the hprinoztkld s e w s THURSDAY, OCTOBBR 11, 1M4 SERVICE STATIONS WHO IS WHO and What They Do H U YA L NEIGHBORS era Spou»..r Ing a Two Act benefit play tin Wednesday. October 17 at 8 :M In Taylor ball. Adulta 16c, ('fall dren 10c. O -ll AUCTIONEERS_____ W. L. BRAY G E N E R A L AU CTIO NEER Farm Hales mid Livestock Our Hpedalty I ’lANO T U N IN G — J 8. Vest. 1061 Community Bales E Malu t*t Every Wedne day MAN W A N T E D for Raleigh route I l l Multi BI. Hprlngfleld of non families. W rite Immediate­ ly Itnwb-lgh. Ilepl OHJ 7R HA, AUTO DEALERS Oakland, Calif (O 11-1611 ANUERSON MOTOR«. INC. FOR SALE Good uaed wood range*. Ml. State* Power (Io. tf Expert Repairing All Work Ouaranteed. A HT. HERVICK STATION 0 A Classified Directory of Reliable Bueineee Firms and Professional People This Newspaper Recommends to You. 0 R T H 0 D 0 N I8 T DANCING OPENING DR. J. E. RICHMOND STUDENTS MATINEE DANCBB ORTHODONTIA Phone 2263-J 117* Charnelton AT WINTEROARDEN Every Saturday Afternoon 2 • 6 o'clock 10c I ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES Hprlngfleld Electric Supply W iring. General Contracting (1 E. laimpa. Universal Household Oaa. (HI. Tlrea aud Batteries Electrical Supplies. P o ll HAI.K III health cause for Rih and A HI».. Hprlngfleld Ph 40 General Repairing ■elllu* 44 pedigreed choice An­ 442 Main Hprlngfleld gora wooler rabbit*. Would dis­ BROWN MOTOR CO. pose of them all one-third of Inepact our New Installation at CH R YSLER and P L Y M O U TH their value. Mr« II 0 W lhlm i the Htate Game Farm. Hales and Hervlce K. 1, Bos 270. Gresham. Ore 026 Weatlnghouae Lampe and Complete Automotive Hervlce Appliances. FOR BALK One HA7S H. P. range Open Day and Night uaed. In good condition Mt IIENDKREit ELECTRIC 106 East Broadway Phone 1767 420 Main Hl Hprlngfleld Htatea Power Co. tf. Kugeue. Oregou Rea Pboue 14*-J Eugene PHY8ICIAN - SURGEON DK MILTON V. WALKER Hurgary and Diseases of Woman -41b and Main Hla Hprlngfleld Phone 82-J Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Natureeathl« Phyelclan 1’hone 91 J Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M. 406 Fourth Street Edward C. Privat Watchmaker and Jeweler LANECO BATTERY FACTORY PLUMBING - PIPE FITTING N1EL POLLARD EUG ENE FARM ERS CREAM ERY. Phone Eugene 638 S P lU N O F llIL D So. Pacific Watch Inspecter CONVALESCENT HOMES First Class Work at Reasonable Prices. SUNSET HOME General Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attornay-at-Ln* City H all Building Hprlngfleld. Orhgon Reliance Life Insurance Co. of Ptttaburgh, Pa. Jim m ie’« Cleaning Shop JAMES M IT C H E L L Cleaning. Pressing. Alterations We Call For and Deliver. ROYAL Made to Meaaure Suita. 308 Main St . Hprlngfleld. Ph. 75-J CABINET SHOP Hepraaanted By E. H. TURNER 844 A Ht Hprlngfleld. Ora. POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e Formerly Walker-Poole EUG ENE l lt h mid Charnelton Telephone 723 S P R IN G F IE L D 228 Main Phone 62 J GROCERIES TOOMB S GROCERY 8PR IN G FU L D CABINET SHOP PACIFIC HOSPITAL, INC. 12th and Hllyard Phone 2500 Eugene. Oregon EUGENE HOSPITAL "The Friendly Institution" Phone 1800 Eugene 1162 W illamette LADIES READY-TO-WEAR DELLA BORIN’S DRESS Geo W. Stephens SHOP Sash. Doors. Glass, and General M ill W ork SPECIAL SWAGGER S U ITS »12.76 Uaed Door» and Windows Phone 2592 4th and C Sts. Springfield. Ore. 67 East Broadway Eugene DENTISTS ANGELINE