THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1 W THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAUK FOUR uu« or* suggested by advocates of the measure The total deficiency ot revenue of more than sixteen million dollar« stands little rhance lot being made good by any mea I sure which the people of Oregon , will accept They have already re- Dr. Gilbert Tells Lions That 20-Mill Measure Will Jeopard­ I Jected the sales tax providing ap­ ize Existence Of Local Government; Sees Little Hope proximately four million dollars. For Schools and Future Of State Under Act What would the voters of Oregon say if a sales tax providing tit The proposed 2»m lll limitation a general disorganisation of muni ooo 000 of revenue were subiultte«l tax measure which will be voted Opal functions " to , heln on « ^ >pu,»r referendum Limitation Bill Seen As Foe to A ll Government Upper Willamette, | McKenzie Valley TRAFFIC SAFETY POEMS COBB PRAISES ROGERS WANTED BY COMMITTEE IN "JUDGE PRIEST" ROLE The Lealmrg U K society meets fam ous Authur Says Will Mah«« Sevan Cash Frlsss Offered Readers The Pleasant HUI Owls club held Of News For Submitting Of Perfect Character For Role Its first meeting of the winter Friday night at the I,. 8 llrown Best Btory In Rhyme Of Old Man In Stories home at Leaburg The next moot­ Tuesday night. October 3. The fol­ Tbe Oregon Hiate Motor assod a lowing officers were elected Preel ing of the W altervllle P K society i ''The butcher who ells you a lion and the newspapers uutslde ot dent, Alvin Olson; vice-president. will be first Wednesday lu Nov bam doeau'l worry about Ils tale the rlly nf Portland are starting Lyman Tinker; ssrretary-treaaur- < uiber at the home of Mr and Mrs Vou can boll II or fry It or drop It ibis week a four Hie hiiitioiuue er. Henry Olsou After a short busl- Kveretf Wearln The Waltervllle In the well; It's all lb. same lo |ioem cotilest ill which the jingle "*•’ meeting the evening wus U ■ society plans a Hallo». , n egpn. see ottio truffle saf ly wain him after he gels Ills money" '‘P*““’ •',ay,n» caH * " waa d''* U - ' ,,a" y 8O,',al "" This Is the attitude of Irvlu B lug similar to Hie one below All Schools Included Those who have the Interests of lo make a drive for tie» members. I rial room Tuesdnv evening. O d e I'ohb. famous humorist and author, ll.-ie II. the I hh I v of William Jay; on at the November election will The speaker went on to ludlcale i higher education at heart cannot The next meeting will he b Id her 30. Tltelr regular liuslims who sold s number of his "Judge lie died nialulululug Ills right of strike | 16,500 000 front the operat­ m eelllng was held al lit Orr Imiu. that tHider the 2O-M1II Limitation logically give their support to a Tuesday night. October I*. way. Prlesl" lories to Fox Film lo he Twenty Iwo new desks have been last week. in'. I i.dgels of state, county, and union high school could make no | measure as destructive as the welded Into Will Hilgers' lal si pic lie was righ t dead right, as he Itallv day will he observed both 1,1 ’*’* Pleasant Hill pub municipal governments, and school le w where the union high school Twenty Mill Limitation promises sped along lure, "Judge Prlesl," arrlvlt'g next by the Thurston and Lealmrg >•»’ replacing old ones districts without providing substi­ district includer a city. No levy to be Sundae al the M. Itonulil Ihealre In Bui h ''« Just as deud as If he'd could be made In non-high school I “With governments Generally dis Mr' and Mra' I’ennington ol church congregations next Sun been »rung' Eugene tute sources of revenue and will territory to pay the tuition of non organised and dismantled, with the ‘■•’’be, Arlxoua have moved onto day. October IÏ With a basket All leaders of Mils l i e w ,pap.-r are This tolerance toward the studio briny disaster to the State of Ore­ high school students elsewhere, school system undermined, higher l,"‘ ranch racently vacated by Mr or pot luck dinner. Thurston's goal Is refreshing when one recalls the eligible lo compete III the contest, gon. declared Dr. James H. <3iV and approximately one quarter of ¡education prostrate, the State of a"‘* Mrs S,OB* Is 202 children ol action of many writers who have which will . lose October 31 I'rlsea 1« rt. in addressing the Lions club all the high school students of the Oregon and Lane county In parti ,h *‘ N m lly The W altervllle 8. 