THURSDAY, NOVKMBBSR ». 1M4 THK SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEW S ACCIDENTAL DEATHS MOST TURKEYS SOLO TELEPHONE CO. OPPOSES MANY PLACES OPEN FOR FEED STORE MOVES TO INCREASED IN MONTH THROUGH BIG POOLS YOUNG MEN IN ARMY NEW LOCATION SOON ORDERED RATE CUT HERE J The Adams Seed t^id »'«'*• «ture Approximately five percent of ail Drunken Driver Reepenelhlt Fer The At my Kecrulttug Ottica, SES Major »erloue Assidente Naw Post Office Building. Port will be moved into the new location the tukeys marketed In the United »Ays T refile Experte Btates are shipped by Ute North land. Oregon Is olferlug (or enlistj being bulli lor It thia we- keiid if THE WILLAMETTE PRESS meut al the present lime au un 1 work progresses salisfaclory Mar western Turkey Growers' asaocls- During September 24 persone llou of Ball latke City, according H K. MAXEY. Editor Telephone rate reductions order usual array of desirable assign ton Adams, proprietor, auttouuced to figures released by the Coopera were killed In I raffle svcMeuls this cd effective In Oregon startlug Nov­ melila, both (or domestic and for­ Ibis week. T he la rliu g ot the roof Ulve Division of the Faint Credit year as compared to 1* last year, Entered a» second class matter, February 24. 1903. at the poetofflca, ember 1, will be opposed ami an eign service. A few of these are ba« been completed and only the Administration. The Northwestern Springfield. Oregon the Air Corps and Ordnance De- completion of the store front may 4»t> persotta were Injured thia yea. injunction preventing Charles M associated I» Hi- ■«•lllu« agency for parlatesi tn the Hawatlau Islamia; delay the move. elgal ... »ln« pools In .he Pacific »«• "• ‘ »»»i « " « • * * • * * * • Thomas, slate corporation conitnls M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E loner, (ruiu enforcing his edict h a s1 the Medical Department and Coast »I 00 accidenta thia year aud 1SU2 lit One Year in Advance ....... $1 50 Six Months .— siale» lududlug Oregon and main been obtained by the Pacific Tele Artillery Corps In the Philippine N O T IC E O F E X E C U T R IX '» » A L E 50c Two Years in advance »2.50 Three Months lams Ils own selling agency In Loa 1233. Telala for the Ural nine O F R EA L P R O P E R T Y A T phone and Telegraph company. Islaude; aud for domestic service. P R IV A T E SA LE Angel » nil New York mouths of 12.14 are aa follows: 14. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1934 Mr. K D. Wise, vtcepreeUSnt “l Horl Tow“’ NOTICE la hereby given that The association ships Its turkeys »9.1 acddenla; 211 dealhs; 3,664 In aud general manager of the phone «"»>• Washington, for which quail pursunut Io au ORDER of the Jurlea. Cur lite »aure perlod of 1023. GIVE THE NEW GOVERNOR YOUR SUPPORT .ompanv has leaned the following Bed surveyors are dc Ired (or topo County Court of the State qj Ore­ under Ils own labol, but »lamped gon. (or lame County, made ou the on the parchiueut wrapper la a lutala wete 11.74« auddeula wlth , , grapuival work on the Obnipw • General Charles Martin has a pleurality sufficient to statement: day of October. 1234. In the ,1.10,1 sbowlug il,e where Ih .' 172 dealhs aud M.»6g lujurlea Those Even vital principle aud fact Peninsula. Many other assignments 34th elect him governor returns show as this is written. The mailer of the Baiali« of Vilena ahlpmcnt ortgtualed • figure« are lakeu from record» lu three candidates split the vote more evenly than it had been which have given Oregon a t e l « - ““ ' «valleble and Interested young Wlckwlre. deceased, the under­ thè office of (he kecretary of diale phone service of the highest qual “r* ‘ or w" l# signed. Edna L. Klink, Executrix predicted in a confusing election. T he bad part of uny lu laiue counly durlog Septeiuber of the Estate of Vilena Wlckwtre, ‘»(ormaltou regarding three cornored race is that it usually results in a candidate Ity a. the lowest consistent sound decoseed, will sell at Private Sal« DOCTOR TOLD THIS LADY of Ihla year Ihere were 5» accid­ being elected th a t the majority of the people voted against. cost have been ruled on adversely lo the highest bidder upon the ente. 12 lujurlea aud Iwo deallia aa HOW TO SAFELY by the Public Ctilhlea Commission­ terms and conditions hereinafter (ompured lu 78 aeeldeul«, IV In From the standpoint of character and ability Governor er. The injustice done Is so funds Returns Homs—Lee Klvett has mentioned und subject Io confirm Jurlea and uo dealhs In Meptember REDUCE FA T Martin may m ake a good governor. Living most of his mental that If we ure lo meet our returned to his homo ip Lincoln, ullou by said Court on or after the 1233. life without the state necessarily he is uot intim ately ac­ obligations to the public we ser- Nebraska atfer spending some lime -4th day of November. 