B ad P rint P A G I FOUR t h i h s DAY. THK SPRINGFIELD NEWS ose MEN RESIGN FROM WARNER BROS. OFFER STATE CORN-HOG BOARD • DAMES" AT MCDONALD A llege* U n fa ir O iatribution C em -H og Fund* In Coun­ t i e s 1« Blam ed Of Tho state board «( review In barge of setting county quotas for tie corn-hoK adjustment program ’-i Oregon Is now operating without lie two stale college extension taff members as th ese withdtew it s In August, It Is announced at I. 8. C. Participation of H. A. Lindgren xtenslon livestock specialist, and X I,. Potter, head of the division f agricultural econom ics, was Ithdiawn iu protest over what the ullage men feel to be unfair and •rbltrary treatment to Oregon hog rodueers who applied for con racfg last spring. E srl’er difficulties In this regsrd -vere believed settled by personal onference with Chester C. Davis, dmlnlstrstor of the AAA, but later rders fro» the corn-hog section la Vashington practically nullified benefits of that agreem ent, the Iga representatives believe, maty com m ittees w ill continue ,,r* the a ssista n ce o f the ex- Ion officials in saving whatever oaslble for Oregon growers out t ■»* present unsatisfactory «It- i os, but the college men have fled federal officials that they tske no responsibility for what «consider seriously unfair coun- (Sotse arrived at by methods f »tai 1st leal computation sent o* W ashington and not appllc- nW In this state. (Joan Rlondelll, a chorus girl, slips into Horace's compai .mant Ha (ears Kara will dlacover It, so "Dames.’' Warner Bros.' lateat bribes the girl to keep quiet mammoth musical special, opening Horace's daughtar Barbara (Ruby at the McDonald theatre Sunday. Is ' Keeler) Is In love with Jimmy made on a grander and more lm-| (Dick Powell), a distant cous la. pre­ scale than any of Its pre-'H orace orders Barbara to keep decessors. Jimmy away from the house, but The story starts with Hugh Her- he shows up and asks the horrified bert, a s Ears Dunce, an eccentric Kara to finance his new musical multimillionaire with a complex on comedy. other p eo p les morals, cutting all , .... ___ _ . . . , . .. ... .1 l«*t*r Jimmy m eets Mabel while his relatives out of his will except . .. - «“*“« the rounds of the agencies Horace. Itluy Klbbee). Ears a n - 8h„ he , ghow H ‘ Ol“‘ “ * ? — « • ~ «<*> “ » laarnlug he 1. Horace $10.0<* uGHABte LOVABLE MUSICAI ROMANCE with GUY KIBBEE 1 * ZASU PITTS * HUGH HERBERT , D IC X POW ELL RUBY KEELER JOAN BLONDELL * SUMMONS •W, at Yachata— Frank Dibblee IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF •x) hit brother, H. O. Dibblee THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY. fit Sunday fishing at Yachats. John W. Moss, Fannie Moss and Mather is V isitor— Mrs. C. H. Emeline Moss. Plaintiffs. vs. "T-ter of Grants P ass arrived here Mary E. Potterf. Amanda M Lingo. John W. Richardson. May Rich­ r«drtay to vialt with her son and ardson. Bethena Gibson Lord. 'j .-gb'er In law, Mr. and Mrs. W Mrs. George Cropp. Itha Pedrone I !i. Bsm. ll. Dan Pedrone. Ernest Banlfleld. Yada Banfield. Orville Banfleld. Vnation on Coast— Mr. end Mrs Alice Banfleld. Art Banfield. Har­ riet Banfield Lucinda Green and 1 E. Maxey snd fam ily and Mr. W alter Green. Defendants. d Mrs. H. E. Turner spent the To Mary E Potterf. Bethena r> . lend at Woahink lake south Gibson Lord, Itha Pedrone and Dan f Florence Pedrone. Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUN­ TY. You are hereby required to ! appear and answer the Fourth Amended Complaint filed against r. and Mrs. David E stes and you in the above «-ntitled suit with-1 tiller. Leota, are visitin g Mr. in four weeks from the day of the first publication of thia summons, Mrs Horace Morris and their and if you fail to appear or an a er A. T. Morris. The E -tes fam- s e e r for want thereof the plaintiffs ly came from l-oma Linda. Call- will take a decree against vou for the relief as prayed for in s a id ' da. fourth amended complaint as fol -veral outdoor parties have low -: -so Joy cd by young people of A decree that the plaintiffs and ,e various comm unities the past j defendants are the owners In com­ of the following described »-k. Included are a party at Wal-1 mon premises: llle given by a group of 25 with I N H of NW U of See 6 Tp. 1 8 1 steer roast to end the evening I S. R. 4 W of W. M and all that part of the Ari Cantrell D. L. C. i irday evening N o 3» Notlf No 3350 which lias r. and Mrs. Louis B lttle chap- in Sec. 6 Tp. 18 S. R. 4 W of r- cd a group of young people at W M All of the NH of NE14 