THVR8DAV. NOVKMBKR 1, 1084 THK SPRINGFIELD NEWS WHO IS WHO and What They Do W A N T E D — llouswwork, ••w in s or i UDiiUlug by lb» hour, 20c par | AUCTIONEERS hour. Inquire at Itooiu No. 16,1 Hpi lugfleld Hotel N 7 | W. L. BRAY I G EN ER A L A U CTIO NEER MAN W A N TED tor Raleigh routs' Farm Halea and Livestock Dur of *041 tauilllee W rits Immediate 1 Hpoclalty. ly. Itsw klsh, Itspt. OHJ78HA. Community Hulea (laklautl. Calif (O 11 26| Every Wednesday Springfield r u n SALK 4)11» KA73 II I*. rang» 111 Main Ht, u*stl. lu good cotidlllou. matea Power Co, Mt. If HARVEST FESTIVAL DRAWS LARGE CROWD DANCING Q A Claaaified Directory of Reliable Busineee Firms and Professional People This Newspaper Recommends to You. ____ HTUDKNT8 MATINEE DANCES AT WINTKRGAHDKN Every Saturday Afternoon 2 • 6 o'clock 10c AUTO DEALERS ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES ANDERSON MOTORS, INC. Springfield Electric Supply ORTHODONIST___ DK. J. E. RICHMOND O RTHO DO NTIA Phone 2263 -J 1176 Charnelton PAGE THREE DR MILTON V. WALKER Surgery and Diseases of Women NOTICK OF PM KRIFrg BALK REAL FROFKRTY A ST. SERVICE STATION N O TIC E Is hereby given that by viritte of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for Lane County the 4th day of October 1*34, upon and pursuant to a de­ cree duly given and mads by said Court the 3rd day of October. 1M4. Io a suit pending therein In which The Pacific Savings A Loan Asso­ ciation was plaintiff and W ill _ Herns and others were defendants, which execution and order of sale was to me directed and command wt me to sell the real property hereinafter described to satisfy certain Hens and charges In snM decree specified. I will on Saturday the 10th day of November, 1*34. at the hour of ten o 'd o cjt A. M.. at the southwest door of the County Court House In Eugene, Lane Coun­ ty. Oregon, offer for sale and aell at public auction tor cash, subject to redemption aa provided by law, all of the right, title and Interest of the defendants In said suit and of all parties claiming by, through or under them or any of them In or to the following described real pro­ perty, to-wit: The West forty (40) feet of Lot one (1) In Block four (4 ), Ches­ hire's Addition to Eugene. Lane County, Oregon. Oeneral Ga ollne, OB and Oraasaa Ooodrtch Tires "A Home Owned Station." 6th and A Sts., Springfield, Ph. 44 Mitchell Service Station A LL R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS — Tale Tires — Greasing - Battery Hecbnrglng Expert Rudi» Repairing by LEE CRAY Phone 48-J 7th and Main Sts. Springfield OREGONIAN SERVICE STATION Eugene PHYSICIAN ■ SURGEON SERVICE STATION8 At the Springfield Junction GAS AN D OILS Service Day and Night. Grocery Sundries, Tobacco'» and Picnic Goods W»»t Springfield Ph. »pr 33-J( of block eighteen; lots one to twanty-elght both Inclusive of block nineteen; lota one to twenty eight both Inclusive of block twenty; lota one to twenty eight both Inclusive of block twenty-one; lota one to twenty eight both Inclusive of block tw entyfour; lota one to twenty eight both inclnalve of block twenty-five; lots one to twenty- eight both Inclnalve of block twenty-six and blocks one, two. three, four, north half of block five, block six. south half of block seven, block sixteen, block seventeen, block eighteen, block nineteen, (block twenty, block twenty-one, block twenty-four, block twenty- five and block twenty-six, all the foregoing described streets. loU, blocks and alleys being situated In and a part of the said Keeney's First Addition to Springfield, I-ene County, Oregon as platted and re­ corded In the office of the County Clerk of Lane County, Oregon. That the hearing of said petition and of objections thereto will be heard by and before the Common Council of the City of »prlngfleld. Lane County, Oregon at 7:36 O’clock P. M of November 18. 