PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, BKPTBMBBH 27 1WS« TH E SPR1NOFT1CLD NEWS NO REDS WANTED ON O.S.C. FACULTY New President Tell» Teacher» To Train Students Aa Lead­ er», Not Mob Follower» MARINE CORPS TO TAKE ! I MEN AT PORTLAND l— S m o g * W h ia Puf Detroit Ttgen oo Top to Amerktn L 8— - ------ ‘ J ' =— The United States Marines at Portland. Oregon, will have vacan­ cies for the enlistment of thirty men during each of the next three months. These new marines w ill he selec­ ted from the states of Oregon, Washington. Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, and will serve as re­ placements seul from the West Coast stations to China. Guam. Hawaii. Philippine Islands, and to the battleships of the fleet lutere-tlug booklets describing service with the United States Marine« and enlistment application blanks may be obtalued from the U. 8. Marine ('or pa Recruiting 0STBO1T . , . Abuv» ars picturrd thv claws va t il t Ttgsr, lietroit'a American Ueeguv baseball traui wlilvh Station, 208 U. A Court House,1 esame headed for ths pensasi and World derise glory. Ptctursd ars tea Tigtr regalare, lavludiug pitrhar Portland, Oregon. Bsheelboy Boss, who ars hitUag user JOO . Loft te righi, Guaita .382; Coshrane t m a a a g r i i . 3 8 8 . Ille s a - herg. 337, Ha ss, .333, W hiu, 31»; Hayworth, .330 Owsa, 337, Gahriayar, SM . Walher. 3tW and Rogali, 111. BANKERS SUPPORT SOUND EXPANSION Announces Candidacy For Re-Election as Recorder Mt K. S IWCHT Ffce FrezMeel. 4 ■»»*«•» Rssheve diieefaffea — ANKERS universally revognlae that the prime ecououtle need of B tbe Ballou Is (be stimulation of ”ln announcing aty caadldm y for re-election aa City Recorder. I aut causing llile etateuivnt to |>e published lu Ihe local press In or tier that the clllzeits uf our clly may better iiutleretatitl my objects ami purpusea lu seeking re-*le< llun. I believe that Ihe City u( SprinrHeld, at the present time. Is being operated un a sound, econo tlilrul and business Ilka basis I have served la this position dur > log the most trying years of de pres*bin. and although the clly has BesB quite badly flitaaclally eui Itarraseed by heavy warrant debt | and di-fsulted bond debt, I believe we have now passed tbe crisis In municipal ludshtsdnsaa. If during ihe next two or three years, care­ ful and pains libs effort Is at all times exercised In management of city flnancse" sound tudua College students of today should trial aud tow be trained as the reulers of tomor­ tuervlal sctlvl lies aud revest row and not become an undis­ travels uver a ciplined mob following the red flag wide etretrb of <>f Communism. and faculty mem­ tbe « » « s i r f bers have a responsibility In such h a v e show s traluing aside from the formal ute that they teaching of their respective cour­ e v a ry w here ses,, President George W. Peavy are making all told the staff of Oregon State col effort possible lege at the opening of the fall lu l e a d con etructlve Bnan term now under way there. a s H it m e l s ls u p p o r t "There Is no place for student w ltb lu Ik e or faculty communistic organisa­ Minor Operation— Mrs. L. A. Iluf- ecope of tbelr proper banking fune tions on this campus.” he declared, ford of W aitervllle underwent a lloae to protuotiug tbe eipsoelu» of "and so far as I am able to exer­ minor operation here Monday at business activity cise control, there will be no ’red’ the office of a local physician Froqueutly lu times poet when organisations and no ’red' parades our country suffered from an eve Collects Bounty— Ihtr Williams While 1 am responsible tor this in­ "Tho greateat problem that (alls notnlv depression and conaequeal stitution.” Visit at Florence— Mr and Mra. Dearborn Man H er* — Herbert collected the county bounty on one ansmploymeot on n isrgo seals, ths upon ihe shoulders of tbe City Re­ Comparative Study Approved Don Meaklns spent the week-end Platt of Deerhorn wio a business coyote Monday at the office of the rise of some broad naw Industrial corder la Ihe problem of lbs ally's County clerk. Pre-ldent Peavy said this in no Cash Farm Income One Bil­ on the coa»t at Florence. development, tucb (or Instance se s flaunt es It may not require any visitor In Springfield Tuesday. lion More Than 1933: Ore­ new Industry like U e automobile greet amount of skill or experience wise precludes the proper class Back In Hospital— N A. Hows Hunting T rip — H. Schttffenburg Drive to Portland— I*. J Bartho­ Industry, has been a powerful factor room study and examination of an; gon Rural Income Cains lu hattdle many of tbe routine mat was admitted to the I ’uclflc hos­ _____ and C. It Crites of Newberg spent lomew made a business trip to la