TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS THUHMDAY, SEPTEMBER 87, 1M4 TREE SURGERY METHODS EXPLAINED BY ZELLER •Karp Toole, Cleanliness, Smooth Work and Protective Cover­ ing All Neoeeeary TEACHERS WORK ON FALL PROGRAM WHO IS WHO and What They Do PA O BTH RO i 9 A Classified Directory of Reliable Bueineee Firm« and Profeeeionai People Tble Newspaper Recommende to You. In tree surgery, aa In human Quiney, Roberta and Buell To surgery, there la a correct and an Repreeent Local Schools lucorrect way to prepare a wound F o il BALE— Good uaail Wood for succeaslul und rapid b-allag, In Planning Institute r«ug»a. Mi Hl»l»a Puw«r Co. If »ays Dr H. M Zeller, plunl patho­ Printers F e e d -S e e d -H a y __ Auctioneer* Preliminary detalla for the annual logist or Iho Oregon experiment Pi ill HAI.K W indfall Appi »a. »&■ TH E W ILLAM ETTE PRESS ADAMS FEED A SEED W. L. BRAY Teacher Institute to be held for G EN ER A L AUCTIO NEER Springfield por buebel. T. J M aiw all, route Htallon. STORE Lang county school taachara In Eu Phone 2 Hbarp tools are necessary to do gene on October 17 and 1* were I , Kua«««* H 17 Farm Hales and Livestock Our Full line of Feed, Heed and Hay. the Job well, Dr. Zeller points out. announced thia weak by L. C. Mof­ Rualneae Htatloocry Office Forms Cu»tom Grinding. Cleaning and Specialty. MAN W ANTED f o r Itawlaigli Alter all diseased tissue has been Booklet« — Placards — Mixing A Home Owned Institution. Commuolty Halee ItiiUlv of mimi (ululile« W rite tin n it away, healing Is facilitated If fitt, county superintendent Dodgers, ate. Every Wednexday I I * — 6th Si. Hprlngfleld. Ph I The sessions will be held Thurs­ lueillulely Itawlvlgli, Dept. OKI the wound la shaped up to a point A Modern Print Shop Producing Hprlngfleld day and Friday morning« and 111 Main Ht. 7* HA. Oakland. California Oregon Peed A Seed Co., Inc. ubov« and below. It la beat to cut Thursday afternoon The elemen­ Up-To-Date Printing Auto Pesters_______ Good Luck Manamar Poultry and Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. M IR MALE Due RA73 H. I*, range th» edge« o( a wound at right an- tary principals banquet will be in Dairy Feeds ubim I, III giHiil vondlllon. Ml. glea to the surface o( the bark, as charge of Roy Qulney, Lincoln ANDERSON MOTORS, INC. Proaper W ith Manamar Restaurant* Htatea Power Co. It. slashing cuts od not heal ri-adlly. school principal. A banquet for the Rupert Repairing — All Work Heed Cleaning a Speciality. be says. men teachers, and one for Mon Guaranteed. Delivery Phone «8» IRENE S CAFE W A N T E D - Haleaman W ill pay When It la necessary to remove mouth graduate« Is planned. Gas. Dll, Tires and Batteries 206 E 6th Ht.. Cor. High Eugene Hreskfaat 16c up — Dinner 35c up. good roniiulaaloii to man who a whole branrh. make the cut as The program Is being arranged Chill 10c can aell W rite X care Hprlngfleld near the parent branch or trunk aa by teachers In the different grades 6th and A Sta.. Hprlngfleld Ph. 4* P A C in C FEED A 8U F P L Y CO Home Cooking Newa. possible Htubs ol branch»« ran and subjects thia year with com RUOBNE KOO DEPOT Ice Cold Beverages on Tap BR O W N MOTOR CO never heal, says Dr Zeller They mltteea already appointed for thia S. 0. A LLEN We Pack and Grade Eggs for the Main Bet 4th and 5th Sts. CH RYSLER and PLYM O U TH 7S4 W lllamatta lugana, Oregon die and become Inlertlon courts purpose Representing Hprlngfleld Merchants of Eugene and Spring- Springfield Open T ill Midnight (or wood-decaying fungi Hales and Service schools on the program com m ittee1 field. NOTICE OF F IN A L HEA R IN G will be Opal Roberta, primary; and Tree Canter Dead Wood Complete Automotive Service LE T’S EAT Cor. 6th and W illamette St. When cavities and decayed parts W. E Basil, mathematics N otlre la hereby given that the Open Day and Night Eugene, Ore., Phone 168 at the N EW M AM M Y'S CABIN. Tba ttuhjerti and program divisions | County Court u( I.ane County, Ore- are pr sent, a simple method ol 1*5 East Broadway Phone 1767 reason for the New Cabin Is public gou. haa (lie d 10 00 A M of Mat tree surgery may prevent much to he arranged Include primary, In­ Eugene, Oregon Furniture ¡< demand for larger accommodations urday, Oct. 6, l»34. at the room« termediate and upper grades, one