THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THIKTY-FIHHT YEAR HPItlNdFlEIJl, LANE COUNTY, ORBQON, SPORTSMEN SEEK \ ’ « " » BEHEB HUNTING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Vi, li»34 NO. 44 ARMORY 10 OPEN Dance Question LIONS IB RAISE u » « * « SCHOOLS SI1BI Waifs Decision SCOUTING FUNDS s| _ to spurteineii of Ibis vicinity were dlecuseed here Monday even­ ing at the drat (all meeting o( the McKeutle Gateway Hod aud Gun club which waa held at the Auder- auu Motor company garage. The turkey about will he held he- f ire Thanksgiving If the neceaaary r.rraugeiueuta cau be made It waa decided If Ibis la Impoaalble It will be held aometlme before Christmas. A committee constat- lug of Donald Toomb. Hay Nutt, aud II. II. Bchaffeuberg waa uamed to make the neceaaary arrange- meuta (or thia event. W ill Slant Officer» Members decided to hold their annual meetlug December 17 at which time new »(fleet* will he elected aud future plana will be die cussed. 1-arauu W right, secretary, waa Instructed to communicate with Gene Hlmpaou. manager o( the atate game (arma. Inviting him aud other peraol*» Interested In the development u( the sports program of the elate to attend the meeting aud give addresses Mr Simpson will he »pacifically naked to dis- cuai the poaalblllly of the local group ealabllablng bolding pane (or pheaaanla. The meeting will prob­ ably be held In Taylor hall and each member will Invite a (rlend to attend. A aoclal und relreebmenla will ale« he held durlug the even­ ing. Harry Fandrem la Io charge of arrasgeiueula. Deer hunting came In (or conalderable discussion at the meeting Mauy of tboae prearut ex- preaaed their oplulon that buutlng conditions would be Improved both (rum the atandpolnt of the hunter and the game propagation If bunt- era were allowed to kill only one deer next aewnou, but allowing them Io kill either due or buck. Many of the doea now running In the fureala and mountain» are not producing any Increase and the continued elimination of the buck» can only mean a gradual extinction of thee» game aulmala, aeveral de­ clared. • Holding Pena Needed Conatrucllou of one or more hold­ ing pein for China Pheasants will alao greatly Improve thia form of hunting In thia vicinity any thoao Who advocate thia atep. The pena of the atate game farm» are now so crowded each aummer that It la neceaaary to releaae large number» of the bird» ahortly before the hunt­ ing aeaaon and theae bird» rulaed In captivity are quite tame and eas­ ily killed off durlog the opening daya of the bird aenaon. The conatructlon of holding pena by aportamen groups would pro- Ido a place lor the overflow from the game farms. They would be placed In the pena during the sum­ mer. the state game commlaalon would provide the feed, and the birds would be raised there until after the close of the season when they are released In suitable loca­ tions. Thia procedure would pro- vide the county with a supply of breeding stock which would repro­ duce In their natural environment the following spring. Each hen In the state game farm pena uuw pro. duces between X and 18 young birds a season and It Is estimated that at least half as many would be raised by thoae releaeed In the fall. Thia would provide a much larger num­ ber birds (or the huntera when the season opened and the birds would be wilder and offer more competi­ tion for the hunters. It has been estimated that It would coat *160 to conatruct a pen to handle 400 birds during a sea­ son. Several of theae pens have been established In Marion and other counties and Improved hunt­ ing haa resulted. More Cetalla of the manner In which the situation can be handled In Lane county which has no pena at the present time are expected to be outlined by Mr. Simpson If he addresses the club. t'hrlsllau Endeavor Society will The new Sprlugflold armory will I ava