Tl1UH8DAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1834 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS N O T IC K O F S H E R IF F '* SALK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That by v irtu e of un executlou and I order of Sale Issued out of th e C ir­ Published E very Thursday at cuit Court of the State o f Oregon Springfield. lx in e County. Oregon by for lj»ne County on the 20th da.v I of October. 1934. upon and pur THE WILLAMETTE PRESS snant to a decree given and made H. E. M A X E Y . E d ito r I by «aid Court on the I8 lh day of October, 1934. In a suit pending there in in which F R E D G S T IC K Entered as second class m atter. February 24, 1903. at the poetoMIce. ELS. Trustee, v u p la in tiff, kn«l Springfield. Oregon HEAVER STATE T IL E COM I'A N Y . a corporation. It. O. Bus­ M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E hong. aa T ru stee Beaver S tu le T ile >1 00 One Year In Advance >1.60 Six Mouths Company, a corporation, bankrupt: 50c E A Kllec.c; P. J E D W A R D S T w o Years in a d v a n c e ... >2.60 T hree Months and I. L. E D W A R D S , w ere defend ante, which execution and order T H U R S D A Y . N O V E M B E R 1. 1934 ' of sole were to me directed and commanded me to sell the follow CROW E’S ELEC TIO N V IT A L tng described personal and real O. K. C row e is the most capable and has a better u n ­ property h ereinafter described to satisfy certain liana and charges In derstanding o f Laue c o m ity as a whole than any county aid decree specified. I w ill, on com m issioner this county has ever had. W e say this be­ Tuesday. Ihe 37th day of Novent cause the problem s he has had to face in th is emergency I bet. 1934. at Ihe hour of leti o'clock have been larger, more d iffic u lt and more personal than A. M . at the plant of Ihe B -a ve r any put to a county com m issioner before. To o u r m ind he State T ile Company, C reaw ell. I-ane County. Oregon, o ffe r for has handled his job w ell and undoubtedly to the best in te r­ sale and sell at public auc­ est o f Lane county as a whole. tion. all of Ihe rig ht, title and interest, of said defendants In He was the outstanding o ffic ia l who put the "N ew Deal’s” em ploym ent re lie f program in operation in Lane 1 and to the follow ing dr scribed per county. He did it w ith greater speed and less overhead I sonal property: , I Patterson Geared Jolly, 32" cost than alm ost anyw here else in the country. Head. The responsibility placed upon hint as CW A head, in 8 Rings for same. 1 Bra«a Plate for same. SER A w ork and em ergency relief in general has been the 1 1 Mt H- P- General E lectric heaviest any county com m issioner has ever been calk'd motor for same, w ith belting, upon to bear. He has not shirked his d u ty nor followed counter shaft, pulleys and s ta r­ the course o f least resistence but met each problem square­ ter. 1 W h lrle r. Plaster Paris head ly on the grounds he believed to the best interest o f Lane w ith counter shaft, pulleys, etc c o u n ty even enough it m eant po litica l opposition. 1 Rathsam Flow er Pol Mach U n fo rtu n a te ly in re lie f w o rk there are m any o f those Ine, w ith pulleys, belting, coun ter shafts, etc., and dies as fol w ho receive w ho are never quite satisfied and those who lows 3". 2 M ”. 3". 4". and 7'” are refused are always dissatisfied. Any o ffic ia l w ho must 1 3 H P G. E. M otor fo r same deal w ith re lie f necessarily makes p o litic a l enemies, who w ith belt and starter are out at election tim e " to get h im ." He m ust divide the • 1 B rew er B rick A H ollow T ile tnachiner. sheep fro m the goats and then act in accord w ith lim ited W ith D rain T ile Dies aa follows: resources. 