THU KH DA Y. OCTOBER 26, 1»S4 T H » BPRINOFODLD NEWS PAOB TH1UBB -------- ' ------------------------- SERVICE STATIONS N O T IC I OF S H E R IF F ** SALE I of block eighteen; tots one to REAL PRO PERTY twenty-eight both Inclusive of block N O T IC E Is hereby given that by nineteen; lota one to twenty eight A ST. SERVICE STATION virtue of an execution and order both Inclusive of block twenty; lota A Claieified Dlrectory of Reliable General Gasoline. Oil and Or of sale Issaad out of the Circuit one to twenty eight both Inclusive Goodrich Tiras Court of the State of Oregon for of block twenty-one; lots one to Butinota Firme and ProfaMional "A Home Ownad H talion.' Lane County the 4th day of October twenty-eight both Inclusive of hloeh 1*34, upon and pursuant to s de­ twenty-four: PRa one to twenty People Thit Newapapar Recommanda 6th and A Ria.. Hprlngfletd, Ph. cree asly given nod made by said eight both Inclusive of block to You. Court the 3rd day of October. 1834. twenty-five; lots one to twenty- Mitchell Service Station In a salt pvndlag therein In which eight both inclusive of block ALL R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS The Pacific Savings A Loan Asso­ twenty-alx end blocks one. two. — Tale T ir e . — ciation was plaintiff and W ill A three, four, north half of block five, CIANO T U N IN U J S Vast. I M I Greasing • Battery Recharging Hems and other, were defendants, block six. south half of block seven, K Main Mt A UCTIO N E IR » DANCING ORTHODONIST which execution and order of sale block sixteen, block seventeea. Expert Radio Repairing by was to me directed and command block eighteen, block nineteen. LEE CRAY MAN W A N T E D (ur Raleigh roula HTUDKNT8 MATINEE W. L. HKAY ed roe to sell the real property P>lock twenty, block twenty-one. UR. J. EL RICHMOND Phone 48-J G E N E R A I. AU CTIO NEER DANCES of *00 ramillas. W rits Immediate- hereinafter described to satisfy block twenty-four, block twenty- O RTH O D O N TIA AT 7th and Main Sta. Springfield certain liens and charges In said five end block twenty-six, a ll the ly Hawkish, 1 le pi ORJ-T8 8A. Parin Males snd L iv e s to c k O u r decree specified. I will on Saturday foregoing described streets, lota, intone 2263-J WINTKROARDHN Oakland. C a lli. (O I1 2 6 | Hpoc laity. the 10th day of November. 1834, at blocks and alleys being situated In OREGONIAN 1176 Charnelton Eugene Every Saturday Afternoon Community Halaa the hoar of ten o’cloc.k A M.. at and a part of the said Keeney's SERVICE STATION 3 * 6 o'clock KOK HALE III health rausa for the southwest door of the County First Addition to Springfield. Lane Kvsry Wednesday At the Hprlngfleld Junction 10c PHYSICIAN - SURGEON Court House In Eugene. Lane Coun­ Coaaty. Oregon is platted and re­ selling 44 pedigreed choira An 111 Main Mt. Hprlngflstd ty. Oregon, offer for sale and sell corded In the office of the County OA8 AN D OILS aura wieder rabbits. Would dis­ at public auction for cash, subject Clerk of Lane County. Oregon. Service Day and Nlgbt. ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES DR. MILTON V. WALKER AUTO DEALERS pose of lhaui all ons-lhlrd of to redemption as provided by law, That the hearing of said petition Grocery Sundries, Tobacco', and all of the right, title and Interest and at objections thereto will be Surgery and Diseases of Women thslr valua. Mr«, Il C. Wlhlou. HprlitKflHd Electric Supply Picnic Goods. ANDKRHON MOTOKH, INC. of the defendants In said salt and R I. Itos 110, Oraabani. Ora 016 heard by and before the Common 4th and Mala His Hprlngflald Wiring, General Contracting West Springfield Ph Mpr. 3S-J of all parties claiming by. through Connell of the City of Hprlngfleld. Expert Kepalrlug — AU Work Phone 82 J <1 E lAimps, Universal Household or under them or any of them In or FOR H A L E - One KATS H I*, range Lane County. Oregon nt 7:80 Ouaranteed, Electrical Supplies. to the following described real pro­ o’clock P. M. of November IS. 1M4 TRANSFER A STORAGE used. In aood condition. Mt. Gas. OU. Tires and liatterlea perty. to-wit: General Repairing at the Connell room In the City (Mates Powar Co. If. 6th and A Hts . Hprlngfleld Ph. 4* MELVILLE 8. JONKH, M. D. MOVING— Oor Plano and Furni­ The West forty 140) feet of Lot Hall of Springfield. Oregon. 