1234. all quainted with its problems. This lack of experience may vice, our men and women who are here vlsltlug with his sister. Mrs. of the right, title. Inlert>st and es­ Mrs. Helen Gr««en writes: "A1 Drunken driving la.the major ac- tate of the said Vilena Wlckwtre, be overcome if he applies himself diligently to the duties of loyally devoting their Uvea to thia Mabel Tyson, deceased, at the time of her death physician advised my mother lu . Ideul cause selected for alleullou his office and surrounds himself with able men who do public service, and our atockhold in and lo the real properly ties lake Kruscheu Suits for overweight during the curreut two-week per­ so I immediately »tutted taking It iod of the drive. Traffic experts crlbmi ns follows, to-wlt: know conditions. era. and if we ure to continue t o 1 N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE I weighed 122 and after Beginning at a point on the myself. render an adequate, dependable NOTICE IS I1EHEHV GIVEN, taking 3 bottles I now weigh 166 report that while accidents (rum Be that as it may he is now governor and as such is East line of County Rond No 3. and never so well. It's a Ionic till» cause are uul aa uuuieroua os entitled to the support of everyone. A successful demo­ aud satisfactory service, we have That by virtue of an execution and 42.95 chains East of a point on as well as (ell reducer." those from other violation«, they i no oilier recourse thun the legal order of Sale Issued out of the Llr-1 the West Hue of the William M cratic governm ent requires the losers to be good sports and Reduce safely and seualbly by usually are more serious lu reaults, Stevens ami wife D. I.. No 4«. County on , h(> M|h J>v cooperate with those successful, Lay aside anam osities | step which the ra.e order forces u. fw In Township Seventeen (17) taking one half level teuspoouful liecuuae Ibe druukeu driver Is phy- of October. 1234. upon and pur­ and help for the common good should be everyone's a t­ ' to take South of Range Three (31 West of Kruscheu lu ho, water every ■ I. ally haudlcapped lu (bat II takes Property Values H it suant lo a decroe given aud made titude tow ard the new governor. of the Willamette Meridian. Lane morulug you'll be overjoyed wllb hint laager, after perceiving an eur by said Court on the 15th day of "We fhlly recognlie that rale re- County. Oregon, which Is 22 69 your Improved Iteullh and slt«nder. More than half the people of the state voted for Dunne i ductlons an« always welcemed by October. 1234, In a suit pending chains Soetli IS' West of the stylish figure. One bottle lasts 4 ergeucy, to apply hit brakes ur therein In which FRED Ü. STICK weeks You can gel Kruscheu Salts turn hla car. Ihau II lakes Ibe sober and Zimmerman. If they continue an attitude of hostility (our patrons. We have made them ELS. Trustee, was plaintiff, and Northwest corner thereof and at Flattery's Drug Store ur any running thence East 17.26 chains, driver. the new governor's adm inistration will be hampered by a t­ whenever it has been possible to do BEAVER STATE TILE COM drug store In the world. thence South 1?' West parallel tack at every turn. Under such conditions the general wel­ so without impairing the quullty ofjPANY. a corporation. R. O. Bus­ with the West line of the said fare of the state suffers. If the »hip of state in Oregon Is our service or our financial stabll hong. as Trustee Beaver State Tile claim 11.38 chains, thence West to sail through these troubled economic w aters success­ i Ity. This recent order, however, Company, a corporation, bankrupt; 17.24 chains lo the Easterly line U. „ . I E A Klieso; P J. EDWARDS of said County Rond, and thence fully it requires that all hands on board cooperate rather while making a small reduction In and , , EDWARDS, were defend- North 3 degrees 46' West along than mutiny. rates lo the individual means such ants, which execution and order the E asier,/ line of said County a loss to us. aggregating over »365.-) of sale were to me directed and Road lo the place of beginning, We did not support General Martin in the campaign d00 per vear, that our present low commanded me lo sell the follow all In Intne County. Oregon but we extend him our humble cooperation in any thing . , Ing described personal and real Nourishing. Health-Giving, Economical The West 50 4 feet of the |,ot earnings will be red.ced to 1 per proper,v „„„„.after described to that he may do for the good of Oregon. Numbered SIX In Block number | cent per annum on the value of the satlsfy certain liens and charges In IToviiling protein», angara, atarchea, high In cal­ ELEVEN In James Huddleston's property. Further, the order re- said decree specified. I will, on Addition ,o Eugene. Lane Conn oric