THÜKSDAY, NOV WM PICK 22, 1984 T U B SPR IN O m C LD NBW 8 PAOB THREE SERVICE STATIONS WHO IS WHO and W hat They Do -IA N W A N T t ll (or llu wla-lgh route ly, Kawlelgh, Dagl. OIIK7M-HA Oakland, Calli. (N ili* 1 A HT. SERVICE STATION A Claaaified Dlrectory of Raliabla Butine»* Firma and Profasalonal Paopla Thia Nawapapar Racommanda to You. General Ga oline, Oll and Orel Goodrich Tirea "A Home Owned Statino." 6th und A Sta . Springfield, Ph Mitchell Service Station A L L R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS f — Yale Tirea — Greasing Battery Recharging Expert Radio Repairing by LEE CRAY Phone 41-J 7th and Main Sla Springfield MOTOR ASSOCIATION CANl BAKERY NOW LOCATED GIVE BAIL SERVICE NOW IN ENLARGED QUARTERS Members of the Oregon State Mototr Association can now obtain their release from jail on ball fur nlahed by the asaoriatlo (or all traffic ofiense» excepting driving while lutoxlcated N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’ S SALE NO TIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN, That by virtue of an execution and order of Bale issued out of the Clr STUDENTS MATINEE W. L. BRAY cult Court of the State of Oregon FOR MALE Olla H A 7I II. I>. rango DR. MILTON V. WALKER G EN ER A L A U CTIO NEER DANCES for Lane County on the 20th day Surgery and Olseaeea of Women usad, In guild condition. Ml AT Farm Salea and Livestock Our of October, 1934. upon and pur Wiatoa 1‘owor Co if 4tb and Malo Sts. Springfield suant to a decroe given and made WINTEROARDEN Specialty OREGONIAN by aald Court on the 16th day of Every Saturday Afternoon Phone 12 J Community Salea October, 1934. In a suit pending SERVICE STATION 2 • 6 o'clock Krery Wednesday NOTICI TO CRIOITORS therein In which FRED G STICK At the Springfield Junction 10c MELVILLE S. JONES, M D. Springfield EIJ8. Trustee, w u plaintiff, and In Ilio County Court of (bo Mlato i l l Muin St. GAS AN D OILS Surgery and diseases of Women BRAVER S TA TE T IL E COM of Orogou (or Lati« County. ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES service day and Night PANY, a corporation. R. O. Bus­ In Ilio M attar of Ibo Kalalo of AUTO DEALERS X Hay and Physiotherapy Philip J liaruot. dovaaaud Grocery Sundries Tobacco’s and hong. as Trustee Beaver State Tlk- Springfield, Oregon Springfield Electric Supply Company, a corporation, bankrupt; Notilo la boroby girmi tbal Ibo ANDERSON MOTORS, INC, Picnic Goods. Flrat National Bank Bldg. Pb. 43 E. A. Klleee; P. J EDW ARDS W iring, General Contracting uudorolgnod ba« bo*u by Ibo aboro Expert Repairing — All Work Went Springfield Ph Bpr. 33 J aud I. L. EDW ARDS, were defend «untied court appulutod aa admin G. E Lampe, Universal Household Guaranteed, anta. which execution and order tilra lu r of Ibo aboro onlltlod Electrical Suppllea, PLUMBING - PIPE FITTING TRANSFER A STORAGE of sale were to me directed and «alalo. Gaa, o il, Tirea aud Uatlerlea General Repairing commanded ma to sell the follow 6lb and A Sta . Springfield Pb. t l MOVING— Onr Plano and Furni­ All porioui baring rlalma agalual NIKE POLLARD Ing described personal and real 442 Main Springfield said a iu t a aro required to prooout ture Movers are Experts. property hereinafter described to P L U M B IN G •«Id claim« properly ra ri (tod to Inapect our New Inatallatlon at STORAGE — Concerts Building, satisfy certain liens and rharres In BROWN MOTOR CO. Copper Colli a Specialty. •aid aduilnlalratur at hla law offlro aid decree specified, I will, on the State Game Farm. Reasonable