T HV118DAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1981 THE 8PRINOE1KLD NEWS PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS DRILL TEAM HAS FEED GIRLS GROUP PLANS MORE HOMESTEAD LAND LUMBER OUTLOOK TAKES CASCADE CHAPTER HAS AFTER BUSINESS MEET INITIATION FRIDAY VISITORS AT EUGENE OPENED TO SETTLERS DOWNWARD APPEARANCE Fifteen THE WILLAMETTE PRESS ported to the Weal Coast Lumber More tract* of land recently men's Association (or the week ing were Mrs. V B. Whealou. M i* thrown Io homestead entry were ondiug November id produced 75. | Donald Toomb. Mrs. I ’eerl Schau Entered as second class matter, February >4. 1903. at the poetoftlce. limed the pw»t week by W. t . '486.231 board (eel of lumber. This i lot. Mrs. Clifford Wilson, and Mrs Springfield, Oregon e'aubn. registrar o( the land office «as approximately the same aa the llerirude Wilson al Koaeburg. Among the tracts In preceding week. The average pro : MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATS SUMMONS t^ie Year in Advance..... . * 1.50 Six Months ............ — ...... — $1.00 ’ thia part of the state are (be fol ducllon of thia group of sawmill» No. 23.429 in 1934 has been 78.501.261 (eet; - Two Years In advance.....>2 50 Three Months ........................ 60c ; low inc: IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E during the name period In 1933 S W V .N E K . N E K N W K - EVfcSW STA TE O F OREGON FOR T H E T H l RSDAY. NOVEM BER 22. 1*34 K . Sec. 7. and N B K 8 B K . S H 8 B K . j their weekly average wa- 77.176. J CO UNTY OF M ULTNO M A H. K A T H E R IN E A LICE QUIGG, «1*0 Sec. 17. T. 14 S.. R. 6 W.. aome 639 feet. POUR-L IS A CHALLENGE The new business reported lust I known as Ketherlue A. Mulga, al (arm land tuoatly crating NE of so known as K. Alice Gulgg. vs. The unknown The Eour-L is resisting the attack on it by the federal Alpine, Oregon. week by 548 mill» wa* 73.900.7801 I'lulutlff. Ia»ls 5. 6. 7, 8. S)V*»SK>». Sec heir* of P. U. Renfrew, deceased; regional labor board which is attempting to call it a com­ hoard (eel against u production of the unkuowu helve of William pany union. This It seems is directly contradictory to what IS. T. IS 8., K. I W., amall amount j 76,486.231 (eet uuo shipments of Iteufrew. deceased; Ihe unkuown of farm land. Near Marcóla. Ore. General Johnson said on his Portland visit when he told heirs of Hulu« A. Renfrew, de , 76,868,496 feet. Their shipments R K 8 W K . SEA». See. 9, N E K ceused. Ihe unknown heirs of Four-L officials lumber workers had the right to be repres­ were over production by 1.8«', and ented by the union of their own choosing, and the 4-L SEA». Sec. 1». T. IS S . R I W . N. (heir current »ales were under pro­ Ellen Nealey. deceased; Ellen Nealey, a single woman; amt also of Fall Creek. Oregon. might be it. duction by 2.0«,. The order» book all other peraon* or parllea uu SEA4NBA», Sec. 7. T. IS S.. R 5 claiming any right, title, The Four-L is the only union that has functioned suc­ W.. near Crow, Ore., farm land, A* , >*d last week by this group of Iden­ known estale lien or Interest In Ihe tical mills were under the preced cessfully in the lumber industry. In fact It Is a challenge j mile to road. real properly described In the . big week by about 2.400.000 feel to all labor and Industry as a successful organ for dealing complaint herein, Defendants. NWA»SKA». Sec. 27. and NA» or approximately 3.2%. IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STATE with the employee and employer problem. The regional ¡ N E K . NEA»SW»w. Sec. 35. T. IS S . F OREGON: You and each of you labor board might well consider its methods for other in­ R 6 W „ grazing-aouthweat of Crow, The unfilled order (tie at these O are hereby required to appear aud mills stood at 342.675.096 board j Ore. dustry rather than condemn it unjustly. answer (he complaint (lied against SBA»NEU. E K S E K . Sec. 17. T. feet, approximately 4.000.000 leas you In the above eutitled • ull with IS 8.. R. 7 W . southeast of Walton, than the week before. The aggre­ In four weeks from the date of th* gate Inventories of 130 mills are first publication of this summon*, Ore. Some farm land. 26 YEARS SERVICE and If you fall so to answer, (or j SWA.NWA», Sec. 35. T. 19 S.. R. 18.3*. more than al thia time last wunt thereof, Ihe plaintiff will take Twenty-six years of service to l^ane county was re- 4 W.. graiiag. I K uillea to road and year. Judgment agalust you aa prayed eoguized at the courthouse Tuesday when flowers were northwest of Saginaw. Ore. for