FARMERS 10 VOTE ON CONTROL PLAN THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1934 THE 8PRINOF1ULD NEWS PAGE FOUR WILL PLANT 500 PEAR PEDESTRIAN CODE FOR SAFETY DRIVE LISTED TREES FROM SAME STOCK T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y in mollon pictures. ARNHEIM 13 COMING Among his composition« are W ITH HIS ORCHESTRA Sweet and Lovely,” "Mandalay,” "II Musi Be True.” and "Good Notad Orchssiis Lsadsr At Mc­ Nlghl. My latva." lie does not use Horticultural history will be Donald For Two Shows And any of Ills own compositions (or mail'* (it »outhern Oregon this fall Armory For Danes Oet. 10 Ilia theme aong. choosing Inslaad when what 1» believed to be the Oregon City Folk H a rt— Mi and Portland Man Hera Sam Ben­ May II Willi Music.” which tune _______ I most tntlfortn aa well as the moat son of Portland was a weekend Mrs I.udl McBoa of Oregon City outstanding among Ihn events has heralded his appearance oil Die Approximately 50 per vent of * blight resistant blork of 500 youug wer« here over the week end Io guest at the M M Male home he' A Producers To Decide Upon visit with his parents. Mr and Mrs tor next week will he the personal air for many years Future Program For Corn- »evident fatalities In Oregon are pear tree» are planted out on the . ppvuram o In Eugene of t'ol Hus Drive« to Florence— Em ory Pylo pade trians. It ha» been poiuted federal pear experiment »tatktu Ed McBee i'oinlng with Arabella are Maxine Hog and Crain Activities made a business trip to Florence Arnheim with his oreh<*»lru aud 7 appnn, Jimmie Newell and the oul by the "Let's Quit Killing" J near Medford Pastor at Salem—Rev. Dean C vocalists, lie will play al lite Me- The trees are being selected Tuesday. Corn hog adjustment contract campaign worker» now seeking to Duwnev sisters all of whom have Poiudexter, pastor o f the Metho Donald theatre ou Wednesday, signers in Oregon will be called reduce the death toll from motor from 2000 raised ou the southern been heard nlghlly on ihe air. Crescent Lake Folk Here— Mi illst church, v.a i at Stiletti Monday October ID. Ul both lile afternoon upon by their county association accidents on the highways and city Oregon branch experiment station and Mrs. Roy llolverson of Cres­ The «lining dance program at to vote soon, probably during the streets During the first eight at Talent under the scientlflr cent lake were vl- Itors In Spring and Tuesday attending an educa and evening performance», and will ihe armory lo follow the afternoon lloiial conference of Ills church conclude Die ilav with a mammoth und evening llieulre engagements second week in October, on two months of 1934. ISO persona were methods developer! hv F C. Rel- field Wednesday. quest lots submitted from Washing killed and SMS Injured in the state mer, superintendent and probably Hunters Return — Riley Shod dance ul tile Armory lhal evening will slari al 9 30 says tl'i'onnell Visits Mother— .Mr. aid Mrs Ray gra » and a party of six liuuters say James tl't'onnsll, Milkmaid I'vrsons who can are urged lo at ton and growing out of the recent by automobile drivers. the world's leadlug authority on Taylor of t*ortlaiot urrlved here returned from Eastern Oregon dui manager, who Is arranging tor the lend lit lualliisa show at Ihe thea regioral conferences, in one of In an effort to reduce the Burn- fire blight of pears which extension officials of Oregon her of fatalities the campaign com- These p«ar trees will be the ovei the week end to visit with his tug the past week Mid bringing visit of I he famous musical leader Ira. und ills organisation. State college took part. mittee has issued the following most uniform, and hence the most mother. Mrs. Clara Taylor, for a four mule deer wllh them AAA officials foresee serious dlf- seven rules for the pedestrians' desirable for experimental pur Hunt Near Roseburg— Pratt llol- Arnlielni Is u piano player whu Teacher Returns— Ml«» Bernies Visita Parent«—Mi ami Mrs llu ficultleo in the next few years If code”: poses, because every root stock In verson ami George Green spent the ford Eight of North Bend wore began a successful career In lais I'anoly ro liiriieil la her classes al the natural reaction from present Never cross streets between In- the entire lot was grown from seed