THE SP1UNOPUELD NEWS PAO K TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Tharaday at Springfield, Lana County, Oregon by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS THURSDAY, 8BPTKMP1CK 13. 1V84 got to hl* desk anil b gan tu figure EXPECT MORE FRESHMEN on William Gordon» lodvblednet* TO START COLLEGE WORK to him. Not avail lha housa hail qulla wiped out Uordou'a Initial Freshman W eek Starts September plunga. It waan't Ilka Gordou Of J4, Others Register On cour«* there wax a reason September Itlc iHiwer, ami '«me form of old uge pe elon. Mr Inman came to Oregon from Lo* Angeles and ha* purchased a tract of land near Mupletnn H. B. MAXEY. Editor Lomax had hls own suspicions.I AFRICAN VETERINARIAN Freshman week at the Univer­ fed up by lettera from hls cousin In LAUDS 0. S. C. WORKERS Eutered aa second class mattar, February 14. IHvJ. at the postofftce. the trust company Old man Bea sity of Oregon aud Oregon Stale roll ge opens Monday. September Springfield. Oregon ver had conceived a chronic di-- V< leiInnry Nclno c has made live (rusl of young Gordon ''Going on 24. This I» considered by officials »lock production po»»llile In the M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E another hai. I think. ‘ lie wrote Lo a the most Important week tor the Union of South Africa, ansi Ihe re- Oae Year In Advance lt.SO Six Months 1100 beginning sludeiil, aud fur from max. "something eating Ihe hoy sea ri li tarried on there In uiilnint fwo Yaara In advance „11.10 Three Montha 10c women or wine or something, can't Biel- ly a ' r i l s l l ' week that some dlseen* ■ ha» liencflled Ihe entire have considered II In Ihe past make It out Don t lend 111 old man THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1134 Every llew »ludeiil Is expelled Io world, according lo Mir Arnold too much ” WIIAT HAS (IONE BEFORE he's be> n uiuit looking fur her.'* all lid Ihe freshman Week clause* Thell r veterinary director general THE CAPITALIST SYSTEM Nancy Gordon trail«« herself In Richard stood rigid. Heleua's for Ihiil llrltlsh dominion who re MaJ -I Lomax rubbed the end of Ih e sum e it the* - which follow marriage (or fifteen thousand dol hand tightened on his arm. She i cully vl lied men lu hla field at We bear a great deal about ''capitalists" as if they were lam - the price of her family bon danti his nose with Ills pen lie was Event» of lilts year's fre » h m a ll It all lu one to«» of the dice! lliii ik ii g of Nunoy when he heard weak lio lude nitiiiv forms of par Oregon Stale college a small handful of people who were fattening at the ex- or -and the freedom of bar brother. "Page Is u good fellow." »he said Roddy, who atola. for a woman, pease of the rest of us. But some recent figures we saw that the front door shut vtoleully and total guillame found by lu years amount from the bank In which dreamily, "and—It'a a pity- I don't llr Theiler slopped ul Ihe col suggest that a great many more of us are capitalists than he worka. Nancy, desperately In think «he's worth It. Is ska?'* the ru h of feet lu Ihe hall. Angle of experience with till« lulroducl lege i nruiite home by way of New is commonly supposed. cam - In. dropped Into a chair by ory period to lie moat helpful lo love with young Page Roemer, He turned .mil looked straight Zealand from the Inter etlonnl vel- and Richard la loved by Helena bis desk and began to cry The ma Everybody who has a dollar not in use or an interest Haddon. a sophisticated young mar In to her face. "I love her!" he aald Jor eyed her for a moment, then Ih* Incoming aluden! Such dose erinary congress In New Yurk this lersoual relationship* are e«lab- summer. There he wae awarded in any kind of wealth in any tangible form is, to some de­ rted woman Klngdon Haddon. with magnificent simplicity. Then laid down hla pen. llahed with faculty members dur­ the Budapest trophy for the moat gree, a capitalist. There are, for example, ten million indi­ ! Helena's husband, sees the elopers. he shook her hand off "You'd bet but holds his counsel. After the vidual stockholders in the 9,000 corporations whose shares ! ceremony. "Whal's Ihe matter? Shut off the ing tha week that a student com­ outstanding work In veterinary acl Nancy return» to bar, » « «« home .