THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS H PK I NO Kl KLO, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1934 TH IR TY -FIR H T YKAR NO. » WWMHaBHnWWUBWeSWUWWWWWWW^inNMaManMgWSUnnweWWUHmnaaUaannWUnaaMBnMWWWWWmnW* Shot LEGION OFFICES METHODIST MEN K.N.A. Actors SECOND TEAM TO Bird By hunter Companion Give 1 wo Plays FILLED FOR TEIfl ’ » DISCUSS BILLOT MEET ST. MARY’S BOST YEAR OPENS FOB GIRL SCOUTS The accidental discharge of a Price Fixing and Limiting Of shotgun which sent the full charge, Operating Hour» Of Small Work Started On Annual District Meeting To Be Held of the barrel Into hie left leg Intel Mille Aggravate County Play Day, Mother» Party At Next Regular Poet Ses­ this morning will probably mean1 And Girl Scout Week * sion Here October 25 Ibe lose of the leg by George Present problems of tbe lumber Thompson who waa bunting on the Industry In the Pacific Northwest ented plays were presented by (be Committee assignments for the First string players on ihe high bottom land at the Berg brothers BUSY will be discussed at the monthly BROWNIES FUTURE DANCERS SEEN Royal Neighbors of America at school football team will real tbla farm six mile« east of Sprlugfleld Springfield American legion poet meeting of tbe Lane County Cham-' Taylor hall last nlglil. Miss Doro­ week-end while the second team Thompson was hunting ('bins during tbe next year were announ­ ber ul Commerce to be held at Two Gioupe Furnishing Pri­ Healing Arts Champion De­ thy Park« of the dramatics depart- show* Its ware* In a game on Brat- pheasant* with Foy Whltbeck. a ced this week by Maxwell A. Pohl, vate Room At Lincoln Cottage Grove this evening. The fend» Propoaad Amendment; menl si Ihe University was the taln field to be played against tha neighbor, when Wbltbeck’s gun newly Intlalled commander. Instal­ meeting will open with a dinner at School; Boys Give Aid director. Nominations Called For 1 first team from Ht Mary's high trigger caught on a twig fired the lation was held at the regular meet­ « 30 o’clock. le'ermbslon number* were pro- , school at Eugene The game Is to shot Into Thompson's leg. ing last Thursday evening An active program for the The County Chamber considera­ Vole iiu <>n all Itira« of the mea • by Donald Toomb and II. K bo played Friday starting at 3 The officers are, besides Pohl. He was rushed to Hprlngflebl Springfield Ulrl Scout troop during tion of the lumber problem follows ■ ur»* 1» uppenr on lh» »tale ballot} _ -, Inetrumentallsts. and o'clock • where a preliminary examination M It Huntly, vice-commander; the ma*« meeting held at Cottage the next fe* week* was mapped In th» November electloa »»• the McKinnon and Fram e« ('or Coach Marlon Hall I* not sure ludlcaled that the leg had been so Waller N. Goa ler. adjutant who ont here Monday afternoon at the ailvlra which William Tuainan r. • el with Mrs. Cornell as se­ yet of Ills lineup but the starting badly shattered that an ainputa-, was named to succeed C. F. Bar­ Grove last week when the city protested the Injunction order la-, regular troop meeting held at the managing editor of the Kug»n»> ct it. players will be chosen from the Hon might be necessary He was ber; J M. I^arson. finance officer; sued against tbe J. H. Chambers Scout room in tbe Lincoln school. Register Guard, gave mnuibora of * W eat of the plays, "Don't following men: Logan and Richard­ taken Immediately to the Pacific P. J. Bartholomew, chaplain; Dr. company on charges of price cut­ Eventa ter which plana were tbe Methodist lirotharhiMMl group Tel % pel.” had Ihe following son. left and right end; Johnson. hospital In Eugene where doc-tore W N. Dow. service officer made Include attendance at the In uu uililraiM bar» Monday a ran cast * ting. D. W McKinnon as An­ Ingersoll. Terpenlng and McKen began examining him at 11:16 tbla Other appointments made are Os­ Lane County