The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 13, 1934, Page 4, Image 4

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First Fall Meeting Called For
Taylor Hall Tonight; Re­
ports Wil Be Heard
i PS
To finish a feud between Harry
Elliott, referee-wrestler, and "Rod"
Fenton, which started last Thurs­
day night. Promoter Herb Owens
has matched these two grapplers
in the main event of tonight’s mat
show. This bout should prove a
good rough one.
The supporting match«: on the
card will bring forth plenty of
action. They are Bulldog Jackson
and Ben Sherman In the 45 minute
semi-final event, and Don Sugla
wrestling Marine Jacobs in the 30-
minute preliminary. It was re­
ported this morning that Costello
may referee the matches tonight.
The new series of national park
postage stamps will soon be on
sale at the Springfield office ac­
cording to Harry M. Stewart, post­
master. The postoffice Is now oi
tiering one cent stamps bearing
picture^ of the falls In Yosemite
park. The new stamp will be In
flve-cent demon (nations and will
bear pictures from Yellowstone
park No Crater Lake stamps have
been received at the local office
Win high Award
To Start Friday Bvsning
! Helen Michanl, Myrna Laird
Chown Outstanding Girls
At Fair; Bodtknr Beat Boy
r^nA oroftp bKXkgr
A ll-Purpots
Pattern 6311: Everyone lui. a fa­
vorite dress und here ia Ji| I the
one to replace your “old love,” You
<an look chic at auy time of the
day or evening When undecided
wlial to wear, tills Is the frock you
will always slip lulu ami (eel well
The caplet and eowl neck are
nattering- but not fussy. The V
line of the aklrt slenderises the
hips If you are clever you will
alao make Ihia up without aleevea
and with long sleeves See the
small sketch.
"The Quality of Mercy." Is the
theme of the men age at 11 a. m.
"Does Conscience Make Cowards
of Us A H ’ " Is the subject for the
evening service at 8 o'clock, at the
Springfield Methodist Episcopal
church, by Dean C. lAilndexter,
The Bunday Church school
meets at 9:45 a. m. The church is
preparing for a special promotion
service on September 30th. and a
Rally Day program on October 7.
The Epworth League will meet
at 7 o'clock The Weeleyan league
will also meet at 7 and those In­
terested ln preparing for leadership
in the Sunday reboot or other
church work will meet with them
to consider the approach to Christ­
ian Education. The church prayer
meeting will be held (his week on
Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. m.
In connection with till meeting
the World Famed Palhe Oberatn-
mergau Passion play will be given.
Tills is a moving picture true to
the facts of the life and passion of
the Christ as given in the Scrip
turt-s It Is not an entertainment
but the worlds greatest rellgloi»
drama. The choir will have its
rehearsal on Thursday evening at
7:30 instead of Wednesday The
Junior Choir will also meet on
Thursday evening at 7 o’clock
Coburg M ethodist Church
The long-awaited outing for the
entire Hprlngfleld Boy Scout troop
ami muuy members of the troop
commit! e will start lomorrow
evening when most of the Seouls
and a number of local bus'ms s
men will go Io Fall Creek and est­
ablish their week-end camp,
Tvllta will be taken III cuae It
should rain and the complete cutup
uml equipment will be provided
iflen Martin, scoutmaster unifTl*
uaalatant*. Bill Cox amt Herl Man
ley. will have charge of I lie camp
laical businessmen will drive up
Io (he cauip and spend (he iilgbla
w ith the boys.
Each boy la to bring bis own
sleeplug outfit and aatlng utrnalM.
The menu has been prepared and
each boy haa been assigned oar-
tain articles to bring. The entire
party will return on Bunday.
Plan Dinner For Boy Scouts
Soon; Hoar Housing Act
Operation Explained
Members of the Hpriliglield iis
dub uml lheir families ars walling
Io In informed uf the exad dale
for a join picnic of l.lotia duba lu
Eugene Collage Grove and Hprlng
field, which will be held al Wiliam
elle Park some time nexl week.