week end on a hunting trip near here over the week-end to visit Angeles und reached such tame 1 Ihe high school thin morning fol- drouth conditions are allowed to tersectlona. produced on o single tree and fer- Roseburg. with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. lhal he was Invited to tour Europe lowing an absence of several days develop, as they have in past years Do not cross streets In front of tlliaed with pollen from one other He returned to America to taka due to lllnor» Her clauses were into a cycle which will carry pro oncoming cars at night, especially selected tree. Thus for the first Breaks Arm— Louis Stelnliaur. Karl Girard. first place among orchestra lead-1 laughl by Mrs Earl Jaime during duction of forage crops to the op- if wearing dark clothes or the wea- time In history a large group of grandson of Mrs. llattle Spencer, era, to write songs, and to appear her absence trees have been raised with ex­ received a fractured arm Sunday FOOD POISONING IS posite extreme stimulated by scar ther Is rainy. city of high prices of the present Remember It is easier for a ped- actly the same known parentage when she fell on It. GIVEN EXPLANATION Fear Future Surplus estrian than for the driver of an Visiting Here— W. L. Peruien- Such a condition, they believe, anto weighing more than a ton Bacterial poisons resulting from der of Trent is upending several COLLEGE OFFERS MANY would be dl-astrous to the corn to make a -udden stop. the Improper ami Insanitary pre days in Springfield looking after Don't step Into the street from and other forage crop producers EDUCATIONAL MOVIES busiuasa thia week. paratlou und storuge of food has _______ aud the livestock growers as well between parked cars. loug been considered the dtreel When crossing a street In traffic. A new catalog listing all moving : Visitor from California Mrs J cause of food poisoning says (lie particularly the hog growers In the don't oscillate "like a sewing ma- | Icture films, lartern slide sets and W. Hanly of Sunta Cruz. California Stats Hoard of Health In their cornbelt states. In order to get a definite ex chine shuttle"—proceed slowly and other materials available from the' is a visitor at the home of Mr. und weekly bullet In Now scientific In pression of opinion, from growers steadily ahead so motorists may department of visual instruction. Mrs. C. E Swarts. vestlgallon hu shown the cause _____________________________- themselves, the AAA officials have know which way you are going has Jnst been Issued by the general to be of two types The first Is H u n t D ei— Elmer l-yne. Howard requested the state extension ser- Give consideration to the fact extension division of the ( regon certain resistant burlería growth vices to arrange for the taking of that pedestrians are permitted to state system of higher education Cotton and William t'ox hunted for which In the absence of air pro deer In the Gold Hill district the a referendum by each corn-hog walk on both sidewalks and streets. The department of visual Instruc- dure a violent polaon or toxin county association on the following while the motorist is required to tion of the entire system 1 - located past week-end. Symptoms of this poisoning are questions: r»maln between curb limits on the Oregon State college cam Leave for East— Mr and Mrs. double vision, nausea, constipation, 1. Do you favor an adjustment Alway walk on the left side of pus with V. S Burt In charge. The Joseph Whalley left Sunday for Inability to swallow, impairment of program dealing with corn ,and a highway, facing traffic: step off present catalog lists the largest Maryland and other points on the speech, general weakness and loss the pavement when a car passes collection of such materials ever, east coast. hogs in 1935? of muscular control and finally res gathered together for educational 2. Do you favor a one-contract- you. plratory paralysis use In this state, all of which are Returns from Fair—W. H. Hobbs per-farm adjustment program deal­ The second cause and the moat available for public use on pay­ returned Sunday from Redmond common type Is caused by careleas ing with grains and livestock to NOW AND FOREVER’ IS become effective in 1936. ment of a «mail fee ranging from where he had spent several days faramount