Ulrl Mcout play day, This meeting also precede* tbe lag. ney, guards; Hob Lltschar and Bill morning. gelin >u; Mrs Alice Peterson wald M Olson, historian; Frank P. meeting of Went Coast lumbermen a party for mothers of the Scout», l-ubllc ownership of public utili­ as Mi tingle; Mrs Hadle Lax- HUI, guards; MePbereon, center; Emerlcb, sergeant-at-arms; Frank to be held tbe latter part of thia participation In the annual Ulrl ties li itaairabla and valuable. but Ion at 'a; Mrs. Hassle Endl Mi-Ky, L. Clearwater. Randall Ray, B. Hamlin, employment; Vern F month at which time complaint* Scout week starting October 28. (be Grange Power bill li so badly colt. h -« Ixigan; Mss Elsie Cor­ Hilly Burnell, and Joe Keever. In Caldwell, membership; C. A. against tha present code situation and cooperation with the Brownie drawn that It might easily become nell. Nancy; Mrs Rosie Waddell. Ihe backfield Sw art, aeronautics; Dr. Melville will be unified and carri-d before pack of younger girl*. a serious dalrlmallt to I h a pauple The homecoming for the Mprlng Prudence Plnchbll; Mr*. Hattie Jones, Americanization; Elmer the national code body In Washing­ of tha state if It were mad» »par Drury. Mrs Claypool; Mrs. Mary field students was somewhat cloud­ Play Day October 27 Maxey. Boy Scocta; Dr. W. N. Dow.' alive and therefore this particular ton. D. C. Lane County Scout play day la ed over last week by tha 26-14 score Miller. Husannah Culterman; and child welfare; Dr. W H. Pollard, Moat lumber mills of the Pacific I-, be held In Eugene on Saturday. lu *wa ura ought to ba »Iliad at tha Mrs. Hallie Bettis, Mr*. Ferguson. whlrh Roseburg ran up against the community service; W. P. Tyson, Northwest are operating under October 37. and tbe local troop ac­ »ladtun. iald tha speaker. Ha also highway safety; H. O. Dibhlee, greatly reduced production hours Cast of Ihe second part of the local* on Braltaln field Friday questioned seriously tha logallty of cepte« an Invitation to be present This game waa not * onesided tha la* which pruvldaa within It- program. "The Tearoom Minstrel- affair, however, and proved to be Toy Orchestra Playa At Open­ Junior baseball; I. M Peterson, leg­ for tbe final quarter of tbe year. for tbe affair wblcb starts at < aalf that no court ihall have power etlee" Included Ihe following: Mrs. one of the heel game* for the spec­ ing Session This Afternoon islative; L. E. Scott, markmanshlp; Th- Bootb-Kelly company is oper-1 o'clock. Each patrol la to arrange M A. Pohl, publicity; and M B. to act once a project la placed un­ Miller. Interlocutor; Mr*. Georgia tator that ha* been played here atlng 20 hours weekly, and many of their own transportation . To Be Held In Eugene Iluntly, reforestratlon. Nettleton, Mias Pan; Mr*. Elsie der cohatructlon or In operation. the smaller mill* of the county are this season Even In Ibe third quar­ The party to honor their mothers Student, in 7h7scbool. of Spring- M-ntbers of the executive corn­ permitted to operate considerably Lambert. Miss Hklllet; Mr*. Bettis, Limitation Real Threat ter when the score stood at 14-18 will officially open tha national Mis* Rpoon; Mrs. Ina Cline. Mrs. field have a twoday vacation ' Hamlin. Po,,»rd' fewer hours which situation threat­ Girl Scout week and details for thia A no vote on the 20 Mill tai limi­ Ladle; Mrs. Drury and Mr*. Endl- Ihe game still belonged to either Thursday and Friday of this week Pohl Huntly. ° « * * * »nd en* the closing of many sawmills have been completed. For the pro­ tation proposal waa recommanded coll, waitresses; Mrs. McKinnon, team. The Roseburg team out­ aa their teachers go to Eugene to because the measure arbitrarily weighed the locals approximately gram each patrol is to present some The regular district meeting of Mrs Peterson. Mr* Waddell and cut* governmental Income fromI 10 pound* to the man. They broke attend ihe