8 district attending the Pleas sold stories tor plrturlaatlou ■ », will be divided as follows: 83 for here Friday noon. Futon quarterly conference will be ! stale would suffer a loaa of educa eular will have little to offer to aal ***** public school > i. " . . . . . ¡left Hollywood panning everybody llrst place; 88 for second; five "Had the sponsors of this m ea-. ilonal privileges. those who buy land and establish Kalph loslrd returned from a held next Sunday evening ul Mabel mid everything connected wlili mo third prlgea of 81 each Kulrlea Mr and Mrs. Joe Putnuiu. Cor sure provided In the same bill ade- He discussed In particular the them selves In our midst. The mea huu,1“a *rlp Ssturdity bringing .bonlil I h > Biibmltled lo the Hprlng lion picture". vallls. Mr. mid Mrs II Putnam. quale sources of revenue to make of , he Twenty Mill Lirnlta aur# woul<* prove suicidal from t h e 1 w,th hlm * f,n* de*r Cobh arrived In Hollywood sc field News, or mslled directly to Myrna l.alrd left Monday tor Mr and Mrs Norman Ellingson good the deficiency so that the ap- ||w0 „„ , hp e, , m,,nlarv grhooto of i >“ «n* Mra. George Kelsay are sure.” When he viewed the com plet'd partlcliNinl case the amendment passed | ly on the work of the Scouts u r r bulldla» a bungalow on the Oar­ Friday night with Prof C. I. Kel ' Judge Priest." Cobb expressed the Tim "l.el's Quit Kilting'' drive ley of the U. of (). as the speaker ing cooperation In the fund oam- i ,nlre ranch. warmest enthiistrs m for Ils hnndl entered Its third lw ii* i« k period figures to show that the counties. the speaker, “should not de Refreshments of doughnuts and palgn The Home Economics club with lug bv Director John Ford October 7. with iwlucnllonal and which under the measure cannot celve them selves. They should Members of the girls glee club] Mrs Del Holcomb as president elder will be served "Even If I was a man to worry oiiforc men! grtlvRIea coticenira levy more than 5 mills for opera frankly recognise that they are In Mi and Mi". M J Wearln were at the high school under the dlrqc ’ h*,d *’» regular meeting with Me» about his varns after they are sold l.-il on m olorlsls who fall fo ob­ tlon. would be compelled to meet | different regarding the advantages lion of Mis Olvde Dlllev and Mlat c - B- Jordan last Wednesday. A honor guests al a family reunion lo Hollywood, them ’d be no cause serve sign« and signals This phase the compulsory school levy and the of popular education and are wll- Sundav al the home of Mr and U ^ o “ Te,,p7rdUe'7he“'s c h ^ i s ^ - E**«ab* 'h Wh“ » - y »«“ « ' * i1 "“ «> T ’ re*‘ *1‘’ h *““’* • • « " aa of (he drive Is bolug itlrocled to­ for It this lime." he said old age pensions out of the coun bera. Miss Barbara Barnell accom noon to a group of 14 womeu Mrs Leland Shrode, Wullervllle. "Will la the perfect for ol' ward I'lni.vr observance of roadside ty’s quota. When provisions are tern of the state In order to lop Mrs. Arthur Jordan and son. complimenting their 43rd wedding panted the singers. Judge Priest No actor that I know warning nlgus. such as "curve" and made for these compulsory levies a few dollars from th tax upon Bobby, of Columbia Falls. Montana anniversary. Nineteen were pres­ of could have made him so warm ''crossroad" uu.ikcrs, and a more at least eleven counties In Oregon property.” and Mrs. Boyd Walker and two ent. and wise ami human As for the g. noral u n and observance of un would have less than nothing on In conclusion the speaker point­ A friendship shower compliment- ■ < hiblren have been guests at the production. H'a beautiful. If you Ivcrsal arm signals fur turning and which to operate. "The county ed out the serious effect of the 20- i C, E Jordan home. lug Mrs. O. L. Btucy was glveu want my opinion In one word." he slopping functions in probating of estates, mill limitation on all state func­ Wednesday. October 3rd. by the added to an Interviewer, "you can administration of poor relief, super­ tions. including higher education. W ullervllle latdies Aid society. Man Paralysed— Fred Clover le just say—'groat!” * vision of road construction, re­ He criticised the 20-mlil limitation CHRISTIAN CHURCH : confined lo his bed following a In "Judge Priest." Will Rogers cording of deeds, mortgages and as "a greater menace to the Uni­ By JOHN H PUEl.lLHKR Visits Mother— Al Smith vlalted SERVICES ANNOUNCED paralytic stroke this week Hla has the largest cast lhat has ever contracts, enforcement of con­ versity and the educational Inter­ RADUALLY the unreasonable here at the home of his mother. left side Is pa n il vied tracts, punishment of crime, and ests of Lane county than the Zorn- prejudice which h e l d the Rev. V ellle Pruitt will preach on Mrs Laxlon Sunday while enroute upporled him In a film Among protection of life and property. McPherson Bill which Lane county hankpr responsible for both the de At Bridge Dedication— Mr and from Belknap C. C. C. camp to the principals are Tom Brown. An the topic, "Prayer," at the 11:00 presslon a n d Mrs Fred Ixmk drove to Mapleton Vancouver. Washington where he its Louise. Henry B Walthall. o'clock service In the Christian These things cannot be sacrificed rejected by a majority of 36 to I." all of Its dire ! Sunday to attend the dedication ex- Hgvld Landau. Rochelle Hudson church Bunday Tim Itlhle school without undermining business and Under the Twenty Mill Limitation was transferred to the headquar cottsequenc e s and Slepltt Fetchlt. creating chaos and disorder. The a 60 per cent reduction in the will meet at 9 46. and for the even j erclaea for the new county bridge ten* office Is uow pass municipalities of Oregon would sus­ state's operating budget would be­ Ing earvlre Rev I’rtillt will preach Ing It Is being Vlait With Parents— Mr and Mrs tain cuts in their operating budgets come necessary and when enforced NOTICE OF STREET VACATION Vl8,ta » '•» ••'-J *’ of at 7 30 on "Jean«' Love for Bln realised t h a t Edgar Louk spent the week end at of more than two millions of dol­ economies become nec-»jsarv high­ NOTICE OF ALLEY VACATION ' * •» here Bunday to visit nera.” There will be special muaic bad the bor- lars. meaning in many cases the er education always gets the worst r o w e r been Pleasant Hill at the home of her NOTICE OF BLOCK VACATION with his slater. Mrs Jani-a La »loi! al the morning service and Merton sacrifice of necessary police and of the deal. NOTICE OF LOT VACATION able to pay parents, Mr and Mrs Andv Olson Ferebee and the pastor will sing the b a n k e r fire protection, undermining of pro- Notice Is hereby given that on Slat«r--M rs Roy Le.. of a duel In Ihe eveulng The En­ Sees N o R evenu e Source Son Borrv—Mr. and Mrs Milton w o u ld have the sixth day of October, 1934. the Slayton la her., this week visiting deavor groups meet at 6:30 vi-lons for sanitation and result in Supplementary sourcos of reve- met t h e de LcRoy of W estfir sre the parents State loind Board of Oregon Med j with her elater. Mr« O II. Dlbblee mauds of tbs I of an Infant son born to them at wllh th- City Recorder of Spring CALL FOR WARRANT* d e p o s i t o r the Pacific hospital In Eugene on field. Oregon Its petition for the A, 8a,,„ , 8und«y^-Mr and Mr» Notice Is hereby given lhat vacation of the following part, and daughter. Bellv Thai there was Thursday. October 4. 1934 I H PtlgLICHKg portions of the nlal of K eeneys n o adequate i School IHsIrld No. 19. In lotne No l9 °T iS E ,S HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District market for uiur.g. ges. bonds, slocks Get Deer— Mr. ami Mrs Dodd First Addition t o Springfield Lane Lott, «peni Sunday al Salem munty, Oregon, will pay al the of- ntCKU1. >.JS ,a ,e ° f O’’®*011 ,h «‘ a SCHOOL MEETING of Oregon: , . ... —as a matter of fact for any of the Miller and M A Pohl returned Cnunfv. a t r d? n t ic e lA Wk 1| b e . i e n aL C P Hal1' 0,1 ,h e 3181 day of October. 