The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 25, 1934, Image 1

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Ballot To Be Printed By City
Acting Mayor Taylor Calls
Special Counoil Meeting .
Voter« of Hprlugflald will I»' Bell­
ed Io elect a «urceoaor to Ilia lata.
W P Tyaou. *■ mayor of lha rlty. I
al the general election on Noveni-1
I t . ; Mohan V. Raj, Hindu, who will
bar 8. II waa announrrd . at . .k
Ina . . rlty
B allot M ay Be Blank
use Lan tern picture« and a rt ax-
h |* n |o pO rtr, y present conditions
(n (n<J(a „ Methodist church Sun-
, ,
Christian Convert To Discus*
Present Condition* In India;
Ha* Films Of Homeland
Mohan V
ItaJ. of Bombay. India
Ballot« will have to be printed ' w|u p, here to slve an address on
by the city and they will be votdd prMenl-day India at the Metbodlat
and counted along with the refular enureb Huuday at 5 o'clock Ptc-
election ballots. In case there are i , urc, revealing Industrial, rellgl-
uo candidates blank ballots will be ()UI >tD<j au<ial aspecta of "Mother
printed and voters asked to write India” will be presented on the
In names of their choice The sue- ((-reeu In connection with the lac-
easeful candidate will serve a term lure living the people of Spring
of two years or for the unexplrad
an unusual opportunity to
term of the tale Mayor.
pet a first hand picture of present-
A special meeting of the C ity' day India
Council with Council President. W | Mr h „ j |B „ graduate of the Uni-
A Taylor, presiding and acting as varsity of Minnesota. Born In a
mayor, will b<- held Friday evening Hindu family, he embraced Christ-
for the purpose of passing a ape lanlty. He served aa a lieutenant
d a l ordinance and making other under the British flag during the
necessary provisions for the hold Egyptian and Palestinian expedl-
lug of the «lection.
lions led by Oeneral Allenby. He
Must gleet At Once
hu traveled among all classes ot
Immediate action In the uamlng people lu India, Is familiar with all
of a successor Is necessary be­ the religions, has had conferences
cause, although the council can ap­ with Mahatma Gandhi. has worked
point a mayor, he can serve only among the untouchables, baa visit­
until the next general election ed much of the mission work, and
haa come In contact Intimately with
which will be November 6.
Tbs city government is now In many Utile known phaaea of Indian
the peculiar position of having an life
He speaks six Indian languages
acting mayor and two councllmvn.
English fluently In his lecture.
Jess Cross and J. D Pyle, both of
whose terms will expire at the end Mr Its) will tell of the agricultural
of the present year. Taylor sits In methods used In India, the work of
the mayor's chair, and tbs vacancy the missionaries, of India's strug­
left by the resignation of C. F. gle for Independence, of Mahatma
Gandhi'« Influence, of the Indus-
Barber remains unfilled
trial and political needs of India,
C ity Campaign Quiet
and other topics Including a vari­
Interest In the rlty political cam
ety of personal experiences. A dis­
palgn has lagged lately. Contests play of India art goods and toxtllee
exist in the offices of recorder,
will be on exhibit at the church.
treasurer, and for the uuexptred
This program la being put on at
remainder of the Barber term as
5 o’clock in order not td conflict
with other services and to make
I M. Peterson, Mary Mlllor, E. It available for all the people.
E Kepner, and William O. Hughes
"Chrlat'a People and Mine," will
all seek the recorder position Elsie
be Hev Dean C. Poindexter's topic
Pollard and Cheater Aldrich want at the morning service at eleven
to be treasurer, and P. J. Bartho­
o'clock. This Is a special mission­
lomew aud J. D. Pyle are candi­ ary service. The Church school
date« for the abort council term.
meets at*9:46 a. m and the le a ­
Edward Prlvat and Earl Thomp­ gues at 8:30 p. m.
son are candidates uncontested for
the long termc.