Lane County Teachers Willamette council number 2. stunt and work on these was out­ Mrs l^xton as guests, one-third to one half of the present looee for a long run for their first Institute at Ihe Woodrow Wilson which was to have been held here lined at the Monday gathering. Insufficient sum. and doe* not pro , touchdown after the flret kickoff junior high school Committees for the affair have this week has been postponed until Principal speakers for the two-1 vide for any further mean* of rave-1 early In Ihe game and used the t.een named as follows: Invitations, day m etin g wit be R J Mawke. ,b* " • ’“’J ™ nue Mr Tucmaii went un to *ho* pact and end run in tbetr other .Merna Nott. I’eggy Wright. Lotmae assistant superintendent of public ober “ Z E * A'b‘ nY " how fir t the county would have I »coring. Rodenbough. and Selma Clement; district commander, and an invita­ Instruction; Rex Putnam, superin­ lass than enough money left after | High school players and coach tion has lie n extended to state de­ refreshments. Ila Putman. Teddy paying »late school levies and the are now looking forward to the tendent of schools at Albany; Lu- partment commander. W J. Cham­ Well-Known Springfield Man Wright. Flora Bertscb and Areatha ella Markley, editor of Child pension* to meet the present coat University high game to be played berlin. of Corvallhs to attend Passes Sunday; Had Been Y o w : reception. Um l«. Smith. Health; Charlotte Llnfoot. assist- _________________ of easenslag property for the tax In two weeks on Saturday. Leona Ware. Norma Rust. Ethel ant director of Junior Red Cross; I levy. School In Silverton. which Ill For Several Months Ruth Fulop; and clean-up. Helen Funeral Sorvico* Held Tuee- Victor P. Morris, professor of Eco METHODIST AID PLANS I* about the same ilie aa Spring THURSTON MAN DIES Frederick T lT T T Clover. 70. P“, “ *n BobbU‘ Pu,m“ Fr“ c« field, will have about »40« per year! day; Interment Made In nomi.s al ihe university; Dr FQR HARVEST FESTIVAL AT HOME WEDNESDAY tassed away here Sunday after ° ram' ,neI ,nd Janies H Gilbert, dean of the col­ per elementary teacher and 96on Cemetery At Eugene Tb«. second annual harvest fes- noon at his home. He had suffered " b per year for high school teacher Funeral services for Philip Jesse lege of social science at the uni- Plan Window Display a series of paralytic strokes, the Waller Ernest Mounljoy. resi­ without the administrative or build Barnet who died at ht* home uear verelty; and Dr. D V. Poling, ex (|¥a| o, the Methodist church has last of which came over him Tuee Scoot week here will be observed Ing expanse provided It only mean« dent of Springfield since 1911, died ""burstuu Wednesday afternoon wi'l tension secretary of higher edu- for October 2«. Mrs. P. J. with special displays to be made day of last week and which claim­ suddenly at hla home. 870 C street. that the schools will have to close, Bartholomew will be general chair- be held nt the Thurston Community cation. by the Girl Scouts. They win ar- Munday evenlug at the age of 67 Speclal division of the Institute matl Mra' william Gantx. Mrs ed hla life. he declared church Friday afternoon at 3:00 Mr. Clover was born near Harris­ range these displays in various of years. have been arranged for all groups yranU Bailey, and Mrs. McElhany •ees More Indebtedness o'clock. Interment will be made at the down town windows. Mr Mounljoy was born In Illi­ Hut. the government, city, coun­ from Ihe principals Io the Janitors w„j nave charge of the kitchen burg on March 6. 1864 and lived in Ihe Mt Vernon cemetery with the After the meeting Monday the that vicinity the greatest part of ty. or elate, will not cease to func­ nois on January 10. 