Rates. Reliability Rea Phone 163 J CH RYHLEH and P L Y M O U TH lu Kugoiio. Orogou wltbln a ll Tuesday, the 27th day of Novem Weatlnghouae I in pa and PACKING — Experienced H e l p uiontba front tbla 26th day of 420 Main St. Springfield. Ora Salee and Service bar. 1934, at the hoar of tea o'clock 40 Appliance«. October. t»34 Means Safety and Protection. A. M., at the plant of the Beaver Complete Autometlve Service State T ile Company, Creswell, C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Admin PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS IIEN'DERER ELECTRIC PACIFIC TRANSFER & t'pen day and N lth t l.ane County. Oregon, offer for (•Ira k .. Springfield STORAGE CO. »ale and sell at public auc­ 1*6 Eaal Broadway Phone 1767 120 Main St (O 36 N 1 916 32) Carl R. Baker Film Shop Rea. Phone 148-J 59% 5th Ave. W Eugene. Pb. 74 tion. all of the right, title and Eugeue, Oregon Peatman Films — Kodaks — Interest, of said defendants tn If no answer Call 104 R NO TIC E TO C R IO IT O R S and to the following described per­ FRUIT PACKERS Frames — Album«- Motion Kata( • of Janie L. Cruian. Oaceaaod SCHERER MOTOR CO. sonal property: , Picture Cameras. WOOLEN MILLS Notice la baroby glrou (bat Wm BUICK — O Ld S M O B ILE — Eugene Fruit Grower's Ass'u 1 Patterson Geared Jolly, 22” U. Hugbei baa beau by (be County We Photograph Everything Head. PO NTIAC diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers Court of tbo Hint« of Oragon, In EUGENE Anywhere. 8 Rings for same. Motor Cara and Shipper«. Ice and Cold Storage. and for Ijin » Couuly, appointed Ex WOOLEN MILL CO. Mall (lima to P. O. Box 017 1 Brava Plate for same. ocutor of tbo laal will and toata SALK» and S ER VIC E College Ice Cream Manufacturera. Manufacturers of Woolena. 1 1 % H. P. General Electric 1*1 W illam ette, Eugene Pb. 636 mont of Janie L>. Cruian. deceaaod Coco Cola— Klat Beverages motor for same, with belting, Specialising In l-adles All poraona baring claim* agalnat 7tb and Olive Sta. — I ’bone 166 counter shaft, pulleys and star­ Cider Vinegar Eugene, Oregon. Ibo eatato of «aid deceaaod era COATINGS AN D 8U IT IN O S PRINTERS ter. Phone 1410 hereby uotlfled Io preoent tbo Retail department at M ill 1 W blrler. Plaster Paris head, •am«, duly alatod and rorlfled at AUTO WRECKERS Ferry near 1th Ave E. Eugene, THE WILLAMETTE PRESS Eaut End lib Ave. Eugene. Ore. with counter shaft, pnlleys. etc. Ibo office of «aid executor la tbo 1 Rathsam Flower Pot Mach­ Springfield 10% off with tbla coupon Ftrat National Bank building In Breaks Arm— The «mall daugh­ ine, with pnlleys, belting, coun­ FEED-SEED-HAY Hprlugfleld, Oregon, wltbln a ll ‘hone 3213 Pbone 2 Red Read. Mgr, ter shafts, etc., and dies a» fol­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Cline uioutba from tbla let day of Nor- Business Stationery—Office Form« lows: 2". 2%", 3". 4”. 6", and 7”. ember. 1134. Eant Side Auto Wreckers received a fractured arm Friday 1 3 H. P. Q. E Motor for same ADAMS FEED & SEED Booklets — Placards — WM O H U U IIK H , Executor of Uaed Cara, Truck« and Trailer« when »he fell from a chair while with belt and »tarter. tbo I-eat W ill and Teotament STORE dodger«, etc. 1 Brewer Brick A Hollow Tile u( Janlo la Cruaan, Deceaaed. Generator, Armature a Electrical Full line of Feed, Seed and Hay. A Modern Print Shop Producing playing at her home. Service. machlner. A K W H E E L E R Atturnoy Cuxtom Grinding. Cleaning and Up-To-Date Printing. S U M M O N S W ith Brain Tile Die» as follows: (N 1 1 1 6 1 2 21) ___ 