THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1B»4 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PACK TWO II have io shoot me flral. Hotti'* Lum** caught hold of Ruddy lludily recoiled, hl» nmutb tell father and held him by main force Mr Gordon was struggling viol- upvtl. Bi» eye» tlxml Ihoiuaelvee ou her Incredulous. «larlled, mad eiitly dened with surprise There waa a "Damn you. Lomax. unhand me terrible moment of silence. Roddy you young devil, you "God. you love hint!" he gaspe- "Give the signal. Haddon." »aid the major sharply. "I can't hold III* fai her. brokeu liaise from thia old octopus forever''' Lomax now. hail him hv the urtu, Roddy sprung to hl» position bin he wrenched the pistol from Ihe weapon gleaming In th e m o o n lig h t hoy's relaxed fingers It odd v sag Richard faced him Haddon. shaken rut over lignina! him, while Nancy still facili him. h e r face a white and gray, began lo count. as a star nail her heuntllul hall "t)n»', two, (hr----- " I Budtlenly a whlteclud figure tumbling about her shoulder* »prang ,,ut of the hallow of the Roddy was dumb Mi Uonloii dm** d him along shrubbery. I.lko a flush It leaptal between Ihe duelists Nancy cover "Come!" lie aid huskily, ami then "you young tool, yon. she loves him ,,,| Richard with In i own laaty you've maili* trouble i uough, let 'Stop' she crl d. panting, "you — s— THE SPRINGFIELD NEW S Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Lana County, Oregon by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E. MAXEY, Editor Entered a« second das» matter, February 34. 1*4)3. at the poetotftee, Spriugtleld. Oregon MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE Oee Year in Advance $150 Six Month* Two Years in advance $2 60 Three Month* ....... >1 04) 64k THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1*34 FINAL INSTALLMENT Roddy wa* stripping off Ills coal Roddy ran down through the and waistcoat; his hands were firm BONNEVILLE ANO FLOOD CONTROL Morgan ground». Into the river now The moonlight caught the red Full development of the Bonneville dam power plant meadow. Then he aloud still a mo- In his hair and showed It. clipped meat. thinking, hla clenched hand close from the nape ot hls neck de|M*nds upon one of two conditions. Either the power must at hi» chin. HU hard watching him silently, was be sold to the patrons of the now existing utilities or to He renumbered Major lximax. struighter and taller and stronger new settlers on the land. If it is to be new settlers then Lomax! He started The mojur wa* The hoy was right, he ought to he there must be a greater development of the Willamette the man! He loved Nancy. He had shot he would fire in the atr. Richard came down the alepa; valley in small acreage tracts. And this leads us to another alway* petted Nancy. There was a light in the study challenged and challenger took development—flood control of the Willamette valley front window; he knocked at the side their weapons Richard walked to Cottage Grove to Portland. For it is only on the good land door. How long the old inan was his place and the moonlight shone of the river bottoms that a dense population can be sup­ in coming! full on hint, a big man. big In body Then the door opened The little and soul He had not uttered a I ported. old man stood there In hla shirt word Both Lomax and Haddon ob­ Draw a circle 500 miles around Niagara falls, where sleeves, hla eye» peering out of jected. "Shift around you're a shining there is greatest development of power, and you include their crease* "I've got to see you. major, at mark!" they exclaimed in unlsou 70 per cent of the population of the United States and once—alone!" he panted Richard laughed dryly. "There's the same percentage of markets. Draw a circle 1000 miles The major closed the door delln a saying that Death loves a shin } around Bonneville and you have the most sparsely settltnl erately "Coma III here. There'e no Ing mark. Rod. I believe we m ake I area in the United States. Large industries do not go away one about—A n gles gone to bed," hands oral." "Sit down. Rod What * wrong? “I’m damned It I do!" Rod said, from their markets any more than a merchant moves u big store out of a city to the country cross roads. Bonne­ Out with It"—he smiled grimly— shaking with passion. "I'll fight ville will never attract many large industries with a 1000 "hone t confession'* good for the Time up, major?” soul." A* he spoke there was a crackl ’ mile freight haul differential. The market must be here in “I haven't come to confess any Ing of twig* behind them and a , the west and the answer to that is more population on the thing." said Roddy, with a dry shout, a hoarse vociferous shout. "HI. there! Hold on. you—y o u ' fertile lands of the Willamette river bottom. And before throat. "I've come to ask you tc this more intensive settling of these lands takes place there do me a favor, the greatest favor! young rascal, what're you doing I must be protection from floods and this must come about To be my second; I've challenged here?" Mr Gordon came up. breath­ Richard Morgan to fight me tonight less. hat lea*. by government aid in flood control. —out on his own lawn—to the He plunged Into the middle of death." the group, snatched his son by the Bonneville is to be the nation's power yardstick the "What!" nape of the neck, like a puppy, and president said at the dam site. If it is to be a yardstick in­ “Morgan has insulted my sister fairly shook him stead of a white elephant then it must be used to its full “Lomax Haddon. Richard— what capacity. There is no other way in justifying the millions with a ecret marriage, he's drag it cost than by full use in a new field. The government ged her name In the dirt, and I've the devil d'you all mean by this?" should see that it is good business to control the floods of challenged him to fight—now. to­ Roddy blazed. at white heat, wrenching himself away from him. the Willamette valley in preparing a new field for settle­ night!" "I'm here to avenge my sister's “A secret marriage? What the ment of new power consumers. honor." he shouted. "If you've for­ deuce d'you mean?" "What I say! He did It and hack gotten It. I haven't. I’m a Gordon ed out because—because I'm a rot «till!” The chief occujwtion of some of the middle west farm­ ter. He's ashamed to marry my "Gordon fiddle stick s!” his ers it is said is feeding the corn, they are paid for not rais­ sister. He's insulted Nancy Vlr father hook with a passion as ing, to the pigs they are paid for not raising. ginia I've challenged him He * ac great as his. "It's a damned pity ------------ a------------ cepted, he's got to fig h t!” you didn't think of being a Gordon The old man got up and began to before, you young scaluwag' D'you The voters at the November election will no doubt wa!k about the room. "I’ve known happen to know that that man's “plow under” a few surplus candidates. Dick Morgan all hl life, there's money kept you out of Jail?" something wrong—Nancy'* been His son gasped For a moment Who is the vice-president of the United States7 Give trying to hide something, to save he was dumb Then he rallied, his you one guess. Wrong! somebody. I've seen It!" he stopped vonng face set hard and tight ---------- «---------- short. "Rod Gordon, you're the nig­ again. "Did my sister go to this man ger In the woodpile!” he shouted "It doesn't matter what I am I for money—to save me from Jail?" am not here to answer questions!" "Yes. confound you. she did— Roddy replied fiercely "You know that's It. that's the whole o f It. It's my sister. I’m defending her honor. your fault every bit of It. sir!" • • • a r«d*. "Th* Holy Btbk,' Roddy reeled. For an Instant the I'm ready to die for It. Will you and which con tains Four G:«t Treasures................................. stand by me, or won’t you? That'* world turned black; then a blaze of the question." fury burnt his shame up. He went up to Richard and shook The old man drew a long breath. "I will!" hlr pistol In his face. The peril of building up an organization around a sin­ "I know why she married you There was a moment ot silence. gle person is that when he dies or withdraws the organiza­ "I'm an old man." said the major, now. damn you. III—I'll kill you tion falls to pieces. "An institution is the lengthened "this Is illegal. Who’s his second? for It!" he shouted, “you damn' shadow of a man,” but there have been many men eminent The cartel should be properly de­ coward!" Richard folded his arms. "Go livered. You could fight to-morrow in their day who cast no such shadow. at sundown He has the choice of ahead. Rod.” he said bitterly, "1 The good they did, as Marc 'Anthony said, is oft inter­ the weapons, the place and the deserve It—but I've a word to say J red with their bones. Surely this process of disintegration, hour." Mr Gordon. Major lximax. Had natural enough following the death of their leader, would "It's all fixed—I won't wait until don. all of you. I didn’t know until be inevitable when Jesus, The leader, had died a felon’s tomorrow!” Roddy's breath came tonight of the scandal that has death and the followers were unlettered peasants. The In short gasps and his eyes blazed, been launched against the loveliest authorities at Jerusalem took this complacent point of "he'll have a second when we get girl In the world. I deserve to be view and rested easy there: he’s chosen pistols; the time killed for exposing her to *t. I They received a rude