THB 8PR1NOFIBLD NBW8 THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4, 19» 4 PAO» THRBB Dollar Bride WHO IS WHO and What They Do Q A Claaaifiad Directory of Railable Bualnaaa Firm« and Profaaaional Paopls Thia Newapapor Recommanda to You. l-IANU TUNING—J. 8. Vast. IU6I B Malli 8t. AUCTIONEERS FEED-8EED-HAY FUR HALE Good ua«d wood raugva Ml Hietaa Power O®. II W. L. IIHAY (IK N K K A L A U CTIO NEER ADAMS PEED tk SEED STORE W A N TED . Hapr«aautatlva tu look ( K a i ill Hulea mid Livestock Our Hpaclally. aftar our magasins »ubacrlptlon In laraala Io Hprlngtlald anil vicinity Community Halaa our plan anablaa you to aacura u Every Wednesday yooil pari of Ilia hundred* of dol Hprlngfleld tara spant In Ibla vlrlnlly wach fall I I I Main HI mul winter (or rnaguilUf» (Iidasi AUTO DEALERS ■■eney In I* H. IliiuraiitaMl lowoal ratea mi all pvrlodliala. domatili .mil I n r i ' l g i i I n o l i hi Holm mid equip ANDERSON MOTORS. INC. uiant fra« Hlart a growing and Expert Repairing — All Work paruiaiiuul bualnaaa In wbola or Guaranteed. ■ pm» lim a Addraaa Moora-Cott n il Im Waylniid Homi. North Gaa, d ll. Tlrea and Hatlerlea Cohocton, N Y. Mb mid A Hla . Hprlngfleld Ph 48 Pult HAl.P Una RA7S II P range I tim'd. In rood rondinoli. Ml ¡ BROWN MOTOR CO. Wait ■ Power Ob |f CIIR YH LK H und P L Y M O U TH Hale» and Hervlra WANTED Halaaman Will pay Complete Automotive Hervlce good rouinilaaloli Io man wbo Open day and Night ran aoll Write X rara Hprlngfleld lk6 Paul Hroadway Phone 1767 New». N O T IC E OP F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T N O T IC E IH HEREBY G IVEN. Thai Oscar E Hainan way. tha axe- eutor of Ilia ealatn of Melinda K llanianway. deceased haa rendered nd filed In Ilia Couuty Court of ilo Klata of dragon for the County of lama hla fleet account anil that by order ut »aid I'ourl Haturday October 17th. 1934 at the hour of leu o'clock A M at the County Court room In Ilia Court Houaa In Kugeae. dragon, baa been filed mid appointed aa the day. lim a and place whan and where the hearing of objections 1» »aid final account may he made, and for the final set­ tlement thereof All objections mual be In writing and filed with the Clark of »aid Court on or be­ fore »aid day and time. DHCAH E IIK M E N W A Y . Kxa rulor. PHANK A D eP I'E Attorney for the relate IH 37—0 4 I I 18 26) Business Directory Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Naturopathic Physician Phons I1 J Edward G. Privat Watchmaker and Jeweler HPR1NOFIBLD Ao. Pacific Watch Inapactor First Claaa W ork at Reasonable Prloaa. General Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attornay-at-Law City Hall Building Hprlngfleld, Orhgon Reliance Life Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa Represented By E. H. TURNER 146 A BL BprtagfloM. Oro POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e Formerly Walker-Poole EUG ENE- 11th SPR IN G FIELD »nd Charnelton Telephone 722 228 Main Phone 62-J JOHNSON FURNITURE CO BUK’K — d l.d H M O H IL k — PO NTIAC Motor C a n HA I. EH and SERVICE 10% off with Ibla coupon Phone 3243 Red Read. Mgr. Examinations are Free. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 West 8th lugana GROCERIES TDOMB'S GROCERY Hast Side Auto Wreckers Fancy Grocerle«. Fruita. Vegetables Used Cara. Trucka and Trallera Dairy Products. Hoda Fountain Generator. Armature A Electrical Free Delivery Hervlce. 2046 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Ore. 621 — 5th Bt. Hprlng'lald. PH. »0 BEAUTY PARLORS Permanent Push Wave« 41 75 and Up The BR O W NIE BEA UTY SHOPPE Apprentice Finger Wave 26c. Hhampoo A Finger Wave 60c 141 W illamette. Eugene. Pb. 444 BATTERY SERVICE <7 E Broadway Eugene. Ore. I PERRY'S BATTERIES. BRAKES IGNITION. MOTOR WORK. DIHBLEES RED & WHITE GROCERY Phone 4 Cor 4th and Main Hta . Hprlngfleld HOSPITALS PACIFIC HOSPITAL INC. 12tb and Hllyard Phone 2600 Eugene. Oregon EUGENE HOSPITAL "The Friendly Institution” Wheel Aligning. Phone 1800 "Any Hervlce— Any Car” Eugene 726 Oak Pb. 717 Eugene 1142 W illam ette LANBCO BATTERY FACTORY LADIES READY-TO-WEAR DELLA BORIN'S DRESS SHOP A HO M E IN D U STR Y Eugene 867 Pearl Phono 1008 S P EC IA L SWAGGER HCITH 412.76 Phone 2682 Demand the Heat— Coala no Moro BLUE BELL 67 Eaat Broadway A NG KLINE DRESS of Jell, »nd (be Iron entered Into hla soul. Ila bad come, at laat, to the beginning of repentance The tattler and eon went slowly, and tba other two. Lomax and Had don melted quietly away toward the river meadow Richard atood »till. rooted to the spot, hla face aa white aa his «blrt, OPEN INO bla eyes were on Nancy, and bera STUDENTS MATINEE were fixed on the distance where DANCES her father and her brother bad AT gone. Wuddenly It came to her that WINTEROARDEN they had gone home and left her Every Haturday Afternoon Left her alone with (be man she 2 - 6 o'clock had married. She drew a quick 10c breath, a