2046 Franklin Hlvd. Eugene, Ore. Mixing. A Home Owned Institution. Pbone and a 8aleaiuan W ill Call. 12 In.. 10 In.. 8 In., 6ln.. 4in„ and 3 IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF NO TICE TO C R IO IT O R S In. W ith Hollow Block Dies as fol­ Main St., Springfield • - Phone 1 BEAUTY PARLORS T H E STA TE O F OREOON FOR Nolle« In hereby glrou tbat tbo lows: 4 In. x 8 In. x 12 in., 6in. x L A N E CO UNTY. RESTAURANTS uuderolgned baa boeu duly appoint­ 8 In. x 12 In.. 6 tn. x 8 tn. x 12 in. Permanent Push W aves H A T T IE E. REAM. Plaintiff, vs ed Admlnlatrator of tbo aolato of Oregon Feed & Seed Co., Inc. W ith 1 lubricated brick front 11.76 and Up. L. Z. McVAY and U N K N O W N IR E N E S CAFE Evelyn Jacobaon. deceaaod. and with round and square cornered Good Lurk M a n im ir Peultry and H EIRS of D A N IE L McVAY and any and all peraoua baring claim« The BR O W N IE B EA U TY SHOPPE Breakfast 16c up — dinner 26c up. slicks. dairy Feed« AN N McVAY. hie wife, both de­ agelaat (be aald eatato are boreby Apprentice Finger W are 26c. ( b ill 10c 1 25 H. P. O. E Motor for ceased, and all other persons or Prosper W ith Manamar required io preaent aald clalma, same, with started, (punter shaft, Shampoo A Finger Wave 60c Home Cooking parties unknown claiming any duly verified aa by law required, Seed Cleaning a Speciality, pulleys and belt. right, title estate, lien, or Inter­ Pb. 41* Ice Cold Beverages on Tap al (be office of Frank A. DePue. 141 W illamette, Eugene, delivery Pbone 61* 1 main drive belt. net In the real property des­ attorney fur tbo Eatato In Spring- Main Bet 4th and 6th Sta 1 American semi-automatic 206 E. 6th St.. Cor. High Eugene cribed In the P lain tiffs Com­ field. I-ene County, Oragon,. wltbln BATTERY SERVICE Springfield Open T ill Midnight Brick A T ile Cutter, with equip­ plaint, Defendant a ll montba from (be date of tbla ment, belts, pulleys, counter­ T O :— L. Z. McVay and Unknown <7 E Broadway Eugene, Ora. PACIFIC F EED * SUPPLY CO uotlco. shaft. etc. Heirs of Daniel McVay and Ann SCHOOLS-COLLEGES H ate d O cto b er 22nd, l is t EUGENE EGG DEPOT PERRY’S 1 Offbearing belt with pulleys, McVay, bis wife, both deceased, HKVEHT JACOBSON. Admin belt and equipment. BATTERIES. BRAKES W e Pack and Grade Eggs for the and all other persons or parties un­ lotrator of tbo eatato of Brolyn ENROLL NOW FOR 1 Brewer No. 40 Drain Tile known claiming any right, title, IG N IT IO N , MOTOR W ORK. Merchants of Eugene and Spring- Jacobaon. deceaaod. day and Nlgbt Claawa in a Good estate, lien, or Interest In the real Cutter with slides for 3 In.. 4 In. FRAN K A. DePUE. Attorney Wheel Aligning. field. and 6 In. Drain Tile. School. property described In the Plain­ for Ketat«. "Any Service— Any Car" Cor. 6th and W illam ette St. 1 Brewer No. 29 Drain Tile tiff's Complaint. Defendants. Shorthand. Bookkeeping. Typing (O IS— N 18 16 13 ) Cutter with equipment for 8 in, 726 Oak Pb. 767 Eugene Eugene. Ore.. Pbone 168 IN T H E NA M E OF T H E S TA TE 10 In. and 12 In. Drain Tile. Eugeue Business College OF OREOON: You are hereby re­ 1 Brewer Hand Brick and T ile A. E. Roberts, Pres. quired to appear and answer the LAN ECO FURNITURE __| Cutter. I'bone 666 Miner Bldg. complaint filed against you In the BATTERY FACTORY 1 Fate Disiutregrator with above entitled suit wltbln four (4) Eugene, Oregon Belta. Countershaft, pulleys, etc. Could Dot stand the bright light«7 JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. weeks from date of the first pub­ Ranges