THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1984 TUR STRINOTI ELD NEWS PAQK THUMB Woolen Mills Hara—Olen Ander III at Homs— Paul Potter hat huh <>( ('iilitirx wuH a bii»ln»a vial been quite III at hl» bom« with tor In Hprlngfleld Friday a hud attack of tonaUltla. Coburg Man Vida Propia H a ra —John and ('lit W A N T E D —G irl tur general liouai turd W ill ut Viilit were buslneas win k Prefer una who can «o j vi llura In Hprlngfleld Hulurday, Ituina tilailla. Mrs. W illard C imìi ruu. Hprlngfleld Junction M il 2(1 A tltnd Fair— Mi. mid Mrs. Frank Works In Salam— Kelvin Doane left Sunday for Hulom where he will ba employed in a bakery. WHO IS WHO and What They Do Auctioneers Fruit Packers A Classified Directory of Reliable Bueineei Firme and Professional People Thio Newspaper Recommends to You. Photographers-Film s DUGBNB WOOLEN MILL CO. Manufacturers of Woolen«. Spec laUilng In Ladlee CO ATINO 8 AND 8 C IT IN G 8 Retail Department St Mill Bat End 6th Ave. Eugene. Ore. HSAFETY POST OFFERED EDITOR OF THIS PAPER Hand Batter— Mike Bauer who W L. BRAY Eugene Fruit Grower’s A im ’ d Carl R. Baker Film Shop i H. E Maxey, editor of (he ¡ Kidwell «pani Friday uitendlng (ha has had a badly Infected hand la G EN ER A L AU CTIO NEER Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers N O T IC I OF F IN A L H IA R IN Q Eastman Films — Kodaks — Springfield New«, has been Invited ! »tul» fuir ul Hnlein. now recovering al hla home on the Farm Hale» aud Livestock Our and Shipper». Ice and Cold Storage- Notice la hereby given that the Frames — Albums— Motion ' to become a member of the Board McKenile. County Court of Lana County, Ore­ Specialty. College Ice Cream Manufacturer» Picture Cameras. Torrlla Taken Out— Mr«. George of Governor« of the Antomoblle gon. hue f I «I’ll III UO A M ut Hui Community Hales Coco Cola— Kl«l Beverages Wa Photograph Everything To Move— Mr and Mr«. Emory 1 Accident Prevention Association of iirduy. (H I 0. m at. at lb« room« V. Fi«h of Lebanon bud her tnii«ll« Every Wednesday Cider Vinegar Anywhere. ut Hu* court, In ih» county Court taken out Friday at the office of a Pyle are moving Gila week from Oregon by Governor Julius L. Hprlngfleld Phone 1480 itiiu«» In Eugena, Oregon, ua Ilia local phyalclou. Mall films to P. O. Bos M 7 Ninth and D. street to the Morgan 111 Main HI Meier. Governor Meier Is preel- limn and place whan Ilia final ac­ Ferry near 8th Ave E. Eugene 4M W lllamett«. Euga horn» on W illamette heights. Ph. 936 dent of the a w l a t l o n . and baa A. count of Klniar Hlrand. adnilnlalra- Auto Dealers Vlalt from Vida— lieu Mluhey - If. Averill, state Insurance commis- (or of Ih» »«late of Jennie Hlrand, unil Mra. Arthur Mlnney of Vida Feed-Seed-Hay Visit From Camp Creak— O L. Printers Deceaaed, will ba taken up fur al ______ i »loner, and E. B McNanghton as ANDERHON MOTOR«, INC. ware bu«lnea« viallora here Hutur- Cooper and daughter of Camp owanes and an order mad» tor the Expert Hepalrlng — All Work THE WILIoAMETTE PRESS »'< presidents. Creak ware vleitora In Hprlngfleld dlatrlbullon of the remaining u»aata day. ADAM« FEED A SEED 8prlngfleld T h ‘* Pr°Fraro of education among Guaranleed. of «aid ealala. All paraoua Inter- Haturday. STORE adult» and «chool children teach­ Attend Fair Friday— Mlu» Runic« »«led therein may appear at «aid Phone 2 Gaa, OU, Tire« and Batterie« Full line of Feed. Seed and Hay lime and be heard In reference Garber. Ml»» lone Rhode« and Mr« Coach Return»— Mr. and Mra. 6th and A Sta , Sprlngfleld Ph. 49 Business Stationery—Offlce Form» ing (hem safety rules of the high­ Cu tom Orlndlng. Cleaning and I hereto. way« whether walking or driving, M lld n d Gerber «pent Friday at Marlon Hall arrived during the Booklets — Placards — El.M EH H T ItA N II. Admluletra Kalem attending the Gregou Htate Mixing. A Home Owned Institution. and a plan of reformalon for those week end from California where Dodgers, etc. lor BROWN MOTOR CO. 119 — 9th St. Hprlngfleld, Ph 8 they »pent the aumtuer mouth«. 