T l IV HS I >AV, NOVKMHMH 16. »»jj. THE 8PR1NOFIKLD NKWB CHANGE MADE IN HOG 1 H PUN M c D onald theatre to BRING - MERRY W ID O W TO W N A N D VICINITY OLD AGE 4-L MEET SUBJECT ADULT EDUCATION CLASS HONOR SOCIETY WILL STARTED IN SPRINGFIELD NAME THREE MEMBERS Muutlng nights for the adult edu­ Three aenlor atíldenla In the cation claa.es belug conducted «1 ' Im m ortal Song* Of Frana Leh ar ' Springfield high school will lie an- the Bprlugfleld high school by Mra. Retained In F ilm V ern o n I untuned a» new members of the Adeline Holes have been changed Many Attsnd Msstmg— A large We«k-«nd In Portland— Mr. and Of Mueical Romance Springfield chapter of the National since their nnnonoc«d dele« Iasi .Mr». J i u i MacMuoiman speui the delegation from Springfield went “ > Comoengation •«*'•»> •» •" ,,o"or O la ........llb'> b* haW r ,,U> ““ ,ru week aud are now held on Monday. Son«» that will never die and week end In Portland with rale- Junction City Monday to attend U n B m p l° y m g n t , Farmers Pay Tax Now Only that have delighted the world tor uvea. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings And Wage Scale To Be Dis- , the county rally of the Chrlsllau It Selling To Consumer; year», becoming ever increastugly church. An all-day and evening OUSied A t P o r tla n d There will be an address and from 7 until it o'clock. Arithmetic Other System Unchanged . „ , a> ftrwi Viait at Siletx— Mr. aud Mr» W. and bualneva English are laugh! popular, are to « W f t i lt , K H u ll and daughter. Evelyn. program was given ..... music on the program a«ya Mias loriland. t>«» MUll with ____» emphasis being placed ou mul I'» Ok Uiv W M l ____ regulations uudor the Agricultural J. M. Elder and sou of Milwaukee. t v .a s t aud Weatern Blue Dlvtalou» |„ ¥|.ed itplliailoii and dlvtalou of fraullons. tlon ot The Merry Widow, which •“ Slleta. Adju turent Act. effective Novem- ------- Orogon. gild and Mrs. W W. E . Orogon, and Mr. ami ui(l „„junto will b. lu " , ubh | writing lullef» of requeal glut in her t. 1 reae. 1934, F provide« hoga are , -------- opeu . Sunday at the per V I— when .......................... „ Thumb In ju red - Audy Clark ot Crites aud daughter, of l*ortland. a u NU»e.u0or la to Xd lor the ia X . ’ .. w .» . r.tinmii'O hllx qulry «« Monday's a* ignmeui slaughtered by hog producer» and i theatre. No musical romance has Marcola waa lu Springfield Satur were week-end guests ((i( . Individuala for mem > u »u . here hur» »■ Selection of Indlvldua al the the ...u u sem i annual uivuliug ol . i ... lueaday will be devoted to curreul the teedera. th e processing »ax will he ever achieved the same world-wide J;(y avelung lo receive medical liership in the society Is inaile by home ol Mr. and Mr». S. C. Wrlghl. vi. lakuid oí directora. W. C ■tue« «vents, the topi, Hila week belug. _ . . . . ... W ill by ibeui only wheu they «ell ! popularity as "The Merry W idow (.a |¥ , or a c„ , tbutub. faculty members oil Ihe baals of Daughter Born— Mr. and Mre. m ta. president, w ill be lu llie chair, „ liolniship, i.ltllude lu work, and Aie You Vour Own Doctor." Th« ,ne p ro d « « , direct to consum er. ' . « C° “ “ Cu. , . K. , i tveunueuay aubjecl will be a-uoun i ue d tiv c llu g board ol the 4L in alt other caaea. the taxl w l I b e , try .n d u « ) U . * ^ rry WWow ( Hu, uiJ Kaiit. lH)lh „« Willamina. Haymond Sieverts of ¡detienile exlrn curricular acllvlly. d Mouday. bridge are the pareilla of a baby ! I» composed ol 13 em ployes and 13 l>aid by the ftrs-t ptn-onio n r , w , . are ag (amlllar and aa loved Oregon were registered at the daughter