INSPIRINO PICTURE five cents to 25 cents each, used j attending the Deschutes county ard unclean methoda of preparing May Raise Co-n Payments food or Improper storing methods f . ctum fair. to cover partially the expense of It is explained that if the pro­ such as large amounts of salad Shirley Temple, the sensation ducers vote favorably on the first «tar of Paramount's "Little Miss tacking and inspecting frequently prepared days In ad Come for Funeral— Mr and Mrs Many of the lantern slide sets question. AAA officials will confer Marker." return In another Para- Clifton Phillip« of Ornarlo. Oregon vanee. Symptoms of this poison further with representatives of pro- mount picture wh|ch a„ ords even a'd moving picture films Include arrived here Friday to a il nd the arpear a few hours after the food ducers in developing details of a alore scope for her alnple ,a,enlg lectures, which may be given along Is eaten and consist of vomiting. j suitable contract Any 1935 pro- „ ,g - Now and poreye, •• coming wi’h the pictures, making them funeral of Mrs l*hillip's father, fever, abdominal pains, diarrhea, the late George Carson. Sr. gram will follow the general out Sunday to the McDonald theatre in adaptable to a wide variety of and general weakness The course line of the 1934 program but bene­ Eugene, in which the five-year-old group meetings. A copy of the Mayor on Coaat—W. P. Tyson, of the disease Is usually short. ' fit payments would probably be is starred with Gary Cooper and catalog may be had tree on request mayor of Springfield. Is spending eldom over 24 hours, and very from the Corvallis office. somewhat larger for corn and ma Carole Lombard. the week on the southern Oregon few futilities have been reported feriallv le a for hogs than under coast doing inspection work on Shirley Temple plays the role of the program this year. the daughter of the light-hearted, STUDENT DANCES START SERA projects. I McKenzie Valley In voting on the question, west­ reckless adventuring confidence FRIDAY FOR SEASON Brother Visits— Leslie Porter, ern producers will be faced with man. Gary Cooper. Since Cooper Several community events have brother of Mrs. Dean C. Poindex­ the fact that this region is a de­ in the film, has not seen the child Mrs. Anna B Orswell. manager ter. spent the week end here from recently taken place or are now ficit area for both corn and hogs. «Ince birth, he decide: to relinqu of the Wintergarden dance hall In being planned for Ihe near future Milwaukee where he Is signal en­ Suggestions was once made that ish his rights in her to his brother- at l.eabura. Eugene announces the opening on gineer. control of too rapid expansion in in-law- for a cash consideration. Included are Ihe Hallowe'en Friday of the student matinee hog production he attemptel wholly Guests Here— Mrs. Flo Mct'of- Masquerade narly - basket social, But he has not reckoned with dances for the coming season through a contract dealing with the child’s appeal Women's Bnlbriggun Pajamas and after his The e dances are held from two ferv of San Diego and Mrs Roby which 1« being sponsored by Ihe corn production alone, but western first sight of her he change: his until five o'clock every Friday Green of Gresham were Monday high school A free program and Women’s Bius Cut Broadcloth Slips men objected strenuou«ly to this mind and takes her off to Paris afternoon with Mrs. Ella Richard­ night guests here at the home of party will follow Ihe sale of bas­ at the recent Salt Lake conference, to live with Carole Lombard and ket» Children's Cotton Reboot Hose son. police matron, as supervisor.I Mr. and Mrs W. A. Taylor. Tues­ contending that it would be unfair himself. The annual Rally Day program Parents of the children are invited day they went to Gresham. to continue the processing tax on Hoys’ “ Tom Sawyer” Shirts will be held at Lealmrg commun­ Here a gradual but perceptible to make an inspection of the Move to Grove— M r and Mrs ity churrh Sunday morning. Oct hogs and pay out the proceeds en­ change comes over Cooper and dances at any time without charge Hoys’ Winter Cotton Unions Verne Stewart of Natron have ober 14 A community basket din­ tirely to corn growers. Miss Lombard due to the influence says Mrs. Orswell. The music Is moved to Cottage