THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS BRR1NUFIKLD, LANE COUNTY. OHIOON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1V34 THIRTY-FIRST YEAH PHILOMATH HERE FOR FIRST GAME V aried P.JJL PLANS FOR Success TEACHER PARTY Many Return From Over Cee- Chetwood, Heavy, Experien­ cade« Without Meat; Few Mr«. Church Resign« Presi­ Find Buck« Plentiful dency; Mrs. Chase Choeen ced, and Shifty Expactad Secretary At Friday Meet To Laad Teammate« Hunt In« has not h » n «a good Calling Champion« NO. Sri ! LIOHS CLUB WILL HID III FOOTBALL , ______ Committee Named To Coop- erate With Coaches and Players; May Close In Field | Nine Participating Counties To Present Facts To Offici- At Salem Saturday A large gathering of tba W iliam SLATE COMHETE FOR t i l l OFFICES Recorder Poet Prove« Most interesting To Candidates As Four File Petitions WAS DEADLINE Fall work of the Hprlngfleld Par­ W A m D E A D L IN E ent Teacher association was start activPie. of the high school foot- « ’« « « « - 8* pte" b* ' 2 ’ ’ " * rU n‘ « Two Want Treasurer Office; ed here last Friday afternoon with >10 oclock It baa been announced ; ” i i « » » u i « i Naw Student« Add Strength hall teem tbla «eason It we« Indi the first meeting of the association Two Will Seek Short Term rated Friday when member, of th e 1 by T ° Ru— ^ ^ « r y trew - To Local Eleven; Turnout for the school year at the Lincoln On Springfield Council cluh named a committee to work Tba - • * « » « ba,n« caU" 1 Of Reserve« Pleasing school. I will. Marlon Hall and Robert Che. ,D ° Woodworth, county Jud«. anl, Mr«. II. II. Church announced , , _ . . ___ „ . of I.lnn county, who will preside There v-IU be contest» for enly Fontlmll season la here. g, her resignation after serving only lerton. coaches. In carrying out Oregon’» «eoators Me three c“ y offices In the November Friday afternoon at S t ' what asal.tance the club Is able to * ” a’ , "’ " c aUrtUM. „ . . . h„ . T ll— a few months of her term. A nom­ L e r— I k . . . . I th . Nsry »0 who has been kept in the office Know aero»» the mountains and Paul Raeford were named members Hall On Tuaaday time They were drilled In playa, club voted to «end a letter to Ted ages of the past few years. T h is , despite opposition during the past In the high reaches also caused and went through both offensive! " ----- . T " * . » of a committee to conduct the an- ' — ------ Oltlenwaters. district president, ad- Information has been prepared ta several terms, has made any state­ _a . ___, ___________ _____ the deer to take to cover In the and defensive scrimmage, finally nual membership drive In the Lin-1 Charles Harry Landers of Mar- j him that the club was ready bruah and made hunting difficult briefs end submitted to the gov- ment at this time. In another part winding up with stiff sprinting coin and Rrattatn buildings cola died at hl home Saturday and willing to assist him In bis of- enllnPn, om<.la)a Washington, over the week end Moat of the of this paper w ill be found his Tonight the boy« will be given morning following an Illness of two „ „ „ capacity any undertaking „ E M , pre,¡dent of the snow which fen on the McKensle statement In which he calls atten­ W ~ka. Funeral were held hp m. y „ M tre T b , meet,ng had C{>onty noo7 ...„ N a tio n . only a light workout to keep them pass ha- melted and no trouble la GIRLS LEAGUE PARTY TO tion to the gradual Improvement llmberad up and to give «ore Joint» being found In crossing the moun-1 BE EVENT OF TUESDAY st the I. O. O. F. hall In M arcola, been designated as a special ne­ All persons Interested who can of the city’s financial structure dur­ ■ nd brul«»» an opportunity to heal on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o clock raa|on to con-tder the activities of tain highway. do so are urged to attend the ing his tenure and states that h« before Friday’« game