content, rich will, precious vitamin» Mll-K is the PRAISE RATHER THAN CENSURE duces the value of the properly by j Tuesday, the 37th day of Novem- ly. Oregon, according to the beat food value you cun buy. l ’»e it liberally for aatla- Praise rath er than criticism should be given Sheriff C. »10.0W.DO«. . reduction V h e ^ M ^ 'lh T ^ r e r amended pla, thereof, being new fylng, energy dishes. A. Sw arts for his action in discharging the deputy in to over 30 percent. It Is at once Slat„ -pne Company. Creswell, a par, of said City of Eugene, charge of the auto license departm ent and changing the apparent that these differences are Lane County. Oregon, offer for Oregon. The South half of the South Multi O'Crcum milk und cream ure pusteurixed und system after a shortage was found in the departm ent's I substantial and not minor Ci.nces- sale and sell at public auc­ half of the Southwest fourth of bundled under suuliury conditions. Kvery precaution accounts. When the shortage was discovered by the audi­ solns the company might make. tion. all of the right, title and the Northeast quarter of Section Interest, of said defendants In Is tuken to give you pure, wholesome milk that la ab­ tor the deputy was discharged and the fact reported to the Four In Township Sixteen South. “In view of our responsibility to and to the following described per solutely sufe. Range Four West of the Wiliam district attorney. Sheriff Sw arts made good to the county those we serve, we will continue to, g„nai property; elte Meridian, except land des­ all the money short and is now suing the deputy’s bonding | perform our public service to the 1 Patterson Geared Jolly. 22" cribed In deed recorded In Vol­ company to recover. The deputy was bonded to the sheriff best of our ability in a courteous, Head ume 161 at page 295. and also in order to prevent the county losing if just such irregulari­ satisfactory and efficient manner. 6 nings for same. excepting land described In deed Springfield Creamery Co. 1 Brass Plate for same recorded In Volume 155 on Page ties did occur. 1 In carrying forward this policy, we 11% H. P. General Electric 137. Lane County Deed Records. Every sheriff for many years back in Lane county has desire to merit the public’s confi motor for same, with belling, In Ijine County. Stale of Oregon, suffered in some m anner by the action of one or more of ! denee and good will. An under­ counter shaft, pulleys and star­ containing nine acres more or his deputies. Some have lost office and faced recalls as a standing of all the facts will clearly ter. leas I Whlrler. Plaster Faris head, Ix»t Numbered Four <41 In result of deputy conduct. Shortages have occurred with i show that we desire no more than with counter shaft, pulleys, etc. Block Numbered Two <21 In other sheriffs and have been hushed up by the sheriff is fair and feel that our patrons 1 Rathsam Flower Pot Mach­ Second Amended Ad m aking good the loss. The antiquated system was con­ have no desire to accord us less."' ine. with pulleys, belting, coun­ Hendricks' dltlon lo Eugene, l.ane County. tinued. ter shafts, etc., and dies as fol- Oregon. lows: 2". 2%". 3". 4". and 7“ That each parcel of said real Sheriff Sw arts did not try to cover up the misconduct RAI l ROAD s c h e d u l e s 111 bo 1 3 H P. G. E. Motor for same property, above described of his deputy. He acted open and above board—fired the Election is over und now you know who 1» the with belt and starter. „old as one parcel CHANGED FOR WINTER deputy and reported the facts to the prosecutor. He made people's choice. If you were voting on the best choco­ 1 Brewer Brick A Hollow Tile That the terms of sale will be good the shortage out of his own pocket and then installed machlner. twenty per cent (20%) cash and late» there would never have been a doubt hut that Important changes in passenger a new system for closer checking In the auto license de­ train schedules which became ef­ With Drain Tile Dies as follows: th„ balance on security on or be- Eggimunn's would have polled u huge majority. In.. 10 In.. 8 In.. 6ln.. 4ln.. and 3 for„ one year from dale of sale. partm ent. In doing this he has shown courage and dem on­ fective October 28 were announced In 12 With Hollow Block Dies as fol- All bids that are offered may be strated to the public that he is fair and square in public by Carl Olson, Southern Pacific lows: 4 In x 8 In x 12 In.. 6ln. x i„ft w„h the Ex-.utrlx at the office Our chocolates have u reputation for being deli­ dealings and is trying to fool nobody. 8 In x 12 In., 6 In. x 8 In. x 12 In ,,f James K King, attorney for cious und wholesome. Your taste tells you they are agent Ibis week. With 1 lubricated brick front said Estate. 