charge of the mouthly church | lie (brown open for the first public night program to be given at the ' »oclul function next Tuesday even­ Christian church tonight starting ing when members of Iuka circle al 7:80. e I number 37. Ladle« Anrlllary of (he Included In the program will be ! G. A. If. »poll»or a benefit card i wo short playlets, "The Mellow parly beginning at 8 o'clock. Drammer" and "Pokey Huntua.” Arrangements are being made Cast In the leading roles of the , lor 26 table» at which bridge, pin first playlet will be Martin Clark ocble, Five Hundred und aolo will aa Manuel Del Popolo, viillän; Kiva be played on (he main floor. Prizes Moyer,as Ulngorolla, the maid; Ina will be awarded and refreshments Clement as Maggie O'llrli-n, the will be served. heroine; lairoy Inman aa Patrick, Thia the second card party to be her lover Giber parta will Include sponsored by (lie Circle, a prexloua Curtains, Sun, Darkneea. Huristin, one given last spring waa verv suc­ Shadows, Stairs, lloue». Mlsa cessful. Proceed» from the party Melba Harris will be reader. qext week will be used In furnUh- Characlara In the second playlet lug the rooms upstairs which are will Include Hill Cux aa Pokey Hun­ to be used by the circle and tbe tua, Melbu Harria aa Captain John American Legion post and A u x i­ Smith; Leroy Inman. Chief Powder lary. Cau; M arlin Clark. Holy Father. Although the armory Itself has Gibers will Include Curtains, Scene, been completed for aeveral months, North Wind. Trees. Sun, Brook, much work remains to be done In Squirrels, Situation, Danger, and finishing and furnishing the rooms HtrvSe Miss Mina Paterson will be to be occupied by the various leader. groups upstairs. Several of the Martin Clark will alao play a local organisations are said to he irtimbnue solo, and Mlsa Uldlae considering uelng the new building Uartlu will alng a aolo during the for llielr aoclal and bualneaa func­ program. tions In (lie future. The eutlre program Is being a r­ Geuerul chairman for the card ranged by Mlsa Evelyn Harris. party la Mlsa Melbu Harris. She la being assisted by Mra. F. Egg I DISTRICT REBEKAH maun. Mlsa Eva latuk, and other MEETING TO COME HERE members of the organisation. Tickets are on sale now. and may Springfield will entertain for the be procured from any member of next district meeting of Kebekah tbe circle. lodges In 1*36 It waa announced at the close of the meeting held al Coburg laal week-end. Mra. Lee MYRNA LAIRD TO ATTEND Pulman, member of Juanita Hebe-j NATIONAL 4-H CONGRESS kali lodge In Springfield w ill be the Miss Myrna Laird. Lane county new district president. The 1*36 meeting waa awarded to Harris champion Four-H club member will burg al which time Mra. Demmlug leave soon for Chicago where she ol Harrisburg will be the president. will attend the National Four-H Mr» Deiuiulng was named vice- clsb congress on November 30 to chairman for 1*36 and Mra. Nell December 7. M U i Laird has been Price of Murcola was re elected selected (or this expense-paid trip offered by Montgomery Ward and secretary-treasurer. Mra. Grace Chrtalenuon of Port­ Company from a nnllonal competi­ land. slate aaaeuibly president, and tion. Ml»s 1-alrd Is tbe daughter of Mr. Mr». Heaton, atate vlce-praldent fioiu Hlllaboro. were In a'lendance. aud Mrs. Ralph P. lailrd of the The Springfield delegation num­ Kdenvale district. Btie has been bered 36 and they contributed a active In club work for many years readlug by Mra. Lynn Stone, and having wim many state and local a skit by the F. L. Glrle to the pro­ prises aud championships. She Is gram Those taklug part In (he a senior in the Pieman! H ill high skit were Mary Anu Louk. Mrs. school, president of the Girls Elmer Pyne. Hernloe Conoly, Irma Lcaegue and active In both the so­ Nolt, Crystal Bryan, Muxlne Snod cial aud athletic affairs of the school. grass, and Eleanor