etlmulatlag • return or aa a» system of government, but said ters perlalttlng to Ihe office, but pital lu Eugeue Tuesday Mr It >we tolerated growth of uatloual pros Portland Wednesday for (he Poole The general level of farm prices '*»* '“ * k * ,,d hull,iu* ior de* r that a clear distinction should be has undergone several operations parity. Such a movement mesas the II undoubtedly does rs-ptlre skin funeral home In Eugeue advanced «bout 10 per cent during Roseburg. drawn between the examination of and experience to cops with lbs there during the past few months creation of nsw wealth, tbe employ any governmental or social doc­ the last two months, according to L m v , for California— Mrs Josie Observe Anniversary — Dr and ment of large groups or people on flnautial problems which confront trine and Its advocacy 'nformatlon given in a report on 3porel all(, lU ughU r U ft Tuesday Mrs \V. H. Pollard observed their Missionary Speaks— David Camp useful lluee aud as a consequence lb« clly These m ailer* naturally At the beginning or this, his first the agricultural situation Just r e j for Corn,n|r California twenty-eseventh wedding anniver­ bell, missionary home on furlou»h the production aud distribution of fall more Io the lot of tbe Re full year as head of this Institu­ leased by the college from China, spoke of his work In sound, effective purchasing power, corder than Io ihe lot of any other sary Tuesday evening Back from Seattle— Joe Archani- tion, President Peavy reviewed the exl elision service. This boost .n the Far Ka»t at the evening ser­ which le a form of wbnlesome eco city official It Is expected of him Portland People Visit— Mr. and vice« at the Haptlat church Sunday nutitlc stimulant tbrt has none of general educational situation In farm prices is attributed more to beau" has returned to Springfield Hint h<> lead end point the way to the evils of monetary luflatl«t> Oregon and said that the skies the drought than to stronger de­ following a visit with friends In Mrs. M L Goodwin of Portland evening. the solution of such problems A N e w Force lor la tp r o t e n e a l Seattle. visited with M r and Mrs F. B have cleared aa far as peaceful and mand tonditions “I hnve In mind certala well de Perhaps we have at hand. If not Wrecking Building— L. K Cage Flanery Friday. orderly administration of the sys­ The |« n«rai exchange value of Get Check»—Thirty SERA work­ is tearing down the front part of the rising of a wholly new Industry, fined plan* for refunding the bond tem Is concerned, but that a serious farm | n>durts has advanced 10 per ers received approximately $300 in Enters University— Lamar Brat- the old building adjoining the a measurable equivalent In tbe po debt, which I believe can be work­ threat hangs over all education cent since a year ago. having checks for the week ending Satur­ tain returned Sunday from Paisley White front grocery store on the tentlalltles of a widespread rebuild ed out successfully, whereby the from the grades to the colleges In reached nearly three-fourths of the Ing and modernising movement day at the City hall. city can meet It* debt as the eeme where he has spent the summer on west The building has stood empty the proposed !O-mlll limitation am­ prewar parity level, the report such aa borne reuovlelng. plant re fell* due without again becoming his father's ranch. He Is entering for many years. modeling, tbe putting of our rati endment. Visits Uncla— H arry Anderson shows. Wool, oats and corn have the University of Oregon this week n default, and at the same time, roads on a high speed sir c n tid l Sees Year of School Harmony climbed above 90 per cent of parity, was here last week-end to Isit with Enroll» at University — Morris ttoned basis and other valuable de keeping In operation a reriurtlpo "Those who believe that an edu­ while hay. wheat and barley have his uncle. Albert Peterson. His Hunters Return— Marlon Adams.| Stewart la enrolling at the Uni- relopnieate In tbe construction Held of the warrant debt to tha end that cated citizenry constitutes the bul­ been moving toward that mark home Is at W ilbur. Washington. Archie Davis. B. O. Smith, and Jim varsity of Oregon this week as a The effects of eucn activities on em the city may eventually be praetl- wark of free institutions have a Harpole returned Tuesday morn- J rr«.hman student. He graduated ployment and many lines of bull Production Down 18 Percent rally on a cash beala The city has Parents of Sort— Mr. and Mrs. battle ahead,” the president point­ Indicative of the general reduc­ Win C. Ihillry of W estfir ure the ing from a week's hunting trip In from the Springfield high school neee would be most beueRctal and I succeeded In keeping all bond In­ ed out. "Much more Is involved In the Paisley country. can repeat without reservation that In June. tion in crop production, the esti­ t-arents of a baby son born to them terest paid, even In the face of the fight against the reactionary we bankers am willing and eager Io mated combined yisld of 33 of the at their home on Friday. Septem­ Fish For almon— Mr. and Mra. measure than the Jobs of a few Home from Hospital— Mrs Gene­ play our full economic part In aoy adver e coodlllon* and our default principal crops will be IS per cent ber 21. 