of the court. In the county Court greater expenditure o( time and JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. ' Chicken A T-Bone Steaks aa usual. SCHERER MOTOR CO. Itouae lu Eugene. Oregon, aa the money later The heart of a tree la room schools, art. health, library. Special Bunday Entertainment. Ranges and Circulators lim e and place wheu the (Inul ac­ dead wood and of no Importance to English, social science, commercial, BUICK — OLD8MOBILE — Judkins Point The same location. count or Eliuer tit rand, admUilatra- the tree except for strength. Dr physical education, penmanship, Several Lines Including Montag. PO NTIAC Pacific Highway Ph. 2776 lor of the ealate or Jennie Strand. girls league, dramatics, music, Linoleum— Inlaid and Felt Base Motor Cara Deceaaed. will be taken up tor al- Zeller explains. If II la decayed. It Attractive Prices on Furniture HALEB and SERVICE Schooie-Collegea owance and an order made (or the la therefore beet to remove It. It mathemallca. four-H clubs and vo-, and Rugs. dlatrlbutlon nt the remaining aeaeta the lime and tabor required are not rational guidance. 7tb and Olive Sts. — Phone *66 ot aald eatate. All persona Inter- too great. W here the cavity extends See Ua Before You Buy ENROLL NOW FOR Members of the (oy orchestra at Eugene, Oregon. eeted therein may appear at aald We Deliver Phone 1188 Day and Night Claneea In a Good time and be beard In reterence down the branch a considerable dis the Rrattaln school have already 64» W illam ette Eugeoe lane*. It la neceeaary to provide a been given a place on the program Auto Wreckers thereto School EI.M K K STRAND. Admlnlatra hole at the lower end tor a drain, says Moffitt. Shorthand. Bookkeeping. Typing 10?« off with thia coupon Grocerie* tor. or II It la cup «hap end Physiotherapy SIN from a drug siore In our town, STORAGE CO. Electriéal Suppliât. and rejotee to say that It lias cured 5 *H 6th. Ave. W. Eugene. Ph. 74 Springfield, Oregon General Repairing me of indtgeatlon. I had tried many I f no angwer Call 104-R Ph. 48 Sprlngfleli First National Bank Bldg. medicines and had almost given 442 Main up, when a friend rccommonded Uphdl«turing-Mattreaeee M E N T H A PEPSIN. I am only | Inspect our New Installation at Plumbing A Pipe Fitting too glad to tell others what It haa the State Qame Farm. Furniture Upholstering ione for me.— Charles Bartlett, NIEL POLLARD Weatlnghouae Lampa and Millville. N. J. And P L U M B I N G Appllanoea. No matter what other remedies Mattress Shop Copper Coils a Specialty. you have tried, follow Mr. Bart­ HENDERER ELECTRIC Expert Workmanship lett's suggestion and get rid of your 420 Main St. Rea. Phone 1634 Sprlngfleli Phone 166 lomach trouble with the aid of 420 Main St. . Springfield, Ore. Rea. Phone 14S4 DARE'S M E N T H A PEPSIN. After 736 Charnelton St., Eugene, Ora. na good as uew you'll sleep better, Photographere-Filme Fruit Packer* be stronger, have more endurance Woolen Mills and your eyes will sparkle with Carl R. Baker Film Shop your weak, disordered stomach It Eugene Fruit Grower's Ass’n health Wlmt It haa uone for thous­ Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers EUGENE Eastman Films — Kodaks — ands It will do for you. But ask and Shippers. Ice and Cold Storage. WOOLEN M ILL CO. Frames — Albums— Motion for It hv rem e— DARE'S M EN TH A Manufacturers of Woolens. Picture Cameras. College >ce Cream Manufacturers. PEPSIN—and be «ure you get It. Specialising In Ladies We Photograph Everything Coco Cola— Klst Beverages COATINGS AND SUITINGS. Anywhere. Cider Vinegar Retail Department at M ill. Phone 1480 Mall films to P. O. Box («7 Eugene. Ore. Ferry near 8th Avo E. Eugene, 6*8 W illam ette, Eugene Ph. 686 East End 6th Ava. AN AID TO D IG ESTIO N I Visit Front Portland— Mr. aad Mra. W illiam Farrolley of Portland spent the weekend here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mre Harvey Baton. C. A. W IM T lR M IIg R AHoeeo* a* Law *77 Wlllamotto, St Kug«ne, Ore- NOTICR TO CREDITORS IN T H E CO U N TY CO URT OF T H E STATE O F ORBOON FOR LANE COUNTY. In tba M atter of the Estate of J. O. W att* d Notice Is hereby gives that Mary L. Wallace haa bean by the above entitled court appointed adminis­ tratrix tn the above entitled mat­ ter. All persona having claims