1*84 at the Council room In the City Hall of Springfield, Oregon. I. M PETERSON. Recorder of City of Springfield. Oregon. (O 11-18-36— N 1-8) Wiring. Oeneral Contracting 4th and Malo His. Springfield K Xpert Repalrlng — All Work (I K Ijinipa, Universal Household Phone 82-J (luaranteed. Electrical Supplies. TRANSFER A STORAGE (las, OH. Tlres and llatterlea Oeneral Repairing . crowd ot 200 persona at tended MELVILLE S. JONES. M D. 6th and A Sia., Springfield l*h. 4* MOVING— Our Plano and Furni­ 442 Main Springfield the annual Fall Festival of the Surgery and Diseases of Women ture Movers are Experts. M elbodkt church Friday afternoon X Ray and Physiotherapy Inspect our New Installation at BROWN MOTOR CO STORAGE — Concerts Building, aud eveulng. A total of 140 were the State Game Farm. Springfield, Oregon Reasonable Rates. Reliability C IIK Y H L E R and PLYMOUTH aervod at the cafeteria dlnnor. Dated thia 6th day of October, Westlughouse lam p« and First National Hank Hldg. Ph. 43 PACKINO — Experienced H e l p 1*34. Booths, a basaar, the dinner, aud Sales and Service Appliances. c . A. 8WART8. Sheriff Mean* Safety and Protection. Sprains W rist — Marlon Loehr u program were Included In the Complete Automotive Service By A. E. HULBOAARD, Deputy. received medical care for a sprain­ teallval which was presented by PLUMBING - PIPE FITTING IIKNDKKEK ELECTRIC PACIFIC TRANSFER & Open Day und Night (O 11-1525—N 1-8) Springfield ed wrist Saturday at the office of Ibc ladles of tbe church uuder the 1*6 Kaal Broadway Phone 1767 420 Main St. STORAGE CO. NIEL POLLARD Rea. Phone 146-J a local physician. dlrectlou of Mrs. P. J. iinrtbolo 68% 6th. Ave. W. Eugene, Ph. 74 Kugene, Oregon SUMMONS mew P L U M B IN G If no answer Call 104 R IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF FRUIT PACKERS Copper Colls a Specialty. NO TICE TO CREDITO RS T H E S TA TE O F OREGON FOR 8CNKRHR MOTOR CO. NOTICK OF PAYM K NT Notice la hereby given that the Rea Phone 163 J WOOLEN MILLS LANE COUNTY. BUICK — OLDBMOBILE — OF D IV ID E N D Eugene Fruit Grower’s Ass’n Eva Marie Pugh. Plaintiff. Vs. Zack undersigned has been duly appoint­ 420 Main Hl. Springfield, Ore. IN Tills; C IR C U IT COURT O F T H K PONTIAC Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers ed Administrator of the estate of Pugh. Defendant. EUGENE S T A T E OF OREGON FDlt T H K Evelyn Jacobson, deceased, and Motor Cars aud Shipper». Ice and Cold Storage. To Zack Pngb. DefendanL WOOLEN MILL CO. CO UNTY OF LANK PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS IN T H E NA M E OF T H E S TA TE any and all persons having claims HAI.F.H and HK ItVICK College Ice Cream Manufacturers. lu the M ailer of the Liquidation of Manufacturers of Woolens. O F OREGON: You are hereby re­ against the said estate are hereby Coco Cola— Klst Beverages tbe I'oinmerclal Hlate Hank, 7l b and Olive Sta. — Phone *66 Carl R. Baker Film Shop Specializing In Ladles quired to appear and answer the required to present said claims, Hprlusfleld, Oreguu. Cider Vinegar Kugene, Oregon. complaint filed against yon In the duly verified as by law required, Kastman Films — Kodaks — COATINGS A N D S U ITIN G S Phone 1480 above entitled suit within four at tbe office of Frank A. DePue, NO TIC E IH HER EBY G IVEN . Frames — Album»— Motion Retail Department at Mill. weeks from the day of the first attorney for tbe Estate in Spring- AUTO WRECKERS Ferry near 8th Ave E. Eugene That an order baa beeu entered by Picture Cameras. Kaal End 6th Ave. Eugene, Ore. publication of this summons and field. Lane County, Oregon,, within the Circuit Court of the State uf 10% off with thia coupon We Photograph Everything If you fall to appear or answer for six months from the date of this Oregon. fur tbe county of laine, FEED-SEED-HAY want thereof the plaintiff will take notice. Anywhere. Red Head. Mgr authorlalug, empowering and direct I'hotte 3263 NOTICK OF S H E R IFF'S SALE Dated October 22nd. 1*84. a decree against you for the relief lug the Huperlutvudent of Hanks to M all film» to P. O. Box 667 REAL PRO PERTY Eust Side Auto Wreckers S E V E R T JACOBSON, Admin­ ADAMS FEED A HEED aa prayed for against you in said distribute a fourth dlvldeud of 16% «»8 W illamette, Eugene Ph 636 istrator of tbe estate of Evelyn I'aed Cara. Trucks and Trailers NO TIC E la hereby given that by complaint to-wlt: A decree dissolv­ on all ordluary deposit claims filed STORE Jacobson, deceased. virtue of an execution and order ing tbe marriage relation now ex­ and approved agalnat the Havluga Generator, Armature A Electrical Full line of Feed. Heed and Hay. isting between plaintiff and de­ FRAN K A. DePUE, Attorney PRINTERS of sale Issued out of tbe Circuit Department of tbe Commercial Service, Custom Grinding, Cleaning and Hlate Hank. Springfield, Oregon, up Court of the State of Oregon for fendant. and restoring to plaintiff for Estate. Kugene, Ore. Mixing A Home Owned Inetltullon. (O 25— N 1-8-1522) to and Including October 26. 