T lim tg n A V . NOVKMBEH H, lt>34 Members LAhO P0LIG1 IS Church Plan New Work . HELD NEED HEBE TOWN AND VICINITY ITHBEE-C 1 STATE DEFENDED Blanch, Bales la EL. BAXTER OIES 8, BlarriaJ Saan m H Announcement 01 Wedding Returns from South Hubert Sprains Ankle—Mrs. W N. Dow Woods* former resident of Spring , * To Independence Man Nov­ VYitt Born In Springfield. And suffered a painful injury to her Budget And Nominating Com­ field who has been liviug in Art Forest Official Say» C. C. c. Lived Entire Life In Len»; ankle Monday while working at her ember 10 Made At Shower Survey Would Establish Pro­ mittees Chosen For Christ- home. tuna for some time, lias relumed Work In Oragon-Waghing- Funeral Held Wedneedny ¡an Church By Board to make his borne here again fitable Areas And Control ton Worth $15,175.946 The marriage of Blench. Betsa Catch Fish—Donald Toomb and of Springfield to Charles Wilson of j A lifelong and pronilnenl citiseli Program Regulate Usage Clifford Wilson brought home, Visite from The Dalle»— Mr. and Flans for the new year of actlv Recreational projects worth mil Independence will be solemnised ,lf tutuu county Everett I. Ilaxter, Mrs. Albert Splckertnan and daugh­ lions of dollars lo lite Pacific north­ Rural tax. debt and relief condi­ Ity at the Christian church were many nice salmon trout from the «way ut bis lumie near Dex ter. Edna, of The Iktllea. spent the west luive basa partially or wholly Itere Saturday a< ’be home ol Mias put under way her- last Thursday Cll.,4t w(,er a fishing trip Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray ter «m Hallinta)' evenlng November tions in Oregon and other states first of the week here visiting with ( vu„ , r Buies' parents evenirg when the Church Board have «mphasiaed the need of a per­ 3. at the age of 50 peura Get Marriage Llcsnss—James W Mr. and Mi s Lloyd Williams I he ..****l I forests • tl i:»l » moud Bal««» valtou corps In Ihe . .««a»A national of the (orlheom Mr. Baxter wa» I mmo In Hprlug manent land use policy which will named members of the budget com itoharl and Florence A. Knowles, Announcement (wo ladles are sisters. of Oregon and Washington. accord lag W. ddlng WUS made bere Frlday , ru,|tl „„ fe.ptember, 1**4 and tlved help put f aim mg on a more stable inlttee and of the nominating com both of Trent, obtained a marriage and profitable basis and reduce un­ mittee. Returns to Work— Miss l.ulu Mc­ lug to statements given out by the cvetilng al a miei eilnneoua showei ,„,re for mut» peura. He llvcd In license at th e county clerk's office Members named on the budget necessary public expense, says A. Pherson returned to her work in V. S. lorest service. Total nvconi oven in honor of Miss Bair, by Lull county bis eliilre IKslima. Saturday. S. Burrier, farm management spe­ commute are W. A. Taylor. B O th. office of the Mountain States |,|| lime Ute In the two states since Miss Mary Anu and Eva bouk al and ai hl» hom» near Dealer for Students Give Program — StU- Power company Monday following th? Inception of Hie CCC In April. cialist at Oregon State college now Smith. E. E Pyne. Ulen Robertson. the past 15 years their home. serviug as laud planning consult­ Mrs. D. B Murphy. Mrs Dan Peter-! j ellt8 appearing on the program at |( absvIlc,, ()f three week during 1833. sre valued si »15.175.846 He was married to Miss Htelln Guests for Ihe evening were Mrs Visitors to the hundreds of re Surah Johns. Mra. Lee Pulman. Blakely In Eugene ou January 3, son. Mrs. Elva Adams. ; the Springfield high school weekly , ,le serious Illness of her mother. ant for this state. creatluu spots In Oregon slid Wash Mrs C. F Egglmann, Mrs Hoy 1809 lie was u member of the Those chosen to present nemtna- assembly program Friday morning "The need for a permanent land Son Visit»— Fred Montgomery lligtou have been Impressed the use policy for Oregon has been tlons are Elmer Ferguson. Ren Hoi- were Fern Cornell, vocalist with Pugh. Mrs. Fred l«ouk. Miss Ina Chrlellan church of Trent. brought to the attention of federal, lister, R E. Moshler. Mrs Ida Kyle Smith as accampunlssl. Aus Was an overnight guest here Sun past summer by the Improved ac Plement. Miss Melba Harris. Ml.