Smith. In Chicago Miss la ird will com­ pete for a national *4U0 scholar­ COUNTY CHAMBER TO ship. MEET AT OAKRIDGE Dr. Philip A. Parsons, head of the department of sociology and member uf (be receutly appointed State Planning Commission named by Uoverncr-elect Charles Martin, will bs oue of the speakers at the monthly meeting of the la n e County Chamber of Commerce to be held at Uakrldge this evening, according to O. K Crowe, chamber president. A dinner at 6:30 will precede (he business meeting. John Pattereon. safety englueer for the Pacific Telephone company, will be another of the speakers. Mr. Patterson has been conducting first aid classes for the la n e coun­ ty chapter of the American Red Cress each fall and winter for sev­ eral years. LOW LICENSE DRAWING TO BE HELD NOV. 27 Drawing for low 1*36 automobile license number« will be held by the Secretary j jf State on Novem­ ber 27. All applications received at that time will be Included 111 the drawing. Those desiring to make applica­ tion for plates tor the new season at an early date may send in their remittance and their reglstratioif cards properly signed at any time and plates will be mailed trom Sulem to reach the applicant,» on December 16, the first date on which 1936 licenses may be used. Full year licenses will be *6 00 iignln In 1936 for all passenger cars. STANDINGS LISTED IN MANY ATTEND O. E. S. SCOUTING CONTEST INITIATION AT CRESWELL Sixteen members of Cascade chapter O E. B. attended the In itia­ tion meeting held by the Creswell lodge last Thur»day evening. Those attending were Mrs. Clifford W il­ son, worthy matron, Mrs. R. L. Drury, Mrs. W. N. Dow, Mrs. David Bailsman. Mra. Pratt Holverson. Mrs. Nell Pollnrd. Mrs. C. H. PBd- dock. Mrs. I. M. Peterson, Mr.i. C. E. Wheaton, Mrs. Pearl Bchantol, R. B. Oldhnm, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Swart», Mrs. Gertrude Wilson. Mrs. E. E Fraederlck, and Miss Edna Swarfs. llruce Maxey Is now leading all utlier boys In the Springfield Scout troop number 11 in points earned la Ibe achievement content now be­ ing held. He bus 169 points. Scott W right Is In second place with 163 points, Billy Dow has third place with 169 and Frank Stuart is fourth with 149 A number of valuablo prizes have been donated by various organi­ zations which will be awarded next summer. The capital prlxe la a sleeping bag offered by the Lloue club. GLENWOOD GROUP HEARS MRS. OLSON HOSTESS FOR NEEDLECRAFT CLUB LECTURES BY TRAVELER Mrs. Carl Olson and Mrs. Albert Peterson were host(V»ses at the re­ gular meeting of the Needlecratt dub Thursday afternoon at the home of Jhe former. Eighteen were present for the Thanksgiving day program In which prizes were won I. O. O. F. LODGE ELECTS by Mrs L. C M offitt and Mrs. W OFFICERS LAST NIOHT N. Gossler. Mra. M offitt and Mrs. Raleigh Morris was chosen Noble Gossler will be Joint hostesses at Grand of (he local I. O. O. F. lodge the next meeting on December 6 Wednesday evening. Other officers at the home of Mrs. Moffitt. chosen were Lynn Hlone, vice- EXHIBITS grand; Oswald Olson, secretary; RECORDER Karl Girard, treasurer. BEAUTIFUL FALL BLOOMS Bpeclal deputy Grand Master, City Recorder I. M. Peterson has Hans Bertlesen, was here from Eu­ been receiving compliments during gene with a large delegation to pay the past few weeks on the henuti- h li official visit. Charles Poole ful bankets of fall flowers which he also paid a fraternal visit Wednes­ has on his desk at the City hall. day evening. Installation will be They are all grown In our yard at held In January. home proudly states M r. Petenson. Member- of the Glenwood com­ munity club heard Rev. W. ». Bur- goyne of Creswell lecture on his recent trip to the Mediterranean at their monthly meeting Friday evening following (he business ses­ sion. Rev. Ilurgoyne dressed In costumes of the natives of that re­ gion and