Campaigning for the defeat ot
l-ane county's two prohibition mea­
sure« on November's ballot waa
started this week by the Lawful Many Friends Fill Methodist
Temperance League of l-ane C ouii I
Church Monday Afternoon
ty under the direction of a county
• For Faithful Worker
wide executive rommlttee headed
by James H. Baker, prominent
Mrs Junle Cruxnn passed away
l-ane county I-eglonnalro, Floyd at her home Friday morning fol­
Mnnvllle. well-known auto distribu­
lowing c lingering Illness.
tor, and W P. Fell, prominent civic
Born on Mnrch 20. 1887, Mrs.
worker all of Eugene.
t'ruxan. whose maiden name was
The League asks overwhelming
Janie I-oulse Moes, was married to
defeat of prohibition on the
Andrew J. t'ruxan on July 19, 1893.
grounds that It will restore boot­
She Is survived by two half sla­
leg control In place of state con­
ters. Mrs dertrude l.jd Strong.
trol of liquor and that a prohibition Huntsville. Alabama, and Mrs. Rose
law wonld force a county to forfeit
Ramsey. Santa Anna, California;
state liquor revenues that It la re­
two nieces, Mrs. Roy E. Johnson,
ceiving for old age pensions,
Birmingham. Alabama, and Mrs.
mothers aid, and unemployment re­ George P. Meade. Qramercy. l-outs-
lana; three nephews, Claybourne
"We believe that bootleg control Hussey,
is too great a price to pay for the Freeman T. Moss, Miami. Florida,
proposed country dry laws. They
and Ray Musa; besides relatives
would do nothing except make the through marriage who live In this
county both lawfully dry and un­ community.
lawfully wet and make It harder
Her father was at one time a
to enforce law and order."
plnntallnn owner In the south. Both
of her parents died here and are
hurled at Pleasant Hill.
Mrs. Cruxan taught school In
Springfield for several years and
hau taken nn active Interest In the
work of the Methodist church for
ninny years.
Funeral services were held from
the Methodist church Monday after­
noon at 2 o'clock with Rev. Dean
C. Poindexter officiating. Members
of the Neighbors of Woodcraft of
which she was n member attended
In a body nnd Interment was made
at Pleasant Hill cemetery by the
Move to Portland—Mr. and Mrs. Poole Funeral home.
Floyd Bloxham have moved back
to Portland. Mr. Bloxham operated
Visits In Albany—Mrs. H. E. Ger­
the Springfield garage here tor ber spent Friday at Albany visit­
ing with relatives.
some time.
Emmett W. duller, professor of
economics nt Pacific college at
Newberg, and Independent candi­
date for congress from the first
Oregon district was a visitor In
Springfield Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. dulley Is making an extended
tour of his district going to the
southern Oregon countlee from
Plan Initiation Of Members; '
County District Plan Would Set Hallowe'en Party For ; Springfield Folk To Fete Re­
Next Monday Night
Centralize Most Power* Of
publican Candidate For
Local Boards in One Body
Governor On Saturday
Plana for the initiation of a large
Petition* Signed By 25 Voi
Will Nominate Candidate
For Unexpired Term
hall thia week.
Completely »pari by lha sudden
pasaltig of lha Mayor, aud pressed
for lima In which Io taka action/
city officials have beau searching
law book and uiaetlua with the
touuly clerk Io datarmlua lha pro­
per procedure In aurb raaaa.
Il has now been decided that
candidates will ba uoruluatad by
petition Each petition must have
the name« of at least 26 legal
volar« signed on II and they must
ba filed with lha City Recorder
on or before Wednesday noon,
tlrtotber 31.
Rebekah Lodge
Leader to Come
NO. 40
Merging ni all but Eugene first claaa next month at the time Mrs.
The only rally of Republican
class school district of l-ane coun­ ' (Irat e Christenson, state president, ' forces to be held In Springfield
ty Into one county school district pays her official visit were made liefore the general election Noveiu-
will he decided by the voters of Monday evening by members of ' lw»r 8. has been planned at Taylor
Juanita Kebekah lodge The exact I hall for Tuesday evening. October
this county November 8, The nec­
essary 100 names were signed to , date for the visit will be aunoun- i 30. al 7:30 by the l-ane county
Republican Central committee un­
a pelIIIon from (he Mapleton dis­ 1 < ed later.