shock within a very few days. Is now. the place, his own lawn— stand here tonight to expirate It Peter and John, in preaching on the streets of the city and he’ll die there or I will, please God, In my blood. Nancy Virginia Is my wife, gentlemen, and I love her I i performing deeds of healing, gathered crowds that inter­ to-night!" The major thought a moment. have always loved her. and I am i fered with traffic and caused them to be arrested. Think­ ing to overawe these simple fellows, the High Priest Annas | Then he brought out a polished glad—I say this facing death here as you know,— I’m glad and proud ! and bis colleagues presided personally at the trial. Picture wood box. "Duelling pistols. Rod. I’ve had that she bears my name.” their amazement when Peter broke into vigorous denunci­ 'em years. Maybe they'll come In Mr Gordon caught at his son ation of them as the murderers of the Lord. handy." again. "Yon hear him? He speaks Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, Roddy nodded, his white face like a man. He loves your sister. . . . . they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that drawn. "I'll use anything he's got," He's married her. Confound you, they had been with Jesus. he said shortly, "come major. It'a you donkey, you. you're making a public scandal. Lomax, help me Those words deserve notice for the light they throw time— the moon’s right!" "Bully for you!" the major lake this boy home! Richard, go upon the figure and manner of the real Jesus as contrasted HI* fierce old *oul scent­ In the house!" he shouted, "what with the unsatisfying portraits of Him that have come chuckled. ed the smoke of battle. d'you mean by standing up there down to us through the ages. Painters have painted Him They took the short cut to the for this lumox to shoot at? You're and writers have written about Him as a "man of sorrows”, Morgan house. Two figure* were a brave man. I take off my hat a physical weakling, a "lamb,” an unhappy man who was standing on the steps to your courage, sir, hut I— I’ve disappointed and glad to die. The conquering attitude of "Bv gad." ejaculated Major Lo­ had all I can bear! Rod Gordon, the disciples does not tally with such descriptions. The max. “he’s got Haddon!” he’s marfled your sister!" Bible does not say of them, "seeing the lamb-like charac- , As he spoke, the hanker came "Has he?" Roddy breathed heav ter of Peter and John” or “seeing that Peter and John down the steps. lly. his face rigid. "I want to see were men of sorrow and acquainted with grief," but "see­ here. Lomax," he said In 'he l’cense, I want to see the cer­ ing the boldness of Peter and John" the authorities knew an "See aside, "can't we fix this up? tificate of this secret man-lag-. I that such men must have been the friends and companions It's—It's deplorable! It's our duty want to know If he’s made a dupe of Jesus. as seconds, can't we stop this of my sister!” Richard met his look squarely. So characteristic was this boldness, so vigorous were young — young firebrand?” The major's Jaw snapped to. His own face was hard now. "You the disciples in the propagation of the faith, that within can see them all. We were married less than twenty years the rulers of the far removed city “D'you know what's It’s about?" of Thessalonica were troubled by the report that "Some quarrel about Rod Gor­ In church. But we'd better settle don’s sister, Isn’t It?” Haddon was our differences now. Do your duty, These that have turned the world upside down are come utterly confused; had It been his gentlemen. I accepted Ills challenge hither also; . . . and these all do contrary to the decrees of fault? Ills fault for telling Helena? and I'm ready.” Caesar, saying that there Is another king, one Jesus. "This can't go on!" Haddon gasp­ The major set his black box on Only a little later, not more than forty years after the the sun-dial. “I reckon you've heard ed. coming forward, "I want to say death of St. Paul, Pliny the Roman Governor of Bithynia of the scandal?” he said In an un­ is compelled to write to the Emperor Trajan for instruc­ dertone. "Richard threw back his head. tions as to how he may check the growth of this extra­ Haddon started violently. "My "All right, Haddon, another time! ordinary new sect. God! Is It that?” Give us the signal, gentlemen." 