THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T1IIR TY-M H H T YEAH SPRINGFIELD, I.ANE COUNTY, ORBQON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1934 FOOTBALL BOYS ^ g e t - M o t fall PROGRAM B MEET REEDSPORT M t “ t M ” STARTED BT C.E. ^ NO. 87 COURT OF HONOR Wedding Date to CANDIDATE LIST s“ " FOR SCOOTS HELD Be On Saturday FOB STATE GIVEN ^king City Committee To Frame I Iuka Circle Members To Con­ Vernics Hawk and Robert duct Annual Sale For Bene­ William Cox Heads Senior Estimates Monday; School Troop Members Pass Tests Cook To Take Vows At Six Seek Governor Chair; T*nm Show* Flushes Of Bril­ Expenses To Be Set Tues. fit Of Disabled Veterans Home of Her Parents Croup For Third Year; Pro­ liant Playing To Defeat Before Judges At First Four Would Be Representa­ gram and Banquet Held Philomath On Local Field Court Here in Years tive, Secretary Of State Budget making tim e la here again Friday unit Halurday have beat! The wedding of Miss Vernlce designated aa Forget M« Nol days; , r a i l work d ir the aenlor C h rist ¡ “ ,,d n M ' w‘wk W" 1 M t ,b * He ven Hcouta were advanced Hawk and Hubert Cook, announced FILINGS ARE COMPLETED here Monday night at the first a short while ago. will be held Sat (lowers will be sold tor the benefit Ian church was started here Hun budgets. The county budget haa urday evening at 8 o’clock at the Court of Honor held In Hprlngfleld New Players Joining Squad nt disabled war veterans r whb u,)n 0,1 slnwet completed and will, since the present Boy Hcout troop home of Miss Hawk's parents. Mr 1 Only Three State Measure* Pleases Coach; Reserves , Mr C F Egglm.iiii, past state w ....(.(|X „„ Kn 63.634 disabled veterans In the chairman; Mina Peterson. Ixeikout clltnen, J D. Pyle, Jesse Cro-s and | Dunne and General Charles H. badge for handicraft work, and Mr. Cook, and their daughter from Thl wua the first gume fur tin E lied States, and only 204,71»! are chairman; Jewel Helterbrand. mis­ W. A Taylor. Martin, r present Ihe Republican first class merit badges were won California; Mr. and Mrs. W’ayne ttprlngfleld ta-an> aud revested sum« ** ng cared for by the sionary chairman; Mary Hadley, A special budget meeting has and Democratic parties. The other by Scott Wright for handicraft and Hawk from Dallas, and Mr. and nt. according to M B. Huotly, surprising material which coach prayer meeting chairman; Mar- I, en called by the school board to flrat aid. and by Joe Keever for Mrs. Harry Holt and daughter, four are running as independents, mber of the legislative commit- Hall baa assembled for thia season. having announced their political _ J,irle Taylor, plantai; Leroy Inman, | he held next Tuesday evening In wimmlng and first aid. Maxine, from Salem. Mr. Hawk de Ires since the primary. These I»r. , ,, the City Library Mr. Flanery, l-ar The boys In ted are going to y of the disabled veterans. . ... _! publicity and achievement chair- 1 Harry Stewart was Judge of the and Mrs. Holt are brother and sis­ N. Dow la a member of the exe­ men arc Harry J. Correll of Marlon Weedsport Huiurdsy afternoon In man. Beulah Thurman. Intermedi­ son Wrlgbt, and C F Barber were, court; E. C. Htuart, clerk, and the ter of Miss Hawk. cutive com m ittee of the group. named at Ihe monthly board meet county. Abraham M. Silverman of an attempt to duplicate their feat ate Endeavor chairman; and 111-« hoard of examiners Included H. K In conjunction with the annual Ing last night to meet with the dl accomplish'd here If they do they During the ceremony Wilfred; Multnomah. Hank E. of Jack- dine Gartln. advisor. Maxey. Karl Thompson, Charles sale Mayor W P. Tyson has Issued j rectors. E. C. Htuart. H. E. Maxey, Cook, a brother, will sing, and Mrs.' son county, and Peter Zimmerman will stand out a a real threat to A large group attended the ga.h- , )r w N prip. rln< Cornell, Larson Wright. W C. the teams of the districi aa Foliage 'he following proclamation Holt will play the wedding march of Yamhill county. Wright, and Clyde Keever. (trove has already won one game "I. W I*. Tyson, mayor of the .ring at Taylor hall Monday •” «" llle „ t lm .le of », hool expenditure. After the wedding a reception Candidates for other state offi­ Ing at which Mme the following | _____ _ Further Court of Honor meet­ will be held before the couple ’eave from Keedsport by a margin of four city of Hprlngfleld. Lana county, ces whose names will appear on ings will be held at stated periods ....... hereby — , ..............