borii to them ut the Pad | employers, each elected by hallol All pereons Inlerealed lu thia the hog producer or feeder wh„ p e r , W ait. • * Buenos 8pr,nr |h< M„ ,blHll. , ,.burch when p,,al or other commercial estab har masterpiece are to be heard in To V i.it Daughter-.M rs. S teven . from the Eugene hospital last tore Ihe board this year. ITegld.Ut 1 p ma| u, ho|I„. o( Mr8 . . . h,,„ . ex Metro-Goldwyn-Maver's presents of Bakersfield. California arrived week-end where she underwent an Kuegultx said, include uuewpluy l New o lll,era were elected, plena men! cuuipenaallun, old age pen- It 1.. Drury Mr» Itoy Palmer aud X Z any d rea .« l hogs or parts ¡tlon. c ^ t . r r i s , Maurice Chevalier here Sunday afternoon for an In- operation for appendicitis. were mude lor a homecoming night dona, uud Industry minimum wage Mra. Charles Myers w e r e a s s is t in g irorn a hog producer or feeder, the and Jeanette MacDonald. definite « a lt with her mother. Mr», Obtain Licensaa— Among coup­ and iualullatiou ol officer« were all scules and regulation«. A aeries ol first domestic procession is held to The hauutlngly romantic Villa I Clarence Fandrem. hoat esses. les obtaining licenses to marry at taketi up al Ibe sem i luoulhiy lue -t- local and illalrlct m eetings Just A Thanksgiving program war lug of pine Circle. Neighbors of be the initial act performed by such is sung by Miss MacDonald, as arc Maghe> Finger— Ben Stafney In the county clerk's office Tuesday completed in Gregou. Washington, held consisting of gam»« and persons ewe in handling or ” « preparation, Will Teach Me j Jured his finger badly Monday were Albert Ray Daniela. McKeu y V lO V U D w— > Tonigbl ” Idaho. California aud South Ihtkola pi. ms at which prlxea were won Woodcraft, Wedoesday eveulug tor further distribution or use. In- gel." "Melody of Laughter, and wheu he slammed a car door abut xle Bridge, and Evelyn Holloway. were held to consider resolulious New olflcera of Ibe lodge group eludes any operation connected -Widows Are Gay." Chevalier s He was treated at the office Eugene, and Theodore M. Lajole aud recommendations to the 4L by Mr« Pratt Holvereon. Mr« W N William«. Mrs P. J Crowe, and will be. Al Pobl, paal guardian and Stella B. Brabham, both ot with receiving, storing, cutting, songs include T m Going to Max o{ * l(X.al pbyglclan board. ueigbbor; DeVy Pugh, guaidlau Mrs L. K. Page rendering, etc. < , im '»" and "Girla. Girls. Girls." To W,y e¥rn|nB ww(b Minnie Uirard w ae recu iu in en d ed by them to show whether they are head a huge cast that Includes Ed- Uorothy Fold of Eugene was slight- uary. convention. The 4L I,as trebled ........................... . „ hw for clerk, aud Clarlne Pulmau as It wAs announced this week by P. subject to the tax or whether it has ward Everett Horton, t'na Merkel, ly Injured and two automobiles Ils membership lu llie last year. J. Bartholomew, program chair •euior guardian. already been paid by some prior George Barbier. Minna Gombell. were badly damaged when Ihe ma t hasboliu stated man. ' The usual polluck supper processor or distributor, Packers n ut|j Channing. Sterling Holloway. ¡ chine in which Mrs. Fold was rid- MANY ATTEND BENEFIT The h,.mecoiu>ng program will will lie held at 4 30 and »III be and others selling to Jobbers, re- Donald Meek. Herman Bing and I ¡„g and one driven by Guy Smith DINNER AT WALTERVILLE be given at Ihe ttegl meeting on tallera, etc. are required to include others of note in the elaborate pres of Marcóla crashed head-on In Ev­ GIRLS LEAGUE STARTS i ’“» •••-d “ »• program which will 'feature mu