THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THIRTY-FIRST YEAR HPRINUFIELO, LANE COUNTY, ORBQON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 1934 Listed On TAX LIMITATION Games INim ilO N FOB S .h .S . Schedule FROSH IS FBIOIÏ ’ * INTEREST GROWS County Committee Organized Tuesday To Oppose Limit­ ing Real Eetate^^ax Levy NO. 36 OEEB HUNTERS IN BUSH 10 FORESTS A o ”c ’ » CITY ELECIIOH TM ESJEW LIFE Reedsport Came Advanced Eugene, Springfield Croups Party Followers In Linn, Ben- To September 28; Team Seniors Introducing Loweri' To Combine With District Opening Of Season Sees Big ton and Lane Counties To Two More Candidates An­ Prospects Now Shaping Body For Initial Masting Hear Office Seekers Classmen Into Activitiee Of Exodus From City; Many nounce Desire For Treas­ High School Program Co Across Mountains urer and Recorder Jobs Tentative dated (or Hi» major Plans for one of the largest gath­ Republicans from Benton. I-ane root ball aain«x In lx* pluycd by lb« and Linn counties will gather at Public Inlllatlon for members of erings of Methodist men to be held TIM. c.,1 of the Wide open FILINC CLOSES TUESDAY ■s heard beard In In Springfield Springfield a few 1 ***nton« paru »uday, sept tbs Hprlugfleld high school fresh In Lane county this fall were an was nounced llil« w w k by Marlon llall, nounced today by P. J. Bartholo ember 23, for a trl-county picnic. I Realty Board Ses < esent , coach. The first an me io be played man clans will be held at the gym­ mew president of the Men's Broth­ days ago anil today a large per­ The picnic la being arranged under Buel1 Decides Against Race; nasium Friday «veiling according centage of the population has des­ System Forcing Mt I with Reedsport baa been udvan ed Lethargy Continues In tu an announcement made this erhood for this district. erted their dally routine to follow the direction of the Republican j from October 4 lo September 28. d u b s and the Central committee- perty From Tax Bartholomew has called the open the trail of the wary deer. City Council Place week. ■ The gam« will bn played al Kuads- This will be the largest annual Ing meeting of the district Brother- j The open «eason for deer and of each county. The proposed lax lliultati ; port where Victor Wetzel la now The Springfield election prom- Speakers who w ill lie present to event for members of the begin­ hood to be held a l the Methodist deer hunters started at daylight eudmeut Io Ibe Oregon stall ' doing lb« coaching. *** an Interesting political ning class and for which the senior church In Eugene Monday evening, this morning und will continue un­ address the group will Include Joe ' e!' stltutlon bid« (alar Io become Ollier dal« llnml up by lb« students will bo boats. A very In­ September 24. This will also be K. Dunre. candidate for governor; n,o,,*"nient In November despite the til October 25. Bag lim its are one major political Issue over Ibe si .,e coach are Rnsehiirg. October 12; teresting program of stunts and the opening meeting for the Broth-1 mule deer across the mountains, Earl Snell, candidate for secretary lethargy early in the season With ibis fall Kvcn here to Lane coun­ University high school. October erhond units In Eugene and Sprtn«-! o f state; James Mott, congresslon onB week remaining In which entertainment Is promised by or (wo black tail deer found on this ty It Is expecled to attract more 26, and Cottage (¡rove. Novemlier al candidate; and Dean Walker, to ,l,e ,he,r nominating petitions. members of the upper class who field and they will hold a Joint i Hide of the Cascades attention I ban (he much discussed 11. Independence; E. A. McComack ,b re are already two candidates will muke the lower classm en do meeting In conjunction with tbs borne rule and other liquor legists )ld timers say that hunting con-, al]d 8gJ!