1934. Thai Portion of Eleventh Street Leave for H om e-M i and Mr» f l . . of clerk «f snld district, all ” ,hf P M ,or ,he purpose of discussing the budget merchandise lu which the banker during the week end from u hunt Ivlee nnd being between block" Tom Linder left Wednesday for wurinnls lo and Including. 3737. d e a ls -» a s not taken Into consider jn(( |r , 0 , o Ka!1, ern They one two three, four. five, »lx and ' i|lt.|r home at Midvale. Idaho, after hereinafter set out with the - la levying board, and and to v o t e on fin fh defendants In said suit and Street; lots one to twenty-eight lie opinion have become more ra­ of all parties claiming bv. through both Inclusive of block one; lots VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES: tional and have begun to realize tbe nr under them or anv of them In or one to twenty-eight both Inclusive Library books .................................. .... The N E W 1 » 3 5 120 00 fatality of nnluformed expression. to the following described real pro­ of block two: lots one to twenty- Transportation of pupils: ... 90.00 PHILCO I h a musical eight both Inclusive In block three; perty. to-wlt: Total Expense ot Auxiliary Agencies 8 21000 We are beginning lo see that uu The W est forty (40) feet of Lot lots one to twenty-eight both In­ fiiRtrument of quality, derneath all is a lack of Informa VII FIXED CHARGES: one (1) In Block four (4). Ches­ clusive of block four; lot.- one lo lio n . iiiatle l.y Hie world'H Insurance ...................................... fourteen both Inclusive of block 8 12000 8 16000 hire’s Addition lo Eugene. Lane But »III we even now go forward T-dal Fixed C h a rg es................. five; lots one to twenty-eight both County. Oregon 8 280 00 laj,,e t rudlo nianiif- with Intellectual courage? WIH we Dated this fllh dav of October. Inclusive of block six; lots fifteen VIII CAPITAL OUTLAYS: continue, as a people. In our bait- I 1934 actinerH. Philco pres­ to twenty-eight both Inclusive of New furniture and equipment 8 28000 education. our half-information, our block seven; lots one to twenty- C A SWARTS. Sheriff ent« 49 m agnificent Total Capital Outlays 8 280.00 following after false gods, our un­ Bv A. E HUI.EOAARD Deputy eight hoth Inclusive of block six ­ H V 4 U t I I U I lie ' models of every teen; lots one to twenty-eight both trained Intelligence, our Inadequa­ (O 11 18 25—N 1-81 IX. DEBT SERVICE: M o d e rn C a b Inclusive of block seven teen : lots cies of mind? Man's Intelligence kind ami alze unex­ Principal on bonds .................. 8 7.000.00 one to twenty-eight both Inclusive ¡net. Receives adequately trained can solve the Interest on bonds .............. .. SU M M O N S 3.620.00 celled lu I heir claHH for of block eighteen; lots one to Interest on warrants 1,00000 Both American | P rnb ?f?r’rUer thaTcaVls lbs pioneer* IN THR COURT OF twenty-eight hoth Inclusive of block l o n e, perform ance Total Debt S e r v ic e ............... 811.620 00 is tbsfrontlerthat calis lbe plonser. THE STATR o p ORROON POR nineteen; lots onp to twenty-eight an d F o re ig n and price. There Is tbs undiscovered land that LANE COUNTY both Inclusive of block twenty; lots X. EMERGENCY: ....................... 8 160.00 S ta tio n s beckons to the explorer Therein la Rva Marie Pugh Plaintiff, Vs Zack one to twenty-eight hoth Inclusive • of block twenty-one; lots one to the fare of democracy p,lgh Defendant. RECAPITULATION Total estimated expense for the year 8*2,696 00 twenty eight both Inclusive of block __________________ To Zack Pugh Defendant. Total estimated receipts, not Including IN THE NAME OP THE STATE twenty four; lots one to twenty proposed tax ....................................................... 