1934. bond debt la being taken rare of H. E. Gerber. Mr. and Mrs Dale vieve Gulley was brought home ■ueb constructive developments teachers and professors.” less than last year and 22 per cent Cheshire and Ted King left Tues­ from the Eugene hospital Wetlnea- It has been marie Io appear that and (mid off quite satisfactorily to The executive pointed out that Portland Resident Here— Miss below the 13-year average, the re­ day eveclng for the coast to fish dav where she has bean a patient money has not goue to worb be our creditors Of course, taxee have there Is a decided increase in un­ port says. A late potato crop ap­ Florence Coffin of Portland was for salmon In the Sluslaw cause of (be timidity of bankers Iteeit and atlll are too high, hut thia derstanding. confidence and coop­ since she underwent a major opera­ here over the weekend to visit proximately equal to 1933 but 2« rather than what la a true ezplana Is due not to operating expenses, eration between the faculties of the tion »ome weeks ago Hunting Today— N. L. Pollard tlon, because business men have Sot but Is due to Indebtedness Accord­ million bushels below average was with friends. W hile here she was ■ late's two largest educational in­ a guest at the home of Mr. and and R. L. Burnett left this morning bad enough conSdeoce In the butl indicated on September 1. ing to our 1834 budget, the city tax stitutions and that they are pres­ H u rte ri Return— Veltle Pruitt. neee outlook to borrow the dollar Mrs. C. E Swart*. on a hunting trip to the Steamboat Cash farm income for the whole levy la In excess of $36000 More enting. more than ever before, a creek country east of Roseburg Merwin Irish Dallas Murphy and from the banker and put It to work. than $16000 of thia goes for debt and Attend Chamber Meet — F ft united front of adequate opportun- country is estimated at about six The basic requisite to ths axpaa- three comranlons returned Tuesday billion dollars In the year 1934 Hamlin W K. Bamell. J D. Pyle They will be gone for several days Interest and about $10.000 for oper­ 'ty for youth of Oregon. evening from eastern Oregon where tlon of commercial hank loans Is approximately one billion more and H E. Maxey represented the Leave for Arizona— Mra. P C they each bagged a mule dear. sound, normal business conditions ating expense W hile It la essential ’ han in 1933 but nearly four billion Springfield Chamber of Commerce Scott left Wednesday for Phoenix. on which to conduct sound, normal to hold operating expenses down NEEDLECRAFT MEMBERS under the 1926-1930 average. Ore­ at the Imne County Chamber Arizona where "he wills pend the Thev hunted In the Raker country. banking operations. Ths beat bust to tbe minimum consistent with ef Dees a bank caa wish for la tha op­ flrlenry. Il le evident to anyone CHOOES NEW OFFICERS gon farm Income Is expected to meeting In Eugene last Tbur day winter months Her home Is io the Leaves for Home— Miss Margaret portunity to Iona money to success from these figures that the only total around 20 per rent greater evening. I Douzlas gardens district. Kirkland will leave today for her ful business men sad maaafaetur- way to reduce taxes to any appre­ I Mrs. H. Schaffenberg was chosen than last year, hut will fall short home nt Calgnry. Alberta. Canada, ere Imbued with coaldeaes to »star Vacation on Coast— Mrs. W alter Cuts Finger Badly— Mrs John ciable sxteat le Io redoes and pay president of the Needlecraft club of the 1926-1930 level about 40 per after spending two weeks visiting upon aggrcsalva business eater off the clly debt Gos ler and children, Mrs Ella Elbow badly Injured her finger Then the city to succeed Mrs. Clayton Barber at cent, according to the circular. For prises sod endowsd with tbs ability with her brother Clayton K irk ­ tax rate may be lowered to a point the meeting of the club held last the whole country, from 10 to 12 Lombard, and Mrs. Gossler's sis Wednesday when she cut It wltn to bring them to euceaaafal eoncla ter. Miss Ruth Bean, left Friday a knife while working at the Sea land. slons. Such loans mesa business ac­ where It will be no longer