443 Main Springfield Surgery and Diseases of Womea ture Movers are Experts. one (1) In B|ock four (4). Ches­ I. M. PETERSON, Recorder ot hire's Addition to Eugene. Lane City of Springfield. Oregon. X-Ray aad Physiotherapy Inspect our Naw Installation at STORAGE — Concerts Building, TO TRAOB BROWN MOTOR CO County. Oregon. (O 11-18-28— N 1-8) the State Gama Farm. PINK HO M E IN S P K IN U F IE L D --7 Reasonable Rates. Reliability. Springfield, Oregon Dated this 6th day of October, C H RYSLER and P L Y M O U TH rooms modern. large beautiful Westlnghousa Lamps and NOTICE First National Bank Bldg Ph. 43 PACKING — Experienced H e l p 1834 Malas and Service OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T arouuds. floe fruit and nut trass, Appliances. Means Safety and Protection. C. A. 8W A R T8. Sheriff. Notice to hereby given that the Complete Aulomotlve Service By A. E HULEGAARD. Deputy. flowers and shrubs W ill conaldsr PLUMBING - PIPE FITTING HBNDBRBR ELECTRIC PACIFIC TRANSFER A undersigned, Harold J. Wells, Ad­ (O 11-18-36— N 1-8) Opeo Day and Nlgbt ■mall Hprlngflnld horns with two 430 Main St Springfield ministrator of the Estate of Les­ STORAGE CO. Phone 3767 lota as part payment. MAM HUGH 1*6 Rast Broadway SUMMONS lie A. Levine, deceased, has filed NIEL POLLARD Res. Phone 14* J 6 *H 6th Ave. W Eugene. Ph. 74 Eugene. Oragon KUALTY CO.. I0SI W illam ette IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF his Final Report and Account aa P L U M B I N a If no answer Call 164 R T H E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR such Administrator with the Clark Kugeue. Hione Eugene <4 (O K FRUIT PACKERS Copper Colle a Specialty. of the County Court of Lane Coaa­ L A N E COUNTY. SCHERER MOTOR CO. UPHOLSTERING- Kas. Phone 163-J Eva Marte Pugh. Plaintiff, Vs. Zack ty, Oregon; and that Saturday, the EuRene Rrult Orower’a A ss’n B IIIC K — O LDSM OBILR — 37th day of October 1*84 at 16:40 420 Main St. Springfield, Ore. Pugh. Defendant CALL FOR COUNTY Diamond A.' Brand Fruit Packers PO NTIAC Furnlture Upholstering o'clock In the forenoon of said day. To Zack Pugh. Defendant. W ARR ANTS and Shippers, lea and Cold Storage. Motor Cars And IN T H E NA M E O F T H E 8T A T E In the County Court Room of said PHOTOGRAPHERS, FILMS College Ice Cream Manufacturera. O F OREGON; Yon are hereby re­ County, In the Court House at Eu­ Notice Is hereby a ir* » that leiue SALEM and MKHV1CE Mattress Shop quired to appear and answer the gene. has been set by the Hon. County General Hind warrants up Coco Cola— Klst Beverages Export Workmanship Carl R. Baker Film Shop complaint filed against you In the Fred Fisk, Judge of said. Court, aa to and k u lu d lK Registered No. 7tb sud Oliva Sts. — Phone 366 Cider Vinegar Phone 166 Eugene. Oregon. Eastman Films — Kodaks — above entitled suit within fonr the time and place for hearing ob­ 2329 dated thru April 30. 1*34. and llio n a 1480 736 Charnelton St.. Eugene. Ore. weeks from the day of the first jections to the same, end for the Frames — Album»— Motion I'nunly Itoad Fund warrants up to Perry near *th Ava E. Eugene. publication of this summons and final settlement of sold estate. and Including Healstered No. 4443. AUTO WRECKERS Picture Cameras. HA RO LD J. W ELLS. Adminis­ If you fall to appear or answer for daied thru July 31. 