TH U R SD A Y, OCTOBKR 26, 1>HH THE SPR1NOFIBLD NEWS PAGE POUR FARM MARKET IS SAIO BRIGHTER «HICKAM AUGA OF 98 RELIVED BY LOCAL MEN Claim B attis Against Plegue Dangerous To Soldiers As Actual Campaigns As Stories of the "Battle of Chick Egg Price» Highest Sine« amauga I'arh In 1898 , which 1931; Milk Production Up Proved to be as deadly as any of, And Seed M arket Strong those of the Civil war, were re­ Egg price« are now the highest they have been since November, 1*31. according to the O. 8. C, extetiiKtn econonilat. The advance o( the past month has been more than the usual seasonal advance and la the result of a rather sharp reduction In production generally throughout the United States. The drought with Its resulting high feed costs is reflected in an 11 per cent decrease in the num ber of layers in farm flocks on October 1 and a 3 per cent reduct ion in the number of eggs pro­ duced per 100 hens in flocks. vived here during the past week end by Spanish-American war vet­ erans in connection with the visit to lAne county of Ralph Edmunds, Junior vice-commander of ihe vet­ erans of '*8. Unlike the Chickamauga battle of the Civil war. the Chickamauga battle of 1898 was (ought at camp Thomas, near Lysle, Georgia, and the enemy was a horde of disease germs which spread a pestilence claiming as heavy a toll as had any previous actual engagement oo the battlefield Among the present residents ot Springfield who were at the camp are Charles F. Eggimann and Sam Richmond. A lengthy story of the terrible conditions at this camp when two- thirds of ihe men fell ill with either typhoid fever or malaria, was con­ tained in a pecent Isue of "The Na­ tional Tribune." Contaminated water supply, poor- food. poor sanitation. Inadequate hospital and medical facilities, and crowded living quarters, all did their share in killing off many of the veterans, and also in leaving many more of the young men so physically weakened that they eventually had 50 percent of their number totally disabled through no fault of their own. sc vs the Trib­ une writer. The Tribune writer argues that these men were in the service of their country as much as were those who were on the battlefield and Ihe government had recognized this fact until recently when the pensions of these men. most of them above 60. were cut off. No­ body not even Uncle Sam. employs men of that age. even when they are not otherwise disabled. I’SON DttIH TOWN AND VICINITY (Continued from I’age 11 Hess from shock on heurlng of h«r rm h e ra smldeii desili preveut» Mia H uver frotu cotnlng from Phoeiilx. Many telagrams and lettera uf i iilldolenc» bave Iteen rwcelved Relatlvss Scattsrsd Mr. Tyson Is survived by hla iiront sorrowlng friend» widow, two daughters. Mrs Wltil- Returne from Vlelt— Mrs Wal frld Tyson Hover at Phoenix. Arl- aonu. ami Muriel Tyson, at home; i luce llawke relurned home Frldny two brother». Alan H Tyson of after speiidlng severa! daya al Hai I'ucc-c. and Herald Tv on of Paris. ' las vlsltlng at Ihe home of lier France; two s is te rs Mrs Arthur ■on. Wayne. Great wood of Durban. Sontii Africa, P, Inclpul* li Alterngt» — Roy and Miss Malo-I K Tyson of tjiunev wa elei tesi « Ite llia l« del« Fiance. Two of Mis Tyson's broth is. «ale lo Ile- i)r< gon Slule Tein hera Frank Hlvett from Salem, and Lee isanilullou meeting from laine Rlvetl from l.liuolll. Nebraska are eounty Hl llie i lo it-g session of llle here for the funeral ervlces. Ill I m e association held Frldny Olegini lie was enjoying one week vacation from this position ami wa< io have started work as field Utah fur Ihe National Safely Cott» l ily Monday of this week Return from Trip—Mr and Mrs |y proud of his military service for Move—Mr and Mrs Q. F lAilsk and daughter have moved Into the Robert Cook (Vernie» Hawk) re his adopted country and was a turned home Friday from a htmey good soldier. Willows apartments moou trip io Southern California Mr Tyson was born al Ikswllah. Goss to Lake— Ralph Dunlap has Devonshire. England on D-cembet Form er Resident* Msro— Mr ami gone Io Udell lake where he will Mrs. Robert Carr of Klamath Falls 12. 