The |il> ills* was post polled for one
we-k liecause of the Illness uf
George Block, chair men. uml is
now loi lallvely ad fur Wednesday
or Thursday evening of uexl week
The regular eniertalnui ill commit
tee of the Hprtugfleld dub will
make arrangements for the local
At the meeting held Friday al
Taylor hall. Louis Waldorf, mem
bsr of the county promotion com
mlttse uf the National Housing act,
explained (hs measure and dis
cussed methods by which It can be
profitably used In small communi­
Plana for u dinner (or members
of the Buy Seoul troop which (be
Dr. V E. Hoven of (be Eugene
dub Is sponsoring were discussed
B.blr college will preach the ssr-1
und means of completing the city
mun at the morning hour at the
playground project was alsu dis
Cbrlitlan church Buoday morning.
< listed
Special music will be provided by
Mrs. Hasel Burnett and Mrs
Rachel Thalcber.
The Bible school meets al 9:46
und (he Christian Endeavor will
Members uf the Contract Bridge
meet at 7 o'clock
For the evening service (he ser ­ dub were guests of Mrs Walter
mon will be given by Russell Myers J Booti at bsr home fur I heir r»
and the music will be by Mr abd guiar meeting Iasi Thursday after
noon Wn W K Barnell was win
Mrs. Roland Mushier
o»r of (be high score. The negl
meeting will be held at Ihe home
Tonsils Removed—Velma Llud-
of Mrs. L. N. Ixing.
say, 6. underwent an operation for
the removal of her tonsils Tuesday
Visitors Leave — Mr. and Mrs
al the office of a local pbjsdclan.
Go te California— Lloyd Matti­ of M i and Mrs. E C. Btuail. M r
son and Donald Hawks left Wed­ Frum Is a brother of Mrs. Utuarl.
nesday morning fur California Their home Is at FYiretl Grove
Parents of Ben
Visiting Hers—Mias latviaa Ura
bel of Gladstone. Oregon Is hers
visiting at the boms of Mt* Kv»
lyn Buell
M r and Mrs. C.
E Dullsy of Lowell are lbs par
ente of a baby son born Io them
at their boms at Lowell on Wed
ueaday, Heptember II, 1934
Designed in suss. 14, 16, IS, 20.
32, 34. J6, JS. 40 sod 42
Slat 16
requires 4M yards of J» inch ma­
terial w *h « ~ t sleeves W ith sleeves
5 y»“ds
For patlern, semi 16 ceuts lu
coiu (for each pattern desired),
your nume, address, style number
and sixe to Patricia Dow, Bprlug-
field (Oregon! News Pattern Dept.
115 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y
W ill
S ta rt
School— Miss
Inman left Monday for Alvadore
where she will stay while teaching
at the Upper Fern Ridge school
the coming year
Doss My Chilli Need Meat?
He is grow ing.
He plays hard.
His body is developing.
He must have muscle-building foods.
Meat is one of the Best.
We have the best in Meats.
independent M eat Co.
B. C. S T U A R T , Prop.
4th and Mein Bts — Phons SI
Rl NTI N i
Down From the Stratosphere
scattered criticism« of Its policies,
Is the mounting cost of food stuffs
The expectation is that the coming
Winter will be the hardest yet, not
only in the matter of relief for
those without resources but In the
strain upon those who have Jobe
or incomes. Out of this feeling
arises growing talk of monetary in­
flation. “printing press money” to
help the nation’s debtors out of
trouble. What may be done cannot
be predicted, but there It a belief
On Joint. Picnic
Cecil Frum and son. Bobby, visited
here early to tbs week at the home
"If We Confess Our Sins," 1.« the
theme for the 9:45 worship service
Californians Visit — Mra. Ciar-
preached by Kev. Dean C. Poindex­ once Cooley and son, Bobble, and
ter, pastor. The Church school will Miss Gladys Cooley who has been
meet at 10:46.
visiting at the borne of her brother
In San Francisco returned to this
To Attend Roundup— Bam und city Saturday for a short visit.