Grove where ner will follow the morning pro­ Men's Winter Weight Unions and the love of the child. When being furnished by Herschel Davis they will make their permanent gram Cooper becomes pinched for money and his orchestra. Men’s Trench Coals (U-aiher Huttons) home. Mr Stewart Is a retired rail­ A pie social will be held Friday he slips back to bis old ways again road man. evening. October 5. al Leaburg Men’s Heavy Wool Work Sock, pr. He is discovered by the child, and I school house, sponsored by Ihe re­ in a thrilling climax performs a RUMMAGE SALE—Eugene Public Attend Surprise — Mrs. Myrtle Men’s Hltie 1 icnim Hili Overalls Market Saturday by the Catholic cently organized ‘'Mothers’ Club" ■ deed of heroic self-sacrifice to re­ Kggimann. Mrs Fred Louk. Miss Daughters. Everybody invited. ONE DAY with Mr*. Louis Blttle president: store her faith in him and free her Kolex, Itegular Bike I k ix Eva Louk, Miss Lucille Clearwater.! Mrs. Milo Smith vice-president: for happiness. and Miss Ina Clement attended a C A L L FOR W A R R A N T S 25c Msterine Tooth Puste Mrs. L. 8. Brown secretary-treas Notice Is hereby given that surprise party at Marcóla last urer. READING FUN IN STORE hl x 99 Petpiot Sheets OCTOBER 10 School District No. 19. in Lane Thursday evening honoring Miss A reception given by Ihe Lea FOR BOYS county, Oregon, will pay at the I Abbie Ford, member of Iuka cir­ burg community Friday evening 25c Van's Wlille Shoe Cleaner MATINEE Here’s important news for the office of clerk of said district, all cle who Is leaving soon to again was in com pi I m<-nt lo the two new AND boys of America. THE AMERICAN warrants to and including number' make her home In the east. Leaburg teuchera. Mlsa Wilson of BOY—YOUTH’S COMPANION, the . . . . . NIGHT Ihe grude school department. Elmo nation's quality magazine for boys. 3662 Ar'r" 2S 1934 ,r” ere’'' Drive Over New Road—Mr. and Olnisch’ Id. principal of the high ha« been reduced from $2.00 a year will cease after October 5. 1934. MATS.: 35c NITE: 50c Mrs. H. H. Myera. Mrs. W. C. chool. and Mrs. Olmscbeld. to $1.00. The three-year rate, SEVERT JACOBSON. Clerk Myers of Hayden bridge, and Mrs formerly $3.50. has been reduced Vhla Sunday school's attendance to $2.00. Forrest Drury of Rainbow drove cot test which Is to close shortly | TH E M AKER FOR SALE—III health cause for "For a long time we have been OF STARS -elllng 44 pedigreed choice An­ over the South Pork road from Bel­ Is attracting much Interest In the -eeking a way to reduce the coat of 77 East Brondway Eugene. Oregon THE AMERICAN BOY to readers." gora wooler rabbits. Would dis­ knap bridge to Oakridge and back community. Mrs Carl Swanson 1» HE'S states Griffith Ogden Ellis, editor. pose of them all one-third of down the Willamette highway Sun superintendent of the Vida Sunday 1 we have effected sav COMING "Recently their value Mrs H C. Wlhlon, day The road will be slippery and chool which recently entertained ings that make the cut possible, McKenzie Bridge Sunday R. 1. Box 220. Gresham, Ore., 025 soft after a good rain they de­ the and we think boys will agree that WITH clared on their return. THOSE school. the new price is big news on the C H A R M IN G reading front. We hops boys will RADIO N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA L E STARS liT-lp us to spread the good news NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I by telling their friends.” Along with the cut In cost, the That I have In my hand for service magazine's publishers are planning an execution Issued out of the Clr-, a magazine that will continue to cult Court of the State of Oregon, I set the pace in fiction, articles, and for Lane County, on the 2nd day of ■ departments The favorite charac­ October, 1934. In a suit wherein ] ters of millions of boys will parade Mary A. Parks and Mary A. Parks: through THE AMERICAN BOY In as administrator of the estate of new stories. Douglas Renfrew of William A. Parks, deceased, are the Royal Canadian Mounted. Hide- plaintiffs and Jesse E. Cooper and rack. the red-and-gold collie. Bone- Goldie M. Cooper are defendants head Jim Tierney, the detective, will give the readers many excit­ and which said execution is Issued The clear life-like ing hours In the months to come. on a decree that