wave of crimson rose slowly. It roue all over her quiver­ PRINTERS ing young body and ruahed up to THE WILLAMETTE PRESS her white face. Her eyes sank and her hand» «hrank together. She Bprlngflald waa alien! But she had heard wBat Phone 2 Business Stationery—Office Form» he »aid to her father and Io the other». He had »al4 DARES SwENTHAPH&IN an a id To D ig e s t io n i NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R * Notice la hereby given that the undersigned haa been appointed Administrator with the W ill An­ nexed of the Estate of Rhode D. Pyle, deceased, by the County Court ot Lane County, Oregon. All persons having claims against the sold estate are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned, at the office of Wells A Wells. Bank of Commerce Bldg., Eugene. Lane County, Ore­ gon, within six months from the date of the first publication of thia notice. Date of first publication. Sept. 4. 1934. JAMES W W ORKING , Admin Istratcr with the W ill Annexed. W E LL S A W ELLS. Attorneys. (8 6-13-26-27 — 0 4) 2 4 tfi A n n u a l ----- - PACIFIC INTERNATIONA! PORTLAND, OREGON O ctober 6 to 13 N H w m I b O m - I I w Met. fakiMIs at gore -trad livmtam. too». Fewltvy. 6wck. Wl W UN, lead Frodvct». MonwtoctwrW Fredvctt, 4-N Clwb and &milh-Huqka«VacaHaael Id » » H a* Warki Cambtnauon Mana Sbea NOTICE OF 8 H E R IF F ’* SALE OF REAL PRO PERTY On the eleventh day of October, 1934, at the hour of 10 A. M-, at the front of the Court House In Eu­ L A R G Ì p r e m iu m lists gene Lane County, Oregon; 1 will KFD U C ED FARES - AIL t IN F ■ell at auction to the highest bid­ der. for cash, the following des­ cribed real property, located in Lane County. Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot Seven (7) In Block Two (2) In that part of the City of Eugene which waa originally j platted and recorded aa Shews Second or Shaw and Pattersons Addition to Eugene. Oregon, run­ ning thence North 160 feet, to the south line of the alley, run­ ning eaat and west through said block, thence West along said South line 48 feet, thence South 37 feet, thence Weet ten feet, thence South 123 feet to the North line of 13th avenue Eaat. thence Eaat along the North line of aald avenue 68 feet to the place of beginning, all In Eugene. Lane County, Oregon together with the tepements, heredita­ When you go to California, try ments and appnrtenanca* there­ the train! Big ihangev have taken unto belonging or appertaining. place on our rails. Pullman Said sale Is made under execn charges are a third less than tlon issued out of the Circuit Court last year. Rail fares are touching of the State of Oregon for the bottom at 24 a mile and leas. County of I-ane. to me directed In ] Complete meals in our dining the case of W. G. Irvin and Lucy cars cost as little as 80*. For de­ Irvin ; vs.. Edith D. Foster, nnmar- tails, see your local agent or rled. W inifred Stewart and George write J. A. Ormandy, 705 Pacihc Stewart, her husband. Building, Portland, Oregon. C. A 8W AR TS. Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon. W W . ED M I8TO N , Deputy. TRY THE TRAIN TO CALIFORNIA (8 13-26-37— 04-11) Nailing A LIE DR. J. E. RICHMOND Surgery and Diseases of Women , MOVING— Our Plano and Furni­ ture Movers are Experts. 4th und Main Hta. Springfield STORAGE — Concerte Building, Phone 82-J ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES Reasonable Rates. Reliability. PACKING — Experienced H e l p Springfield Electric Supply MELVILLE S. JONES, M. D. Means Safety and Protection. W iring, General Contracting G. E. 1-ampn, Universal Household Surgery and Dlseaiea of Woman PACIFIC TRANSFER & X-Ray and Physiotherapy Electrical Supplies. STORAGE CO. Hprlngfleld, Oregon Getterai Repairing 69H 6th. Ave. W. Eugene, Ph. 74 Ph. 43 442 Main Springfield First National Bank Bldg. If no answer Call 104 R Inspect our New Installation at (he State Game Farm. Weatlnghouse Lamps and Appliances. Visit on Coast— Mr and Mra. YOUTH» T IL L »TORY O cll Mathis and Mi .mil Mrs, IN FORESTRY BOOK Edgar Louk spent the wxekand Eugene, Oregon, Sept. 28, 1934 Telegram: California Brewing Association, San Francisco, California. Stories circulating that Acme beer does not contain hops and espe­ cially Oregon hops stop Wire stop This is hop district. Medo-Land Creamery Co. San Francisco, Calif., Sept. 29, 1934. Telegram : Medo-Land Creamery Company, Eugene, Oregon. It Is a malicious lie stop Of course Acme beer Is made with hops we guarantee that no substitutes are used stop We are large users of hops probably the largest brewer user on the coast and due to fine flavor and aroma of Oregon hops we use a large percentage of them stop This year used more than seventy-five thousand pounds Oregon hops, for next year have contracted for fifty thousand pounds Oregon hops and will buy more. Karl F. Shuster. President, California Brewing Association.