1877 and when Poole funeral home in charge of this year. Mr*. Charles Myers. Mrs. Guy Hal «»rend 1 laa* Sfeouts went on a bike hl- Ilf» tion. neither will the school eya Contributions Trom Springfield sey. Mrs L, K Page, and Mrs arrangement* Dr E. V Stiver will He was married to Rosanna Step- and studied fire building in the rem. even under tha 20 mill law ramlly Io Nebraska where he made for the program was the concert by Robin on will have charge of tbe officiate. benson at Mitchell. Oregon in 1888. op -" That evening the girls sold hla home for the next 17 year* ! They will borrow around the law ihe toy orchestra from the Brat- various booths. Mr Barnet was Itorn In Missouri and he leaves two daughters. Mrs candy at the Rebekah dinner. and the public debt will only be In­ In Hall county. tain school from 1:30 to 1:46 for -------------------------- In 1902 he came to Oregon local- | on December 16, 1486, coming to ihe opening of the program this P. J. Esser and Mrs. Georgina Cox. Brownie pack members have creased and Interest burdens added Oregon In 1878 settling first at Jas­ both of Portland; one brother. changed their regular meeting tin»» DARE TO BE DIFFERENT This has bean the experience In lug at Harrisburg and nine year* afternoon. per. He had lived at Thurston for Charles Clover, Springfield; and to Wednesday afternoon and a joint Ohio, and will be true here, he later. In 1911. came to Sprlugfleld A men's banquet at 6:30 tonight BAPTIST SERMON THEME tbe past 37 years, lie was married one sister. Mr«. Lola Sherwood at neeting of the two scout bodies »aid Tax limitation means more «here he ha* made hl* home since to Martha Ann Briles in 1891 and and nn Informal dance at the Elks Coquille. Rev. R. E. Relons has announced wa held yesterday. Both groups debt, more Inters»!, and higher that lime. J club at 8 o'clock will be the prln- He I* survived by hla mother, | leave* fifteen grandchildren and 22 Mr. Clover had been a resident meet at the Lincoln school where that he will use as his theme for taxes The six per cent limitation 1 rlpal social functions of the open­ great grandchildren He was a hlr sermon at the morning hour of Springfield for the past 11 years, they are furnishing a room donated amendment often makes borrowing Mrs. Jane Mounljoy, and one; ing day. Civil war veteran. necessary payment of Interest and brother. Smith Mounljoy, In Bprtng in the Baptist church Sunday, the and was employed as teamster for for their use. The Booth-Kelly lum­ lie leave* two son*. William Bar- The Friday session will Include a field He also leaves one brother, topic. "Daring to be Different." The the Booth-Kelly lumber company ber company has donated lumber principal means higher taxes | net. route 2, Springfield, and J. P. business meeting during tbe after­ Bible school meets at 9:46 and the for several years. to- benches in tbe room and mem­ Mr. Tugman advanced his own II. C. Mounljoy In Portland Barnet, Ixinyvlew, Washington, and noon at which time officers will be Funeral services were held here bers of the manual training classes He wa* a mem tier of the Christ BY PC at 6:30. The evening pro­ theory of the Oregon debt situa­ ; one daughter. Mrs LMy Mae Qos- elected. gram sermon subject will be “Hon from the Poole funeral home Tues­ at the high school under Glenn tion stating that he recommended Ian church. ; sler of otl. Funeral service* were held from est Confession is Good for the day morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. Martin, instructor, are making the creation of a etate board to MANY ATTEND ROLL CALL Prank S. Clemo officiated, and In­ these benches and stools. Funds the Poole chapel Tuesday after­ Soul", assume all present public Indebted­ CHRISTIAN CHURCH HAS terment was made In the Willough­ with which to paint them and to FOR LODGE MEMBERS ness and have this group pay II off noon at 1 o’clock. Rev. Sparks, re­ by cemetery near Coburg. pun hase curtain materials for the SERVICES ANNOUNCED with receipt* from a luxury tax. tired pastor, olflclated. and