HE SPRINGFIELD NEWS N IIK T Y -P IH B T Y HAH INTEBESI HIGH AS VOTINE NEARS HPRINUFIBLÜ. LANE COUNTY, ORBQQN, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1934 « “ « « , CHURCH GIVEN bootball Team PISSES Meets Lebanon PART OF ESTATE TYSONMEMORIAL NO 41 MAYOR CONTEST Payment heady SPURS INTEREST Election Official« Ready For Came Will Be Played Friday; Will Bring Total Payments In Governorship Takes Center I Ballot Markers; Two Boards Will Of Janie Cruzan Bug- University High Swamps Resolution Honors Late City Savings Department To «6 I Taylor, Barber and Turner Of Stage During Last Days Named For Each Precinct Locale On Hayward Field geete Uee Of »1250 For Pereant; Commercial 36 I Seek To Head City Affairs; Mayo; Edward Privat Ap­ Of Political Campaign Purchase Of Pipe Organ pointed To Council Place Each lesuee Statement I'olliiui places will be unchanged Coach Marlon Hall will lake his __ Payment of a fourth dividend ofi high school football players to Member, of the Kprlngfleld City ' “ ‘* re**11 OB * “ ordln* 'T clal® a LITTLE ACTIVITY SHOWN Lebanon tomorrow afternoon for Council expressed their attltoda a«a‘“ at tb* ’ • ” »«’ d* I * ' “ »»»‘ °< RECORDER RACE WARMS what promises to be one of the toward, .heir late Mayor W P. th* «-’« W M fc to l State bank has Power, Tax-Limit, Healing most Interesting games of the sea Ty on. when they met In .poclal authorised by Clrcelt Court Democrats To Rally Friday; Arte, School Plan And Pro­ son. Everyone had expected the Judge, O. F. Skip worth, and checks Dry Forces Meet Sunday; session Friday evening and passed hibition, To Be Decided University high gam« Baturday to w ill ba placed In the malls on and Republicans Hear Dunns tbe following resolution: be the outstanding game, and II after Friday. November ». for hold- Resolution Duo of lb« most unusual political was. In the fact that the local The riling this week of nominat­ W HEREA S, The Town of Spring-1 era ot *’,a,ma- ■ aiupalgiia lu bv wsg«d In Ibe alula players received their worst drub­ ing petitions for three men. W A. field ba. suffered a loss In tbe ThU W ® *" 1 w111 b“ »« “»• of Oregon will ba brought lu a cli­ bing of the season when they lost death of its Mayor, the lata Honor an,oont p,,d on » •’ *"« • rlalm * to Taylor. Clayton F. Barber, and E. max u a il Tuesday whan lb« clll- by tba score of 20-0. able W. P Tyson, and ) 86 P*rc«Bt according to F. O. Have- H Turner, a» candidates for the sons In «very prrcluct will cast The Kprlngfleld players were un­ mann. In charge of the liquidation unexplred two-year term of the late W HERKAH. he had given freely • heir ballots tor cougr«s«iuaii. gov able to get going In this game, of the local hank. A total of U W. P. Tyson as mayor of Spring- of hl- time In public service over eruur. secretary of state, auperlu Tim « after time the Interference percent ha« been paid on the com­ field has created a greater Interest a long period of years, and lauilaul of public lualrurtluu, cum for the bail carrier would be so mercial account« and funds for an­ in local politics than baa been W HEHEAK. be was fearless In uilaaluuer of tba bureau uf labor far ahead of the man with the ball other substantial dlldcnd are now evinced here for many years. tbe performance of duty and faith ­ legislative officers and a ll uieaa that two or three University high on band In thia department but Closing date for tbe nomination ful to bis constituency, and urea. me« would slip In between them W HEREAS. lh t nierabar, of the c“ “ ° ‘ be pald oot due court of candidates for mayor to be elect­ Tbe campaign lias been uuuaual and break up tbe play. 