burden­ Thursday afternoon at the Barber per cent of the total 1934 dash for Neskowin where they were vev Ferry hop varde tivity tor the community, growing some to tbe taxpayer. I f reelected farm Income will be derived from home M r-. Henry Fandrem is the Joined on a week-end outing by Anniversary Honored— Mr and pay rolls and prosperity, sad the to the Recorder's office. I expect new vice-president. Mrs. W N. agricultural adjustment rental and Returns to School— M artin Clark Miss Geneva Bean of Portland and Mr Frunk Bainbridge entertained banker wants to make tbeni be to constantly work for this end Scott, secretary treasurer, Mrs. W. benefit payments, and the rest from has returned from his home In Mis Maurlne Lombard of Vancou at their home with a dinner Friday cause to be Ideotlffed with eucb ac marketings. I have been In dally touch with N. Long, chairman of the flower California and has enrolled at the tlvlttes not only meson profit* to ver. Washington. evening to honor Mr. and Mra. committee, and Mrs. R. L. Drury, Northwest Bible college His him but, additionally, brings him all details of city finances In Geoege Simon of Eugene and to reporter. Mrs. W. H. Pollard and tbe reward of community good will. Hprlngfleld for years, and ibis ex­ friends held a welcome party for c onald to present honor their own wedding anniver­ Mrs Elvln May w ill entertain the There Is no better proof of tbe perience I will use In an effort to htm Friday evening at the Manning sary Guests Included Mr and Mra. great desire of banks to take care of relieve Ihe city aud tax pay ere of dub on October 4 at the home of SECOND DRUMMOND PLAY home. M r and Mrs. O. Stutz entertained Simon and daughter. Virginia, and tbe short term requirements of the the financial embarrassment In Mrs May business world than to point out the which we have been placed ” Ronald Coleman returned from a at dinner Saturday night In honor Visits Sister— Mr and Mra. John Mi and Mrs Nick Koplln abnormally low rates at wblcb this year’s vacation to bring an old of their son. Sheldon, who left Sun­ Enschede of Forest Grove were I M PETBRMON. Recorder. demand Is tielng supplied at the Insist on high quality paint both friend back to the screen of the day morning to attend Washington here for a short visit Sunday with Hpilngfleld, Oregon. present time inside and outside the house. It McDorald theatre, where "Bulldog State Normal at Bellingham. Wash­ her sister. Miss Ann McOookln SUNDAY PROMOTION DAY washes and wear- much longer. In­ Drummond Strikes Back" begins a ington. They were returning home from a AT METHODIST CHURCH Pm was paper aver watermelon cidentally. an lnterestig note by 4 day showing Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Phelps. hunting trip to the Prineville coun Lemons will not decay If they are I be. „ r||, „ w|„ Dr. J. S. Long, recently appointed Evelyn Phelps Robert Roberts. Promotion day program will be try. Drummond holds a fond place In kept In cold water that I. regularly rr„ b ,ind f(ir , (, m. head of research for Devoe and Coleman's heart, for It was In the Maurice Frakee, Nell Hoffman, held at the Methodist church dnr-1 chanced «very day. ______ ___________ Get Deer— A party of five Spring- ing the Church »chool hour a$ I Reynolds Paint and Glass com­ creation of this character that he and Lois Metcalf of Philomath and pany: It requires a full acre to scored his greatest screen hit. Corvallis were week-end guests at fl-ld young men. Joe Gerber. Coy 9:46 Sunday. The children In the Pre«h Itarrl»* keep much longer Leather-, Gilbert Flab. Bruce nursery, beginner*, primary and grow the linseed oil for two coata lleet. especially steaks, should be If they are turned out of their The story Is based on the latest the Tinker home. Bonnie Tinker, of paint for the average seven room noTe, by „ r McNelle. depicting who will attend Oregon State col­ Thomas, and Al Vandahav. return Junior department* will be gradua­ chosen by tests of elastic red meat boxes Into a plate so that the air house and garage. fh<- further exploits of the lovable lege at Corvallis this year returned etl Sunday from a five-day trip to ted to new classes or departments and firm, white fat. I may circulate about them freely Central Oregon bringing with them anil will receive certificates or di­ adventurer The excitement starts to Corvallis with them. The other plomas. At 11 o’clock the pastor, — — —— — — * when Drummond attempts to un- young folks are students of the two mule deer will speak on the theme “ Reli­ | Q lirS tO n ravel a completely baffling mys- college. Mr. Phelps and Robert re­ Former Resident Visits — Mrs A— ---------- ----------. . . < tery for a beautiful