THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T111HTY-FIR8T YEAH SPItINGKIKLO. U X B COUNTY. O UHOON, SCHOOL OPENING NOW UNDER WAY Total Enrollment Slightly Lower Than Laat Fall; Mora Expected Latar Cannery Closes SPORT On Tomato Run THURSDAY. HEI*TEMHEK 13. 1B34 Head* Bootlegger Drive EYED IURN TO H.S. FOOTBALL J Last Vielt Of Portable Unit To Put Up Maata; Walt Much Promising Freshman Coaat Run On Fleh Material Available; First With . ra,or.i of e«i for Gam* Scheduled O ct 5 NO. 34 |5 City Election Is HABB1T FACTORI NAMED FOB B ill PROMISED CHI Elsie Pollard Seeks Treasurer Will Prepare Estimates For > Post; Wait Candidates For Wool Yarn, Fertilizer, Mat­ New Year At October 8 Places On Council tress and Hutch Plante To Meeting Of City Council ' oomln^ - ^ tltloi| for Be Built On Industrial Sits Monday. 666 for Tuaaday. and al w tl|l appr„ Mlm-u,ly 30 „ u d a n l. The sane budget committee th a t: “» ¥Otw* " ,be •oat a . ...any for Wednesday. the |(<)W , ur„ ln< o(j| f(,r iootbB„ j acted Inal year will serve with the 'letUo,, ln » “ brought LAND DONATED BY CITY .a county portable cann.ry laft , pr-<.t|(.e M#r((>n Rol>>r|, H. S. Student« Need Sawn city council again thia year In he ,,ut on tb,! 8tr‘* t ,b,a morning for ------ — - «field Wadnaaday evening | |Brt(M) are busy trying to mold prepar,Ulo, of the local municipal Mr’ Pol,ard- ca“d>da‘* for Bright Future Seen For Only Machinaa; Plan Continuoua G completed thalr vegetable a team Into ahnpe for the opening budget It wae decided at , h e ¡ ,b« boeitlon of city treasurer. Plant Of Kind In United Use Of Library For Year ‘ rett, and C. E Wh atom These! flared himself a candidate for rt a,,d Pro<*ucU factory on the t o neat weak In . tera laat year, only haven remain j K A N S A S CITY ... A. J. Mellott the atari of u new year report the, men together with J I). Pyle. W i -lection to that office. Springfield India-trial tract south- In school. Those loat by graduation (shove), of this place, is the man A. Taylor. Jesse fro«« and the I No other candidal,« are known ea” ° ( tbe cUy were “ “ P0“ “ ' * ' ’ three principals. After the * gamble run haa been ur* B#r* Tomaelh. Itodney Vest.) ■ e le c te d by the government to head the arm y of operatives be eyeing the recorder poat, but thto by Cbar,ea Hathawa* The enrollment figure« at all bui i complet'd In the county a fin a l1 Robert Mclmgan. Morrla Stews,t. In the new drtve new launched to i mayor, W P Tyson, will const! i lute the budget committee it la well known that several other recant arr,ra l ,rom Missouri. the ItrultaUi school where F II. run will be made to can meats for Kendall and Bruce Hrjulrea. eliminate the Illicit E The budget committee will me-t persons are considering entering Negotlations have been comple­ Ilam lln b alerting aa principal, la those who have them declared Ben Hlanley Zllo wkowskl. a valuable | on October 8. regular council meet- the race for the treasurer position ted with the city of Springfield cunaldarably lower than that of the Marka. operator of the cannery. player laat year haa not returned | lug night and the budget will be now held by W. E. Buell, who la un­ whereby the new company will ac­ opening daya of previous year a Hometime during this period the to school. ! prepared at that time quire a 10-acre tract from the in­ The lettermen remaining In decided about bis candidacy. Total enrollment for the two oaanery will have to stop work la Continuing their present policy, thia part of the county and go to chool are tfc-ott at renter. Kenneth gradaa and high acbool yeaterday Candidates for the three vacan- dustrial site on the mill race Just across the tracks rrom the airport. members of the council told I. MJ Thia will Cox In the backfield. Verlln Posey was 644 compared with 71M for laat Florence to can fish elea on the City Council are scare. Market Available depend on the time that the fh>h \ tO. i,O“ , y 'N o bare been mentioned a prospective fullback, Jark W II year The decrease la proportion­ the State l-arid Board that the city The plant to be known as the ' llama, a tackle, and Ihscjue Smith, ate In the grade« and the high atari their annual run. yet. although