with Rev. Holly Jarvis officiating , he aUtp official R egular Meetings J very Tw o .. . . _. meeting In salem Saturday has further plans in the offing All of la«t «ea«on’a veteran« are Interment was made in the Marcola 8h„rt talks were made by Wm _________________ W eeks Approved By Qnoup; which will work for the benefit of expected to b« given placet In the I / O . O. F cemetery P W alker, past district governor. f le e t Council Members the city If he la retained in office. starting lineup although tbalr Mr. Imndera was born In Mlchl- and coaches. Hall and Chatterion. Two candidates. Mrs E l'le Poll­ place» may be taken by other ----------------------------- 1-aVerne Pugh was chosen senior gan on October 11. 18S7. He was ard and Cheater Aldrich, are seek­ ptranta during the game These representative and Muriel Tyson married to Mlaa Capotlla Mills in ing the position as treasurer. Little will Includr Run ftcott at center, | 16663852 freshman representative, from the Michigan in 1.11. They came to VOTER REGISTRATION can be said yet a- to the strength Kenneth ('ox. George Irvin. Dtaquc WARNING IS SOUNDED Olrla league on the Student Body Oregon and lived at Falls City, of either except that both are al­ Hnillb. Rvereft Chetwood. the heav­ ------------ Council at the regular meeting Randon. Marshfield, and Marcola. ready working among their friends ... j k .n ^ ____ Voters In Springfield and all of iest and fastest man on the team ’ His widow and 10 children sur- - Tuesday morning. Serious Injuries Sustained In >_»> u wa d ii a I-ene county who are not now reg- seeking support. W. E. Buell, ln- Charles Cole and Jack W illiam» are Father Of Mrs. Marion Adams cumbent. has declined to seek re- It was decided at tbe meeting to vlve. Including Mrs. Edna Rolland R(<>re<| for {h<> fgl, Accident Wednesday; Ribs, Naw additions who may atari In hold regular League meetings and Mrs. Ada Sanante In Mlrhlgan; 1 urged to do so Immediately. Only Succumbs To Hinges; Fu­ election In the office. the game are Pete Taylor. John Neck and Skull Fractured Pearl Rcroggln« and M r. every two week, and to hold a Mr« A Council ticket was presented on» more week, until October «. flooding, Tom Goodsle and Rill - — — neral Services Saturday loma W lllle In Marcóla; Grey I-an- during the week-end with P. i . H ill Albert Peterson, of Springfield Council meeting every Thursday. rem ain. In which voters may regls- _______ Instead of having the usual 'Rig* der». Ilenrv lAnders. and Mrs. Ida ter. and according to revisions of George Wesley Carson, well- Bartholomew -eeklng the unex- H ill 1« very light and was moved route 1. Is In a critical condition Bri» k of K lam ath F alls. Kent and e lic ti« , laws a few years ago, known resident of Springfield for plred two years of the term vaca- up to the line from the "R" equad «1 «he Pacific hospital la Eugene and ’L ittle ’ rl«ter party. It wa« de­ Lyle lenders ^ t Buena , hPre ,, |>o way ,or rltiaena . . . (h„ M Wedneada, ted by C- F. Barber, sad Edward when Verlln Posey was forced oul »• » result of an accident while rided to hold a potluck dinner In ” n* _ _____ ‘ * ' i-jré the ballot privilege after thia afternoon. September 2«, at his Privet and Earl Thompson seeking with an Injury It la not certain 1 wurktag La the woods Wednesday the liomeettc Bctence rooms of the school on October 2. at <1 o'clock. date has [ asaed home on Eaat Main street follow- > the full four year terms to succeed yet whether he will he able to play aftersoon. Only thoee who have changed ing an extended Illness. ' John Pyle and Jesse Cross, whose In charge of tbe program tor FUNERAL ARRANGEMENT Friday Htll la quick and may The Injured man wae working their location, and those who have Funeral services are to be held terms w ill expire n> January, make a good showing depending with several other« In the wood, the evening 