Inter­ Fifty persons were present last DINNER HONORS room were raised Tuesday after­ Instead of a tax limitation law. wa ment was made at the old I. O. O. "Five Characteristics of Prayer" night at the annual homecoming SCHOOL WORKERS METHODISTS TO HAVE noon at the benefit card party need a law which will prohibit bor­ F cemetery In Eugene. will be tbe subject of the morning and fifty-third birthday party of _______ rowing except In cases of disaster COVENANT’ SERVICE which Brownie mothers held nt sermon at the Christian church Springfield I. O. O. F. lodge num Principal and Mrs. W. E. Buell Taylor ball. cr similar emergency, he declared ERCATHA CLASS ELECTS Sunday morning. Rev. Veltle PTUltt. ber 70. Instituted In 1881. Visitor* entertained at their home Wednee A covenant and communion ser- Party Raiece Funds Universal Taxation Needed MRS. ROUSE PRESIDENT oastor. will preach. For the even­ were present from Eugene. Coburg, day evening with a 6:30 dinner vice will be held at 11 o'clock at Ten “ b1«9 were In play at the In opening his statement about ing sermon he will speak on the Marcola. Waltervllle. Baker. Cor- honoring members of the high the Methodist church Sundoy morn- Par,y under the direction of Mrs. the tax limitation bill Mr Tugman Mrs. Bertha Rouse was elected subject. “In the Day of Thy Youth.” vallls. Oregon City and Medford In school faculty and inviting mem- Ing. The covenant service to be p- Wright and Mrs. Donald decried those groups seeking tax president of the Krgntha class at j There will be special music al both Gregon. and from Nebraska. South hers of the school board, the clerk used was originated by John Wes- Toomb. Scouts assisted In serving exemption, declaring thnt II waa Dakota, and Illinois. !lnd their wives as special guests. ley 1= the year 1747. The Sunday ,he refreshments under the dlree- the duly of eviry person with an the meeting held Wednesday at the services. The Bible srbool will meet at The orchestra of five pieces from The evening following the dinner Church school will meet at 9:46. tlon of Mrs. Olive J. Rebhan and Income to pay something, however, home of Mrs. Elvln May with Mrs During the afternoon the Commun­ Mrs H. H. Schaffenherg. email towards the maintenance of L. K. Page and Mrs P. J. Bartho » 46 and the Christian Endeavor Spencer Butte lodge In Eugene wag spent Informally. ; at 6 :30. gave several selections on the pro- These dinners for faculty mem- ion will be served to sick and shut- Whiners of door prises were Mra. the government which protects loinew assisting. Other officer* elected were Mrs. gram. Past Grand Master Bauer- hers are an annual event, being in people In their homes If request­ E. C. Stuart. Mrs. C E. Wheaton. him. There are not enough wealthy sox of Albany was principal speak > given each school year by Mr. and ed. it has been announced by Rev. Mrs Frank DePue. Mrs. J. M Lar families In Oregon to provide much Lawrence May, vlrepresldent; Mrs. MORE O. AND C. MONEY Dean C. Poindexter, pastor. The son. Mrs. Frank Ixxan. Mrs. W. NOW READY FOR LANE er for the event W F Walker was Mrs. Buell. revenue from s higher Income tax. R. L. Drury, secretary-treasurer, re­ , head of the committee In charge, -------------------------- evening service will bear upon mod­ H. Adrian. Mrs. Elvln May. and hut there are too many persons in elected; Mrs Guy Halsey, chair­ Sufficient funds are now avall- of the program. Each member* res- ern problems of our people and Miss Edna Swarts. the state who do not pay one cent man of Ihe flower committee; and Other prises were won as fol­ the text will be: "Choose Ye Tbla direct tax for governmental oper­ Mrs Roy Palmer, clans teacher, ¡ able In the Oregon and California ' ponded to ‘he roll call with a short LODGE CROUP HAVE re-elected. I.nnd Orant Fund to pay the second talk, which portrayed the history MANY OUT FOR SUPPER Day." The Leagues wHl meet at lows: Auction bridge. Mrs. Clifford ation. he concluded. _______ Mrs. Drury will be hostess for half of the claims of the land grant of the lodge, and 20 letters were Wilson, Miss Eunice Gerber, Mr«. 