Jamet Sweeney. Robert Millican,
and Frank Ixrgan leave today for
Returns to Ashland— Mk s Ku­
Pendleton to attend the annual
ole- Hager returned to Ashland
this week after visiting with rela i
Return from Trip—Mr. and Mrs. lives ai l<etiburg for several days.
Paul Myers returned Sunday even
ing from their wedding trip. They
Attend Community Fair— Mra.
Richberg and Johnson
Will Move— Miss Edna Gould. were married at Vancouver, Wash­
Back of General Johnson's at- J I.ane county health nurse, will ington, and will make their home Anne Logan. Mm. Theis Peterson
and Mrs. Clara Snodgrass attend­
tempt to quit lies an interesting} move to the Alder court apart­ at Hayden bridge.
ed the Shedd community fair at
personal controversy between the ments In Eugene soon. She will
Shedd Wednesday.
General and Mr. Richberg. his live with her brother who Is to at­
Guests at Hotel—Mr. and Mr«.
chief assistant. It is no secret that tend the univeiwlty.
Grant Hartley, former residents of
Richberg wants to be the head of
Returns to School— Robert Ho-|
the McKenzie valley who now live
the five man commission that is to J T, ke Ton#,|# Out_ M1„ Schro„ nt Forest Grove, were registered lens, son of Rev. and Mrs. It E
take the place of the one-man con-H , Marcola underwent a ton„ , (>p4!r. us guests at the Springfield hotel Rolens, left Monday for Redlands,
trol of NRA. He has been working a„ on a, , he offlce of a 1(Jcal phy.,. during the past week-end.
California where he will again at­
for a long time on a plan of reor-
Wedne9day mornln<
tend Redlands University. H e was
ganization. General Johnson b e a t _________________
Remove rust from any utensil by accompanied by John Jonea of
him to It with a plan of his own. ( Yoncall. Man Here - Herbert soaking in kerosene until the rust Seattle. Mr. Jones »- a senior at
which he handed to the president Gray
y :jncaHa wa, a business i : soft. Then wipe and polish with California Tech and vlalted with
as soon a. Mr. Roosevelt got back v)gltor ln Spr)ngflHd Wednesday, a sand soap or hath brick.
the Rolens family here Sunday.
from Hawaii. Richberg followed
with his own plan. In a three-corn­
ered conference between the two
by A. B. Chapin
and the president. General John
son suddenly walked out and de­
clared that he was through.
Inside gossip has it that the
president, who leans more to Mr,
Richberg'« point of view than to
the General’s, has beep looking for
a chance to slide the General out
gracefully. But he didn’t want him
to go away mad and possibly make
trouble for the Administration. So
he sent for the General, who in
the meantime had sent his written
resignation to the White House,
and suggested that he tear up the
resignation and take a six-month's
’rip to Europe, for a rest.
General Johnson smelled a rat.
He wasn't willing to absent himself
from the scene of action for six
months, but he agreed to withdraw
his resignation and take a two-
weeks rest at the seashore. He
will stay on the Job until a more
subtle way of shelving him is de­
Look Tow ard W in te r
Newberg People Hero-—Mr. and
Mrs. George Crites of Newberg
are here visiting at the home of
their „■-on-l.i-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. H chaffcnberg.
Two girls from thia part of the
county. Myrna Laird of Edenvale,
and Helen Mlchuel of Uurden Way,
were declareil the two outstanding
Four 11 club girls at the State Fair
at Salem which clued Sunday
Miss IjUrd is the daughter of
Mi ami Mrs Ralph l.aird. and bus
been active In club work for a
number of years Is 15 years
old. At the fair she won first place
on a cotton school dress In the
> tvle show, second In the Kerr spe­
cial canning contest, sixth in div­
ision 3 of canning ami fourth in
Miss Michael is IS years old. the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Michael, and also experienced in
rlub work She won first In the
dollar dinner conieat. first In home
beautification, first In young bar­
red Plymouth Rock chicken:,
fourth In division 3 of (he school
dress contest and she placed In the
catu'lng exhibits
Fulmer Bodtker of Junction City
was named in first place as tsnlor
club member at the fair. He won
many prixes with his Ilvw lock.
