DRUG STORE HAS MODERN HOME Th motiny of the Flanery drug «tore Into the modern locution at Fifth and Main streets has been Imoat completed and the event 1« being celebrated by the «tore with the large semi-annual R etail two- for-one sale in progress the remain­ der of this week More than 200 articles are featured at the special offer of two for the prlce-of-one plus one rent at this sale. Moving the fixtures and stock has been a, large task and five per­ sons have been busy this week arranging the stocks on the shel­ ves. placing the necessary signs about the walls, and doing the many other detailed Jobe Inciden­ tal to moving a drug store stock into a new location. Working this week are Mr and Mrs. Flanery. Miss Florence I-ong Mias Margaret Qorrle. and Frank Leaher. wholesale drug repre ents- live, who has been here for two weeks assisting with the change In location. TOWN AND VICINITY Stop« at Hotel— Percy Calhoun of Cooa county was a guest at the in Eugene for medical care Mon­ day. Out of Hospital— Clifford W ilson Is now at hts home, having recov­ ered from a recent hunting accl dent. Hunters Out— Horace Myers. Le­ roy Inman and Arthur Belknap are spending the week hunting for deer on the South Fork country. Visitor from Marcóla— Mrs. Fred W all of Marcóla was a business visitor in Springfield Tuesday morning. Fish on Coast— Matt Hart. Cliff Bryan and Frank Tibbetts fk'hed for salmon trout near Mapleton Sunday. Deerhom People Hers Mrs J. W Storment of Deerhorn was a business visitor In Springfield on Monday. Visitors From Moro— Mr and Mrs. Paul F Alley of Moro are i visitors here at the homa of her The new store provides a little parents, Mr. and Mrs. W E. Buell more floor space than the former Motber III— Mr«. Mary McPher­ location, but more of the total son is quite 111 this week. Her space Is usable The arrangement daughter. Misa I.ulu McPherson, of the room Is such that more dis­ was at home the first of the week plays can be made. with her. New Innovations at the store are Deerhorn Men Here — Rennie the special «lass enclosed prescrip- tion room, new style display cases Kooxer. Henry and J H Odell, all for the center of the floor, and a of the Deerhorn vicinity were special cut price drug window dls- business visitors In Springfield display The new display cases on ' Monday the center of the floor are attrac­ Parents of Son— Mr. and Mrs tive In that they handle large quan- Ralph McCormick of Jasper are titles of supplies and all of the f o ( a gon born to them items are in plain view of the pros 8| (he PacKlc hospital in Eugene pectlve customer. on Sunday, October 1«. 193«. On First Jury— R. B Oldham of West Springfield, and A. W. Fraxee M EET ON NOVEMBER 5 0, Leah„rg were members of the ------------ i first Jurv chosen In the fall term Members of the Happv Hour club I of C lr,.u„ court Monday. will meet at the home of Mrs Olive Return From Portland— Mr. and J Rebhan Monday. November 5. for their monthly gathering. Mrs Mrs. Jim MacManiman returned Veltie. Pruitt. Mrs. D. B. Murphy Sunday evening from Portland and Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew are where they spent the week-end the hostesses. Mrs. MacManiman's mother accom Members of the entertainment panied them here for a visit, committee. Mrs. L. K. Page. Mrs Hunter Returns— H. O. Dlbblee W E. Buell, and Mrs. Arthur Rob­ has returned after a week's hunt­ erts. annnunce tha’ Mrs. Nelson F. ing trip In the Rogue river country Macduff, assistant dean of women of southern Oregon He was unsuc at the university, will speak on her ces ful he reported on his return, trip to Japan this «ummer. and veeing very few deer during the Mrs Buford Roach will sing. The entire trip. meeting will start at 2:45. Return from T rip — Mr. and Mrs W illiam Curtis returned Saturday KENSINGTON M EMBERS from a trip which took them to HAVE M EETIN G FRIDAY Chicago and other middle west and eastern c it la . They also visited Regular meeting of the Kensing­ the Century of Progress while in ton club was held Friday afternoon Chicago. at the home of Mrs. J. T. Moore. Sixteen members and the follow — Explanation Given— Ruben Tho- ing guests were present. Mrs mas. Springfield amateur boxer. Floyd Thompson. Mrs. Larson did not appear as scheduled on the W right. M r . Alvin May. Mrs. Col Junior Chamber of Commerce ber’ . Mrs. Dean Poindexter, and smoker program in Eugene recent Mrs. Susannah Porter. ly because his opponent failed to Mrs. Edward Prlvat will enter­ be present. Thomas Is a lightweight tain for the next meeting on Nov­ and is willing to meet any amateur ember 9. at which timet Mrs. W fighter In hls own weight. N. Dow will be assistant hostess. Meets Vet Officer— Sam Rich­ mond went to Portland Tuesday W ILL POUR CONCRETE ! morning as an aide from the Gen- FOR BUILDING SOON eral Lawton camp. Spanish-Amerl .