LEGION MEMBERS TALK ELECTION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1VS4 THE SPRINGFIELD NBW8 PAGE FOUK REGISTER FIREARMS BEFORE SEPTEMBER 2« High Resala T ax Provided By Gov­ ernm ent On Q unt W ith Leos Than t*-lnch Barrote TOWN AND VICINITY GOSPEL ASSEMBLY WILL WRESTLING FANS WAIT HEAR BIBLE LECTURER CHANCE TO SEE BAER W o rld ’s H eavyw eight Champion To Full Schadula Of S tiv lo e a For Com­ ing W o tk Announced By A rb itra te M ain I v t n t At Mc­ Rov. Oolov Vogot A rth u r Court Tonight SCOUT GIRLS TO CAMP OVERNIGHT At Roooburg— Ml»i Mary Elisa­ Ill at Home*—Mtsa Sadie Gott la beth Whitney spent Sunday visit­ quite III at her home here accord­ Rev Octov Vogel will lecture at Troop Work Organiied Mon­ Thousands of Lane county wre»t- ing to her physician. A. Pohl Nominated Aa J W Maloney, collector of In­ ing with friends In Roseburg Itng fans are anxiously watting thia the Full Gospel Aasembly, 821 day Following Summer Va* Commander; Will Vote On ternal revenue at Portland, today Multi alre 4, Springfield, nightly Fish Tuesday—V. F Kgg.uianu cation; Room la Offered Move to City—Mr. and Mro. John evening when they will be given ■-ailed attention to the provisions Iteglnnlng Munday. September 24 It au opportunity of teeing Max Baer, and M B Huntly spent Tuesday Sept. 27; Ladies to Meet Ft tag» rah! of Fall Creek have of the National Firearms Act, re­ waa sun. m ined this week Ills sub fishing at Hubbard lake. Plun tor au overnight outing (or moved to Sprlugfleld for the win world'a heavyweight champion box M A Pohl was the ouly nominee quiring all per sous owning fire­ Jecta are to he as follow« er, perform In the ring at McAr members of the Sprlugfleld Girl ter They have rented their (arm arms as deflnied In the act to reg­ Drives to Salem— -Juhu D. Pyle for the office of commander of thu r court In Eugene Baer I" ache- Monday night "t'ltrl t on Kvolu Scout liuop to In* held at Itohtli Springfield American Legion post ister them with his office, without made a business trip to Salem Sat­ duled to officiate during the wain Don," drat chapter oi Helicals II Nun's lutt<*$i>« on the McKenale Visiting Brother—MDs Margaret delay. urday. number 4« when that organisation Klrklaud of Calgary. Alberta, Can event on III weekly wrestling card liislruted especially tor young pen river hiuliiy, September 28, were 'The term ’firearms' as defined met for (heir first fall aeaston last made lure Monday afleruonu at Vlgite in Portland—Miss Ireue ada is here visiting with her bro­ which tills week will he between |ile. Thursday evening at Taylor Hall. in the National Firearms Act.” said ()pie speul Sunday visiting reht Tuesday evening "Introduction" the first fall meeting of the Spring ther. M. C. Kirkland While her« Rod Penton and l*n«cnul Castillo Collector Mtiloney, "Includes all Other nominations made at the Bulldog Jackson meets Jililinle I Actors and Scenes In the Hook of field Gill Scout troop Th» meet lives In I’ortland she Is a guest at the home of Mias meeting Included M B. Huntly sa shotguns aud rifles with barrels lug wa« held nt the Lincoln school Kv -lyn Buell and of Mr aud Mrs. Black, Mickey McGuire me la Revelation). less than eighteen inches In length, vice commander; Clayton F. Far Visits at Independence — Mins Wayue tNumbaugh. and Cowboy Wednesday "The Church and where u special room lias been Eugene McKIhaaiy any other weapon, except a pistol Ina t’lemeut s|ienl Saturday at In­ ber, ail Jutant; and J. M Larson, llelnx meets Autone Leltlunc In Tribulation Snlnla " «el imide for hae of the Scout troop or revolver, from which a ahot Is dependence visiting with friends. finance officer. the three preliminary events during the 'chiiol year discharged by an exploeive. If