1878 Ills father wna llrtllsli spend some time. arc spending n few day i In Spring vlrocounsul ai Saini Malo. France where hl soti s p e lli m ot-l o f Ills Oeerhorn Man H ere J H. Odell field curly life Ile acni Io school tu ie of Oeerhorn was a business visitor Son la Born— Mr. aud Mrs It. K ami later at' mied ilio l'nlvei dtv In Springfield Saturday lain« of S pringfield, roule 3, are of Kenne« He was Interested In Out of Hospital—Jesse Cross re­ the parents of a baby son horn to ai hiet It s and from I8$s m il il 1*02 turned home from the Pacific hos­ them at their home Saturday morn wna tenni» champion of «•- torn pital Sunday. lilt . October 2U. 1934 Franco lie was also well known and England for his Returns From Trip—Pedro John (uka Mernber, Meet—.Mr» Harry " son returned Monday evening from Wk.kham ent«rta|llw| h«r home “l,lll,v •" " r ,’,“v,’r a trip to hl« former home In Ten- on East Main streei last Thursday I Liv»d Hare Many Year» , evening for members of Ihe Iuka ***• came to the I n llis l S ta n | net* see. Circle group. Mrs. Fred Lottk will »hen he was 26 years old after I Store Ha. Naw Sign- A new ( - - - - Neon sign has been plac,si over “e hostess for Ihe group ai th e ir the entrance io the Flanery d ru g '1’”’ « »«*«lng on November 1 store which moved recently to Fifth and Main atreets. B A R R ETTS OF W IM PO LE’ i 0 »«r m uch o f ih w o rld t , , „ w ...... settled first ill Falls City. Orc mwosald I t, and , gnu Later he moved Io Eugene j where he was married Io Ml» Feed Coats N ear P arity | Mabel l»lv It of Springfield on Poultry feed costs are still re­ FEATURES T H R E E STARSI September 12. Ito s The moved In Move to Elmir»—C. J. Lankford latively high, says the report, but Springfield l wo years later ami aud hl» family have moved to with the recent rapid advance of In Norma Shearer' • new picture, have lived here since lliat lime Elmira, having traded property egg prices the relationship be­ For w-veral years he managed a here. They came here recently "Tile Barretts of Wlinpol» Street.” tween feed costs and egg prices opining al the McDonald theatre salmon packing plant al Gardner, has become a little more favorable from California. Sunday, w» have the pleasure of le-fore stariiug 17 continuous years Based on current prices, it re­ Hunter* Return— An enjoyable seeing three winners of ihe annual of _ __ ___ ____ as chief b»-ll man employment quired during September an aver­ time but no venison was the report Motion 1*1, lure Academy Award 1 chairman of the safely commit age of 6.8 do sen eggs to purchase brought home by Dr. W. H. Pollard. appt ar together. lee for Ihe Booth Kelly mill He 100 pounds or standard poultry Rev. Poindexter, and other memb­ They are Miss Shearer, who u-sistrit with the reopenjug of the ration. During June. July and Aug­ ers of their hunting parly when star« aa Elizabeth In the femous mill more thuu a year ago and ust it required more than eight they returned Friday evening after tai - of poetic love; Fredrlc March, then begun work as purchasing dosen eggs to buy 100 pounds of a four day hunting trip io Eastern wh > plays opposite as the ardent agent for Ihe CWA lu Lane couuty. feed. The figure for September. Oregon. Robert Browning, and Charles Nine mouths ago he wus appoint­ 193.1 was 0.1 compared with a September average 1926 to 1930 Birthday Party—Mrs. Joe Hills Laughton, most recent winner of ed district safety inapttclor for the of 6.7. was honor hues! al a surprise birth­ Ihe award, who shines ns the dia­ SERA lu soulheru and western A dairy report shows that con­ day party hehl at her home last bolical father. | N O T IC E OF E X E C U T R IX ’S SALE Miss Shearer, as the star, nat­ siderable Improvement in milk Thursday evening. Present for the OF R E A L P R O P E R T Y A T production per cow has occurred, P R IV A T E 8 A L E evening were Mr. and Mrs. William urally carries Ihe brunt of the film particularly In the central states, NOTICE Is hereby glvon that Mathews and family. Mr. and Mrs. —and carries II with all the grace but that heavy culling and market­ Thompson Morse ami family. Mrs. and charm and polish that made pursuant* Io an ORDER of Ihe “Riptide" and •Smilin’ Through ” ¡ County Court of the State of Ore | ing of milk cows during recent Tom Morse and two children, and Ihe successes they ware. As the In­ 1 gon. for Lane County, made on the months has left fewer milk cows O. J. Arrhnmbuult. 