PAGE POUR T ill'K SD A Y , NOVEMBER 1. 1934 THE SPKINOP1EI.D NEWS BAHBIR SHIES POLICY IS MAYOR Less Taxes And Rigid Econ­ omy Is Needed; Points To Street Light Savings $5400 W ilfrid Percy Tyson, baa painted place people on the city payroll a different picture, aud I do u o t, who « ill work. To do otherwlae believe my decision, under the ctr meaua still higher tax», and gov cumstance, to re-conalder again i ernmental suicide for Springfield taking public office t. Inconsistent; w ith a continued economy pro in the face of eonslant persuasion , gram, to which I am pledged, for from a number of friends, who hav- « tew more years aud we will have Ing the Interest of the city at h eart,, enough of our debt, paid so we can and being thoroughly cognisant aftonl „ r , h# improvement* with my qualifications to properly; Brtw being t»iked about But you fill this office, and of the fact that can't wear diamonds when you are my vocation as accountant w ould' broke. enable my free action of decisions JO HN PYLK for the welfare of the community j ‘ J ________________ a , a whole, without fear of dissbl Ing my business. Our experience with a mayor in office who must 08126034 consider business first, and, or. one whe wishes to make an impression by DOING SO M ETH IN G has been "f. „hYlVn “** ’ L £ 2 . Ji n,-»m,t i t n ms “tT, in convincing form, thus the decis­ ion to become a candidate for the office of Mayor of this city. The Fair and Square Deal and rest I leave humbly to you CLAYTON. F BARBER Economical Administration (Paid Adv.i Promiaed By Candidate T M UPHOLDS TYSBN PLATFORM Mayor Candidat» Pledges Continuation Of Prenant Potici»« Of Administration and City Engineer for a number of Io serve them in that capacity B. E K K I’ NKH years; few know Hprlngfleld as I (Pani Adv I do, and believe that Ibis knowledge of Ihe City will bring a larger Brothers Meet— Mr. aud Mrs. public service Io the office of Re­ corder, should the dtlsetis wish me Phil Myers and their sou. Prank, of Apache, Oklahoma, are her» to visit with Mr. Myer's brother, W, C, Myere. si Haydeo bridge They have not seen each other for "U yeara. F O R F E IT U R E of To the voter» of the City of Spring- To the Voters of Springfield field : Having announced myself as a A number of cltiseas of Spring- candidate for mayor to fill out the field have requested me to make a balauce of the late Mayor Tysou's statement regarding my policy of term I hereby uak your loyal sup office should I be elected Mayor In port. the coming election The questlou I have b>en on the Council (or ha» al,o been aaked W h y do I six years and have beeu r seriated desire to become Mayor of Spring with the late Mayor T n during field.' Both are fair questions, and all of that time, learut * Io know 1 shall herewith endeavor to ans­ him and bis policies wer them. I do not wish to be If elected I will eudenvtor to mayor for any honor that may be carry out the plans he had estab connected with the office, merely llshed for the future weliare of being prompted by a desire to ren­ der service to the community. I consented to become a candl the City of Springfield as I am a I Fortunately, Important legislative 16816342 ! date for mayor after the earnest heavy taxpayer aud have a vital matters pertaining to the operation ■ solicitation of friends who had Intereat In the city. of this city are decided, not by the Again thanging you for your sup­ caused petitions in uiy behalf to be mayor alone, but by a body of five J circulated A desire to be of public port W. A. TAYLOR men over which he merely pre­ (Paid adv.) service to the city iu which I live Automobile Fatalities Are side,. having no more voting power ROHIBITION had its chance for l and expect to continue to make my than any one of the councllmen. Laaa home Is my only motive In being a 14 yeara AND FAILED! Oregon's however, my influence would be candidate for the office. I have Stats records show that there wars a l­ sincerely along the following lines, _ Liquor Control Law has had only one . „ Quarrel with anyone nor do most T H R E E T IM K B M O R I automobils fatal to the extent of my force and abil To the \ oters of Springfield: intend to make any radical changee year's chance and IS SUCCEEDING. ties, involving liquor, during 1932, under pro- By: 1 beg to submit the follow ing rea l cltv government. Neither do I ilb 'tio n than thers has been In Oregon »Inca Influence the vote for can 1. Rigid enforcement of practical sons why I should be re-elected w#Ilt Bootleggers and Home Breweries repeal: This In the face of year a fte r year didates for any other city office. economy to the end that the heavy Recorder: Quitting increase In auto aoeldonts— o ver «7 percent 1. Of all candidate- for the of My only promise is a fair and burden now being carried by the caused by tra ffic violations, speeding and oars- taxpayers of this city be reduced fice. 1 believe I am the better square deal for everyone and an The state commission is d riv in g prohibi­ lesaness by both drivers and pedestrians— to a minimum at the earliest possi­ qualified by experience, education efficient and economical adtulnls tion's bootleggers out of business. Tens of and not Involving liquor in any way, before or ble date. aud temperament. I am now in tration it you should see fit to elect There is a widespread resent thousands of horns broweriss hsvs quit. It a fte r repeal. 