such Thursdnv. "The Jugenients,” II F B Hamlin. H. O. Dibblee and Harry Elliott will officiate for C. E. WILL HAVE CHARGE At the meeting Friday Teddy Ill a t Home— Mrs. Mary McPher­ Igstraled Dr. W. H. Pollard were named can­ weapon can be concealed on the these eventa Wright. Helen Putman and Ixiu son is quite ill at her home again person, machine guns, and rufflers OF EVENING SERVICE Friday—"The Sun Clad Woman didates for the executive commit­ Prlcea will remain the tame for Ise Smith were elected patrol lead and silencers. this week. and the Scarlet Woman. Will Bab­ tee. this week'a program according to era for the yaar. Their lieutenants The Christian Endeavor society "There are a number of shotguns ylon be Rebuilt»" Further nominations may be R eturns Home— Dave O 'L a ffe rty Herb Owen, promoter. will be Peggy Wright. Roberta and of the Christian church will have on the market which have barrels made at the meeting of the post has returned to his home In Spring- Saturday— "Fulltllled Prophesy Ila Putman Teddy Wright waa charge of the services at the less than 18 Inches in length, that to be held September 27. at which field following an extended visit lu Pallitlna Today," fully Illustra­ choaen treasurer, and Loulae Smith Christian church Sunday evening LUMBER PRODUCTION are sold under various trade names, time elections will be held ted. in California. aa librarian. Miss Vtdlne Gartin will be the REMAINS AT LOW LEVEL Members of the Legion auxiliary as handy guns, burglar guns, game- Sunday morning- - "The Sevao speaker. Mary Hadley will reed the Ml«a Eunice Gerber 1« troop cap getters. etc., which come within Guest at Hotel—Claude G. Wat­ did not meet last Thursday even­ Gains which are uaually itianl Miracles of Calvary.” ¡ferlpture. and Mrs. Roland Mush­ tain agu'n thia rear anil la very the definition of a firearm, under son of Oukland. California, was a ing They will call a meeting some ier will alng a solo. William Cox. test In lumber movement due to pleased with the offer of the meet afternoon at which time they will the act. and it Is necessary for week-end guest at the Springfield president, will preside during the fall buying along the Atlantic coast LODGE ANNIVERSARY Ing quarters nt tin- Lincoln school them to be registered by the own hotel. consider uew officers for their or­ service which has aa Its theme, and In the rail trade area of the ers with this office. PROGRAM HAS VISITORS This will give the girls au oppur ganisation. V la it at Grants Pas»— Mr. and "Counting the Coat." Pearl Helter middle weal have failed Io matin' tunlly to dl plav their work and "Revolvers and pistols are not subject to registration, nor rifles Mrs. Albert I’eteraon spent the brand will be the tong leader and tattle ao far thia aeaaou. Instead More than 80 person-, were pre« will provide them with more work CARPENTER APPOINTED or shotguns with barrels 18 inches week-end visiting with friends at Marjorie Taylor, pianist. The ser­ both of theae trade« are ahowlug < nt for the elghly-thlrd anniversary room for their projects Grant Pass. leas busineaa aaya the Weat t'oaat irograui of the Hehakah lodge vice will start M 8 o'clock EXTENSION MAN AT O.S.C. or more In length. "All persons or firms owning Has Operation— Mrs. Genevieve The Bible school will meet at Lumbermen'! aaaoclatlon The Iw which was observed at the weekly BUY WESTERN GOODS Paul Carpenter, for eight years firearms which are subject to reg­ Gulley underweut a tuujor opera mediate future of the bualnesa la gathering of Juanita lodge of 9:45 and at the morning service at CAMPAIGN IS STARTED extension specialist In agricultural istration should write the Collector lion at the Kugeu* h opltal In Eu­ uncertain due to the absence el Springfield Monday evening In II 00 o'clock Rev. V E. Hoven of economics at Montana State col­ of Internal Revenue. 