« once. Helen. You'l Ills are traded in on the public exchanges. There are eight home, and continue, to see Page •** diphtheria here' water works! Whal's wrong now, ing without definite derision aa to •nee In the past 10 years She broke down wildly, clench child? Who's hurt your feelings?” hla course may he assured of ade­ greate t contribution was lha dis­ million individuals wflo own government or corporate who urges her to divorce her hus quate guidance. Boclal avenía are covery of phosphorus deficiency In bonds. Twenty-odd million persons have life insurance I band. Mr. Gordon, to release his tngg her hands against her breast Angle dashed away her tears, from what he consider. , , he not omitted either. caltla feed In Honlh Africa and policies on which they have paid premiums. Eleven million daughter choking und gasping. her shameful marriage, sells hls him Indication* point U> a substan­ some other parts of the world Americans own shares in building and loan associations. house tu his friend Major Lomax. "I'm uol hurt. I'tu mad'" »he »aid "I wish I could th e panted, More than twenty million people own automobiles. Two who rents It to the original owner fiercely. "Uncle Robert. Ihay're tial Increase both In freshman and Dr. Theiler praised Ihe work million families own their homes tree and clear and two Helena 1» Jealous of Richard's In wish I could.'* ayilig thlugs — perfectly awful other student registration thl* In Nancy, although ahe year at the elate school*, report* that has been done In the veterin­ Bui even her fury did uol move thlugs about Naiicy Vlrglulu and one-half million own mortgaged homes. There are six teresl kuows nothing of the m arriage,,., ary depart no nt at <1 H ('., show million individual farm owners und fifty-three million per­ and tries o make trouble. Once 1 1,1 uow* *>• her home. The old uiau picked up hla pen from the registrar* show. Advance lug particular Inleroal In (he re* credential*, dormitory room reser­ Helena was lute coming home michantcally aud added up two sons who have savings bank deposits, averaging more than Page cornea to Nancy's home and search In salmon polnor-inn of dogs, makes love o her. Nancy Is frantic that day. Haddon had returned vation* and work requests are nil >600 each. —she loves Page but refuses to go from the bank, and was sitting In seta of figures Hls niece straogled well In advance of those of the last lie also prat ad the work of Dr Of course, those groups overlap; one man or woman back on her bargain with Richard his study when he heard his wife another sob. W T Johnson In developing rhle- "1C» about Richard Morgau Il's year or to may belong to most of them. But the total of capitalists by divorcing him k«n pox control. Dr Johnson dee I enter the house Freahluun week events will con certainly runs Into many millions, including the two and Now Oo On W ith the Story-------------- "How's PoleatarT" she asked lua- IMILLAR BH1DE THREE erlhed Ihlg research al Ihe New tlnue from Monday Io Friday, dur­ —It's perfectly awful Uncle Rob­ one-half millions who paid income taxes for 1933 and the 1 ily. ing which lime only a limited num­ York meeting before scientists ert." other million and a half who made returns but paid no tax. from more Ihati 25 countries IN S T A L L M E N T S E V E N T E E N Haddon stopped smoking (or One thousand, ulne hundred and ber uf former students are on the i moment. "He's going to get over The major »ua- i sampua. From Friday to the next It is the people in those groups who pay the taxes for nluety-nln« plus- Helena leaned over und deliber­ I Monday Is the fir-1 "rushing" per the operation of the Eederal, State and local governments ately kissed Mrs. Gordon. "He's I it. I sent for Arlou—first rate man pended hla pen of the United States. When we hear loose talk about “over­ going with me. We'll find her. ! you know. That confounded boy! "Tell me the whole bushiest. An­ lod tor (he fraternities. while the somrltle* continue to decide on Helena laughed hysterically. "It gle." throwing the capitalist system" in this country, we wonder Don't be frightened." she aid. I WANT TO SELECT waan't the boy's fault." she said their Invitations to pledges through if the people know what they are proposing to overthrow. The girl's eyes fell before hls *T know where she is. dear boy," "I've been out with Page Roemer nut the following week "It'a a horrid thing, uncle!” Another group of letters are thrusting themselves Into sh said softly to Page. "I've Just searching for that girl—you know “Humph! Where did you got It?"; Registration of form er »luden«» a reliable young man. now em ployed with FORESIGHT, fair Angle told him. The woman hud | I» set for Hatunluy. Heplem ber 2*. our economic practise and they were not formulated by found out—we'll go and get her. she ran out of the Inn In the rain the “brain trusters" either. Old H. C. L. is taking its place She can't walk hottie through this Page la In love with her. and I a good name, not much of a gossip with regular rlasn work starling education and mechanical In clleatlons. who la willing to had to h ip him find her. Where either, she had It oo good author Monday. October I along with AAA and NRA. No doubt we are going to hear mire." train spare time or evenings In do you suppose she w «i’’’ Ity. "Everybody knows!" Angle much more about this in future because it is one thing Page knew nothing and divined Springfield