« Hiirvlvors Include Ills widow. Mrs tin Lewis, violin, and Marvin Stan day at the home of his mother. commodiiHoiis they have found Ap Ilernadlne McFarland. Mis« Kivu Stella Baiter, one daughter. Eul state and county officials by the Adams. Mrs. Stella McPherson. Mrs Rosa Montgomery. He spent proxlniutely 1150 acres of free pub­ niford. mandolin. prevalence of loug-time tax and Moyer. ML. Lucille Clearwater. ettna Baxter and two sona. Dnrwlu The committees will report and the first of the week at Oakridge lic eiiinp grounds have heeu pre­ farm mortgage delinquency in many Concealed Weapon— Jasper I.. before returning to his home at pared by the civilian conservation Miss Jean Lonk. Mis« Essell Adams aud Clifford llaxier. all of Dealer; elections will be held at the first ; areas, a mounting demand for ex­ December meeting of the church I Toll of Eugene was fined »15 f«*] corvallta. two tsiers. Mrs W M OiMidtuan and Miss Hates corps Many hundreds of necessary tension of public relief to rural Dextar. aud Mrs Hesste llemphlil Miss Hat««» 1» a graduate of the membership to be held December' carrying a concealed weapon last families, and the threatened disrup­ Many Stop at Hotel—Aiming the buildings and other facilities that class of IMS at Springfield high of Modesto, California, one anti', Annual meeting of the church week-end when brought before Dan go with these grounds also have tion of public services such as Jobn-ton. justice of the peace. Toll, liersons registered nt the Spring- be.11 completed A total of 184.000 •cbool nud attended Monmouth Miss Alii Wheeler. ITeaaaut lllll; schools and roads in many com will be held at tjiat time also. and four uncles. II C. Wheeler, Held hotel Saturday and Sunday normal for one year. was arrested in Springfield and a| feet of water pipe line has been munities due to an inadequate lax The wedding Is to be held al * l-lcasutit lllll. W I.. Wheeler. loaded pistol was trken away from were Rex Wellman aud Omer laid, providing free water for cutup base. ' says Burrier. Treui. I.. A. Wheeler, Cedarville. Granbe. both of Willamina. Ore o'clock. him by Lum Anderson. CLEOPATRA" COMES Investigation Started California, and W. H Wheeler in gOU, liny IXiuey of McKenxIe ground use. Some 4.000 miles of The present laud use problems in IN SPECTACULAR FILM Sister Visits— Miss Mildred Bar bridge, and IXdori s West of Red forest road» have been constructed COOKING CLUB LADIES Fort laud lu Oregon and Washington. und It tholotnew of Corvallis spent the tuoiid. Oregon. Oregon and other states are now Fuueral services were held al Is pointed out Hist while these TO ENTERTAIN FAMILIES the Pleasant Hill church Wednes­ being investigated by the National Life Story Of Famous Siren O» fir t of the week here at the home roads In most Instances sre con­ Nite Now Recorded By Camera Resources board of the federal gov of her brother. P J. Bartholomew, day morning at 10:»#. lutarmenl Members of the Cooking club ot structed primarily for fire protec­ Will Be Shown Sunday eminent, with the idea of having while attending Wesley Foundation HAPPY HOUR MEMBERS was made in ihe church cemetery the Christian church will entertain tion. they also fit lu admirably with the information collected serve as meetings at the Methodist church liy Hranateller Klmon chapel HEAR TALK ON JAPAN recreational projects, making u their husbands and member, of The story of the life—and loves in Eugene. She is In charge of reli­ a guide for a new laud policy. large area of choice recreation dls- their families at a potluck dinner “The free-for-all methods that _of Egypt's most famous queen. gious education work ou the camp­ Observations made during her trlcta nbw available Io the pleasure the Chrkstlau church Friday BRIDGE CLUB MEMBERS Cleopatra, is probably the most have prevailed in the past are res­ us at Oregon State college and re­ summer trip to Japan and China MEET TH IS AFTERNOON veiling. seeking public ponsible for the settlement of some romantic theme ever to be printed turned to her work Tuesday. were related to members of the lands unsuited to agriculture or for on the pages of history or fiction. Roada Aid Fir» Control Mrs Waller Hcotl will entertain SUM M O NS Attend School Meeting — Rev Happy Hour club Monday after Hundreds of thousands of words location of settlers in isolated Asked whether Hie forest fire IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF (Or members of Hie Contract bridge noon by .Mrs. Alice B Macduff, as Dean C. Poindexter spent Wednes areas," Burrier explained. "The have been written on this subject, haturd is not Increased by opening THE STATE OF OREGON FOR , #l |1Br home Oils afwlernoon. costs of government and social and now Cecil B. DeMille, pioneer day Io Salem attending a meeting slstanl dean of women at the uni forest and mountain arms to re­ la n e county laisi Thursday Mrs Carl Olson was of ministers of Oils district to dis ver ity. Musical entertainment In facilities for families in such areas motion picture director, has taken H DOWNEH aud HTKl.LA