13 In.. 10 in.. 8 In., 6ln.. 4 in , and 3 As citizens and voters we must have judgm ent enough i In W ith H ollow Block Dies as fol­ to support fo r re-election those w ho have courageously lows: 4 In x 8 in. x 12 In.. 5ln. x 8 in. x 12 in.. 6 in. x 8 in. x 12 in acted fo r the c o u n try ’s best interest, else we soon w ill be W ith 1 lubricated brick front served by a bunch o f p o litic a l "pussy-footers." and there w ith round and square cornered w ill be no rew ard fo r fa ith fu l and honest service. slicks. The re-election o f C om m issioner Crowe is vita l to the 1 25 H P. G E. M otor for same, w ith started, e rn n te r shaft, best interest o f Lane county. pulleys and beit. ----------------- • ----------------- 1 m ai» d riv e belt. R E -E LE C T GRACE SC H ISKA 1 Am erican semi-autom atic B rick & T ile Cutter, w ith equip­ You w ould not fire a reliable experienced and e fficient ment, belts, pulleys, counter­ head bookkeeper if you were m anager o f a corporation shaft. etc. doing a tw o m illio n d o lla r business fo r tne sake o f giving 1 O ffbearing belt w ith pulleys, the job to an inexperienced frie n d or a m em ber o f you” belt and equipment. po litica l party. Y our business judgm ent would be better 1 Brew er No. 40 D rain T ile C u tter w ith Slides for 3 Io.. 4 in than that, and if it were not you could be sure th a t the and 6 In D rain T ile . board o f directors w ould have you on the carpet. 1 B rew er No 29 D rain T ile Grace Schiska as treasurer and bookkeeper fo r Lane C u tte r w ith equipment for 8 in. 10 In and 12 In. D rain T ile co u n ty handles tw o m illio n dollars a year of the county, 1 B rew er Hand B rick and T ile c ity and school d is tric t tax money. H er experience aud Cutter. efficiency in accounting fo r every penny o f th is money 1 F ate D tsln tregrato r w ith enables her to tu rn it over in the shortest period o f time. Belts. Countershaft, pulleys, etc. 1 10 H P. G. E M otor w ith W ith hundreds o f thousands o f dollars in six per cent in ­ s ta rte r and pulley and belt. terest bearing w a rra n ts outstanding by county, cities and 1 Double Screen. school d istricts, the sooner the accounting o f the tax money I Convever w ith 12 In. belt. the sooner it can be paid o u t and the interest stopped. An 300 Brick A T ile Pallets 100 Drain T ile Pallets. e ffic ie n t h a rd -w o rk in g treasurer can save the taxpayers 4 W heel barrows. 2 spring off- more money than her salary every year. An inexperienced bearing trucks and in e ffic ie n t one can be a positive lia b ility to the county. 40 Plaster Paris Flow er Pot Laying aside po litics! It is good business judgm ent to i molds. 5 P laster Paris Floor T ile re -e le c f Grace Schiska county treasurer. molds. 1 M o rta r and Pestle, Mlscl. M O T T FOR CONGRESSMAN sm all tools, shovels, spare parts, James W. M o tt should be re-elected to congress. He ex tra pulleys, shafting, belting, w ater piping, etc. is a capable and successful congressman and w ith one te rm ’s experience behind him even better service w ill be and at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. of the same day. at the South had in the fu tu re since he w ill draw strong com m ittee 1 M. west door o f the County Court assignments. House, Eugene. Lane County. State M o tt is no rubber stam p fo r anybody. He is n o t afraid of Oregon, o ffe r for sale and sell to say “ No.” Legislation and policies m ust be backed by at public auction, subject to redem ­ as provided by law . a ll the sound reason and facts before they get his approval. He ption rig ht title and interest of the de­ is an able debater and an effective com m itteem an, a fa c to r fendants in said suit, and all par- to be reckoned w ith when selfish legislation comes on the | ties claim ing by, through or under calander. He