In the complaint herein, to-wlt. (or a decree decreeing (he plalutlff presented to Miss S. E. Skene, deputy county clerk and NW *,SW A«. Sec. 11. T. 32 S.. R. NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX’S SALE to be (he owuer lu fee simple, free OF REAL PROPERTY AT recorder of deeds and mortgages. In this day of change in , 6 W „ Northeast ot Glendale. Ore. ami clear from any and all claim PRIVATE SALE government faithful service often goes unrecognized. of the defendauta, uu,. all of them, ; Grazing. N O TIC E I s hereby given that of the (ollowlug described prem­ Application* may be filed by ex- pursuaut to an ORDER of the The service Miss Skene renders Lane county can not ises, to-wlt: be bought and paid for. If she left the courthouse tomor­ service men within 20 day* prior County Court ot the State of Ore­ Beginning at a point 272 (eet gon. for Lane County, made on the to dale of opening, or from Nov- North aud 100 feet East of the row her position would be taken by someone else but no one 24th day of October. 1934. in the corner of Frlssell's could give the service Miss Skene does without many years ¡ ember 15, 1934, to December 4. 1934 matter of the lfelate of Vilena Southwest Park, according to Frlasell's Plat experience on the job. Her knowledge of deeds, mortgages and by the general public from W lckwlre. deceased, (he under­ us the same I* platted aud re­ and conveyances in Lane county surpasses all. Her wilk- February 14, 1935. Io March 5. 1935. signed. Edna L. Klink, Executrix corded at Page 222 of Volume 3, the Estate of Vilena Wlckwlre, tattle County. Oregon. Plat Re­ ingness to be of assistance and furnish exact information , and all application* filed during of deceased, will sell at Private Sale thence East 60 feet; exceeds the bounds of usual service. The country needs thl* 20-day period will be consider­ to the highest bidder upon the cords; thence North to Ihe left bank of ed as filed simultaneously and If more public servants like her. terms and conditions hereinafter the McKenzie River, thence In a ! more than one application Is filed mentioned and subject to confirm­ Westerly dlrectlou meandering ' (or the same (ra d a drawing will ation by said Court on or after the the bank ot said river lu a point There are 16,659 city governments, 3,062 county gov­ be held to decide the winner. Ex- 24th day ot November. 1934. all directly North of the place ot be­ ernments. 128,542 school districts and 19,769 township gov­ service men must file with their of the right, title, lntereet and es­ ginning ; (hence to the place of be­ of the said Vilena Wlckwlre. ginning: also, beginning at a ernments and hundreds of other district governments and application a soldier's affidavit ano tate deceased. al the time of her death point 272 (eet North and 100 feet boards in this country. The question is whether democracy ¡ certified copy of discharge, and all In and to the real property des­ East of the Southwest corner of is not becoming top heavy with organization. applicants must file a non-water- cribed as follows, to-wlt: the aforesaid FrlsaeH'» Park; thence East 60 feet; thence South hole affidavit. No righto may be Beginning al a point on the 272 feet; or to the County Road East line of County Road No. 3. acquired to said land by settlement No. 56. along the South side of A mouse died in a radio in Junction City and now in advance of entry, or otherwise 42.95 chains East of a point on said P ark; thence in a Westerly there is a discussion whether the election campaign orators i except in accordance with above. the West line of the W illiam M direction along sc id County Road Stevens and wife D. L. C. No. 46. or the crooners killed him. to a point directly thiuth of the Cost of filing w ill be $6.50 for 40 ------------ «$.------------ In Townahlp Seventeen (17) place of beginning, atoo. begin . acra*. $8.00. for 80 acres. $14.50 for South of Range Three (3) West nlng at a point 272 feet North of the W illam ette Meridian. Lane A scientist tells us a man is what he eats. That we 120 acres and $16.00 for 160 acres. and 160 feet East of the South County. Oregon, which Is 22 69 weat corner of the aforesaid suppose accounts for the large consumption of prunes, chains Soeth 12' West of the Frlssell's Park; thence East 60 cheese, fish, etc. RAILROADS TO REMOVE Northwest corner thereof and feet; (hence North 56 feet; ---------------- * ---------------- thence East 17.96 chain*, thence Northwesterly to a point EXCESS BAGGAGE FEES running thence South 