1634; 2046 Franklin Hlvd. THE WILLAMETTE PRESS Lane County this 23rd day of Oct her maiden name of Eva Marie Kocks and such further relief aa »aid dividend to be paid on and 11* — 6th St. Springfield, Ph. 3 ober, 1934. upon and pursuant to Springfield NO TICE TO CREDITO RS after November ». 1*34. BEAUTY PARLORS a decree duly given and made by may b» equitable. Phone 2 Notice Is hereby given that the That »aid order also directed tbe said Court this 23rd day of Oct­ The order directing service of Oregon Feed A Seed Co., Inc. payment of a first and second divi­ Business Stationery—Office Form» ober. 1934. in a suit pending there­ suzmona against you by publica­ undersigned has been duly appoint­ Perm anent Push W aves Good Luck Manamar Poultry and dend on approved deposit claims 11 76 and Up in in which The Pacific Savings tion thereof is dated-October 10th, ed Administratrix of the estate of Booklets — Placards — Dairy Feeds numbers 1223 aud 1344 against the A Loan Association was plaintiff 1*34, and directs publication once James H. GUlmore. deceased, and Dodgers, etc. savings department, which claims The HH O W N IE BEA UTY SHOPPE Prosper W ith Manamar and Ruth F. Bullion and others each week for four successive any and all persons having claims A Modern Print Shop Producing Apprentice Finger Wave 36c. have not heretofore participated were defendants, which execution weeks, and the date ot first pub­ against the said estate are hereby Seed Cleaning a Speciality. In said dividends. Up-To-Date Printing Shampoo A Finger Wave 60c and order of sale was to me direc­ lication thereof la October llt b , required to present said claims, Delivery Phone 68* duly verified as by law required, Thai »aid order directed that thia 841 W illamette. Eugene, ted aud commanded me to sell the 1*34. Ph. 44* Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. 206 B. 6th St., Cor. High Eugene uotlce be given by publication C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Attor­ to the undersigned at the office of real property hereinafter described thereof In one Issue of < ¿.ew»paper ney for Plaintiff, Residence Wells A Wells. Attorneys, Bank of to satisfy certain Hens and charges BATTERY SERVICE RESTAURANTS Commerce Bldg.. Eugene, Lane of general circulation printed and Eugene, Oregon. PACIFIC FEED A SUPPLY CO. In said decree specified. I w ill on County, Oregon, within six months published In l^ine County. Oregon. »7 E Broadway (O 11-18-25— N 1-8) Eugene. Ora. Saturday the 24th day of November EUGENE EGO DEPOT That tbe date of publication from the date of this notice. IRENE'S CAFE 1*34. at the hour of eleven o'clock. I’ERRY'8 thereof la November 1, 1*34 We Pack and Grade Eggs for tbe Breakfast 16c up — Dinner 26c up. A. M at the southwest door of the Dated and first published Oct. IK, NOTICE OF ST R E E T VACATIO N 1934 A A. HCHKAMM. Superintend BATTERIES. BRAKES Merchants of Eugene and Spring- County Court House In Eugene. ( b ill 10c eut of Hanks, lu Charge of the ELSIE WHYTE. Administra­ field IG N IT IO N , MOTOR W ORK, I-ane County. Oregon, offer for sale NO TIC E OF A LLEY VACATIO N Home Cooking Liquidation of the Commercial | trix of the estate of Jamas H. and sell at public auction for cash, NOTICE O F BLOCK VAC ATIO N Wheel Aligning Cor. 6th and W illamette St. Slate Hank, Springfield, Ore | GUlmore. deceased. Ice Cold Beverages on Tap subject to redemption a» provided NO TICE OF LOT VACATIO N "Any Service— Any Car” gon. Kugene. Ore . Phone 168 I W ELLS A W ELL». Attorneys Main Bet 4tb and 6th Sta. by law. all of the right, title and Notice Is hereby given that on for Estate. 