THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1UÍ4 THE SPRINGFIELD NEW’S f£ G E FOUR ■ DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT TARGET IN CAMPAIGN Present during the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Kaarhus, Mr. and Mr». Keith Feuuell. Mr. aud Mrs Edwin Johnson. Mr. and Mra. G. I lum »a Mr and Mra. Drew Perkins Mr ami Mra Merle Snunders, Mr. L o w e ll Man Hera— M. T. Evans Off Duty— Miss Lulu McPherson and Mra. Sidney King. Mr. and of Lowell waa a buslneas vlattor In has been at home tor «eversi days Mra Guy Wright. Mr. and Mra with her mol Iter who Is very III. Most An- 7h elm e7 N a ta ^ M r and Mr". No? ^»»rln«nold Saturday, ENGAGEMENT OF COUPLE 13 TOLD Friend« Surprised With nouncement At Large Card Party Tuesday Evening VALUE OUTLINED wald Nelaou. Mlaa Iva Jacoaaon.' ||l at Home— Mr». George T Tur- l i s t e r Hanka. the honored couple. u,.r wa ill at her home the flrat and the boat and hostess. of the week. The prise for high score of coup lea waa won by Miss Jacobson and Goes to Rainbow I I. Iniuan Mr Wright. Mrs. Thelmer Nelson lefl !* ,n,**y for Rainbow where he will be employed for (he winter won the traveling prise. Small red heart-shaped moMn ol mouths ice cream and cakes with small red Collect» Bounty— Bud Klnlaley of hearts outlined on their tops were Dealer collected the county bounty served late in the evening. on four bobcats Monday at the of- - — .— - flee ol (he county clerk. p .ren ta of D r u j M ir - Mr. and Fiah on Lake Creek — l.araon Paul p Alley of Moro. Oregon, are parents of a baby daughter Wright. Donald Toomb. Clifford Wilson and Henry Fandreni spent born to them at the Pacific hospital Sunday fishing on laike Greek. in Eugene on Wednesday. Novem- Bend M an H . r e - G u . Carbon of ber 21, 1934 Mrs. Alley is the ----------- Small picture» pasted Inside bridge tallejm were used Tuesday evening to tell of the engagement of Harry Wright, son of Mr. and M ra . 8 . C. Wright of Springfield. and Mtss Mildred Jacobson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar B. Jacobson of Eugene. The announ- cem ent was made during a party at which Mr. aud Mra. Clif- ford Stalsberg entertained in the home of Mr. and Mra. Kunt Stale- berg is Eugene. Mr. and Mra. T. G. Kaarhus sang a duet accompanied by Miss Iva Jacobson. The date for the wed- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bend came over the McKensie pass ding has not been set. Buell. Monday with a load of potatoes and — esat . —■— i _____ _________m _ u i . a..." — j . g'-1-.'■ ■''» reported snow several feet on the top of the mountain. Now Ready to Serve You - Bach family bundle washed in individual machine. Special care given to fine linens. Managed by Mrs. George Green, foraierly with the Springfield Laundry. NEW HOME LAUNDRY S T A N D A R D P R IC E S 232 So. Second SL Special W E C A L L FOR A N O D E L IV E R — Phone 37 November 26 to 30 Ladies’ Dresses Cleaned 85c f CASH AND CARRY JIMMIE’S CLEANING SHOP Soattla Folk Here— Mr. and Mis. Anderson of Seattle were guests at the Springfield hotel Sunday ev< n Uiilveratly of Oregon. Eugene, N ov. 2 2 "Although tendera Son H ere — Fred Montgomery throughout the United Slates have was here from Corvallis Monday been engrossed »lilt creation of a and Tuesday visiting with his plan for planning' great »Irides la mother,- Mrs. Rosa Montgomery. the gigantic project of actual muni dp»I planning have been made al­ At San Franciaco— Mrs. Teddy ready,” saya Dr. I’. A. I’arsona, 1 Honk and son. Vernon, are visiting head of the department of laoclo : i d atives In Ban Francisco (or a tea logy and member of governor elect, weeks. Marlin'» alate plunnlng com in Is Tonalla Taken Out— Miss Lela I »Ion. Dr Parson» has Just written underwent a tonsil oper- two short articles on community alton al the office of a local phy- nlannlng, the first of which la be- “ »* " * * • Tonalla Taken __ Florence aud "The most