lo qualify aa IN­ that talk nor legislation can not stop. It knows no law nothing beyond his own mad anxl-l Haddon hrugged. "How Ihe devil obhed “I I'd like to kill Dr Mor I NEW PAPER PRINTED FOR STALLATION and SERVICE except supply and demand and it works most effective ety. He knew that the mad infatua I do I know? With Morgan I sup­ gan!" expert on all types of Electric when this law has been violated. You haven't told me what It la LANE COAST POPULATION tion of his own passion, his blind , pose." Refrigerators For Interview belief in Nancy' ; love for him. had ' His wife started A new and yet." said her uncle dryly. write, giving age aud present “I hate to toll my mouth with; "The Mapleton Bee" a new eight The state wants to have some of its lots acquired by led to this. Nancy had gone out'Tending suspicion laid hold of her mortgage set out of the city limits. The limits of this into the storm to escape him. He "You look fagged out. Better get such talk'” hit niece cried, her face I page. 16 Inch, five column paper occupation edited by Benjamin II Inman al city were created by vote of the people and it is by the same hated Morgan again, bated him Johnson to make you a stiff cup of aflame. U T IL IT IK B t N Q I N B I R I N Q Mapleton win given It* fir*I circul­ Little by llltle the old man drew method that any vacation should be done in our opinion. with all his soul, because Morgan coffee." he advised coolly. "You ---- <> IN S T IT U T E ation Thursday of last week The the story nut of her. It had grown bad done what he could not do. look all In." paper Is printed In Eugene and has since Helena started It. and It waa 404 N. Wells Mt , Chicago, III With the county ministers heading the dry league It But he followed Helena Into her "She was with Morgan. She'd a* Its ambition the development is not difficult to tell what most of the church sermons will car. If she knew where Nancy was. gone Info that wretched Kinney very reasonable. he would find her and—If he found woman' shack The child's down The major drummed on hla desk of the Mtuslaw valley, cheaper elec- be on this fall. her—he would make her forgive with diphtheria. She and Morgan Ith hls fingers, his eyea fixed on: were there all night. If you please (he distant view from hla windows i There is one thing to remember if this textile strike him He had known Richard from boy-1 Nancy was drying her shoes by taking care of that child!" lasts long enough even the strikers will not have a shirt on their back. the fire when the big car—falling Haddon threw bis head buck and hood. Not a usual boy. a good deal! of a man always, the major to cross the stream—stopped near­ laughed heartily. With a strike going on and the women taking to shorts ly a quarter of a mile away and "Mighty convenient to have dlph thought. “It's a darned lie. Angle." he said ' and backless blouses, like ducks to water, the life of a tex­ Page and Helena tank Io the path theria sometimes. Isn't It?" Our stoi t* ban the widest h «*I<*< tion of quality « an- over the hill. His cool enjoyment of a thing finally. tile mill owner must be very difficult. JI«‘ h of tiny In thin vicinity. Wt* npectallM* in candy "Of course It Is!" she agreed Richard was still with the child, that was lilting Into her very soul and us it ban been our bunlnenn for many yours wo and you've got to stop It. Uncle 1 lie man who stole a truck loan of candy in Eugene but the crisis had passed In the infuriated Helena. know the best. "You met Nancy' Gordon In Robert." surely had a sweet tooth. night and his poor mother. In the The major patted her hand ------------ a------------ collapse of relief, was lying asleep | "■'ashington—I mean, you saw her Eggiiiiutin'n candy is fatuous throughout thin part California will make 50 million gallons of wine this on the floor. Nancy, shut out of there once, Klug." she said slowly That's right! I like to hear you of Oregon uh the sfiiiidard of gootlnosH. Pure, whole* fall. Wine, Hollywood women and Upton Sinclair are the the sick-room, was trying to get ■ with studied coolness "I remein but you can't »top women's ton ; gome anil delicious it HutisfioK the candy lover and the gues, child You’d better get Nancy 1 her your saying something— what ready to walk home. three things California is most famous for. i» ot-cusioual eater as well. to come out with the truth. That's J ■ ' — ■*- - • - - She was putting on the wrecks waH doing there anyway?" Einost assortm ent of boxes packed to your order. The slate makers are again active aud'Andorsements of her shoes when there came a He luughed shortly, a malicious the way to meet It." As If she had anything to tell— knock at the door. Richard himself light showing In the bark of hls a re b o w in order for the fall elections. she can't have!" Angle turned In­ ---- ♦------------ «•» came to answer It. He was still In eyes. dignant eyes upon him "She was with Dick Morg.