yonng girl mained at Pleasant HUI where Mr George Horsetail and two children gious Education In the Ix tc a l, The Ladles’ Aid society met at whose uncle disappears strangely Phelps has employment at the Church." • f New York were here Sunday the home of Mrs Lawrence Goss- |n fbe London house of a sinister Lewis lumber company. Epworth and Wesleyan Leagues I to visit Mrs. Alice Doane and other ler Wednesday for an all day’s Oriental prince. Mrs. Eugene B Tinker had a sur­ will meet In Joint session nt 8 30- friends. Mrs Horeefall Is a daugh meeting A covered dish lunch was Loretta Young portrays the girt, prise visit from Mr. and Mrs. Hugh p. m. and listen to the Rev W 8 ' ter of Dr. R P Mortensen of Mt IN Harrison Levins, deceased, has filed family motored to Newport last Frl "The House of Rothchlld,” pre fall. his Final Report and Account as "In the School of Christ” will ALLOW ANCE now being ahown at day for the week-end. pared for the , crM>D The Misses Florence and Luclle such Administrator with the Clerk be the theme for the worship ser­ Hear is the grand ÏA S Y TERMS our «tore. Tone, beau­ cit Radio value of Jordan and Nancy Barnum accom­ of the County Court of Lane Coun vice at 9:46. The Church school ty, Oregon; and that Saturday, the panied by Mrs. C. E. Jordan 27th day of October 1834 at 10:00 will meet at 10:46. ty and aeleetlvlty haa all time. Beautiful compact cab­ mother, Mrs. Noel, went to Mon­ o'clock In the forenoon of said day inet American and Foreign mouth Sunday where they have In the County Court Room of said NOTICE aurpaaned all offeringa Reception. Glorious tone. County, In the Court House at Eu rented a house for the winter. The OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T gene, has been set by the Hon. before In radio. young ladles will attend the State NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y O IVEN , Fred Fisk, Judge of said. Court, aa Normal school this winter and Mrs. the time and place for hearing ob­ That Oscar E Hemenway, the exe­ Noel will keep house for them. jections to the same, and for the cutor of the estate of Melinda E. The members of the Pleasant H ill final settlement of said estate. Hetnenway, deceased has rendered HARO LD J W ELLS. Adminis­ community gave a surprise farewell and filed In the County Court of trator party at the church house for Mr. Ihe State of Oregon for tha County <8 27— 0 4-11-18-26) Pall and winter even­ and Mrs. Morton Bristow who Rre of I-ane h it final account and that ing« are the time of moving from their home at Pleas by order of said Court Saturday NOTICE the year r a d i o la ant H ill to the Gulstlna M ill at OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T October 27th, 1984 at the hour of in Notice is hereoy given that the ten o’clock A. M. at the County Zion. W Bb B ■ ■ ■ r e a . moat appreciated. Hpl- Albert Mathews left Tuesday for undersigned, Harold J. Well«, Ad­ Court room In the Court Houie In H and io n * ended concert a, foot­ ministrator of the Estate of Lea- Bellingham. Washington where he Ik A. Levins, deceased, has filed Eugpne, Oregon, has been fixed ball hroadcaHtH and new cabinet. will attend Washington State Nor­ his Final Report and Account as and appointed aa the day, time and world «port new« are such Administrator with the Clerk place when and where tha hearing mal school. Compact but better thia fall than Howard Parks and Bally Barnett of the County Court of I-ane Coun­ of objections to said final account ty. Oregon; and that Saturday, the p o w e r fu l. Pb-nsant HUI high school graduates 27th day of .October 1834 at 10:00 may be made, and for the final set­ ever. Don’t be without with are attending University of Oregon o’clock In the forUhoon of said day, tlement thereof. All objections it good radio. G lonoui tone. In the County Cqarl Room of said muat he In writing and filed with this year County, In ffce Court House at Eu­ Blanche Wheeler left last week gene. ha» Been set by the Hon. the Clerk of said Court on or be­ for Monmouth where she will com­ Fred Fisk, Judge of said. Court, aa fore said day and time plete her course In the State Nor­ the time and place for hearing ob­ OSCAR E. H E M E N W A Y . Exe­ 2Oth CENTURY , jections to the same, and for the mal school. cutor. PICTURE Mr. and Mrs H. M. Klngwell of final settlement of said estate. FRANK A DePUR. Attorney HA RO LD J W ELLS. Admlnls HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT Orland. California were recent for the estate. trator. guests at the Stutz home. (8 27—0 4-11-18-M) (S 27—0 4-11-11-26) FARMERS PRICES M D TOWN AND VICINITY ' Upper Willamette | See the N ew Philco Radio I N 'llO SALII I 7 á RONALD tu ü B u y s