■ " WHO IS WHO and What They Do W ANTED Housework. ■«wing or luvudlng by lb« hour, «Be perl hour. Inquire el Room N o , 26. ! Springfield Hotel. N 7 MAN W A N T K ll fur llawlelgh rout« of HUH families W rit« Immediate ly. Rawlelgh, Depl. I made by said f October. 1834. Court the 3rd da» ■ rein In which in a suit pendluv The Pacific Savii - £ Loan Asso­ elation was plitn rt and WIU A. re defenJanU, Herns and othe. l order of sale which * xeeutlon and command was to me dlre< real property ed me to sell t I to satisfy herelnalter de h irges in said certain lien« am! I on Saturday decree specified . other, 1834. at the 10th day of I c.k A M . at tbe hour of tai of the County the southwest it ' «, Lane Coun Court llou e in E i M ie and sail ty. Oregon, offe, at public auction for cash, subject to redemption as provided by law, all of the right, title and Interest of the defendant« In »aid suit and of all parties claiming by. through or under them or any of them lu or to the tollowing described real pro­ perty. to-wlt; The West forty <40, feel of Lot one (1) In Block four (4), Ches hire's Addition to Eugeue. I-ane County. Oregon. Dated thia 6tli day of October, 1834. C. A. SW ARTS, Sheriff. B» A. E HULEGAARD. Deputy. (O 11-18-25—N 1-8) OREGONIAN SERVICE STATION Al the Hprlngfleld Junction OAH A N D OILS Hervlce Day and Night. Grocery Sundries. Tobacco’» and Hprlngfleld, Oregon Picnic Goods. First National Bank Bldg Ph. 43 Weal Hprlngfleld Ph »pr. 33»J MELVILLE S. JONES, M D Hurgery and Diseases of Women X Hay and Physiotherapy ELECTRICAL IN D U STR IES Kprliixfield Electric Supply Wiring. General Contracting O. R. larnips. Universal Household Electrical Hupplle». General Repairing 442 Main Hprlugfteld PLUM BING - PIPE F IT T IN G TRANSFER & STORAGE NIEL POLLARD MOVING—O ar Plano and Furnl lure Lover» are Experta. STORAGE — Concerte Building, Reasonable Rates, Reliability. PACKING — Experienced H e l p Mean» Safety and Protection. P L U M B IN G Copper Colls a Specialty. Rea. Phone 163-J 420 Main Mt. Hprlngfleld. Ore Inspect our New Installation at (he Stale Game Earm. Weallugliouse luunps and Appllauces. PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILM S HENDERER ELECTRIC 420 Main Ht Mprlngfleld Rea. Phone 148-J Carl R. Baker Film Shop Oregon Feed & Seed Co., Inc. R ESTAURANTS Good Lurk Manainar Poultry and IRENES CAFE Dairy Feed« Breakfast 16c up — Dinner 26c up. Prosper W ith Manainar Chill 10c Heed Cleaning a Speciality. Home Cooking Delivery Phone 6881 Ice Cold Beverage» on Tap 206 E 6th Ht.. Cor. High Eugene Mala Bet 4tb and 6tb HU. PACIFIC FEED £ SUPPLY CO. ' Springfield Open T ill Midnight EUGENE EGO DEPOT LET’S EAT W e Pack and Grade Egg» for the at (he NEW M AM M Y'S CABIN. The Merchants of Eugene and Spring- rea»on for the New Cabin 1» public demand for larger acmimmodatlons. field. Cor. 6th and W illam ette St. 1 Chicken £ T Bone Steaks as usual. Eugene. Ore.. Phone 168 Special Sunday Entertainment — -------------------------- "------------------ Judkins Point The same location. F U R N IT U R E 'P acific Highway Ph. 277« JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. SCHOOLS-COLLECES ~ Ranges and Circulator« A HO M E IN D U STR Y Several Line« Including Moutag. ENROLL NOW FOR Eugene Linoleum— Inlaid and Pelt Bane ' Day and Night Cla»s>-» In a Good 867 Pearl Phone 1008 Attractive Prices on Furniture School. and Rug» ; Shorthand. Bookkeeping. Typing C R EA M ER IES See Ua Before You Buy 1 Eugene Business College Demand (he Beat—Coats no More We Deliver Phone 1188 A. E. Roberta, Pres 649 W illam ette Eugene BLUE BELL • Phone 666 Miner Bldg. Dairy Products Eugene, Oregon GROCERIES Ice Cream Butter, Cheese, M ilk EUG EN E FARMERS CR EA M ER Y, Phone Eugene «38 N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SALE REAL PRO PERTY A U . R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS — Yale Tire« — Greasing - Battery Recharging Expert Radio Repairing by LEE CRAY Phone <4-J 7th and Main Hl» Hprlngfleld Eastman Films — Kodaks — Fruinea — Album»— Motion F R U IT PACKERS Picture Camera«. Eugene Fruit Grower'* A**’n We Photograph Everything Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers Anywhere. and Mhlpper«. Ice and Cold Storage. Mall films to P. O. Box «67 College Ice Cream Manufacturers. «88 W illamette, Eugene Ph. 636 Coco Cola— Klat Beverages Cider Vinegar P R IN TER S Eugeue. Oregon. Phone 1480 Ferry near 8th Ave E. Eugene. THE WILLAMETTE PRESS AUTO W RECKERS Hprlngfleld 10% off with thin coupon FEED -SEED -H A Y Phone 2 Phone 3203 Red Read. Mgr. Business Stationery—Office Form» ADAMS FEED & SEED Booklets — Placards — EuHt Hide Auto Wrecker* STORE Dodger«, etc. Used Cars. Trucks and Trailers Generator, Armature A Electrical Full line of Feed. Heed and Hay. A Modern Print Shop Producing Custom Grinding. Cleaning and Up-To-Date Printing. Service. 2046 Franklin Blvd Eugene. Ore Mixing A Home Owned InHlIlutlon. Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. 118 — 61b HI. Hprlngfleld, Pb. 3 LANK CO UNTY Eva Marie l*ugh. Plaintiff. Vs. Zack Pugh. Defendant. To Zack Pugb. Defendant. IN T H E NA M E OP T H E STATE OP ORKOON: You are hereby rw qulred to appear and answer the complaint filed agalnat you In the above entitled suit within four weeks from the day of the first publication of thia summons and If you fall to appear or answer for want thereof the' plaintiff will lake a decree agalnsl you for the relief aa prayed for against you In said BEAUTY PARLORS complaint to-wll: A decree dlaaolv-l------------------------------------- tng lha marriage relation now ex- P e r m u lie llt P lIB ll W M V e* lattng between plaintiff and dw >1.76 and u p. fendanl. and restoring to plaintiff „ l - . i - t v u i k i p p i t ber maiden name of Eva Marte The BR O W N IE BEA UTY HHOPI E Kocka and such further relief aa Apprentice Finger Wave 26c. may be equitable. Shampoo & Finger Wav« 50c The order directing service of 541 W illamette, Eugene. I'h. 459 summons agalnat you by publics Ihm thereof Is dated-October 10th, B A TTER Y SERVICE 1834, and directs publication once each week for four successive <7 E Broadway Eugene. Ore wevke, and the data of first pub­ PE R R Y S lication thereof la October 11th. BATTERIES, BRAKE» ____ 1034. C. A. W IN TK R M K IK R . Altor IG N IT IO N , MOTOR WORK. nay for Plaintiff. Residence Wheel Aligning. Eugene. Oregon. "Any Hervlce— Any Car" (Q 11 18 26— N 1-8) 726 Oak Ph. 787 Bug« ne SERVICE STA TIO N S Mitchell Service Siati« n DANCING G EN ER A L AU CTIO NEER — —— ——— w w- General Ga-ollne. Oil and Greases Goodrich Tires "A Home Owned Biatlon." Mb »ud A Ht«.. Hprlngfleld. Pb. 4 Business Firms and Professional People This Newspaper Recommends AUCTIONEERS Kapert Itvpalilug — All Work Kolata of Janie L. Cruaau. Deceased Uuaranle«d. Notice la hereby glveu that Wui U llugbea lias been by tbe County (laa, OU. Tim e aud Batteries Court of the (Stale of Oregon. In, and for I .an» County, appointed Kx ; ■“ «* * B,«> Mprlngfleld Ph 4» ecutor of the last will aud taata uieut of Janl« L. Cruaau. dmeaaed BROWN MOTOR CO. All peraoua havlug claim» agalnat «TIHYHI.KR and P L Y M O U TH lha «slat« of said deceased are hereby uotlfled Io present the Halea and Service same, duly stated and verified at Complete Automotive Hervlce (be office of said executor lu the Open Day aud Nlgbt W rit National Hank bulldlug lu Mprlngfleld. Oregon, within ala IS6 East Broadway Phone 1767 month» from Oil» 1st day of Nov­ Eugene. Oregon ember. 