there is coa'iderabl- Is willing to vacate streets and talk of naming candidates to re An* " r,n" Woo,'‘" m111 • « ' school. but additional enrolltnenta Ho great was the demand for George Irvto and Everett Cbetwood alleyis in parts of the city where present the different groups in the ',e ’ h" ^ rn s after the hop picking ceaaou are use of the cannery farllltlea by In the backfield Chetwood was •specled to bring the total number nerdy persuua here that by Tuea- late In registering for school, but J e rru C la r k T o H e .H to a.S ,he *‘ nd b° “ rd h" ac1“ lred » n t« city aside from those with business from the angora rabbits at the out- 1 y . C'ark J ° H e .a d _N e X t »lock, of lota, but the council 1. of students up to last year's peak day morning enough persona had he haa been working In the open I I set. the owners claiming they have Graduating Class; All Fac­ unwllllng to set this or any other interests on Main street. already contracted a market for during the summer months and will ubtaUied canning cards to keep the A total of 26U children are en­ Candidates now have le«s than ulty Advisors Ara Named tract of land outside of the city j the yarn in department stores for rolled In the grade«. 76 at the Lin­ plant buay for the three daya to a valuable plcyer on any man's two weeks in which to file their limits so that the city taxes may the next three years. football team. coln and 176 at the Brattaln. aa Many were turned nwav Tuesday Jerry Clark waa chosen president be avoided This policy has been petitions at the City hall. All peti­ Other units of the factory will morning. Hprlngfleld has a fine lot of compared with 112 and 16» or a of the senior class of 1»35 at eatablFhed and will be adherod to tions must be filed on or before Include a fertilizer plant where the freshman material thto year and total of I I I last year. The enroll- Hprlngfleld high school at the an- councllmen. Similar requests Wednesday, September 26. accord-1 refuse from the hutches w ill be ought to develop a strong first ment at the Junior high school at uual class elections held Wedn,»-- made at previous dates by private Ing to Mr. Peterson. processed and prepared for sale; year team thinks Hall. the Lincoln building which In­ day morning. Other officers of the Individuals have been refused. The a mattress factory where short Kew players who are turning out cluded the alith. aeventh and fourth year class are Edna Sever- contention of the Land Board la wools will be mixed with wool for practice are Pete Taylor. Gene son Vice-president; Marjorie Cur , that by setting the areas out of eighth grades reached 1X6 ytgiter- from sheep and made into mattree- Terpenlng. Tom Goodale, Alwln day compered with 161 on the rant. ■••cretsry lre a .u re r; Rutb the city limits the taxee will be see; and a hutch factory where the fourth day of school last year, ac­ Johnson. Alvin McBee. i-averne Stratton, representative on the In- lowered and people will buy the proper type of hutches for rabbits cording to Roy (juluey. principal McPherson. Bob Lltacber, Robert ter-claas committee; DorM* Marte property. may be purchased ready made. Benson. Dick and Bob Richardson. Robinson, social promoter; and Hfcrulliuenta by gradea at the D l covery that the state electric Mr. Hathaway declares that the Adams. Billy Burnett. , M „ , Marguerite Milhollen Brattaln achool are aa follows: Welby Stevens Named Concil­ Oliver an d : wiring ordinance which has been plant will be equipped with mach- Mias A llle Manning, first grade. iator For Lane County; Of­ Hughes. Joe Keever. Shipley, j o te„ Martin, class advisors adopted by the city does not re- . ----------- : inery valued at »20.000. that em- Clearwater. W ilbur McPherson. IS: Mrs Ie u I Jun,or officers and advisors are: , quire rigid conduit In new wiring Anniversary Of Founding Of p|Oynient will be given to too peo- ficial Report Is Given ond grade. It; Mm. Paul Basford. Oeor* ‘‘ lrT ln ' PNrM eot; Lawrence within the huskies« fire xone led Rebekah Lodge To Be Ob- pie. and that the income to Lane third grade 36; Miss Kdna Platt Welby Htevena. farmer living Bainbridge, and Allan Sneed * base, vice-president; Rearl H e l-jto the passage of an amendment served Monday Evening county alone from the new enter- and Mias Cynthia Hobbs, fourth north of Springfield, haa been ap­ lerbrand, ae< retarv treasurer; Bob making this a requisite in all future! ------------ prtee will reach (200,000. grades. 