and Circulators ' o u r customers did not care to pay 1 10 H. P. O. E. Motor with of this summons, and If Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN | the difference. After Nov. 10- -bark Several Unee Including Montag. Complete Business Courses lication starter and pulley and belt. you fall to so appear, for want Naturopathic Physician Day and Evening Classes ( at our old location. Pre-N. R. A. Linoleum—Inlaid and Felt Base 1 Double Screen. thereof the plaintiff w ill take a prices will prevail. Recharge 60c. 1 Conveyer with 12 In. belt. The personnel of eur college la decree In the above entitled court Attractive Prices on Furniture Pbone tl-J 300 Brick A Tile Pallets experienced and capable. ; 346 Van Buren • - Phone 1001 against you quieting title to the and Ruga. 100 Drain T ile Pallets. Sadie H. Pyke— Typing. Bookkeep­ following described real property, orfico Hours: 1 to 6 P. 11. See Ua Before You Buy 4 Wheel barrows, 2 spring off- ing, English. CREAMERIES - to-wlt; bearing trucks. 4M F ou rth Stroot Beginning at the Northwest We Deliver Pbone 1188 Martha Ryan—Shorthand, vocab­ 40 Plaster Paris Flower Pot demand (he Beal—Costa do Mora 649 W illam ette ulary, b u s i n e s s corner of Lot 7, In BR O O KLTN, Eugeae molds. arithmetic. running thence South *0 feet, BLUE BELL 6 Plaster Perla Floor Tile Blanche Mack—Stenotype. thence East *0 feet, thence Dairy Products GROCERIES molds. E. N. Hathaway— B u a I n e a a man­ North 90 feet, and thence Weet lea Cream. Butter, Cheese. Milk 1 M ortar and Pestle, Miacl. ager. 90 feet to the place of beginning. Watchmaker and Jowolor small tools, shovels, spare parts, And that all and each of yon be DIBBLEE’S SCHOOL OF EUG ENE FARM ERS CREAM ERY, sFMlNonau) pulleys, shafting, belting, •o . Peeitte WaUti Inapaetor MODERN STENOGRAPHY decreed to have no right, title, es­ extra Pbone Eugene 631 RED A WHITE GROCERY water piping, etc. tate. lien, or Interest In or to the Flrat Claas Werk a* Reasonable 841 W illamette. Eugene, Pbone 117 aforesaid premises or hny part and at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. Phone 4 CLEANING A DYEING thereof. Cor. 4th anil Main Sta., Springfield M. of the same day, at the South­ LUMBER The order decreeing the service west door of the County Court Jimmie's Cleaning Shop General Law Predio« of this summons by the publication House. Eugene, Lane County, State ______ HOSPITALS______ JAMES M IT C H E L L thereof Is dated October 24th, 1*34, of Oregon, offer for sale and sell EUGENE LUMBER CO. and directs publication once each at public auction, subject to redem­ Cleaning, Pressing, Alterations. PACIFIC HOSPITAL, I. M. PETERSON successive ption as provided by law, all the Where Quality and Service are week for four (4 ) INC. We Cell For and Deliver. Attorney-el- L aw weeks, and that date of the first right title and interest of the de­ Paramount. RO YAL Made to Measure 8ulta. 12th and Hllyard City Hall BuBdlag publication of this summons Is fendants In said suit, and all par­ R. R. Blvd. and Grand Phone 426 October 25th. 1934. 