1» Frances Htllea and FOR MRS. TILTO N WAITED nix been registered within th ejtast at the Poole Funeral home In Another candidate, heeding the on the weight of the opposing cutting trees for wood He was John Keavey LaVerne thigh. Jean team. I watching another man top a tree J I-ouk. and Bernie- Kmlth are mem­ few yeara need do so at thia time. Springfield Saturday afternoon at urgent request of his many friends N a tiv e Oregonian Passes A t Dex­ Registration or changes may be' 2 o'clock. Interment w ill be m ade'th at he remain on the council, con­ Much promising material for fu 1 and aa the top fell It struck a limb bers of the dinner committee te r Home Saturday; Children made nt (he city hall. lure teams may be forthcoming throwing It out of Its downward ta the old I. O. O. F cemetery In seated Monday and filed his petl- Live In N ew Jersey from the ’’H” squad which Is being P«th striking Peterson on the side SCHOOL ENROLLMENTS Eugene. ' tlon for the two year term. He la Mr. Carson was born In Hunting- John Pyle. coached by Chatterion The school, of (he head Funeral arrangements for Mrs. O-NO CLUB PLANS FOR SHOW STEADY CAINS ____________ _ I ________ ion county Pennsylvania on _ Ang- Aa a r„ ulI there w lll , con. haa an unusually large turnout of , H it Injuries Include a fractured | M illie Anu Tilton. 74. who died at these younger atudente thia year I »hull, a fractured vertebrae In the GUEST NIGHT PARTY ust 19. 18SS. Whe a child he went between Pyle and Bartholo- Enrollments at the three Spring-, her home at Dexter Saturday fol­ and with the necessary training In neck, two broken ribs. Injuries to field schools are showing a steady wlth his parents to Illinois and mew_ but there will be no contest lowing an Illness have not been . , _a i . . . .. . i --------— --------- ------- ---------- ------------- P1,n" ¿°r K * * * ” 1 H * 1» ,he> m0Ted “ > « ere he , or th<. two pIac„ unlea, fundamentals they wlll be very val­ hla kidney and many other serious Increase since tbe opening day made yet pending the arrival of re la tiv e It was announced at the party to be held at T ,y lo r h ,U ° “ i “ ttendfsd krade school and college pnou(rh namea are wrlttan to da. uable to the learn later In the sea­ Internal Injuries principals announce. At the Bret- ■ ' October 4, were made last T hu ra-! at Ottumwa. The full extent of hla Injuries tain school the enrollment now Poole funeral home In Eugene. son If needed and will be almoet I " ’’ — T* *, ; feat them as their names wlll ap- certain of placet a few years latsr cannot be determined In hla pres- stands at l#o as compared with 176 Mrs Tilton was born at Canyon- day eTe" ln< by “ em rs “ e At the age of 18 be went to pear alone on the November ballot. after they hare gained more > ent condition, aay his doctors on tbe opening day. At the Lln-> vllle. Oregon on June 4. 18«0 and ,No c ,r i‘ ..C.lub„ wh,lc\ me* W h i t e . t o w n , Wisconsin where he weight. i ........... coin school the enrollment has *l5“nt her childhood there. She was home of Miss Eunice Gerber, preal- geryed aeveral years as assessor. dent, for their first business session ! On May J2 1M1 he waa M r . TWO HONORED BY IUKA The Reedsport game, scheduled climbed (o 220. 20 more than were married to Henry 8. Tilton on May for this week-end at Reedsport has BARBARA BARNELL HAS AT MEETING LAST WEEK present for the first day. 81, 1877. He passed away in 1922. of the season. For the party Miss rled to M ,ag ximede Jones who, Ione Rhodes. Mrs W ild . Cotton aurTi VPa hlm as does five of their been advanced to a future date It PARTY ON SATURDAY At the high school the greatest She Is survived by two sisters. w ill was announced at the high school. enrollment gain has been recorded Mrs Emma Horn at Pendleton, and andMIss Maxine Snodgrass w,1> eight children. They are Charles | Mrs. Paul Myers (W anda Barnea) have