410 Miner Building, The sheriff's office handles between two and three better. This store Is here to serve you with all kinds The "summer schedule" of the with round and square cornered Eugene. Oregon, or may be filed million dollars a year. It goes through the hands of low ‘ Cascade Limited, which was inaug­ slicks. of confections. with the Executrix. paid deputies and clerks. The sheriff’s duties are m any and urated at the beginning of the 1 25 H. P. G. E. Motor for Dated this 25th day of October, varied; necessarily he m ust trust some deputies with the tourist season with an additional same, with started, counter shaft. 1934 EDNA L. KLINK. Executrix of money. He should have the support of the public when he train operating on fast schedule pulleys and belt. the Estate of Vilena Wlckwlre. 1 main drive belt. acts fairly and squarely. between Portland and San Fran- Decea h t 1 American semi-automatic -------------- • -------------- : cisco to handle Increased travel - "Whore th« Sarvlca lx Dtffareol Brick A Tile Cutter, with equip­ JAMES K KING. Attorney for “ NO’S ” SCORE COMPLETE VICTORY ment. belts, pulleys, counter­ Executrix, 410 Miner Building, during the summer period, will be Eugene, Oregon. shaft. etc. Legislation by initiative and referendum had a setback ’ discontinued, It was stated. O 25— N 1-816-22) 1 Offbearlng belt with pulleys, Hereafter the Cascade will re­ in Oregon this election. This method of m aking laws bel, and equipment. started as a m eans of giving the people greater voice has sume its schedule as train number 1 Brewer No. 40 Drain Tile been badly abused in recent years when it has been the in­ 18 northbound and number 17 Cutter with slides for 3 In.. 4 In. and 6 In. Drain Tile. strum ent of cranks and selfish interest in m any elections. southbound. 1 Brewer No. 29 Drain Tile A new train has been established Laws generally are more satisfactory if they are made Cutter with equipment for 8 In. which leaves Eugene at 6 p. m. und 10 In. and 12 In. Drain Tile by the legislature. The trouble with the initiative is th at 1 Brewer Hand Brick and Tile you m ust take the whole m easure as written. In the legis­ which arrives in Portland at 8:46 Cutter. lature bad features can be removed and good ones substi­ each evening. H lllllllc I Fate Dlslntregrator with Three trains will stop in Spring- tuted by am endm ent before a bill becomes a law. To serve Belts. Countershaft, pulleys, etc. the best interest of the people the initiative and referendum field under the new schedule says 1 10 H. P. G. E. Motor with should be used sparingly and those initiating m easures Mr. Olson. Northbound the first starter and pulley and belt. will stop if flagged at 3:14 a. m. 1 Double Screen. should be more careful in draw ing them. 1 Conveyer with 12 In. belt. and regular stops are made at 3:27 300 Brick A Tile Pallets. p. m. A stop daily at 12:28 p. m. 100 Drain Tile Pallets. Our forefathers fought and spilled their blood against is the only southbound train which 4 Wheel barrows. 2 spring off- taxation without representation. Now we have too much picks up passengers In Springfield. bearing trucks representation without taxation. 40 Plaster Paris Flower Pot Persons wishing to take the other molds. trains of the system can do so by 5 Plaster Paris Floor Tile Huey Long would have Louisiana cecede from the going to Eugene. molds. union. The nation m ight vote for it if he would agree to 1 Mortar and Pestle, Mlscl. take W ashington, D. C. with him. small tools, shovels, spare parts, VEGETABLE MEN TO HAVE extra pulleys, shafting, belling, piping, etc. It was a bad election of the “ins” as they had to fight O. S. C. SHORT COURSE and water at the hour of 1:30 o’clock P. for their life to stay in and some of them went down fight­ M. of the sameTlay, at the South­ ing. | A three-day short course for veg­ west door of the County Court etable growers of Oregon has bsen House, Eugene, Lane County, State All the candidates rush in like sheep to be slaughtered arranged at Oregon State college of Oregon, offer for sale and sell —a t next election. from November 21 to 23 Inclusive at public auction, subject to redem pflon as provided by law, all the Fifteen apeclallata In various field« right title and Interest of the de­ of agriculture at the college, com­ fendants In said suit, and all par mercial truck grower«, and Cher« ties claiming by. through or under are cooperating with A. G. B. Bou­ them, or any of them, In and to quet. profe««or of vegetable crop«, the following described real prop erty, to-wit: in the educational program ar­ All that part of the following ranged. described trad which lies bet­ ween the center of the County The cour«e will be divided Into road on the east and the east ! three part«. Soli», fertilizer and lr- line of the main- track of the Ore-, ! rigatlon matter« will