14 and SI; Miss Emma pointed farm mortgage conciliator by Calkins, Inter-class committee; wiring Special observance will be given Expert to Have Charge Rogers and Principal Hamlin, fifth for 1-aue county according to word Rarbara Barnell, social promoter; The council also approved the the eighty-third anniv -rsary of the; The plant will be equipped to grades. 23 and 31 Mrs Hoden received recently from Washing J“an Louk. sergeant at arm i; and deeding of 10 acres after the erec- founding of the Rebekah lodge by handle 300 pounds of yarn each 8- bough was III yesterday and Mre. ton. Farmers who want mortgage Ml«« G lide Dilley and M l«, Mary tion of bulldkira. In the Industrial members of Juanita lodge ot hour shift. A man with 22 years D C. Ogilvie, regular substitute extension« through the federal gov­ Cllxabeth W hitney, advisors. tract to the Angorlno rabbit fur Springfield next Monday evening.' of experience in Germany w ill be teacher, took her place ernment's financing ugenclea may Roscoe ( ’ole will lead the sopho factory to be rtarted here soon, A program in keeping with the j In charge of the textile dyes de­ more class for the rear His assist At the Lincoln school the enroll­ . ee Mr Htevena. event w ill to presented under the pertinents of the plant. At this a ng will Include Marvin Gorrle ment was first grade. Opal Rob­ Probably three-fourths Io four- ANNETTE WILLIAMS WED direction of Miss Edna Platt. Miss time only three plants for the pro- erts. 36; second grade. Miriam fifths ot Oregon's farm-debt adjust­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hinson To vice-president; Hazel Nesbitt, eec Thelma Sweeney, and Mm. W ilda cessing of this wool exist. They are IN KELSO ON SATURDAY Cotto«. Male. 34; third grade. Crystal ment coses are already settled, ac­ Obasrvs Golden Wedding ■>«•*•»? Andrews, inter | in Germany. England and France. Bryan. 36 and Junior high school, cording to Information given out Anniversary Ot, Saturday * 7,n”nIl" e',L.’’T’*' ° p,e •oc‘* ’ Springfield Girl Becomes Bride Of A large social committee for the M t- Hathaway made It clear that __ ' promoter; I la Weight, treasurer; sixth grade 44. aeventh grade 46 at a meeting of the State Agricul­ same evening ha also been named. I be is not selling rabbits. He Will Kent Munroe Of Eugene. W ill and eighth grade 36 tural Advlaory council held recent- Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fred and *4a r*,,n Hall and Mias t'larabel This will also be the monthly so- be in the market to buy the raw Make Home In That City The 26» enrollment at the h ig h ,1* 1,1 HalB'n However, at least «ev Hinson are planning to help them W a* n*‘r ' antinK about 2000 rabb, „ stead of leaving It up to the stu of the counciL son. Del lliiv o n and his family, class committee; Gene Terpenlng. „ i J“ rre" CaP' ain Ot thC for the factory operation. Mr. dents to make their own transpor­ E M Ehrhardt, president of the and other dose friends being In­ sergeant at »ran ; and Robert Mr and .Mrs. John T. Lucy of team was announced and accepted Chatterton and Bernice Conoly. ad tation arrangements The district Federal l-and Bank of Spokane, vited. J Hathaway has a list of all ap- McMinnville attended the couple at the meeting this week. vl«ora pays the pro-rata cost of educating told the members that that institu­ | proved rabbit growers In Lane During the afternoon their home as the wedding ceremony was read Mrs. Rosa Montgomery presided county and can negotiate sales for the student». tion haii closed approximately 6300 will to opened to their friend« and j by the Rev. W. W. Bartholomew. In the absence of Miss Eunice Ger- individuals if they desire. The rab- Courses In physics and physi­ farm loam, In Oregon since May «pedal Invitation« have been ex SUNDAY SCHOOL DATES PA tor of the Presbyterian church. to r and George Tillotson of Ta- b|(S are and always remain the ology are being offered st the hlgb 1»33, for nearly 16 million dollars tended to members of the I. O. O. Mr. Munroe is The son of Mrs. coma. Washington was a visitor. SET AT M. E. CHURCH property of the grower. He warns About one-fourth as many addl school thia year for the first time F.. Juanita Rebekah, and Pine C ir­ Mary Munroe. 