3M Main 8t.. Springfield, Ph. 76-J Phone 2600 ties claiming by. through or under Springfield. Orkgoa W IN G A RD & REID. Attorneys them, or any of them, in and to Eugene. Oregon for Plaintiff. the following described real prop­ CABINET SHOP The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. Residence and Post Office Ad­ erty, to-wlt: Furnishes a dress: Eugene, Oregon. EUGENE HOSPITAL SPRINGFIELD CABINET All that part of the following O 26— N 1-8 16-22) "The Friendly Institution" COMPLETE HOME described tract which lies bet­ SHOP ween the center of the Connty Phone 1800 Building and Repairing Service. Geo. W. Stephens road on the east and the east 1162 W illam ette Eugene For Service Phone Springfield 66 NO TICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE Bath, Doors, Olas«, line of the main track of the Ore­ REA L PRO PERTY or If no answer, pbone 34-J gon A California Railroad also and General M ill Work of Pittsburgh, Pa. Springfield. known as the Southern Pacific LADIES READY-TO-WEAR Used Doors and Windows N O TIC E is hereby given that by Railway being Intended to con­ virtue of an execution and order 4th and C Sis. Springfield, Ore. vey only that portion of said DELLA BORIN’S DRESS SHOE REPAIRING of sale Issued out of the Circuit tract which is on the east of said Court of the State of Oregon for SHOP railroad; said tract described as DENTISTS Hall’s Shoe Repair Shop Lane County this 23rd day of Oct­ SPECIAL SWAGGER SUITS *12.76 Represented By W e Repeat— We are striving to ober, 1934, upon and pursuant to follows: Beginning at a point 64 links Phone 2692 live up to the Spirit aa well aa the a decree duly given and made by DR. G. A. BROWN easterly from the re-entrant cor­ E. H. TURNER 67 East Broadway Eugene I-etter of the National Recovery said Court this 23rd day of Oct­ Houre » A. M. to 6 P. M. ner In angle of the donation land ober. 1934, In a salt pending there­ Act. Pbone 20-J A BL Bpvtaaftold, Ore. claim No. 63. Notification No. in In which The Pacific Savings ANGELINE DRESS SHOP 6660 in Township Nineteen South 420 Maki St. Springfield. & I xmid Association was plaintiff 6th and Main Sla. Springfield Eugene, Oregon of Range Three West of W illam ­ and Ruth F. Bullion and others Residence 728 A Street. ette Meridian, ant* running JOHN NELSON SHOE SHOP were defendants, which execution Popular Priced dreeaee thence West 11.10 chains. North and order of sale was to me direc­ Allen A. Hosiery General Shoe Repairing DR. WM. N. DOW 20.20 chains. So. 89 degrees East ted and commanded me to sell the 63 E. Broadway Pbone 633-W Uur work Is Guaranteed. Onr D E N T IS T 11.10 calns. North 1 degree West real property hereinafter described 4.48 chains. South 89 degrees Eugene. Oregon prices are most reasonable. to satisfy certain liens and charges X-Ray Diagnosis — Hours 9 to 12 East 6.97 chains, to the center of Give Us a Trial and Be Satisfied. In said decree specified. I w ill on 1 to 6 and by appointment. the county road, thence along Saturday the 24th day of November Mrs. Margaret M. Coldren Opposite McKee's Bakery Formerly W alker Poole Office Phone 8 — Rea. Pbone 87 said road South 6 degrees 30 min. 1934. at the hour of eleven o’clock, 607 Main St., Springfield A. M at the southwest door of the M O DISTE West 7.43% chains, thence West First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Springfield EUG ENE— 11th SPRINGFIELD Remodeling — Destgulng 9.27 chains, and thence South County Court House In Eugene, NO TIC E TO CR ED ITO R S 12.42 chains to the place of begin­ 22« Main and Cbarnelton In n e County, Oregon, offer for sale Miner Bldg., E. Broadway, Eugene HISTORICAL SOCIETY ning. Notice Is hereby given that the and sell at public auction for cash, Pbone 61-J Telephone 723 Phone 2346 GIVES CONTEST RULES Lot 18 Brookfield Addition to undersigned, Elden T. Templeman, subject to redemption as provided Creswell. Oregon, as platted and has been appointed by the county by law, all of