j •etaer roast at Leaburg dam and N H of NW% and lots 1 and 2 In Sec. 1, Tp. 18 9. R. 5 W sday evening. of W M. All being In Lane j r. and Mrs. Doss Deadmond County Oregon and In the propor­ rtained a group of friends of tions as set forth in the fou rth ' r daughter, Pat, at an outdoor amended complaint and particular­ ly Mary E. Potterf 45-1200; Bet­ y Sunday evening. hena Gibson Lord. 45-1200; Itha| Pedrone 1-380. NOTICE TO CREDITORS That said premises be parti­ Notice is hereby given that the tioned and If it can not be par­ nderslgned has beeD appointed titioned and If it can not be par­ Vdministrator with the Will An- titioned then said premises be sold I -exed of the E state of Rhoda D. and after costs of sale and s a lt ! 'yle. deceased, by the C o u n ty ,____ __ _ __ ____ „ be distributed __ i balance of r proceeds ourt of Lane County. Oregon. All ■ |”n ‘ proportion” set" forth in f’ urth '■ersaas having claim s against the amended complaint, and to defend- ald estate are hereby notified to ants last Darned as set forth herein, -resent the same, properly verified .1 and for s-c h other relief as to the fo the undersigned, at the office of court may appear equitable. ' Yells A Wells, Bank o f Commerce ! The order directing service of Bldg., Eugeue. Lane County. Ore­ this summons by the publication | gon, with‘n six months from the thereof Is dated August 8th. 1#34 date of the first publication of and directs publication once each this notice. week for four successive weeks and Date of first publication. Sept. the date of the fir«,t publication is ! 6, 1834. August 9th, 1934. JAMES W. WORKING. Admin C. A WINTERMEIER, Attor­ istrator with the W ill Annexed. ney for plaintiffs. Residence! WELL8 A WELLS, Attorneys. Eugene. Oregon. (8 8-13-20-27 - 0 4) (A 9-18-28-30—8 8) FULOP’S DEPÄBTMENT STORE SPRINGFIELD McKenzie Valley I Sack RED-HOT SPECIALS Send your Boys and Girl’s back to their classes in Shoes and Clothes that look Smart and Classy, meantime Sturdy and Comfortable. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY from the start this year by buying your needs here Most for Your Money at Fulop’s BOYS’ HEAVY SCHOOL SHOES BOYS' HEAVY OR DRESS OXFORD / Irish-Murphy Co. School BOYS’ STURDY — HIGH TOP SHOES, All sizes. S I.89 S 2 .4 8 S 1 .9 8 S 2 .9 8 S I . 9 8 t0 S 2 .9 8 MEN'S HEAVY DRESS OR WORK SHOES 16-INCH HIGH TOP SHOES, Double Leather Sole Eskimo Calf Skin — Full Double Vamp. ........ .............. ......... S 6 .9 8 SMALL GIRLS’ SCHOOL SHOES GIRLS’ HEAVY STYLISH SCHOOL SHOES GIRLS' BROGUE, Variety of Patterns and Heavy LADIES’ DRESS OR COMFORT SHOES S I.25 — S I.69 ..... S 1 .9 8 S 2 .6 9 S I . 9 8 to * * » qft ALL LEATHER OXFORDS. Health Last, Ideal for School S I . 9 8 to S 2 .9 8 The New Fall Styles for Men and Women Are Here Too! Big Grocery at Your Service Our I«arge Stock of M iny High Grade Brands i*nable8 us to tak e care of All Your Grocery W ants. Prices are Always the Lowest consistent with Good Quality. Thrifty People Buy Here! 12 OZ. OREGON Catsup MILK 3 TALL CANS 17C BOTTLE IOC Brooms 39c Beans SMALL WHITE OR RED — 4 LBS. S I.29 BOYS' FROSH PANTS, Heavy and Serviceable S I.39 BOYS’ CORDUROY PANTS, Heavy Weight S 1 .4 9 BOYS' FALL DRESS CAPS 49c BOYS’ HEAVY SCHOOL SHIRT 4<|c BOYS' HIGH GRADE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS, Latest Patterns 69C BOYS’ HEAVY FALL UNION SUITS. Excellent Grade g9c BOYS’ GOLF SOX, Wool Mixed Pair 2 3 c BOYS’ TWEED LONG PANTS S 1 .4 9 BOYS’ WOOL MIXED AND ALL WOOL SWEATERS 6 g C to S 1 .9 8 MEN’S MOLESKIN PANTS, Heavy Weight S I.8 9 DAVENSHIRE SHIRTING yard 1 4 c MEN’S HEAVY FLEECE LINED UNION SUITS S I . 19 BOYS' WOOL-MIXED LONGIES, Size 9 to 16 JgC BLUE AND CRAY CHAMBRAY for SHIRTING Yd. 12c CURTAIN SCREEN ........................................... Yd. IOC UNBLEACHED MUSLIN ............. Yd. 9 C LADIES' 80-SQUARE PRINT DRESSES . 99c HEAVY OUTING FLANNEL, Yard wide ............ J 4 C MARSHALL FIELD BEST 80-SQUARE PRINTS. Beautiful Ass’t. 2 2 c BEAUTIFUL ASS'T OF COTTON TWEEDS, for School Dresses 29c GIRLS’ ALL WOOL SLIPOVER SWEATERS ....... 9gc 70 X 80 MARSHALL FIELD SHEET BLANKETS £9C 50c HEAVY CRASH CRETONNE, Special for this Sale X7C LADIES’ AND GIRLS' RAYON TAFFETA SLIPS, $1.00 Value 59c PURE SILK LADIES' SLIPS ............... 9gc GIRLS' AND LADIES' DANCE SETS ...... 5gc GENUINE HEAVY ENGLISH PRINTS, Fast Color Yd. Every article bought from us remember is made by reputable manufacturers and guaranteed for your satisfaction. FULOP’S DEPT. STORE 334 Main Street Springfield, Oregon