displayed many articles which he brought home with him. AENEAS CLUB MEETS W ITH MRS. FRAEDERICK Mem ben of tbe Aeneas club were entertained Saturday after noon at the home of Mrs. E. F, Fraederlck at her home north of Eugene. Plans were made at this meeting for a covered dish dinner which will be held at the home of Mrs. M. J. M cKlln in December. pondering the matter of allowing use of the high school gymnasium for school dances. Following (he open meeting held at the City Hall Munday evenlug when opposing gruupa presented a lengthy petition containing names of 240 per»ona, the directors announced that they would consider the matter further before making any declaton on (be original request presented in tbe peflltlon signed by tboae favoring use of the building (or dancing pur­ poses. Healed arguments were present­ ed (or und ugHlimt tbe request du» lug tbe two-hour session Monday night with tbe local paatyrs and Mr». Mel Klee leading In tbe oppo­ sition movement. Today still another petition la being circulated In the city by those supporting the dance Idea. It's sponsors declare they will show by (heir petition that a lutjor tty of parents of students at the high school are In favor of the dance plan. This petition ba» not been presented to tbe school board yet. An analysts of (he petition pres­ ented Monday by the opposing group has been made by Sever! Jacobson, district clerk, and Ibis shows that of the 240 signers 17 do not live In tbe district. 103 have no children In (be school here be­ tween tbe ages of 4 aud 20. and only 66 of the 240 were parents of children In the high school. Thirty-; four signers of tbs first petltlos with 100 names were parents of high school students. Member» of"the Springfield Lions wllh ’ pec‘“ ‘ »•* »Prln« CALL FOR FOOD club will sponsor . drive for fund. / ' * 1“ < * ■ « * * » Sunday Special ser ISSUE muna have been announced at the, for Ibe Boy St-ouls to he made la Mrs. Clifford Wilson Chosen the n«ar future it wa» decided at Christian, Methodist and Full Gos­ New President Or P. T. A. the luncheon meeting held Friday pel churches for Bunday morning. At tbe Christian church Kev. Ren Ask Portion Of Dus* noon. P, J. Hartho'.oniew, Kev I * an C. Poindexter. W K Barnelll Hollister will preach on the sub . Thanksgiving Serving qf hot lunches In the and Tbeliuer J Nelson bave been Ject, "Perpetual named by Lion President Stuart to Tbe church is planning a special Springfield grade schools will start program with a Thanksgiving page­ ,t 7:30 in tbe evening. wat announced this morning. Tbe Springfield K.-rent-Teacher contributed will be turned over to The music will be provided by the the local scout committee to be Murphy-Moshler quartet with Miss asboclallon has made application used In their scout program work. Jewel Cunningham as accompan­ for SERA funds In tbe sum of In previous years funds have been ist. Mrs. M. R. Adams will be the >419.80 with which to employ two persons to prepare the hot lunches raised and the entire amount turn­ reader. and supervise tbe i ervtng at tbe Other -barncten- and those tak­ ed over to the W illam ette Council. This practice was opposed by Dr. ing tbe parts in the pageant will rcht ols. The project was approved Thanksgiving, Mra. Veltie yestciday at the weekly meeting of W. N. Dow. chairman of the local be Pruitt; Petition. Mrs. Lum Ander­ the Lane county relief commltte.