the right, title and LAUNDRIES "Murcun W hitm an” hna been recorded on Page 94 of Volume court of Lane county, administra­ Interest of the defendants in said tor of the estate of Alice E. Tem­ suit and of all parties claiming by, 4 of Records of Town Platts for chosen aa the subject for the 1936 SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY Lane County. Oregon. pleman, deceased, late of said coun­ through or under them or any of C. C. Beekman history prises nnd We Specialise In Silks. Woolens, ty. All persons having clalma them in or to the following des­ Lots eight (8), fifteen (16), medals to be awarded by the Ore­ sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) against said estate should present cribed real property, to-wlt: and Curtains. gon Historical to any boy or girl The West fifty-three (63) feet in Brookfield Addition to Cres­ Rough Dry - T h rifty Damp Wash the same duly verified to the ad­ well, Lane County, Oregon. ministrator at the office of S. D. of Lot six ( ( ) In Block seven (7) between the ages of 16 and 18 In Phone 76-J Date of first publication October, of Fairmount, an addition to the Allen. 877 W illam ette street, Eu­ the annual essay contest sponsored 309 Main St. Springfield gene, Oregon, within six months City of Eugene. Lane County, 26th, 1934. by the state society. from the date of this notice. Dated Oregon. Date of last publication Novem­ Full details of the contest In Major Operation— I. A. Valentine at Eugene. Ore., Nov. 22, 1*84. Dated this 23rd day of October, ber 22nd. 1934. E L D E N T. T E M P L E M A N . which *180 In four prizes will be underwent a major operation at the 1934. C. A. SW ARTS, Sheriff. Lane Administrator. C. A. SW ART8, Sheriff. County, Oregon. awarded may be obtained by ad­ Eugene hospital Monday morning S. D. A LLEN . Attorney for Estate. By A. B. HULBOAARD. Deputy. By A E. HULBOAARD. Deputy. dressing the Historical Society. for a throat Infection. (N 22 2»— D 6-13-20) O 26— N 1-8-16-22) (O 36— N 1-8-16-22) AUCTIONEERS DANCING PHYSICIAN-SURGEON Business Directory E d w a rd G. P riv a t The Springfield Bakery owned and operated by C. J. MrKse this week took over the rooms vacated by the Adams Seed sad Feed store and after considerable cleaning up. refiniahing. and repainting, have moved their bread wrapping and slicing machinery Into the addition­ al room« The storage rack« are moved to the back room and all loading of bread boxe» will be handled from thia side door. Part of the additional room is being used to store a large amouat of flour. SUM M O NS IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E STATE OF OREGON FOR LA N E COUNTY. ALTON B. DOW NES and STELLA B DOW NES, husband and wife. Plaintiffs, va. ALICE M. EU- UEKS and JO HN DOE EGGERS, her husband, also all other per sub » or parties unknown, claim­ ing any rjght, title, eaute, lieu, or interest in the real property described in the complaint here­ in, Defendants. TO Alice M. Eggers and John Doe Eggers, her husband, also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real property described in the complaint here­ in ; D EFEND ANTS: IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE O F OREGON: You are hereby re­ quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled Court and cause on or before the expiration of (our weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to- wit: On or before the 6th day of December, 1934, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in their Complaint, to-wit: That you