was entered ol We have a fine lot of supplies for making fruit cakes William Heyllger. whose true-to- record In said suit on the 27th day reproduction w h ic h life, gripping vocational stories of October, 1933 and which said and mince meats—candied cherries, oranges, citrus have won him wide acclaim from execution orders me, the under­ fruits, pint-apple, etc. Our store Is alwrvs prepared to you e n j o y with a parents and librarians, as well as signed sheriff for the purpose of the hearty approval of boys, Is« satisfying the personal decree due serve you best with frisii, quality, sla, e and fancy P II , I, (* () Is unap- working on new stories. Staff the plaintiffs In the sum of $300.00 groceries of all kinds. writers are Interviewing famous with Interest thereon at the rate coaches and athletes ahd world of 8% per annum from the 7th proached in any other renowned explorers, to bring boys day of August, 1931 until paid and R c a a tifw l radio. The famous the color and fun of sports and for $50.00 reasonable attorney's ’ M odern C ab- travel. Plillco patented In­ In short. THE AMERICAN BOY. fees and (or costs and disburse­ incL A«caiv«> under its new price, will continue ments of suit taxed at $24.45 and | SPfCIAt T R A D E IN Both American costs of sale, to sell the hereinafter i clined sounding board to give boys a magazine that meas­ ures up to the best standards set d> scribed real property In the man-1 A I IO W A N C E an d P o ra ig o by adult magazines. Send your sub­ ner provided by law. give the ‘'finest tone EASY TERM 5 S ta tio n s scription to THE AMERICAN BOY. NOW THEREFORE Notice Is ' 7430 Second Blvd.. Detroit. Michi­ further given that by virtue of the in radio." gan. Enclose your name and ad­ foregoing, I will, on Monday t h e ! and tne the p proper amount of dress ana ro i^ amouui u. 5|h day of November 1934 al i O:oo money, and THE AMERI.... . o’clock In the forenoon of said day will soon be headed your way, at the South and Main door of the loaded with reading thrills. Lane County Court House in Eu- I MUSIC g ne. Lane County. Oregon, offer j CORPORATION OF A M ERICA * I' 11 I L C O presents BAD LEG S for sale and sell at public auction j F r « s < n t« for 1935 the most to the highest bidder for cash alt Varicose Veins— Ulcers the right, title and estate of the J handsome models in Make up your mind today that aforesaid defendants and all par its history. All of them you are going to give your legs a U*» claiming by, thru or under chance to get well No operations 'hem. in and to the following des- finished In hand-rub­ nor Injections are necessary, no bribed real property: bed walnut and made enforced rest. This simple Emerald AND H IS O R C HESTR A 1 Beginning at a point In the Oil home treatment permits you to distinctive with vari­ center of the county road 5:75 go about your business as usual— ous combinations of chains west of a rock which Is while It quickly heals old sores, In the center of said road and on :: P L U S :: j reduces swellings, stimulates cir­ woods, are master­ the section line between sections culation, and make« your legs as pieces of the cabinet­ 27 and 28 In township 17 South good as new. No waiting for relief! MAMMOTH range one west of W. M In Lane maker’s art. You begin to get It INSTANTLY. Just follow the simple directions County, Oregon, and running DANCE —you are sure to be helped or thence west 100.5 feet; thence AT money back. For sale by Planery’s south 650 feet; thence east 100.5 ' Drug Store. EUGENE feet; thence north 650 feet to the place of beginning contain­ ARMORY ing 1.50 acres all in I.ane County, Dated October 4, 1934 HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — FAINT >1.10 PER COUPLE C. A. SWARTS, Sheriff. (O 4-11-18-25—N 1> H a lf O f F ata litie s In Stata Involve Persons W alkin g On Street« and Public Roadway« < N'llOSALII > W FORE VER G AR Y "C O O PER CAROLE LOMBARD SHIRLEY TEMPLE SIR GUY STANDING CHARLOTTE GRANVILLE Save at Williams’ Money Saving Items at Williams’ 98c 49c 15c 79c 49c 98c ¡J2 98 MC9OSAL» 15c S9c 15c 17c 51.39 A < C WEDNESDAY Williams’ Sell Serv ice Store Irish-Murphy Co. Fruit Cake and Mince Meat Life-Like Reproduction of Speech and Music UJORIDWHVE White Beans A riheim + MOONE’S 5 C EMERALD OIL Wright & Sons