Tl I UHHDAY, NOV MM I HUH 16, 1934 THE SPRINGFIELD NEW8 PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS INSURANCE WARNING ISSUED FROM SALEM NEW LAND OPEN FOB HOMESTEADS CONTRACT CLUB HAS DESSERT BRIDGE PARTY NAVAL ACADEMY MAN AVERAGE LUMBER CUT TO BE CH06EN SOON g r eater PER s a w m il l The First t’ongreeahMMil District of Oregoa will have ou» vaeaaey l ®*rdg"“* Salem, Or«.. Nov, 15— (Special» at the Uullsd Htatea Naval Acad —One of the chief problems con­ club last Thursday afternoon when •u>y Iu 1935 The succeaaful aaudt I fronting the state Insurance deperl- THE WILLAMETTE PRESS data will eater tbs academy neat ihe group met at the home of Mrs I meut today Is Ihe Increasing actlvl-1 • ----------- Walter Hvolt (or 4«»«art bridge _ Beattie. _ ...... Wash. Nov 15- A lotti Juna. H. B. MAXEY, Editor 'tie of unlicensed companies and T ra c t O f 40 Acres G razing Mr». Maude Uryau waa a gue«t «f down aad operallug b ' Any young unmarried man not associations which, through mall Land Located Near Spring- Mr». Stewart will be hoetee« tor Oregon and Waablngton with re lea« than «titeen y««rs of age uor Entered M tecoud ciana matter. February 24. 1903. at the pustofttce. solicitation. are furnishing to Ore­ the memberw at tbe next meeting ported to the Weat t'oaal mm n r inure than twenty year« of age uu field; Veta Get Preference Springfield. Oregon gon citizens what purports to be on November 22. ; men'. A.aoclatlon for the week April I may compete. lusuranc? coverage. but which. In ________ ___ ___ •— ending November 3 produced •»- Availability of seven tracts of MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATS hi order Io make the required the time of need, proves to be a dis­ laud for homestead applications Is ' 183.123 hoard feel of lumber This I arrangeinenta R )• uecesaary that >1.00 One Year in Advance . >1.80 Six Months ... ......... H»0,.00 fee. ove. , , , ongreaamau 60< appointment on account of lack of announced Ibis week by \\ II. U. OF O. ENROLLMENT Two Years in advance — >2.50 Three Months responsibility on the part of the Canon, register of Ihe Culled Ihe preceding week Ih e “ * • r"» , j w Mo«l. Waahlll James « Moll. Washington. D u . IS NEAR 2500 MARK THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1934 company or because of limited aud States taunt office at Roseburg. Ex production of this group of ■«* not later than December 6 of his unfair provisions In Ihe policies service meu of any war. military Uulvcrslty of Oregon, Eugene. In 1934 has been 78,629.97. destre Io participate In Ihe t'tvll SOME ASPECTS OE THE DANCE PROBLEM furnished. expedition or military occupation Nov. 15 Enrollment for the rall'f,«.«; during the suine p> riod I« Servhe eiamlnallon Io be held uu The high school dance question is now being argued "Unliccnaod Insurance companies in which the United Stales may term al the University of »trogoli 1933 lllelr weekly average was 75. Jauuary 5, 1936 pro and con by many of our people. It is one of those and associations canuot secure a have engaged are given prefereme lell Just four »(«denis short of the 789.U95 feel. minor things in our life that provokes hot argum ents, lh e liceuse for their agents In Oregon. iu flllug entry claims. hoped for ligure of 2500. II was an The new business reporte«! lust school board now has under consideration the question of ! says Slate Insurance Commission Old Neighbors M«»t — Mr. end Following is the list of tracts uouuced by U. L. I'onstance. a «alai uerm itting a dance club to be organized am ong high school I er A. II. Averill, •'hence they usual available and all. Inquiries should aid registrar tatet lall. 2122 »tu week by 548 mills was 76.401.846 Mrs. *’. M Felino of lioodlaud, hoard feet against a pri«lu>tlcn of Kaima», arrived here last week for students whose parents give them perm ission to dance. ! ly solicit business by mall and. by lie addressed to Mr. Canon: dents were registered The gain From some of the argum ents, however, one would think making extravagant promisee of In­ NEW. Nt»NWL». Sec. 31. T. 4 N.. amounts Io approximately 17 per­ 75,183.123 feet and shipment« of 82. a viali with Mr sud Mrs. I'. E 596.938 feet. Their shipments were Hwarts. The families were neigh th at dancing classes were about to begin a t the high scho< 1. surance protection, succeed In caus- R 2 W„ 240 acres good grating cent. over prialuctlon by 9 9 pervenl and hor In Kan»«« many year« ago. j ing many of our citizens to pay for Ordinarily more than half of the students at the High laud, about 20 acres of S E '.N K 1«, Of all classes and divisions In Ihe current sales were over pro­ school learn to dance before they graduate or quit school, ' Insurance service which they do good farm land, subject to oil and university, the freshman elea, their duction by I 6 percent The orders not receive. Every day brings to gas mineral reservation Locate«! 