-.n, his shirt sleeves. He had stripped Sometimes we wonder If history wfll not record this He shook hls head "No! But " W h e re th e Service le Different"™ ^ as the “Age of Hooey.” off hk collar and the strong cords that's all." he answered her dryly. In hls throat showed like the scroll­ "They left here together—the day there's something at the bottom of I went to the golf tournament. It; too much smoke. Angle" ed muscles of an athlete It was ten days before Haddon The next moment the door open­ Afterwards. I went to register at heard Ihe story, a garbled story, the hotel. I've never snld a word ed and the broad sunshine showed her Helena and Page Roemer about It—and. look here. Helena but he came borne white with rage. "By tJod. Helena. If I thought you can't either. Mind that. I won't Helena caught at Richard’s arm you'd started this!” be stormed "Richard!” she cried anxiously, be party to a scandal NATURE'S OWN FOODS "Why?" she asked In a smothered fiercely, finding her alone in her "you're killing yourself It’s not room. . right—we can't let you do It— voice. THE SOURCE OF HEALTHY BODIES She looked him over from head “They'd registered as man nod you're too valuable!” to foot, beautiful and Insolent. Feed Them to the Children! wife, that's all!" “Don’t touch me. Helena." Rich­ A CENTURY ROLLS BY "Do you Imagine you were the Herbert Hoover, when Rood Ariuiiiisiruior, said; Helena drew a long breath. Be­ ard said, not ungently, looking So rapidly has the shadow of the Cross extended that down at her kindly. "It’s diphth­ fore hls eyes she grew as white as only one to read that register?" The basis of child welfare is health and physical dev­ in less than a single century it falls across the emperor’s eria.” elopment, the foundation of child health lies in proper a dying woman He half rose from she asked cuttingly. He recoiled In spite of himself. throne. Let us turn back to the Bible record and trace the feeding. In its broad aspect the proper feeding of “t don’t care!" she cried, "you’re hls chair with an Inarticulate ex­ dramatic steps by which this incredible success was won. worn out—where's the nurse? clamation. but she rallied, straight Of course he had been a fool and children revolves around a public recognition of the Interdependence of humans upon dairy cattle. The en«d herself and stood erect. He flown off the handle about noth The book of the Acts of the Apostles opens signific­ Who’s that? Why—Nancy Gordon!” sank back In hls chair with a (ool- log. white ruce cannot survive without dairy products. Nancy, facing them aullenly. felt antly; No,” he answered coldly. that she looked a fright. i-h laugh, like a man In sudden re­ Ask your dealer io Eugene or Springfield for Lord!" he said, "women ure Ihe The former treatise have I made, O Theophllus, of all "I came In because of the storm” lief from pain devil!” and he heard hl« wife’s that Jesus began both to do and to teach. Maid O' Cream Butter she said sharply. "I’m going now!” Hls wife was summoning all her "My car's up the road. Page, help strength to walk slowly to the door. laugh, as he shut the door. That sentence tells us that the book was written by the Nancy over the hill; she’a ex­ She must be alone! Something In At first. Nancy suspected noth­ Springfield Creamery Co. same man who wrote the Book of Luke and to the same hausted, too," said Helena sweetly, the suppressed fury of her look ing, hut the felt a change, subtle, man, Theophllus; and, second, that the writer, in common "been sick nursing all night, I sup­ warned him; he knew he had been complete, chilling. The old friendly with the other disciples, regarded the three brief years of pose ?” atmosphere seemed to recede and rash. Jesus' public work as merely the beginning of His larger leave her marooned. She fancied "No, she hasn't; she can't stay, "Helena!” he said sharply. life and influence. So the events proved. that It had something to do with and you can't either, Helena," said "What Is It*’ Polestar. Haddon had made a great Jerusalem of those days was a populous and crowded Richard sharply. "Roemer, can you He leaned forward earnestly, deal of that Incident, he had dis­ take a message for me? Send my cautioning her with a raised hand city, and the disciples were countrymen from an outlying charged Henry and told tha whole of warning. province Yet, after a brief period of bewilderment, they man down here?" lory. Major Lomax overtook her "Of course. I'll phone—I reckon “Mind not a word of this!” he organized themselves and became immediately a center of one day on her way home. ome wires are up Mrs. Haddon, salad sharply, “no scandal Involv­ power. Thousands of men, some of them prominent In Going down to Warrenton to­ the city’s life, came out to their