PAGE TWO THURSDAY. HEPTBMHKK 20, 1X84 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Richard drove the cur atralght lug alinosi all hla power ne a duo- sweeping the hack porch and slow ­ Into hla garage By that lim e Hod (or and alt older man In keep litui ed to a walk. "I ain't gwlnter let on ter tlat ole dy had aagged over and gone to qulel »ben old Saw called litui front thè etalrs. Imp oh Retag!" she mumbled to sleep. Rh hard called Io his man Published Every Thursday at "thiniebody down heah, Miai* heraelf. "she's too big fish nigger Springfield. Lane County. Oregon bv "Sant! Ilere—yon go up and tell anyway«— I rlckoo mv folks* a Mummy Folk she can visit her cou­ Richard I'* THE W ILLAMETTE PRESS heap b e tla h den hern Mis' l*olk." sin tonight Send, her packing. lu Ihe ball slood Nancy. tilie was H. E. MAXEY. Editor «4 «• «MB she said aloud, with dignity, Then you come back here and help bareheaded and she alili wora Ibe "where's de doctah St?" me get this boy Into the house aud frock In which she had gone to the Enteied as second class matter, February 14. 1*03. at the poetofttce. Richard had just dismissed I aims gee Into lied ” Springfield, Oregon patllent and was standing by bis Sam went, aud, half an hour "lllchnrd. where's Itinldy? I must desk looking tall and thin In his luter. Roddy Gordon was «sleep see my brother!" M AIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE white office cort. lie thought II in the room next to Richard's He U te Year tu Advance >1 50 Six Months 1100 Then, as he hesitated she broke was Mammy l*olk aud did not look •1-pt heavily at first, but toward Two Years In advance *2 50 Three Months 60c out angrily up until Amanda cough,nt For an midnight. lie becanio violently III "II" h» n't diphtheria! Muinu THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1*34 instant he did not recognise her. W H A T H A S ( M IN E B E F O R E ------- Wher wherah father?" he ask­ an,l. when lie did. h r face hard, -it end Richard fought a hard bailie (old in I i ll it si see hliu. I've gol with a touch of delirium III II. Nancy Gordon trades herself In ed thickly. n right 1» see him where le he?” c l In spite of himself ••LET’S QUIT KILLING!” marriage for fifteen thousand dol "Musi have been soaking him elf “lie'« In Richmond, dear." she Hlihui'd turned to Ihe etalrs "What la It Amanda?" tars - the price of her family hoe Automobile accidents have increased alarm ingly du r­ or and the freedom of her brother, , aught at hla arm. looking up into She courtesied. folding her hands ulid got some wood alcohol, loo," “lie's up here he's sober You ing the last few m onths in Oregon. Since the first of the Roddy, who stole, for a woman, his face, "Why. Roddy, you're ill. Into her apron "Mis' llordou seu Richard thought. Milling up may see him." year ISO |>eople have been killed and 3068 injured by au to ­ that amount from the banh in which your eyes are all bloodshot ta k e 'nle f0- yo-nl| «„h She ses Mint' At two o'clock In Ihe inorulng, Thai wna all; lie did mil even works Nancy, deaperately In off your hat. dear!" mobiles. T here is a state-w ide movement headed by the he | Roddy done gone e*nxy. yeasuh. an* Itoddv was realty very III; It took look al h -r aa lie led the way up love with young Page Roemer all Rlchard'a time and skill to lurn stairs. governor to prevent further killing. You should take it 1 and Richard la loved by Helena lie laughed foolishly, starting she wunls. yo' ter come quick." the tide In hla favor seriously. : Ha,hlon. a sophisticated young mar away from her again aud catching Richard frowned, "Craxy? Rod At the iloor of Roddy's room s e e rled woman Klngdon Haddon. at the door-post for support. Gordon? What an you mean. Aman Richard stepped bach for Nancy to School has opened and there are more children passing Helena's husband, sees the elopers It was five o'clock now aud broad outer. The girl stood still an In along our streets morning, noon and night. It behooves but holds his counsel. After the “Whatsh th' mattersh