-v, committee. and It is expected that It will oe Dr. J. E Richmond of Eugene son; Love. Hasel Nesbitt; Service, hurried through at the next meet­ Muriel Tyson; Pilgrim mother, gave * > bort Illustrated talk show­ ing with miniature flag», the evolu­ Mrs. K. 8. Thatcher; Charity, Bar ing of the state committee In Port­ land. tion of the American continent and bara W alker; Pilgrim children, W ant Thirtsen Weeks the developments which led to the Joan McFarland, and Marie Hollis­ The project calls for tbe employ­ formation of the present flag of the ter; and group of primary children. Dorothy W alker, Dwaln Thomas. ment of the cooks for a period of United States. thirteen weeks. The lunches are Miss Barbara Barnell entertain­ Geraldine Meek, and Phyllis Schaf- really only a warm dish for those fenberg. ed with two xylophone solos. She Methodists will bear a Thanks­ Rtudenb» who bring their sand­ was accompanied by Mrs. Robert giving sermon on the subject. "Am­ wiches and other cold lunch items. Chatterton. erica Gives Thanks" at the morn­ Three days each week they are ing service at which Rev. Dean C. served some form of soup, and n Poindexter will preach. For the the other two days they are given five o'clock vesper hour tbe mess ' hot chocolate. The P. T. A. is depending on con­ age will be "Pictures From the tributions of tbe necessary mater­ Bible.'’ The Burdsy schools w ill meet at ials with which to prepare tbe the nsttal hour of 9:46 and the! lunches again this year as only the _______ yoong people will gather at 6 in. labor will be paid for under the -v- z»i ' the evening for their programs in project. A call was issued this Initiate Two Classes Of Can- the . local , , churches. 7 week for all kinds of vegetables, ,, , didates; Entertain S t a t e _____________ dry beans, soup stock, bacon or salt pork for the bean soup, and Officials Monday BROTHERHOOD ELECTS CROUP ELECTS milk, chocolate and sugar for the HONOR GROUP Monday was a gala day (or Juan-j OFFICERS ON TUESDAY THREE TO MEMBERSHIP hot chocolate. Ita Rebekah lodge when 163 per- _______ Need Soup Materials Any penson wishing to contri­ Mary Elkow, Irene Jessen and Bam Bartholomew was elected sons attended the evening meeting president of tbe Methodist Men's at which time state officers paid a ! j erry Clark were pained as new I bute something to tbe lunch mat­ Brotherhood at their monthly meet­ fraternal visit and two classes of members of the Springfield high erials may leave the materials at ing held Tuesday evening. He w ill; candidates were lnltated into mem gchool chapter of the National either of the grade schools or get succeed F. B. Hamlin when the new bershlp. Tbe attendance set a r e -' Honor society at the special honor in touch with members of the com officers are installed in December. I cord for several years for similar society assembly program held at mittee from the P. T. A. They are U. O. McElhany w»s chosen first j meetings. the school auditorium Friday morn­ Mrs. Chester Chase. Mrs. Laarence M offitt, Mrs. Ella Lombard. Mrs. vice-president; Fiauk Bailey, sec­ A class of six candidates. Doris ing. ond vice-president; -Fiank Bartho­ Gerber, Lola Crabtree. Florence. H arry B. Johnson, principal of Carl Stetnmets. or Mrs. Steinmetz. Plan, for the hot lunches were lomew. third vlce-pm hlent; W m .j lx>ng. Eva Louk. Esther Strunk. ! the Eugene high school, and W. E. G. Hughes, secretary; Dr. W. H. and Irene Ople. was initiated Into Buell, principal of tbe Springfield started here last Friday at the Pollard, treasurer; and Kev. Frank the Springfield lodge, and Mrs. high school, exchanged student monthly meeting of the P. T. A. S. Clemo, chaplain. P. J. Bartholo­ Edna Dolmeyer and Carl Sudro bodies during the day to speak on held at the Lincoln school at which mew was uamed chairman of a were initiated for the Marcola tbe subject. "W hat High School' time Mrs. Clifford Wilson was lodge. membership committee. principals Would Like to Tell T h e ir' named club president to succeed Mrs. H. H. Church, resigned. Miss Betty Ann Macduff was the Visitors were present trom lodges Own Students.” The local parent-teacher unit speaker and described graphically! in Cottage Grove, Eugene. Coburg, Music for the program at which her (rip to Japan the past summer. Marcola. Junction City, Harris Mr. Johnson spoke