hostess al her home for a dessert eluded vocal solos by Mrs Buford creation seekers, C . J. Buck, region ALTON It DOWNES, husband and wife. are usually in excess of their abil­ the noted queen’s last and most cuss the relationship of Willam­ si forester, explained that long ex I’lalutiffs vs. ALlt'B M Et, bridge hteetlng of the group Mrs important love and with this as a ette Vnlver-dty. a Methodist school, Roach with Mrs. Robert Chatterton perience of the forest servlc lias ity to pay. tiEHK ami JOHN DOB BGOBHB. W K Hamel! was high scorer and the churches of the district J, as accompanist. ba is for his screen story, has pro­ proved beyond question that Ihe Good Land Available her husband; also all other per Rev. Cecil F Rlstow of Eugene and Eight guests were present for the duced “Cleopatra." which is com­ suns or parlies unknown, claim slightly increased fire danger from "When good lands in established Rev. M. A. Grover of Cottage Grove j meeting which was held at the making Isolate«! districts accessible ing any r|ght. title, estate, lieu, communities are still available, it ing Sunday to the McDonald thea­ accompanied Rev. Poindexter. home of Mrs. Olive Rebhan. They hy forest roads Is more than couu or Interest In the r«»el properly would seem unwise and uneconomi­ tre in Eugene. described in the complaint her«* were Mrs. ,A. T. Peterson. Mrs. teructed by the Increased protec cal to permit development of these In. Defendants. Made at the Paramount studios Lawrence Moffitt. Mrs. Clarence Hon made possible by the roads unprofitable areas. Leaders of the in Hollywood with Claudette Col­ TO Alice M Eggers and John Chase. Mrs Susanna Porter. Mrs STUDENTS PONDER Forest service experience shows Doe Eggers, her husband; also all proposed land policy movement be­ bert. Warren William and Henry Buford Roach. Mrs. Paul Basford, Ihsl effective control of forest fires other persons or parlies unknown. lieve that uirming areas too poor Wileoxon in the leading roles, the PARENTS’ EXAMPLE and Mrs B. D. Babbitt. Mrs D. B. laltuing any right, title, estate. depends directly upon Ihe speed Hen to support families under normal film was in work more than eight J or Interest In the real property Murphy. Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew with which s firefighting force can described In the complaint h«»r«e conditions should be separated months. It is estimated that more and Mrs. Veltle Pruitt assisted the hi put on the Job after discovery of Much has been said and writ­ from better lands so that these sub- than 5000 people were employed in; DEFENDANTS: hostess. ¡N THE NAME OF THE STATE a fire. Mao roads and camp grounds marginal lands may be put to more during the production. This in­ ten about the example which Mrs. L. K. I’age. Mrs. W. E Buell OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ satisfactory use.” cludes. of course, important play­ which older people set for chil­ and Mrs. Arthur Roberts were It ip io organli« and concentrate re quired to appear and answer the If you go East lb»» wJntor. why dren and especially their own creation, and during periods of ex Supplementing the federal study ers. extra and bit people and tech not go through California an«l members of the program commit replionsl liaxurd roads can be complaint fil«l against you In ihe children, but seldom does the above entitled Court and cause on are several Oregon investigations nicians. j public have Its attention drawn tee. The December meeting of the Snudimi AfisonaJ Kide our or before the expiration of four closed. that are designed to provide more DeMille's "Cleopatra" is the club will he held at the home of (sueni« Sune i l imited of < .olden week« from the »late of the firm to vital cases. detailed data on land use within heart-touching romance of the In addition to forest fire control publication of Ibis summon», to­ Mrs. M. R. Adams. State l imited through Amerita'* This week the writer of the the state. The Oregon State college siren of the Nile and Marc Antony, and recreational Improvements the wn On or before the 6th day of aunniett «»inlet teg»« Stopover Lincoln school notes tone of experiment station, through the use most gallant of all Romans. Set CCC men have conpleted Inipi.l lie. ember. 1934; and If you fall an anywhere. til answer, for want thereof, the the students in the Junior high WHEAT CONTROL CHECKS of FERA funds, is now carrying on against a background of unparal­ ant erosion i nil flood control pro plaintiff» *HI apply to the Court For detail», »ee ytair local school) says. "I wonder why the studies of tax delinquency, land leled splendor, with Rome and Jeoia. u n i’ fencing and revegola for the relief prayed for In their BEING SENT SIGNERS agent or write J. A. Ormsody, children at school have to stay ownership, and part-time farming Egypt shown in all their beauty •Ion prt'Ciunis lorest surveys, lie« Complaint, to-wlt ThiU you !»