210 Customs building tn the nation and the ef < hided among the gucsta prevent gene Monday. Commencing with a nightly the Eugene Bible college will lege. has been appointed to a simi­ House. Portland. Oregon, at once feet of the drought In the middle were Mr. and Mrs. W A Ullbert, broudcusl over radio station KEX preach There will be special lar position at Oregon State col­ for blanks on which to register the Runs Feed Store— Delbert Mit­ weat. Mr«. Berthu Pearin. Mrs Martha In Portland at 8:30. an Intensive music The regular Christian En­ lege. where he will succeed George same, as this must be done not chell Is managing the Adams Feed Production continues to remain Littlefield. Dr. L. L Baker, paat campaign Io encourage the pur­ deavor society program will be O. Gatlin, resigned, as extension later than September 28. 193-1. and Seed store during the absence above new bualneaa. and total pro­ grand master' sud Herbert Walk chase of wealeru products by weat- held at 7 o'clock. specialist In cooperative marketing. of Marlon Adams who is on a hunt­ duction la gradually being slowed er. P. G. K Following «liort talks ern peofle has been launched by "When these registered firearms Carpenter is already well known are transferred it will be necessary ing trip. down In the entire area Yard In­ by the latter two the group en the Oregon Manufacturers associa in many parts of Oregon having for the purchaser to pay a transfer ventories are 16 percent more than Joyed refreshments In the dining timi under the direction of Its D rive to Dallas—Mr. and Mrs. W •erved both east and west of the tax of $200 to the Federal govern­ at thia time last year. room manager, George L Baker, former .. — + mountains as county agent. He was ment. and secure application blanks E. Buell drove to Dallas Sunday --------------- During the business meeting a mayor of Portland. to visit with hi : mother. Mrs. ('ari­ for two vears county agent In Polk for that purpose from the collector Mr. and Mrs K E. Kilpatrick and CRAWFORD-CABLE IN ways and means committee for the The campaign will Include an ex- etta Buell, who is quite ill. "ounty. and was then transferred of internal revenue." children. Betty and Vernon, stop­ next six mouths waa appointed by tenalve display of Oregon products "CHAINED" AT McDONALD to Baker county, serving for three Collects Bounty—Sam Swafford p'd at Pleasant HUI last week en­ the Noble Grand and Included Mra. at the International Livestock Ex­ years MIGRATORY BIRD STAMPS of I.eaburg collected the county route to Phllonath to get their In "Chained", opening at the Mc­ Ixittle Fisher. Ernest Black. Elmer position and tn November a state­ bounty of $4 on one coyot- Satur­ household posses'tons and move Donald theatre Sunday Joan Craw­ Pyne, Clarlne Putman, and Bernice wide Oregon pjroducts drive will LODGE MEMBERS ATTEND OFFERED FOR SALE HERE day at the office nt the county them to Reno where Mr. Kilpatrick ford and Clark Gable are co-star­ Conoly. Mra W F Walker wa» he held again The campaign will will be superintendent of schools red In a story written especially appointed supply captalu (or the continue throughout the winter MEET AT JUNCTION CITY The Springfield postoffice has clerk. this whiter. Mr Kilpatrick und for them by Edgar Selwyn. noted degree train for alx month» mo (Aha been designated as one of the Leave for East— Mr and Mrs. Several members of Juanita Re­ places where the new federal mig­ William Curtis left Sunday for a family spent the summer In Cali­ writer, director and producer. bekah lodge drove to Junction City ratory bird stamps may be pur­ six-week trip to Chicago and east­ fornia. They are cast In (he kind of roles Ettu May Wangvlln who has been which each has made famous— last Thursday evening to attend chased by hunters. The stamps are ern cities where they will visit re­ the visitation meeting of the As­ usually offered for sale In county latives before returning to Oregon spending the summer with her Joan as a vivid young lady of Man­ mother Mr'. O. A. Wangelln left hattan. and Clark as a young Am­ sembly president. Mrs. Grace Chris seat towns and in cities with popu­ tereon of Portland. Those In the lations over 2500. Back to School— Jack Juckson. for h»r home In Phoenix Mondav erican rancher In Buenos Aires rroup were Mis Eunice Gerber. With Otto Kruger as the "other These stamp: cost $1.00 and are Junior in electrical engineering at night. Mr and Mrs Andy Olson and man." a rich, g ntlemnnly. middle, Miss Maxine Snodgrass, Miss Erma to he attached to the hunting lic­ Oregon State college, will leave Volt. Miss Bernice Conolv. Miss ense issued by the state. The hunt­ this week-end for the school to re children, Belle. Henry and Bobble aged New Yorker also In love with pent the weekend at Heceta Joan the lory takes on dramatic Fleanor Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Lee ing of migratory birds without the sume hi; studies. T H E IR D O U B L E A R T IS T R Y ! beach returning by way of Reeds row er. Putman Mr and Mrs. Lynn Stone. federal stamp is unlawful Funds Drives to Portland— Mi s Edna port and Drain. .Mr . Ellen Barker. Mrs. Sarah derived from the sale of the stamps Following the new trend of faat Gould made a business trip to Mrs. E B Tinker and two chil­ moving locale, the background Johns. Mrs. Fred Look. Miss Mary are to be uw.d for the propagation Portland Tuesday taking some dren. Teddy Md Dorothy. Mrs. (). acaiuat which the action takes Ann Louk and Miss Edna Swarts. ard development work among wild children from latne county to the A. Wagelln and Mrs. Emma Weyer ttlace Is as swift changing as the: game. Dorenbecker hospital. who spent last week at Heceta drama Ita-lf Beginning with a sun , “GOD AND LABORER” TO Return from Roundup — Sam beach returned Sunday by way of flecked motorboat sequence on i BE SUBJECT OF SERMON ENOUGH PULP WOOD ON Now York hnv the locale swlftlv I Sweeney. J. E. Sweeney, and Rob­ the Alsea highway Pleasant Hill public school open­ shifts to Manhattan, then to a lux COAST FOR NATION ert Millican returned Sunday from 'God and the I-aboring Man." Pendleton where they attended the ed September 17 with Mr« G A uriou liner nt sea then to Buenos will be the subject of the evening Western Washington and Oregon Brown principal teacher of the Aires, South America, out onto a sermon at 7:30 at the Baptist contain enough potential pulpwood annual round up. lower grades and Mrs. Rose Both- great ranch, hack to New York AN M-G M PICTURE church Sunday according to Rev. to supply all the pulp mills of the Leaves Creamery— Miss Marg well teacher of the upper grades and thus to a smart mountain re R E. Rolens pastor. For the morn­ I’nited States for fifty years, ac­ aret Gorrle has left the Springfield Only within the last two >eeks sort tn the north. ing service. Rev. Rolens will preach cording to Thornton T. Munger, creamery office aud her place la was It decided to have two teach­ The story Itself concerns a beau on the subject. "The Greatest Per­ director of Pacific Northwest For­ being taken by Miss Lucille Clear­ OPENS SUNDAY ers. Enough children have moved tlful glr! who deliberately breaks sonality the World Has Known.” est Experiment Station. With Inten­ water. Into the district during the sum one man's heart to save a man to FOR 4 DAYS! sive forest management, according