'Common Council, with whom h e 11“ «»“ 0» ‘» ’ »Iving tbe County ed at a special election held In lu the upper ell I disinterested atll Chetwood, aa wm expected, led conjunction with the regular state baa been so closely associated, feel Clerk’s of flea. lud« uf caudldalaa aud voters silks man. h it learn males and bore the brunt The order also prolde- for the and county balloting was Wednes­ tbelr own personal lo«s, and desire Hprlngfleld t. City ball—John im i III Iba closing week« of lb« cam of the defense during tbe game. to make public expression of the payment of a first and second divi- day noon and although others are palgu wbeu volley« of ebargea aud Kelels, Maude Bryan. H a llie Myers, Tbe offensive attack« were led by dend on approved savings deposit known to have considered running, ! same, couulvr ebarges liuve aligned voters Nellie llellerbraud. aud May UgU- ('launch and Mmllh ('launch was claims numbers 1323 and 1344. The ome even circulating their peti­ NOW. TH K H EFO K E. Be It Re- wore firm ly Ilian usual lu Ibelr vie; counting board: Hasel Adrian, ibe only ball carrier who wsa able 1 solved by the Common Council of first iwo payments on these were tions. none of them were filed. caudldat«e Tbls la aspadally true Klltabelb Page, Kadle l-axlun, M. 1° gate yardage, doing ao frequent-j , he T<)Wn BprlngfkW ln llp e c ,a, overlooked a. they were filed U te W ill Get Tw o BaHots lu ibe lampaigu fur tbe governor L. llu rlletl, aud Elisabeth Gerlach. ly without reaMonabl. Interference «««embled (bat It hereby abd b“^k P -r ® * " '» Previously Voters will receive a special bal­ Kprlngtleld 3, Lincoln school— sblp lu wblcb Ibrea meu. Dunne, by his own team made lot along with their regular ballot declare» and expresses itx sense of M arllu, aud Zimmerman, are so H allie B Drury. Lillian Black. W. Players used In (he Saturday Liquidation of tbe affairs of tbe when they visit tbe polls to vote on k m upon tbe death of Mr. Tyson strongly backed that few persona 11. Gauls, Alice Thompson. Blanche game were Irw in, left end; W il­ ' and It hereby extends to hl« fam­ Commercial bank are being carried the mayorality Issue next Tuesday. are veuturlng to alale wbo la tu May; cuuntlug board: John Park­ liams. left tackle; Cole, left guard Other candidates contesting for ily Its sympathy and its apprecia­ on from the Bank of Commerce er. Genevieve Ixiuk, Grace Hend- ba Ibe next governor. Scott, center; Poaey. right guard; office In Eugene by Mr. Havemann office include I. M. Peterson, In- tion of bla services while In public «rer. Civility McKllu. sod Alma Goodale. right tackle; Tnhy, right for the atate banking departmednt. sumbent. Wm. O. Hughes. E. E. Judges Are Bats office. end; Cog, quarter; Smith, left half; A list of Judicial candidates will Whitney. Kepner, and Mary M iller, all seek­ And It Is further resolved that Hprlugfleld 4. Braltalu school— ('launch. right half; and Chet- bead Ibe ballot wblcb each voter ing to be elected recorder. this resolution be spread upon tba wood. fullback. will receive whan at tbe pulls Clara Kuudgraa*. Abbie Wheaton, Chester Aldrich and Elsie Poll­ minutes and records of tbe Com­ TOUCH FOOTBALL CAMES Tuhy received an Injured shoul­ Tuesday. Tbcse offices, two places Minnie Girard. H. F. Gordon, Elma ard are contesting the office of city mon Council of tbe Town of Spring- der In tbe game and w ill not be uu tbe supreme court aud three clr Halsey; counting board: Marian treasurer, and John Pyle and P. J field. and a copy thereof be sent j Interclaae Games Scheduled To able to play tomorrow. cull cuurt Judge«, are uot contested Maxey. Bernice Van Valxab. Elisa­ Bartholomew are both seeking the to tbe fam ily and a copy given to Novemoer 8; All Stars W ill A short scrimmage with tbe sec­ and tbe election of tbe candidates beth Ulson, Bertha Rouse, and short term of two years on the City tbe local press for publication. Close Competition ond team of Eugene high school was asaured after tbe aprlug prl Kevert Jacobson. Council. Edward Privat and Earl Adopted by the Common Council! _______ was beld on Brattaln field Tuesday wary rule. this 26th day of October, 1»34. Sophomore touch football play- Thompson are unopposed candi­ Four lunu seek to represent tbe INDIAN SAYS CASTE Young Folk Of Each Church