THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TH IR TY -FIR S T YK a «■MS*»— e SPR IN G EIEIJJ, LANK COUNTY, OREGON, T IlfltH lM Y , NOVEMBER 29. 1934 NO. 45 STB0EMTS T U h \ Legion Starts REBEKAHS ELECT P i n i n g Group SERA M I E S S m S m tM h NOLIBATIS OUIET n^JPCDC Named f o r City TO BASKETS«.,, member Drive ,nnF I ROI LUNCH PIAR fhb LÍM f •ret Part Of Drive Closes Five Residents Named To! Obsidians Plan First Trip For Two Camo* Scheduled Each' December 3; Rooks To Be Maxine Snodgrass To Become Work With SERA; Will Vegetables Needed For Soup Sunday; F o r.« Service To Many Family Dinner. Out- Open Until First Of Year Week For Local Players; Noble Grand In January; Meet To Organize Soon To Be Served in Grade Provide Sites. Shelters Moot Cottage Grove First standing Attraction Homo; Plan Kitchen Remodeling Annual drive for members of Schools Starting Monday Members of u plunulng commit-' Few Leave City For Day The first official outing Into the Hprlngfleld American l-eglon post PRACTICE UNDER WAY Miss Maxine Hxiodgrasa was elect­ tee to work with the HERA of the number 40 began la> t week follow lug the semi-monthly meeting Thursday evening. The post uow has a membership of 26 and un es­ pecially active drive will be con ducted until December 3 when re­ ports of memberships will be tuken to the meeting of the national Exe­ cutive Committee In Indlauapolls. The drIVe will contluue until the first of the yeur. however, says Al I'ohi. post commander. Herring of hot lunches to chll- ",,4’ w r®«*‘”»» of tbe upper Mi-Ken county were named this week by dren In tbe GIVEN BASKETS Hprlngfleld grade xle country will be held Bunday N E E D Y K H. Turner, new mayor. They Obsidian« -* sponsor the — x-bools who do not go home at ’ when - the — ------------- ---------- — _, are Harry M Htewart, C. E Wb«-a noon will start on Monday at the Wir»t ski trip of the season. A large ' Cnurcn Group« Plan Ob- ton, H. K. Maxey. Rev Dean C. lJncoln and Brattaln buildings If number of snow sports enthusiasts servance Of Day At Week* Poindexter, and Ham Richmond. A necessary food materials with urt' PAsnelng to spend the week-end ly Prayer Moot Service. Maakvllball practice, undvrway at meeting of the committee to or­ which lo make the soups are pro- bl«b *n ,b® mountains Other officers elected at the ganize will probably be held bere (ba bl«b school for several weeks vlded by that time. 1 Heavy sows during the past Thanksgiving la being observed meeting are Crystal Uryau, vice­ uow under («*> direction of Robert Friday evening A chairman tor the The Parent-Tea*« her project ask- week-end closed the McKenxle ‘•“• • t*>' today by Hprlngfleld reel- grand; Doris Olrard, recording sec­ Cballerlon. will swing Into full committee will be chosen at that retary; Mrs. Fred Hinson, financial Ing for funds with which te employ highway to travel and warning '1®nt*- '*’ <»•• ot whom are remaining time. stride Iniinedlalely after Thanks­ two cooks for 13 weeks baa been sign» have been placed on both; at bom® to enjoy fam ily dinners, secretary, and Mrs. Al Pohl, treas­ giving In preparation for the open- Appointment of this committee The road 8««®’’* ! are entertaining for larger granted by the state HERA com sldea of the mountain urer. Appointive officers will be It-g of the season. First league was one of the first official acts of mlttee. The project provides funds la open a considerable distance * rouP"- »»<• * Tew have left town The Legion memberships are named at the time of the Installa­ games win be played during the the new mayor. These men h a v e ,for , aUrl<. , on,y „„„ n)8 aDd several Individual» with the I. O. O. F. lodge to plan with the first mvetlug Io be held at are expected to incorporate some Lebanon, Corvallis. Hprlngfleld. purpose are Invited to bring them their snow sports. Trees and un- ba’ e ,1*tl f®01 oet baskets of food, Cottage drove. Albany. Ht Mary's the home of Mrs. Al Pohl, presl for the re-arrangement of the k it­ of their findings Into worthy pro­ to the Lincoln school. dergrowth have been cleared away 8tudenta will take a doable holl- chen. dent, ou December 4. The club will jects which can be advanced here and Eugene high school, I-as I year One provision under which tbe Dewey McAlpIne entertained dur In cooperation with HERA efforts, HERA employs the cooks Is »a«» to make long runways for both ski '•*•' today and Friday, going back there were only five