8. II A LLEN, Attorney for K«tata fair. A Modern Print Shop Producing who refu e to consider the rights CH RYSLER and PLYM O U TH of other« will he advanced by the ______ IB »1.1 -10-27 Up-To-Date Printing. Oregon Feed At Seed Co.. Inc. j Mayor on Trip Mayor W P. Move to Town— Dr and Mr«. O. Sale« and Service organisation. L. L. RAY Good Luck Manamar Poultry snd Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. Ty on left Tu «day morning on a A. Brown have moved Into Hprlug Complete Automotive Service Attorney at Law Dairy Feeds trip Io ItoNi-burg and Itecdaport on field from Plesaant H ill and are Open Day and Night FRED E. S M ITH Minor Bldg . lugena, Oregon Prosper W ith Manamar Restaurants hl« official ln«pe< tlnn work for the making their home al 7SN A street 199 Kaat Broadway Attorney a t Law Phon» 1797 N O T IC K T O C R K O IT O R B Heed Cleaning a Speciality. M iner Bldg., Eugene, Oregon HERA during the school year. NO TICE IH HEREBY G IVEN Eugene, Oregon , IRENE’S CAFE Delivery Phone 6 Thai Fred Kerr ha« baen appoint­ NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE Convalescing Haro— Frltx Kra Entertain W ith Dinner— Mr. and ed executor of the I Jut W ill and 206 E 6th St., Cor. High Euge ( i Breakfast 16c up — Dinner 29c up OF REAL PRO PERTY SCHERER MOTOR CO. ChOI 10c Testament of Margaret Kerr, de mar. athletic dlreotor at Euganc Mr«. C. F. Egglmaon entertained O b the eleventh day of October. B U K ’K — O LD 8M O BILE — veuaad. by the County Court of high school, la convalescing bare at (heir home with a dinner Sun Home Cooking 1934, at the hour ot 19 A. M„ at the loin» County, Oregon All pargona PONTIAC al the E C. SPiurt borne following day tor Mra. Georgina Clover Cox Ice Cold Beverage« on Tap front of the Court House In Bu EUGENE EGG DEPOT having rlalm« agaloal «aid aetata Motor Cars gene Lane County. Oregon; I will B Main Bet 4th and 6th Sta. are required to preaent them, a major operation al Ibe Pacific and Mia« Eva Ixiuk Hunday was HALER and SERVICE Springfield Open T ill Midnight ! sell at auction to the highest bid­ with Iha proper vouchera. within lioapllal Mrs Egglmann'a birthday. der. for cash, the following des­ ■ Il month« trout the 21rd day of 7tb and Olive St». — Phone 899 field cribed real property, located In Vacationists Stop— Ml«« M i l k Auguat. 1984 to the «aid executor LET’S EAT Eugene, Oregon. Former Principal Hare— Glenn Lane County. Oregon, to-wlt; Cor. 6th and W illam ette St at the law office of L. L. Ray In Turpin and Ml«« Viola Dolly. troth at the N E W M AM M Y'S CABIN. The Beginning at the Southeast Eugene. Ore., Phone 198 the Mluer Building. Rugene, Ore­ of lam Angela«, «topped hare laat Wood, former principal at the Auto Repair corner of Izit Seven (7) in Block . reaaoo for the New Cabin is public Itruttaln school vaa here during the gon. Two (2) In that part of the City demand for larger accommodations F H E Il KEKH. Executor of Ibe week end at the bnme of Rev and past week-end. Mr. Wood la now In Furniture of Eugene which was originally Laal W ill and Teetament of Mr«. Ileau C. Poindexter while en­ charge of a CCC camp In Wa«blng AUTO BODY A FENDER CO. ' Chicken A T-Bone Steaks as usual platted and recorded aa Shaw» Margaret Karr, deceaaed Radiators. Fenders and Bodies route on a vacation trip north. Special Bunday Entertainment. ton. Second or Shaw and Patterson» I. L. KAY. Attorney for Relate. Repaired — All Work Guaranteed. Ranges snd Circulators Judklna Point The aame location. Addition to Enrene. Oregon, run­ (A 23 8 0 - 8 6 18 80) On Fishing T rip —C F. Eggl- W RECKS A SPECIALTY ning thence North 160 feet, to Several Lines including Montag. Pacific Highway Parents of Daughter— Mr. and Ph. 277« manti and M. It. Iluntly left Tuee the south line of the alley, run­ N O T IC I Mr». Harry Veatrh of Lowell I N A Home Industry—Give Us a Trial. Linoleum— Inlaid and Felt Base ning east and west through said O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T duy morning for Tackenltrh lake Phone 249 Schools-Colleges Attractive Price« on Furniture the parent, of a baby daughter block, »hence