algnlflcent progress £ |iu b«th Vatl had their lonalla re- has been made In the field of plan moved Friday morning at the office ! nlug for conservation, development a local physician. | and more social utilisation of nat­ Fractures Elbow— Marvin Trip lett, sou of Mr. and Mrs. I. 8. Trip­ lett. received a fractured elbow when he (ell while playing at one the schools Friday. In California— Mrs. Belina Bart­ lett has gone to California where she will speud the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Paul Scott at San Francisco. • » SIATE BENEFITS IN FOREST FUNDS I’uaafe aud defective equipment Poverty Unavoidable on Oregon automobile» will be the Sustained Yield Program Ex­ €ays Or. Parsons; Survsys target (or the lust of a ll IWO-Week pected To Inorsaso Sums Paid From O.-C. Grant Study "Human Values’’ period» in the "Let'» Quit Killing lug. Meets— Flrat uieet- | Ing of the budget com m ittee of the Christian church was held last Thursday evening. The group will meet agaiu on December 1. Return From Hospital — Mrs Gladys Cooley and infant child have returned to their home south east of Springfield from the Paci­ fic hospital during the past week-1 end. B ud get G rou p Portland C h ecku p Show» >7 Per­ cent Have Defective Lights! 17 Percent Bad Brakea 1 ' ural physical resources. The rea sons for thl- progress are obvious. Physical resources are tangible und visible. The land Is there. We can tell what part of It la suitable for supporting life through agriculture, what part can grow trees, what part Is valuable for recreational purpose . or what part can make Its best contribution to human hap­ piness as an uwe-lnsplrlng and sub- lime wilderness. caiupalga now underway In all parta of the . tale. Figures derived from a voluntary free testing station operated III Poitliuid during the past month huve revealed an average of 17 per cenl of all curs operated lu Oregon huv defective brakea. while -ilw^n 37 percent have defective light». Approximately 10 percent of more Ilia n 8.000 curs tested tu 1‘orllanil were found Io he defeclllve In both particulars lights and brakes Eradication of lh«u>e defect» by close checking of safety element» of equipment hy inolorlsta should l>e a factor lu reducing Oregon a mounting auto death toll, believe» the Oregon State Motor asaiH'ia lion, one of the sponsors of the safely campaign. Suspension wuint revocallon of operator’s licenses as a means of removing uufll drivers from the highways resulted last mouth In Kg revocations hy the secretary of stale for conviction of mujor Iraf flc taw vlolulloiis. lu Lune county during October there were 13 convictions reported hy Justices 1‘eleraon, Johnston, nnd Young, with four revocation of drlvlug permits. "The other nspecl of planning, FARM HOMES LACKING FINANCIAL STATUS OF IN COMMON EQUIPMENT one that Is demanding aud recelv Attends Funeral— Mr aud Mrs CITIES TO BE STUDIED lug more und more attention, deals W. K. Iluell and daughter. Evelyn, Over four uud n half mllllou dol­ lars huve been returned lo Ihe tor- e I vim lilies of Oregon and Wash- lligloll »luce ihe ealahltshmeul of Ihe national forests, ns Ihe routi­ n e ' share of national toreal re le lp ls uuiler Ihe twenty-five per cenl (aud. bellSr known aa Ihe O. anil C. land gruinl (uni. according to a sluleineul Jual Issued by the reslouul forester, Portland. Oregon. The loinl. which Include« the fis­ cal year 1933, amounts lo (4,(94,• 949,97. o f thin amount. thirty one Oregon counties have received (2.- 940.765.(0. mid twenty five Wash­ ington counllea have received (I.