charge of arrangements. Members of the Terpaecorean Carson of Mabel. John and Oeoi'ge and Mrs. Robert Carr were honored I.ast year the total enrollment dur­ club met at the home of Mias Bar ing the year was SIS. and on th e 1 Mm. J. H. Woods In Eugene; two Carson and Mrs. M. R. Adams of by members of Iuka circle at their OLD FEATURES GONE sons. Asa Tilton. Marcola. and Bari bars Barnell Haturday evening on Springfield. Mrs. Clifton Phillips of meeting last Thursday evening at opening day of school thia (all It Tilton In New Jersey; two daugh­ AENEAS CLUB MEMBERS IN FROSH IN ITIATIO N t|,e occasion of the birthdays of Ontario, and one brother. Edward the home of Mr». M yrtle Egglmann was 209 and this figure had been ters. Mrs. Viva Higgins at Trent, Mias Jean Ixiuk and Miss Florence ENTERTAINED TUESDAY1 who lives In Wisconsin. Ten grand- * m iaceitanenus show er w.n Increased to S08 Wednesday Indi­ and Mrs Lena Grover in New Jer­ The time-worn practice of using C IM r e . O . , « . . . O l. T , May The evening was spent with cating that the total enrollment f o r , paddles and paint In Initiating Members of the Aeneas club dancing, games and refreshments. this year was almost sure to ex-1 sey. She abo leaves 14 grandchil­ freshmen students Into the student dren and five great grandchildren. were entertained Tuesday after­ W . Carson, died 18 years ago on r b|Pf shower was given Mrs. Carr Present were Jean Louk. Florence the same date as his father’s death. who , , lparl„ K thi , week for Klam- reed that of the past season. body has been eliminated at least noon at the home of Mrs. C. E - , May. JoLana Putman. Irene An­ Mr. Carson was a member of the ath Fall to make her home. al Hprlngfleld high school It w a . , deri(On , jM<)ynp Black. p .y e H „, S w art, for a luncheon and social rhriat(an church Carpentering was BRUCE MAXEY STAYS announced following the annual Ini-1 erB|(n „ „ „ R ob|naon J MIGRATORY BIRD Miss Jot-ana Putman and Miss afternoon. Mrs. Swart- and Edna k ,a business. Jean Louk were named members IN SCOUT POINT LEAD ,°n •"«' “ >• Swart« were Joint hostesses. They STAMPS ARRIVE HERE at tin» high school gymnasium. . _________________ of a committee to asalst ta tbe For­ were assisted by Miss Helen For many yeara it has been the First place In the Boy Scout Swart-. Mrs. Lawrence May will SCHOOL BOARD TO NAME get-Me-Not sale for disabled veter­ A supply of the new migratory achievement contest remained In entertain for the October meeting custom to paint the underclass stu- HUGHES GETS OFFICE bird stamps to be attached to the BUDGET CROUP WED. ans. Ostober 5 and 8. dents and then make them run a ' the keeping of Bruce Maxey follow of the club. state hunting license were received The next meeting of the Circle IN BROTHERHOOD GROUP Monthly meeting of the Spring will be held October 4 at the home gnuntlet of paddlea wielded by the at the local poatofflee thia w eek.! Ing the weekly scout meeting Tues­ upperclasa men. This was ellmln field school board will be held of Mra T p Barker < Wm. G. Hughes was chosen sec­ The stamps, about the site of an or­ day evening. Maxey now haa 80 Wednesday evening at the City 5 _________________ ated thia year, following the gen­ retary-treasurer of the district dinary postage stamp, are printed I points. Hts closest rival la Scott BAPTIST MISSION BODY hall. Appointment of a budget com­ eral trend In most schools. Men’s Brotherhood of the Metho- In blue ink and have a picture of| W right with 73 points. Frank STUDIES TOPICS OF DAY A large crowd attended the tai- rhurrh , h. mM,t. two bird» In flight. They sell fo r' Rtuart and Billy Dow are tied for mittee to prepare the district bud- DISTRICT PAYS MUCH FOR tlatlnn ceremonies and a good pro- L h„,d Ku(f#|le Ml(ndav pven. 91.00 each and must be attached to, third place with 72 points each, Members of the Baptist Mission- j