THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1J84 T H » 8PRINOFIELD NEU S PAO» T H R U SERVICE STATIONS NOTICK OF SH E R IF F 'S KALK R IA L PROPERTY NO TIC E la hereby given that iky A ST SERVICE STATION v lru e of an execution and order A Classified Directory of Reliable General d a to line. Oil and Oraa*ea of »ala Issued out of the Clrrutt Goodrich Tire« Court of the State of Oregon for Bueine«« Firme and Profeeeional "A Home Owned Station." I Lane County the 4th day ot October People Thia Newspaper Recommenda 6th and A St».. Springfield. Ph. 441 7*34. upon and pursuant to a de crac duly given and meda by said to You. Court the 3rd day of October, 1934 Mitchell Service Station In a suit pending therein In which A L L R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS ’’’he Pacific Savings A Loan Asso­ — Yale Tires — ciation was plaintiff and W ill A. Greasing - Battery Recharging Herns and other* were defendants, DANCING ORTHODONIST which execution and order of sale E x p e rt R ad io R e p a irin g by was to me directed and command­ LEE CRAY STUDENTS MATINEE ed me to sail the real property DR J. K. RICHMOND Phone 4 8-J DANCES hereinafter described to satisfy AT O RTHO DO NTIA 7th and Muln Sts Springfield certain Bens and charges In said decree specified. I will on Saturday Phone 22(3 J WINTEROARDHN th e 10th day of November. 1934. at O R E G O N IA N 1176 Cbarneltun Eugene Every Saturday Afternoon the hour of ten o’eloc.k A. M.. at SERVICE STATION 2 • 6 o'clock I the southwest door of the County At the Hprlngfleld Junction PHYSICIAN - SURGEON 10c Court House In Eugens, Leas (!o»n GAS AN D OILS ty. Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash, subject ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES Service Day and Night. DR MILTON V. WALKER Grocery Sundries. Tobacco’* and to redemption as provided by law, Surgery and Diseases of Women all of the right, title and Interest Sprliixfii’ld Kluctrlc Supply P icn ic Goods. of the defendants In said suit and 41 h und Main Hl*. Hprlngfleld Wiring. General Contracting West Hprlngfleld Ph Bpr. 33-J of all parties claiming by. through Phone M2 J (1 E Lampe, Universal Household or under them or any of them In or Electrical Supplies. to the following described real pro TRANSFER A STORAGE perty. to-wit: General Repairing MELVILLE S. JONES, M D. MOVING— Our Plano and Purnl The West forty (40) feet of Lot 442 M a lu Hprlngfleld one (1| in Block four (4). Ches­ Surgery and Disease* of Women ture Mover* are Expert*. hire’s Addition to Eugene, l-ane X Ray and Physiotherapy Inspect our New Installation at STORAGE -— Concerts Building. County. Oregon the State Oaine Farm. Kea*onable Rate*. Reliability. Springfield, Oregon D ated th is Mth day o f O cto b er W e a tln g h o u a e U m p i and First National Bank Bldg. Ph. 43 PACK1NO — Experienced H e l p 1934 C. A. SW ARTS. Sheriff Appliance*. Mean* Safety and Protection. By A. E HULEGAARD. Deputy. PLUMBING - PIPE FITTING IIENDKRKR ELECTRIC PACIFIC TRANSFER & (O 11-18-26— N 1-8» 420 M a in St Hprlngfleld STORAGE CO. •U M M O N S NIEL POLLARD lie * Phone 14k J 69>/i 6th. Ave. W Eugene. Ph. 74 IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF P L U M B IN G If no answer Call 104 II T H E S TA TE OF OREGON FOR FRUIT PACKERS C o p p er C o ll* a S p e c ia lly . L A N E CO UNTY Rea. Phone 163-J UPHOLSTERING- I Eva Marte Pngh. Plaintiff, Vs. Zack KuR«ne Emit («rower’s Atut'n Pugh. Defendant. 420 M a in S I. H p rln g fle ld . O re. Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packer* Fnrnltiire Upholstering To Zack Pugh. Defendant and Hhlpper- Ice and Cold Storage. IN T H E N A M E O F T H E STA TE And PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS I OF OREGON: You are hereby re- College Ire Cream Manufacturer*. Maître«« Shop , quired to appear and answer the Coco Cola— Klst Beverage* Export Workmanship Carl R. Baker Film Shop I r°m plaint filed against you In the Cider Vinegar Phone 166 Eastman Films — Kodak* — Phone 14M0 736 Charnellnn St.. Eugene. Ore. F r a m e * — A lb u m *— M o tio n Ferry near Mth Ava E. Eugene, Picture Camera*. WHO IS WHO Q and What They Do M A N U T U N IN G K Malli BI. J M Vaet, I M I AUCTIONEERS MAN W A N T E D fur K u ln lalt rottlw uf 800 r«inlll«e. W rit« Immedlale ly Kawlelgh. llcpl OHJ78HA Oakland. I'u llf IO I I 25i I. BRAY W G ENERA L AU CTIO NEER F a rm H a l« * und L iv e s to c k O u r Specialty. I '(immunity Hale* Every W«dno day Mitin Hl Hprlngfleld F tllt HALE U imji I used wood rulin’ *. Ml. Hint«* Power (io. tl I I I Kim HAI.E III health caua« for AUTO DEALERS ««lllne ( ( pedigreed choice An Koiu wooler rabbit* Would dl«-! ANDERHON MOTORS, INC poee of them all on«-thlrd of Expert Repairing — All Work Ihelr value M r* II (' W llilo n . Ouaranleed. It I llm 220. (Jr«*huui. (h e ( I I I (la*. Oil, T ire * and tiatterle* FOR HALE u*e,WMHI£, ACCOAPlte io WS MlSSOUBI BOttUKAL BULUTIU.TW. OUMU KUOHU TOfct Si IMS W M LP M O W S ... IT « 176 F6FT (U C * UMMWMK6 S K 0 M 4 O O 0 wfaOooySAAS OU> Bi TWt MYS «g TMS AMEEKAU BAVOUrhOM MEM Ä6K6P ÚBAIM ¿WOVE CUJTM m T ie SAME RAY Ri WUKM T H E M TlilUek HAP BKM M M EM B U D G E T Balance on hand at beginning of School year for wulch this budget Is made ......... .......... | 400.00 From county school fund ____ 6.600.00 From elementary school fund ... 3,600.00 From non-high school district for Tuition 6,000 00 Other sources __________________ _ _ 18.62 Tuition. W altervtlle Pupils _..Z__ " 2,000.00 e e * o « J t SSrv RALfiSIlUB IS MOT AS F tQ J U A AA rr WAS IM TMS 9 4 M aK C M M T . M6KM aa TMS LAMO MSSPS K K T IL IZ M M A S C W M fIP IC KLAMM M « . Examination* are Free. 41 W eak Mth AN AID TO D lG E S T IC . 41 IV. O PER A TIO N OF P LA N T: Janitor and other employees „ -2 1.680.00 840.00 EN R O LL NOW FOR Janitors' supplies ... ...... ............. 14000 160.00 Day and Night Classes In a Good Fuel ________ ____ ___________ 230.00 200.00 N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E Light and power _____________ School. 100.00 200.00 W ater ........... ........... ....................... NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN 200.00 80.00 Shorthand. Bookkeeping, Typing Telephone ........ ........ .............. That I have In my hand for service 108.00 54.00 Eugene Business College Other expense of operation 5.00 5 00 an execution Issued out of the Cir­ Total Expense of Operation cuit Court of the State of Oregon ! A. E Roberts. Pres. 2 4.002.00 Phone 666 Miner Bldg. for Lane County, on the 2nd day of, y M A IN T E N A N C E & REPA IR S: (In f/tH a a i* n a a i s t i* liA e n ln October. 1 1934. i in a suit w wherein Eugene. Oregon Repair and replacement of furniture Mary A. Parks and Mary A. Parks and equipment --------------- ----- 50.00 2 150.00 Repair and maintenance of build­ Complete B usiness Courses as administrator ot the estate of W illiam A. Parks, deceased, are ings and grounds ____________ »00.00 600.00 Day and Evening Classes Total Expense of Maintenance and The personnel of our college la plaintiffs and Jesse F. Cooper and Repairs -------------------------------------- 9 1.700 00 Goldie M. Cooper are defendants experienced and capable. Sadie H. Pyke— Typing, Bookkeep­ and which said execution is Issued V I. A U X IL IA R Y AGENCIES: on a decree that was entered 01 ing, English. Library books $ 120.00 Martha Ryan— Shorthand, vocab­ record tn said suit on the 27th day Transportation of pupils: .......7..... 90 00 ulary. b u s i n e s s of October, 1933 and which said Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies 9 210.00 arithmetic. execution orders me, the under­ Blanche Mack—Stenotype. signed sheriff for the purpose of V II. F IX E D CHARGES: E. N. Hathaway—B u a 1 n e a a man­ Insurance ......$ 120.00 1 140.00 satisfying the personal decree due ager. Total Pixe MOW ITS T IM S TO <1 AMMM TM 4MHY TfcMl KBflP* ” auciEwn « M IME VAU» EP BOTATI WS SAT BACK fa OUB M WA6 MME» « f WE PMkAMi J O iU U t ON OWE. MEUT H I ) K O L K S .... MBP Tb A U O 9M M «PTM» WOELPABP VMOKWCCAU