-an war veterans, to meet their Pouring of concrete for the walls national Junior vice-commander, of the new Adam’s Feed Store Ralph Edmunds, who visited In building now under construction Lane county this week. He was next to the W hite Front Grocery feted at a large gathering Wednes­ will probably start Friday It was day evening. announced today by L. K. Page.' Workmen are now busy placing, the final boards on the forms There will not be a concrete floor In the building, heavy planks are Robert Phelps who graduated to be used, says Mr. Page from the Philomath high school last HAPPY HOUR CLUB TO Upper Wiflamette ; year after taking hls first three LOCAL COUPLE WED , years at the Pleasant H ill high IN EUGENE FRIDAY j school is attending Albany college _______ | in Albany. Mlss Pearl Hollis and James I. E. B. Tinker received word Pri- Lewis were married at a quiet day of the death of his brother’s ceremony Friday afternoon at the wife, Mrs. S. Dudley Tinker, that home of Rev. S. Earl Childers, pas­ occurred In Redwood City, Calif­ tor of the First Christian church ornia Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. In Eugene. Only a few relatives Mrs. T in ker Is survived by her of both parties were present. husband, a three year old daugh­ Following a wedding trip to the ter, Mary Lou. and two step-chil­ coast the couple will return to dren. Martha Alice and Thomas make their home in Springfield. Tinker. j The Helping Hand club of Trent met with Mrs. Tom Morse last BA PTIST W OMEN TALK ON FOREIGN COUNTRIES Wedneadtty for an a11 day meeting A 52 passenger school bus was N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S purchased this fall by the Lowell high school district. The driver Is Marvin Brown. J. A. Phelps has gone to Philo­ math to spend a few days with hls family until the I^ewls M ill con­ tinues operations again. Seattle. W ash. OcL ! • — A lotal Kmploymsut ha« been provtded _______________________________of 560 down and operatlng mllls In (or 260 studente of thè t'nlverslty Visita Son— Mra. Clara Taylor ! and Washington whlch re of Orsgon by thè federai goveru ment this full, thus enabling this went to Portland Friday to apend ported to the Weal Coaat Lumber­ number to continue their university men's association for the week end the week-end vlaltlug with her son. Ing October 6 produce«« »«.MS .413 ¡educatimi. II Is announced by Karl 1‘ullelt. executive ewcreturv V isiting « I D alla»— Mrs Wallace board feet of lumber ThU was ap- Hawk Is visltlug at the home of proxlmutely 6.400.000 feet under h-re Half of these are new stud her son. Wayne, at Dallas. the preceding week The average »ills, entering the university this production uf thia group of uiw tall Returns from Crosw ell— Mrs. The sludeuls are permitted to milla In 193« haa been 74.439 033 Mildred Gerber hua returned from rn up to 115 per month. accord t'reswell where she spent several I f‘M‘‘ : ,h* Io their needs They are > in days visiting with her parent. ' l'e,r 7‘ ployed at secretarial work, re earcli 471.4.44 feet The new business reported last assistance and on various oilier Visit in Portland— I* J. Bartho­ lomew. Juliix- Fulop, and Paul Bus w»»k liy 550 mills wa 73 337.779 campus projects, and are paid at ford «ere business visitors lu Port­ board feet against a production irf the rale of 35 cents an hour Th" land Friday 44.923.413 feet and shipments o f ! university has been Included as 74.574.643 feel Their shlpineuts part of the national project, which . Visitor from Portland— .Mrs. Lot- were under production by IX.1 per ha made It possible for approxl- He Esser of l*ortland came down cent and their current sales w ere, mately HHl.OtH» students to continue Sunday to be with her father. Fred under production by 7.7 percent | higher education this fall Clover, who diol that afternoon. The orders booked last week by ■■ ■"— Son Born— Mr unit Mrs. C. H. this group of Identical mills were MAE W EST TO SHOW Johnson of Marcola arc the parents under the preceding week by about IN "BELLE OF '90’S" of a baby son born to them at the 11.300.000 feet nr approximately Pacific hospital In Eugene on Sun­ 12.7 percent "Belle of the Nineties" coming i The unfilled order file at these day afternoon. October 14. 1934. mllls stood at 346.926.401 board to the McDonald theatre Sunday. I Visits In Portland— Miss Ann Me- feet, approximately the same at the the third of the Mae West starring Gookln rent the week-end visiting week before. The aggregate Inven­ pictures to come front l*arainount. friends in Portland and Forest tories of 130 mllls are 20.3 percent shows the blonde siren again In a dro vr .Miss Eunice Gerber took more than at this time last rear selling uf Ihe gay '90'«. which was her place at the office of Dr. M il­ the period of her first picture. "She ton V. W alker while the wits away. Done Him Wrong " TELEPH O N E RATES HERE Surrounded by three screeu In Auto Crash— Jack Boxgs of sweethearts. Roger Pryor. John ARE ORDERED LOWER Mabel was In the Eugene hospital Mack Brown and John Mlljan. to­ over the week-end as a result of an Telephone ratea In Sprlnrfleld gether with Duke Ellington and automobile crash north of Eugene will be lowered 50 cents for busi­ his orchestra, Katherine DeMllle. Friday evening Ho hud a nvmber ness wall phones and 26 cents tor Warren Hymer and Stuart Holme«. of hls teeth knocked out. residential phones If the order Mae W e il essays Ihe role of Ihe country's most sensational buries Comes from East— Mrs. A. Ster­ made last week-end by Charles que queen of the period. Thomas, utilities commissioner Is rett b f New York (Tty has arrived As "American Beauty.'