6 ghows lhe greatest gain II In­ we presume. It is a well known fact th at they learn to last week by this group of dance in public dance halls where the associations-and en­ ! the department inquiries from citi­ mile Northwest of Scappooae, Ore. creased troni 601 lu 1933 fall term hooked Identical mills were under Ihe zens who are suffering as a result vironm ent is not good for the youngster of high school age. W 4N W U . Sec. 27. T. 31 S . K. 9 to 839 for this year, a 38 percent preceding week by about 7.600.000 the operation of these unltcen- Jump. The sophomore class In­ feet or approximately 9.1 percent The prime motive for a high school dance d u b is to i ! of W., 80 acres, good graxtug land, sed companies. The state, too, provide another place at the high school gym nasium to i suffers a loss because It Is deprived part of which cun be farmed, lo­ creased about 20 percent, from 720 take the high school student out of the public dance hall, i of the tees and taxes which should cated about 12 miles northwest to 875. Junior, senior, professional The unfilled order file at these so we are told. Although a few students may learn to dance i be paid. From Ihe policyholder's West Fort Station aud Dothan and graduate studenti are as last mills stood at 30.806.976 board feel, approximately 8.000.000 feel at the high school dance club who would not otherwise, we standpoint, it Is Important that l'oslotflce. Ore. y «Mtr. leas than the week before. The ag­ suppose th a t m ost young people who w ant to dance learu every Insurance company be com­ SB'*NE»4. sec. 15. T. 17 S.. R. I N O T IC E OF E X E C U T R IX ’» » A L E gregate Inventories of 130 mills are one way or another. A practical solution of the problem is pelled to secure a state license W.. 40 acres, good graxtni.laud OF REAL PROPERTY AT 19 4 percent more than at thlg time w hat the backers of the high school dance club are seeking. wherever about 13 miles east of Springfield It operates. This enables PRIVATE »ALE If the dance club is the solution then it should improve high ' him to have last year. to the courts Ore. NOTICE 1» hereby*u lhat school students’ social aondition in the comm unity instead ! of his state recourse 8BH 8W U . See. 31, T. 33 S.. R. pursuant to an ORDER of the in the event of a dls- of lower them. ’ pute over a policy claim, whereas 6 W . 40 acres. 10 acres of which Is Uouuty Court of the State of Ore­ COOKING CLUB GIVES ------------- ♦-------------- gon. for tarn« County, made on the otherwise It would be necessary fair farm land wheu cleared, about 24th day of October. 1934. In the WHO’S BROKE? DINNER FOR FAMILIES 2 mile uorth of Leland. Ore. ; for him to go to the unlicensed matter of Ihe Estate of Vlleua You may be broke and 1 am willing to grant th at I am company's home state to bring suit. tails 12 and 13. Sec 31. I'. 15 ».. Wlckwlre, deceased, Ihe under- Fifty per««ms attended the dinner W h m you go m C alilom U . try broke but “we,” the 120,000.000 people of the United States, This entails an expenditure of time K 7 W.. 6083 acres, about 17 of signed. Edna L Kllnk. Executrix which member« of the cooking the irsin ' HI» ‘ *»•«»»*• k»v« tahso of Ihe Estate of Vilena Wlckwlre. are not broke yet when you consider our assets. . and money almost, tf not quite, which Is bottom land and fair farm place on our lads, rullm aa deceased, will sell at Private Sal« club gave for member« of their land, located about 22 miles west to the highest bidder upon lhe T here are 93 billions of life insurance policies out— | prohibitive," charges are a third less thea families at the Uhrlatlan church last war. Rail fsrvt are mucking about three-fourths of a policy to every m an. woman and of Junction City. Ore. term« and condition« hereinafter Friday evening Included on lhe bottom at 2 t a mil« *»*I lad 5. Sec. 9. T 39 S.. H. 8 W.. mentioned and subject to confirm­ child or nearly four to a family. And if we all died at program for Ihe evening were »elec CcMBPlrts meals in our dining which we sh a n 't- and the insurance companies paid off the free m in in g b u l l e t in s 20.01 acres of level land. 12 of ation by said Court on or after the lions cars cost ns U«U as »or For de­ by Ihe Murphy Moshler qnar 24th day of November. 1934. all whole 93 billions they would then owe— which c®u“ " NOW AT WASHINGTON which are cultivable, and Irrigable of the right, title. Interest and es­ tel. a talk by Rev. Veltle Prultl. tails. see you/ local o* from the Illinois river, or ditch, late of the aald Vilena Wlckwlre. n ’t because folks don’t all dies at once— there would be $«00 write I A. C>rmaA of said County health, and o ther scientific m ethods are used to tool '•Mining and Milling Practices at discharge, and all applicants must Road to 'the place of beginning them , or between 11 and 12 per cent, were employed. and prepare it better for use. Tills cream ery is modern all In IJine County. Oregon. Small Gold Mines.” and 1. C. 6786, file a non-water hole reserve altl- Of all women, m arried and unm arried, 11,000.000 were “Placer Mining in Western United The West 50.4 feel of Ihe Tx'l aud up-to-date and we invite everybody’s patronage. davit and power site reservation Numbered SIX In Block number employed in 1930 as against 4,000.000 in 1900. States.” The last named is part one for the land In Sec. 9. T. 39 8.. H ELEVEN In James Huddleston’« The startling figure is not th a t of women w orkers but of a series of three. Application for Addition to Eugene. Lane Conn of m arried women workers. One-third of the m arried the second and third of the series, 8 W., and mineral reservation as ty. Oregon, according to the women of the District of Columbia are employed. Have yet to be prepared, could doubtless to land In T 4 N.. R. 2 W. As this amended plat thereof, being now Springfield Creamery Co. child-bearing and hom e-m aking ceased to be w orth' w"J!^ be made In advance, suggests Prof­ ts all revested O. and C. land the a part of said Clly of Eugene. purchase price of >2.50 per acre Oregon. _ .. occupations? We used to inveigh against women and child essor Batcheller. The South half of Ihe South must be paid, 50»- per acre at time labor. Then our women leaders pleaded for JT ' half of the Southwest fourth of Keen interest in mining subjects of filing and >2.00 per acre when cognition.” W hat would happen if we replaced 3,000.000 the Northeast quarter of Section is being shown by people in most making proof. In addition to regu m arried women workers with 3,000,000 unemployed men? Four In Township Sixteen South, Range Four West of the Willam­ Would our world come to an end or would it come nearer parts of the state, finds Professor lar fee and commissions. No rights Batcheller. He emphasizes that ap­ may be acquired to said land by ette Meridian except land dea an economic balance?—N ation's Business. crlbed In deed recorded In Vol­ plication for these free federal bul­ settlement In advance of entry, or ume 151 at page 295. and atao letins must be made direct to ohterwlse except in accordance excepting land described In deed A critic writes th a t the average m an is selfish, Washington and not through his with above. X recorded in Volume 165 on Page T here is nothing quite so delightful as a box of will buy himself a com fortable pair of shoes before he w ill office. 137, Lane County Deed Records. donate to famine sufferers. He buys his wife conveniences candles packed to the brim with goodness This la In I-ane County. State of Oregon, because he w ants people to know he is a good husband. containing -nine acres more or LOSES 49 POUNDS OF especially true if It is one of Eggtm ann's beautiful W hatever he does he is alw ays looking out for Number LOWER FREIGHT RATES lees. FAT IN 3 7 D A Y S boxes of selected candle» I lie finest product of the I^ot Numbered Four (4) in One,” says the critic. The w riter did not consider th a t Mr. ON TURKEYS TO CALIF. Rlock Numbered Two (2| In confectioner’s art. Average Man has changed under the new deal th a t does Hendricks' Second Amended Ad­ Says, '•Feet B e tte r T h a n I'v e E v e r away with rugged individualism. He m ight now add that dition to Eugene. Lane County. F e lt In M y L ife ." Lower railroad freight rates on They are the kind of candies you enjoy eating and this selfish man pays a tax on nearly everything he buys to dressed turkeys to California mar­ Orege*« That each parcel of said real Mr«. E. Frtfeman Law write»; help the famine suferers, etc., before he enjoys it. the kind you like to give. We re here to serve you. kets became effectltve on Novem­ "Exactly 37 (lays ago I weighed property, above described, will be ber 8th, according to an announce­ lb«., wag troubled with my kid­ sold as one parcel. We hear a lot about plans for a “ more abundant life,” ment by J. C. Leedy. manager of 242 ney« and ’ dropsical symptom« That the terms of sale will be in the future. I wonder if it is not the “m ore abundant life" the Oregon Turkey Cooperative, After my first bottle of Kruscben twenty per cent (20c£.) cash and I weighed 227 lbs. Now I weigh the balance on eecurlty on or be th a t has put us whsre we are today—a life of living beyond Inc. 193 and never felt better. I'm 26 our means. From Canby. McMinnville, Al­ yr«, old and have 2 »mall children fore one year from date of sale. " W h e r e (h e H ervtc s Is D iffe re n t ---------- «---------- All bids that are offered may be bany and other line points north of —I look and feel not over 20.” left with the Executrix at the office Kruschen Salt» 1» the SAFE of James K King, attorney for Eugene, the new rate will be 75c per 100 pounds to San Francisco healthy way to take off burden­ said Estate. 410 Miner Building. . ■■ some fat—It help» re-establish pro­ territory and >1.05 to Los Angeles per functioning of body organs— Eugene, Oregon, or may be filed territory. From Eugene and south, It energize« and makes you feel with the Executrix. Dated thia 25th day of October. including Roseburg, Grants Pass younger. Complexion clear«, eye« grow brighter — vivacity, physical 1934. and Medford, the new rate will be and which coo tains Four Great Treaiures EDNA L. KLINK. Executrix of charm as well as youthful, «lender 65c per 100 pounds to San Fran­ lines can be your»! Take a half the Estate of Vilens Wlckwlre, cisco and 95c to Los Angeles. level tea«poonful of Kruschen In Deceased. JAMES K. KINO. Attorney for Rates in force from alt of the hot water every morning— FA CING d e fe a t One bottle last« 4 week« You Executrix, 410 Miner Building, above points for the past two years get Kruschen Salt« at Flanery » Eugene, Oregon. W hen Jesus and hi» m other reached the door of the 1 have been 87c to San Francisco can Drug Store or any drug «tore In O 25— N 1-8-15-22) aynagngup on his first retu rn to N azareth a crowd was ~~~ _ _ _ and >1.17 to Los Angeles, while the world. waiting outside. They returned his greeting with a m ixture prevloug to that t)me the ran rates the amount then due and delin­ M 0 N 8 F O R P U B L IC A T IO N of regard and curiosity, and pushed promptly through the frorn the principal turkey produc S U M quent for taxes for Ihe year 1927 In F o re clo su re of T a x L ie n Help build Springfield by »pending your money together with penalty. Interest ano door behind him. filling the little room full. T here was |n(? gectl0Ilg of Oregon were >1.20 THE CIRCUIT COURT OF costs thereon upon the real prop­ here when- it will be u»ed to provide employment and m uch whispering and craning of necks. He made his way to San Francisco and >1.57 to Los 1N THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR erty assessed to you. of which you pay taxe« for city governm ent and uchool». Better to the front of the room, picked up the roll of the prophet Angeles. LANE COUNTY. are the owner us appears of re­ Hervlee and larger and more complete »tocka come» Isaiah, turned around tow ard them and smiled. The organized turkey growers of A F. Fir, Plaintiff, vs. Christian cord. situated In said County and from better patronage. State, and particularly bounded Instantly all his illusions vanished. Instead of sym pa­ Oregon have taken a leading part H. Furre, Defendant. Our« 1 h the flneat grocery »ervice of standard thetic understanding there was only cynicism on those In securing the rate reductions, To Christian H. Furre the above and described as follows, to-wlt: The East *4 of the NB% and brand Htockn a t lowest prlceH. faces. The old woman, his neighbor, whom he had planned which are expected to prove very named defendant. the NW% of NEK and the NE’4 THE NAME OF THE STATE to heal, was sitting prominently in front. She was willing advantageous to all shippers of OF IN OREGON: oi the 8E>4 of section 12 Town­ You are hereby noth dressed poultry this season. ship 18 8c. of Range 6 West of to take a chance on anything, for she had been a long time tied that A. F. Fir the holder ot W. M. In Lane County, Oregon sick; but her look was less a hope than a challenge. The Certificate of Delinquency number You are further notified that substantial meu of the town settled solidly in their appoint­ SEARCH CONTINUES FOR 3201 Isued on the 5th day of Nov­ said A. F. Hr haa paid taxe.-. on ember, 1931 by the Tax Collector ed s^ats, and dared him with their hard eyes to try hiB tricks premises for prior or subse- Grahams or Wafer» KENNARD HURLEY BODY of the County of Lane, State of said on them ! “You have caused a stir in Capernaum ,” they 1 Pound - - - Oregon, for the amount of Seven­ quert years, with the rate of In­ terest on said amounts as follows: seemed to say. “but little old N azareth isn’t so slow. We 2 Lb. Boxes Residents of the upper McKenzie teen 64 100 dollars, the same being 2 Pounds - - - know you. You’re no prophet; you’re just the son of Joseph river are continuing their search Rate Int. Amt. Date paid Tax Receipt No. Year’s tax the carpenter, and you can ’t fool us!” 8% >10.97 54385 of the river for the body of Ken 4 Pounds * 11- 6-31 1927 27.73 64385 Slowly he opened the roll and in tones th at stirred them nard Hurley who disappeared sev 11- 6-31 1928 6.27 61776 11- 6-31 1929 in spite of them selves he began to re a d : eral weeks ago and who Is believed 16.64 61775 11- 6-31 1929 to have been drowned or commit­ 6.86 T he Spirit of the Lord is upon me 40646 11- 5 31 1930 16.48 40545 VAN CAMP'S 11- 6-31 Because he anointed me to preach of good tidings to the ted suicide. Residents along the 1830 6.04 39920 10-10-34 lower river are asked to watch the 1931 poor, 14.23 39919 10-10-34 1931 river as the body may have floated 5.44 33826 He hath sent me to proclaim release to the captives, 10-10-34 1932 down stream. 14.90 33825 10-10-34 1932 And recovery of sight to the blind; 6.85 25325 10-1034 1933-1934 18.70 25324 10-10-34 To set a t liberty them th a t are bruised, 1933-1934 ASHLAND RABBIT SHOW Published Every Thursday at Springfield, l,ane County, Oregon by M is . Harry Stewart won high ' Production score In play of the Uonlract bridge | »urplua »hows »light OalR»! try the train TO CALIFORNIA SINCE HISTORY BEGAN Brim Full o f G oodness F G G I M A N N ’S Irish-Murphy Ge. Z y tíU U C Í ® T U N Trade With the Home Merchants Crackers 25c , g And proclaim the acceptable year of the Ixjrd. ENTRY BLANKS READY He closed the book and handed it back to the a tten d ­ an t. “This day hath this Scripture been fulfilled In your Ecntry blanks ano premium lists ears,” he said simply. T here was an ominous silence in the for the Ashland Rabbit and poultry synagogue. “The eyes of all were fastened upon Him.” He Show may be obtained ut the office knew what they were thinking; they wanted him to do some of the county agent It was announ­ m ighty work such as he had done in Capernaum . ced today by O. 8. Fletcher. The But he knew also the uselessness of trying. The scorn, Ashland Rabbit and Poultry Show th e ignorant self-sufficiency were miracle proof. They will be held on the 7th and 8th of wouW never receive him; never be proud of him. They December under the auspices of m erely wanted him to exhibit himself and they hoped th a t the Ashland Chamber of Com­ merce. he would fall. All standard breeds of rabbits, "No prophet Is acceptable in his own country,” Jesus said to ahem sadly, “Elijah did his greatest works in a for­ chickens, ducks, geese, anxl turkeys eign city; Elisha could accom plish nothing big until he got will be eligible for the cash prem- ( lums. Fully qualified licensed beyond the borders of his hom e.” With a look of Boul-weariness be turned to leave. t ' Judges will award the prlxes. Said Christian H. Furre as the owner of the legal title of the above described property as the same ap­ pears of record, and each of the other persons above named are here­ by notified that A. F. Fir will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree fore­ closing the lien against the prop­ erty above described, and mention­ ed In said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after Ihe first publica­ tion of this summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend thia aetjon or pay the amount due as above shown, to­ gether with costs and accrued In terest, and In case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the Uen of said taxes and costs against the land and premls«'» above named. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable O. F. Skip- worth Judge of the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon for the County of I/ane and said order was made and dated thia 5th day of ovember, 1934 and th«» dale of the first publication of this summons Is the 8th day of November, 1934. All process and papers In this proceeding may be served upon the undersigned residing within the State of Oregon at the address hereafter mentioned. WM. W. HARCOMBE. Attor­ ney for Plaintiff. Address 302 Tiffany Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. (N 8-15-82-8»—D •) Handy Brooms Each 49*? S.&W. Coffee 29c 5 6c - 51.1 1 Tomato Juice and TOMATO SOUP 2 Large Cans 19c Pearls of Wheat Package 19c