with my d a r Nancy returns to her hat?" he demanded, taking It off 4manda edged closer, pleating day. Richard «rent downstairs and atant. her hand pressed against everyone of us who drive autom obiles to exercise the u t­ ceremony. home, and continues to see Page most care. Nobody wants to kill a child yet m any are who urges her to divorce her hue- and smiling nt It Idiotically, "nice her apron demurely; then she look­ made some strong coffee. When he her breast. old peach of a hat—" he spun- It ed up sideways and gave him a went bach to his patient. Roddy killed by carelessness every year. lutnd Mr. Gordon, to release hit "Don't let Roddy frighten you." daughter from what he considers around on one finger, giggling sud wink-—as one n o n of the world was awake and terribly sober Ha Richard managed stiffly, hie voice There are those am ong us who have let fast and reck­ her shameful marriage, sells hit denly. Then he began to »Ing to another. cboked down the hoi coffee and sounding harsh. "He's been under less driving become a habit in their lives. They should a t ­ house to his friend Major Lomax, loudly "He ain't crasy. no suh, he's jes* wanted to k ill himself ihe Influence o. too much liquor who rents it to the original owner. tempt to reform before they kill someone. T here are those "How did I get here?" he naked "Where did you get that hatsb?' drunk, hut hla ma's takln' on an* Helena Is jealous of Richard's in He's come out of II with a head who drive a car and let their mind w ander on other things. jteresl blankly. his pu ain't home—I reckon It's in Nancy, although she "Where did you get thal hatsh F* ache and the blue devils Don't lei Someday they will wake-up from shock but there may be knows nothing of the marriage Richard told him. feeling bis “Roddy!" his mother gave a lit je ' as well anyways. Mist' Gordon a corpse laying in the road. A good rule is when operating and tries o make trouble. Once tie cry of horror; she seised his ain't gwlnter stand no foolin’, no pulse. "You’re better Keep quiet, It frighten you ” an automobile keep your mind on the business of driving Page comes to Nancy's home and arm and shook him. "l-uok at ine. suh'" old man No one knows but your Nancy's head went up; she love o her. Nancy Is frantic and the car under control. Take every precaution to pre­ makes Roddy drunk* Richard would not mother." thought he fell that they heaped —she loves Page but refuses to go Roddy, don't you know me? It's vent killing people. remember (hat the boy had ever "My mother?*' Roddy groaned their troubles on him—she and her back on her bargain with Richard mother!" by divorcing him. had the falling of drink A thief turning his fare to the wall. brother Roddy looked at her. his eyes N o w Go O n W ith th e S to ry ■■ - ■ and a drunkard Unconsciously the Richard quieted him He was us TO BE C O N T IN U ID still vacant and watery Then he Upton Sinclair may prove to be Oregon's g reatest a s­ laughed wildly, keeping hla feet shock of It penetrated even the set if elected California’s governor His program is nothing “Nancy Virginia.” he saltl sol­ Iron of hla reserve. more than taxing industry so high that the governm ent will emnly. "we love you and we know with a lurch, and chucked her un­ "You go ahead. Amanda I'll fol­ der the chin be able to confiscate it for taxes. Then he proposes to it isn't true. But there's a story low," he said, as they left the house operate it for relief with the unemployed. W hat is to be­ about you; to fight It. to put It " 'Th' owl lah a baker's daugh­ together ter!" he gurgled, reeled, loat his come of the owners and the present workers in the in­ down, we've got to know the whole Mrs. Gordon had been on her dustry is not plain but we should think hundreds of them truth. Will you trust an old man? balance and sat down suddenly and knees beside hlr.i, but she stumbled heavily on the floor. will come to Oregon along with others who can transfer Will you tell me?” Io her feet as Morgan entered. Mrs. Gordon uttered a sharp