teams In this meet every first and third Tuesday and toboggan. Several of these are "lasses on Monday. Faculty district, two from Eugene. Hprlng­ of the mooth to sew clothes for Ing the social hour with songs and seeking first the development of the soup must be made in the teudlngs, accompanying himself on projects which will have a lasting school, and no* In the hemes as being developed on varying slopes members likewise, have taken ad- fleld. Collage Urove and Roseburg needy persons to accommodate the beginners as motage of the holiday and many value for the residents of the city. A Joint meeting and potluck sup­ Ills steel guitar. The Roseburg learn Is now shirted was done last year The two achool well as the more experienced baT® gone home for the week-end. to play the Houtheru Oregon teams per will be held by the two Ixglon buildings are equipped to prepare riders Among these are Miss Glyde DH- groups preceding their second in that district. the warm food, and each have their A large shelter is also being ley tO Rhonde, Mins Clara- The schedule drawn up by the meeting In December, own lunch room. They do not baTe built of logs on this alte. The three- h*1 Wa* ner 10 Corvallis. Glen M ar­ Idatrlct 7 governing officials for the necessary dishes or silverware. sided cabin will have two large ,iD to Creaw®1L this season lists the teems to meet BROTHERHOOD TO HOLD Each child who brings his Innch tu stone fireplaces in either end with Thanksgiving will be the theme each other end the final dates on school has to furnish his own cup an entirely enclosed kitchen Just tbe weekly prayer service a t the DISTRICT MEET MONDAY which the games must be played, or bowl for the soup or chocolate. off tbe center of the back wall. It BaP tIit Christian churches leaving II up to the schools to a r­ Contributions of milk, vege­ will be possible to ait la this shel- thl* • T®n*n< • • 7:30- The weekly Members of tbe Methodist Men's range the esact dates themselves. tables. dry beans, chocolate, sugar, ter and watch the sports on the praj'ar service at the Methodist Brotherhood for this district will Two games will be played each bold Ihelr regular meeting Monday Springfield Resident Passes Pavs Membership Fee In “Y" and other materials which can be hill aides. church was held Wednesday even- week and the winner of the dis Fo Entire Squad: Practice used In making soup will be need At Age Of 65; Resident Of evening, December >, at Creswell Another shelter cabin ha. been ¡ £ trlct w ill be determined by the ed during the 13 weeks the lunches constructed farther up the moan- To Be Every Tuesday Plaus have been made for a 4 30 2 M " Lane County Since 1888 number of games won during the are served. During the past two dinner after wblcb the business tain at Boon camp on White ,Oh“ -------e— Backed by George Plummer, years local people have donated Otto W. Brabham, resident of uieetlug will be held and Moban V. Springfield Oamee Listed x ^ b ^ ^ x b Ln the • cho°* Raj will show bis slides of India I-ano county since 1HH8. passed West Hprlngfleld service station sufficient materials for tbe lunches. mi X Hprlngfleld high school's sche­ . ... buildings held tbeir T h a n r 1 n < and give Ills talk on conditions as away al I i I r home In Hprlngfleld operator, wbo will again sponsor when snow conditions are not suit n ro m m . m a H n a ^ . “ « n o g in n c dule has been arranged as follows Friday at tbe age of 66 years. He their team, members of tbe Oregon­ WRITING WARRANTS FOR able farther down tbe mountain. Ibey exist In that country. pr° e™ n,g Wednesday afternoon. Cottage Urove and Albany, week A large delegation from Hprlug had been a farm er moat' of his ian Red Hox basketball team met S till a third sit« on Deer Butte E"t • rtaln,,,• of January IS; Eugene high and SALARIES IS WORK NOW at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium tn field Is expected to attend tbe lifetime. l b i j » a- Among those who are entertain- Albany week of January 34; Uni baa been developed during the past , are M r acd meeting wblcb wtll be presided He was born in Muultrle county, Eugene Tuesday evening to make Although the number of salaried versify high aud Lebanon, week of over by I*. J. Bartholomew, district Illinois, on July 20. 