1924 WM G HUGHES. Eaecutor of the Ik « t W ill aud Testament SCHERER MOTOR CO. of Jaule L. Cruaau. Deceased , B VIC K — O LD 8M O B ILE - A H. W H E E L E R Attorney PONTIAC (N 1 8 16 23-28) Motor Cars SUMMONS HALEB and HERVI JE IR C CO ^ URT ’ V T e H E S T C A T U . IT X .R N W R ¡ R h . n d O liv . Sla. - Phon. k66 Business Directory PAGE THREE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER B, i m PACIFIC TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. N O T IC E OF P A Y M E N T OF D IV ID E N D o. s. c. HOM ECOM ING TO BE W EEK-END EVEN T n on fire, Dances, Raes On River, H o rticu ltu ral Show, Football Gams On Program 6959 5th Ave. W. Eugene. Pb. 74 If no answer Call 104 R IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E Corvallis, Nov. 8 — Homecoming ! C O U N TY OF LANE. WOOLEN M ILLS In the M atter of the Liquidation of .esllvities at Oregon Slate college, the Commercial State Bank. combined with the annual business EUGENE Springfield, Oregon. WOOLEN MILL CO. N O TIC E IS HER EBY G IVEN . meeting of the Oregon State Dart's Manufacturers of Woolens. That an order ha» been entered by clu b .'w ill be held next week-end. I tbe Circuit Court of the State of Saturday, November 17, Is the day Specializing In Ladle» Oregon, for the county of Lane. when moet everts a.e scheduled, COATINGS A N D S U ITIN G S ' authorizing, empowering and direct­ Retail Department at Mill. ing the Superintendent of Banka to including the varsity football game East End 6tli Ave. Eugene, Ore. ¿’»tribute a fourth dividend of 15% with Montana university. ----------- —---------------------------------------~ on all ordinary deposit claim» filed Alumni registration w ill start _____ and approved against the Savings Friday atternoon, with evening at­ NOTICE TO CREDITO RS department of the Commercial including illuminated Notice 1» hereby given that the, g u te Springfield, Oregon, up tractions undersigned ha» been duly appoint- i t to the undersigned al the office of State Land Board of Oregofc f led individuality, a series of 11 radio Wells £ Wells. Attorneys. Bank of with the City Recorder of s Prin 6- programs over the state-owned sta­ Commerce Bldg.. Eugene. Lane field. Oregon its petition for the tion. KOAC, have been arranged by Countv. Oregon, within six months vacation of the following parts and ! me Associated Women Students Dortions of the plat of Keeney s , . , from the date of this notice. First Addition to Springfield, l^ane : of Oregon State college, working Dated and first published Oct. 18, Countv. Oregon: | with Or. Kate WT. Jameson, dean of 1934 T h a i portion of Eleventh Street i women E IÆ IE W H Y T E . Administra­ lying and being between blocks programg whk.h are appear. trix of the estate of James H. one, two. three, four, five, six ana , o-qn tn 10 Glllmore. deceased. the west thirty feet of said Eleven- mg each Saturday from 9.30 to 10 W’ ELLS £ W ELLS. Attorneys th street lying easterly of block o’clock, deal with a wide range of for Estate. ihsven; that portion of Q Street ly- subjects such as “ W hat is Good ck , the a liey running . ir u u it Martba Ryan Shorthand, vocab-' entitled OF court appointed as admin easterl). and westerly thru block , 4 5 S U , _____ HOSPITALS ulary, b u s i n e s s Jlmtule’* Cleaning Shop T H E STA TE OF OREGON FOR istrator of the above entitled th ree. tj,e aiiey running easterly j arithmetic. JAMEH M IT C H E L L LANE COUNTY. PACIFIC HOSPITAL. estate. i and westerly thru block four; the, Blanche Mack— Stenotype. H A T T IE E. REAM. Plaintiff, vs. ('leaning, Pressing. Alterations. All person« having claims against aIk,y running easterly and westerly- INC. E N Hathaway— B u • I n e s s man- L. Z. McVAY and U N K N O W N said estate are required to present thrp block five; the alley running We Call For and Deliver. ager. 12th and Hllyard H EIR S of D A N IE L M cVAY and said claims properly verified to j easteri y and westerly thru block RO YAL Made to Measure bulls. SCHOOL OF ANN McVAY. his wife, both de­ Phon« 2600 •-aid administrator at his law office ' g lx. (h'e aney running easterly and 30« Main St.. Hprlngfleld. Ph 76 J ceased. and all other persons or MODERN STENOGRAPHY In Eugene, Oregon within six westerly thru block seven; that Eugene. Oracon parties unknown claiming any day of i portion of N street bounding blocks 841 W illamette. Eugene. Phone 117 months from this 25th right, title estate, lien, or inter­ C A B IN ET SHOP October. 