The annual free-will offering for
der the direction of Chairman Fred
trict and the proposed plan will
he Included In the ballot to be Christmas festivities for the I. O. Stick la. and Mrs Mary Near, of
O. F. home at Portland will be the women's division. Mrs Edward
voted at the general election.
taken al the same time as the
Prlvat and Dr W. N. Dow wilt have
If passed the act will provide for
state president visits -the local charge of local arrangements.
a division of the county Into five
lodge II wae announced
representative sones by the district
James Rodman, recent arrival
The members will have a large
boundary board aud the election of
Hallowe’en party at the hall after from Nebraska where he served In
one county school board member
their business session next week the state legislature for 10 years,
from each sone They will hold of­
It was announced by Lee Putman, and Mrs Thomas S Wells, promin­
fice for five years except at the
chairman uf the eoclal committee. ent club woman of Eugene, will
first election when they will be
Official practice of the Progress­ be the principal speakers. Most of
graduated according to the number
ive 32 drill loam was held after the Republican county candidates
of votes received.
the Monday meeting under the di­ will be present and will be Intro­
Du Uss of County Board
rection of Mrs. Bertie Walker, cap­ duced to the audience.
The county school board will pre­
All Republicans and others In­
tain. Another practice will be held
pare the budget for the county
terested are urged to attend thia
on October 30.
school district, will have general
supervision over both elementary
Dunne Dinner Planned
and high schools, will employ a
I-ocal Republican men and wo­
county school superintendent to
men will meet at Taylor hall Sat­
act aa secretary of the board, will
urday noon to entertain Joe E
employ all teachers, school clerks.
Dunne at a luncheon on his final
Janitors and other employees aa
visit to the county before election
needed, purchase all supplies, may
Dunne enters Lane county Friday
build school houses or consolidate
noon at Junction City where he
schools and make arrangements for
will start the following schedule
t ran « porta lion If necessary. Mem­
j for the next day and a half:
bers of the board will make writ­ Played On Hayward Field
Friday Junction City at noon;
ten reports to the taxpayers.
Saturday Afternoon at 2
I Cheshire. 1 30; Franklin, 2:00;
Each sub-school district, the
Saturday will be the big day of Elmira. 2:30; Notl, 3:00; Veneta.
present local district, will continue
electing a board ot three members the present football season for the 3:45; Crow. 4:30; Lorane. 5:00;
for three-year terms whose duties Springfield high school. The local Cottage Grove, 5:30; Creswell.
«hall be guardianship of the school football team will go to Eugene 7:15; and Radio KORE 8:15 to
property, make tnepectlona and re­ where they will meet the Univer­ 8:30; Courthouse 8:46; and Stu-
commendations to the county di­ sity high eleven on Hayward field ' dent committee 9:80.
Saturday morning. Oakridge.
rectors. They may also reject any ' at 2 o'clock in their annual en-
9:00: Westfir. 10:00; Lowell. 11:00.
teacher assigned the district 30 1 counter.
Both teams are about evenly KORE 12:00 - 12:15; Springfield
days before the term opens and
they may recommend teachers for matched, with the U. H. 8. group 12:25; and address at party head­
retention or new teachers for as­ holding a slight edge with the re- quarters at 2 o'clock.
: turn of several experienced players
signment to their schools
To make the county school law rom last season. Both teams have
effective In Lane county It must made about the same comparative
be approved by a majority of the score against the weaker Reeds­
voters at the regular election and port team.
A large crowd is expected for
It becomes effective the following
the high school classic. The Uni­
July 1.
The law also provides for an ad­ versity team will be clear out of
justment of aeseta and liabilities the country playing In Utah and
of the Individual districts, each to no other big game will be played Ladies Of Methodist Church
be taxed In proportion to the nearby Portland is also drawing a
To Offer Bazaar, Booths,
amount of debt or surplus now on blank In the football nchedule this
Dinner. Program Friday
racord. It also makes provision for week.
re-establlshment of the districts If
Marlon Hall's team la still suf­
The second annual Harvest Fest­
the county plan Is abandoned.
fering from Injuries, but roost of ival sponsored by the Ladles' Aid
the players will have recovered and the Home Missionary societies
after a twoweek vacation and they of the Methodist church will be
are anxious to get going. Chet- held in the basement Friday even­
wood's carbuncle on bis lip has not ing with many of the ladies assist­
completely healed, but he wilt don ing In the various tasks. Final de
a mask and enter the game. Tom tails have been completed and the
Goodall Is nursing a badly bruised ladies are expecting a larger at­
knee, and Johnson has several tendance than that which filled the
broken blood vessels In a leg In­ rooms last fall says Mrs. P. J.