- 944.094 31 The total dtelrlbullou Inured on Ihe 1933 receipts amounts lo (116.43190 for Ihe Iwo states This Is nil Increase of I3U.421 96 over Hie dlstrlhullou for Ihe fiscal year 1932, according lo ihe U. 8. forest service. The annual payment of 2b per cent of the arose. national forest receipts from all forms of use la lu effect u transfer of federal fuuda lu Ihe slatee and counties In lieu of (axes, and la done under the act ei aaagnsa al m »» 23, 1909. »ays (he regional foresler. He poluls out (hal under sustained yield manage mant plana now being considered by Ihe foreal service, these receipts should show a steady and whole som e Increase«, aa foresta are brought under orderly and continu­ ous management fur production. Ba­ con I raa lad wllh the Inevitable viol en l slump In revenues under Ihe old "cut oul and gel out" policy, Forestry management should result In stabilized social and economic development. It la said. In atldlllou to the 2b per cenl of receipt» returned directly to Ihe elalea and counllea, 10 per caul of Ihe receipts are uawl locally hy the foreet service for foreal road and trail development. Rural H o m e m a k .ra Show Aptitude with the conservation of tiuiuai went Io Dallas Saturday Io attend Organization of a staff of experts values. It Involves the elimination In P reservation Of Surplus Ihe funeral of Mr. Buell's oldest and assistants to conduct a city ' of uncertainty and suffering, the* brother. Samuel laiwell Iluell, who Supplies O f Food financial survey that will* Include utilization of available material re­ died Tuesday of last week Funeral practically every municipality In The wide potential market that sources in such a manner that un­ services were held at (o'clock from the state is now under way. and social uses may not recur or be exists among rural homemakers (or (lie Henkle funeral home actual work will begin in the near common household conveniences, If perpetuated. future, it was announced here by und when purchasing power Is re­ Surveys Are Necessary N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Herman Kehrlt. executive secret­ stored. Is indicated by an inquiry "Progress In planning for dev Notice la hereby given that Ihe ary of the League of Oregon Cities involving more than 400 farm elopment and greater use of malar­ undersigned lias ben appointed by and director of the bureau of muni­ homes in six Oregon counties, ial and natural physical resources Ihe County Court of (he State of cipal service for the Unlveraity of Oregon (or lauie County Adminis­ made by home demonstration has progressed because adequate trator of the Estate of W. E Slat- Oregon. _. . . . w. . . . ageu»i, supervised by Miss Lucy A. surveys huve been made or ir e un ger. deceased. All persona having « ,« . h .. ....................... n v l 1 *“ *- extension specialist In nutrl- ,ler way The sam e technique can elalius against said estate are here­ 129.194 has been appropriated by lion at Oregon State college. i |,e applied for "human values." to directed to preaeut the sam e lo the SERA, will necessitate a staff Ihe undersigned al the office of More than a third of the rural Taking our cue from the planners Gordon 8 Wells. Miner Building. of four supervisors who will work homes were found to be without m material resources, we can Eugene, Oregon, duly verified nod out of the Eugene oflfce. In each sinks, and more than two-thlrds 1 count. We can locate the folks, we with proper vouchers attached, county two accountants and two Ill at Hama— Mr». A M Hrouiley were without drain boards on bothj , an find out their condition, the within alx montba from the dale clerks will be employed to gather sides of the slnki Only a few more j state of their minds and the nature of the flrat publication of thia no­ lias been quite III al her horna bar» tice. for the past few days. statistics. Employment for about lhaii half of the homes surveyed :<>( their hopes und desires First Dale of flrat publication Novem four months will be given those had runulng water aud only 39 per we ,a n count these unfortunate ber 22. 