- .- .T '™ / ,r; n: COUNTY ACENT LISTS designate . Friday and ,nr b: r" . T touchdowns Hall Is planning to do for their wedding trip to Califor­ the bollat are as follows: . . . _ piano duel by Jewel Cunningham during the next year It was an­ take a large squad to the roast BHlnMsy. October 6 and « as For _ 4 Representative in Congress, first „ REDUCTION BENEFITS nounced by Glen Martin, scout­ nia. __a A<_ Kf..a day, r.._ * 1 city for the game. get-Me-Not for Ihe benefit district: Emmett W. Gulley. Inde­ Cailla; solos by Merfon Ferebee; ! ■— ■ master Martin Is being assisted by of all Disabled American Veterans snd talks on Fun. Food and Faith pendent; James W. Mott, repub­ l-ane county growers of corn and William Cox and Bert Manley, as­ JUNIOR CHOIR TO SING New Player Promising • lican; W. S. Richards, socialist; The enrollment In high school of the World War. It Is my hearty by Mrs Elmer Ferguson, and Ixrfty | Dogs who have signed production sistants. AT M. E. CHURCH SUNDAY control contracts with the Agricul­ and R R. Turner, democratic. this week of Hobart ('launch pro- wish that the city officials and the Fellowship by Rev Veltle Pruitt. tural Adjustment Administration vlded another strong addition to the public In general render all pos The Methodist Church school Is j Secretary of State: Earl Snell, High school Endeavor officers of Ihe United State-« Department team ('launch came here from slhle assistance for this worthy WASHBURNE SUCCEEDS giving the play: ’’A Second5 republican; Earl C. Steward, inde­ -levied are Charles Cole, president; of Agriculture will rac-lve *27.706 Seattle and has played football on cause, as there men gave up their BAILEY AS VET AGENT Chance.” at the * 45 hour. Rev pendent; Harlan Talbert, socialist; Itiocoe Cole, vice-president and In benefit payments, less the ex­ several high school teams He la a health and are atlll suffering from Poindexter's rally day message at and Horace E. Walter, democratic. lookout chairman; Hazel Nesbitt, penses of the local association, be- Junction C ity Man Takaa O var 11 o’clock Is: "We Can Do That." heavy and quick player and will their disabilities Incurred In de­ Superintendent of Pnblic Instruc­ secretary; Warren Vail, treasurer, tween now and March 1 according probably he given a trial al the fense of (heir and our country. The Epworth League meet at 6:30 tion: Charles A. Howard, republi­ W o rk Of State Aid Comm lesion Kyle Smith, pianist; Muriel Tyson, to County Agent O. 8. Fletcher, "To the people of Hprlngfleld. I left halfback position. He Is built At the 7:30 evening service the can; J. W. Leonhardt, democratic; For Lane County «mg leader and prayer meeting who has charge of the production about the « .m e as M aa lin « and w ,’ h ' h* ' “ * - * ,w o «* Junior choir Is making its first and Blanche H. Meyer, socialist. chairman; Irene Anderson, social control programs n Lane county. (Iota!all. a trio Just a bit lighter a real Forget Me-Not to show the appearance. It Is composed ot boys' Major Claude B. Washbnrne. chairman; and Bessie Cox. mission­ Commissioner of labor: C. H. boys that we are atlll with them Contracta from 188 Lane County Junction City Banker, has been ap­ and girls between the age« of 10 than C h e tw ia a l. but larking his ex- the same as they were (or us In ary work chairman. farmers were forwarded to Wash- pointed by the World War Veter­ and 15 years. Mrs. Bnford Roach Is j Gram, republican; Walfred Shu perlene«. holm, democratic; and Lawrence 1*17-1*18.” Intermediate Endeavorers elect­ Ington. D. C.. by the county agent Sm ith, T ay lo r Surprise ans' State Aid Commission as their: directing this choir. The topic for W’aer. socialist. ed the following officers: Frank f | rs. ,iil week. Approxl representative In l-ane County.! the evening message Is: "The Vol­ in not in w de- u«»-| . . , .... I ’’---- ------------- That the iMH local mom team la Many