«tor H c W heeler , for each of the offices excepting The acbool will liava two teams, ib 'li bidding. dlstrlot gathering. F B. H a m lin , dltlons are not favorable yet. The _ . the council nlace« lion now pending an A and a It team thia season 1« president of the local group The public will be Invited to the 1 Entertainment will be provided; ” »"•ces. Hev. Jesse lau klln new pastor of wood* dr’r and the almo"’ Active campalnns (or and against Special games will be acheduled affair. A 10 rent admission will by the Oregon Loggers, H en ry' During the past week petitions of ,h* pa'” "«*»'• ibe measure are promised here ¡for the I) team which will consist lie charged. This has grown to be th« Methodist church at f'orvsl-! I h moon a v e u r o v ld e d e x c e lle n t R e lit to» I 9cho«,a of Albany, and by the Re- nominating Chester Aldrich for » T h ,1 ° , public«, quartet. The program will city treaaurer. and Mr. Dodd Mil- with group« (or and against the largely of freshmen students. Rob­ one of the major fun events of the Ils will b e the principal speaker ZUinlll limitation already prepar­ ert Chatterton will assist Hall with year at the school. I-ast year a of the svening. Other musical num night feeding. The very fact that tart at one o'clock and loud apeak- j *er tor recorder, were placed In there will tie so many hunters in ing Io go before the people (or sup­ the coaching. , total of 320 persons paid sdm ls tiers of the program will lie ar­ ers will carry the music and voices circulation. Mrt. Elsie Pollard bad ranged by the Eugene Brotherhood the field seem s the best assurance of the speakers to all parts of the previously announced her Inten- port. The enrollment' this week of slons lo the program. that many will be successful as Churches which will be repres- grounds. tlon of seeking the treasurer office. Tuesday evening a group oppos John flooding. husky student who Tu„ day morning the senior stu they will keep the deer moving and leg ibe measure met and formed «ame here from South Dakota, dent« met the flrat year students enter at the gathering are Cottage Each family Is requested to and I. M. Peterson, has announced some of them are certain to step a l-ane county committee, electing added another strong prospect to at the entrances to the school: Grove. Creswell, Drain. Spring- bring a picnic dinner with a little bl" inten,1°n of I k Ing a candidate He together building and with (he liberal use o f field. Elkton. Junction City, Leb­ out In the wrong place. Jack ITall of Eugene as chairman. the football lineup extra for additional visitors. Cof-i for re-election. The fire danger Is not over yet. fee and cream will be furnished Others on the committer are Dr with Dene Terpen lug. Tom Doodale green paint converted their faces anon. Alpine. Harrisburg. Wendl W E. Bnell. present city treas- Harry Titus sud K U. Lee of Eu­ of Camp Creek. Pete Taylor, and Inin weird oddities Real paint was Ing. Oakridge. Wostflr, Albany. Is the reminder urged by the for­ free. I nrer. has announced that his school „„„ or turpentine B™ * na*‘»*' Halaey. Mon est service upon all deer hunters gene. Angus (llbson of Junction other new .In d en t, together with , duties make It impossible for him and others who expect to be In the nw.dgd rpmove * '<•*■ »hedd. Coburg and Marcola. City, and Elbert Bede of Cottage the regular holdove.s such a . Ever -, , to continue in the office, and that woods between now and the first ett Chet wood, Jack Williams, A r s - |„ , f markings Drove be will not be a candidate. Buell drenching rain Borne of the most Part of a u t . Group I,,ld Bd EUGENE GETS ONLY TWO j retained In the position two years In September. HOME FOOTBALL GAMES being organised by F H Young of I ™ " r" “ " d w h k b tJ ago wdien there were no other as Portland Mr Young was one of The coaches . re busy Probably half of the Springfield ! nlrants for the office. Meet G o n z a g a Saturday In F irs t; the men active In the campaign ,h * " “ bo“ ‘ ,,nd hunters Joined the never-ending No candidates have stepped for- Oregon State Takes On Tw o . « Zorn - McPherson bill . at . their heal positions and many of against . . the Flre of undetermined origin late caravan a, rose the MtKenaie pass J w 0 Week Drives Launched ward yet to fill the council vacan- M ino r B all Squads . k i k..