6:30. Admitting that there were many a total of 162 persons attended the nexl meeting November 21 at counties which are due for the tax I read from members unable to at William Curtis and Mrs. W. R. Coburg Methodist Church medical men practicing In Ihe coun­ Dawson: contract bridge. Mrs. I. whlrh time Mrs. Palmer and Mrs, year of 1932 according to word re­ tend. A social time and refresh the plate dinner given by the mem- Dean C. Poindexter, minister. try who ought to have never been Charles Myers will assist. ceived during the past week by menls followed Ihe business meet |>ers of Juanita Rebekah lodge Mon- I "The Past's Blood-Rusted Key.” D. Larimer. Mrs. Carl Oleon; Five give licenses, yet contending that Mrsi H. H. Durham wan a guest Congressman James W. Mott. The Ing. The lodge held first nomlna day evening. Members of the com- will be the theme of the message Hundred. Mrs. H. H. Durham: and the proposed healing art* amend­ mlttee announce that receipts were ■at 8:46 a. m. The Chnrch school pinochle. Mrs. Earl Thompson. for the afternoon. total sum due for the year 1932 was llon of officers last night. ment would aggrevata an nlready Miss Gerber Is leader of the Girl 9488.611.13. One half of the amount -------------------------- «31.60. After the dinner members meet« at 10:46. t had condition by lowering the re­ has already been paid. Funds are I TEACHERS WELCOMED of the lodge held their regular Scout work In Springfield. She la strictions under whlrh person* MANY BIRD HUNTERS not available for the 1933 payment, j assisted by a committee of mother«. AT RECEPTION FRIDAY "«•“ «>“ durln< whl«,h Mr j DEXTER MAN DIES AT might practice healing In the state Congressman Mott led the fight i and Mrs. Asa Hadley and Mr. and GET TH EIR PHEASANTS of Oregon. Mr Tugman also op HOME ON WEDNESDAY In Congress during tha last session Faculty members of the Spring- Mrs. Fleming were guests CARD CLUB DELAYS posed this measure. A large number of Springfield to retain the Stanfield act undar' field public schools ware officially Followtng the buslnees session George R. Minnick. 68. died at Bx-Rrohlbltlon Man Speaks MEETING FOR WEEK hunters were out early Monday which the allotments are made to i next Monday evening members of Dr. Frank Richard Margetts. morning looking for the large j the counties from the land grant welcomed here Friday evening at the degree staff will hold a prac- ' ht« home at Dexter. Wednesday the annual reception tendered them Members of the O-No card club afternoon. He was born January one-time prohibition worker, who China Pheasant roosters- which fund. by the Springfield Parent-Teacher *,ce- 29. 1876 In Carroll county. Arkan­ will not meet tonight, the social according to Dr. M 1». Handshuh. they have seen or heard for aev-! -------------------------- association. Mrs. W. C. Wright and sas and leaves his widow. Mrs. evening having been postponed one has been brought here from eral months Moat of the nlmrods CONTRACT BRIDQE CLUB Mra. Donald Toomb were In charge FIRE HYDRANT BROKEN Alice Minnick and the following week until, October 26. when the Colorado, by the healing arts were successful on the opening AUTO DRIVER IS FINED children; Joseph Minnick. Dexter; group will be guests of Mrs. Arab supporters to campaign for their day. although some of those with- ENTERTAINED THURSDAY of the program, and Mrs. L. K. Page and Mrs. Pratt Holverson Mrs. Stella Minnick, Oakridge; Nell Brickey. The postponement cause, made a considerable talk, nut dogs found It difficult to raise had charge of the refreshments. A. H. Porter. Jr., of Eugene Mrs. Della Harris. Oklahoma; Mrs. was due to the