726 Oak Ph. 767 Eugene Springfield Open T ill Midnight Interest of the defendants tn said the sixth day of October, 1*34, the (O 18-26 — N 1-8-15) FURNITURE suit and of all parties claiming by, State Land Board of Oregon filed I-AN ECO BATTERY through or under them or anv ot NOTICE TO CREDITORS LET’S EAT with the City Recorder of Spring- JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. them In or to the following des­ FACTORY field, Oregon Its petition for the In the County Court of the State at the N E W M AM M Y'S CABIN. The cribed real property._to-w lt: Ranges and Circulators A HO M E IN D U 8T R Y vacation of the following parts and of Oregon for Lane County. reason for the New Cabin Is public Several Lines Including Montag. portions of the plat of Keeney's Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Eugene Thp West fifty-three (53) feet In the M atter of the Estate ot demand for larger accommodations. First Addition to Springfield. Lane Linoleum— Inlaid and Felt Base of Lot six (6) In Block seven (7) Naturopathic Physician 867 Pearl Phone 1008 Philip J. Barnet, deceased. Chicken A T-Bone Steaks aa usual. of Fairmount, an addition to the County, Oregon: Attractive Prices on Furniture Notice to hereby given that the Special »unday Entertainment. City of Eugene. Lane County, Phone *1-J and Rugs. CREAMERIES -_____ That portion of Eleventh Street undersigned has been by the above Oregon. Judkins Point Tbe same location. lying and being between blocks entitled court appointed as admin­ See Us Before You Buy Dated this 23rd day of October, Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M Ph. 2776 Demand the Beat—Costs no More one. two, three, four. five, six and istrator of the above entitled We Deliver Phone 1188 Pacific Highway 1*34. 404 Fourth Street the west thirty feet of sard Eleven­ estate. BLUE BELL 64» W illam ette C A. SW ARTS. Sheriff. Kugene All persons having claims against th street lying easterly of block SCHOOLS-COLLEGES Dairy IToducte By A. E. HVLEO AAR D. Deputv. seven; that portion of Q Street ly­ said estate are required to present O 25— N 1-8-15-22) . Ice Cream. Butler, Cheese, Milk GROCERIES ing between blocks one and four, said claims properly verified to ENROLL NOW FOR two and three; that portion of P said administrator at his law office EUG ENE FARM ER 8 CREAM ERY, Day and Night Classes In a Good street lying and being between in Eugene. Oregon within six W atchmaker and Jnwolnr DIBBLEB*8 Phone Eugene 638 NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE School. blacks three and six and four and months from this 25th day of HPKIN0F1BLD RED A WHITE GROCERY Shorthand. Bookkeeping. Typing five; that portion of O Street lying October, 1*34. NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N •o. Pacifie Watch Inspector CONVALESCENT HOMES C. A W IN T E R M E IE R . Admin­ Phone 4 First Claas W ork at Reasonable I That I have In my hand for service and being between blocks six and istrator. Eugene Business College seven; the alley running easterly Cor. 4th and Main Sta., Springfield Prices an execution Issued out of the Clr- CLEANING A DYEING (O y — N 1-51522) A. E. Roberta, Pres. I cult Court of the State ot Oregon and westerly thru block one; the Phone 666 Miner Bldg, | for Lane County, on the 2nd day of alley running easterly and westerly HOSPITALS SUM M O NS Jlininie's ('leaning Shop thru block two; the alley running General Law ITsctloe Eugene. Oregon I October. 1*34. In a suit wherein easterly and westerly thru block IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF JAMES M IT C H E L L PACIFIC HOSPITAL, T H E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR — i Mary A. Parks and Mary A. Parka three; the alley running easterly Cleaning. Pressing, Alterations. I. M. PETERSON INC. LA N E CO UNTY. ( oillplete Business Courses , as administrator of the estate of and westerly thru block four; the We Call For and Deliver. Attorney « t-L a« Day and Evening Classes 1 W illiam A. Parks, deceased, are alley running easterly and weeterly H A T T IE E. REAM. Plaintiff, va. 12th and Hllyard ROYAL Made to Measure Hulls. L. Z. M cVAY and U N K N O W N City Hall Building The personnel of our college la plaintiffs and Jesse F. Cooper and thru block five: the alley running Phone 