D R ESS SH O P Eugene. Oregon Bit. O. A. BROWN Popular Priced Dreeses Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M Allen A. Hosiery Phone 20-J 63 E. Broadway Phone 633 W 5th and Malu Sla. Springfield Kugeue. Oregon Residence 718 A Street. DR. WM. N. DOW D E N T IS T | X-Ray Diagnosis — Hour» 8 to 12 1 to 6 and by appointment. Office Phone 8 — Re». Phone 67 First Nal l Bank Bldg. Springfield r o RETAIN THAT YOUTHFUL VISION People reaching the ugeu of m atu rity often find th at the i-omfoitHlde vision form erly en ­ joyed lu mil quite the suine. T he Hureui way Io retain youthful v I n I oii I to liuve your eye» exam ined periodically. Nel liter you nor anyone else can tell w hether or not your eye» are efficient w ithout an examlna- thin Examination» are Free. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrlat 41 West Kth lugana SCHOOLS-COLLECES OREGONIAN SERVICE STATION At the Hprlngfleld Junction GAS AND OILS Hervlce Day and Night. Grocery Sundries. Tobacco’« and Picnic Goods. West Hprlngfleld Pb. Hpr 33-J Complete Business CourseB Day and Evening Classes Tbe personnel of our college I* experienced and capable. Sadie H. Pyke—Typing. Bookkeep­ ing, English. Martha Ryan—Shorthand, vocab­ ulary. b u s i n e s s arithmetic. Blanche Mack—Stenotype. E. N Hathaway— B u s I n e s s man­ ager. SCHOOL OF MODERN STENOGRAPHY 841 W illamette. Eugene. Phone 117 LUMBER EUGENE LUMBER CO. Our roofing department can furn­ ish you with roofa that last. Pro­ fessional applicators. Phone 426 R. R. Blvd. A Grand 8L. Guest at Hotel— G . C. W yatt of Albany was registered as a guest at the Hprlngfleld hotel on Friday evening. Baa Football Camo — M axine Hnodgra««, Lloyd and Charlee Gar- rlaon of Marcóla, drove to Portland Haturday to see tbe Oregon State- tanfor dfootball game I Large Sum To Be Distributed Corn-Hog Growers: Ore­ gon Gets Drouth Fund Agricultural adjustment boned! payments In excem of *3,IMM),du Fountain A. E. Roberts. Pres. Free Delivery Phone 666 Miner Bldg, 621 — 51 11 St. Springfield. PH. 80 Eugene. Oregon Rev. R Bogitad Haultorlum — A home for Elderly DIBBLEE’S ■ People—Graduate Nurse In Charge. RED A WHITE GROCERY Rates *1 00 a day and up. Depend- Phone 4 ' Ing on care needed Centrally lo­ Cor. 4th und Main Sts., Springfield cated In refined neighborhood Phone 1494-J HOSPITALS 17* — U th Ave. W.. Eugene CLEANING A DYEING LET’S EAT JOHNSON FURNITURE CO., at Ranges and Circulators Several Lines Including Montag Linoleum Inlaid and Felt Base Attractive Prices on Furniture CREAMERIES • and Rugs Se.- Us Before You Buy Demand, the Beat— Coats no Mora We Deliver Phone 1188 1 BLUE BELL 648 W illam ette Eugene Dairy Products Ice 4'ream. Butter. Cheese, Milk THflIE MILLION III MOVING— Our Plano and Furni­ ture Movers are Experts. STORAGE — Concert« Building, Reasonable Ratea. Reliability. Ph. 43 PACKING — Experienced H e l p Means Safety and Protection Surgery and Diseases of Womeu X-Ray and Physiotherapy FURNITURE A HO M E IN D U S TR Y Eugene 667 Pearl Phone 1008 Mitchell Service Station Business T r ip a - P J. Bartholo­ A LL R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS mew made business trips to Myrtle — Yale Tire» — Point and Oakland Friday and Sat Greasing - Battery Recharging urday. Expert Radio Repairing by LEE CRAY W ill Sa In Portland— W P. T y ­ Phone 48-J son will be in Portland Saturday In 7th and Main