'em alueet" he whlapered Ituddv wa* all» apeeehleea. Ha yielded to the uldar mail* turva; he let hlm sell la* drugged away, Lomax unit Haddon following them aa dumb aa he was They walked slowly Twice Hoilily «tumbled Ills ear* were alnglng. but he heard hl* father'* voice, after a moment "Yon young donkey, you'" and then It broke and grew husky, something metioil in him He look >d at the hoy'* dejected I n » "I m proud of you " ''I'm proud of you." Hi,dd. wa* nllelil, III* head sag ged with his shoulders, Ills la m burned He kuew now the prim hla lister had tutlil to keep him out tl'oncludeil Du Page I) ELECT A LIBERAL OE E. DUNNE for GOVERNOR. H is P la tfo rm Sum m arizes: UNKMPIAlYMKVr I unqualifiedly pledae my anrnggt e f­ fort to solve the scourge of uueiuploymeui A w llllu g mifn's right to a Job la a b asic humanitarian principle. AGRICULTURE -Oregon s dvpartmeul of agriculture must ba further developed to render immediate aud greater ser­ vice to farmer*. Thl* condition 1* aertous. Price* own aud must be Improved aud stabilised OLD AUK PENSION— I pledge my support of au old M< pension system that provide* a reward for good clllxeushlp aud not charity. A new method of laxatlou must be found to relieve homes and farm* from thia tax. L A O O K -I will support the minimum wage law. protection of women workers, limitation of hour«, the workmen’s com­ pensation act aud healthful working conditions, and au ad­ equate ayatem of unemployment Insurance to which labor and Industry Jointly contribute. BONNEVILLE POWER This project Is under TAX REDUCTION Tax reduction la vital to the complete control of Ihe Federal Govern recovary In Oregon. Rigid economy lo ex p e n se meat, according to the President I pledge r« of government la necessary for tax relief Strict operation I oppose state bond lesuea oil thl supervision of tax-spending activities and plac­ Federal project to further burden our tax ing more department* on a self-supporting payers. haste are Imperative. PUBLIC WORM* If Oregon Is lo grow Sew BALANCED BUDGKTH 1 advocate a "pay aa Industry must come We should encourage It, you go" policy and I pledge myself to the prin­ ciple of a balanced budget. LAW ENFORCEMENT I believe lu vigoluus and fearless enforcement of law Oppose Judi­ PUBLIC UT1I4TIEH I believe In strict rege- cial procedure grautln* delays aud easy parole* latlon ot nUlltlee and the sale* of their eceor- to violators. Itles to Investor*. IUUHWAYB—Present highways now author EDUCATION— Oregon must maintain It* splen­ Ized by law should he completed, but I o p p o se did system of education. It I* the guarantee Issuance of more bonds except lu dire em erg­ ot our future progress and stability of govern­ ency. ment. VETERANS- As In Ihe past, I promise Ihe DAIRYING — New markets, adequate profit veterans my sympathetic support. I endorse margin*, stable price* are Important to th* the stand of organized vrternus against com dairyman and I pledge my effort* along these munlsm. line*. NATL RAI. REMOUH4 ’E» O regon* uullm itsd K1MH AND UAME Administration of Oregon's mineral aud other resources Justify a develop groat fish and game resources should be re­ meat that will bring wealth aud employment moved from political manipulation. “FATHER OF THE $5.00 AUTOMOBILE LICENSE” Adv. by R epublican S ta ts is n t r a l Cut m u ll lea, SSI M urgau N ulldiug. P ortlan d cw seu a ^BA-H TON $795 THIS PERFECT LIGHT wrtl help keep the perfect eyes of your ehlld that way through life. Do you know that three fourth« of all people Over fifty Buffer from defective vision? Inadequate light is a prominent cause. This is the new indirect type of light that has recent­ ly been developed by lighting engineers to correct the evils of inadequate and im­ proper home lighting. There are no ehedowi, no glare, no eye strain caused by this lamp. It lights the entire room with a soft comfortable glow of perfect light. For Your Safety - Candy For Everybody The total prtoe complete with lamp globee Scientists agree that milk must be pasteurized to be safe. Maid O’Cream milk is properly pasteurized and loses none of its fine flavor In the process. It is safe, pure and wholesome also. You need take no chances. The cost is the same as raw milk to you; we give you this added safety protection, which costs us much money, simply as a service. Everyone relishes our luscious Bon Bons. They are not only packed in beautiful boxes but are care­ fully made of the finest Ingredients. Every piece Is most delicious and tempting. Ightin g is causing eye strain and subse- Maid O’Cream butter, milk and i"eam are leaders in the dairy products field in this country. . Whether il is a gift for a friend, a treat for the family or just for yourself, Eggimaun’s candy is al­ ways the thing. Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for Maid O' Cream Butter Springfield Creamery Co. I is ouly $7.96. Do not delay. If your home kijnry to your eyes it should be without further delay. We have candies of ah kinds for all the kids, age six to sixty. R G G IM A N N ’S ‘'Where the Hervlc* la Different" L MOUNTAIN STATES .POWER COMPANY 1» AT YOUR F U R N IT U R E DEALERS