1363 Lincoln street After the business meeting M to prospective growers that he must arcordlng to W. E Buell, principal tlonal loans are' approved and cle Neighbors of Woodcraft lodges Promotion day will be held Sept­ in Eugene. Platt described her recent trip to inspect all rabbits for disease and Another Innovation planned at pending, of which from 600 to 600 of Hprlngfleld. ember 30. and annual rally day will The couple have returned to Eu- San Francisco and Sacramento. wool qual'tv before he w ill buy the the high achool this year will be Involve debt ndju«tmnnts before Mr. and Mrs. Ilinson were mar­ to held Ooclober 7 for the Bunday , gene and will make their home In wool. Thia service Is free. keeping the library open for use they can be cloned, he said. ried ut New Richmond. Wisconsin, school of the Methodist church i t 1 that city. Plan Profit Sharing of atudentr every class hour dur In addition to state council men, RAY ENTERS RACE FOR on September IS, 1884. They have was decided at the meeting of the ------------------------------ The rabbits multiply every four hers, the meeting was nttended by lag the day. One of the teachers been re-ldents of Hprlngfleld for Sunday school toard Tuesday even MORNING FIRE CAUSES LANE SENATE POSITION months and the stock now in the will be assigned to the room each several county farm debt adjust many years during which Mr. H in­ Ing. Mrs. L. K. Page. Mrs. Charles hour and chairs and tables, and a ment committeemen, a number of L. L. Ray. democratic nominee, count^ >" a“ « 'c 'e n ‘ to «>• local son was night policeman until Cornell, and Mrs W H Oantz DAMAGE TO RESIDENCE county agricultural agents who are charge desk w ill be Installed. for state senator from Lane county p,ant 8tar,ed Kach rabb,t ” 9horn ihree years ago. have been named committee mem- ------------ in the primary election, announced e" ry ,wo month’ and wIM * ,eM A sewing machine shortage and nerving as county conciliation com Fire apparently started from They have taken a very active hen^ for the promotion day exer- „ Wednesday that he has filed his abont * * pouDd8 of woo‘ P*r an unuaually large enrollment In mlsnioners. rural rehabilitation of­ Interest In lodge work In the city clses. Other appointments will be, l° b«>» Mlsp Dlltev'a sewing classes at the ficials, niwl others Interested In the a home belongfhg to Mrs. Nancy acceptance of the nomination and A ft~ f,xed » • " * « “ • « « und have a wide circle of friends made later would be the democratic candidate f“ r machinery and other high school la causing trouble st financial rehabilitation of farmers Starting this Sunday the W e«le v|J a r l * gB 1“ « off of Nor,h Ftfth here. Ibst building. The school officials who are over burdened with debt. club hour at 7 o'clock will to taken ",r * et wpdnpada>- morning The opposing Senator H. C. Wheeler io '» ’ «■‘ « ••» t- W remaining anrpUs will to returned to the growers on (). M Plummer, chairman of the Invite any family having a usable fire started In the attic and It wac the fall election. over for a leader'« training confer­ j a profit-sharing plan. sewing machine which la not being council, presided, and E. A McCor- MEIER DECIDES AGAINST After winning the primary cam ence which will be under the lead­ necessary to damage the roof con­ uaed to loan It to the high school. nack. vice-president, reported on siderable before water could be paign, Rnv became attorney for th e 1 Mr. Hathaway came to Oregon RUNNING SECOND TIME ership of Rev. Dean C. Poindexter. few months ago from Missouri The high school promises, to have the status of the work. shot on the fire. The booster tank Home Owners Loan Corporation, a | Problems ln preparation for lead­ After a thorough discussion of and has been doing considerable the machines overhauled and re Personal