afternoon. W. A. Taylor, President ot the ora defeated tbe first year students dates for the four-year term on the city council. first Oregon district In congrees SYSTEM BREAKING UP Entertain Croupe At Spe­ Common Council and Acting j 12-0 In the opening day of tbe Previous to the death of the KIRKLAND TO OPEN Three of tbe wen. Jawea W Mott Mayor. louch football schedule at the high cial Events During Week The Introduction of modern ■ epubtlcau, W » Richards. social EUGENE SHOP TODAY Attest I M Peterson. Recorder, school Friday. Monday the seniors mayor, local Interest centered prin­ cipally In the campaign for City 1st, sud R it. Turner, democrat Idea« which are rapidly breaking Edward G. Privat, unoppo-ed scored 13-6 over tne Junior players. A general observance of H allo w -, Recorder and City Treasurer. Now »uu ibelr party nominations lu tbe up the caste system lu India was e'en was beld In Kprlngfleld this j Springfield Florist Firm To Estab- candidate foi a full term as council- Other games In the interclass with the election of a new mayor primary Eiumell W. Gulley, pruf praised here Kuuday evening by week by young people's organis­ lieh R e tail O utlet In Rax I man. was appointed to fill tbe play bave been scheduled as fol- 1, , . w vacancy now existing by W. A. lows; October 31, sophomore and! cban**» ,n easor at Linfield college, was nowl Multan V. HaJ. Christian Indian. In ations. Several of the parties being T h e a tre « e lid in g the policies of the city government uated aa an ludepaudeut aud baa addressing a large audience al the b«ld on Tuesday evening. ------------ Taylor, acting mayor. He wad senior; November 1. freshman and made a abort campaign Mott aud Melhodlal church. KaJ la a gradu M. C. Kirkland announced today sworn In and will serve until the Juniors; November 7, Juniors asd| can be expected and the center of That evening the Wesleyan lea­ Turner have made extensive caw ate of the higher schools In India gue of Ibe Methodist church held that he Is opening a retail store to first of tbe year when either P. sophomores; November 8, fresh- Interest has been focused on these and also graduated from the Uni tbelr hobo party In the church br known as Kirkland s Floral shop ‘ J. Bartholomew or palgns through ibelr districts John D. Pyle men and aeniori; November 14, men and the actions which may ac­ verslty of Minnesota. He la now basement under the direction of in the Rex theatre building In Eu-1 will be sworn In to the place and second all-stars ,against all-stars; company their election. >1« Seek Governorship Content W axes W a rm geue. Formal opening of the small Mr. Privat w ill take over the post- November IS. all-stars against all­ For governor the people will studying journalism at Uu- Unlver Mlaa Velda Bartholomew Tbe contest for the other offices ally of Oregon and plana to return ehop la being held thia week end ¡tio a for which he la a eaadldate star». chouse between Joe K Dunne, re­ Also on Tuesday evening tka The games are being played un la still waging h ierrlly on with publican; I'b a rle a A M a rtin , demo le bis home In Bombay Best sum­ member« of tbe Kenlor Christian and special favors are being given on January 1. An ordinance calling for a special, der the direction of Robert Chat- candidate« Issuing public state­ crat; Abraham M Hllverwau, mer to devote bis life to uplifting Endeavor society held their party persona visiting the shop. He la ments, manv of which w ill be Harry J Correll. Hauk E W lrtb. bis people. at the home of W illiam Cox. Mrs. also featuring special bargains in election to be held at the same terton and are divided Into two Necessary contacts of youths, W alter Taylor and Mine Lela Pet­ ferns for his customers who visit time as tbe regular election w aa. periods, each 16 minutes In length. found (Jn the back page of this aud Peter Zimmerman, all Indep­ paper. modem street cars, (rains, tbaa erson were In charge of the ar­ the new location. endent caudldatee. pns