THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS NO. 38 HWUNGHBLO, LANE COUNTY, OjUBOON. T H U RSDAY, OCTOBER l b 1»39 T H IR T Y -F IR S T YEAR AT pm wai u , (¡m BUDGET ID Club Groups to SCHOOL BOOGEl BUST SESSION IS District 19 Cuts Port UmmaM ||| gjj hold Meet here WILL SE 142,695 Warrant Debts S.H.3. PLANNED HEED BY COUNCIL Delegates From Lane Organi­ Diatrict Counail Session Post- _____ Springfield Board Owes $50001 zations To Convene At Anticipated Receipts Greater; Land Board Submits Agraa- In Outstanding Warrants; Students To Gathar At An- pon ad! Naw Post Officers Committee Cuta $3375 From M. E. Church Saturday To Be Installed Tonight Present Estimate; Desig­ Sum To Be Raised By Tax­ Mora Tax Monay Comaa nual Bonfire Tonight For abla Vacation Patltlon; Ac­ ation Slightly Over 1934 nate More To Pay Debt Largest Pep Rally Of Year lielegatee from women’s clubs In tion Sat For November 12 New officers at Springfield Am­ Receipt of 91130 from (be county all parts of Lane county will come erican I-eglon port number 90 will elem eutaty school fund and ‘b * | F |R g T LEAGUE CONTEST LEVY MEET OCTOBER 31 to Hprlngfleld Saturday for th- «11- ORDERS SCHOOL CENSUS GARBAGE CONTROL FIXED > ailing of warrants on which In­ be Installed here tonight at the re­ gular meeting of the organisation _ ~ « j 'lay gathering of (he la n e County terest will cease after tomorrow Extra Month Of School And Lions Committee Aaka Clean­ leaves the Hprlngfleld school dlv- Loggern Hope For Rain In In Taylor hall. A potluck supper Present Council Reduces City FMeriltil)I1 o, Wom. B , Expenso Of Materials In Obligations Approximately which tim e members of the Hprlog- er Main Street; Speaker ' • number I* carylng a warrant Effort To Break Jinx and will precede the business meeting 11 Percent During Year | field Civic club and of the Glen­ Repairing Schools Adds Newly elected officers of the Get Win Ovar Roseburg la «* expellees Incidental to tbe work ! they had last year providing the fe e t. a reduction of 81080 23 In tbe Starts League Flay . J __ . _ done al tbe schools under I be WORK STARTS MONDAY city’s Interest requirements for the hoetees committee. assessed valuation In the city re- This game will he the first dis­ Flnal arrangement« for the conn- ma)n(| 5omewhere , he gam, „ tt HKKA project. trict or league game for Rpring- Mrs. Bartholom ew . Chairm an, An- aext year. This amonnts to appro- . . ty meeting were made here Tues- mlxatety 11 per emit of the »»»•» , , „ afUrnoon „ the regular meet- did last year. fleld high school, and will give nouncea Com m ittee W orkera Taxpayers will be given an op- S S off X u i m onX T e £ * ^ 7 , T . “ people an opportunity to see Fram Churahee For V sar whether or not the Hprlngfleld good showing made was possible J R efreshm ent, were w-rved bnfg7- loggers as as much of a threat U Week-Day. Bible scboql classes because of the enforced ecenomy j *. _____ __ Mr. g i ®°th th* “ and school budgets they have Indicated, or whether for the first five grades In the by Mri. Phene Crow and Mrs. , will be open (or discussion that they are riding for a fall after their schools of Hprlngfleld and for all and more prompt payment of taxes. C. Htuart. evening and the two budget com- A meeting of the taxpayers to early season victories over Philo­ the trades at the Garden W a y ! m lttees will then sit as levying . . ’ lbmm od the budget ha.« been called math and Reedsport Home main school will start a. Monday morning y • . board- and set the levies required . . » for Wednesday. October 31. at the Wednesday tain that these teams were almost tt waa announced today by Mrs P to raise the sums budgeted. Th<* The ordinance drawn by City Re­ Funeral Service For Long- set ups for the log tert, but Coach city hall at 7:3b by members J Bartholomew, chairman of the taxpayer« meeting will be held at corder I M I'eteraon. provldea Time Resident of County Marlon Hall says his team waa not lummltteM- making necessary ar­ tbe budget comm ittee who were the city hall. drat for full control of the city follow«: W P. Tyson, J. E. Cross. 29 points better last Saturday than rangements Held Here On Wednesday Nine Months Higher owned property by the City Coun­ C. E. Wheaton, J. D. Pyle. W. N. the Reedsport elevsn aa the agora Tbe work will again be support­ Long. E. G. Prlrnt. O. H. Jarrett. Two factors account for the In- cil with power to delegate a rep­ Mrs Mary Attains Neel, one of would Indicate Most of tbe Inter­ creas In the budget this year say resentative to supervise the Ijiue county's pioneer residents, ested local people saw the Philo­ ed by the three churches with re­ W A. Taylor, and W C. Wright, members of the school board. A grounds and to make renumera passed away at her borne 608 math game and formed their own presentative* from each congrega­ secretary- Work Started Tuesday o n full nine-months school year has lion agreements with the super­ Eighth Street, Hprlngfleld Bunday conclusions aa to the relative tion forming the executive com Set Out Funds for Debts m lttee Mrs Goldla Smith Fergu Main Street Building To been contracted lnetaad of only visor It al*o strictly prohibits the evening at tbe age of 79 years There were but few changes rtrength of the opposing team . «on. will again teach the classes. made la the budget for next year “lght last year. This extra month hauling of loam. wood, or cutting House Adams Feed Store Bio- was born near Corvallis on Hope To End Losing Straak She has taught the classes for sev- over the one for 1939 Several of of school will amount to approxi- of trees on the property without April 3. ISM and on June 29. 1879 A sort of Jinx hang, over | yB, r, 'untU year Pouring of frotings for the con- matelv 93040 In salaries, and then bavlug first obtained permission Miss Mary Almlna Howell waa tbe Items, which are Hated in de Hprlngfleld high team, not this Membeiw of tbe ebnreb commit- tail In a complete report published I crate building to house the Adams the budget has ta provide for the from the City Council It also pro­ uulted In marriage with John Wee- year's eleven, but over the school lees are Mrs W. A. Taylor. Mrs. e |gewhere In this paper, have been Heed and Feed store next to Tay- expenditures made for materials vldea for a flue and Jail sentence ley Neel who preceded her In death when Roseburg Is Involved, says E A ('ole and'M rs M A. Pohl. re ag one gj rMuctlon of bond I o „ fli6 other gide an e,Kh, llK.h They expect to receive 35900 from right now Is a series of sprained m eet'»« of the Baptist church held prlnclpa| durlng , he year , he bond! t e r e t e wall will be built Inside ,hp composed of Laraon Wright and F ,'ch