agatoet said eatate are required to present aald ctalma property verified to the undersigned administratrix at the law office of C. A. W lntermeler In Eugene. Oregon within a ll months from this 20th day of Sept.. 1*24 MARY L. W ALLAC E, adminis­ tratrix. C. A W IN TE R M F.IE R attorney IS 20-27— O 4-11-28) W E LL S A W ELLS Attemeya Bank of Commerce Btdg.. Eugene NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice le hereby given that the undersigned haa been appointed Administrator with the W ill An­ nexed of the Eatate of Rhoda D. Pyle, deceaaed. by the County Court of Lane County. Oregon. AU per«oca having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned, at the office of Well« S Wells. Bank of Commerce Bldg.. Eugene. Lane County, Ore­ gon. within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publication. Sept «. 1*34 JAMES W W ORKING. Admin latrator with the W ill Annexed. W ELLS A W ELLS. Attorneys. (S *-13-20-27 — 0 4) FRED E. S M ITH Attorney at Law Miner Bldg.. Eugene, Oregon NO TICE OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE OF REAL PRO PERTY On the eleventh day of October, 1*34. at the hour of 10 A. M.. at the front of the Court House in Eu­ gene Lane County, Oregon; I will aell at auction to the blgheat bid­ der. for cash, the following des­ cribed real property, located tn Lane County. Oregon, to-wit; Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot Seven (7) In Block Two (2) In that part of the City of Eugene which was originally platted and recorded aa 9hawa Second or Shaw and Patterson« Addition to Eugene. Oregon, run­ ning thence North 1*0 feet, to the south line of the alley, run­ ning east and west through said block, thence West along aald South line 48 feet, thence South 37- feet, thence West ten feet, thence South 123 feet to the North line of 13th avenue East, thence East along the North line of «aid avenne 58 feet to the place of beginning, all In Eugene. Lane County. Oregon together with the tenement«, heredita­ ment« and appurtenance« there­ unto belonging or appertaining. Said «ale 1« made under execu­ tion Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Connty of Lane, to me directed In the case of W G. Irv in and Lucy Irvin : vs.. Edith D. Foster, unmar­ ried. W inifred Stewart and George Stewart, her husband. C. A. SW A R T8. Sheriff of Lane Countv. Oregon W W E D M ISTO N , Deputy. (S 13-10-27— 04-11) NO TIC E TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given to all whom It may concern that the un­ dersigned I. D. Larim er haa been duly appointed Administrator of the estate of Jesse K. Platts, de­ ceased. by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County, and has qualified as such admin­ istrator. and all persons, baring claims against said estate are here­ by notified and required to present the same verified ae required by law. with proper vouchers, to the said administrator at the office of Calkins and Calkins, attorneys, 11* Tiffany Building. Eugene. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Date of first publication. August 3*. 1*34. I. D. LA R IM E R . Administrator of the Estate ot Jeeee K. Platte. Deceased. (A 30—8 *-18-80-87) NOTICE OF F IN A L H EA R IN G N O TIC E IS H E R E B T G IV E N that Donald Young, administrator of the estate of Jacob Young, has tiled his final account In said estate, and that Saturday the 89th day ot September, 1*84. at 10:00 o’clock In the forenoon ot said day. at the County Court Room In Eugene. Oregon, have been fixed as the time and place for hearing said account and for final settlement of said eatate. Any persons having objections to said account are hereby notified to file the same In writing with the County Clerk for Lane County. Oregon, on or before the tim e set for said hearing. DO NA LD YOUNG. Administra­ tor of the Estate of Jacob Young, deceased. (A 30—8 *-18-80-87) ¿or? WE GIVE YOU A FREE TICKET THROUGH ; CALIFORNIA! : There« no catch in it ! Southern Pacific takes you to Chicago, New York and most other eastern cities throm b Califorma for the same rail fire as a trip straight East and back See your local agent or write J. A. O R M A N D Y , 706 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Ora. Southern P acifie ÌG .B .E R R G E U R B R B B R B E