alw ays looks fo r the jo k e r and is a foe to spe­ them, or any o f them . In and to the follow ing described real prop­ cial privilege. erty. to-w lt: ---------- «---------- We need congressmen who can th in k of som ething else besides reaching deeper in to the public’s pocket. No dem ocracy can be run by bureaucrats and extravagant spenders fo r long. Legislation fo r perm anent re lie f and reconstruction m ust be forthcom ing. M o tt’s record has been one of achievem ent fo r the firs t d is tric t. It is only good business to re tu rn him to congress. — ■*.----------------- D U N N E IS OUR CHOICE Joe Dunne is o u r choice fo r governor. Between the hard-boiled, stubborn and in to le ra n t M a rtin and the red­ eyed socialist Zim m erm an there is no choice but Dunne. T o our m ind he w ill m ake a good governor. He is liberal enough to sa tisfy sensible people and yet not so radical as to be unsafe. He preaches a doctrine th a t has always been ours, "P a y as You Go.” D unne’s c h ie f c ritic s point to him as a shrewd p o liti­ cian. He is also a good business man and an experienced le g isla to r who know s the s ta te ’s problems thorough ly. But being a p o liticia n is an asset ra th e r than a lia b ility in these tim es. P o liticia n s know how to get things done. Roose­ v e lt is the c o u n try ’s outstand ing politician. Never was any­ th in g else. Senator Dunne has never been beaten in a political cam paign. He looks like a sure w inner now. -------------------9 ------------------- T A X L IM IT A T IO N FORCES O TH E R TAXES Even the m ost ardent supporters o f the 20 m ill tax lim ita tio n b ill ad m it th a t there w ill have to be supplem ental legislation to provide money to run the governm ent, state, county, c ity and school d is tric t, i f th e ir measure passes. T h e ir argum ent is th a t it is not th e ir problem as taxpayers to fin d a way. B u t it is ju s t as m uch th e ir problem as any­ one else’s. I f we pass th is measure we m ust also consider we w ill be called upon to pass o th e r form s o f taxation. We w ill undoubtedly have to choose tw o or three o f the fo llo w in g : A high sales tax. An incom e tax in the low er brackets. An occupation tax. A lu x u ry tax. D iversion o f the gasoline tax. T he m ethod used in b rin g in g the 20 m ill lim ita tio n be­ fo re the people alone is to secure passage w ith o u t antagon­ iz in g other classes of voters and to force some of these o th e r taxes on the public later. When you vote fo r the 20- m ill lim ita tio n you are surely m aking some o ther form of ta xa tio n m andatory. Regardless o f what supporters may say as to only a 25 per cent cut the fact rem ains th a t the operating side of our g o v e rn m e n t- Lane C ounty, T ow n o f Springfield, S pringfield school d is tric t, w ill be cut more than 50 percent. T hey can not begin to operate on such a cu t and you w ill have to subm it to some o th e r fo rm o f taxation. OUR VO TE ON T H E MEASURES Grange Pow er B ill. NO. T ax L im ita tio n C o n stitution al Am endm ent. NO. H ealing A rts C o n stitu tio n a l Am endm ent. NO. P ro h ib itio n o f the Sales o f Alcoholic Liquors. NO. P ro h ib itio n o f the Sale o f Alcoholic Liquors co n ta in ­ in g 5 per cent alcohol by W eight, fo r beverages. NO. F o r creation o f county school d istrict. (C ounty U nit P lan.) YES. ---------- »---------- W ith all the candidates ready to do or die fo r Dear Old S pringfield dem ocracy is yet safe. easterly front the re en trau l cor Dinner H osts»*— M 's Elisa " m ner In angle of Ihe donation land lenretd «aa htiah ■ al her home claim No. 53, N otification No. g g (u rd „\ eveuiug al a dinner for . Misa A lile Jew el cuuiilu gbain «peni ihe lian) where she had been visiting Day cabin» near relatives. ................