* Mae in Springfield to -pend the winter made effective. He has ordered a with her sister. Mrs. Katie Bruin- rate of 96.60 and 94 60 for lr livid- West becomes Involt ed with au prise fighter, ette whome she had not seen for 17 ual and two-party business phones ambitious young which are now being charged for Roger Pryor, of St. Louis, but. years. at the rate of »6 00 and »6 00 through the plotting of the prise Residential phones have been fighter's manager, the romance la P a re n ts of D au gh ter- Mr. and Mrs A. Johnson of Douglas Gar­ charged for at the rate of 33 00 for broken up. and Mae Weal accepts dens are the parent« of a baby the Individual. 92.60 for the two an opportunity to leave SI. I^ouls daughter born to them at their party, and 32.26 tor the four-party to become queen of a popular home Saturday morning. October line These would be established ! gambling palace In New Orleans 13. 1934. at 32 75. 32 25 and 32 00 An extra 25 cent charge Is made Attend Saturday Bridge — Mrs. each month for the desk alyl« Fdward G. Prlvat and Mrs C. E phone. Wheaton went to Eugene Saturday to attend the Republican Women’s campaign bridge party held at the N EED LEC R A FT M EMBERS Osburn hotel. W ILL Sunday Dinner— Mr. and Mrs. Henry Korf entertained at their home east of Springfield Sunday evening at a dinner having as tbelr guests Mr. and Mrs. Dan C rlte' Mr. and Mrs Carl Olson, and Mr and Mrs Harry Whitney. GO TO The June graduating class of the Members of the F. L club, com­ posed of the younger member» of University of Oregon law school Juanita Rebekah balge, held their kept up to the 10 year record of second ineetltiig Tuesday evening tbetr department when IX out uf at the home of Mrs Crystdl Brvnn. XX graduates successfully passed p i,. Id. nl Plan« for the Initiation the slate bar examinations this eerem.uiles to be held on Friday.1 »«miner The average for th sch ,.Il were discussed at the ha beeu 96 percent for the 10 G t’ ohar period laisi rear 35 Members look t hit the test mid 24 passed but th* ’missing member" took II again lilis i car and was allere« ful MRS. WALKER HONORED AT SHOWER ON MONDAY Drug »tors gign Rspslnlsd Werkmeii front Ih r Eugene Neon Friend« of Mrs Milton V Walk slgu Company were In Mprlngfr Id er Iunior d ber wllh a shower al Tuesduy und Wedi'ssday repulnilng ibi* beine ol Mrs W N Dow un llte nwin slgu al Ille K rall Drug Kiucralil helghla Mouday evenlng Ihree Guests were Invlted for tublen of bridge al whlch Mrs Stör« Gets New Truck— A new Maude llrysn won hlgli Iunior« and llglil delivery (ruck has been pur- thè prie Mrs. Dow. Mrs Paul Ro foni and Mrs P J llarlholomew chas <1 by (he W right and Mona Han)ward alore were hosteeses. M < M EUGENE Members of the Needlecraft club will go to Eugene this afternisHi to be guests at their r«gular meeting at the home of Mrs W. R Dawson. Mrs W. J Scott will be the aa lst- Ing hostess. ONE CENT SALE G lycerin« These e x tra specials „ Boxali Theatrical Cold Croom ¡ ONE HOUR ONLY passas At’ end Game Saturday— Spring field people who went to Portland ZA T H E Y L A S T Saturday to watch the Washtngton- T H A T LONG Last Tuesday night Mrs. Fred ' rerun football game were D B Murphy. R. E. Moshl-r, Guy Mo«h- Russell was hostess for a baby ter. Veltie Pruitt, and Miss Thelma shower given In honor of Mrs. Carey Thompson and daughter. 1 Sweeney. Barbara Elaine, from North Bend New Health Nurse— .Miss Kath­ Mr Molly Price who has spent ryn Gray Ransom of Portland has Ihe summer here visiting relatives Jontnl face pow der been chosen to succeed Mrs Della left last Friday for her home In JastsM Frs spbcial value PHILCO’s tremendous EASY TERMS TRADE-IN and unequalled de­ mand can do. A liO W A N IU !° B liy S VARICOSE VEIN S------- ULCERS— OLD SORES Clean Powerful Penetrating Oil Quickly Promotes Healthy Healing Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint­ Get a two-ounce bottle of Moone’s ed Administratrix of the estate of Emerald Oil (full strength) with James . H. . . Oillmore, deceased, . _ , . and . the distinct understanding that you any and all persons having claims niuat quick relief and splendid against the said estate are hereby orM money cheerfully required to present said clatms. refun49., SAVE W IT H SAFETY AT Y O U R DRUG STORE FLANER.YS DRUG STORE > I n Our New Location^ 5th and Main Springfield