1*34. ara here WOOLEN MILLS Ws Pbotograpb Everything trator. 10% off with this coupon want thereof the plaintiff will take bv called for payment Tuesday. FEED-SEED-HAY (8 27— 0 4-11-18-28) Anywhere. a decree against you for the relief Red Mead. Mgr October 33. K34. at the office of Phone 3363 EUGENE aa prayed for against you In said Mall films to P. O. Box 867 the County Trnasurer. NO TICE WOOLEN MILL CO. ADAMS FEED A SEED Eunt Side Auto Wreckers complaint to-wlt: A decree dissolv­ Interest will cease on that data 68* W illam ette. Eugene Ph 636 OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T ing the marriage relation now ex­ STORE Manufacturers of Woolens. Used Cars. Trucks and Trailers GRACK HC IIIK K A . (>.unty Notice is hereby given that the isting between plaintiff and de­ Spectaliilng In Ladles Treasurer Genera tor. Armature A Electrical Full Una of Feed. Seed and Hay. PRINTERS fendant. and restoring to plaintiff undersigned. Harold J. Wells. Ad­ COATINGS A N D SUITIN G S. Custom Grinding. Cleaning and Merrier, her maiden name of Eva Marie ministrator of the estate of W illiam NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R * Retail Department at Mill. 2046 Pranklln Blvd. Eugsne, Ora. Mixing A Home Owned Institution. THE WILLAMETTE PRESS Kocks and such further relief as Harrison Levins, deceased, baa tiled his Final Report and Account as Notice Is hereby given that the may be equitable. East End ftb Ave. Eugene, Ore. I t * — 6th St. Springfield. Ph. 3 Hprlngfleld such Administrator with the Clerk undersigned has been duly appoint­ BEAUTY PARLORS The order directing service of Phone 2 of the County Coart of Lane Coun­ ed Administratrix of the sstals of summons against you by publica­ ty. Oregon; and that Saturday, the Oregon Feed & Seed Co.. Inc. Business Stationery—Office Forma NOTICE James H. Glllmore. deceased, and Permanent Puah Waves tion thereof Is dated-October 10th. 27th day of October 1834 at 10:86 Good Luck Manamar Poultry and any and all parsons having claims Booklets — Placards — OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T *1.76 and Up 1934. and directs publication once o'clock in the forenoon of said day, Dairy Feeds against the said aatata are hereby each week for four successive in the County Court Room of said Dodgers, etc. Tbs B R O W N IE BEA UTY SHOPPE N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN . weeks, and the date of first pub­ Prosper W ith Manamar required to present said claims, A Modern Print Shop Producing County. In the Court House at Eu­ Apprentice Plnger Wave 26c. duly verified as by law required, That Oscar E. Hemenway. the exe­ lication thereof Is October 11th, gene. has been set by the Hoa. Seed Cleaning a Speciality. Up-To-Date Printing. to the undersigned at the office of Shampoo A Finger Wave 60c 1934 Delivery Phone *8 * cutor of the estate of Melinda E. Fred Fisk. Judge of said. Court, aa Wells * Wells. Attorneys. Bank of *41 W illamette, Eugene, C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R Attor­ the time and place for bearing ob­ Ph. 46* 306 E. 61b St.. Cor. High Eugene Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. Hemenway, deceased has rendered Commerce Bldg, Eugene, l,ane ney for Plaintiff. Residence jections to the same, and for the and filed In the County Court of County. Oregon, within six months Eugene. Oregon. final settlement of said estate. RESTAURANTS BATTERY SERVICE PACIFIC F EED A SUPPLY CO. from the date of this notice the State of Oregon for the County J 0 »•> «• » — N 1-6) HA RO LD J W ELLS. Adminis­ Dated and first published Oct. I I . «7 E Broadway Eugene, Ora. EUGENE EGO DEPOT of la n e his final account and that trator. IR E N E S (’AFE 1(34. (8 27—0 4-11-18-26) We Pack and Orade Egg a for the Breakfast 16c up — Dinner 