be re­ quired to set forth the nature of your claim in and to the following described premises, to-wit: The Northwest quarter of Lot One (1) Clark and Washburn's Addition to Springfield, Oregon, as the same is platted and re­ corded at page 77 of Volume 2 Lane County, Oregon Flat Re­ cords, in Lane County, Oregon, and that all of the adverse claims of the defendants in and to said premises may be determined by the Decree of the Court. And that by said decree it be declared and adjuded that the defendants, and each of them, have no right, title, interest, or estate whatever in or to said premises, and that the tide of the plaintiffs thereto is good and valid. That the defendants, and each of them, be forever barred and enjoined from asserting any claim whatever in and to said premises adverse to the plaintiffs' and that plaintiffs' title thereto be quieted. 8ervice of this summons is made by publication thereof pursuant to an order in said cause by the Hon. G. F. Skipworth. Judge of the above entitled Court, which bears date of the 7th day of November, 1934 and prescribes that the defendants above named be required to appear and answer within four weeks from the date of the first publicaUon of this summons, and that said sum­ mons be published once a week for four weeks. The date of the first publicaUon of this summons is November 8, 1934. L. L. RAY, Attorney for Plain­ tiff. Post Office Address: Miner Building. Eugene, Ore­ gon. (N 8-15 22-29— D 6) Reliance Life Insurance Co. POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e SMART STLYING IN EYEGLASSES Proper attention to the atylo of eyrgleenea worn la aa atfeo- tltve In your personal appear­ ance aa the manner In which you dress your hair or the clotheg you wear. THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries H O WASTED CURRENT N O SCORCHED CLOTHES fl C olem an H i W h e n it reaches the temperature st which the thermostat is sec the current is autom atically cut off It "coasts” or "free wheels' * on stored heat. O S o f the tim e it la in use it consumes no electricity. Thia saving on your electric bill goes oo year after year as long as you use your C oleinanI This same a u to made action o f the thermostat elixo lnatea fire danger and scorching o f clothes. Saves w ork . . . does more than the ironing. T h e Colem an is beautifully de» signed and finished in super-chrons* ium. Has long tapering point, but« ton bevel and glaas~amooth ironing surface. Come in and see this beawtiful Iron. Let us f>ro«e our statements about the money it saves you. || • u - a / — •— Wright & Sons Hardware — Furniture APT I CLJtS M A K IBOU GOUUP IM TUt PYRAMI» OVCU6OPS AB6 U L I6 V 6 P IO g l 9 0 0 0 Y6AK OU. oue «cT-FiMDiwe a ovra R « TODAY FOLKS -UOW TOGÍT RACK HOMI AuD P U M U kW TM UCYT TtMF. DR. ELLA MEADE Butane IttaxattSNT EYtBVBePV AM» • S U » « UF a aaw FACT* ea R)R-R>«AY.irri «4AK6 C«YFT Radios — Paint By E D . K R ESSY Your preaent lenses can be used In many of the more mod­ ern franieg, and tbs coat la sur­ prisingly low, Optometrist IK O N *T*HE Coleman Automatic x Iron Saves $2 to $5 a year on electric current Pictured above Is the Colonial drop-leaf frame In yellow gold. Thin la Juat one of many dis­ tinctive styles of frame which are always available at Dr. Meade’« optical str-e. 41 West d ^ fu ta r m a tic L R C T K IC TUI M9MCOTS akCALlFIWUlA ABAPKIb- «Matcgis OUTgtM OF TM» VOR* AMOuMT THAU W ^ e o CARLOA** A YM* •u à c ïo F ¡AMA&WL ITS «•»«••MT MUMJKW6CT9M « O IR « 7M «UM» S umcm mamo * powm