cry their assets from the southern state. Nancy seemed to grow limp. Richard took her shaking hands of horror and dismay, and ran to “What Is the story, major?" she Full I k the Manon of many get together event! In both his. "Don't be frightened." the kitchen door. asked. anti u time when candy in In mom demand. Kggi- he said gently. "Any cat has one tail m ore than no cat: no cat has "Mandy!" she cried, "Mandy He told her. "I'm an old man. mann'n have many kinds of dellcloun candy In quan­ "Ain't frightened." said Roddy two tails: therefore any cat has three tails.” This all child, come quick. I— I think Mr Roddy's forgive me— Angle wouldn't tities for any occuslon. You take no chancee when thickly, “dry—thses It. dry as dust sounds ilke absurdity but social and political witch-doctors repeat It I had to. You've got to gone crasy." you nerve our candies for everyone liken them . They are now passing am ong us with cure-alls that are based tell me the truth so I can put It Amanda came, pulling down her —an she's got water— water----- " have long been a niandurd of purity and goodness he began to slog, rocking too and on no better deductive reasoning. sleeves. Roddy was still sitting on down." fro. ------ , ---- a------------ the floor, his feet spread out In Nuts, popcorn, und Ice cream barn are here In She opened her Ups with an e f­ Mrs. Gordon tore bar hand out front of his. and he was ogling wide varieties for your service. They are compiling a book of Paul Bunyan and his fort. "I can't!” she said In a them and laughing foolishly. His of Richard's and covered her face famous blue ox stories down in Marshfield. Contributions smothered vole*. sobbing. "My boy's crasy," she said face was sickly and pale, and the The old man stood staring In In a whisper. "I can’t bear II—I should be gotten from all |>olitical candidates. Some of long lock of hla hair hung down grave surprise. can’t!" them have Paul beat a mile. between his glassy eyes “I can't say anything." she said "He’s not crasy. Mrs. Qordon.” "Where the Service Is Different" "Hello. Mandy!" he said, still brokenly. "I—a woman can’t save he said kindly, ''someone has given thickly, "hello! Where did you get The bureau of labor keeps a commodity price index. herself—1 can't tell you. major—I him some hind of strong drink— two heads? Haven't any business The only m aterial increase shown in any item of furniture can't!" and It's gone to his head, that's was in swivel chairs—up from 72 to 94. T hat is one place "Then Morgan m ust!” said the to have two heads, mus'n get drunk a l l " —they'll arres' you! Man on th' where the New Deal has gotten results. major. She gated at him horrified. In­ ________ ♦ ________ “Oh. no. no! Not that—never car had two heads, didn't know credulous. "My boy never drank!" where he'd got 'em either—must "I know It—that's why It's af­ Well it has taken a long time to put over Moses ex­ that!" she walled, clinging to his have been drunk—thass aw f'l!” fected him so badly. H e’ll get over trem ely simple code You can figure about how long these arm. "promise me— never that!" But poor Mrs Gordon was wring­ She had only one horrible It. Don't worry." Richard was sorry hundred page docum ents will be getting into complete Strong and healthy bodies result from children thought. Richard had cast her out ing her hands. "He's craxy!” she for her. operation. drlnking plenty of good milk School children especl- ------- ------ .fr---------------- % and left her to this! She would not sobbed. "Mandy, he's craxy-they've She turned very while "His fa worked my boy to d-atb in New ully should have milk every day If it Is pasteurised appeal to him again. ther!" she gasped In a frightened j The beat-up gang trials growing out of the dock strike milk from our m odern sanitary plant you know it I Major Ixrmax drew her hand York." whisper. Amanda said nothing; she selxed safe, pure and wholesome. in Portland will cost the countv more than $50,000 It is through his arm; he said nothing "Mrs. Gordon. I'm going to take