teacher Institute In Mrs. Elvln May was hostess for devoting moat of his time to ex­ the birds for a shot. route 2. was fined «26 in City Re­ Sarah Cagle, Dexter; and Mrs. Eugene this week-end. New mem­ members of the Contract bridge tolling the merit* of the chiroprac­ The pheasant and grouse season corder's court Monday morning Susau Plumlee. Oakland. club at her home on Thursday MEAT MARKET GIVEN bers for the club were discussed tic doctor«. which run concurrently thia year when he pleaded guilty to a charge afternoon of last week. Mrs. C. E. announcements will be' at a business session held Wednee- Funeral Frank B. Hamlin, Brotherhood will continue until and Including NEW COAT OF PAINT of reckless driving. He was driving made at the Branstetter-SImon day evening at the home of Ml»» Wheaton wns a guest, and Mrs. president, appointed P. J. Bartho­ October 31. Walter 8cott won the first prise. lone Rhodes. The Interior of the Independent south ou Fifth street Sunday when chapel In Eugene. lomew, b. L. May and John Vaughn, Mrs. Carl Olson will entertain for meat market has been painted a his car skidded into another auto as members of the nominating com the club al her home on October light cream color and trimmed In and finally Jumped the curb strik­ FIRST GRADE PERIOD LARGE ATTENDANCE FOR mlttee to report at the next meet PRISCILLA MEMBERS 26 for their next gathering. a light green thia week. The In­ ing the fire hydrant at Fifth and Ing of the Brotherhood. Further FOR STUDENTS ENDS DRILL TEAM REPORTED HOLD SOCIAL MEETING side color of the market has been R streets which was broken off. nominations will be received from all white for several years. DANCE CLUB MEMBERS Ihe floor nt the November meeting Students at the Springfield, Twenty-one members and al* Members of the Priscilla club SUNDAY SCHOOL CROUPS schools were to have ended their 1 guests were present for the month/ with elections scheduled for Dec­ were entertained at the home of, HAVE PARTY FRIDAY ember and Installation In January Mrs. Frank Logan for their regu-j Members of the Terpescorean I IUKA CIRCLE MEETING ARE GIVEMOYSTER FEED first six weeks of work Friday ly business and social meeting of A potluck supper preceded the lar semi-monthly meeting last 1 club were entertained Friday even­ evening, but because of the county the Rebekah drill team which met TO BE HELD TO NIG HT meeting. Thursday afternoon. Prlxe for the ing by Misses Jaen Louk and Flor­ Members of the Sunday School Institute being held In Eugene no ■ at the I. O. O. F. hall Friday even­ guessing game was won by Mrs. ence May at the home of Mies Members of Iuka circle umber classes at the Christian church school I* being held here today or j ing. The social part of tha even­ Candidata Visita— Earl Snell, re­ Merle Casteel who, with Mr*. Al Louk. Guests were IatMoyne Black. 37. Ladies Auxiliary of the G. A. taught by E. A. Cole and William tomorrow, and the students h a v e' ing was under the direction of publican candidata for Secretary of Peterson assistant hosteaa, will en­ JoLana Putman. Irene Anderson, R., will meet this evening at the Cox were guests at an oyster feed already completed their first period , Miss Eunice Oerber, Mrs. Neill« Stata, was a visitor In Springfield tertain for the club members on Barbara Barnell, and Faye Holrer- home of Mrs. Harry Wickham, held In the church social rooms work. Report cards will be out next Pyne. Mrs. Minnie Girard, and Mias Mary Ann Lonk. October 9«. Friday evening. Tuesday. Seventh and Main streets. ! Audience Enjoye Dramatic R«glat«r-Guard Editor Urges 1 Efforts; Intermission Num­ j Roseburg Drops Springfield bers Alto Please Crowd Squad Friday; University "NO" Voto on Thraa Major High Came Next Week Isauaa Bafora Votara Two Interesting and well pres­ TEACHERS MEET FOR INSTITUTE W.E. MOUNTJOY DIESJRJOOENLY STROKE FATAL TO FREO P. CLOVER