« ......• » .................. 7 I week end at the ; M cKetiale bridge. They drove to •tie M eridian, an<| running «Unti t a »orlai evening and music I Foley Springs Sunday and vlewsd thence W eal 11 JO chaina. North wa» enjoyed. i Ihe wreckage cmtsed lu Ihv foreal 20 20 chains. So. 89 degrees East 11 10 vaina. N o rth I degree West I hy th«« recent storm when many duals i f dees were blown 4 4M chains. South 39 degrees Fish Umpqua— II. F. Gerber and I East 6.97 chains. Io the center of the county road, thence along Ted King spent the week end fish ' down. said toad South 8 degrees 30 min. lug near Elkton. W e a l 7.431* chains, thence W est 9.27 chains, and thence Sonili N O T IC E O F E X E C U T R IX ’S SALE ALL YOU WHO HAVE 12.42 chaina Io ihe place of begin OF R E A L P R O P E R T Y A T IN D IG E S T IO N ntng. P R IV A T E SALE Lot 13 Brookfield Addìi ion to N O T IC E Is hereby riven that C reaw ell Oregon, as platted and purnuuni io uu O R D E R of Ihe Stomach Agony— Gas. Indigestion Must Go Or Money Bach recorded on l'âge 94 of Volum e Comity Court of the State of Or« 4 of Records of Tow n Plaits for gun, for Lane County, made on the There's a sine way Io pnl an end Lane C. unly. Oregon. 24th day of October, 1934. In til«' la d s eight (81. fifteen (15). m a ile r of the E elille* of Vilena . io liidigeatlou, gas. eherttteea of sixteen ( I t ) and seventeen (171 W lckw lre, deceased , the under hr« ulh and all Ihe alltuenla Dial In Brookfield Addition io Crea signed. Edun L. K lln k . Executrix are caused hy a bud sloniacli. w ell, lam e County, Oregon. You are imply patching up your of Ihe Estate of Vllana W lc k w lre . D ale of first publication October. deceased, w ill sell at Private S a l­ stomach when you lake things that 25th. 1934 Uncle Sum in doing to Ihe highest bidder upon the only give relief fm a few hours D ale o f last publication Novem ­ terms and conditions hereinafter Why mil build up your ru n d o w n ' ber 22nd. 1934 the power job In Ore­ mentioned and subject to confirm- stomach tiiahe II strong aud vlg C A. S W A R T S . S h eriff, laine at Ion by said Court on or a fte r the oroua so that you «-an eat anything gon. W h y set up a ( AU,p y' i i r rr ? ( n ’ X A R n Denuty 24 th duy ° r N o w m b vr. IM 4 . «11 you wunt without Ihe least sign By i A. E H l LECH AAKP. I t i l l y rl« h t. title . Intercnt uiul e» of distress? new Btute commieeioii tO 25— N 1 8 15 32) ta le of Ih e said Vilena W lckw lre, Dare's Mentha Pepsin Is what deceased. at Ihe tim e of her death every stomach sufferer need* a to plunge ue deeper In and to Ih e real property des­ pleasant ionic e lix ir for all stomach , cribed a« follows, to w it : into debt? Ills Beglunlug al a point on the Thousands of hollies of Dare's East line of County Hoad No, 3. Mentha Pepsin are sold every day T h e Junior high had u Hallow e'en 42 95 chains East of a point on because II I* the oue outstanding, party In Ihe gymnasium Monday the West line of the W illia m M supremely effective stomach rem night at 7 o'clock. Dean van Lyoe-i Stevens and wife 11. L C, No 48. edv that la guaranteed by druggists In Tow nship Seventeen (17t graf, Clarence C lark. Law rence everyw here ASSO CIATIO N TO PMK8KMVB South of Range T h ree (31 West Thompson. Roberta Pulm an. Jane OM KOONB C H K D IT of the W illa m e tte M eridian, lain* Irw in , mid Anita Pugh, were on the! County. Oregon, which la 22 89 H a tty Dorman. Bactaury com m ittee. Van wus chosen chair chains South 12' West of Ihe Wealhatlg bonding. P»»»land Northwest corner thereof and (Paid edw ) man. T h e buys brought nickels, running thence East 17 95 chains, which were used Io buy cider and ■ thence South 12* West parallel am aid igestioni