2. I believe the people of this the midst of a program which is a me to the office of mayor. I will men ( to Mr. 1. M Peterson'a as has confiscated over 100 Illic it whisky dis- community have a right to expect step In the right direction to place try and work harmonloualy with sumption of mauager of Spring titlls rie s . It Is steadily w orking tow ard »lim i- one dollar’s worth of value and the city on a permanent sound Itiv any other city officials you may field, as per letter recently pub­ Drinking by Minor« Decreases nation of irresponsible beer retailors, and for service for every dollar spent, anelal basis and will eventually re- ! choose to elect. lished iu the Springfield New» strict law obssrvanoo by responsible lloenssd Rapidly suit in lowered taxes and more ef All my life, until recent years. I there can possibly be some Im­ Ignoring completely the Important establishments. Orient operation of City Govern have been connected with, man provement made along tbis line factor that the mayor and city D rin king by minors Is decreasing heavily, 3 There appears to be anxiety ment. The middle of the stream aged, or owued large lumber oper rouurll create In our city govern is homo brew and bootleg sources of supply $1,500.000.00 for Old Age , alions. 1 have also served on the among some relative to the future is no place to trade horses. ment. Thia was Just a little flight are reduosd. Respect for lew Is growing. Pensions and Relief 2 1 have served in this office In directorate of banks and other fin of Iry'a imagination which I con policy of lighting the town About Public official», encouraged by sano public three years ago. In order to reduce very difficult and trying times. 1 ! »«cial institutions. It was poluted sid.-r perfectly harmless. •»Alim ent are steadily Increasing s fflc ls n t law During ,«34-35 It w ill distribute an esti­ the city's operating expenses to a have worked hard for the best In- J 0,11 *° ln*‘ *hat my long business mated .m o u n t of $1,500,000.00 to stats and inforcsm snL But the holding of two salaried \ experience and my wide acquaint point commensurate with available terests of Springfield county treasuries for paym ent of Old Age 3. I have established my home i ?“ c.e' * ' * »■>«’ induwtrl«! offices running concurrently, and funds, the City Council undertook, Pensions. Mothers' Aid and Unem ploym ent the duties occurring colocidenlly Is ,7 ft ‘T " o , among other things, to reduce our and mv business here and am rear- “ Let'« Not Go Back To Relief— all w ithout cost to taxpayers. It has h * v i Springfield so apparently Illegal. 1 do not be­ lighting expense; this was brought ing my fam ily here' 1 like Spring !“ *, Lawleasneaa already provided mors then $400,000 for theoo lieve the practice should be con­ * i?. „ h“ . £ about by reducing the number of field as a residence place, bellev- We need a bank and tinued any longer Mr. Peterson Is purposes. lamps in some places, and reducing ing that we are peculiarly favored community Support thia good w ork and good law. the wattage of lamps in other by climate and recreational advan more payroll industries in order to drawing a salary as city recorder Work fo r real progress tow ard tem perance Racketeers Wnnt Prohibition aud a salary as city attorney with better develop this city. As mayor cases. Thfs entrenchment alone tages. I have a wife and two small Vote down unworkable local prohibition, that Back has netted a saving of approximate­ children who are solely dependent I feel It will be encuinbrant upon fees, and has had an additional would force fo rfe itu re by the county of Its ly $5.400.0 to the taxpayers cf upon me for support and I need me to look after this side of Ihe room fixed up at a large expense there In Old Age Pensions and Unem ploym ent T his money form erly w ant to bootleggers Springfield. It would be very well the salary of the office to support city's welfare as well as (he city to the Town for his private law of­ Relief fund»: that would oompol additional fice. with heat, light and water •—end w ill again if D iy Agitators destroy to have the City enshrouded In my family. Your vote and your sup­ government. Lanes to replace thorn— and would give us the law as they say they w ant to do. Dry I am maintaining a home in furnished, rent free— u saving of lights, but I believe the tax paver port will be much appreciated •»thing in eschange except renewed lawtsae- perhaps $180 to Mr. Peterson. He loaders confess that county dry laws W IL L Springfield for my wife and gratia is more interested In reducing his Respectfully submitted. neea, hypocrisy, bootleggers and III w ill be N O T STO P drinking, or end the bootlegger. past due obligations at the present IRA M PETERSON. Recorder son at 848 A street and expect to laims he lias made large savings tween neighbors. History proves It w ill bring racketeering back. time, and restoring the lights when of Springfield and Candidate for remain here in the yeara to come. to the City In Its operation, which finances will permit. re-election. (paid adv.) My busiues, is