and hui Ineas reasons ership and the practical working of was used and although the fire waa position which would not permit turned to the owners In aa good the provisions of the Frailer- which kept him from entering the checked before it burned through him to seek further political office. : experimental work with the rab- (hem will be taken up. ! bits and their wool. He is convtn- or better condition that, when they Lemke farm bankruptcy plan. It gubernatorial campaign In the pri­ the celling, the papering on the W ith the closing of the HOLC o f-, I was the general conclusion that were borrowed. ceiling and walls was badly water flee in Eugene Mr. Ray felt free; red that this place offers an ideal mary election will also keep Gov­ the bankruptcy plan la not likely climate for the growing of rabbits WALNUT GROWERS SET soaked. Another thing which Mr Buell to enter the political campaign. ernor Julius L. Meter from enter­ Io apply except In cases which can­ and the «hearing of them without wishes to stress la the fact that MEETING FOR MONDAY ing the fall campaign as an Inde­ not be settled satisfactorily by con­ artificial heat during the winter the high school building la locked pendent he announced yesterday, SPRINGFIELD GIRL GETS CIVIC CLUB TALKS ON ciliation. months. All walnut growers in the Eu­ at 4 o'clock and all atudenta are the final date for the filing of nom­ Office« for the company are lo­ PLANS FOR FALL WORK gene section are Invited to meet PLACE AS SCHOOL NURSE out of the building by that time inating petitions for state office. cated in the Miner building In Eu­ SISTER OF SPRINGFIELD at the Eugene Fruit Grower's plant Governor Meier offered hla co­ cafeteria on Monday. September Preliminary plan» for entertain­ gene. Mr. Hathaway will spend his Ml88 Naoml Carlton' da“khter of LADY DIES IN PORTLAND operation In every manner possible 1» California nut men will to here M r and Mrs Ro* w Carl,on' hM ing the county Institute of Feder­ time between the office and the HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS to his successor If he carries o’ accepted a position as school nurse ated Women's clubs for Lane coun­ factory site during the next few GET EXTRA ASSIGNMENTS Mrs. Edna B. Green, former M n e the projects launched during the for the meeting and all growers In for the Klamath Falla city schools. ty sometime ln October were dis­ weeks. i-ane county whether members of county resident, died at Portland Meier term In office. cussed here Tuesday afternoon a t , Extra curricular assignments for on Saturday. September 8 and fu­ the association or not are Invited She left Monday, the opening day of the schools there, to istart her the first fall meeting of the Spring- teachers at the high school were neral services were held there on to attend REPAIRS COMPLETED J O Holt, manager of the Fruit j " ew work Ml8a Car,ton ' <,rTed aa field Civic club The date will not announced today by W. E. Buell, Monday. Mrs. Green waa a sister CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO INSIDE OF CITY JAIL be determined until It Is known school nurse at the Southern Ore­ principal. The teachers are made of Mr,'. L. W. W ilkins of Spring- HOLD MONTHLY MEETS Growers' association Is making ar gon Normal school at Ashland last when the state president can be responsible for the achool partici­ field. She alio leaves two brothers rangements for the meeting. Metal lath and plaster were put here. year. pation In these activities Monthly church night programs and three additional listers Includ­ Plans for the fall ACttvttlqi of on the inside walls of the city Jail Assignments are as follows: mu­ ing Mrs. B. H. Brabham of route featuring a fam ily dinner and a FORGET-ME-NOT SALE the club were also discussed at this week by W. J. Phalr thus com­ sic, Miss W hitney and Miss Dlllsy; 3, Eugene social program w ill be continued RURAL RELIEF WORKERS the meeting which waa held at the pleting the reconditioning of the DATES ARE ANNOUNCED dramatic,,, Miss Mtllhollen; débats. st the Christian church on the last WILL DRAW CASH SALARY library and for which Mrs. David structure. The plaster had been Miss