was provided voted to requer-t that the local burg. Lebanon. Portland. W’alter- j by Barbara Barnell with her xylo- group be permitted to retain a part ville. and one lodge in Idaho. phone. She was accompanied by of the membership dues instead of ODD FELLOWS TO FORM sending the entire amount to the Official visitors were Mrs. Grace Mrs. Robert Chatterton. state office. Mrs. Donald Toomb. Christenson, president of the state COUNTY HOOP LEAGUE Mrs. Pratt Eolveroon and Mrs. W . Rebekah assembly from Portland; C. W right were named on a com­ A meeting of representatives of Mrs. Grace Cooper, marshall of the MANY LANE FARMERS 1. O. O. F. lodges In Lane county state assembly fro^ Eugene; W. F I GET FEDERAL LOANS mittee to tak» this up with the state office. will be held at the Eugene lodge W alker, past grand master; and hall Tuesday evening. December 4, Herbert Walker, past grand rep- j Lane county farmers have re­ at 8:00 o’clock, for the purpose of resentative. both of Eugene. These ceived 662 Federal Land bank and RAILROADS ANNOUNCE forming a county Odd Fellows bas­ officers made a farternal visit and Land Bank commissioner loans for LOW HOLIDAY FARES ket bull league. Rules and régula w ill make their official visit later a total amount of *1.116.369 during lion» and a schedule of games will in tl*< year. the past 18 months since the em­ "Bargain” rouDdtrip railroad be drawn at that time. The refreshment committee In­ ergency mortgage refinancing act ticket», selling at the regular one­ There are fifteen lodges In the cluded Mrs. Elva Adams. Mrs. was passed, it is announced from way fare plus fifty cents, w ill be county and many of them are plan­ Sarah Johns. Mrs. Maude B ryan.! the bank's headquarters in Spok i offered by the Southern Pacific for ning to enter teams. Each team Mrs. Mabel W right, and Mrs. Leda ( ane. travel during the Christmas and will be sponsored by a local lodge Freeland. Mrs. Glenn Stone. Miss Oregon farmers throughout the New Year period, according to an but players may be chosen from Crystal Bryan and Mrs. W llda Cot- state have received 2318 regular announcement Just received here. outside of the organisation. ton had charge of the decorations type land bank loans for *8.761.019 Going on sale at all agencies Springfield is to be represented which were furnished by the K irk- during the same period, and 3708 December 13. the low-fare tickets al Ihe meeting by Elmer Pyne, W il­ land Floral company. Land Bank Commissioner loans f o r ' will be available until January 1, liam Cox. and Lloyd Mattison who A candy sale was held by the F. *7.630.460. or a total of 6026 loans It was stated, and the return trip will manage the local group. L. Girls during the evening. of both types for *16.291.469 Farm­ lim it on all tickets will be Janu­ ers of the four northwest states' ary 16. have received more than *66.000.- Roundtrip travel between all NEW LAUNDRY READY TRANSPORTATION MAJOR 000 In loans which refinanced *80.- points In Oregon. California. A ri­ FOR BUSINESS NOW FACTOR IN EMPLOYMENT 000.000 of old. indebtedness, saving zona and Nevada will be Included them (760.000 a year also In tnter- In the holiday excursion rates, ac­ Mrs. George Green aunounced Automotive, petroleum, aud o th e r, M t charges. cording to tbe announcement. this week that she has completed tradas connected with highw ay' ------------------------------ all preliminary work In starting the transportation provide Jobs and I SETH PARKER PLAYERS New Home Laundry and Is now wages for one out of every six per- WEST SPRINGFIELD MAN reatly to take care of all kinds of sons employed In wholesale, retail, GETS S. P. GRAVEL ORDER PLEASE IN PERFORMANCE cluthes washing. The uew laundry and service trades In the state of A fine performance was given by features the (act that each bundle Oregon. W alter Ransom of West Spring- the