addreaN by Mhm lieUy November 38. Mr«. Pugh. Mra. Pul Springfield I .O. O. F and Rebe in their invoice a statem ent certify- e c tation of the Lehar classic. Hun-, gene late Saturday evening. THANKSGIVING WORK) Ann Macduff on her recent trip man, Mra. Mamie Hlrhmoud and ing that the first domestic process- ¡ dre 1110,11 pew m ber at Creswell. Mohan V. harmonica solos, and Ruth Pollard. and other places. ►'•‘»rence May. Irene Jeaaeu. (|w speaker and HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY field SISTER IS HONORED AT aud Ulga llyrnchuk will have |u |(a Juanita Seamous, aud Eunice TEA BY MRS. BARNELL NOW OPEN DURING DAY Rhinevault, in a number of vocal w et Charge of gulhcrlng the food, aud LODGE ENCAMPMENT TO !..ayt) Holvemou will have charge duets. Mrs. L. W. Seggel of Portland HAVE MEET IN EUGENE of sorting «nd distributing the food. Visiting Today— Mr and Mrs M i The library at the high school Is was honor guest here Tuesday Severson, Faye llolvereou. I | ------------ p. Ebberl of ----------- McMinnville are here j now opeu at all time« during ----------- I Edna — ----------- ------ afternoon at a tea which Mrs. W. CHURCH; AMUSEMENTS R-gular meeting of Wlmawhala Bernice Hmllh. and Miss Iowa Carl , today vlalliug with his slater. Mra school hours and many students K. Baruell gave at her home. Mrs. are making use of Ibe added fa,-III VESPER SERMON TOPIC Eucumpment of I. O. 1). F. will be [OII fa,u lty advi or. gave report« of g l|M Wluxeuretd Seggel is a sister of Mrs. B arn ell1 Many Leave To Attend Dis­ tie« for their »ludy according lo W. held in Eugene Friday evening. I tb »tale meeting which they at-1 ---------------------------- and is supervisor of the handicap­ trict Convention; Spring- K. Buell, principal. Tables have "The Race Between Education November 16. at 7:30. A covered , tend«d revert I ly In Portland. Portland People H e re — Mr and b»»u ped child work in the Eugene reflulabed, Ibe bookcaaea Musical number« by Boh I’ugh field Groups On Program ‘ and Cala. trophe." is the them e of ,lt.-h supper for patriarch» and their Mrs. Ed Jarvis of Portland were along the wall which were built by schools. the morning sermon at the Meth­ fuinilies will precede Ihe meeting at untj Irene Anderson were given dur here over the w eekend visiting Ihe manual training boy« have been During the afternoon Mrs. Buford Many members of Juanita Rebe­ odist church for which Rev. Dean 6:45. Several members of thia |,1K til** program hour. with relatives. Roach sang several solos and was kah lodge have gone to Coburg to­ C. Poindexter will preach. At the 5 camp live In Springfield. flnlibed. and several new chair» q be gjri8 atre planning Io rodec- accompanied by Mrs. Robert Chat­ day to attend the district conven­ o'clock vesper service the pastor have been provided for Ibe study orate league room at the I I 117*11 xa. o r a t e t Ihelr h e i r le a g u e ro om », ■»« terton. and Miss Barbara Barnell ! tion which convened there at 1 will »peat' on the subject: "The A new arm chair baa aleo Farents of Boy— Mr and Mr». room school and are also making plane played been provided for principal In bis ayed giano solos. ; O.c,ock for a«ernoon and evening Methodist Church and Amuse­ Elmer Haken» of Coburg are the * * for i, reception to their mothers. Present were Mrs. Seggel. Mrs. seg8jons „ „ Lee Putmnn. vice- ments.” purenta of a baby sou horn Io litem oflfce. There has b»en no office The Home Economics club met ' Carl Phetteplace. Mrs. Me « l i e ' fQr a al (heir home Tueaday morning. chair for the principal'» desk for Coburg M ethodist Church at the home of Mrs. Boh Evans at z ,* , , r-r, Jones. M rs. W . N Dow. Mrs. Dean Qf Sprl[lgfjel(1 lodge several years. November 13. 