Conoly; athletics, Chatterton LARGE GROUP ATTENDS Thursday of each month during put on against the rough walls be­ Public gelling of Forget-Me-Nots, ------------ Saltsman was hostess. and H a ll; library and honor soci­ the earning year It waa decided a. A)l workers on rural relief pro- fore and had fallen down. A new FAMILY CHURCH NIGHT the church night meeting laat made by the Disabled American ety, Mias Rewes; Olrls League, Veterans of the World W ar will t o ; Jpcts will to paid In caah the same covering has been placed over the FOUR BOYS MAKE LATE Mias Carlton; financial advisor, week. Mid-week services are alao held in Springfield on Friday and workmen on city projects It roof, and the Jail will again to On hundred persona nttended the Mlaa**Wagner. held on Thursday evenings be­ Saturday. October 6 and 6 it was was announced Wednesday at the CLIMB OF MOUTAIN ready for occupancy when some annual family night dinner and tween the dinner and the social announced this w; ek by M. B. , meeting of the County Relief com- new bedding Is provided. program of the Methodist church Robert Elmer. Franklin Elmer, COUPLE OBSERVE THEIR Friday evening. Report« were made hour. Huntly. member of the legislative mlttee at the courthouse. Previous- and Donald Brown of Hprlngfleld, committee of the Oregon depart-1 fr the men on the rural projects SILVER ANNIVERSARY by (he various departments and and Eugene Cooper of Camp Creek NEWLYWEDS HONORED CHRISTIAN MISSION BODY; ment. A proclamation setting aside have received their pay In the form committee leaders announced their climbed to the top of the Middle AT HOUSE WARMING Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Drury plana for church activity during HEARS STATE HEAD TALK dal®'1 hn8 ,,ee” Ismied by j ’f grocery orders. Sister Sunday, Sept. 10. The ! Mayor W. P. Tyson. ----------------------------- observed their silver wedding an­ the coming winter months. Members of the Christian church air wan-clear affording a fine view niversary here Saturday with a Mrs. Thomas Bailey, state preal-. ERGATHA CLASS PLANS except at the very peak of the and other frlenfo of Mr. and Mrs. dinner at their home 842 North W illiam Cheaeman Diet dent and M»s. Horton, district MASONS HOLD FIRST OF FOR FIRST FALL MEET mountain where a blanket of clouds Elm er Ferguson who were married Fifth street. Their son and (laugh- W illiam Dale Chessman, former president, of the Women'« M i s s i o n - FALL MEETS TUESDAY shrouded the view. The climb was last week in Idaho, went to their •cr-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin resident of- Hprlngfleld who waa _______ ary society of the Christian church Members of the Ergatha Sunday one of the latest of the season and home Sunday evening after the .1 Drury of Coburg were their din­ born here on December 26, 1891, were here Tuesday evening from, FI,»t meeting of Liberty Masonic school class at the . Methodist i a repetition of the feat is dlscour- regular church services for a sur ner guests. Mr. and Mr«. Drury died nt Loa Angelea Tuesday of Eugene to speak at the regu lar. lodge since the summer vacation church will hold their first fall 1 aged by persons fam iliar with the prise housewarming party. Mrs. ,vsre married ¡p Eugene on Sep­ last week according to word rec­ meeting of (he mission group o f 1 was held at the lodge home Tues- meeting of the season next Wed- high mountains as sudden storma Ferguson was formerly Mies Goldla tember 8, l»0» ana have lived at eived here. Mr. Chessman has one the Christian church. The meet- day evening. Becond degree work nesday afternoon at the home of are likely to blow up without warn- Smith, for several yerjy teacher the same a<'ureaa In Springfield brother In California anu another Ing was held at the home of Mra. was held at the business meeting Mrs. W illiam Rouse. All membera Ing making It nearly Impossible to of the week-day Bible school In since that time. at Astoria. Rachel Thatcher. startlng at 7:»0. are urged to to preemt. get off the mountain. this city. BRATTAIN SHOWS CAIN V V CLASS OFFICERS RIMED FOR R.S. FARM DEBTS SHOW OECREASE IN YEAR LODGE PLANS FOR WISIORIC EVENT EIEIT TO BE OBSERVED :