1934 hired for the project. B F 8TATZER, Admlnlatra cent had both hot and cold water, souls, who have lost control of their T eacher la I I I - Mia. Bdna Platt totr of Estate of W. E Blatter, M A r w i M P F M i n e IN Despite the lack of many con-j d a tlilie s , such us those In prisons. teacher at the llrallaln school has deceased. N O C H A N G E M A D E IN sentences In handling food for the Insane asylums, institutions for the been III this week. (N 22 2 9 --I) (-13-20) VET TAX EXEMPTION household, a considerable degree of j feeble-minded, and the physically self-sufficiency In food production, handicapped. With this Information No change has been made in the preservation aud preparation wise we can prepare to prevent recur- matter of the (10041 tax exemption found. Miss Case reports. From 3» rance of such disaster or reduce It I (or veterans says County Assessor lo 42 per cent all or part of their to a minimum. ; Ben F. Keeney. In reminding some vegetables and more than half pro Prom thia we move lo the field qualified veterans this week that dute an their eggs. Ten per cent of (|f poverty, m„ ,t of whl.%1» avoid- I they failed to meet the necessary , the rurai homemakers preserve ab|„ lf ,, due lnr(flcl„noy regulations to obtain the exem p-. eggs. 49 per cent can fiah and 85 then the efficient muat help. If it la tion, many misunderstood him and ' per Cent can fruit, due to Ignorance, then we muat are wondering lf they are also en- I j ------------------ Home baking la —- the rule, with educate, lf education hag failed I - — titled to the exemption. p ercen tage ranging from 39 per thua far ,o accompllah thia, then Only those aoldiera of the Span Cent who bake all of their bread to ,.du, niU((, IIlore effectively j ish-American and W orld wars. ¡74 per cent who bake all of their adapt<.d to the task If II Is due their widows, and others specially | cake.. , , o lack of economic opportunity, mentioned In the law are entitled inquiry also revealed that as all intelligent society can surely to the exemption providing they many as half of (he homemakers proV|de that.” have first filed with the assessor would be found without such s l m - ______________ _ of the county in which the property pie kitchen equipment as quart and i is located a certificate showing a pint measures, measuring cups and N. O. W. DRILL TEAM permanent disability of at least 4 0 1 »poons, and fruit and vegetable ENTERTAINED TUESDAY ! Per cent. shredders Mr. Keeney wishes to remind Mrs. Hay Stevens entertained for J, members of the Neighbors of emption. but who have not yet filed | kinds. Reasonable prices, or will Woodcraft drill team at her home their certificate, that the time for trade for what have you. N ellie here Tuesday evening. A social this filing was In April, but that Jordon, (38 - Eighth Street, or evening was enjoyed by Ihe gueats. they could still file them If they i phone 155-W. N22-29 Mrs. Stevens Is captain of Ihe drill did so within the next few days. ' team. and if they were not filed when he SU M M O N 8 turned his tax roll over to the sher THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, IN AND iff. then no exemptions could be FOR LANE COUNTY. allowed. Haul Kloster, Plaintiff. Vs. Christen Pedersen and Mary A. UNIVERSITY EXPERTS Pedersen, his wife, Johannes ON RADIO PROGRAMS Vlndlng I^arsen, and Lavrits Kr. Larsen, his Guardian, and Harold University of Oregon, Eugene. J. Wells, as Administrator of the Nov. 22— Faculty and staff mem­ estate of Peter F. P(dersen, de­ ceased. Defendants. bers of the University of Oregon To Johannek Vlndlng Larsen and . 1 » p .„ radio programs to be broadcast - rjefendants during the next two months from IN THE NAME OF THE STATE station KOAC at Corvallis, accord- OF OREGON, you aud each of y o u ! ing to an announcement sent here ar« hereb’' required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against by Alfred low er», dean and dlrec-* you jn a bove entitled »ult, with tor of general extension for the in twenty week» from the date of! Hlate system of higher education. the first publication of thin Supi An expert Interpretation of In ,non"' “nd lf/ ® “ fa‘‘ ‘° '» 7 1 , . j want thereof, the plaintiff will ap- , ternatlonal events and trends will ply to the (:ourt for the renef aM J be given each Wednesday night a t ' prayed for in plaintiff’s Complaint, 7:3« by Dr. Victor P. Morris, prof- to-wit: for a decree foreclosing a essor of economics here. He Is re. I mortgage against the real property! The Thanksgiving "Spread” will be much more enjoyable, if the family « «.