«v *“ •' ie lle rm e n from last year w ill Monday And »-» a //* c* !<• < ** • the last eleettou and be la b u sy : . thia morning wiped out the Jim By Officers For Violations clee. There Is now one vacant lie playing new p< alt Ions this year Tue day. Among those who have warning the people of the elate now Seavey hop yards north of Spring- plACP on the council to be filled aye Hall Football season Is already h ere.. Of Auto Safety Rules crossed over the mountains for the that the ratification of the mea­ Just one week after the official ’'»Id. The dryers, a machine shad. op<,nlng of , hg Reaaon ar(i Q D for two years following the realgn- sure will be disastrous not only to Twentv-four persons were killed atlon of C. F. Barber, and two four- opening of Intercollegiate practice on* eottage.eeveral tenta belonging o|Bon Mar|on A M A Poh, Mr and 416 injured during the month year terms win be open at the end to the lower districts as well, and saga, of Hpokane, team s will meet destroyed. Only ona-half day a|)(J Mrg Miller. Alex Snod- oi Au-KU!', ln 1727 accidents, bring of this year when the terms of In many instances even to muni­ Saturday afternoon on Hsyward o’ picking remained In the yards. er«- perlod of 1983. according to P. J. nmrrce their desire for theee of- Has Support Inn County holland Gets Two Posts Supporting the measure In lame played November 3 with Moutana aud w ,'l occupy the new quarters 9'adelnian. secretary of state. flees before the end of next week. county has been the Eugene Realty Over at Corvallis the Oregon! ometline during the next month I Manf o ,h “r” went out last night Beginning September 23. law en- Ff there are not three candidates Itev. H. K. Roleua, pastor of (he State squad will play a double Workmen are now busy refinish- and this morning to hunt in the forcemen( rgencles throughout the In the field whea the uomtaattng Board and particularly C. F Hyde. Eugene realtor and Federal Farm »prlngfleld Bapllsl church, was header Saturday whan they start «h» hilerlot' of the room. It Is ,,ear"v fate will concentrate on motorists ' loses, voters will have to write Loan administrator for Imae* »atoed nioSarator for the Umpqua sgalust W illam ette at 1:30 and expected that the bank records will Hunter are invited to partiel who violate the right-of-way laws in the names of their choice for county Baptist association of young peo- meet Pacific about two hours Inter i •>» moved to the old bank building I" the deer contest being during the ensuing two weeks. Fol- the offices says City Attorney Pet The realtors see In the measure P'«1 *• «•>« closing session of their Corvallis manages to hold fou- ■< Fl™’ «nd Main streets. Lloyd staged by the P eters ammunition low)n|f two-week periods will see erson. a means of forcing the transfer of gathering In Eugene Friday Kelley, receiver, la due In Spring i company In Oregon and Washing- concentration of enforcement on A„ h„ ftlw, wUh some of the present heavy tax load morning. Rev. Rolens will serve. |h ^ Ben| field today and Friday to make ’on. First prîtes of »60 are being fallure to heed slpns and slgnalg. L , la tT r t h a ï n ex^ T u e . from real property to other prop ior »«»* »•»» which time new arrangements for the handling «Iven away to the hunter bringing driving while Intoxicated; turning dav. ereninlr Sootember 25 A erty such as foreign bonds held In Coquille will entertain for the aa- -- ______________ ¡ : ,x “ s “ • ~ x » ; ; « ' , i . s:“ K j ; FRIENDS GATHER FOR thls country, tax exempt secu rities., soclatlon. --------------------------- liirgfgt black tall deer In each lanes, and driving with defective! been made by the county clerk and GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY MRS. LOGAN CHOSEN und money In vaults Dther elections announced were' I De* r niay be 'n mechanical equipment it was found that the candidacies A continuation of the present Rev. H A. W snblg of Dllde as vlce- PRISCILLA PRESIDENT h,ere " ‘he , ^ " t Hardware Speeding has been the subject of must be certified to the clerk to Mr