1?' West parallel 96 feet North of the place of We can never clean up the dance situation in high with the West line of the said beginning, (hence South to the Elimination of numerous excess claim 11.38 chains, thence West school until we supervise the youngsters and fumigate the place of beginning;- -all being a baggage charges and substantial 17.24 chains to the Easterly line part of S e c tio n 13. T 16 8. It 5 minds of some of the oldsters. of said County Road, and thence reductions in other present bag E. of the W. M.. In I-ane County, North 3 degree«) 46' Weet along Oregon. The trouble with many people who have religion is ■ gage charges on the Western ra il­ the Easterly lint» of said County and further decreeing (hat the de­ they spend most of their time trying to settle other people’s ways will become effective on Dec­ Road to the place of beginning, fendants have not, nor have any or ember 1, according to an anonunce- all In Lane County. Oregon. either of (hem. any right, title, affairs. The West 50 4 feet of the Lot claim or Interest In any of said inent made from Chicago this week. ---------------- • ---------------- Numbered SIX In Block number real properly. Hereafter such things aa the Thanksgiving was originally a day of rejoicing over ! baby E L E V E N In James Huddleston's This Mummou« Is served upoh buggy, bicycle, or cribs will Addition to Eugene. Lane Coun­ you by publication (hereof for four bountiful crops. We suppose it should be a celebration this be carried as regular baggage and ty, Oregon, according to the KUccesHlve week* by order of the year over the success of crop curtailment. amended plat thereof, being now Hon U. F. Sklpworth. Judge of the will not be considered a* excess ---------------- ♦ ---------------- a part of said City of Eugene. above entitled Court, decreeing One of the easiest things to do in the w’orld is to tell baggage. Sports and other bulky Oregon. lhal you answer the summons here­ . and lengthy articles which have The South half of the South in within (our weeks (Dim the date others about their mistakes. ' heretofore been considered as ex- half of the Southwest fourth of of (he first publication thereof, cess baggage w ill be handled with the Northeast quarter of Section which said date of first publication Roosevelt is restoring the last federal pay cut. That j ' out Four In Township Sixteen South. 1» November 22nd. 1934. additional charge. should positively end the depression. Range Four We«t of the W iliam F R ED ER IC K H. DRAKE. At ette Meridian, except land des­ torney for Plaintiff, 308 Pacific WAFFLE PARTY HELD cribed In deed recorded In Vol­ Building. Portland. Oregon. ume 151 at page 295. and also (N 22-29— D 6 13 20) FOR CHURCH CLASS excepting land described In deed recorded In Volume 166 on Page Members of Mrs. Dean C. Poln- 137. Lane County Deed Records. In I j n » County. State of Oregon, ' dexter's Sunday school class ot the containing nine acres more or .Methodist church were entertained less. «adwhkbcon tains Four Greet Treasures with a waffle party Friday even­ Lot Numbered Four (4) In ing. Seventeen attended and en­ Block Numbered Two (2) In Hendricks’ Second Amended Ad­ joyed an evening of games. dition to Eugene. Lane County, THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Otego*» Parents of Daughter— Mr. and In the Psalms are love, hope, despair, the bitterest of 1 Mrs. Harley Scott of Oakridge are That each parcel of said real sorrow, the most exultant delight, sweet affection and deep the parents ot a baby daughter property, above described, w ill be hatred, confession of sin and joy in forgiveness. But the , born to them at the Pacific hos­ sold as one parcel. That the terms of sale will be major note is optimistic and believing. pital in Eugene on Friday, Novem twenty per cent (20%) cash and (he balance on security on or be i David wrote many of the earlier psalms, and there are her 16. 1934. fore one year from date of sale. some that grew out of his personal experience; but no one All bids that are offered may be GENUINE CLEARANCE SALE man makes a hymn book. Some psalms were written hun­ left with the Executrix at the office on Many Artclea at dreds of years after his death. The man who wrote of James K. King, attorney for HOFFMAN’S said Estate. 410 M iner Building. By the rivers of Babyloh, there we sat down, yea, we 4th and Main Sts., Springfield, Ore. Eugene. Oregon, or may be filed ■ wept, when we remembered Zion. We banged our harpa 8 Oz. White Cotton Betts . . . 