Lions Waif Data
Springfield Troop And Com m ittee
Plan W eak end Camping Trip
flk X a a
What Is worrying the Adminis­
MADE AT ECGIMANN'S tration, perhaps more than the still
Several smaller painting and
cleaning Jobs are under progress
at the Rgglmann Kandy Kitchen
this week. Mrs. Egglmann and Miss
Eva Ixmk are In charge during
the absence of Mr. Egglmann.
Lone Clubbers
Washington. D. C„ Sept. 13—The
Activities of 1)1« Springfield Am first organised opposition to the
crlcan Legion poet will be started ew Deal that Is taken seriously in
again Thursoay evening. Septem­ Washington Is the American Lib­
ber 13. following the summer vaca­ erty l.eagxie This is a non parti­
tion when members of the post san group of industrial leaders and
hold their fir-t fall meeting
political experts which has as its
Principal business for the meet- avowed purpose the stopping of
it« will be the annual election of further encroachments upon the
officers according to Oswald Ol­ constitutional rights of the tax-pav­
son. adjutant. Other officers of the ing. property-owning classes.
post are Verne Caldwell, commun-. The caliber of the League may
der; Maxell A. Pohl, first vice-com­ be gathered from the character and
mander; Frank J. Emerich. second reputations of the men who or­
vice-commander; J. M. Larson, fin­ ganised it. These include two for­
ance officer; P. J. Bartholomew, mer candidates for the Presidency.1
John W. Davis and Alfred E
Members of the executive com­ Smith; two former chairmen of |
mittee are Dr. W. H. Pollard. H the Democratic National commit­
NEW YORK . . . Despite the
O. Dibblee. F B. Hamlin, and M e», tee. John J Raskob ned Jouett |
official golf frown and ban against
fers Caldwell, Olson. Pohl and Lar­ Shouse; such Republican leaders women players appearing In
as Representative James W Wads shorts for tournament play, Miss
The meeting will be held at the worth and former Gov rnor Na­ Bea Gottlieb (above), appeared at
a local course here and played her
Taylor hall starting at S o'clock.
than L. Miller of New York; a game attired thusly__
Other busineas to be taken up powerful indn trialisl of indepetid
will include hearing reports from eni political sla'ding. Ireuee Du
i here that the new Coiigresa. to be
delegates who attended the state Pont, and several others of nation­
elected in November, will contain
Legion convention at Astoria last al reputation. In Its set-up it cer­
a much larger proportion of eco­
tainly canuot be classed as a H ’ nomic radical than the last one
puhlican organization If it were, it did.
would not be worrying the Admin­ I Rumor his it. though this canuot
STATE FAIR AT SALEM istration so much as it is. for even he verified, that a group of 23 con­
the most ardent Republican here servative Democratic senators have
that the “Grand Old made a private pact to stand with
All Previous A tten dan ts Records concede
Party" thia far has shown few Republicans in opposition to any
Broken Every Day This Year;
sigrs of being on Its Job.
180.000 See Show
further radical legislation. Such a
coalition would effectively block
W h ite House Comment
Attendance records were shatter
The only comment that has come any move toward inflation.
ed at the 73rd Oregon State Fair, from the White House on the Lib­
Meantime, the first protests are
which was brought to a dramatic erty League Is the president's re­ beginning Io come In against the
c lo e late Sunday afternoon. At­ mark to the effect that It «e-ms to fig t tariff agreement negotiated
tendance for the week was ISO.- I lie an organisation in the Interest by the president under the blanket
87». almost double the marks of of property, with the Teo Com­ authority granted him by the last
95.751 and »3.926 for the respective mandments left out of its charter. Congress. The new agreement with
boom years of 1928 and 1929 The To which one of the astute com­ Cuba, which lets in winter vege­
1934 fair attendance was greater mentators here made the pat an­ tables from that island at greatly
hv 75.368 than the previous high swer; "Better read the tenth com­ r duced duties. Is not at all to the
mark of 105.491 set In 1933.
liking of Florida vegetable grow
mandment again.”