Says Restored Purchasing jury.
Bartholomew, general chairman
Power Of Farmer Means
The second team took a drubbing
Better Business For All
A baxaar starting in the after­
19-0 last Friday from the St.
at 4:30 will open the Festival
Although there have been sev­ Mary's team on Brattaln field. The to be followed by a cafeteria sup­
eral disadvantages resulting from
per starting at 8:30. A rummage
the production control program of second squad enjoyed their game sale, candy, vegetable, fortune tell­
the government In l-ane county,
ing and other booths will be In
yet the benefits have been great
operation during the afternoon. A
enough to abaorb aurb tteuia as In­ BUDGET COMMITTEES TO dramatic entertainment under the
creased feed coals, leaving the MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY direction of Mrs. Lee Putman will
farmer slightly better off than he
also be given.
waa a year ago declared O. S. Two Unite To Aak Tax Levy Rale
Workers assigned and announced
lnfl Total Of $M,*4«.7S; Coun­
Fletcher. Lane county ageut In
by Mrs. Bartholomew will be as
ty Meeting Tueeday
speaking to the I-tons club Friday.
follows: Mrs. William Oantx. Mrs.
Combined receipts of Lane coun­
U. O. McElhany. and Mrs. Bailey,
Public hearings on both the
ty farmers who signed up tor the
kitchen; Mrs. John Vaughn. Mrs.
wheat and the corn hog program
N. W. Emery. Mrs. Frank Bartho­
will amount to approximately $30.- budgets for 1935 will be held Wed lomew. Mrs. Willis Bertsch, Mrs.
ooo for the last 11 months. The , neaday evening. October 31, at the N. J. Williams. Mrs. Charles Cor­
county has not benetltted as much City hall. The city budget commlt- nell. Mrs. Hall. Mrs. W. H. Pollard.
as would some others because here j tee haa railed their meeting for Mrs. Edward Prlvat. Mrs. William
the crops are too diversified and a 7:30 and the school dtatrlct com­ Rouse, and Mrs. Dean C. Poindex­
gain In one direction Is often off­ mittee will meet In another room ter. table assistants; Mrs. Guy Hal­
at the aame time to pass on their
set by a loss In another.
sey. Mrs L. K. Page. Mrs. Charles
All of these control program-« are budget.
Robinson. Mrs W. C. Myers, and
purely voluntary and no one Is
Mrs. Williams, booth committee;
forced to comply If he doee not raising of $26.076 38 to be raised by Mrs. Roy Palmer. Mrs. Oeorge
want to accept the benefit pay­
Prochnow. and Mrs. PbindNexterj
ment. Stories of farmers having to ; 870 30.
baxaar table; Helen Crandall, fish
Any protests against any Items
destroy livestock were branded as
pond: Florence May and Frances
falsehoods by the speaker. Frequ­ in the proposed budgets shonWPbe Stiles, candy; and Mrs. Wm. O.
ently a farmer does sign up for the made at the meetings Wednesday Hughes, rummage.
limitation program and discovers I evening.
The county budget will be passed
that his production ts greater than
that permitted and It then becomes on at a public meeting next BAPTIST LEADER TO
optional with him whether he Tuesday morning at the court
wants to reduce his production to house.
meet the maximum limit set, or
Rev. F. W Starring, executive
forfeit the benefit check which he MEETINGS CANCELLED
secretary of the Oregon Baptist
can do simply by falling to sign
FOR MAYOR'S FUNERAL state convention, will be the speak­
up the final contract.
er at the morning service at the
There are 205 corn-hog contracts
Meetings of the Priscilla club Baptist church. Installation of new
signed In the county and about ns and the Contract bridge club sche­ church officers will also be held
tunny wheat contracts.
duled for this afternoon have been at this time.
The curtailed production han re­ cancelled so members may attend
Rev. R. E. Rolens, pastor of the
sulted In Increased production by funerel services for the late W. church, will conduct the evening
non-cooperating farmers hut not P. Tyaon.
service at 7:30. The Sunday school
great enough to offset the gains.
will be held at 9:46 and the B. Y.