apples. T h e girls brought cookies w ith the West lin e of Ih e said T h e sixth grade did numerous claim 11 38 chains, thence Wosl 17 34 chains to the Easterly llue stunts such aa boblng for apples, o f said Count) Hoad, and thence apple race. T h ere were about 180' North 3 degrees 48' W eet along present. the Easterly line of said County The firs t, second and third Road to the place of beginning, grades held separate parlies W ed­ all in Lane County. Oregon T h e West 50 4 feel of the ix it nesday afternoon T he four gallons Numbered S IX In Block number of cider that was left given for E l.E V E N In James lluddleaton's their use. Addition to Eugene. Lana Coun Sewing Club Organized ty, Oregon, according to the amended plat thereof, being now T h e eighth grade boys have a pari of said C ity of Eugene, started a 4 11 bachelors sewing Oregon. eluli. T h e re are 11 members In the Th«* South half of the South club. T h e officers are Bill Nesbitt.! h alf of the Southwest fourth of Is a public* servant who Is at yo u r uervlt’e 365 days p re s id e n t; Francis Yost vlce-presl ; the Northeast quarter of Section a year. Hain o r shine he inuxt m ake Ills route ho Four In Township Sixteen South. dent: Paul N o lt. secretary. Roy i h a l «11 l i m y have m ilk «ml cream. W hatever coopera­ Range Four W est of the W ilia m Qulnev la leader. e l l - M eridian, except land des­ tion you l i m y give him w ill lie appreciated by t h i a T h e girls have organised a girls cribed In deed recorded In V o l­ creamery. sewing d u h whose name la "(lie ume 151 at page 295. and also excepting land described In deed Snappy Stitchers.” W ilm a Crabtree recorded In Volum e 155 on Pag" is president: M a rie Briggs, vice- 137. lam e County Deed Records, president; M ildred Billings, secre­ In laine County. S ta le of Oregon, tary. M i s T helm a Sweeney is the containing nine acres more or less. leader. I x>l Numbered Four (4 ) In Block Numbered T w o (21 In V is it at Lebanon— M r aud Mrs Hendricks' Second Amended Ad E lm er Robbins spent Sunday with dillon to Eugene, t.ane County. relatives at l>*banon Oregon T h a i each parcel of said real property, above d-s<-rlb«*d. w ill be NO. 21205 old as one parcel Everyone rellshen onr I iihc I oiih bon bon*. They N O T IC E OF G E N E R A L ANO T h a i the term s of sale w ill be S P E C IA L E L E C T IO N tire doubly te m p tin g u e *tlln g In b e autifu l «m l u ttra c - tw enty per cent (2OC7) cash and Notice is hereby given that tltv e boxes. Famous fo r th e ir r i c h wholesomeness the balance on « -c u rlty on or lie general election for the Tow n of . , . - ..t. Springfield, lum e County. Oregon. tnr* *»“ »•* of K ggliim iui'n chocolates «re the fnvorles o f adults as *11 bids that are offered may lie w ill be held on Tuesday November w ell us children. left with the E x -c u trlx at the office 8th. 1934. from the hour of 8 o'clock of James K K ln r attorney for a. m to the hour of 8 o'clock p. m said Estate. 410 M iner Building Full is candy tim e at Its b e s t . We have m any of said day for the purpose of elect Eugene, Oregon, or may be filed kinds o f decorative candy fo r fa ll and w in te r occas­ ting the follow ing C ity O fficials: w ith the Executrix. C ity Recorder ions. Come here fo r c o lo rfu l and tasty candles. Dated this 25tli day of October C ity T reasurer 1M4 T w o Councllmen for four year EDN A L K L IN K . Executrix of term . Ihe Estate of Vllenn W lc k w lre One Councilman for two year Deceased term . JA M ES K K IN O . A ttorney for Also a special election w ill lie "W lierv lh<- Servie» I» D l f f e r m i l " " ^ E x -c u trlx 410 "Miner Building, held at the same tim e for the elec­ Eugene. Oregon tion of a M ayor to fill out the un f) 25— N 1 8 1522) expired term