mer to warrant 11. whom she ts Indebted from suffer­ Takes Vacation—Miss Lulu Me- 600 Seats 15c to Manger, thp forest acreage In CARD CLUB MEMBERS Pleasant Hill high school opened ing Then he bravely faces the Pheraon is taking her second this area can grow annually suf­ September 10 with Perry Price as dramatic consequences, with the CALL MEETING TONIGHT ficient pulpwood to supply the pres­ week's vacation at the Mountain principal. Mrs. Jean Eberhart and surprise ending a happy one for States Power company office this Mrs F. F Cooper assistants. Miss all three. A called meeting of th O-No ent needs of the nation's pulp and f week. l-oree Laird will teach music and bridge club will be held this even­ paper Industry indefinitely. Stuart Erwin plays the part of ing at the home of Miss Eunice -------------------------- Works at Mill— Pi. L. Pollard la dramatics twice a week Gable's friend, whose wise obser-! The Helping Hand club of Trent vatlons add flavor to the rapidly < Gerber, club president. Plans for Brighten copper or brass by ! working in the machine shop at the fall activities of the club will washing In water to which a little the Booth-Kelly lumber company met at the home of Mrs W. L. paced atory. be taken up at the me-ting. salt and vinegar hare been added sawmill in Springfield during the Wheeler last Wednesday afternoon Una O’Connor and Marjorie _____ __ _ _ absence of Phil Koehler, mach­ and worked on quilts. The next Oateaon are equally well raat as inist who is deer-huntlng. meeting will be an all day meet­ Joan's companion, and Kruger’s ing with potluck dinner at noon, wife, respectively. Also featured Recovering from Illness — Mrs with Mrs. Mae Maltzan. are Paul Porcaal, Akim Tamlroff Iairson Wright Is recovering at her The A. B. C. study club meets and Ralph Bushman home from an Illness of the past with Mrs Arnold at Trent next week She wa« at the Pacific hos­ Friday afternoon. Every member ts pital for a short while over the urged to be present for a election ALLEGED EMBEZZLEMENT CHARGED IN COURT SUIT week-end. of officers PLAN TO HE HERE ANU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF Bob Raughman of Trent has According to a dispatch from the THE NXCBI’TIONAL SAVING EDR THESE BAR­ METHODISTS PLAN FOR leased the gas station known as Morning Oregonian, suit for $3,- GAIN DAYS. YOU’LL KIND THE NEWEST MATER­ Mac's station near Judkins point FOURTH QUARTER MEET 195.57 fidelity insurance waa filed IAL HERE AT THE LOWEST I’RR'ES. RE HERE and has taken charge. In federal court this week by the Sunday Church school meets at Trent school onened Monday, Pacific Cooperative Poultry Prod­ TI1UR8DAY 9:45. There are classes for each September 17, with Floyd Matiney ucer« BHHOclatlon against the Hart­ At left Is shown Philco 45- age group. The theme of the morn­ and Veda Daley aa teachers Both ford Accident and Indemnity com­ TWEEDIE SUITING— ing worship service at 11 o'clock Mr Matiney and Miss Dalev are pany. The complaint alleges that Fast Color, New Fall Patterns, Special, yd- L. A beautiful lowboy feat­ led by Rev Dean C. Poindexter Is: graduates of the Pleasant Hill high the Insurance company failed to uring World-Wave Recep­ “For This Cause Came I.” The school and State Normal school. «attle for the amount of the suit FAST COLOR BROADCLOTHS— Hl»h School League which meets Miss Shlrlev Wiley a graduate of which they state was lost through 36 inches Wide, Fast Colors yd- tion and Glorious Tone in at 7 p. m. will continue their dis­ th» Pleasant Hill high school visit­ embezzlement of Jtalpli Mavlty cission of "The Place of Educa- ed friends at Pleasant Hill last Ferry, ex-branch manager at Eu­ a cabinet that is the latest SILK PONGEE— Itoo In the Young