nud Mrs. Fred Hinson cele­ ----------- m Z ; , ’ ' 7 e « T r ïm ' the tW<’ W- k dr< " b syatem under which taxes In Ore- moderator; Rev. R. R. Mulholland, brated their golden wedding anni have them an the ballot not later run have Increased 242 per cent formerly of Springfield but now at Mrs. Frank Logan was chosen “ 1 " ,n a PrlngfleId campal|fn gep ,elnber g and __________________ than September 26. during the past 20 years will mean Roseburg, a secretary-treasurer; versary here Hs turd ay surrounded pre idem of the Priscilla club fori since officers declare most serions ruination for the property owner, Rev D. E Baker of Eugene, as­ by their friends and relatives. accidents result from this cause, u c u , r r n r * M P < 5 n P F N T U A dinner served at noon was en­ the next year when members of FINAL CORN-HOG MEETS says the Realty board In a resolu­ sociation missionary; and Harry that organization met at the home COUNTY TODAY ,he Pr°8ram o t education and en- vieG le M r o U r t N III tion supporting the measure which Chase, association board member joyed by Mr and Mrs. J. 8. Hills _______ forcement of laws against fast drlv- WORLD WAR VETERANS of Jasper. Mr and Mrs. J. H. Erick­ of Mrs E. C. Stuart, retiring presi- was adopted Wednesday. Rev Mulholland will preach the Meetings of corn and hog pro- ’nF W” 1 continued during the son of Eugene, Mr and Mrs. Rob­ dent, last Thursday afternoon. Mrs Property Taxed Too Much hiiuub I sermon at the Coquille gath World war veterans or veterans other *wo-week periods ert Arnold of Shedd. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mathis was named reporter, ducers to sign final contracts for Real estate Is now paying appro-! erlng It was announced of other wars honorably discharged Plans for a covered dish luncheon their production curtailment* pro- C. Ott of Newport. Mr. and . ______ ____________ , ___ xlmately 86 per cant of the coat I ®e,ore <’,oa,n< ’•*a,r convention i W. will he enrolled in the Civilian Con­ « II. »near« Mr< Hinson and daughter. I b*' b**,d H . at the home Kram arp starting In Lane county E N D E A V O R G R O U P H A S servation corps during October, ac- M and dne’ t t i e larxe amount ' h" youn|C took “ ! Carolyn, of Oswego. Miss Evelyn ,,f I'”*«" » * r* talked Ouests , his week and wm be concluded ment. and due to the large amount aland for C|eaner movitig picture* F u gen c Mr Eustace will be Invited, H. S. STUDENTS UNIT cording to word received by Dr. next Tuesday according to O. S. Eugene, Mr Mr. Eustace of property betng taken off the tax and , or problbl„ on o ^ ,,. ' Frlckson. Eugene. ----------- \ \ N. Dow. service officer of the Fletcher, county agricultural agent. Smallwood. Newport, Alva J. Croft rolls by the county and state due At these m eetings all contract j Plans for a high school C hristian, American Legion. This enrollment of Albany and Fred W. Croft of LANE POMONA GRANGE to delinquency. It m eant an added s'igne™ L u s“ ' 7 r e a « t Z sl7n‘ ' 1 " ,^ “’ ° ' " T m*?e here WlU be ,Or the fonrth per,Od to hedd Mr Hinson Is the only child TO MEET AT CRESWELL burden on the taxpayer who Is TELLS OF ENGAGEMENT final agreements, and In Instances " * n "* Wh*° *’ h,gh 'rtn 8000• un*'mP1°Ted and physical ------------ trying to pay his taxes. This bur­ AT SHOWER ON FRIDAY of Mr. and Mrs. Hinson. Ixioe county Pomona grange will where the grower will not be Hv* ,y ,Or ‘he 8erT,Ce During the afternoon 36 bf their den on real «stake which Is no sponsored by the Endeavor society Any veteran who w ishes to en- Miss Vernlce Hawk, daughter of I friends In the Neighbors of Wood- meet at the Creswell hall Saturday, Ing on the same property on Dec- longer able to pay Its own way! of the Christian church. They com- roll may receive information on is causlng real estate to become I Mr. and Mrs Wallace Hawk, aa- Rwbekah and I O F lodges Tor a regular meeting Business ember 1. it Is necessary to have pleted their arrangements at their how to proceed from Dr. Dow. As an unprofitable Investment sav t h e ! nounced her forthcoming marriage'