1934. ’ fifteen, and sixteen, seventeen and EUGENE HOSPITAL est in the real property des­ C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Admin- ■ eighteen upon the northerly side: LUMBER cribed in the Plaintiff's Com­ "The Frleudly Institution" Istrator. i that portion of fourteenth Street SPRINGFIELD CABINET plaint. Defendant. |O 25— N 1-8-16-22) j lying and being between blocks Phone 1800 EUGENE LUMBER CO. SHOP sixteen, seventeen, twenty, twenty T O ;— L. Z. McVay and Unknown 1162 W lllam ette Eugene Our roofing department can furn­ Geo W Stephen« N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E one. twenty-four and tw en tyflve; Heirs of Daniel McVay and Ann ish you with roofs that last. Pro­ Sash, Doors Glas», REAL PROPERTY that portion of fifteen Street lying McVay, his wife, both deceased, and being between blocks seven- and all other persons or parties un­ LADIES R EADY-TO -W EAR fessional applicator«. and General M ill Work NO TIC E is hereby given that by > (een apd eighteen, and nineteen known claiming any right, title, Phone 426 Used Doors mid Windows H R Blvd £ Grand St., Eugene virtue of an execution and order ' and twenty, twenty-five and twenty estate, lien, or Interest in tbe real DELLA BORIN S DRESS 4th and C 81s Springfield. Ore of aale Issued out of the Circuit slx; the alley running easterly and property described in the Plain­ SHOP Court of the State of Oregon for we^ter|y thru block sixteen; the tiff’s Complaint. Defendants. The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STA TE SPECIAL SWAGGER SUITS 112.75 Lane County this 23rd day of Oct- auey running easterly and west- Furntsheq a _______ DENTISTS ober, 1934. upon and pursuant to er,y tbru block seventeen: the OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ Phone 2592 COMPLETE HOME a decree duly given and made by au ey running easterly and wester- quired to appear and answer the 67 East Broadway Eugeue DR. G. A. BROWN Building and Repairing Service. said Court thia 23rd day of Oct- lv ,'hru block eighteen; the alley complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within four (4) Hours 9 A M to 6 P. M. For Service Phone Springfield 65 ober. 1934. in a suit pending there- ,'unnin« easterly and westerly thru weeks from date of the first pub­ ANGELINE DRESS SHOP In in which The Pacific Savings, block nineteen; the alley running Phone 20-J or If no answer, phone 34-J. Eugene. Oregon £ Loan Association was p la in tiff, easterly and westerly thru block lication of this summons, and if 5th and Main Sts. Springfield Springfield. and Ruth F. Bullion and others j tw en ty; the alley running easterly you fall to so appear, for want Popular Priced Dresses w ill take a Residence 728 A Street. were defendants, which execution and westerly thru block twenty- thereof ---------- the plaintiff . Allen A. Hosiery and order of sale was to me d tre c -|one; the alley running easterly and .decree In the a*>°’ e entitled court SHOE REPAIRING ted and commanded me to sell *h e ; westerly thru block twenty-four; against you f objection» thereto w ill be heard by and before the Common Council of the City of Springfield. I-ane County. Oregon at 7:30 o’clock P. M. of November 13. 1834 at tbe Council room In the City Hall of Springfield, Oregon. I. M PETERSON, Recorder of City of Springfield. Oregon 3O8 MU5I71C GBOVnXI CAU1C nil OF MAHOÄAMV — Ovea. t)O PlFFEHtUT species o f t im b e r , have Been put om TUB MABKBT A t MAMMAMY. A MO0ÍQU PA4SWa««3 ilk» CARaC'fY o * OB ■ «MT- , «»aoo Paun««»