1869 He lived j plana for their season's play and employees of the City has been re­ season. ThD I . not far from the They hav, „ teraer site, but i . much higher and & M h ° M „ , H<1 , February I : Hl. Mary's and Cot­ to start practice. president. In Kansas for several years before duced to a very small group, the tage Urove. week of February 0; la often covered with enough snow Murphy M r and Mrs Ernest An Evelyn Beuaton has again been coming to I-ane county In 1088. He number of salary warrants which to provide' good ahi condltldh. d e X a n T d a u ^ i ^ X t'orvallla and Eugene blgb. week of chosen business ¡tnunager, and the city now Issues Is becoming a was a member of the Christian February 10; Albany and Univer­ MitcheU Jewta Guthrie, furmer Mar player on the real labor task says I. M Peterson. * k church. sity blgb. week of February 33; and or the snow melting. Cunningham, and Clara Jone. Ht. Mary's bnskelbill team, will Besides his widow. Mrs. Gertrude Since tbe council decided tn go labecon a ad I t . Mary's week or Any person Interested lo these Springfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Bad Brabham, he la survived by two loach the group. Regular practice on a strictly warrant basis and March I. will be held at the gymnasium agreed to issue the warrants tn a« winter sports is Invited to p articl-, Arhart of Lebanon. daughters, Mrs. Mabel Frost. Tbe state tournament will be Dr and Mrs. W . H. Pollard are Yreku. California, nnd Mrs. Aug-1 every Tuesday evening at 7:30 many units as would best serve the pate with the Obsidians who al­ played tbe following week In Halem usta Morfleld. Hprlngfleld; one son, Two games wtll be played each employees the number required by ways provide experienced leaders entertaining at a fam ily dinner. between winners of each district. Roy Brabham. Clear Lake; and ! week after the schedule has bees each person hag grown so this for these trips. They have as their guests. Mr. and L ittle can be eald yet about tbe Mrs. Carl Steen of Eugene. Mr. and grandchildren. He also drawn says Maxine Snodgrass, month one employee drawing a Hprlngfleld blgb school basketball Children Will Sell Colorful Many leaves two brothers. Granville I meniber of ,be ' eam for ,he pait very small wage has this divided Mrs. W illiam Pollard of Portland, talent Tbe team will be missing Stomp« To Parent« Start and Mrs. Ixittie Crawford of Ore­ Brabham. Junction ( ily. and James several seasons into 11 warrants. Some of the several of the players of last sea- ing Dec. 6; No Letter« Mr. Plummer has already paid larger salaries are ent up into an gon City. Brabham. Eugene; and two sisters. eon Including Bruce Hqulrea. I^ m a r 'th e membership dues of the entire even larger number of small war­ Another large gathering is being Mrs. Rose Graham. Newberg, and Mrs. W. N. Dow baa been named Brattaln, Carter Hartman. Morgan team In the Y. M. C. A. so they rants. held at the home of Mrs. C. I. Oor- Chandler and Robert McLagun chairman of the Health seal sale Mrs. Augusta Wilson, Toppenish. i might have use of the floor each rle, Sr. where the dinner party The writing of so many small Among tbe outstanding performers for Hprlngfleld this year and the Washington. week for practice. Eight girls will warrants makes it much more dif­ includes Mrs. D. C. England and frbm last season who are still In stamps will be placed on sale In Funeral services were held Mon lie permitted to practice each even­ ficult to keep track of the holders j children. Lillian, Dan. Don “ "d achool are Kenneth Cox. Dale Car­ Hprlngfleld on December I. The day afternoon at 2 o’clock from the ing under the agreement made by of them and also makes for much Graduate Of High School David of Eugene. Dr. and Mrs. C. son. Arnold Scott, Diaqua Hmltb stamp» will not be sent Hprlngfleld Veatch chapel In Eugene, llev. S Mr. Plummer. The girls have more book work at the city hall G Van Valsgh and daughter, M ar­ the Richardton brothers and business men. and no drive down­ Earl Childers, pastor of the Christ Class Of *29 Passes Away named their team the Oregonians, says Mr. Peterson. garet Shannon, of Roseburg. Mrs. Ueorge Irvin. Several oew players town la planned. The stamps will Ian church in Eugene and former At Salem On Thursday this being the name of Plummers A. B. Van Valxah. H a rry Withers are being watched and some valu­ be offered for sale through the chil­ aslor here, officiated. Interment service station.’ of Corvallis. Jeannine Withers. able new material la expected was made in the old Odd Fellows dren In tbe two grade schools. Funeral aervicea tor Louisa The team Is to lie composed of BAPTISTS TO HAVE Margaret. Jack and Jim Gorrie and be developed by tbe lime tbe sea cemetery. Elisabeth McDowell, former resi­ A winter scene of tbe famous young women from Hprlngfleld and SPECIAL SERVICES dent of Springfield who died at their mother. son opens. ''U tile Red," one-room cottage at surrounding territory including Mrs. Mary Howe of Creswell and Harance Lake. N. Y„ decorates the CANARY W HISTLES TUNE Pleasant H ill. Creswell. Cottage Special services en Thursday Salem last Thursday, were held Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Look are FIRST BASKETBALL tuberculosis health seels this year. Grove and Thurston. Many new Friday and Saturday of next week from the Poole funeral home here guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. YANKEE DOODLE faces will be seen on the team this end. December 4. 7 and 8 have been Saturday afternoon. Rev. S. E. Fred Louk. GAMES PLAYED HERE It waa In this humble home that a young New York City doctor, who planned at the Baptist church Childers officiated and interment B. A. Washburne has gone to When a canary whistles Instead season ue several of the champion­ Four Teams Entered In City Lea had cured himself of (be disease, when Dr. Louis Richard Pat moot wae made at the Fall Creek ceme­ Salem to spend the day with rela­ ship team of last season will not of sings, the bird attracts attention, tery. Mise Uldine Gartin sang began the first modern treatment gue; Two Oamee Listed For pastor of the Berkeley. California tives. lint when a canary whistles the be able to play this year. of tuberculosis Just 60 years ago. - Each Tuesday Evening Christian church will be the speak solo during the funeral service. Here From Fertland chorus of a song such as "Yankee Mise McDowell wae born in Eu This Is also the twenty-eighth year er. Dr. Patmount has traveled ex­ Mias Muriel Conoly of Portland Doodle" It compels attention. Mr. LAW PROFESSOR TALKS First games In the City basket that the seals have been sold to tensively In both the Old and New gene on June 8. 1011. She lived in ia here to spend the holidays with and Mrs. O. H. Turner are now the AT MASONIC MEETING Russia and will discuss life In that Oakridge for several years before her slater and mother. ball league were played here Tuea aid In America's fight against tub­ owners of such a roller canary. moving to Hprlngfleld In 1936. Here day evening at the high achool erculosis. country during hla visit here. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew The bird is two years old and was Carlton E Spencer, professor In she graduated from high school in gymnasium. Four teams are en Plans for this part of the stale taught to whistle the tune by list­ and family, and Mrs. Olive J. Reb- the law school at the University ot 1929. She was a member of the lered In the round-robin playoff. have been worked over during the ening to a person. The Turner's han and daughters. Bobby and Joy, Oregon was guest speaker at the Institute Slated— About fifteen Christian church. Members of each team are: Num past two weeks, and after Thauks- are guests at the Paul Baaford have another younger bird which meeting of Liberty Masonic lodge young people are planning to at­ Her father, the late Bruce Camp­ home. her I — Taylor. Hawke, I’yne, B. glvlng the I-atie county chapter of they are now trying to teach the of Hprlngfleld Tuesday evening. A tend the Epworth League Institute bell McDowell, died In Belgium tn Squires and Cox; number 3—Ger­ the Oregon Tuberculosis associa­ Miss Lucille Clearwater la guest tune of "Red Wing." social hour followed the meeting. at Cottage Grove this week-end. 1914 while serving In the Allied at the home of Mr. and Mra. H. C. ber. L. Nice, Ernstlng, Procbnow, tion la to launch Its sales drive army. Her mother died In June, Holcomb of Coburg. Mattison; number 3— Blaine Fish­ with radio skits and talks, street 1924. er. Gooding, Bhull, Gerber and Cox; booths, speeches, newspaper an­ Mrs. Evelyn Emery and Mrs. Ella She Is survived by no close rela­ Lombard have gone to Portland to number 4— F. Hqulrea. Lawson, nouncements and other methods. tives. Two of six aunts. Mrs. Linn spend the week-end with relatives. Chatlarton, Townsend. P. Nice. Mrs. Howard R. Taylor la county F. Flock and Mrs. Flora R. Dom- Team number two defeated chairman. Speeches throughout the Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wheaton havs phier. both live at Oakridge. Mra. made their annual trip up tbe Mc­ number one 10-16, and number 4 district will be given by Mrs. W. L. Mary I. Abrams lives at Wendltng, Kenxle to eat Thanksgiving dinner defeated number 3 .34-10 Tuesday Van Loan. Mrs. W eir W. McDonald and the other three live In Eng­ with Mr. and Mra. Bert Vincent. evening. Games will be played be nd Mrs. J. Bishop Tingle. Every land. Two of her grandparents, tween the teams every Tuesday community will be reached, either M r. and Mrs. H arry Rapp ot Mr and Mrs. Frank 8. W arner live Roseburg arrived here last night evening during tbe remainder of by the letters, through schools, at Oakridge. Adother live« In Eng­ from Roseburg to visit with Mr. the year according to W illiam Cox over the air, or In the newspapers. land. who la managing tbs playoff. and Mrs. Harry W hitney. County chairmen already select­ Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stevens are ed for this year's drive Include Mrs. guests at a Thanksgiving dinner EDUCATION CLASS TO Frank Chambers and Mrs. C. I. Col­ WORKERS COMPLETE at tha home of Mrs. Alva McPher- HEAR TOWNSEND PLAN lins,, mailing; Ethel Christie, RED CRO88 CANVASS n. radio; Mrs. A. E. Hansen, univer­ Mr. and Mrs. Max Tinkham ot Mrs. A speaker who can thoroughly sity living organisations; J. Bartholomew, Chairman, Fall Creek are gneats at tha home explain the Townsend plan will ad­ George Turnbull, newspapers; and Makes Report Of Contribu­ of Mra. Tlnkham ’s uncle and aunt, dress the Current Events class of Mrs. Margaret Hchaefers, booths. tions To Roll Call Fund Mr. and Mrs. Edwerdt Prlvat. the adult education group Tues­ Mrs. B. C. L illy of Corvallis Is a day evening It wae announced to­ BEAUTY SHOP OPENS Volunteer workers yesterday guest at the home of her daughter day by Mrs. Stiles, In charge of the completed their annual canvass ot IN CITY ON SATURDAY and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Claeses at the local high school. the city for memberships In the Flanery. Monday night the arlthmetltc American Red Cross society. They Mrs. Ella Parcher will open a Mr. and Mrs. Marlon R. Adams class will discuss volumes and their had raised the total sum of 334.60 beauty parlor In ber home In the are spending the afternoon at the application. The business English figure slightly lower than was Vltua building over W right’s hard­ home of hls mother. Mrs. Sarah class will continue their study of raised last year, but about the ware store on Saturday. Mrs. Par­ Adams, at Junction City. punctuation. average for the past several years. cher will specialise In the true oil Mr. and Mrs. George Perkins are It was announced this morning. , _____ . . . steam ringlet permanent wave. She The Roll Call drive was directed Ì NO DECISION MADE ON will also do all kinds of beauty tlves at their home east of the city. here by P. J. Bartholomew for th e , DANCE QUESTION YET work. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bggtmana third consecutive year. Those who, have Mrs. Rosa Montgomery as assisted him were Mrs. Harry There has been no decision an­ California Folk Visit— Mr. and thelr guest for tbe day. Stewart. Mrs. E. C. 8tuart, Mrs. W. nounced yet by members of tbe Mrs. Wm. Shook of San Francisco, Mrs. H. H. Myers, Violet and Le­ Hughes, Mrs. Dean C. Poindex­ school board on the dance question California stopped here Wednes­ roy Inman hare gone to Portland ter, Mrs. John Hendersr, Miss Faye at tha high school gymnasium. The day night to visit at the home of for the day. Parsons. Miss Dorothe Mae Pot­ matter will probably be held over Mr. and Mrs. Edwart Prlvat. Mrs. Miss Ina Clement, secretary at ter. Mra. Lum Anderson, Mrs. W . C. until tbe regular monthly meeting Shook Is a coualn of Mrs. Prlvat. the high school, has gone to Stay­ W right, Mrs. Clifford Wilson, Mrs. of the board to be held next Mon­ They were enroute home from ton to spend the week-end vlslt- Frank Logan, and Mrs. A. P. Pst- day night. Portland. Last Season Outstanding Man Missing; Chatterton Looks For Now Material ed Noble Urund of Juunltu Itcbekuli lodge for the first six months of 1036 at the weekly meeting held Monday evenlug. All officers will be Installed early lu January. BRABHAM RUES PLUMMER BACKS HELD IN EUGENE GIRL HOOP TEAM MRS. DOW Hi AOS CUT SEAL SALE M'DOWEEE RITES RELU SATURDAY His Day Has Come! (Ctatlased e e Page r)