estim ated. This is one of the draw backs of being an in­ more. He led her. against her will, It odd v suddenly by the arm and him home My car's outside my Milk Is a product of our own locality. When yon dustrial city. up to his own house and opened propelled him toward the lounge own door, I’ll get It. Nobody need drink it you benefit yourself Mini your farm er neigh --------- ■ <1--------------- "Yo'all lie down." she said sooth the door. know, not ever your husband He'll bors lie rlgh' down, honey, ,, 7777 "Angle!" he shouted. "Angle— ingly. “yo' ' “ ' I I 77 be all right tumorro Uncle Sam is only running behind eight million dollars Nancy “4 is here to see you—keep Mandy'll git yo' a cup of coffee, yes Without another word. Richard a day which would not be so bad if the taxpayers were her all night. I'll phone to her suh, yo' lie down." Ask your dsalsr in Eugene or Springfield for went out. But when he drove bis m aking that much every day. Roddy yielded to her propelling mother.” Maid 0* Cream Butter car around to the Gordou's back ------------4------------- But before his telephone m ess­ touch partly because he could not door. Roddy, whose condition seem No lawyer has been found sm art enough to tell us age reached the Gordons some keep hla feet. He dropped violently ed to get worse all the time, bad upon the lounge; rolled over and what code section 7a means. Probably because the man thing had happened there which to be coaxed Into It Richard and wiped out its significance. y r s lay face downward. who wrote it did not know. Amanda managed It. Gordon was away; He had gone to 1 His mother caught bold of Ama­ nda with shaking hands. Richmond on business for the “Don’t trust to the telephone.” bank, and would scarcely be back for two days. Nancy had been ab­ she sobbed. "I can't talk over It sent since luncheon time. Only now myself—you run to Dr. Mor­ Mrs. Gordon and Amanda were at gan. Mandy, run! Tell him what's happened Tell him my poor boy’s home. Mrs. Gordon was busy. los* his mind Bring blm. don't let tnd whirt. ^xi txirn Four Grot Treaju re* She was startled by Amanda’s him wait—It’ll be his office-hours voice at the door. —l! doesn't matter—bring him "Mis’ Gordon!” she called ex­ quick—quick!” citedly. “Mis' Gordon, heah come Amanda, running across the gar­ ISAIAH’S SUPERB OPTIMISM Mist* Roddy, yes m’m. sho’s yo'se dens with her apron over her bead, Isaiah, called upon to save Jerusalem from the Assy­ born— Mist' Roddy h lsse'f!” gave way once to laughter, and rian army, wasted no tim e nibbing in his reproaches, but With a little cry of rapture, Mrs. once she knuckled tears from her spoke with a voice which put new courage into the king Gordon'ran to the door. eyes. and all his forces. "Roddy!” "Fo' de Lawd. hla mother ain’t •He stared at her. his arms hang-t gwlnter believe It—If de doctah Therefore thug gaith the Lord concerning the king of ing limp, and when she embraced ' tell» h er!” Assyria. He ghall not come Into thig city, nor ghoot an arrow him he lurched away from her. Then she saw Mammy Folk there, nor come before it with shields, nor cast a bank against It. With lamps coating so little, it By the way that he came, by the same shall he return, and ghall not come into thig city, gaith the Lord............ is poor economy to ba sparing Then the angel of the Lord went forth, and xmote In with light. Whether at work the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early In the morning, behold, about your home or at play with they were all dead corpses. I will sell at public sale at my 1 mile west of Halsey y farm fai THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Sweets FOR ALL OCCASIONS R G G IM A N N ’S Children Need Milk Springfield Creamery Co. y w u u *bAkiuN w in g L amp L ight is ÌNastìnq Evt S ight PUBLIC AUCTION Monday, Sept. 24, at 10 We are not dependent upon the Bible alone for the story of this invasion. Scientists in their probings into ancient records have found the account w ritten by Sennacherib, the Assyrian king, himself, and his own con- frno.on th at the expedition failed to capture Jerusalem . While Isaiah denounced both Assyria and Egypt, and urged Jerusalem to avoid entangling alliances with either of them , he had a conception of international relations which is amazingly modern in the best sense of the word. I d that day shall there he a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come Into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians. In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing In the midst of the lan d : Whom the Lord of hosts shall bless, saying. Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance. Thig ig precisely as If, while we were still at w ar with Germany, having Great Brittain as our nearest ally, we had said: “Some day the war will be over and the Divine plan will include and need us all. The United S tates is to be one of three powers in the future glory of the world, and the other two are to be Great Britain and Germany. Isaiah had to be a pessimist as to the immediate future, but his superb optimism is shown all through his work, and comes to its worthiest expression In the poem with which his own hook of serm ons ends: Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come. , . . Then the eyes of the blind shall he opened, and the eaers of the deaf shall he unstopped: Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out. and streams in the desert. And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the tklrsty land springs of water. . . . known as the cribed property: old Smith place, 17 c o w s 3 now milking 12 to freshen In October 2 heifers fst enough for beef 10 HORSES 1 pr. grey geldings, B A * yrs. wL sbout 3200 Grey horse 7 yr., wt. 1490 Bay horse 6 yr., wt. 14S0 1 pr. yearling black mare colts, well matched Bay mare, wt. 1100 Black horse, wt. 1300 Grey mare, wt. 1600 Bay gelding, wL 1200 34 HOG8 23 hogs, wts. 60 to 120 lbs. each 11 weansr pigs 1S1 8H EEP 160 black face swse 2 Romney bucks 14 spring ewe lambs 15 feeder lambs 1 male white collie pup 80 CH IC K EN S 3o W. L. hene 25 W. L. pullets 25 mixed W. L. and R. I. R. h GRAIN A HAV 200 sacks Zimmerman wheat 80 seeks whits oats 50 sacks cheat seed 20 tons mixed alfalfa A grain hay M ISCELLA NEO US 3 sets heavy breeching harness In good shape the following your children, both you and they n e e d the eyesight protection which proper and ample lighting gives. During the month of Sept­ ember lamp dealers in the ter­ ritory served by this company are co-operating to make it easy for you to fill your lighting needs. Your light dealer will be glad to recommend the proper lamp for each fixture in your home. Test all your lamps now and plan to buy an inside frosted Mazda lamp to fill every empty socket. Don't forget to buy a few spares to place on a convenient shelf. des- Man's saddle DeLaval No. 16 separator Small King separator Good gas pump Ford truck, with stock rack Wagon tank with good pump and hose 6 gasoline barrels 2 post hols diggers Fork«, chains, crowbars, and num­ erous other small tools MACHINERY 7 foot Deering binder B'/a foot Dearing mower 12 foot hay raks 8 foot clover drill 7 foot grain drill 2- bottom John Deers plow 14 Inch John Deere plow 2 one-horse cultivators Two-horse corn cultivator 3- soetlon spring tooth harrow 2 peg tooth harrows Hay reck Log roller 10 foot corrugated roller 8 foot horse disc 7 foot tandem disc Allwork tractor John Dears 75 bushel manure spreader 1 Farm sled 3 Inch Webber wagon Wood rack Iron wheel farm wagon HO USEH O LD GOODS Chairs, davenport, buffet, etc. T E R M S — $20 and under caHh. Over th a t am ount 6 m onths time will be given on approved security at 8% In­ terest. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. Lunch by Ladies of the Lake Creek Church. Free Coffee. Bring your own cups. BERT MINCKLEY, Owner, Halsey, COL. BEN F. SUDTELL, Auctioneer; HALSEY STATE BANK. Clerk. FILL THOSE EMPTY SOCKETS MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY I- RUY UkMPS FROM YOUR NEAREST MAZDA DEALER