24th day of October, 1934, In Ole I valided Elizabeth. she brings i\ 'm ailer of the Ketute of Vlleuu I on farms than a year ago. The de­ To Attend Meeting—Mis. C. F. noignant wl»tfuln-«s to her char­ Wlckwlre. deceased. Ihe under-1 crease in the number of cows has Eggimann. past president of the acterization thnl reaches deep sign, h !. Edna L. Kllnk. Executrix more than offset the Increase in Ladies Auxiliary of the U. A. R. down into Ihe h»artn of Ihe auditor of ihe Estate of Vllonu Wlckwlre. i production per cow so that total deceased, will sell at Private Sale | in Oregon. Miss Eva Louk aud Mrs. Besides such titans of Ihe dra­ to the highest bidder upen the' milk production In the United Fred Louk will drive io lhillas matic arl’ . there Is also a long terms and conditions hereinafter States on October 1 was about ! this altemoou to attend a meeting string of excellent supporting play mentioned and sub),-cl to confirm per cent below that of a year pre­ “n,,r ,b* of state officers at the home of ers each adding his able touch to »'*<«' >'7 »«*«• Court N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S vious. . .... , u , V I,.,. a re., ! 24th (he day of ((||e November. 1934. ull , Notice Is hereby giveu that the Mrs. Freida Peterson, slate presl the glittering whole They J » Angeles ture. 17 24 chains to the Easterly line California Is visiting at the Tinker of said County Rontl. and thence ranch. Mr. Stocks was associated North 3 degree- 46' West ailing RUS6IAN COSSACKS the Easterly line of said Coutitv with Mr. Tinker in the mining Road Io Ihe place of beginning SING FRIDAY N IG H T business in Arizona 18 years ago. all In lame Chnnlv. Oregon He has come to Oregon to settle The West 50 4 feet of ihe lx»t The singing thrills of the Don | on a ranch If he finds one Io his Nu in I, riel SIX In Rlnek number ossack Russian male chorus are El.EVEN In James Huddleston's liking. Adilltlnn to Eflgene. Lane Conn ' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johns of May­ to be brought mtnlc lovers of the ty, Oregon, according io Ihe : Willamette valley next Friday ger. Oregon spent the weekend amended plat thereof, being now night. October 26. when the world vidtlng with Mr. and Mrs. Johns a part of said City of Eugene renowned group Is presented In Oregon. and Mrs Morningstar. Both Mr. concert at McArthur court on the The South half of the South I and Mrs. Johns are teaching in the half of the Southwest fourth of University of Oregon campus. The <\ public school at Mayger. the Northeast qunr'er of Section I concert will start at 8:15 o’clock. Four In Townshln Sixteen South This group of former officer* In Rance Four We«t of the W ilia m the Russian imperial army, thirty ett-> Meridian, except land des crlbed In deed recorded In Vol­ six strong, will offer a picturesque Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh and ume 161 nt page 295. and also sight as they appear In the huge j family and Mr. and Mrs. John Ed excepting land described In deed auditorium Their military training recorded In Volume 155 on Page inlntoD and family motored to Junc­ and descent Is effectively portray­ 137. Lane Connlv Deed Records tion City last Sunday and colebra In L»ne C o u n tv S ta te o f O regon ted the 59 wedding anniversary of ed as they march on the stage In containing nine acres more or military formation, dressed In Mr. and Mrs. James Calvert, par­ leas striking dark blue Coasack uni­ Unless your diet is substantial and contains some Ixd Numbered Four 141 In ents of Mrs Baugh and Mrs. Ed- Block Numbered Two 12) In meat you sacrifice your health and efficiency in fall mlston. There were 37 members of forms Hendricks' Second Amended