• r«e Cenerai Fanengrr Agent, 704 off the lawn when the people all of which are closely related to and power, the world's greatest Check to pay the ftral 1933 and pi.intlng. and insect and rodent n u qulred to »«-t forth the nature of Psilbe Building. Portland, Ora. your claim lu and to the following who come to vote can walk on first 1934 benefit payments to 1-atie problems of land use in this state, love story is unfolded. trcl projects, 'they have rp lit deacrlbed premise», to-wlt: it and drive on It with their The film boasts a splendid sup­ The Northwest quarter of I»o4 I county farmers who signed wheal roughly, 700 ti.ait days on eni T» cars. When the children do that One (11 Clark and Washburn» NEW PATTERN BULLETIN porting cast including Ian Keith. they have to stay in 45 minutei production control contracts were citcy lu ll' In runreb of missing pc* Addition io Spring!bid. Oregon, Joseph Schildkraut. C. Audrey received last week by County ions ,n the uionnlniiis. us the surue 1» platted and re­ FOR HOME DRESSMAKERS Smith. Gertrude Michael. Irving and the old folks don't." Agent O. S. Fletcher, secretary of corded at page 77 of Volume 2 Fe p'e Aporenate Work Pichel. Claudia Dell, Edwin Max­ the wheat production control asso Lane County. Oregon Plat lie The fact the- < >'ei 3.500.00» per How and to make and how to use cord». In Lone County. Oregon ( elation, und ure being delivered to sons visit th- national fore»'» COUNCIL TO ACT ON a guide pattern for home sewing well and Harry Beresford. aud that all of the adverse claims Foremost among the old time contract signers. On gun und Washington annu >lly is the subject of a new bulletin of the defendant» lu and to said VACATION PETITIONS favorites seen in the film are Wil­ There were 214 final 1933 pay­ »hows, according to Buck, that premises may be delermlneil by just issued by the home economics liam Farnum. Bryant Washburn. ment checks for »3.550.3* ami 221 these forest - have : eeoir.e the aver Hie Decree of tbe Court. Apil Glut extension service of Oregon State Mary MacLaren. jack Mulhall, and fc’inal action on the petition of the first 1934 payment check for »12.- age citizen’s pla,-ground and that by suld decree it be declared uml college for free distribution to State land board to vacate streets 4*6 *0. a total of »16,037.1». Checks the »oik being time to Improv» re adjuded that the defendants, and Robert Warwick. homemakers of Oregon. each of them, have nu right, title, and alleys In certain blocks of on 25 contracts were delayed for interest, or estate whatever In or A guide pattern is a foundation Springfield will be taken by the various reasons, according to the c-r all< nal taciHHes Is clearly nnx to said premises, and that the title ing a public i r t i i i i i d "The benefit pattern designed to fit an individ­ Springfield Council next Tuesday of the plaintiff» thereto 1» good and county agent. derived iron* the finest as a recr ual figure, from which correctly evening. The meeting will be post­ valid That the defendant», und Hnninl s and »pot t .man's Mcc • each of them, be forever burred fitting patterns of more complica­ poned one night because of the ays Buck, "ahotiul not be under und enjoined from asserting any ted de.-ign can be mode. It is cut of A wedding of much interest took holiday falling on Monday, accord­ claim whatever In and to said eriitnuled III their Import an.:« firm muslin and fitted like a dress, i p,ace at the Thurston church last ing to acting Mayor, W. A. Taylor. premises adverse to the plaintiffs and has been so constructed as t 0 1 Thursday evening when Miss Ella Mr. and Mrs. E. Oulstlna enter­ the future ’ipbulli' ii :; of this region und that plaintiffs' title thereto be The council has already Indicated take into consideration any irregu­ Baugh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs a willingness to pass favorably on tained at dinner Saturday night In both In attracting t .urlata from out quieted. Service of this summons Is made larities of the figure. Ray Baugh, became the wife of the petition as now presented and honor- of Mrs. Gulstlna's brother sille this district and providing Copies of this new bulletin, "A Dale .Smith of Eugene. Rev. E. V. if there is no protest from resi and wife. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. On wholesome pleasure to our own by publication thereof pursuant to an order lu said cause by the lion Guide Pattern for Home Sewing,” Stivers officiating. dents ot the city the proposal will orato who sailed for Italy from residents." () F Sklpworth. Judge of the above ' San Francisco. Nov. 7. Those may be had upon request from the entitled Court, which bears date Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Safely and likely be approved. Such action will of the 7th day of November. 1834 college or from the home demon­ Mis Nathalie Edmiston left a few vacate the plat of the area Invol­ at the dinner were Mr. and M LINCOLN SCHOOL NOTES uml prescribe» that the defendants stration agents. days ago for Los Angeles, where ved. but will not alter the status R. Brube of Pengra, Mr. and Mr». above named lie required to appear Students brlnglngg lunches with Mr. Safely is to tae a course of in regards to payment of city taxes Ferry Price. Mr. and Mrs George und answer within four weeks from except that It becomes unimproved Guistina of Eugene, Ml»» I’arvln of them bud to eat them In the first the date of the first publication of NEW TELEPHONE BOOKS instructions. Last Saturday Miss Hazel Ed­ property and will be assessed at Dexter. Herbert Jone». Mr. and grade room Tuesday us the lunch this summons, and that said sum SENT TO PHONE USERS Mr?. Houorato and Mr. and Mrs room waa used by the election iiious be published once a week for miston motored to Monmouth and a lower valuation. four weeks. board. Guistina. Copies of the new telephone attended a meeting of the execu- The date of Ihe first publication Surplus sample ballots were uti­ Several families have recently of Ibis summons is November 8. book were mailed out last week to tive board of the state organiza- LEAGUE CROUPS PLAN moved Into the J’leasant Hill dis­ lized by the students of Ihe eighth I»3* .. . telephone service subscribers in Hon of intermediate teachers L. L. RAY, Attorney for Plain TO RECEIVE MEMBERS trict. Of the ranch recently vacated grade civic's class In holding an The young peoples class of Sun­ Springfield. This is the first phone tiff. Post Office Address: by Mr. Helgel and family, Mr and election of their own. The claas Miner Building, Eugene, Ore book issued for a year. Several day school is preparing a play Special initiatory service» and a chose Taylor for mayor anil Martin goo. new phones and some changes are "Where is Grandma” to be» staged reception for new member» of the Mrs. Hutson ot Oklahoma have «> taken possession. Four children for governor. shown in the Springfield section. ! near Thanksgiving time Epworth League at the Methodlgt Virginia. Doris, Norma and Rich­ the amount then due and delln "IF till prten tioinft up I want SUM M ONS FOR PUB LICA TIO N church will be held during the lea­ ard. are attending Pleasant Hill quont for taxes for the year 1927 to buy jj reduces swellings, stimulates clr and State aforesaid for a decree fore­ was made and dated this 5th day of FORMER LANE RESIDENT culation, and makes your legs as closing the lien against the prop­ ovemher. 1934 and the date of the goo.l as new N o % above described, and mention­ first publication of this summons DIES AT HOME ON COAST Von begin to get It 1N97 1ANTJ'I „ erly A FARA T FKTVM ed In said certificate. And you are Is the *th day of November. 1934. Just follow the simple direction» hereby summoned to appear within n ? ; --<•- All process and papers In this Alfred Kirkland, former resident —you are sure to be helped or sixty days after the first publica­ proceeding may be served upon Ihe money back. Flanery’s Drug Store, tion of this summons, exclusive of undersigned residing within the of Springfield, passed away at his and druggists everywhere. the day of said first publication, Slate of Oregon at the address home In Newport last Thursday Hardware — Furniture and defend this act|on or pay the I hereafter mentioned. evening. Funeral services were amount due as above shown, to­ wm w . HARCOMUE, Attor- Radio»— Paint held at Newport Saturday morning gether with costs and accrued In ney for Plaintiff. Address 302 and the body brouht gto Eugene terest. and iu case of your failure Tiffany Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon j s ini ML""**"' to do so, a decree will be rendered for Interment In the old I. O. O. F (N 8-16-22-29—D «) h i w hi foreclosing tbe lien ot said tanee cemetery at 2:15 the same day. GO EAST SUNSHINE Southern Pacific Thurston Upper Willamette THING I’M SOING TO 3IIT-IS A MAYTAG Experience Counts - S C O T T ’S D R U G S T O R E < M' lKISALB » < K ll B- H MILUI $69so