Eye Legislature pendant on size and weghl HAPPY HOUR MEMBERS Anderson, president; Billy Nesbitt. lnately »1100« will be distributed succeeding Edward F. Bailey, who | untary Convict.” State legislative offees to be wg. demonstrated by th . capable HAVE FIRST MEETING has moved to Portland as attorney Coburg Methodist voted for arc -'.so highly contested ball carrying and passing work of "A Service I Can Render,” will in the present campaign. The can­ secretary and treasurer; Carmel! Mari.h , after f(na) |na|>ect|onR for the H. O. L. C. IHsque Hmlth and Pete Taylor Plans For W in te r W o rk Formad Major Washburne has been aa he the theme of the message at didates for these offices are as fal­ Waddell, song leader and mission have been made to check compli­ M onday; Divide Mem bership soclated with the Commission as 9:45 by Rev Poindexter. The Sun­ lows: Chetwood. as was expected, led ary chairman; Beryl Robertson, ance with contracts. Into Throe Study Oroups an appraiser Bince its inception; day Church school meets at 10:46. hla team In ihelr yardage gaina and State senator, third district: C. i nlanlat and social chairman; and and has appraised every loan of-! carried Iho tx II over twice (or j ■■■ -.... - F Hawkins, socialist; L. L. Ray. Walter I,axton. lookout chairman. FEW DAYS LEFT FOR fered to the Commission In th is) touchdowns Smith accounted for The membership of 30 members All of theve officers will be In­ DUNNE LISTS PLATFORM democratic; and H. C. Wheeler, two more, end the Hmlth Taylor <>f ihe Happy Evening club was coupty. With this knowledge of Its FINAL REGISTRATION republican. stalled at the evening service at IN VOTERS’ PAMPHLET dlvldi-d Itilo three groupjs of 10 operations and hl< activities In comhlnxtlun for two. State Senator, for Linn and Lane ihe Christian church Sunday even­ I Poll books will be prepared from Veteran affairs he was selected aa Hcotl. Irvtn. Williams. Cox Posey memhers each to study different ing counties, fourth district: El win A. A program of development o f . I ihe names of registered voters in the veteran best qualified to re­ and Cole also played a good game suhjecls at the flrat ineetlug of the McCornack, republican; Joseph Oregon's natural resources; “reno­ ___ ___ the county after Saturday evening present their Interests. In the starting lineup Most of the club held Monday aflernoon at Ihe Muhr. socialist: and C. A. School­ C M U R C H W |L , and any person who Is not regls ’ Major Washburne has named i vation” of the state department of ing democratic. players on the squad. Including hHM ..r Mrs W K Buell Each ' group will alternale In provldlng L ,n K lo I IAN L F lU K L rt w i l l lered by that time will not have Roy V. Baldwin of the McCullyJ agriculture to find and create new the ninny freshmen were given a Representatives fourteenth dis­ markets for Oregon products; co­ few mlnules In the game to gain thè program» for Ihe meetlugs of HEAR TRIO FR0M SCHOOL his name on the poll book for his Realty Co. as field contact man and trict, three to be elected: Earl operation with the national gov­ thè club. . . — -t precinct and will not be able to J collector In the Eugene district, j the experience. Hill. C. A. Huntington, and Howard Sunday will be rally day at the secure a ballot In the November Mr. Baldwin held this position un­ ernment "to the end that the citi­ Members of the first group will S. Merriam, republicans: Frank Other new players turning out zens of Oregon may receive the Christian church Bible school with study literature and art and will election. Persons who have moved der Mr. Bailey. Mr. James King) Carll. C. F. Hyde, and Belle Ly- this week Include Warren McKen­ have charge of the meeting In Nov­ a program and short lesson period front another precinct, who have has been named as attorney to ' full benefit of cheap power” ; old- dlck. democratic; and George O. ney snd Charles Ingersoll both ex­ ember at Ihe home of Mrs. P. J. during Ihe Sunday school hour un- moved Into the county since the handle foreclosures and other legal age pension.