meetings, confessed to the you’re coming with Nancy and ing tne—even in hearsay." morrow to spend the day with An­ me?" »he looked over her shoulder at crime that had been done in the murder of Jesus, and be­ gle and her cousin?" he asked plea­ Nancy, at the door, looked back him with an odd twlated smile. came his truest followers. full in their faces. She was out­ "Do you really think I care—one santly. Jesus and the original twelve had pooled their revenues lined against the sunshine, small way or the other—about that girl?” Nancy smiled. "Why, yes. Angie asked me—she says her cousin told in the “bag” which Judas carried, and he had paid all the and slight and mightily defiant. she asked scornfully. expenses. Eor a time the Jerusalem community attempted "I'm not going In the car, I'm go­ "No," he said dryly, “but I'm her sh« might bring a friend. to operate on this basis and, while there was no hard and ing on foot," she said flatly. “Rich pretty damned sure now—that you There's a cross country race. Isn't there V fast rule, the sentiment was In favor of a common purse, ard, I’ll send the nurse. If she can do—for the man.” The old man nodded. “Angle and most of Ihe group acceded to It. This led to the first leave her case.” She hajl her hand on the door tragedy. “Nancy----- ” Richard took a step and she met hls eyes with fire In won’t ride. I've forbidden her. She can’t keep her eeat on one of Jack forward, but she never turned her A man named Ananias and his wife Sapphira wanted head. They could see her walking her look, and hatred But she said Fuller’s horses. I believe you’re a nothing. credit for having given their all. but they kept back half straight and nteadlly across the ITp In her own room. Helena waa reckless young devil. Nancy I sup­ of the price of the land they had sold. Peter called Ananias wet path to the road. sitting on the edge of her bed, pose you’ll go It strong?" to account, and he brazenly repeated his lie. Peter looked The girl's face brightened per­ Page uttered an exclamation and white teeth set hard. She was go­ hard at him and said; ran after her. Nancy was at the ing over and over those craty mo­ ceptibly "I love to ride, najor, Analnaa. why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the top of the hill when he overtook ments when she had made a fool and—1 love horses." Mum. didn't think about spar­ Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land? her. of herself, and lately—yes, lately Whilst it rernafned, was It not thine own? and after It Unconslously, the other two she had been no better than a men ing race horses though?” he ob­ served dryly was sold, was It not In thine own power? why hast thou con­ stood at the door and watched. dlcant begging the alms of love! Nancy's cheeks biased red. "Ma­ ceived this thing In thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men They saw Page reach her and And all the while It was Nancy but unto God. Nancy turned, said something, and Oordon! He loved the girl! Yet the jor, they’ve made such a fuss about And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave walked on. But the young man, tide of her haired was turning—not that—I can see It. the very way up the ghost: and great fear can e on all them that heard nothing daunted, pressed close be­ on him—but on Nancy. Nancy was people stare at me!” these things. The old man stopped short, lean­ hind her. a woman, and Helena knew where And the young men arose, wound him up, and carried Helena, watching and listening to strike a woman. Fury rose In her ing on bis cane, and peered at her him out, and buried him. "That Isn't the rw&aon people keenly, heard the fierce catch In like a tide. stare nt yon. my child.** he said Richard's breath Then she looked She was ripe for any madneaa. I hree hours later Kappliira came In and repeated the lie up at him and stood still, her heart gravely Before she knew It, before she and met a similar fate. The incident, profoundly impressed beating heavily against her breast. Nancy lifted startled eyM to hls the young community. It appears from the narrative that All the life and the light had run had tlipe to think of the Incredible face; what she «aw there frighten­ wickedness of what she did. she the disciples were not required to give up their property and out of hls look. "A lover’s quarrel,” ed her. went to the telephone----- that some of them did not do so and suffered reproach The major drew a pattarti on the she said lightly, "they were togeth­ • • • But the sham of pretending to do so met with tragic re- er yesterday at the Inn. It was a Old Major Iximax, Just recovered ground with hla cane. quarrel that made her run out— from hie prolonged attack of goal. TO M CONTINUED Candies - Candies F G G IM A N N ’S F A M IL Y DOCTOR. JOHN JOSEPH GAINES MO buke . __ in DAIRY PRODUCTS