2600 H EIRS of D A N IE L M cVAY and 30» Main » t . Springfield. Ph 76 J experienced and capable. Goldie M. Cooper are defendants easterly and westerly thru block hprlngfleld, Oregon Kugene. Oregon A N N McVAY. his wife, both de­ Sadie II. I’yke— Typing, Bookkeep-! and which said execution is Issued six; the alley running easterly and ceased, and all other persons or lug, English. i on B decree that was entered ol westerly thru block seven; that CABINET SHOP parties unknown claiming any Martha R yan-Shorthand, vocab- , D gaid gult on , he 27th day portion of N street bounding blocks EUGENE HOSPITAL right, title estate, lien, or Inter­ fifteen, and sixteen, seventeen and arithm etic* D e , , oi October- 1,33 * “< » whlch “ w SPRINGFIELD CABINET "The Friendly Institution" est In the real property des­ eighteen upon the northerly side; I execution orders me, the under- Blanche M .»«,_ -s.-n „t» n - Phone 1800 SHOP cribed in the P lain tiffs Com­ Mack—Stenotype. that portion of fourteenth Street signed sheriff for the purpose of lying and being between blocks plaint. Defendant. Geo. W. Stephen* 1162 W illam ette Eugene E. N. Hathaway— B u a I n e a a man­ satisfying the personal decree due sixteen, seventeen, twenty, twenty- T O :— L. Z. McVay and Unknown ager. Hash, Doora. Glass, the plaintiffs In the sum ot »300.00 one, twenty-four _ ___ __________ ___ Heirs of Daniel McVay and Ann and twenty-five; SCHOOL OF and General M ill Work LADIES READY-TO-WEAR of Pittsburgh, Pa. with Interest thereon at the rate I that portion of fifteen Street lying McVay, his wife, both deceased, MODERN STENOGRAPHY Used Doora and Windows of 8% per annum from the 7 th ! and being between blocks seven and all other persons or parties un­ 841 W illamette, Eugene, Phone 117 day of August, 1931 until paid and teen and eighteen, and nineteen known claiming any right, title, DELLA BORIN’S DRESS 4th and C Sia Springfield Ore. SHOP for *50.00 reasonable attorney’s and twenty, twenty-five and twenty estate, lien, or Interest In the real LUMBER fees and for costs and dlsburse- six; the alley running easterly and property described In the Plain­ SPEC IA L SWAGGER SUITS »12.76 DENTISTS_______ ! meuts of suit taxed at 324.46 and westerly thru block sixteen; the tiff’s Complaint. Defendants. Represented By Phone 2592 IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S TA TE EUGENE LUMBER CO. i costs of sale, to sell the hereinafter alley running easterly and west erly thru block seventeen; the O F OREGON: Yon are hereby re­ OK. G. A. BROWN 67 Bast Broadway Eugene described real property In the man- E. H. TURNER Our roofing department can furn­ alley running easterly and wester­ quired to appear skid answer the Hours * A. M. to 6 P. M. ish you with roofs that last. Pro­ ! ner provided by law. ly thru block eighteen; the alley complaint filed agaln’ t you In the 846 A HL Springfield, Ore. ANGELINE DRESS SHOP fessional applicators. Phone 20 J NOW T H E R E F O R E Notice to running easterly and westerly thru above entitled suit within four (4) Eugene. Oregon Phone 426 further given that by virtue of the block nineteen; the alley running weeks from date of the first pub­ ’»III and Main Sts. Springfield R. R. Blvd. A Grand St., Eugene foregoing. I will, on Monday the easterly and westerly thru block lication of this summons, and if Popular Priced Dresses Residence 728 A Street. 5th day of November, 1*34 at 10:00 twenty; the alley running easterly you fall to ao appear, for want Allen A. Hosiery The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co, o'clock In the forenoon of said day and westerly thru block twenty thereof the plaintiff w ill take a 63 K. Broadway Phone 633-W DR. WM. N. DOW Furnishes a at the South and Main door of the one; the alley running easterly and decree In the above entitled court D E N TIS T Eugene, Oregon I-ane County Court House In Eu­ westerly thru block twenty-fonr; aealnst you quieting title to the COMPLETE HOME X lla.v Dlngnosla — Hours * to 12 gene. Lane County, Oregon, offer the alley running easterly and following described real property, Building and Repairing Service. * Mrs. Margaret M. Cold re u for »ale and sell at public