17,613.62 fiF OREGON: You are hereby re­ eight both Inclusive of block 825 076 38 ' THE HIDDEN YEARS" Balance, amount to be raised by district tax quired to appear and answer th" twenty-five; lots one to twenty TO BE SERMON THEME ' POnipla,n' ‘ll'‘d »«tainist vou in the eight hotb Inclusive of block SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Philco I h built by ; above entitled suit within four twenty-six and blocks one, Iwo. niaHier craftsm en, iih - ... . ., . .. .. weeks from the dav of the first three, four, north half of block five, For school year from June 30th, 1934, to June 30th, 1935 Love and Purpose Is the theme nllbj,raH„n , h,„ B„mmong and block six. HOiltli half of block seven, h u m ,lui World Personal service sum of I-l-(l), (2), (3). (4), (5); ing only (be finest of the morning m essage at eleven if vou fall to appear or answer for block sixteen, block seventeen, — 1 ^ ave Philco F. n -l-(l), (2), (3), (4); in - l- ( l) , (2), (3), (4»; muterialK, and balanc­ o'clock at the Methodl t church, want thereof the plaintiff will take block eighteen, block nineteen, IV -l-(l), (2), (3); V I-l-(l), 2 (1), 3 (1), 4 (1) 824.945.00 ’ m om X M odrl ing each part with The evening message at 7:30 will ! 11 dpfTpp against you for the relief (block twenty, block twenty-one, )■ C ’ b in e t b rin g « Supplies 1-2; IB-2; IV-2; V !-l(3), 2 (2), 3 (2), as praved for ngalnsl you In snld block twenty-four, block twenty every o t h e r p a r t. be: "The Hidden Years." The 4-(2) .................................................................. complaint to-wlt A decree dissolv­ five and block twenty-six, all the 8 1.120.00 you glorious toa« Philco combination of Church school m eets at 9:46. The ing the marriage relation now ex­ foregoing described streets, lots, Maintenance and repairs V-4 ........................ ........... 1,700.00 I bi« Built-in-Balanced A Olcrlcan and Debt service IX 9 ................................... ...................... 11,520.00 isting between plaintiff and de­ blocks and alleys bplng situated In Leagues at 6:30 In the evening. United Quality with foreign reception Miscellaneous sum of 1-3, 4, 6; II-3, 4; III-3, 4, 6; Rev. Dean C. Poindexter will fendant. and restoring to plaintiff and a part of the said Keeney's IV 3, 4, 6, 8, 7; VI-l-(2), 3 (3), 4 (3), (4); her maiden name of Eva Marie First Addition lo Springfield, Lane all the newcHt feat­ preach. VH-5;; VIII-4, 5, 6 ...................................................... 3,260.00 Koeks and such further relief ns County, Oregon as platted and re­ ures m akes II the corded In the office of the County Emergency X ............. ........................................................ 160 00 mnv he equitable. Coburg Methodist Church world's outstanding Total .............................................................................. The order directing service of Clerk of Lane County, Oregon 842.696.00 "Lite Understood," will be the summons ngslnst yon bv publica­ radio. That the hearing of said petition INDEBTEDNESS: theme of the 9:45 service by Rev. tion thereof Is dated October 10th. and of objections thereto will be Amount ot bonded Indebtedness ........................ 862,600.00 Dean C. Poindexter. The Church 1934 and directs publication once heard by and before the Common Amount of warrant Indebtedness on warrants ench week for font successive Ccuncll of the City of Springfield,] school meets at 10:46. Issued and endorsed "not paid for want of weeks, and the date of first pub­ Lone County, Oregon at 7'30] funds" July 1st, 1934 ............................................. 14,132.00 lication thereof Is October 11th, o ' i lock P. M. of November 13, 1934 , Total Indebtedness ................................................... 876.632 00 To remove paint spots from hard- 1934 at the Council room In the City ] Dated this 9th day of October, 1934. j wood floors, rub them briskly with C A WINTERMEIER Attor H ill of Springfield, Oregon. HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT I. M PETERSON, Recorder of j kerosene and follow with a cloth nev for Plaintiff, Residence A TTEST: 8EVERT JACOBSON, District Clerk. City of Springfield, Oregon i Eugene, Oregon E. C. STUART, Chairman, Board of Directos«. moistened In lukewarm water. 10 11-18-25—N 1-8) I (O 11-18 26— N 1-8) THE RETURN OF UNDERSTATING G NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING I MC»ONALD J The KING OF LAUGHTER./ Starts Sunday R o g ers J udge mu S. TOMBROWN ANITA LO U ICE ROCHELLE HUDSON STEPNIN FETCHIT 15c Scientifically Designed Philco Radio S0Œ ¿■Z&33SNn Wright & Sons