1934. A covenant and communion ser­ Gulstinu mill above Dexter Tues CITY WARRANTS CALLED ” Poindexter, Mrs. Susannah Por-1 and. following precedent, the 1935 vice will be held at 9:45. The day afternoon. November 13. for an p0R PAYMENT FRIDAY ter, Mrs. W. E. Buell, Mrs. N. \\ convention will be brought to Church school will meet at 10:45. all day meeting with potluck din _______ Emery, Mra. Chatterton, Mrs. Springfield with Mrs. Putman as tier af noon. Approximately 4470 In oat land- Roach. Mrs. Al Peterson. Mrs. El- chairman. The Misses Florence anil Luellle ¡nK city of Springfield warrants HOLLISTER TO PREACH vin May. Mrs. Marion Hall. Mrs. F. The business sessions are held AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Jordan and Nancy Burnum who ] were called for payment on Friday B. Hamlin. Mrs. Laurence Moffitt, in the afternoon when lodge prob­ are attending State Normal school ,,f this week by W. E. Buell, city Mrs. H. O. Dibblee, Mrs. Carl Ol­ lems are discussed and officers are at Monmouth, speut the w eekend treuaurer. The principal together 4 "The Newness of Christianity" son, Mrs. W. H. Pollard, Mrs. Al chogen After a „upper the evening M U S IC . . LOVE . . A N D LAUGHTER with their parents at Pleasant Hill. with tbe intereHt will amount to will be the subject of the morning fred Morgan. Mrs. Clajence Chase program prf)gram is lg given g(ven by by delegations delegatloM Bonnie Jeanne Tinker, who Is at­ more than 4-r,IM 1 sermon at Che Christian church MfTRO GOLDWYN MAYER PICTURE and Mrs. Olive Rebhan. from various parts of the county, W arrtnla called are numbered a» , Sunday. Rev. Ren Hollister will tending Oregon State college at each organization presenting a M AU R IC I preach at both services during the Corvallis spent Sunday with her follow»: General fund lo and In-j SHRUBS PLANTED IN stunt. eluding number 13763 dated Dec family at Pleasant Hill. In com „ . .. „ . absence of Rev. Veltie Pruitt who this stunt program the F. L. , , .... „ TRIANGLE AT BRIDGE I , For , . , is conducting an evangelistic cam- patty with her brother Lyman Tin­ ember 9. 1930; »treet Improvement girls organization recently organ- , . „„„„ ker and Myrna I-alrd sh e attended fund lo and including number 13.- ! -------------- 6 1 1 IB AX« 6 a t l * ic v c 1EANCTTE n a i a n i n k u vpnp ««tartinif that even paign In Eugene starting even­ Shrubbery and Plants were set here will present a number, ing. The Sunday evening subject the Oregon. Oregon State football 876 dated March 10. 1931; and lib out In the triangle at the W est ■ and members of Rebekah lodge will rary fund up 1», and Including num­ game at Portland Saturday. approach of the Springfield bridge , pregent j i rg o i en n Stone in a here will be "Jesus Said Come.” Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Laird ber 15187 dated August 14. 1934. Friday and Saturday of last week, motored to Portland Saturday to H ostesses At Supper The shrubs are all native Oregon ! _________________________ ________ Mrs. W. C. Wright and Mrs. Ros­ attend the Oregon, Oregon State SOPHOMORE CLASS HAS plants and selected because of coe Perkins entertained at an in­ football game. PARTY FRIDAY NIGHT their ability to grow with but little j The Pleasant Hill public school formal buffet supper at the home care and water during tbe summer ) H N IT lU lf f t O iW O W J C n O W is planning a Thanksgiving pro­ of Mrs. Wright Sunday evening. Members of the sophomore i las» months. The highway departm ent! gram Wednesday. November 28. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. S. at the high school held a claaa > has been reluctant to spend money ■ Pleasant Hill high school home­ party al the old community hall ' C. Wright, Guy Wright. Eugene; COMING SUNDAY for this improvement, but finally Mr. and Mrs. Jim Elder and son of coming will be held Friday night. Friday evening under the direction did so when the labor could be In- ' FOR 4 SMASHING Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. November 30. at the gymnasium of Beth Ople. Marvin Drury, Lil­ eluded In a relief project. No spe­ at which kmc Ihe algnini and pres- lian Butler and Hazel Nesbitt had i Crites and daughter of Portland; cial provision has been made for DAYS! and the members of their fam illes, eut basketball teams will meet. charge of decoration«; Wendell maintenance work at the triangle. Bartholomew. Jeanltie Wither», aud Shrubs are planted in each corner, Juan Htratton, entertainm ent; and and grass has been planted over Itola Wilson. Dick Hlcliardson, and the entire area. Myrna McKinnon, refreshments. Marlon Hall and t'lnrubel Wagner, class advisors, were guests at the party. HEBEKftH LODGE MEETS I I COBURG Upper Willamette I MCDONALDI CHEVALIER MCDONALD EASY L WAY TO illRUN W ITH A LO SELF-HEATING IRON LIGHTS INSTANTLY 1934 Red C ross P oster * Invites Y our M em bership GAS R A N G E Nothing you can buy will give you as much pleasure and real benefit as a new Magic Chef gas range. Don’t wait. Buy yours now and enjoy a happier sum* mer with more freedom and leisure. to e a ra » n t i n » m i u WHIM TM MT « MMM M O I T ’S easy and p lru s n t to Iron with a It saves your atrength. You do better Ironing eaaier and quick* rr at lesa coat. Thia modern Coleman Iron lights Instantly . . . no generating eith match or torch . . . no waiting. Saves you more time and work than a [100 waihing machine. D o a whole ronlng w ith one iron. L Coleman. rhe evenly heated double pointed base rona garment» with fewer strokes. Iron- ng time is reduced one-third. Heats taelf . . . use it anywhere. Makes and irna it» i own gaa. Economical, to o . oats only HP * n h °u' t ° Jome in and see It demonatra SOLD ON EASY TERMS N orthw est ^Wright & Sons Cities Gas Co. Hardware — Furniture Radios — Paint A la d d in MAGIC CHEF INSTANT-LIGHT MANTLE LAMPS Thurston The courtly surveyor was out a few days ago and surveyed for a j new bridge over the slough near ] the A. W. Weaver ranch. Mr. and Mrs. West front I'allfor-; nia recently moved Inlo Ira Nice’s house here. Misses Hazel EdinLdon a n d Genevieve Henry and James Ed- mislon motored to Medford last 1 Friday and attended the normal tchool homecoming In Ashland last Saturday. Miss Hazel Erinistou graduated from there several years ugo. Arch Sliough motored to eastern Oregon the past week-end. John Wllllan from Cottage Grove! was In Thurston on business Tues- j day. Mr. and Mr,. Hufford left Mon [ day for a trip to the coast. They expect to visit Powers, Coquille und other points before returning. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Safely and Miss Nathalie Edmiston have re­ turned from a trip to Los Angeles, California. George Thompson, who had h is ; leg amputated some time ago fol lowing a hunting accident, had to have It amputated higher up a few I days ago but at lest report w a s; improving. Mrs. Lum May from Signal Is I here helping care for bKr s o n , I P r a n k ('.a m n h M ll w h o la ill. Ì Priced at $ 4 .9 5 and up. Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT