PAGE THREE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THUHHDAY, NOVEMHKH 16, 1834 _________ _ ______ Attend Feetball Game— M r aad Visit at Cervelli»— Mr. and Mrs. M B Huntly spent the week-end at Mrs. E. C. Stuart, their eon. Frank, A ST. SERVICE STATION Corvallis visiting with relatives. aud daughter. Nellie, and Mr. and Mrs W. A. Taylor and their niece. A Claasified Directory of Raliabla Goodrich Tires Oregon Ctty Men Here— W alter Dorothy, drove to Salem Monday to Busina** Firm* and Profouional "A Home Owned Station.' Brandt of Oregon City waa here attend the Eugene-Salam Ph. 44 Moudsy visiting at the T. C Barker school football game. People Thia Newspaper Recommends home. to You. Mitchell Service Station W ARR ANT CALL A L I. R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’! SALE Notice la hereby given that City — Yale Tlrea — N O TIC E 18 HER EBY G IVEN , of Springfield warrants are called (¡reusing Baltery Recharging That by virtue of an executlou and for payment aa follows: PHYSICIAN - SURGEON DANCING General Fund up to and Including AUCTIONEERS Expert Radio Repairing by order of Bale laam-d out of the C ir­ cuit Court of the Hi ale of Oregon No. 13763 dated Dec. ». 1*30. _LEE CRAY STUDENTS MATINEE Street Improvement Fund up to for Lane County on the 20th day W. L. BRAY Phone 48-J DR. MILTON V. WALKER and Including No. 13876 dated DANCER of October. 1*34, upon and pur G ENERA L AUCTIO NEER Surgery and D iseases of Womeu 7th and Main Sia. Springfield suant U> a decr'-e given and made March 10. 1931. AT Farm Sales and Livestock Our Library Fund up to and Includ­ 4th and Malu Sta. Springfield by said Coart on tbe 16th day of WINTEROARDEN Specialty. OREGONIAN October. 1934, In a ault pending ing No. 15187 dated August 14, Phone 82 J Every Saturday Afternoon Community Sales therein In which FRED O STICK *»3* SERVICE STATION 2 • C o'clock Interest on said warrants shall ELS. Truatee, waa plaintiff, and Every Wednexday At Ibe Springfield Junction 10c MELVILLE H. JONES. M D. BEAVER S TA TE T IL E COM cease on and after November 1«, I I I Malu St. Springfield GAS AND OILS PANY, a corporation. R O. Bu« 1934. Surgery and Dlaeases of Women W. E. B U ELL, Treasurer, Service Day and Night. hong, aa Trustee Beaver State Tile ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES X Ray aud Pbyalotberapy Springfield. Oregon. AUTO DEALERS Grocery Sundries, Tobacco's and Company, a corporation, bankrupt: Springfield, Oregon E A. Kller.c; P J EDWARDS SprliiKf|el County, Oregon, within six months 1 10 H P. G. E. Motor with entitled Court, which bear» date Could nut aland the bright lights? Ranges and Circulators from the date of this notice. starter and pulley and belt. of the 7th day of November, 1*34 Our cuxlumera did not care Io pay Complete Business Courses 1 Double Screen. Several Lines Including Monlag. Dated and first published Oct. 18, and prescribes that the defendant» the difference. After Nov 10- hack Day and Evening Classes 1 Conveyer with 12 In. belt. above named be required to appear 1934 Linoleum - Inlaid and Felt Base at our old location Pre-N It A 300 Brick A Tile Pallets The personnel of our college la EL81E W H Y T E , Administra­ and answer within four weeks from prices will prevail Recharge 60c. Attractive Prices on Furniture 100 Drain T ile Pallets. experienced and capable, trix ol the estate of James H. the date of the flrat publication of 346 Van Buren • • Phone loos and Ruga. 4 Wheel barrows. 2 spring off- j Sadie H. Pyke—Typing. Bookkeep­ Glllmore. deceased. thia summons, and that said sum­ See Us Before You Buy ing, English. bearing trucks W ELLS A W E L I.9 , Attorneys mons be published once a week for CREAMERIES - 40 Plaster Paría Flower P o t! tour weegd. We Deliver Phone 1188 i Martha Ryan—Shorthand, vocab­ tor Estate. ulary. b u s i n e s s molds. The date of the first publication (O 18-26 — N 1-8-16) Eugene Demand the Beet—Coats no More 648 W illam ette 6 Plaster Paris Floor Tile uf this summons la November 8, arithmetic. NOTICE TO CR EDITO RS BLUE BELL Blanche Mack— Stenotype. molds. 1934. GROCERIES Dairy Product» 1 Mortar and Pestle, Miscl. E. N. Hathaway— B u a I n e a a man­ L. L. RAY, Attorney for Plain­ In tbe County Court of the State small tools, shovels, spare parts, ager. tiff. Post Office Address: Ice Cream. Butter, Cheese, M ilk of Oregon for Ijin e County. extra pulleys, shafting, belting, Miner Building. Eugene, Ore­ DIBBLEES SCHOOL OF EUG ENE FARMERS CREAM ERY. water piping, etc. gon. In the M atter of tbe Estate of MODERN STENOGRAPHY RED & WHITE GROCERY Phone Eugene 638 (N 8-16-23-3*— D 8) and at tbe hour of 1:30 o'clock P. Philip J. Barnet, deceaaed. 841 W illamette. Eugene. Phone 117 Phone 4 Notice Is hereby given that the M. of the same day, at the South­ SU M M O N S Cor. 4th anil M ain .Sta . Springfield CLEANING A DYEING undersigned has been by the above west door of the County Court IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF LUMBER entitled court appointed as admin­ House, Eugene, Lane County, State T H E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR Jimmie's Cleaning Shop istrator of the above entitled of Oregon, offer for sale and sell _______ HOSPITALS L A N E CO UNTY. EUGENE LUMBER CO. at public auction, subject to redem­ JAMES M IT C H E L L estate. H A T T IE E REAM. Plaintiff, va. ption as provided by law, all the PACIFIC HOSPITAL, Our roofing department can turn- * « persons having claims against Clraulng. Preaalug. Alterations. L. Z. M cVAY and U N K N O W N INC. Ish you with roofs that last. Pro- » • « «»Ute i ?„H«ed to right title and Interest of the de­ H EIR S of D A N IE L M cVAY and We Call For and Deliver. fendants in said suit, and all par­ fessional a p p l i c a t o r » ® “|d “ O r a t o r at hla law office ANN McVAY. his wife, both de­ 12th and Hilyard RO YAL Made to Measure Suita. ties claiming by. through or under ceased. and all other persons or Phone 2500 them, or any of them. Io and to 30» Main St.. Springfield. Ph. 76 J R. R. Rlvd. A Grand St.. Eugene 25< ‘th‘“ y parties unknown claiming any the following described real prop­ Eugene. Oregon right, title estate, lien, or Inter­ October. 1934. erty, to-wlt: CABINET SHOP est In the real property des­ The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Admin­ A ll that part of the following cribed in the Plaintiff's Com­ Furnishes a EUGENE HOSPITAL istrator. described tract which lies bet­ SPRINGFIELD CABINET plaint. Defendant (O 26— N 1-8-15-22) "The Friendly Institution" COMPLETE HOME ween the center of the County T O :— U Z. McVay and Unknown SHOP road on the east and the east Phone 1800 Building and Repairing Service. Heirs of Daniel McVay and Ann line of the main track of the Ore­ McVay, his wife, both decayed, NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ! SALE Geo. W. Stephens 1162 W illam ette Eugene For Service Phone Springfield 65 gon a California Railroad also REAL PROPERTY and all other persona or parties un­ Bash, Doors. Glass, or If no answer, phone 34-J. known as the Southern Pacific known claiming any right, title, and General M ill Work NO TIC E Is hereby given that by Springfield. Railway being intended to con­ estate, lien, or Interest in the real LADIES READY-TO-WEAR virtue of an execution and order Used Doors and Wludows vey only that portion of said property described in the Plain­ of sale issued out of the Circuit tract which Is on the east of said tiffs Complaint. Defendants. 4th and C 81s Springfield. Ore. ’ DELLA BORIN'S DRESS SHOE REPAIRING ' Court of the State of Oregon for railroad; said tract described aa SHOP IN T H E NAM E O F T H E S T A T E Hall's Shoe Repair Shop . Lane County this 23rd . day of . Oct- . follows: O F OREGON: You are hereby re­ DENTISTS SPECIAL SWAOGER SUITS 312.76 W e Repeat— We are striving to o*>er. I * 3*; UP°“ and p?r’ u ,?t 5 ° Beginning at a point 64 links quired to appear «kid answer tha ili. . _ well . n as . . the the 8 ga(d decree duly by Phone 2592 easterly from the re-entrant cor­ complaint filed against you In the live up . to .v. the * ^ ilr lt . as C()urt th|g given 23r(, and day made of Qct. DR. O. A. BROWN ner in angle of the donation land above entitled suit within four (4) 67 East Broadway Eugene le t t e r of the National Recovery ober. 1*34, In a suit pending there­ claim No. 53. Notification No. weeks from date of the first pub­ Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. in in which The Pacific Savings Act. «560 In Township Nineteen Sonth lication of this summons, and If Phone 20 J ANGELINE DRESS SHOP 420 Mahi St. & Liwin Association was plaintiff Springfield. of Range Three West of W illam ­ you fall to so appear, for want Eugene. Oregon Sth and Main 81s. Springfield and Ruth F. Bullion and others ette Meridian. an<| running thereof the plaintiff w ill take a were defendants, which execution Residence 728 A Street. Popular Priced Dresses JOHN NELSON SHOE SHOP and order of sale was to me direc­ thence Weat 11.10 chains. North decree In the above entitled court 20.20 chains. So. 89 degrees East against you quieting title to the Allen A. Hosiery General Shoe Repairing ted and commanded me to sell the 11.10 calna. North 1 degree West following described real property, DR. WM. N. DOW 63 E. Broadway Phone 533-W real property hereinafter described Our work Is Guaranteed. Our 4.48 chains. South 89 degrees to-wlt: D E N T IS T to satisfy certain liens and charges Eugene, Oregon prices are most reasonable. East 5.97 chains, to the center of Beginning at the Northweat In said decree specified. 1 w ill on X-Ray Diagnosis — Hours 9 to 12 the county road, thence along corner of Lot 7. in BROOKLYN, Ulve Us a T rial and Be Satisfied. Saturday the 24th day of November said road Sonth 6 degrees 30 min. running thence South *0 feet, 1 to 6 and by appointment. Mr«. Margaret M. Coldren Opposite McKee's Bakery 1934, at the hour of eleven o’clock. West 7.43 H chains, thence Weat thence East »0 feet, thence Office Phone 8 — Res. Phone 67 M O DISTE 607 Main St., Springfield A. M at the southwest door of the 9,27 chain«, and thence South North 90 feet, aud thence West First Nat l Bank Bldg. Springfield , County Court House In Eugene. Remodeling — Designing 12.42 chains to the place of begin­ 90 feet to the place of beginning. MANY FROM SPRINGFIELD 1-ane County. Oregon, offer for »ale And that all and each of you ha Miner Bldg., E. Broadway, Eugene ning. at Public auction for caah. Lot 18 Brookfield Addition to decreed to have no right, title, es­ Phone 3346 CHURCH TO VOTE ON ATTEND MASON MEETING subject to redemption as provided Creswell. Oregon, as platted and tate, lien, or Interest 4n or to the ------------ by law. all of tbe right, title and PROPERTY TRANSFER recorded on Page »4 of Volume aforesaid prentses or hny part LAUNDRIES Among Springfield Mason« who Interest of tbe defendant« In said 4 of Records of Town Platts for thereof. • ........« I - - » s j r s u The order decreeing the service Members of the Presbyterian I-ane County. Oregon. SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY Lots eight (8), fifteen (16), of this summons by the publication lug at Eugene last Thursdny even them In or to the following des- community church at Lenhurg will We Specialise In Silks. Woolens, sixteen (10) and seventeen (17) thereof Is dated October 24th, 1*34. lug were 1. M. Peterson, Arthur crlbed real property, to-wlt: meel November 26 Io vote on the and Curtains. In Brookfield Addition to Crea and directs publication once each The West fifty-three (63) feet Baugh. Harold Stewart, Severt transfer of the property ami a ffili­ Rough Dry - Thrifty Damp Wash week for four (4 ) successive well. Lane County. Oregon. of Lot six (6) In Block seven (7) Jacobson. N. L. Pollard, A. A. John. ation with the national Presbyter­ Date of flrat publication October, weeks, and that date of the first Phone 76-J of Fairmount, an addition to the publication of this summon* la gox, Harry Stewart. Oswald Olson, ian synod. An offer has been made 309 Main St. City of Eugene. Lane County, 26th. 1*34. Springfield Date of laat publication Novem­ October 25th, 1*34. C. E. Wheaton and Ernest Skinner. Oregon. the church members whereby the W IN G A R D & REID. Attorney» Dated this 28rd day of October, ber 22nd. 1*34. Major Operation— Gladys Cooley nnllonnl body will build a new for Plaintiff. C. A. 8W A R T8. Sheriff. Lane 1934. Ill at Home— 8. N. Roberts Is re­ underwent a mnjor operation at Residence and Post Office Ad­ building If the property tltlu Is County. Oregon. C. A. 8W AR TS. Sheriff. dress: Eugene. Oregon. By A. E. HU LEO UA ARD . Deputy transferred according to Rev. the Pacific hospital In Eugene ported to be quite III at his home Bv A B. HULEO AARD. Deputy. O 26— N 1-8-16-83) (O 26— N 1-8-16-33) In Springfield. Monday morning. O 26— N 1-8-16-22) Ralph Clark, minister. SERVICE STATIONS ' WHO IS WHO and What They Do of muu finnille» Writ.- luiiuoUlal«- ly. Iluwlelali. I Hill U IIK 7»M A , Oakland. Calif. IN 8-221 FUR HALE (lue HA72 II. I*, raag» used. In mimm I itMitlll tun Mt. Btate» Power t ’u tr NOTICB TO C R C O IT O R ! Kelat» of Janie L. ( ‘mean. Deceaaed Notice la hereby given that Win 11 Hugh»» baa b»»n by tbe County Court uf tile Htate ol Oreguu. In and for lain» County, appointed Ex ei-utur of Ib» laet will and testa- lueut of Janie ta Cruaau. deceased All peraoue bavlug clalnie agalnet tbe »elate uf eald deceaaed are hereby notified to preaent tbe same. duiy elated anil verified at tbe office of eald execulur In tbe Cl rat National Hank building In Hprlngfleld. Oregon, wltbln all nioutba from thia lat day of Nov •tuber, IPS« WM U. HUGHES, Executor of Ibe I Jia I W ill aud Tealauteut of Jaul» L Cruaau. Deceased A. K W H E E L E R Attorney (N 1 8 15-23 29) Injuraa Knee— George Keller uf Marcola waa brought to Hprlugfleld ttuuday for medical care for au In­ jury to bla kuee. SUM M O N! IN THIS C IR C U IT OOOBT 0» T IIK S TA TE OF OREGON FOH L A N E CO UNTY. Eva Marie High. I'lalutlff. Va Zack Hugh. Defendant To Zack I ’ugb. Defendant IN T H E NAMM OF T H E STATE O F OREGON: You are hereby re­ quired to appear and answer tb« complaint filed agalnet you In tbe above entitled null within tour week» from the day of the flrat publication of thia summons and If you fall to appear or answer fpr want thereof tbe plaintiff will take a decree agaluat you for tbe relief as prayed for agalnet you In »aid complaint to-wit: A decree dleaolv- lug tbe marriage relation now eg- lattng between plaintiff aad de­ fendant. and reatorlng to plaintiff her maiden name of Eva Marte Kocka and auch further relief as may be equitable Tbe order directing aervlce of summons agaluat you by publica­ tion thereof la dated-Octoher 10th. 1*3«. and dlrecta publication once each week for four aucceaalve weeks, and tbe date of first pub llcallou thereof la October lltb . I»S4 C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . At lor ney for Plaintiff, Residence Eugene, Oregon. (O 11-18-36— N U ) Business Directory Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Naturopathic Phyalclan Phone »1-J Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M. 400 Fourth Street Edward C. Privat W a tch m a k e r and Ja w o H r SPRINGFIELD Se. Paattia Wateh Inapeeter First Class Work at Reasonable Priesa. General Law ITactlca I. M. PETERSON Atternay-at-Law City Hull Building Bprtngflsld. Orbgon Reliance Life Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh. Fu. Represented By E. H. TURNER 140 A !L Springfield. Ore. POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e Formerly Walker-Pool» EUGENE— U th S P R IN G FIE LD and Charnelton Telephone 723 2X8 Main Phone 68-J SMART 8TLYING IN EYEGLASSES Proper attention to the style of eyeglasses worn Is as etfec- tltve In yohr personal appear­ ance as the manner in- which you dress your hair or the clotheg you wear. Pictured above Is the Colonial drop-leaf frame In yellow gold. This la Juat one uf many dis­ tinctive styles of frame which are always available at Dr. Meade'« optical store. Your present lenses can be used In many of the more mod­ ern frameg, and tha cost Is sur­ prisingly low. OR. ELLA MEADE OptomAtrtot ■ufana «1 Wei* « Ith THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries 'AXO WBOA 30 isvcoJMi ivo sniw osvinoevsi DMM ao in «¡rarro mvw au * weaxs m » «ax ä * o wo « oy «at «an vern i *IM