THURSDAY. HEPTBMUIBK 20, 1»84 THF, SPRINGFIELD NEWS NORMAL 9CHOOL8 PLACE HIGH PER CENT OF GRADS Sherteqe O f Teachera In Few Tsars Predicted By Head Of T rain in g W ork W M E I 10 6E PAID IN CLEANUP WHO IS WHO and What They Do PAOl 0 A ClaeaHied Directory of Reliable Buainaaa Firms and Profeeaional People Thia Newspaper Recommends to You. Approximately Ml per cent of the Oregon Dairy Farmer* Offer-1 1884 graduates of (he (lire« Oregon ad Government Fund* For normal schools who desired to Fl lit ÜA1.1C Uoud used wood Abortion Infected Cattle teni'h were pluo-d In positiolla for ran*«». Ml Slates Power Co. If Feed-8eed-Hay Auctioneers the routing your, according to a Provision* of tbe Jones-Connelly Ko It SALK W indfall Applea, Jbt, report Juat received by (lie diet bill passed at tbe last session of W. I,. BRAY ADAMS FEED ft SEED par liuahel T. J Maxwell, route *h»n *‘t Information of the elate G EN ER A L AU CTIO NEER STORE I, Eugeujr M 17 I ayateiu from J A. Churchill. direc­ congress provide Oregon dairymen Ka’i tu Malea and Livestock Our with tbe first opportunity they Full line of Feed, Beed and Hay. tor of elementary t»acher training. have ever bad of ridding their Speclaity. Custom Grinding. Cleaning and M»HT Notebook In pay telephone Diploma were granted Io a total Coiiimanlty Sales Mixing. A Home Gwned Institution. bootb. Hprlugfleld Iteward If of 310 atudenla at the three nor­ herds of anlmala afflicted with Every Wednesday I l l — 6th Ht. Springfield. Pb. 3 returned to K It lo«af, 11« H W mal schools during the peat year Hang's disease (rontageoua abor- 1 loti I while being paid Indemnities 111 Main St. Hprlugfleld Waaliliigtoh Street, Portland. und. of the 3«,3 who dealred Jobe. Oregon Feed ft Reed Co., Inc. ugulnel excessive loas, aay officials FOR HALF, one R A M II. I* range 28« hud been >1'flultely placed by ■if ihe dairy department at Oregon Auto Dealers_______ Good Luck Manamar Poultry and ueed. In good condition Mt. September I. Twenty-seven of the HI ate college. Dairy Feeds ANDERSON MOTORS, INC. States Power Co. If. uruduNlea ptunned to go on to col­ Prosper W ith Manamar Thia law. which considers tbe lege or for other rnnaonu did not Expert Repairing — All Work Heed Cleaning a Speciality. eradication of thia disease to be a Guaranteed. W A N T E D Ulrl for general house­ nek for teacher placement ’ Delivery Phone <11 public health measure, la being ad- A prediction that there will be a work. Prefer one who can go Gas, Oil, Tires and Batteries 206 K. 6tb St.. Cor. High Eugene ministered by tbe bureau of animal home uighta Mra, W illard Coch­ scarcity of elementary teachera In Industry of tha United States de­ 6th and A Sts., Springfield Ph. «1 PACIFIC FEED A SUPPLY CO ran, Hprlugfleld Junctlou HIS 10 Oregon within two yeara la made partment of agriculture, In coopera­ by Otrector Ch-irchlll In fhe report EUGENE BOO DEPOT B R O W N M O TO R CO. W ANTED Haleaman W ill pay lie polule nut that (lie normal an­ tion with the atate colleges and tbe We Pack and Grade Eggs for the atate departments of agriculture. CHRYSLER and PLYM O U TH good commlaalou Io man who nual turnover of elementary teach- Merchants of Eugene and Spring- Hales and Service To Cover Entire State cun aell. W rite X care Hprlugfleld era In Oregon waa established at field. In Oregon the work will he under Complete Automotive Service Newa 13(10 by the federal commlaalon Cor. 5th and W illam ette St. Open Day and Night which mude a aurvey of higher edu­ the leadership