Consumption of pork has fallen off
Attend Veteran Dinner—Among P. IT. meets at 8:30.
slightly since the processing tax the Springfield people who attend­
was placed, he said.
ed the large dinner given by the
The effects of the program have Veterans of the Spanish-American RITES FOR SMALL
been nn Increasing buying power war and their auxiliaries at the Eu­
for the farmer who purchases one- gene armory Monday evening were
Funeral services for Elvis Edwin
third of all manufactures, and this Mr. and Mrs. 8am Richmond, their
In- turn creates business for other daughter Helene, and My«- C. F. McBee, three-weeks old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Merle McBee of Wendl-
Ing who died Saturday were held
A negative vote by Lane farmers
regarding the continuation of the
See Oosan Storm— Mrs. N. W. Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock
program In 1935 was explained aa Emery and Mrs. Ella Lombard from the Veatch chapel In Eugene.
being caused partly by the slow­ drove to the coast at Taft over Dr. E. V. Stivers officiated and In­
ness with which returns on the the week-end to watch the severe terment was made In the Laurel
hog-corn contracts have been
storm which lashed the coastline, Hill cemetery.
Heart Failure Take* Leading
Springfield Citizen Peace­
fully At Home Sunday
Schools, Store* To Cloee, Na­
tional Guard And Legion
To Pay Final Respects
Last rites for Wilfrid Percy
Tyson. mayor of Springfield, who
passed sway Sunday evening from
what is believed to have been a
blood clot tn bis heart, were held
this afternoon at tbe Christian
Apparently fully recovered from
a serious Illness of two winters
Wilfrid Paroy Tyson, mayor of ago. Mayor Tyson had been lead­
karingfield for five yearn who died ing an active life until Friday even­
suddenly at his home Sunday. Fu­ ing when he first admitted feeling
neral services are being held this 111. A slight numbness in bit arm«
had disappeared and be waa back
at hts work at the City hall Bat
urday morning. That evening tbe
Tyson family were dinner goests
at the home of friends on the Lor­
ane highway. Early Sunday morn­
ing he again felt ill and that even­
ing at 5:30 be breathed his last
in the presence of Mrs. Tyson and
their youngest daughter. Muriel.
Graduating Class Leads In He was not quite 58 years old.
Number Of Name* Of Stu­
Funeral at Christian Church
dent* Listed First Period
Today at 2 o'clock the people of
Springfield met at the First Christ­
Seniors lead all other classes at ian church for the funeral ser­
tne high school In the first honor vices which were conducted by
roll compiled for the present year Rev. Veltie Pruitt assisted by
with the names of 20 student« list­ Rev Stark, retired pastor of the
ed. Juniors hate 14 listed, while Christian church. Mr. and Mrs. D.
the freshman and sophomore B Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Rol­
classes are tied with 11 each.
and Moshter. member« of the Mur-
Students whose names are listed phy-Moshler quartet sang “Sun
on the honor roll and their class of My Bout” ond "Beneath the
are as follows:
Cross of Jesus." I. M. Peterson.
Freshmen—Henry Chace. Selma Roy Carlton. Lum Anderson. Clay­
Clement, Oeorge Drury. Marvin ton Barber. D. E. Ferguson, and
Kaston. Thomas Hardy. Georgia Glen Robertson were the Paul
May Harris. James Hebert. Joe bearers. Members of the National
Keever. Winifred Klckbusch, Bob guard assisted at the funerai.
Linder. Donna Severson.
and the Springfield American Le­
Sophomores— Joseph Andrews, gion post gave a full military
Anita Benson. Clarabelle Brood. burial at the graveside at Laurel
Roscoe Cole, Cecil Crafts, Ada Grove cemetery.
Johnson, Rachel Lee. Dorothy Mil­
Acting Mayor W. A. Taylor, had
lican, Hazel Nesbitt. Beth Ople. issued a proclamation asking all
Gladys Shelley
hustnes« houses to close during the
Juniors—Lester Anderson. Bar­ funeral services, and the schools
bara Barn-11. LaMoyne Black. Rol- were dismissed at noon so stu­
land Farnsworth. Edward Hensen. dents and facnlty might attend the
Caroline Hicks. Margaret Jairett. services. Members of the City Conn­
John Klckbusch. Lois Manley,. ell officially represented the city
Florence May. Albert Rodakowski.; at the funeral services.