West along said Notice I« hereby given that W II where they will spend several day« Cor. 7th and Charnelton, Eugene and Rugs. Sonth line 49 feet, thence South Ham 11 llobba. exw utotr of Iha flaking for ba«« They will return born to them at the Pacific boapl- ENROLL NOW FOR 37 feet, thence Weat ten feet, Sec Ua Before You Buy lal In Eugene on Thursday, Sept »■tale of Edna W llobba. decaaaed Auto Wreckers thence South 123 feet to the __ I We Deliver and of her laal will and taetament. sometime today. ember S. 1914 Duy and Night Clasaea in a Good North line of 13th avenue East, haa filed bl« final account In the Eugene 10% off with thin coupon J B49 W illamette School. thence East along the North line C »peeled Home— Mm L. K. Puga Couuty Court of Lane County, Ore Phone 32(3 Red Read. Mgr. Shorthand. Bookkeeping. Typing of said avenue 58 feet to the Returns from Coast— Mra. W. H. ton. and that aald court baa «et aa 1« » xpected Io return today from Groceries dace of beginning, all In Eugene. Ibe Ilme and place for the final Hacraiueulo. ('«llforula where »be Adrian ha« returned from Newport Eugene Business College Eatit Side Auto Wrecker* Lane County, Oregon together •attlam enl of aald catata Haturday A. E. Roberts. Prea. has been combining buelueee and where «he spent »everal month« Caed Cara. Trucks and Trailers TOOMB’S GROCERY with the tenements, heredita­ September 18tb. 1SS» at Tan managing the bicycle rental de­ Phone ( ( ( Miner Bldg. ments and appurtenance» there Generator. Armature A Electrical O'clock In the forenoon of aald day pleuHUru Mlee Edna Platt who unto belonging or appertaining. Eugene, Oregon Service ut the County Court Room In thv went south with her returned laat partment. They brought all their Dairy Products. Soda Fountain Said sale la made under execu­ Court Ifouae In Eugena. Oregon week end btcyrles home 2046 Franklin Blvd. Eugene. Ora. Free Delivery Objection«, If any to aald final ac­ Complete Business Courses tion Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for the 521 — 6th 8t. 8prlngfleld. PH. 9 count. m int be filad on or before Day and Evening Classes Return to California— M r and Beauty Parlors Raturn from Delia»— Mr. aud County of fame, to me directed In ■aid date The personnel of our college Is the case of W G. Irvin and Lacy W IL L IA M H HOBBS. Execu Mrs Jumeo Hammock left Hatur­ Mr« W. E Buell returned Friday experienced and capable. DIBBLEE’S Permanent Push Waves Irv in ' vs.. Edith D Foster, unmar­ tor of the Raíate and Ijia t W ill day for their home at Riverside, evening from Dallas where they Typing, Bookkeep­ ried Winifred Sfpwart and George 81.79 and Up. RED & WHITE GROCERY Sadie H. Pyke— ing, and Taatameut of Edna W California where Mr Hammock la were called by the sortoua lllneea English. Stpwart. llubbi. Ueceaaed. Phone 4 .Martha Ryan—Shorthand, vocab­ enlisted with the army. They had of M r Buell's mother. M rt. Carletta The BR O W N IE BEAUTY SHOPPE C. A. SWA RTS. Sheriff of Lane I M PETERSON. Attorney for ulary, b u s i n e s s Countv. Oregon. been visiting here at the home of Buell. Mrs. Buell's condition re­ Apprentice Finger Wave 29c aald Executor. arithmetic. W. W EDM ISTON. Deputy. Mrs Hammock's mother. Mrs. Hart mains about the same (A H SS >0—8 618) Shampoo A Flncer Wave 90c Blanche Mack— Stenotype. Hospitals (S 13-20-27— 04-11) M (Phare on 841 W illam ette, Eugene, Ph. 469 E. N. Hathaway—B u a I n e a s man­ ager. PACIFIC HOSPITAL, Taka Coast T rip — Mr and Mrs. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S SCHOOL OF INC. Battery Service NOTICE Notice Is hereby given to all H. E. Gerber. Ml»« Eunice Gerber, OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T MODERN STENOGRAPHY whom it may concern that the un­ 12th and Hllyard Eugane. Ore. Mrs Mildred Oerher and Mr. and 67 E. Broadway 841 W illamette, Eugene. Phone 117 dersigned 1 D Larimer has been Notice la hereby given that Phone 2600 PERRY’S Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Philip I I Haul, administrator of the Mr». Bud Foley and Ted King of duly appointed Administrator of Eugene. Oregon Glendive. Montant are expected BATTERIES, BRAKES the estate of Jesse K. Platts, de­ Naturopathic Physician Service Stations estate of Anthony Haul, deceased ceased, by the County Court of the IO N IT IO N . MOTOR WORK. has Glad hla final account In the home the end of the week following Phone 91-4 State of Oregon for Lane County, EUGENE HOSPITAL County Court of loioe County. Ore a week'» outing ou the coast at Wheel Aligning. A ST. SERVICE STATION and has qualified as such admin­ "The Friendly Institution” gon. and that said court has set Florence. General Gasoline, Oil and Greases "Any Service— Any Car" office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M istrator, aud all persons, having a» the time and place for the final Phone 1800 Goodrich Tires 726 Oak Ph. 767 Eugene claims against said estate are here­ 4M Fourth Htreet settlement of «aid eatate Saturday "A Home Owned Station." by notified and required to present 1162 W illamette Eugei Professor Returns Hom«— Prof­ the 29th day of September. 1914 ' 5th and A Sts.. Sprlngfleld. Ph. 44 the same verified as required by at Ten O'clock In the forenoon of essor W J Patterson left Monday 1-ANECO BATTERY law, with proper vouchers, to the ■aid day at the County Court room evening for his home at Ixtndou. Ladies Ready-To-Wear FACTORY said administrator at the office of j Mitchell Service Station In the County Courthouse In Eu­ Ontario, after «pending several Calkins and Calkins, attorneys, 310 A HOM E INDU STR Y gene. Lane County, Oregon. All Watchmaker and Jeweler DELLA BORIN S DRESS A LL R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS Tiffany Building. Eugene. Oregon, Eugene persona having objections ' to aald week« here visiting ut the home of I S P R IN G F IE L D SHOP — Yale Tires — within six months from the date final account must file the »ame on his «on-In law and daughter. Dr. 1867 Pearl Bo. Peelfle Watoh Inspector Phone 1008 of thia notice. Greasing - Battery ggcharging or before «aid date of final settle­ aud M r- Mlltou V. Walker. Mr». ■ 1 ■ ' First Class W ork a l Reasonable Date of first publication, August Expert Radio Repairing by ment. I ’rloee. W alker accompanied her father to I Creameries-Dairy Products Phone 2692 30. 1934. P H IL IP H. HAUL. Armlnlstrn- LEE CRAY I. D. LA R IM E R . Administrator lor of the Estate of Anthony Portland returning Tuesday. Eugene Demand the Beat—Coats no More « ' Ea»' Broadway Phone 48-J of the Eatate of Jesse K. Platts. Haul. Deceased. General Law Practice ! 7th and Main Sta. . Sprlngfleld Deceased. BLUE BELL 1 M PETERSON. Attorney tor 4 \ ANG ELINE DRESS SHOP (A 30—8 (-13-20-27) Dairy Products Said Administrator. I. M. PETERSON Eugene. Oregon OREGONIAN (A 30— 8 6-18-30-871 Ire Cream, Butter. Cheese. M ilk Attorney-et-Lew NO TIC E Popular Priced Dresses SERVICE STATION W ELLS A W ELLS City H all Building OF F IN A L HEA R IN G EUG ENE FARMERS C R EAM ERY.! Allen A. Hosiery At the Springfield Junction Attorneys N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that Phone Eugene (88 Hprlngfleld, Orhgon 63 E. Broadway Phone 533-M GAS AN D O IL 8 Donald Young, administrator of the Bank of Commerce Bldg., Eugena Eugene, Oregon Service Day and Night. eatate of Jacob Yonng. has filed Convalescent Homes NOTICE TO CREDITO RS Grocery Sundries, Tobacco’s and his final account in said eatate. Notice la hereby given that the and that Saturday the 29th day of Mrs. Margaret M. Coldren Pf-uic Goods. SUNSET HOME undersigned ha« been appointed September, 1934, at 10:00 o’clock M O DISTE igb West Springfield Ph. Spr. 33-J Rev. R. Bogstad Administrator with the W ill An­ In the forenoon of said day, at the Remodeling — Designing Seed; Most Crops Light; Sanltorlum — A home for Elderly nexed of the Delate of Rhoda D. County Court Room in Eugene. Second Hand Furniture Pyle, deceased, by the County Oregon Yield Normal Oregon, have been fixed as the People— Graduate Nurse In Charge. Miner Bldg.. E. Broadway. Eugeni Court of Ijtn e County, Oregon. All time and place