14c with the Executrix. upon the willows In the midst thereof, 5 Oz. White Cotton B aas......... 11c Dated this 25th day of O ctober.! 1 Lb. 72x90 White Cotton Batta 40c 1934. that man gave a page of vivid autobiography that dates it­ 2 Lb. 72x90 White Cotton Batta 50c EDNA L. K L IN K . Executrix of the Estate of Vilena W lckw lre, i self five hundred years after David. When another Binger 15 Children’* Raincoats, Each , .79c Deceased. wrote: J 8c Bias Tape, 6 yds. No. S JAMES K. KINO . Attorney for Single or Double ............... 5c Executrix. 410 Miner Building, O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance; tby A Splendid Rayon, 36 in. wide, 29c Eugene, Oregon. holy temple have they defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on O 26— N 1-8 16-22) Shoe Laces, beat quality 3 pra. 5c heaps. The dead bodies of tby servants have they given to be meat into the fowls of the heaven, SUMMON8 FOR PUBLICATION the amount then due and delin­ quent for taxes for the year 1927 In Foreclosure of Tax Lien thus telling of a time when Jerusalem was captured in a together with penalty, Interest ano IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF bloody battle followed by a massacre, and the temple was costs thereon upon the real prop­ T H E S T A T E O F OREGON, FOR erty assessed to you. of which you defiled but not destroyed, we know that the psalm was L A N E CO UN TY. written in the times of the Maccabees. It may be that a A. F. Fir, Plaintiff, vs. Christian are the owner as appears of re­ cord, situated In said County and thousand years separates the oldest of these songs from the H. Furre, Defendant. State, and particularly bounded latest. To Christian H. Furre the above and described as follows, to-wlt: named defendant. The East of the N E K and Of the whole, a hundred and fifty songs, which are best the N W '/, of N E K and the N E K IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STA TE worth knowing? First of all the twenty-third, of course. OF OREGON: You are hereby noti­ oi the S E K of section 12 Town­ Nearly every child learns it; every child should. If, in addi­ fied that A. F. F ir the bolder of ship 16 Sc. of Range 6 West of 1 W. M. In Lane County, Oregon. tion to this, you would like to pick three others as a part of Certificate of Delinquency number You are further notified that 3201 Isued on the 6th day of Nov­ your children’s education, you will be pretty safe if you ember, 1931 by the Tax Collector said A. F. F ir haa paid taxe- on follow the number nine—the nineteenth; the ninetieth and | of the County of Lane, State of said premises for prior or subse­ ninety-first. ’ Oregon, for the amount of Seven­ quent years, with the rate of In­ teen 64-100 dollars, the same being terest on said amounts as follows; H. E M AXEY. Editor Moses is credited with the ninetieth—the noble chant of an old man, who, seeing his own generation disappear and a pew generation rise up to take its place. . Before the mountain») were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou are Uod. . . . So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. The nineteenth acclaims the firmament and the moral kw : The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firma­ ment showeth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night shew- sth knowledge. The ninety-first is a majestic confession of faith. He that dwelleth In the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. sllendsd tbs itation plan*, and Mr*. Nellie Noah Hellarbrand Friday evening The goodlee were nerved (ollowlag pyne will have charge of the re­ a buelneea and social meeting freshment« NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALK OF LAND Notice la hereby given that by virili» of a llcenne and order of sale of Ihe County Court ot laine Comity, Oregon, made November I9lli. 1934. authorising me as ad m iiilslralrlx of Ihe e«lale of Esra S. Collins, deceased. Io sell Ihe land* hereinafter described al prl vati- sale. I will on and after Dev ember 2lat, 1934. al 40» Tiffany Bhlg.. Eugene. Oregon, and on (he premises to he sold offer al private »ule lo the party offering ihe most therefor, cash In hand, the follow Ing landa: Beginning at a polut 13.29 ebs N of quarter Corner between Sections I I and 11 Twp 1» S R 3 W. of W M In Lane County, Oregon, thence W 8.70 cha.. Iherce N 14.61 cha to the WII- l a t n t .ie River, (hence Easterly along the south bank of said Rivet; (o the K Hue of said sec. I l ; thence S. 16 61 cha lo Ih» place of beglnnlug. leas and