Seth Parker players at the ves­ Out of a total of 19.173 wholesale, field has received a contract from of laundry is war-tied In private ma­ per hour in the Methodist church chines. It Is located In the build­ retail and service establishments the Southern Pacific company to Sunday evening. The players were ing at 232 South Second street that operated in 1933 in Oregon, furnish a large amount of gravel presented here under the auspices which formerly housed the Hills 4306, or approximately one-ftfth, delivered on the cars at the Spring-1 of the Ladles Aid society of the grocery. Mrs. Green had been af­ were wholly dependent on motor field depot. Loading of the cans' church and featured Mr. John How­ filiated with the Springfield Laun­ transport, according to figures began this week and a special load- ard and Mrs. W. H. Pollard who dry for several years before start- taken from the recently completed tng device has been erected for this Census Bureau figures for the year purpose. The gravel is being tak en ' played the roles of Mr. and Mrs. lhg her own business. 1*33- ; from the old W llfret plant In West | Seth Parker. Others who took their ----------------------------- i Springfield. It w ill be sent to vari­ parts well were Mrs. Van Valsah, the Brown brothers. S. 8. Potter, DOCTOR IS FATHER ous points for railroad use In th is ' ” Ida Bartholomew, Ruth Pollard, BAPTIST CHURCH CLASS I district. OF THIR D CHILD Glyde Dilley, Sam Bartholomew, HAS PARTY FRIDAY! Sam Bartholomew and Ila Bartho­ Ian Patterson W alker Is the IUKA MEMBERS MEET lomew. name which Dr. and Mrs. Milton V. Members of the Friendly clase The performance was directed by AT LAXTONS’ FRIDAY W alker have chosen for their sec­ of the Baptist Sunday school Mr. Howard. ond son born to them at the Pacific taught by Roy E. Carlton held a Mrs. Edith Laxton will be host­ hospital In Eugene Saturday morn­ social gathering at the church F ri­ ess for members of Iuka circle, SERA BENEFITS FOR ing. November 17. 1934. The child day evening at 7:30. Those In Ladles Auxiliary of the O. A. R. weighed nine and one-fourth charge of the affair were Mrs. Les­ SPRINGFIELD LISTED Friday evening when the group pounds. Dr. and Mrs. W alker were ter Cyr, Miss Maude Chase, and meets at her home at 8 o'clock. Total amounts spent for SERA the parents of one boy and one Miss Ina Hubbard. This meeting waa to have been projects In Springfield up to the girl when lan was born. Mrs. held last week, but was postponed present time have been listed by W alker and lan t-ame home today. PLEASANT HILL CHURCH because of conflicting engage­ Earl M Drew, manager of the Eu­ ment*. gene office showing a total expendi­ WILL HAVE NEW PASTOR CHOIR MUSIC FUND TO ture of *3463.39. This is dlvldod as Rev W aller L. Myers, pastor of CARD CLUB MEMBERS follows: School project, *2934.66; BENEFIT FROM PROGRAM tbe Pleasant H ill church, and re- MEETING IS TONIGHT library book repairs. *144; culverts and bridges. *884.76. Springfield Members of the Methodist church eaiitly elected field secretary of the ------------ will have a potluck dinner In (he Oregon State Christian Endeavor Regular meeting of the O-No also benefltted considerably from church basement this evening. A society, has already started his card club will be held this evening the *2469 59 expended for the oper­ short program will also he given. uew duties. He will devote bis full at the homo of Miss Crystal Bryan, ation of the county portable can­ Funds raised during the evening time to the new position as soon J Several new members who have nery. Many Springfield men have will be used In the purchase of as a successor Is named to t a k * ! Joined the bridge group recently been given employment on projects outside of the city. music tor the church choir. over hki ministerial work. w ill attend the party. REBEKAHS RAVE LARGE MEETING