« ; unemployment in­ Adams. Frank Hamblen and J. G. ported to become valuable players Bartholomew Mrs. Dean C. Poln- : der Ihe direction of Mra. Roland Inst general election, or who failed work in connection with the office.) surance; and a “pay-as-you-go” Radabaugh, socialistic. with more experience. basis for the operation of state dexter will lead this group Mrs. Mushier and Mias I'ldlne Gartln to cast their ballot at either of the The I-ane county office of the Only three measures will appear Htarrlng for the vsltorn was Hoyt W K Burnell will lead the music The male trio from the North- 1*32 elections should make out Commission Is one of the largest government are among the salient on the ballots over the state this nt left half. W J. Fallen, coaching kmup. and Mrs Floyd Thompson, we t Bible college at Eugene will new registration cards. They may Issues which Senator Dunne has In the state. It services loans total­ year. They are the grange power his first year at Philomath sent the dramatics group. I sing at both the rally and the re- be obtained at Ihe City hall from ing » It rents sixty committed himself to rupport In bill, the 20-mlll tax limitation hill, the following plnyera In at the start his platform recently released for For the Monday meeting Mlss gular morning services. Rev ITuItt I. M Peterson, recorder. residences In Eugene alone, ser- j and the healing .arts constitutional of the game; Wayne Bytngton. Vivian Malone gave several violin, will preach tin "A Pentecostal publication In the Oregon Voters' vices delinquent accounts snd of-1 amendment. In Lane county the Hbaw. Hlodge’t. Blinmons. Via,hud. numbers with Miss Theresa Kelly, ! Rally" at the morning service, Pamphlet. BIG SISTER DINNER fers for sale on reasonable terms voters will have to decide on two Davis. Follelf. Holmes. Hoyt, By- pianisi, accompanying her. Mrs. W.| During the evening service In- liquor proposals which will appear Ington. Freeman Hqutres worked H. Pollard. Mrs. Robert Chatter- stallatlon of atl the Endeavor of­ HELD FOR FRESHMEN hundreds of city properties and BANK PROPERTY MOVED on the ballot, one for complete pro- farms throughout the state. the game and Dalton Thuriusn was ton and Mias Ilorothe Mae Potter, ficers will be held There will he A total of 126 girls were present j INTO OWN BUILDING ibiton and the other for modified head linesman president of the Happy Evening special music, congregational sing­ control. at the Big and Little sister dinner, An Interesting sidelight on the club were guests nt the meeting. ing. and a sermon on "God and Records, documents and equip­ held In the basement at the high ' SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUPS game played here Friday was the Plans were also made for an Voung People" by Rev. PeuItL school Tuesday evening at 6:30 - HAVE PARTIES FRIDAY ment helongtng to the First Na­ fart that In It Tom Gooding, uew exchange visit between members tional hank have all been moved SEEK LIGHTS. BUOYS student from Houth Dakota, wns of the Happy Evening and Happy CONVENTION PLANS FOR The dinner honored the freshmen About sixty young people attend­ into the bank owned building at students and was given by the IN SIUSLAW HARBOR playing his flrat game of football. Hour clubs and Mrs Waller Scott D C D C X 4 I 4 I W iv r 'ir aa a D P ed the party at the Methodist Second and Main streets this week. Girls League. R EB EK A H LODGE M ADE The strange Incident Is that he had was designated to attend the meet Efforts to have lights and buoya For the program Miss Edna Sev-I chureh Friday evening which was Only part of the fixtures were never watched a game before In Ing of the former club held last Plans for the district convention eraon. Girls I-eague president, gave! given for the new high school stu­ moved, a part of them having been some of which have been removed hl« lifetime, he says He played a night at the home of Miss Crystal of the Rebekah lodges of this dis­ the welcome; Miss Iowa Carlton. dents by members of the freshman purchased by Mr. Flanery for use; from the Sluslaw harbor at Flor­ gigid game und came out without Bryan. trict to be held at Coburg on Mon­ League advisor, made a short talk; and sophomore snd junior and sen­ in remodeling the building for h is , ence restored are now being made