e l cepl therefrom the E 6 acre«, Itelug 8.63 across more or leas. Subject lo the approval and con­ firmation of the court. CLARA FAW VEK, Aduil Es late Esra Collins. Deceased (N 22 29 D 6 13 20) GO EAST S U N S H IN E I f you go East this w la ie r, why not go ih n sig h ( s lifo r a i* sod S oudw ia Artsuaa? Rid« out I u u d u i S u u m i I im iird or t lo U m Stale I ianir«l through A ate rU s 't auoairvi w inter (tg io a . S lup uvtf eaywhere. For d«»il*, we your U mb I agent or write ). A. Otmaady, Ceneref Fairrwgrr Agewt, 709 Pwdu huildutg. Punlaad. O ra Southern Pacific Children Should Have Plenty of Milk to Drink St-liool children t botild have milk with every meal Milk in the world'« muni complete food and contain« element« vitally nccegitary Io health and growth. Maid O't'ream pasteurixed milk In aafe aud rich. Every buttle in J uki like every other bottle. I«et us deliver .Maid O't'ream milk to your door. Springfield Creamery Co. Thanksgiving Candy Turkey, dretodng. pie—-all nortn of good thing« to eat, but Itn CANDY that make« Thankaglvtng a real occaaion! Hard and chewy or «oft and creamy or any other kind of good candy I h found at our candy kitchen. It I b the perfect climax to any feaat. Candy I b one treat the whole family can enjoy. R G G IM A N N ’S “Where the Hervleg la D tffa rg o « " " ^ His eyes are his future! XvW U Ú *6AHÍÜÑ Lord, thou has been our dwelling place In all generation.*). persons Members e( Ihe F I. girls will Six members of Cascade chapter, Seattle, Wash.. Nor. 22 A total Majority Of Proporty Listed Aa hold Inll lal Ion al I heir meellag Fri ikmm II» reed given for members of of 548 down and operating m ill* In O, K. S. went 1« Eugene Friday Craving Areas; Filing Feat day evening at 8 o'clock Mis* Ber­ Ihe Neighbors of Woodcraft drill Oregon and Washington which re­ sveulug Io altend a mcellng of the Aro Announced learn at the home of Mr aud Mr» Evangeline chapter Those attend­ nice Conoly I* In charge of ihe im­ Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County, Oragon by v 1 w ill say of the Lord, He Is my refuge and my fortress; my Uod; In him w ill 1 trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the > fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. ^<{ Year’s tax 1927 1928 1929 1929 1930 1930 1931 1931 1932 1932 • . 1933-1934 1933-1934 Date paid 11- 6-31 11- 6-31 11- 6-31 11- 6-31 . 11- 6-31 11- 6-31 10-10-34 < 10-1034 1 1010-34 f 1040-34 10-10-34 10-10-3* Tax Receipt No. 64385 64386 6*776 61776 40646 40646 39920 39919 83826 33826 26326 25324 SaM Christian H. Furre aa the owner of the legal title of the above described property as the same ap­ pears of record, and each of the other persons above named are here­ by notified that A. F. F ir w ill apply to the Circuit Court ot the County and State aforesaid for a decree fore­ closing the Hen against the prop­ erty above described, and mention­ ed In said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publica­ tion of this summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this aetjon or pay the amount due as above shown, to­ gether with costs and accrued In­ terest, and lu case of .-our failure to tfb so, a decree w ill be rendered foreclosing the Uen o f said taxes Amt. $10.97 27.73 6.27 15.64 6.65 16.48 6.04 14.23 6.44 14.90 6.86 18.70 Rate I nt. 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable O. F. Skip- worth Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of I>ane and said order was made and dated this 6th day of ovember, 1934 and Ihe date of the first publication of this summons Is the 8th day of November, 1934. All process and papers In this proceeding may be served upon the undersigned residing within the State of Oregon at the address hereafter mentioned. WM W. HARCOMBE, Attor­ ney for Plaintiff. Address 302 Tiffany Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, (N 8-16 22-29— D • ) TAKE NO CHANCES Eyestrain is a very real danger. Few of us realise that we pay dearly for every hour we strain our eyes. The tragedy is that we seldom know that we ARE m is­ using our eyes. Attempting to read, work or study in poor or glaring light is the cause of most eyestrain. Often the penalty for eyestrain is not paid until later y ea n . Then it is too late. The two or three pen­ nies a day saved on your light bill isn't worth the risk of impaired vision. See this new type lamp (recently designed to help correct the evils of improper home light­ ing) at your dealers. Ä MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY