\ THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPUING FIELD, LANK COUNTY, OREGON, TH IH TY -FIH H T YKA. SCHOOL DANCEü WILL BE ARGUED Directora Will H»ar All Side» 01 Queatlon At Spaclal Meetmg Noxt Monday ASK 8TUDENT CONTROL "6 HIGH SCHOOL k STUDENTS DANCE Th«r« »r« 1M students who dauce In lb« high atliool and 12« who do not according to a poll laksu Ml lb« echoiil today at lh» request of a local mlulater and with permlaalnn of lb« school board, The questions submitted Io lh« students and the number of ana worn follow: 1. Ibi you attend public or prl vat« dance«T Yua 160. No 12«. I. I( dub dance« were perinll lad at tbe gymnasium would you attend Yea 17». No 100 NO. 43 THURSDAY, NOVBaiBCK 16. 1M4 __ _ HOLDS h' d Cr° s L D¿ veL INITIAIIÛN SET G" lL s ™ * t0„ QUIET ULUUIUII SESSION Annua( Ro|| Ca)i L>d Wl BI hWMWi. L006E GRUUP,o fa yuiui NEK PEOPLE TAKE OVER BUSINESS Springfield Springfield Group Group Outline« Rebekah'» To Take Class Ot Active Program; Hike Is Management Of Springfield New Mayor Take« Office But Planned For Saturday Laundry Changes In Rapid Six Monday Night; Hold Watches City Father» Firs Eventa of Week-end First Officer Nominations Clean Up Old Busine«« A regular schedule of meeting,. ' Literature was distributed this and activities at each baa beet week aud some solicitors for tbe First nomination of officers for HOME PLANT IS OPENED K. II. Turner was sworn In and prepared by tbe Hprlngfleld Giri Agaii By P. J. Bartholomew; An* nounces Committee Help annual lied Cross Roll Call were the next term were held and plans look bis oath of office shortly after appointed by I*. J. Bartholomew, were made for tbe Initiation of six Scouts recently and provides for New Manager Takes Over III» opening of the uiouthly meet- Proponent» Organize Thia chairman for Hprlngfleld for tbe candidates at tbe weekly meeting each meeting of tbe month except lug of tbe (Tty counnll Tutwdayl Dry Cleaning Plant Here; tbe fourth which is open. third consecutive year. Week; Opposition Heard; of Juanita Kebekali lodge Monday evening 11» did not take over his Mitchell Ordered To Rest Those already appointed lo inuke I They will devote them selves U No Announcement leeued duties at once, however, preferlng bad:« work the first meeting ot to sit as a spectator while W. A.j tbe solicitation are Mm. l-um Au j o fflc „ , UOInlnated are Maxine each month. Tbe second m eetin g1 Business activities in Hprlngfleld Supporters aud oppouaul« o( tbe 1 Taylor, president of tbe Council, dersou, Mrs W G Hughes. Mrs. I „„odgrass, noble grand; Eleanor have taken on a decidedly new will be devoted to folk dancing and Dean C. Poindexter, Mrs W. C. 8lnl, b Erma Nolt, Crystal Bryan. plau to organise a uance club In ; { who has been acting mayor, pres- complexion thia week with many Iba blgb school among atudeuta.j Wright. Miss Faye Parsons. Mrs. vice-grand, Doris Ulrard, recording songs. For tbe third meeting they , Ided and disposed of all the old E. C. Htuart, Mrs. John Henderer secretary; Mrs Marie Pobl. treas­ will occupy them selves with handl changes io management and loca­ wbo have Ibelr parenta consent Io business. Heveral town-people were und Miss Dorothe Mae Potter, six urer; and Mrs. Cora Hinson, fin­ craft projects. All m eeting, are tions announced during what was dance, will be beard al a special present to w itness tbe Induction of expected to have been a very quiet more will oe appointed soon. held on Monday afternoon at the meeting of Iba acbooi board Moo ancial secretary. ' Hie new mayor. we k-end with a double holiday be­ Lincoln school. First tnembersblp in the Hprlng day avaulng After tbe baarlug the _____ Committee members to arrange Routine and unfinished liualness cause of Armistice day. T esla for merit badges will be board exp ect. to make a final da ¡ M b m Qf p#na|tje. Called In occupied the Council most of tbe field district bas been taken by for tbe Initiation next Monday At tbe Hprlngfleld Laundry whlcn beld tbe second and -fourth Satur­ Mrs Mabel Tyson. Mr». Tyson and clalon Krum tbe Interest abowu Mr. Gootch, has been operating for Grove Game Stop« Marches evening Nu one stood up to com her late busbaud bave always evening are Mrs. Elva Adams. Mrs. days of each month. Monday ulgbt’s maetlug le «»pact Harab Johns, Mrs. Maude Bryan. men! on the petition of Ibe Htate W. H. Hobbs, owner. Mr. O -oteb To Goal Line Monday taken an active interest In tbe ad Io ba wall attended. Mrs Meda Catching. Mrs. Mabel ianid Hoard In seeking the vaca­ Starting Haturday of Ibis week. re, |red gnd # new manayel,.ent work of the Bed Crocs aud other j w right and Mrs. Leta Freeland. Tba orlglual application to dance tenderfoot tests will be given at lakeD oyer the busln sv. bprlugflald blgb school football tion of certain streets and alleys supported by loo uatnea ou a pall player« lost tbalr annual eticouuter lu property owned by the Hoard relief associations In this comtnun Members of the decorating com­ one o'clock at the borne of tbe lion from parents and olbar (III- with Cottage (Trove blgb In an and which It Is now trying to sell. By mittee are Mrs. Glen Stone, Mrs. ir o n , captain. Mies Eunice Gerber. 1 Solicitors will Invite every resi­ Wllda Cotton snd Miss Crystal Conner and laundre s merit badge, James . ten« or man > , sana asked for dancing at tbe blgb Armistice day gam» Mouday In tbe An ordinance prepared by the (Tty teat, will be given by Mrs W C .” “ P1“ *“ “ school parties. Tba acbool board Houtb Lane city, but It was not Recorder was given tbe first two dent of Hprlngfleld to contribute Bryan. Wright at her home Saturday at < ' I!ck n es. lias decided to submit II ouly tor a until tbe final whistle blew, and the reading and held until the Decem­ one dollar or more for a member­ Mr. and Mrs. E. H Long. Mrs. special group, Iba dances to ba Springfield team bad outplayed the ber meeting for the third and final ship or a renewal In tbe Kcd Cross j I P. H. Groves snd Miss Eva Brooke, 2 o'clock. A, 9 o'clock Saturday Eugene to operate the busine s morning W. H Adrian will give while Mr. Mltche.l take, an en- chapter. They will continue Ibelr (Uparvlaed aud b U(ied by , bv BUU.rtain. team of last year. school board baa laid down certain l-aler lu the sewsou a team will evening from November 18 to 27, day morning, were held here Tuea- mep h a w fam ilies and have an- litaque H iu lt b . fleet half-back, re m it com m ittee Including Mrs. u U ilaiu a regulations tbat w ill be „.,«-.r ..b e formed to play In tbe county except Saturday starting at 7:30, day at 10:30 from the Poole fu- DOunced that they will bring them waa another casualty In Ibe G rove, Fr< d Louk. Mrs. Wandu Myers required If Ibe dauc-e group la per a broken MrHC la r a Taylor and Ml-» Thelma Bugue. but the local play off will and will Te'“ ure the NOrV*7e“^ neral borne. Rev. Dean C. Poindex- to Springfield Just as soon as they game, coiniog b o rn e wltb w ltled. reeaey ,ln,t lo »,ve u*or,# players Christian College male quartet In ter. pastor of tbe Methodist church, get their new business reorganized anee. Regulations Listed Member, of the December social an opportunity to take part in the negro spiritual, and other songs of officiated, and Interment was made an(j find suitable living quarters, These regulations Include t b e , Vudauuted by tbelr defeat Mon-1 in the Laurel Hill cemetery. Paul They are enthusiastic about their Interest day Mariou Hall and hla boys are committee announced at the meet sport. Topics for the services have been Potter sang two solos and was ac new venture and have been busy following provision«: lug are as follows: Mrs. Emerson Those interested In Joining one announced as follows: "Is the Bible companled by his sister. Miss Doro- meeting their patrons and getting A dance group shall be organised busy practicing for their second Brlckey, Miss Erma Nuit. Miss Ber o f these imjependeut teams are in­ game this week lu be played Hat Inspired of God?" "When 1 Was a the Mae Potter. their work started since they began by ibe students wbo wish to dance nice Conoly, and Miss Eleanor vited to meet at the gymnasium Robber." "Back to Christ or on to Mr. Prather passed away follow- bunsinees Tuesday. in tbe high acbool gymnasium and urday when Ibe team goes to Hmlth. where regular practice or games Chaos." "The Freedom of Tithing.” ing a long illness, extending back Mrs Urlck wbo wm manage the officers elected. Oflfcera unmet Dallas. will be held every Tuesday even­ "Why I Believe In G od,' " How to to the year following his moving ciean|ng shop comes to Springfield A large delegation of Hprlngfleld will be reported to tbe school board ing. Open the Windows of Heaven,” here, and the time of Mrs. Prather's from one of tbe largest Eugene aud they will be beld responsible people weut to Cottage Grove Mou GIRLS GROUP TO MEET day to watch tbe gam». "Foolish Young Women," "Jesus death. HERE FRIDAY NIGHT for tba management, student con­ cleaning plants. She has been here HATTIE MITCHELL GIRLS and the Church Treasury." "How to He was born at W allacevilie, a( various times and is already ac- duct at dances, enforcement of Members of the F. L. club ot HAVE MEETING TUESDAY End ,h‘‘ ^ p ression ," "26 R*™ ”» Pennsylvanla on June 2«. 1862 and qUajnted wuu most of the details rules, aud Inviting Ibe patrons and BAPTIST MISSION GROUP i Juanita Rebekah lodge will meet I Why Every Christian Should on February 26. 1880 was married jb i local business. Mr. Mitchell patronesses. PLANS BOX FOR MISSION at ib e h o m e of Miss Crystal Hryan MoIllbl) meeting of the Hattie Tithe,” and "Paul, the Unashamed." to Miss Elizabeth Borntrager In w„, probably spend several months Membership lu tbe deuce group Friday evening for their November; M,tcbel, missionary circle of the ------- -------------------- Pennsylvania. They came to South vacationing at the home of bis par shall be open to all students In tbe A series of meetings will be beld gathering This will be a combined Dakota In l»01. and came to Ore- enta at Agbiand. high acbool upon tbs written con­ ¡Christian church was beld at the |UKA M£MBERS START soon fur the purpose of preparing business aud social uffalr. gon in ?«11 settling at Hubbard. Aitbough all stocks of the Adams 1 home of Mrs. Walter Taylor Tues- sent of tbelr parents or guardian. articles to be Included lu the While Tbe club was recently orgaulied Jav e , enln< A dluaer preteded , be TICKET SALE FOR PARTY In 1»29 they came to Springfield geed >nd feed bu8inegg bave been Admission to dances shall be by which Mra » R. M. - Day I ----------- Cross box which tbe M issionary; In Hprlngfleld and consists of th » | meetlng making their home on the small moyed ¡nt0 the new business, in- card or by checking off tbe roster Members of Iuka circle number farrn near ML Vernon members of Juanita ’ sla te missionary society president. society of the Baptist church will younger stallation of the feed grinding and aud only students who are mem­ 37. are now selling tickets for their send to the ludtaii mlsslou at Tul-1 lodge. He was a member of the Metti mixing machinery hasn't been com­ ' spoke and told ot ber experiences bers of tbe dance group shall be benefit card party to be held on odist church, and Is survived by acca, Arlxona for tbe Cbrlstmas at the national convention In D es| pleted. Millwrights are now setting udmllted. Membership may be sus­ Tuesday evening, November 37. three children, Mrs. George Dosier, holidays. Final plana for the work MRS. PRIVAT HOSTESS Moines in October. the machinery up in the new loca­ pended temporarily or cancelled by Proceeds from the party will be Springfield route 1, K. B. Prather, were made Tue-day when tbe the officers of tbe dance group (or Irene Anderson led the study uged finishing the room which Salem, and Mra. R. J. Rabinson. tion and Mr. Adam- expected to be group met with Mrs W. H. Cook FOR PRISCILLA MEMBERS ready to resume this part of his violation of tbe rules or other mis period which was devoted to Japan , be |O )jge group will occupy In the Eugene. business by the latter part of toe conduct. Dance admission charge aa hostess. Members of the Priscilla c lu b 1 and America, and Pearl Heller ara,ory. Miss Melba Harris is chalr- Mr. Prather was well-known In week. Mrs. Kenneth Toblus was In were shall be fixed by dance officers. eutertalned last Thursday ! bruutj bad charge of the devotion- ■ lua U for the party arrangements his community for his development Bakery to Expand Not mors than two dances shall charge of tbe program which wus | sftertioon at the home of Mrs Ed als. Preceding the study period d tk.Uehi niay be purchased from . f a h orChard In two McKee • has recently completed be beld In any oue school montb. baaed on Japan. Hhe was assisted ward G Prlvai for their regular <’aro| | ne Thomas played several her or any members of the clrele. • vears and for his melon and refinishing of the Interior of his Dancaa eball not be held preceding by Mrs. Elmo Chase. Mrs. Roy meeting Mrs. Lynn Stone was as gu|tar numbers. Mrs. C. F. Egglumnu and Miss hiva ,.,nial’ rroDs bakery, painting and kalsominlng tomato crop«. any school day nor on Sundays Carlton. Mrs Ada McPherson, Mrs sisting hostess. Mr«. R. L. D r u r y __________________ 1 Louk are assisting Miss Harris, I the Woodwork, walls and celltag. and shall terminate not later than Cook aud Mrs. Ira Nice. snd Mrs. Earl Thompson were KENSINGTON MEMBERS i The circle aud tbe American Lo- EPWORTH LEAGUE TAKES When the former feed rooms are 11 o'clock P- m. guests. For the .n o tin g on Nov-j _ u l> lt S T I I g tt akl w |„ be held at this time. brother of W. E. Buell. Spriugfleld x»r program given by members of livestock sale across the «tree QuMtl> a( the Friday m eeting hlgh gchoo, pr|nc|pa, dted at bls tbat church. They later returned to frotn his former location. nouncement «ball be made that stu­ ne local congregation. Thirty par- KrlUuy evenlo« for their monthly sons were present for the affair social. Tile entertainment Included were y rg Elvln May, Mrs. Laur- dent« and parent« may diatingulah home at Dallas Tuesday evening. the Cornell horns where they were Mrg Aiva Chand- clearly between dance« and other whlch was held In the < hurch bate I’ tun,B “,,d 8“uie« suggested b y : ence c He had been In poor health, but guests of Miss Coleen Cornell for CIVIC CLUB MEMBERS each persons present. Refresh-, ,er Mrg F,oyd Thompgott aud Mrs. parti«« or «octal entertainment be­ inent. HAVE LUNCHEON MEET none of his family realized the seri­ a social meeting. New members of incuts were enjoyed later In the , (’. M. Felino. fore «tudent« attend. ousness of his ailment. He leaves the league are Arleen Barrett, Junitors and patrons and patrones- evening. Parents of students In the dance ses to help enforce Lie same. Members of the Civic club were his widow, four daughters and one Gwendolyn Barrett, Clarabel Brood, group, members of the school board guests of Mrs. D. B. Saltsman at Ruby Brood, Floyd, Frances and son. Funeral arrangements are NEEDLECRAFT MEMBERS All student dances shall be held COUNTY CHAMBER MEET and faculty member« and tbelr Fern Cornell, Selma Clement, June her home for a one o’clock luncb- al the high school gymnasium and TO BE NOVEMBER 22 MEETING TO BE TODAY pending. wive« or escorts will he admitted Dnrham. Myrna McKinnon, Ila Pet ! eon Tuesday. This was the regular nowhere else and authority to hold to the student dances but the erson. Mildred Tuhy, and Lunetta monthly meeting of the club. They same shall terminate at the end of PAST MATRONS WORK ON Monthly meeting of the Lane i Mf8- Olson Is hostess at her dance« shall not be open to the spent the afternoon working on a Bales. County Chamber of Commerce will home this afternoon starting at QUILT FOR LODGE HOME general public either as particip­ the school year. quilt and made plana to aid the Dances shall be conducted from be held nt Oakridge on November 2:30 to members of the Needlecraft ants or spectators. school for handicapped children in Members of the Past M atron s' CARD CLUB TAKES NEW Students attending dances «ball ail educational standpolin ns, well 22. one week later thun the usual sewing club. Mrs. Albert Peterson Eugene. Mrs. Page reported on the Hie assisting hostess. club of Cascade chapter 0 . E. 8. MEMBERS INTO GROUP recqnt convention of federated not be allowed to leave the gym­ »s for social recreation^ Presum­ lime. It has been announced by F. worked on a quilt at their meeting nasium to «It out danc«« In parked ably students are attehdlng high B. Hamlin, secretary. The third ' clubs held In Springfield. Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Mary Elisabeth Whitney, school In order to attain n more Thur day falls so early this month DR. DOW WILL LEAD cars or other place«. DENTAL DISCUSSION Mra C E Wheaton. When the Mlse Joey Hardy, and Mies C ryxU l, Rule« of personal conduct «hall cultural life and a hroadei* know -1 making n later meeting date ad- DENTAL Diw uu&aiun )g fintghe<) ft w|U be gent to!Bryan wgre tnltlated lnt0 the O-Noj EVANGELIST CLASS OF ba formulated as necessary by tbe bedge of the arts and sciences visable. the Masonic home at Forest Grove. card club last Thursday evening | CHURCH AT SERVICE Dr. W. N. Dow. Springfield den student dance officers with the ai- which will enable them to live bet­ Mrs. C. A. Swarts will be hostess when the group met at the home of ter. Attention should therefore be list, will lead the discussion at the GLENWOOD LADIES TO ilatanc» of the high ichool faculty Members of the Evangelist class MAKE BENEFIT QUILT meeting of the Southern Wiliam- for the club at her home In Eugene Mrs. Wllda Cotton. Mrs. Arah Nell of the Springfield Christian church members. Amendment to these ori­ given to bnllroom etiquette, posture Brlckey won high score prise and _______ ette dental society to be held at the f° r ,hp December meeting. ginal article« shall only be done by and correct dancing, and a m o re' honor prise went to Miss Clyde held a potluck supper at the home refined atmosphere than prevails I Ladles of the Glenwood comtnun- Osburn hotel In Eugene Saturday — — — the consent of the school board. Dilley. The group will meet at the of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Richards In at many dances should be the aim Ity will gather at the home of Mrs evening. Dr. R. J. We’nhelmer will LIONS OFFICERS HAVE Allow Student Control Eugene Friday evening November of the high school dance group. Bert Manahlp Friday evening t o , offer a paper, and Dr. C. L. Sch- CHARGE OF PROGRAM home of Miss Bryan on November ». Following the dinner the group Enforcement of all regulations 22 for their next meeting. ! • --------- Copies of these rules shall be work on a piece quilt which Is to ) werlng will conduct a clinic. «ball bo In the bands of tbe stu­ attended the services at the Fair- ---------------------------- Lion President, E. C. Stuart and, dent dance officers. They are here­ posted on the high school bulletin be sold and the money raised con mount Christian church where Hu­ Attend Ball Game—Among those by given authority to prohibit at­ board and In the gymnasium. Viola tiibuted to the Doernbecher hoa ' Visits Mother — Miss Robert the club's talltwleter, Dr W. N. bert Slas, former member of the tendance of any person or persona tlon of any of the; e rules sha'l be plliil for crippled children In Port Brady of Oceanside. California lx Dow, w ill have charge of the pro­ who attended the football game In class, is holding evangelltlc m eet­ Portland Saturday were Maxiue gram at the semi-monthly meeting violating these regulations or other shall be sufficient for the board to land. A potluck «upper will be held here thia week to visit with her Snodgrass, Margaret Mortensen, ings. About 20 member» were pre« rule« they may m ake and are privi­ withdraw the privilege of holding preceding the quilting and all are mother, Mrs. Lusby, and other re­ of the Lione club Friday noon at ent. Loyd Qarrleon, anti Lon Miles. Taylor halL •tuaent dances at any time. asked to bring a covered dish. latlvea. lege to call upon fncnlty m< football Team to Meet Dallas HOOP LEAGUE IS PLAHHED IN GUI B.S. PRATHER IS CALLED BI BEAT H :