auction westerly thru block twenty-five; to-w lt: 1 to 6 and by appointment. For Service Phone Springfield 66 to the highest bidder for cash all the alley running easterly and Beginning at the Northwest Formerly Walker-Poole M O DISTE Office Phone 8 — Res. Phone 87 corner of Lot 7. In BROOKLYN, or If no answer, phone 34-J. the right, title and estate of the westerly thru block twenty-six; the Remodeling — Designing First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Springfield running thence South *0 feet, KUGKNB— U th S P R IN G F IE L D aforesaid defendants and all par­ easterly one half of that portion of Springfield. thence East *0 feet, thence Miner Bldg., E. Broadway, Eugene ties claiming by, thru or under thirteenth Street between K Street und Charnelton 2X8 Main North 90 feet, and thence West Phone 3346 them. In and to the following des­ and N Street; that portion of four­ Telephone 723 SHOE REPAIRING Phone 82-J MEMBERS LISTED IN teenth Street between K Street uid 90 feet to the place of beginning. cribed real property: N Street; that portion of fifteenth And that all and earh of you be H. S. BOYS GLEE CLUB Beginning at a point In the LAUNDRIES Hall’s Shoe Repair Shop Street between K Street and N decreed to have no right, title, es­ center of the county road 5:75 Street; lots one to twenty-eight W e Repeat— We are itrtvln g to tate. lien, or Interest In or to the Membership In the boys glee club SPRINGFIELD I-AUNDRY chains we»t of a rock which to both Inclusive of block one; lots aforesaid pi>en.toes or hny part live up to the Spirit aa well aa the In the center of said road and on one to twenty-eight both inclusive thereof. at Iba Springfield high school has We Specialise In Silks, Woolens, Letter of tbe National Recovery the section line between sections of block two; lots one to twenty- been announced by Miss Qlyde Dll- The order decreeing the service and Curtains. Act. 27 and 28 In township 1? South eight both Inclusive In block three; of thia summons hy the publication ley, director aa follows: Malcolm Rough Dry - T h rifty Damp Wash 420 Main St. Springfield range one west of W. M. tn Lane lots one to twenty-eight both In­ thereof’ 1« dated October 24th. 1934. Hanson, Jack Wllllntna, Robert Mr- Phone 76-J County, Oregon, and running clusive of block tour; lobs one to and directs publication once each Chesney, Harry Bainbridge. Chas. 30» Main St. Springfield JOHN NEILSON SHOE SHOP successive thence west 100.6 feet; thence fourteen both Inclusive of block week for four (4 ) Ingersoll, Jack Logan. Marvin Gor- General Shoe Repairing south 650 feet; thence east 100.6 five; lots one to twenty-eight both weeks and that date of the first rle, Wendell Bartholomew, Warren Return From Outing— Mr. and feet; thence north 660 feet to Inclusive of block six; lots fifteen publication of this summons to Our work Is Guaranteed. Our Vail, Roy Crandall, Robert Rich­ Mrs. Carl Olson returned last the place of beginning contain­ to twenty-eight both Inclusive of Octoher 25th. 1934. prices are moat reasonable. block seven; lots ope to twenty- W IN G A R D A REID. Attorneys ing 1.60 acres all In Lane County, eight both Inclusive of block six­ ardson, Vincent Chase, Lawrence week-end front the coast where Give Us a T rial and Be Satisfied. for Plaintiff. Dated October 4. 1934 Chase. Wayne Tullar, Kerrigan they had spent a week fishing and teen; lots m e to twenty-eight both Residence and Post Office Ad­ Opposite McKee's Bakery C. A. SW ARTS. Sheriff. Inclusive of block seventeen; lots dress : Eugene. Oregon. Hutcheson, and Arthur McCheaney. hunting. 607 Main St., Springfield (O 4-11-18-26— N 1) one to twenty-eight both Inclusive O 26— N 1-81522) Business Directory Edward G. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e AVOID MURKY VISION When full and winter days ar­ rive and tho sun I* often cloud­ ed over day after day, do you feel depressed and doe» your vision also seem murky? Do not takes chances. It Is on Just such days as these when your eyes are strained and many II) effects usually follow. Have your eyea tasted and be sure of yourself. THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries By ED. KRESSY