Hta Hprlngfleld connection with bis HERA project Inspecting work. TRANSFER A STORAGE P L U M B l N a Cupper Colls a Specialty TO TRACK HCHBKMIt MOTOR CO. FRUIT PACKERS Rea Pboue 153 J PINK HOM E IN H F R IN G F IK LO —7 B U K K — OLDBMOB1LC — 420 Malo St Hprlngfleld. Ora. rooms modern. large beautiful Eugene Fruit Grower's Aaa’n PO NTIAC ground*, fine fruit and nut trees, Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers Motor Cara PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS flowera and ahruba W ill conalder aod Shipper«, lea and (fold Storage. HALEB and SERVICE • mall Hprlngfleld home with two College lea Cream Manufacturers. Carl R. Baker Him Shop 7th and Olive Hta. — Phone 666 lot an part paymeut HAM K l'G H Coco Cola— Klst Beverages Eastman Film« — Kodaks — Eugene, Oregon. R E A LT Y C O . 1026 W illamette Cider Vinegar Frames — Album«— Motion Kugeue. Phone Eugene >4 (016 Phone 1480 Picture Cameras, AUTO WRECKERS Ferry near Kill Ave E. Eugene. We Photograph Everything W A N T E D — Haleaman W ill pay 10% off with thl« coupon Anywhere. Red Read. Mgr, good comiulaalon to man who Phone 324.7 FEED-SEED-HAY Mall films to I*. O. Box 467 can gall. W rite X care Hprlngfleld Ku«t Hide Auto Wrecker« 688 W illam ette, Eugene Ph. 636 ADAMS FEED A SEED Naw«. Used Cara. Trucks and Trailers STORE PRINTERS Generator, Armature A Electrical Full line of Feed. Heed and Hay. N O T IC I T O C R K O IT O R S Hervlce, Custom Grinding. Cleaning and THE WlIJxAMETTE PRESS Kugeue. Ore. IN TI1E CO UNTY COURT OP T H E 2046 Franklin Blvd Mixing A Home Owned Institution. Hprlngfleld HTATK OP OREGON POR LANE 118 — 6th Hl. Hprlngfleld. Ph. 3 Phone 2 BEAUTY PARLORS C O U N TY In lha M atter of the Katate of J O Business Stationery—Office Forms Oregon Feed A Seed Co.. Inc. Permanent Push Wave« Watts, deceased Booklets — Placards — Notice la hereby gives that Mary *1.76 and Up. Good Luck Manainar Poultry and Dodgers, etc. 1« Wallace haa been by tbe above The RHOW NIE B EA U TY BHOPPE Dairy Feed» A Modern Print Shop Producing entitled court appointed admlnta Prosper W ith M anamui Apprentice Finger Wave 25c, tra trlt In the above entitled mat Up-To-Date Printing. Heed Cleaning a Speciality. Shampoo A Kinger Wave 60c ter Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. All peraona bavlug dalma agalnat 641 W illamette. Eugene, Phone 688 Ph 466 Delivery «aid eatate are required to preaent 206 E. 6th St.. Cor. High Eugene «_ RESTAURANTS aatd claims properly verified to BATTERY SERVICE tbe underalgned administratrix at PACIFIC FEED A SUPPLY CO the law office of C A Wlntermeler 67 K Broadway IR E N E S CAFE Eugene. Ore. In Kugeoe. Oregon within a ll EUGENE BOG DEPOT Í Breakfast 15c up — Dinner 25c up. PERRY’S month« from thia 20th day of Sept.. W e Pack and Grade Egg« for tbe Chill 10c BATTERIES. BRAKES 1664 Merchants of Eugene and Spring- Home Cooking MARY 1. W A LLA C E, ailmlnla IG N IT IO N MOTOR WORK. field tra trlt Ice Cold Beverages on Tap Wheel Aligning. Cor. 6th and W illam ette St. C A W IN T K R M E IE R . attorney. Main Bet 4th and 5th Sto. "Any Service— Any Car" (H 1017 O 4 11 IS) Eugene, Ore., Phone 168 ! 8 prln([neid Open T ill Midnight 726 Oak Ph. 767 Eugene . 1 ■ ■ « ' i - - ................. Business Directory Sharif* at Bridge—Sheriff C. A. Hwarts spent Friday at M rK en ile Bridge transacting business Geaeral de »oll ne. (HI sad Oraa