of Dr. S. B. Foster, Phone 1(1 Eugene. Ore., representative of the It A. I. In Ilf* East Broadway Phone 1757 NOTICE OP P IN A L HBARINQ cation In the atate. To provide re­ Portland. Plana are now completed Eugene. Oregon Furniture Notice la hereby given that (be placements for thia turnover, Dt Io cover Ihe slate county by county, County Court of l-aue County, Ore­ rector Churchill feela that 110 nor­ giving farmers an opportunity to JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. H C H E R E R M O TO R CO. gon, baa fixed 10:00 A. M of Hut mal achool gradualea a year would Ranges and Circulators sign the contracts with the gov- urday. Oct. 6. 111«. at (ha rooms be entirely Inadequate. B t’ ICK — O LDSM OBILK — of Ibe court, lu the county Cnurl Several Lines including Montag. PONTIAC "The preaent turnover and conse­ eminent under which (bey will be llouae in Kugeue, Oregon, aa the paid for disposing of reacting aul-i Linoleum—Inlaid and Felt Base Motor Cars quent replacement la abnormally time and place when tbe final ac­ Attractive Prices on Furniture HALEB and SERVICE count of Elmer Strand, admlnlatra low," Director Churchill point* out, mala. and Ruga. tor of tbe eatate of Jeunte Strand, "Many are now teaching who would, Under Ihe new federal plan,! 7th and Olive Sts. — Phone 166 Deceased, will be taken up for al- not be If the head of the houaehold those who sign Ibe contracts will See Us Before You Buy Eugene, Oregon. owaure aud an order made for tbe agree to have their herd tested free We Deliver Phone 1118 dlatrlbutlon of the remaining aaaeta could find profitable employment. 648 W illam ette Eugene Auto Wreckers * of said eatate All peraona Inter Because of economic condltlona. of charge, and. In case reactors are eeted therein may appear at aald many young women either defer found, will dispose of them and 10';i off with thia coupon Groceries lime and be beard In reference marriage or. on getting married, i lean up the premises In an ap­ Phone 3283 Red Read. Mgr thereto. proved manner, and will continue ICLMKit STRAND. Admlnlatra continue to teach Inatead of be- TOOMB S GROCERY East Side Auto Wreckers coming homrmakera For several the testing at Intervals after the tor. Caed Cars. Trucks and Traitera 1 Fancy Groceries. Fruits, Vegetables! S I) A LLEN. Attorney for Katate yeara Portland and other large rleanup la made. Generator, Armature A Electrical i Dairy Products. Soda Fountain (R «13 20-27 —___________ W ill Bat Valuations cltlea have employed relatively few Free Delivery Service. In return the government agrees new teachera, but aa teachera re- L. L. RAY Eugene, Ore 621 — 6th St. Springfield. PH. 10 Attorney at Law algned thoee already employed to have the animals appraised that 21146 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon were a|ven an Increased load." M in er Bide-. N O T IC E T O C R E D I T O R S ------------------------------- are found to be reactors and to Beauty Parlor* DIBBLEE'S pay the difference within certain RED & WHITE GROCERY limits between such appralaed Perm anent Push Waves value and the amount tbe animal Phone 4 »1.76 and Up brings for slaughter. The amount The BR O W NIE BEA UTY 8H O PPE Cor. 4th and Main Sta.. Springfield of cash the government will add Apprentice Finger Wave 26c. Hospitals to the "salvage" value of an ani­ Shampoo A Finger Wuve 60< mal 1« |10 for a grade and 150 for 841 W illamette, Eugene, Ph. 4<> PACIFIC HOSPITAL, a purebred. INC. The blood samples w ill be tested | Battery Service 12tb and Hilysrd In the laboratories at Oregon Statej Phone 2600 67 E. Broadway Eugene, Ore. college where veterinarians many | Eugene. Oregon PERRY’S yeara ago worked out one of the B A T T E R IE S . B R A K E S flrat successful methods of con­ EUGENE HOSPITAL IG N IT IO N . MOTOR WORK. trolling thia disease In dairy herds 'The Friendly Institution" Wheel Aligning. Oregon la already In the fore­ Phone 1800 "Any Service—-Any Car" front of the states In Bang's dis­ Eugene Ph. 767 Eugene 1162 W illam ette ease control work, thousands of 725 Oak NOTICE! IS HER EBY G IVEN J O IN T P IC N IC C A I I F n That Fred Kerr haa been uppotot-| ' PICNIC CALLED cd executor of the Last W ill and OFF BY LION MEMBERS Testament of Margaret Karr, de­ ceased. by the County Court of Members of the Hprlugfleld Lions I^ n e County, Oregon. All pernons having claim« against aald eatate club were notified thia week that are required to present them. It would be linpos-lblc to hold the with the proper vouchers, within J(jln, p.,..,,,,. wh|,-h had plan. ■lx months from the 23rd day of . . .. _ ,, .. „ August, 111«, to the aald executor by ,h" Co“ »!«1 O™ve at tbe law office of I., L Ray In ' *n. « h and 5tb Hta I-ane County. Oregon together Springfield Open T ill Midnight with the tenements, heredita­ ment« and appurtenances there- LET'S EAT unto belonging or appertaining. Said aale la made under execu- at the N EW M AM M Y'S CABIN. The reason for the New Cabin la public ¡ ,,on '««ned out of the Circuit Court . . . ... of the State of Oregon for the demand for larger accommodations. CouDty mp ,n Chicken A T-Bone Steaks aa usual. the case of W O. Irvlo and Lucy Irvin ; VS. Edith D Foster, unmar­ Special 9u«day Entertainment. Judkins Point The same location. ried, W inifred Stewart and George Stewart, her husband. Pacific Highway Ph. 2778 C A. SW ARTS Sheriff of Lane Countv. Oregon. Schoola-Collegea W W. ED M I8T O N . Deputy. IS 13-20-27— 04-11) X-Ray Diagnosis — Hours 8 to 12 Tran*f*r A Storage 1 to 6 and by appointment. DR. MILTON V. WALKER MOVING— Our Plano and Furni­ Office Phone 8 — Res. I'hone <7, Surgery and Diseases of Women ture Movers are Experts. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Springfield j 4th and M„ n g ,,. Springfield STORAGE — Concerte Building, Phone 82-J Reasonable Rates. Reliability. Electrical Industri** RACKING — Experienced H e l p Springfield Electric Supply Means Safety and Protection. MELVILLE 8. JONES, M. D. W iring. General Contracting Surgery and Diseases of Women PACIFIC TRANSFER ft O. E. lotmps, Universal Household « X-Ray and Physiotherapy STORAGE CO. Electrical Supplies. 68U 6th. Ave. W. Eugene. Ph. 74 Springfield, Oregon General Repairing If no answer Call 104-R Springfield National Bank Bldg. Ph. 48 442 Main Inspect our New Installation at the State Game Farm. Westinghouse lotmps and Appliances. THREE a reliable young a a n , now em­ ployed with FO R ESIG HT, fair education and mechanical in­ clinations. who la willing to train spare tim e or evenings In Springfield to qualify aa IN ­ S T A L L A T IO N and SERVICE expert on all types of Electric Refrigerator». For Interview write, giving age and preaent occupation. U T IL IT IK * ENQ INEKR IN Q IN S T IT U T E 404 N. Wells St.. Chicago, 111. BY TRAIN TO CALIFORNIA Ride in big, comfortable coaches on smooth steel rails. Tourist berth for the night as little as >1 extra. See your local agent or write I. A. Ortnanav, 709 Pacific Bldg., Portlana, Ore.