of Ihe late W . P Tyson, deceased Said election w ill he held In con- [ Junction w ith Lane County". Oregon A ll that part of the follow ing and under the jurisdiction of said described tra c t which lies bet­ county, and the Judges and Clerks ween the center o f the County and Polling plates for said election road on the east and the east shall be the same w ith in the res I line of the m ain tra c k of the O re­ pectlve precincts of the city a« , gon A C alifo rn ia Railroad also those appointed nnd designated bv known as the Southern Pacific the County Court of f.ane C o u n ty ., Railw ay being intended to con­ Oregon, for the several county pre­ vey only th a t portion of said cincts w ithin aid town for the Gen tract which Is on the east o f said eral election to be held on said i ra ilro a d ; said tract described as date, follow s: ! Dated this October 25th, 1934. Beginning at a point 64 links •- M P E T E R S O N , Recorder VOTE NO 1 Q 1 IN IT the Grange P o w er ★ Lincoln School Notes sei X H g / rv dare To D Your Milkman Springfield Creamery Co. Famous Chocolates R G G IM A N N ’ S DEFEAT T H E H E A L IN G A R T S C O N S T IT U T IO N A L AM ENDM ENT! VOTE 305 X NO Every person in Oregon la vitally concerned in the proposed “Healing Art* Constitutional Amendment” which will be on the ballot at the general election November 6. Under the fictitious claim of preventing “MEDICAL MONOPOLY,” this viciou* Healing Arte Constitutional Amendment is proposed by healing “cultists” and others having selfish in­ terests, in order to destroy the effects of the Basic Science Law passed by the last Oregon legislature. It also is designed to destroy the high standards maintained by our Oregon hos­ pitals, and to rob the State Industrial Accident Commission of its power to properly administer the ever efficient Workmen's Compensation Act. This Amendment is a direct attack against Oregon’s enviable health standards and low rate of mortality. It challenges the self respect and common sense of every person who has the wel­ fare of this state at heart. Every voter in Oregon should make it his or her business to appear at the polls on election day and vote “NO” against the Healing Arts Constitutional Amendment. Vote 305 X No! Against the Vicious Healing Arts Constitutional Amendment Paid sdv. by Joint Committee for the Preservation of Oregon'» Hospital Standards and Workmen'» Compensation Law Rev. Axel M. Green, Secy., 512 North Grahtm St., Portland, Ore. T he P hilco S how W agon WILL VISIT S P R I N G F I E L D Thursday Afternoon and Evening, Nov. 1st This unique dltplay truck, dltfurunt from anything you've ever teen be­ fore, otpands Info a comfortablo domonitratlon room whoro fhe vory nowetf PHILCO World-Wldo Radio* at wall a* fhe sensational HIGH FIDELITY radlot with the Improved tone, can bo aeon and heard for the t in t time whan thl* show parks In front of our itoro. Here Are Some of the Unusual Philco Models to Be Seen in fhe "Philco Show W agon" and in Our Store on fhe Day o f Its Visit • M O D EL 20IX $260 newrat P H IL C O high fidelity with world wide reception. • • • • • LATEST PHILCO PHILCO PHILCO PHILCO • M ODEL I6 X $185 new«« PHILCO 11 tube all» waveiet with inclined «peaker. ) M ODEL II8 X $1 0 5 a brand nrw X model with inclined >pe»ker, fine cabinet. PHILCO WORLD WIDE RADIO with Phonograph SI 65 FARM LIGHTING MODEL (lor homes with own lighting plant) 567.5C 0 BATTERY SET . . . All-Wave Conxolo . . . (for homes without electricity) serse BATTERY SET , . . Compact (for homes without electricity) . 555.00 DELUXE AUTOMOBILE RADIO. . . a brand new creation .............. 575.00 EVERY PERSON W H O i> interested in better home entertainment i> invited to this display . . tS i t means everyone, of course. WRIGHT $ SONS