Robert Saul, Warren Vail. Lawr­
Hundreds of the departed May­
ence Chase.
or's friends viewed his mortal re­
Seniors— Jerry Clark. Charles
mains at the Poole funeral home
Cole. Marjorie Currant, Laurie
here during the past few days. The
Downes. Clair Hadley. Mary Kath­
body was placed In his casket
erine Harris. Evelyn Johnson. Bob
at noon today and. according to his
Lajole. Ruth Pollard. LaVerne
often expressed wishes the casket
Pugh. Doris Marie Robinson. Juan­
was not opened after the services
ita Seaman, Joan Beavey. Edna
were started.
Severson. Disque Smith. Esther
Worked Hard for City
Sfegnk. Faye Stratton. Francos
Always Interested In civic life.
Stiles. Mary Trotter. Raymon
Mayor Tyson was advanced from
the chairmanship of the finance
Post Graduate—Clara Wagner.
Special Student—Melvin Traxler.' committee of the city council la
October. 192*. to the mayorship fol­
lowing the death of C. O. Wilson.
He has held the office since that
DISTRICT MEETING time. While a councilman ha aa«
the necessity of taking some stapa
Albany Man Will Be Principal to provide for payment of the city
Speaker At Joint Session With
indebtedness which had been ac­
Local Post Tonight
cumulated during the prosperous
years, and all during his term as
Monthly meeting ot Willamette mayor he devoted much of his time
district number 3. American Leg­ to this problem. Two bank failures,
ion will be held here this evening nnd a defaulted bond Isaue cut deep
at Taylor hall at 8 o'clock. The Into his civic pride, hut he carried
meeting will be a Joint meeting on with an unfailing belief In his
with tbe local post. Newly elected community until he had won most
officers of the Springfield post will of his fellowmen to his program
have charge of the local meeting, of retrenchment and payment of
and M. B. Huntly, district presi­ obligations. Much progress had
dent. will preside at the district been made, and at the last budget
meeting he was able to announce
2 E. Merrill, district comman­ that during the preceding 12
der from Albany, will be here and months tbe city had reduced Its
will be the principal speaker for total Indebtedness by 11 percent,
the evening.
and the budget committee voted
Following the business session • unaniihouslv to carry on with hie
members of the Legion Auxiliary; program and approved the budget
will entertain at a social hour and he recommended to them for the
serve refreshments. New officersI next year.
Installed by the Auxiliary Friday
Not for many years has the city
at the home of Mrs. W. H. Pollard had a mayor who devoted so much
are: Mrs. M. A. Pohl, president: I of his personal time to problems
Miss Edna Swarts. secretary; Mrs. of the city, and It has been frequ­
H. O. Dlhblee, treasurer: Mrs. Poll­ ently said that he never waa too
ard. sergeant-at-arms; and Mr«. F. busy to have an attentive and sym­
B. Hamlin, chaplain.
pathetic ear for whomever might
approach him with a problem. Like­
wise. be always was ready to listen
FOR BUILDING ENDED to those who disagreed with him
even though he frequently would
Workmen this morning finished not change his course once he had
pouring the concrete for the walls convinced himself that he wee
of the new building to house the right.
Adams Seed and Feed store. Work
Was True Cl vie Leader
wa« delayed several days because
He was not content to devote
of the rains.
himself to administration problems
of the city, but took an active
Cousin Visile—Garfield Perkins, leadership tn all community acti­
cousin of George Perkins visited vities. He held membership In the
with Mr. Perkins here Monday , Chamber of Commerce, Lloea club,
evening and Tuesday. Mr. Perkins; American Legion, Christian church,
Is visiting on the coast from Iowa and other community organisa­
and left Tuesday afternoon for Call-' tion«. He was deeply Interested
fornla. The men had not seen each In the Red Cross and Boy Scout
other for 3n years.
work. He served on the county re­
lief rommlttee. was scoutmaster of
Injury to Knee— C. H. Bennett tbe first Boy Scout troop In the
of Cascade Summit was here Mon­ city, and took part In many other
day receiving treatments for an In­ civic enterprises. He waa especial-
jury to a
(Conttnned on Page Few)