26c up. by order of said Court Saturday NOTICE OF S T R E E T VACATIO N PERRY’S RLCIB W H Y T E . Admlntstra NO TIC E OF A L L E Y VACATIO N October 27th. 1*34 at the hoar of Merchants of Eugan« and Spring- trtx of the astata of James H. BATTERIES. BRAKES Chill 16c NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R * Glllmore, deceased field. ten o'clock A. M at the County NO TIC E OF BLOCK VACATIO N IG N IT IO N . MOTOR WORK. Home Cooking W E L L S A W E I.I.H Attorneys NO TICE OF LOT VACATIO N Court room In the Court House in Cor. 6th and W illam ette St. In the County Court of the State Wheel Aligning. Ice Cold Beverages on Tap for Estate of Oregon for Lane County. Eugene. Oregon, bos been fixed Eugene. Ore., Phone 168 Notice Is hereby given that on "Any Servlet— Any Car” Main Bet 4th and 6th Sta. (O IB-36 — N 1-8-16) In the M atter of the Estate of ■ w - 1 — ...a f x ' t m u . n . 726 Oak Ph 767 Eugene Springfield Open TUI Midnight and appointed as the day. time and the sixth day of October. 1934. the Philip J. Barnet, deceased. FURNITURE place when and where the hearing State Land Board of Oregon filed .1 Notice is hereby given that the i with the City Recorder of Spring- of objections to said final account ‘ field. Oregon Its petition for the undersigned has been by the above IzANBCO BATTERY LET'S EAT JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. FACTORY at the N EW M AM M Y'S CABIN. The may be made, and for the final set­ vacation of the following parts and entitled court appointed as admin­ Ranges and Clrculatora A HO M E IN D U STR Y reason for the New Cabin la pubUc tlement thereof. A1I objections portions of the plat of Keeney’s istrator of the above entitled Several Lines Including Montag. estate. Eugene Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN demand for larger accommodations. must be In writing and filed with First Addition to Springfield, Lane IJnoleum - Inlaid end Felt Base All persons having claims against County. Oregon; the Clerk of said Court on or be­ 867 Pearl Phone 1008 N a tu ro p a th ie P tiy e le la a Chicken A T-Bone Steaks aa usual said estate are required to present Attractive Prices on Furniture fore said day and time. That portion of Eleventh Street said claims properly verified to Special Sunday Entertainment. and Ruga. Phone 81-J CREAMERIES OSCAR E. H E M E N W A Y , Exe­ lying and being between blocks said administrator at his law office Judklna Point The same location See Ua Before You Buy one. two. three, four, five, six and in Eugene. Oregon within six cutor. Ph. 2776 Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M the west th irty feet of said Eleven­ months from this 25th day of Demand the Beet—Costs no More W e Deliver l*hone 1188 Pacific Highway I FRAN K A. DePUE, Attorney 406 Fourth Street th street lying easterly of block October, 1934. 648 W illam ette Eugene BLUE BELL ■ for the estate. SCHOOLS-COLLECES seven; that portion of Q Street ly­ C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Admin­ Dairy Products ing between blocks one and four, istrator. (S 27—0 4-11-1826) GROCERIES Ice Cream. Butter. Cheese. Milk ENROLL NOW FOR two and three; that portion ot P 6* WAV Examinations ara >Yaa. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 W est ■ufana roa tmat T jo in U6 OR OUR MM TRIP g. W tU .P t* UF SACRA MCVg. ________ _________ ___________ AMON* C66TA0I TatMAoaAKKA, F «W M U AMAMMO MAw.lM WlOwwCANÛ0MP4U TOU TO TAUX MM n A C 5 ,6 V M IF 11 M*AN6 ntvtu* up AMoTMoa nu iANAût 66IUAAO 6M.MV602 MieMLF 065CCMMO FROM IMS AMIA4AL UFfLESANTO OU IN* W T iM ROLO». I (01 1 IH I fi d s w u n iu juuft i m / w to tu tu w t * a* BOugU.FBAUCE. LAW6EP TM6 STATUS «aU*X«VvAT , yMKMBUU U BAR !<8b W nNff^ATUg MM4 . UMBHBB OBOCXOtoft a c s M e . . . RI i » PACTUM* CA66C..