injuries. day. October IB. were made Mon- Ruth Pollard and Juanita Seaman ior classes of the church school. drug store. One large section will by the Western Lane County TAX BILL. GLEE CLUB I day evening at a meeting of dis­ sang a duet; Ila Putman gave a Lloyd Shipley and Edna Vest were be used as a prescription work Chamber of Commerce. They have requested assistance from Senator room ON PROGRAM FOR LIONS trict officers held at the Oregon reading, nnd Irene Anderson play­ In charge of the party. BAPTISTS PLAN FOR hotel In Eugene. The convention ed a piano solo. Another group of young people ( Frederick Steiwer who has prom­ COMMUNION SUNDAY James H. Gilbert, professor of will start at 1 o'clock with after­ gathered at the Christian church ised to do everything possible to INVITATIO N GIVEN economics at the University of Ore­ noon and evening sessions. as guests of the high school Christ-1 secure funds for the adequate “The Cpper Room” wl'.l be Ihe LODGE GROUP PLANS FOR A. A. U. W. TEA maintenance of the harbor. gon will speak ill the Lions club Those attending the meeting Ian Endeavor society for a social' subject of the morning sermon nt BENEFIT PLATE DINNER evening. Under the direction o f ; luncheon meeting Friday at Taylor Monday evening were Mrs. Lola the Baptist chinch Sunday morning Mrs. Nelson F. Macduff, vice- nl II o’clock a communion service hall, Mr. Gilbert will spenk on Ihe Payne Hood. Coburg, convention Plans for a benefit plate dinner Irene Anderson they enjoyed an president of the Lane county chap­ BATHOLOMEW LEADER proposed 20-mlll tax limitation mea­ rhnlrman; Mrs. Clarlne Putman, will he held during this service. Al which members of the ways and j evening of songs, game and re-! ter of the American Association FOR SCOUT DRIVE HERE Hie evening service at 7:30 Rev. sure which will he voted on at the Hprlngfleld. district vice-president; means committee of Juanita Re­ freshmen ts. of University Women, has extended Mrs. Nell Price. Marcoln. secret­ bekah lodge la sponsoring at their It E. Rolens wilt speak on the sub­ fall election. a special invitation to eligible reel- P. J. Bartholomew ha* Members of the high school girl- ary-treasurer; nnd Mrs. Genevieve hall on October 15 were made a t ! ject. “The Greatest Bln.” denta of Springfield to attend a chosen chairman of the drive to FRIENDS MEET SUNDAY glee club, a group of about 22 Louk. publicity chairman. Htinday will alao be rally day for the regular meeting here Monday.: tea Saturday from 3:30 until 5 at FOR SURPRISE PARTY the home of Mrs. J. O. Holt, 1666 be conducted by Wallamet couwatl. the Sunday school. A special pro­ singers, which was organized this Memhers of the Girl Scouts will Boy 8couts of this district It w m gram during the Bunday school will w< ek will sing two numbers under NIGHT SH IFT TAKEN sell home made candy Fairmount boulevard. Eugene. All announced this week by H. B. the direction of Miss Glyde Dilley. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Stone were he presented under the direction Guests at the meeting were Mrs. women having attended u univer­ Sallee. Scout executive. The drive OFF AT LOCAL DEPOT Laurence C. Moffitt and Thelmer of Mrs. Kenneth Tobias. Keller of Redmond. Oregon and surprised by a visit from a number sity or other accredited school for for funds with which to carry on J. Nelson are In charge of the pro­ The night operator who has been Mr. and Mrs. Buford Klght of of their frlenda Sunday evening on two years are eligible to attend the the work of the district will start gram, the occaalon of their wedding an­ on duty at 'he Springfield depot North Bend. tea or to become members of the In Lane county on October 8. niversary and Mr. Stone's birthday. STAR CHAPTER INVITES of the Southern Pacific company association. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. EUGENE GROUPS HERE 0 N 0 GUEST PARTY IS was sent to Dundee. Oregon Sat­ BAPTISTS TO ELECT Ernest Black, Mr. and Mr«. Lee --------- ! TO BE HELD TONIGHT urday and the night shift abolished. IUKA MEMBERS PLAN AT ANNUAL MEETING Putman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Louk, PARENTS INVITED TO Mi-mbnis of Evangeline and Rlue Miss Hilda Stewart was the last HEAR TOY ORCHESTRA Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker, and REGULAR MEET TONIGHT River chapters of Rustem Blur will Members of tlio (1 No bridge club person to work the night shift New officers for the Baptist Mr. and Mrs. Stone. he Invited to attend Ihe next meet­ will entertain (his evening at Ihelr here. church will be elected tonight at Teachers of the primary and In­ Mrs, Ellen Barker will be host­ ing of Caacade chapter on October first card party of the fall season Until further notice the depot Ihe annual meeting of the congre­ termediate grades at the Brattaln ess at her home this evening for 1H It was decided nt the semi­ nt Taylor hnll. Each member of the will operate on the usual hours gation It wns announced this morn­ EPWORTH LEAGUERS TO school Invite the mothers of the the regular meeting of Iuka circle monthly rpcotlng held Tuesday club Is Inviting two guests and from 8 until 6 dally, being closed ing bv Rev. R. E. Rolens, pastor. children In the school to attend a number 37. The meeting will start FORM DISTRICT BODY evening. Miss Edna Hwarts will ■ evi n tables of bridge are expected from about 12:46 until 1:46 at noon. A potluck dinner will be held at dress parade appearance of the at 8 o'clock. Plans for the Forget- have chnrge of the kitchen and to be In play. Miss Ione Rhodes, The change eliminated the stopping 6:30 and reports of the church or­ Epworth League members m a Toy Orchestra at the school Friday Me-Not sale being sponsored by Mrs Pratt Hnlvor-on will arrange Miss Maxine Snodprass. and Mrs. of spveral through passenger trains ganizations will he heard during dozen town* In the vicinity of afternoon at 2 o'clock it was an­ the Circle will be completed at the pr.-grrm. The potluck supper Howard Cotton are In charge of nt the locnl depot. Only one north­ the evening. Springfield will meet with the local nounced this morning by Frank the meeting. will not he held bill refreshments Ihe party arrangements. bound nnd one southbound through Methodist young people Friday Hamlin, principal. The orchestra Is will he served after the program. train stops for passengers dally BRIDGE CLUB GUESTS evening at 7:30. The evening will to play at the county Institute later MANY ATTEND SURPRISE now. HONOR SOCIETY ELECTS OF MRS. HENDERER be spent In fellowship and plan­ this month. BASKETBALL PRACTICE ning an organization for the dis­ PARTY FOR WALKERS OFFICERS FOR YEAR NEEDLECRAFT CLUB TO Members of the Contract bridge trict. STARTS AT HIGH SCHOOL FOUR-L MEETING SET Mr and Mrs W F. Walker were Charles Cole was elected presi­ HAVE MEETING TODAY club were guests of Mrs. John AHEAD THREE WEEKS Early hnskethnll training wns surprised by a number of their Henderer at her home last Thurs­ Oiling Crew Stops—Memhers of dent of the honor society of Spring- Hlarled at the high Hchool gymnas friends und members of Juanita Regular meetlnp of the Needle- day. Guests of the club were Mrs. the Rahler oiling crew stopped Meeting of the Springfield Four- field high school at the first meet­ lum this week by Robert Chatter- Rebekah lodge when they visited craft club will he held this after­ C. K. Wheaton, who won the high overnight In Springfield Monday L organisation which was to have ing of the group held Tuesday ton. Only the fundamentals of the them nt their Eugene homo Fri­ noon at 2:30 at the home of Mr*. score, and Mrs. Clifford Wilson. with their equipment which they met last Friday haR been post­ morning. Edna Severson was gume are being taught now and the day evening. Nearly 40 persons W. H. Pollard. She will be aaslat- Mr*. E E. May will entertain the were moving from Diamond lake poned. The meeting will be held elected vice-president, and Mary hoys are doing considerable prac­ were present to enjoy the evening ed by Mrs. Elvin May, aaslatant group at their next meeting on to a new project near Oakridge. on the evening of October 28 at Trotter, secretary. Miss May Hewss ticing against the basket*. which was spent with cerda. host«**. October IS. They left Tuesday morning. is the faculty advisor. Taylor hall. SATURDAY CAME IS TEST III Kprlngfleld ......... the s m a llL Klll, BaV(ir BO)|e