Attendance records for each day
who make their livings by
of the fair were also smashed thl' ; The Liberty League is the most shipping winter tomatoes, beat»»,
year, with Monday's patronage hit­
celery and other agricultural pro­
ting the all-time peak of 37.378 j growing wave of criticism of many ducts to the northern markets. For
l>- rsors through the gates.
years these Florida farmers have
During the midst of the fair Just Washington Is hearing rumblings been pressing for higher duties on
closed. Director Gehlhar made pub­ of protest from many parts of the Mexican tomatoes and Cuban pep­
lic announcement of his intention country, from rural districts as pers. and they don't like this new
to retire at the end of the year as well as from industrial centers. It •scheme at all-
Director of the Department of would be going too far to say that
Agriculture, by virtue of which of­ the Administration 1« on the de­
fice he 1« algo Director of the State fensive. as yet. but there is a de­ PAST MATRONS MEET
Fair. He will give his time to cidedly conciliatory tone In the
operation of a fruit products plant nubile utterances of many of the
Member of the Past Matrons
and fruit farm with his son in nr-sldent's supporters. Secretary of
Commerce Roper made a speech club of Cascade chapter. O E. 3.
the other day which was directly held their first fall meeting since
O. S. C. CHILD SPECIALIST aimed at business men. and cal- their summer vacation Tuesday
•ulated to allay their fears. Even evening at the home of Mrs Lena
GOES SOUTH FOR SEASON Donald Richberg made a speech in Fraederick north of Eugene.
which he somewhat guardedly ad­
Miss Flora Thurston, until re­
mitted that private profits might
cently executive secretary of the
be permitted.
National Council of Parent Educa­
The Administration plans to re­
tion. has been added to the home
economics staff St Oregon State organize all of the recover» agen­
,Or n,*D’ber’ «*
college for one year to replace Mrs. cies into one unit-putting NRA ¡ Keg,,lar
Sarah W. Prentiss, acting head of AAA ERA PWA and all the rest ; ,he Kensington club will be held
Friday afternoon at at 2; 30 at the
department of household manage­ Into one hag. as It were, ere said home of Mrs. Clarence Chase at
ment. who has taken- leave of abs­ to be making headway, but there Is Garden Way. Mrs. D. B. Murphy
ence for a year to Join the exten­ wide diversity of opinion as to how will be assistant hostess.
sion saff in home economics in to do It. and a erect deal of dissent
among the executives charged with
Attends Nurse Meet—Miss Annie
Mrs-. Prentiss Is one of the most making the New Deal go. This
widely known mmbers on the O. S. dissent is not merely In words. McGookin attended the meeting of
C. home economics staff, having General Hugh Johnson got so mad the 14ine County Graduate Nurses
conducted many extension classes the other day that he offered his ai* «elation at the Pacific hospital
and radio clubs in child develop­ resignation as head of the NRA.i1" Eugene Tuesday evening Miss
ment and parent edneation. She and wa« only dissuaded by a per­ McGookin is secretary-treasurer of
the group.
established the first nursery school sonal appeal by the president.
in the northwest. Miss Thurston is
an educator of national prominence
who was obtained for the year only
to do part-time teaching while she
completed work for an advanced
Phone 2
OOD printing service conslstH of more
than delivering a certain amount of Ink
and paper In the form ordered. Good printing
coiiHlatH of careful conHlderatlou as to the
form In which the idea I h to be presented,
thoughtful selection of type faces, the right
grade, weight and color of the paper, accur­
ate composition and skillful printing. . , That
in the kind of printing service you may ex­
pect from our shop, . . . and it costs no more
Ilian Inferior printing.
No matter what you printing Job may be or In what
quantities, we are confident you will find our estl-
mule of cost most Inters«!Ing, workmanship most
efficient and promptness In delivery moat gratifying.
If you find It Inconventlent to visit our office, phons
und we will call. , . , You ars under no obligation
io asking us for an estimate.
The Willamette Pres»
Opposite H. O.