for hearing said Phone 334* Rates *1.00 a day and up. Depend-! of Plttnburgh, Pa STAR EXCHANGE persona having claim« agalnit the account and for final settlement of Very light production of red and ing on care needed. Centrally lo­ ■aid estate are hereby notified to said estate. Any persona having FURNITURE CO. Lumber Wholesale-Retail ulsike clover, a small carryover, cated In refined neighborhood. present the »ame. properly verified, Bring or mail us anything in O ld ' objections to said account are and a g«ou demand, have resulted to the undersigned, at the office of hereby notified to file the same In Phone 1494-J EUGENE LUMBER CO. Gold such as Ring«. Dental, Watch Well» A Wells. Rank of Commerce In a Grin market aluallon. accord­ 172 — 12th Ave. W „ Eugene Snider Red Cedar Shingles Casea. etc. Check by Return Mall. Bldg.. Eugene, la n e County, Ore­ ing to the Oregon State college ex- Represented By Why not have the best* They gon. within six month« from the 605 W illam ette. Eugene. Ph. 697 tension service. Cleaning A Dyeing DO NALD YOUNG. Administra­ date of the first publication of Coat no more. E. H. TURNER Production for the United State« this notice. tor of the Eatate of Jacob Phone 426 Saw Shop Jimmie's Cleaning Shop Date of G rit publication. Sept I- expected to be about half that Young, deceased. A Ht. Hprlngfleld. Ore R ail Road Blvd. A Grand, Eugene 6. 1984 JAMES M IT C H E L L (A 80—8 (-13-80-87)_______ of 19.13, when only 84 million SAW SHOP JAMES W. WORKING. Admin Cleaning. Pressing, Alterations. pound« were produced. Moat of the All kinds of SAWS G UM M ED, tiled, The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. latrntor with the W ill Annexed B R O K E N V E IN S We Call For and Deliver. reduction appeared In the north Furnishes a straightened. Circular and Band W ELLS A W ELLS, Attorneyi. ROYAL Made to Measure Suita. Varicose Ulcers—Old Sores (8 6-13-80 27 — 0 4) central «late«. The Pacific north­ Saws Repaired, hammered and COMPLETE HOME Relief At Home west Is expected to produce near a 309 Malo 9t.. Sprlngfleld. Ph. 76-J Building and Repairing Service. filed. A ll Kinds of Welding. SU M M O N S For Service Phone Springfield 69 B R U N D ’S SAW SHOP IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF normal crop. Carryover «tocka are No sensible person will continue Cabinet Shop T H E S T A T E O F OREOON FOR smaller than for several yeara and to suiter when powerful penetrat­ or If no answer, phone 34-J. Phone 2222W Formerly Walker-Poole T H E CO U N TY O F LANE. Import» have been light. Sprlngfleld. 709 Oak Eugene. Oregon ing, yet harmless antiseptic Moone's SPRINGFIELD CABINET Emerald Oil can readily be obtain­ Oren E. Masterson, Plaintiff, VS Durlug the prolong drought much E U G E N E - llth S P R IN G F IE L D ed at any drug «tore— the direc­ SHOP Stella V. Masterson, Defendant of the old aeedlugs as well as the Laundries Shoe Repairing tions are simple and easy to use Geo. W. Stephens » 8 Main and Charnelton TO S TELLA V. MASTERSON. n.-w were lu t. resulting in a strong Economical, too and your druggist T H E ABOVE NA M ED D E F E N D ­ Sash. Doors. Olgas, ¡Telephone 723 SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY Phone 62 J Hall's Shoe Repair Shop guarantees one bottle to give splen- demand for seed now, with prices ANT W a Repeat— W e are striving to 1 and General M ill Work We Specialise In Stlka. Woolens, IN T H E NA M E OF T H E S T A T E fudging *3.60 to $6 a cwt. high«»' live up to the Spirit as well as the 1 t'j-ed Doors and Windows and Curtains. O F OREOON, You are hereby re­ than a year ago. 4th and C 8ts. Springfield, Ore. Rough Dry - Thrifty Damp Wash Letter of the National Recovery: quired to appear and answer the Recent reports Indicate thal Arl- Act. I complaint filed against you In the Phone 76-J Sprlngfleld. S above entitled Court and cause on xona baa near a normal alfalfa seod Dentists 309 Main St. Springfield 420 Main St. f nr before the 22nd day of Septem­ .crop Imt Kansas and Oklahoma will ber. 1934, aald date being more k