the NE% OF OREGON: You are hereby notl- ot the SE>4 of section 12 Town­ i fled that A. F. Fir the holder of ship 18 Sc. of Range 6 West of | Certificate of Delinquency number W. M. In Lane County, Oregon. 3201 isued on the 6th day of Nov­ You are further notified that ember, 1931 by the Tax Collector said A. F. Fir has paid taxe on of the County of Lane, State of said premises for prior or subse- Oregon, for the amount of Seven­ quert years, with the rale of In­ teen 64-100 dollars, the same being terest on said amounts as follows: Year’» tax 1927 1928 1929 1929 1930 1920 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933-1934 1933 1934 Date paid 11- 5 31 11- 6-31 11- 6-31 11- 6-31 11- 6-31 11- 6-31 10-1034 10-10-34 10-10-34 10 10-34 10-10 34 10-10-34 Tax Receipt No. 64386 54385 61776 61776 40646 40546 39920 39919 33826 33825- 25325 25324 Said Christian H. Furre aa the owner of tbe legal title ot the above described property as the same ap­ pears of r rcord, and each of the other persons above named are here­ by notified that A. F. Fir will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree fore­ closing the Hen against the prop­ erty above described, and mention­ ed In said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publica­ tion of this summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this actfon or pay the amount due as above shown, to­ gether with costs and accrued In­ terest, and In case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing tbe lien of said taxes Amt. »10.97 27.73 6.27 16.64 665 16.48 6.04 14.23 6.44 14.90 6 86 18.70 Rate InL 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% and coats agalnat the land and premises above named. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable O. F. Skip- worth Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lane and said order was made and dated this 5th day ol ovember, 1934 and the date of the first publication of this summons Is the 8th day ot November, 1934. All process and papers In this proceeding may be served upon the undersigned residing within the State of Oregon at the address hereafter mentioned. WM W. HARCOMBE, Attor­ ney for I’lnlntlff. Address 302 Tiffany Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. (N 31622-2»—D «) NCNIC T O Y L A N D PRACTICAL IS NOW GIFTS FOR OPEN EVERYONE We've Just had Ihe fun of unpacking what we think In Ihe heel selection of loyn In town for children of all ages. See them In our banc ment now. If you are practical minded «bout your glftn this year-- »ltd everyone Is—you'll find lYlllainn Ihe place to choose «ppreclaled gifts You’ll find them Inexpensive. T O C O O K W IT H A G A S R A N G E T ’S to easy and pleagant to cook and bake with a Magic Chef gas range. Its many advanced feature« that save work and worry make it the last word in modern cooking appli­ ances. Select yours now in the style and finish to anit your taste at the price yon want to pay. I DOLLS HOSIERY WASHING MACHINES SWEATERS GAMES LINGERIE GUNS PAJAMAS MECHANICAL TOYS TIES WAGONS SHIRTS ERECTOR SETS ROBES These are Just a Fsw of the Many Toys Many Others for Men, Women and Children USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN Simply »elect your gifts while aelectlom are complete and the «tore not Jammed. We ll pul them away until you are ready Io pick them up. LOOK FOR I TH E RED WHEEL .W H E N YOU B U Y A MC CHEF Northwest Cities Gas Co. NO D E P O S IT NECESSARY Williams’ Self Service Store Broadway 77 Ea«t