Ad­ The Cossacks have mastered aud winter. Meat builds up that “Up and At ’em” spirit. the family present. dition to Eugene, Lane County, every variety of choral singing. Mrs. John Edmiston and daugh­ Oregon Whether it is savory sausage, crisp appetizing There Is a wild beauty in their That each parcel of said real ter Hazel, and »on James, attend bacon, enticing steaks or a delicious roast we have the volcea that belongs to no other property, above described, will he ed the wedding of her cousin. best in meats. The kind of cuts and the kind of ser­ chorus. Everything about them Is -old as one parcel Garth Richard and Miss Veryle That the terms of sale will he vice we offer pleases the most particular housewife. dramatic, even to the electrifying Bain at the Bellfountain church twenty per cent (20%) ensh und realism of some of the songs with the balance on a»-curlty on or be­ last Saturday evening their outbursts of fierce yelling fore one year from date of sale. All bids (hat are offered may be and whistling In startling contrast S U M M O N S E. C. S T U A R T , Prop. 4th and M ain Sts — Phon» *3 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Is the devotional effect which left with Ihe Executrix at Ihe office THE STATE OF OREOON FOR these produce In their singing of of Jumes K. King, attorney for said Estate. 410 Miner Bull,ling. LA N E COUNTY. Eugene. Oregon, or may he filed HATTIE E. REAM. Plaintiff, vs. religious songs Like a stupendous orchestra they with the Executrix. L. Z. McVAY and UNKNOWN Dated this 25th day of October. HEIRS of DANIEL McVAY and are played upon by their magnetic ANN McVAY, his wife, both de­ leader, Serge Jaroff. They sing 1934. EDNA L K L IN K , E xecu trix of ceased. and all other persons or without the preliminary "giving ol the Estate of Vilena Wlckwlre, parties unknown claiming any Deceased. right, title estate, lien, or Inter the note” and the compass of their est In the real property des voices rangec from A below the JAMES K. KING. Attorney for crlbed In the Plaintiff’s Com bass to D of the fourth line In the Executrix, 410 Miner Building, Eugene, Oregon plaint. Defendant. The popularity of our perfume deal, d u r i n g our O 26— N 1-8-16-22) TO:—L. Z. McVay and Unknown treble clef. Heirs of Daniel McVay and Ann opening week at our new location at Fifth and Main, McVay, his wife, both deceased N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F ’ 8 SA LE hau lead us to repeat our offer for Friday and Sat­ and all other persons or parties un­ REAL PRO PERTY known claiming any right, title, NOTICE Is hereby given that by urday, October 26 and 27. estate lien, or Interest In the real virtue of an execution and order Bring thia ad and with a purchase of over 50c we property described in the Plain of aale iHHued out of the Circuit tiff’s Complaint. Defendants. Court of the Stale of Oregon for will give you a 50c size of IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Lane County this 23rd day of Oct­ OF OREOON: You are hereby re ober. 1934, upon and pursuant to qiilr"d to appear and answer the a decree duly given and made by complaint filed against you In the said Court thin 23rd day of Oct­ above entitled stilt within four (4) ober, 1934, In a Hiilt pending there­ ■ ■ ■ M ■ ■ Bi ■ « weeks from date of the first pub­ in In which The Pacific Havings lication of this summons, and If A Ixian Association was plaintiff von fall to so appear, for want and Ruth F. Bullion and others thereof the plaintiff will take a were defendants, which execution decree in the above entitled court and order of sale was to me direc­ against you quieting title to the ted and commanded me to sell the following described real property real property hereinafter described 75c Doans Kidney Pills 69o $1.00 Hinds Honay B to-wlt; to satisfy certain liens and charges 85c Kruschsn Salts . . 71c Almond Cream . . . . . . . 83c Beginning at the Northwest in said decree specified, I will on $1.00 A dlerika 83c 79c $1.00 Lysol ........................ comer of Lot 7. In BROOKLYN Saturday the 24th day of November $1.25 Creomulsion ......... 