« tu <* z l , hereinafter described, In the prin-; garded as an authority in hls field. clpal BUm of | i 5oo.oo, interest gathers 'round a brand new Dining Suite! Let these low prices add to and S r a brilliant orator. The serie», thereon at the rate of »lx per cent the holiday joy . . . many values are on display! of talk» on municipal affair», given per annum from Aug. 1». 1934, for ouch evening at 7:56 under the a re‘‘»«nable sum as attorney's ,iir ,,1 0 . , l i . ir u 11 j . teen, for the osts and disburse- direction of Herman Kehrll. dlrec- ment„ of th,„ Hult; and algo for lor of the university bureau of j such other and further relief as municipal service, will bring before nsa^ be deemed Just and equitable people In Oregon a number of out- ! to tbe Court, and that each of you uton^i... , i„i„ j , . be barred from all Interest In the standing civic officials and leaders Rald rea, propertyi except only the On Tburnday» at 8:16 the school j statutory right of ledem ption; that ut law of the university con d u cts1 the said real property against a serial of talks on "Law In Mod whlch foreclosure Is asked, Is de«-| ern Society.” Dr. Warren D. Smith, rlb ™ r ^ u th eiu it quarter of the < ABONALO I Thanksgiving Is Not Complete Unless You Have TURKEY We are offering some of the most delicious Tur­ keys you ever tasted this yeaer. Fine corn fed young Oregon birds that will make the Thanksgiving dinner a real feast are here ready for your selection. Get your orders in early. Independent Meat Co. E. C. 8 T U A R T , Prop. 4th and Main Sta — Phone S3 Irish-Murphy Co. Thanksgiving Dinner This store is prepared to furnish you every need for Thanksgiving dinner. Plum puddin’, raisins, nuts, green vegetables, turkeys and dressin’ are here for your selection. SPECIAL SYRUP DEAL — You’ll be interested. Ask about it. FOR T H A N K S G IV IN G Pining Room » a i-.•.•••2 Su ite s professor of geology and geography here, will talk on "Glimpses of the Scenic Treasure House of Oregon," on alternate Thursdays at 8:40 p. BROKEN V E IN S Varicose Ulcers— O ld Boras Relieved A t Home No sensible person will continue to suffer when powerful penetrat­ in g , yet harmless a n t i s e p t i c Moone's Emerald Oil can readily be obtained at any drug store— the directions ard simple and easy to use. Economical, too and Flanery'a ! Orug Stotre guarantees one bottle to give splendid results or money I back. MOONE S FANCY CORN FED ORE3ON TURKEYS, Chickens and other Thanksgiving Maats for you here, X EMERALD OIL Southeast quarter; the North half of the Southeast quarter of Section Thirty-three (33) and the Southwest quarter of the South- wef ‘ quarter of Section Thirty- four (34) all in Township Nine­ teen (19) South of Range One (1) West of the W illamette Mer­ idian, except a flume right of way as appears of record In Vol. 128 at page J>89 Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon, all being In Lane County, Oregon. This Summons Is nerved upon you by publication by vlrt(ue of an order of the Hon. O. F. Skipworth, Circuit Judge, dated and filed Nov. 20, 1934. directing that this Sum­ mons he served upon you by pub­ lication In The Springfield News, once each week for a period of four weeks. The date of the first pub­ lication Is Nov. 22, 1934. JESSE O. WELLS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and H. O. Address, Eugene, Oregon. (N 22-29—D 6-13-20, $27 65 chairs g 4 5 OO $49.95. $69.50. $79.50 5 PIECE SUITE — Table and Four Chairs 7 PIECE SUITE — Table and six 8 PIECE suites At - WRIGHT & SONS »