life insurance and Is moat noticeable Iu the reduction In regard to my recent resig­ it permits me sufficient time to of the wages of other city em­ nation from the City Council as attend to the duties of the mayor's ployees. but refused to aubmlt to I stated at the time. I had office. If you think I will make a any reduction In either of hla two good mayor and can be of real salaries. Mr. Peterson owns no hoped to be relieved of public duties, but the recent passing of service to the community then I real property in Springfield, and our beloved and capable Mayor earnestly solicit your vote. If you pays no taxes tor the support of think one of the other candidates the Town or our schools. Is practi­ will do better by all meant vote cally a so-Journer while pickings are good, and then, can drop out for him. as easily as he dropped In. Many (Paid adv.I E. H. TU R N ER . of us are more or less fixtures, who can't get away If we would, our Assists at Office— Verle Hoover vested Interests holds u fast We Campaign Promises Means Higer Taxes and a Bank­ is here from Albany this week tot l ft-G AYNOR AYRES SERVRIIÏ5 EdlRHIICE with NED SPARKS W ALTER C O U N Q LLY Starts Sunday For 4 Dayi L. L. RAY A T T O R N E Y AT LAW DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR For Lane County State Senator W ill work to make the principles and ideals of Franklin Roosavslt effective In Oregon. temporarily suspended the order of the Public U tilities Commissioner. Pending the final determination by the court, bills for exchange telephone service w ill be rendered at the rates in effect prior to the Commissioner’s order. O u r Company has given bond, under the court's order, which fully protects all our customers in esse any refunds may be due. Telephone rates have been regulated in Oregon for twenty years, and only reasonable earnings under the most fa­ vorable business conditions have been allowed. I t is a well-known fact that our earnings under regulation are limited in good times. Private industry it not so lim ite d . D u rin g the depression, tele ­ phone earnings, along with those of other businesses, have been seriously impaired because of the decreased use of the service. A t all times our investment is fixed by the public requirements and conse­ quently the carrying charges on our telephone plant are likewise fixed. Under regulation we are not lu a ra n tttd any return on our investment and we are perwff to earn only a fair return when business conditions make that possible. Throughout the depression, it has not been possible for us to earn any figure even approaching a fair return. Company and w ill reduce our present low earnings to 1% on the value of the property. I t is apparent that these dif­ ferences are substantial and not minor concessions that our Company might make. Every vital principle and fact which have given Oregon a telephone service of the highest quality at the lowest possible coat consistent with financial safety were ruled on adversely by the Public Utilities Commissioner. W e must continue to render an adequate, depend­ able and satisfactory service, and meet our obligations to the public we serve, the men and women who are loyally de­ voting their lives to this great public service, and our stockholders. In fui filling these resp onsibilities we had no other recourse than the legal ste;> w h it'' the rate order forced us to take T H E B E L L S Y S T E M , of which our Company is fortunately a part, has dedi­ cated itself to the fundamental policy and purpose of rendering the most tele­ phone service and the best at the lowest possible coat to the public. Our Company, through its contractu al relationship—in no sense a relation :.hip of a subsidiary to a holding com­ pany as ordinarily understood — with the American Telephone and Telegraph Company receives the full benefits of the many aervicea furnished it by an ex­ tensive, investigating and experiment­ tages accruing to us as a part of the Bell System, we have been able to render, comprehensively and effectively, an un­ equaled service to our patrona. I t would not have been possible, either financially or physically, for our Company, working independently, to accomplish the advan­ tageous results for ita patrons which obtain by virtue of the fundamental, comprehensive and economical contrac­ tual relationship which it is our privilege to enjoy at an Associated Company of the Bell System. W e EARNESTLY DESIRE that our patrons have the full facta and wa welcome at all times the opportunity to discuss any phase of our oporadona. W a fully realise the welfare of our budneea depends upon public confidence and good will. W e would be glad to reduce rate»— voluntarily— if we were financially able to do ao. W e can not do the impeeeibl»— we have the obligation to play our full part in bringing back better times, to share the added cost of government, to meet our full responsibilities in render­ ing at all times the highest quality of service at the lowest possible coat, to provide a plant with the highest degree of performance, and to preserve the financial integrity of the property. E. D. W ISE Vice President and General Manager T he P acific T elephone and T elegraph C ompany D. (Paid Adv.)