be dealt with gon A California Railroad also | throughout the first day. Green­ known as the Southern Pacific DANGEROUS ERRORS Railway Being Intended to con­ house crop«, frames and plant« will This week I observed a circum stance th a t impressed be discussed the second day, while vey only that portion of said tract which Is on the east of said me profoundly and which I deem worth passing along to I on the third day attention will be railroad; said tract described as you. | confined to Insect and disease con- follows: Eyestrain is a very real danger. Few of A young man had been complaining with “a pain in ! trol and marketing. Beginning at a point 54 links his side” which he attributed to lifting a heavy object of easterly from the re-entrant cor us realize that we pay dearly for every Demonstrations and exhibits of ner In angle of the donation land some kind; it was a deep-seated pain, rath er low down in latest vegetable gardening equlp- hour we strain our eyes. The tragedy is claim No. 53. Notification No. the right flank. He kept on with his duties about the farm , ' ment will be an Important part of «560 In Township Nineteen South and was annoyed a week or more. He noticed the pain the short course, says Professor that we seldom know that wo A R E mis* of Range Three West of Wiliam getting more pronounced, and spoke oftener to his m other Bouquet. These will Include show­ ette Meridian. an<> running using our oyos. Attempting to read, work thence West 11.10 chains. North: about it. ings of soil foretlllzatlon and Irri­ 20.20 chains, So. 89 degrees East or study in poor or glaring light is the A bad taste in his mouth and constipation—led the gation equipment, greenhouse and 1110 calns. North 1 degree West m other to a family diagnosis he was “bilious” ; “his liver : hotbed materials, and Insect and oause of most eyestrain. Often the penalty 4.48 chains. South 89 degrees was torpid,” and was common with him a t times. There disease control supplies. East 6.97 < lialns, to the center of for eyestrain is not paid until later years. the county road, thence along was no fever apparent, and he remained up and around, Registration Is open without said road South 8 degrees 30 min. Then it is too late. The two or throe pen* until— charge to all Interested In vege West 7.42% chains, thence West They adm inistered a full dose of liver pills—the sort table growing, and they may attend nies a day saved on your light bill isn’t 9 27 chain«, and thence South th a t never lias failed. These acted with violence, and the the entl-e course or any part of it. 12.42 chains to the place of begin | worth the risk of impaired vision. See this boy went to bed with alarm ing symptoms! The family nlng. Lot 18 Brookfield Addition to physician was called, who saw the serious nature of the new type lamp (recently designed to help Creswell. Oregon, as platted and trouble appendicitis with abscess! The heavy carthartlc GOSPEL ASSEMBLY TO recorded on Page 94 of Volume correct the evils of improper home light­ HAVE SPECIAL SERVICE all but killed the young man! 4 of Records of Town Platts for He was hurried away to a hospital in the big city, ing) at your dealers. Lane County, Oregon. Special dedication services for Lots eight (8), fifteen (16), w here the facilities for operation were ample. The surgeons sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) found a ruptured abscess of the appendix, with peritonitis l the Full Gospel Anscmbly church In Brookfl. Id Addition to Cres­ already set up. The giving of an irritating physic was a will be held Monday of next week. well, Lane County, Oregon. > A special dedication service will be most dangerous thing to do, under the circum stances. Date of first publication October, held at the Mission, 231 Main They saved his life, hut it was a close call. It took four '25th. 1934. Date of last publication Novem­ tim es as much hospital attention, Including several tra n s­ street, at 10:30. Other services will be held at the Methodist church at ber 22nd, 1934. fusions of blood, to keep the pulses going. C. A. SWARTS. Sheriff. Lane I have w ritten several letters on this subject, and 1 2:30 and 7:30, and a basket dinner County, Oregon. will be held In the basement of the hope this furth er warning is not superfluous; NEVER give By A. E. HULEOUAARD, Dsputy Published Every Thursday at Springfield. I-ane County. Oregon by Enforcem ent W ould Mean Earning Reduction On Property To I Percent Says O fficial Milk The Largest Majority R G G IM A N N ’S HOW M t C H 0 7 » FAMILY / DOCTOR. JOHN JOSEPH GAINES M.0 YO UR £ Y£ A f MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY a harsh purgative in case of an abdominal pain. Methodist church at 6:30. a (O 26— N 1 -t-lS -U ) AT YOUR FURNITURE DEALERS