Christian’s Life." Friday on her way to Portland gene until January 2, 1934. Imported All Silk. A real value yd. thing in Lowboy Styling. The Wesleyan league, meeting at from California where she spent the same hour will study "The the summer. Encampment To Meet— A pot­ ROUGH WEAVE SILK CREPE— Building of a Worship Service.” Sheldon Htntz will leave Sunday luck dinner at 6:46 will start thej under the leadership of the pastor. Heavy All Silk, Very New yd* for Bellingham, Wash,, where he Only evening for Wlmawhala Encamp­ Dr. Louis Magin. district superin­ will attend Washington State col- ment of I. O. O. F. at the Temple tendent, will be present on Wed­ lege GENUINE "INDIAN H E A D "— In Eugene, according Io E. E. Pyne,, nesday evening and conduct the Solid Colors. Priced Low yd- chief patriarch. fourth quarterly conference. This will be a Joint meeting with the TO ALL WHO SUFFER Complete 26 INCH OUTING FLANNEL— ------ Coburg officials coming here. STOMACH AGONY 2 4 th A nn uit I Solid Colors. A real saving yd* Coburgh M. E. Church The morning message will be: Gas and Indigestion 36 INCH OUTING FLANNEI__ Must Go or Money Back “The Purpose of Life.” The hour INTERNATIONAL Solid or Patrernn, good quality yd* Is 9 46, with Rev. Dean C. Poindex­ During the paat year thousand« LIVESTOCK ter bringing the message. The 36 INCH STYLE PRINTS— Sunday Church school will meet of sufferers from severe and dis­ tressing Indigestion have blessed Vat Dyed. Plaid and Stripe at 10:46. yd- the day they first heard of this grandest of all stomach medicine«. Not only will Dare’« Mentha PURE SILK FLAT CREPE— NOTICE TO CREDITORS Printed and solid patterns. Washable yd- IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Pep«ln, a pleasant tasting elixir, STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE relieve the moat severe attacks of stomach agony, but taken regular­ COUNTY. RAYON FAILLE CREPE— In the Matter of the Estate of J. O. ly will help to overcome the moat distressing stomach trouble that r « a o f -I h Fall Patterns. Priced Low yd- Watts, deceased. A llO W A N C f exists. « Notice la hereby given that Mary SMAU DOWN Thousands In this part of the L. Wallace has been by the above stale know It so If your stomach COMFORT COTTON BATTS— Real performance n ' t M t n t entitled court appointed adminis­ keeps you feeling miserable, start Full 3 Pounds, stitched ea. tratrix In the above entitled mat­ Handsome new 19 15 PORTLAND, OREGON to make It strong and healthy to­ ter. day—one bottle of Dare’s Mentha Baby Grand Cabinet All persons baring claims against Pepsin Is guaranteed by all drug­ October 6 to 13 TURKISH TOWELS— Raid estate are required to present gists I * Shew» la O n e — II otra» vagar one to help you more than any­ Glorious tone 20 x 40 inches, pastel color borders 2 for said claims properly verified to thing you ever tried or money reef. la h ib itt et p e ra .bred UvMleck, the undersigned administratrix at back. Oegi, Revltry, Ret Stock, W ild life , (end the law office of C. A. Wlntermeler Rreduct», Monvfactered Rredect», 4 M In Eugene, Oregon within six C lebead Smlth-HvghMVecetlenal Id » month« from thia 20th day of 8ept„ «etten Wnrkj Combination Horta Show 1934 MARY L. WALLACE adminis­ HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT tratrix 77 East Broadway Eugene, Oregon LARO! PREMIUM LIETE C. A WINTERMRIER, attorney. an aid To igestioni V' ' DI ICF D FAOF (B 20-27— O 4-11-2«) M. Upper Willamette < M'lHESAl.ll > THE STORY THAT DEMANDED JSÜCRAWFORD CLARK GABLE Cmmrt BARGAIN SALE of Piece Goods New 1935 4 Big Days of Saving Philco Radio 19c 12c 17c 99 C $59 .95 27c PACIFIC 9c 12c 12c £9c 43c RODEO 69c 25c Wright & Sons F>. D A R E 'S D Williams’ Sell Service Store