98c $1.00 M iles N ervin e . 83c running thence South 90 feet 1934. at the hour of eleven o’clock. •hence Ea«f 90 feet, thence A. M. at the southwest door of the 25c Anacin T a b le t* . . . . ■ 17c $1.20 C aldw ell’» Syrup North 90 feet, and thence West County Court House In Eugene, 5»c 75c V ic k ’s Vapo Rub . . Pepsin .............................. 98c 90 f«et to the place of beginning Lane County. Oregon, offer for sale 35c Enders Blades . . . . 29c Colgetee 8havlng Cream 23c And that all and each of you be and sell at public auction for cash, $1.00 O valtin e ................. 59c Cigarettes .................2 for 25c decreed to have no right, title, es suhlect to redemption as provided tate. Hen. or Interest In or to the by law. all of the right, title and aforesaid ppen.laea or bny part Interest of Ihe defendnnls In said (R E P U B LIC A N N O M IN E E ) suit and of nil parties claiming bv. thereof. Watch Your Weiirht Safety-Heet The order decreeing the aervlce through or undpr them or any of He hats made one of the Bath Room Scales Heating Pad of this summons bv the publication them In or to the following des­ outNtanding records of the ♦hereof | dated October 24th. 1934 cribed real property, to-wlt; S 2 . 9 5 S 5 .O O The West fifty-thr-’e (53) feet 73rd Congress. and directs nnhllcstlon once each of Txit six (6) in Block seven (7) week for four f 4 V successive His re-elect Ion assures con of Fairmount, an addition to the tlnufd weeks, and that di. .e of the first active, experienced City of Eugene, Lane County nuhltcatlon of this summons is and successful representation Oregon. October 9R»h. 1934 WTNO4RD A REID Attorney Dated this 23rd d«y of October, in Congress. 1934. for Plaintiff. Read Record in Voter» C. A. HWARTH. Sheriff Residence and Post Office Ad Pamphlet. Fifth and Main Sts. By A E H U L E O A A R D . Deputy dress- Eugene, Oregon. —Pd. A4v. 1 O 26— N 1-8-15-22) O 25— N 1-8-16-22) Upper Willamette | «--------------------------- « Thurston Your Diet Demands Meat When Cooler Weather Conies Independent M eat Co. FREE PERFUME Your Congressman Black Tulip Perfume Free NORMA SH EAR ER M ARCH CHARLES LAUGHTON the B S R R K T F S OF WIMPOLE STJUEET Metro Goldwyn Moyer Trium ph Opens SUNDAY For 4 Days PHILGO A Musical Instrument of Quality I ’ H IIX ’ O p r e H e n t s rorty-nln»* niannlflceiU new HltxlelH. IU u II qh 1 hut bring hi b iith A itl- tirtcan Bin! Foreign S tations fo r (hose who enjoy w orld-w ide re­ ception. Radio® (<»r those who are only In ­ terested hi Am erican stations. Every kind and size o f radio • •very typo o f radio, a I l-e le ctrlc, battery and 32-volt. »HUCO IRAOt IN AU0WANCÍ ÍASY HUMS H e u tv the g ra n d __________ c»t Radio value of all lim«. Beautiful compact c»b in ci American and foreig n Reception Gloriou» tone Here Is a line so com ­ plete In chassis types, alilnet designs and • rice r a n g e. t h a t •veryone m a y have the exact radio he w ants In I ’ llU X 'O . And true to I ’ l l I l A ’O ¡ra d iiio n . each gives you unexcelled tom* tntl perforinanee In Its H c a u t i f a particular ptte® ■ lass dneh values are made ;M)ssible only by P lIIL - ’O'S «ales leadership lo r five consecutive /ears! M o dern Ca* SFtCIAl TRAOiyN A I IO W A N C i tA $ y ÎIS 4 A S met R ceei* Hod, Amcn«.- zn d f o r c i g S t i t tu rn Wright & Sons HAR D W AR E — F U R N IT U R E — RADIOS — PAINT Irish-Murphy Co. Help Yourself By Trading at Home Yen i an never Im prove y o u r tow n, raise y o u r prop­ e rly values or b e lte r your school» by tra ilin g out of S pringfield Trade dollars spent awuy from tow n slay a w a jM o r alw ays and never w ork or puy taxes fo r Ibis city. , . S pringfield food m e rch a n ts are prepared to serve von w ith tiiin llty groceries Ibal are not sold low er In price anyw here. W hy not buy here m id keep your money al home. _____ _________________________ CAMPBELL'S SUGAR PURE CANE 10 Lbs. 49c Tomatoe Juice Can 5c Cut Rate Drugs James W. Mott Flanery’s Drug Store SALT 8 Lbs. OATS 15c JERSEY Corn Flakes CATSUP 12 Oz. Bottles