TH URSDAY, SE IT E M B B R 0, 1984 □ THF. BPR IN O FIEIJ) NBWB | GUARD REPORTER BACK FROM TRIP TO JAP>N i Ml»» Holly Ann Maedulf, Spring ¡ ! field reporter for Ih r Enten» 11«'« 11 »I er Oiiurd return*«! Friday fremii Second Mt TOWN AND VICINITY 8TAR WHO IS WHO Week-end at Tldawatsr— Mr. and n i *t*ii* had an opportunity W K tlarnell »pent part of tha Gra<* of Portland was a business FuH K E N T — 1 Acra sow paalure to visit. p i el, end vacation al Yschata. and b a in , will lake milk lo ti visitor In Springfield Friday. Amusements Kasi Main at. lip N O T IC I Vacation on Coeat— Mr. and Mrs. Vlalle In Portland— Mr». L. K THE W1NTEROARDBN OF FIN A L B B T T L IM IN T Loyal E. Scott spent the week-end » •o il went to Portland Friday for 8th and Charnelton. Eugene N O T IC I OF F IN A L HBARINQ Nolle* la hereby given that the Notlca la hereby given, that tai illonlng on the coaet. a week end visit. Anna B. Orawell, Mgr. County Court of Lau* County. Ore- I'hlllp H Haul, administrator of the S W illamette Res. Ph 27F14 Sun. haa fixed 10:00 A. M of Hal estate of Anthony Huul. deceased, Vlelt on Coast— Mr said Mrs. Returns from South— M r* Grace Modern and Old Time Music urday. Oct. 0. 1914. at th * room» has filed hla final account In the Alex Mteveua spent the holiday* at lausberry returned Sunday even for All Occasions. of lli* court. In the county I'm ui County Court of Lane County, Ore Ing from a short trip to Han Fran- House lu Bug*n*. Orrgou. aa I hr son, and that said court haa set Florence and Waldport. cl»co. lltu r and placr whan the final ac­ aa the time and place for the final Auctioneers________ To Toaeh at Grove— Ml»» M a* count of Elmer Mirand, admtnlatra- settlement of »aid estate Saturday t'l> mo has been engaged to teach Returns to Work— Mis Clara tor of lb * ra ta l* of J rn n l* Htrand. the 21th day of Heptember. 1*34 W. L. BRAY n*c*aard. will b* taken up tor al- at Ten O'clock In the forenoon of In the Junior high school at Pottage Jones returned to her work aa of­ G EN ER A L AU CTIO NEER owanc* and an order made for th* »aid day at the County Court room Orov*. fice nurse for Dr. Melville H Jones Fa rm Sales and Livestock Our distribution of Ih r remaining aaarta In the County Courthouse In Ru Tuesday following an lllnesa. Specialty. Alt of »aid rafale. All paraona Inter gene, lain» County. Dragon Portland People Register— Mr. reled therein may appear at raid persona having objection» to said and Mrs. George Hollister of Port­ Community Sales Tonsils Taken Out— Bernice Els­ lime and be beard In reference final account must file tbe »ante on Every Wedne-day nr before said date of final settle­ land were registered at the Spring ton of l^aburg underwent a lonril therein. I I I Main 8t. Springfield field hotel Munday. operation Friday at the office of a RI.MKH H TItA N D Admtnlatra ment. P H IL IP H. HAUL. Arm lnlalra tor local physician. Auto Dealer* Return from Roedaport— M r and tor of the Rotate of Anthony H D A LLEN, Attorney for Rotate Haul Deceased If) • 18-10-17 —____ Mrs. Fred Baker returned Monday Visitor Friday — Mias Evelyn I M PETERHON, Attorney for from Reedsport where they spent Robley of the Mohawk valley spent ANDERSON MOTORS. INC. L L. AAV Said Administrator. Expert Repairing — All Work Friday vlaltlng with friends In the week-end. Attorney at Law (A 30 8 « ’ 3-20 271 Guaranteed. M in er Bldg.. Bugena, Oregon Springfield. Coasts at Hotel— Mr and Mrs. W BLLB ft W B L L8 Gas. Oil. Tires and Batteries NOTtCB TO CR1DITO R B Attorneys H Maynard or Proaeer, Washing­ Move to Springfield — Mr. and 6th and A St*., Springfield Ph. 49 NOTICE IH HEREBY G IVEN That Fred K err haa been appoint­ Bank of Commerca Bldg., Eugana ton were registered at the Spring- Mrs Fred Vail and family ot Cres­ ed executor of the l-ast W ill and well have moved to Springfield this field hotel Friday evening BROWN MOTOR CO. Teelam rnt of Margaret Karr, d e N O T IC I week CH RYSLER and P L Y M O U TH OF F IN A L B B TTLB M B N T ceaaed. by the County Court of Visits W ith Daughter — Mrs. la n e County. Oregon All paraon* Sales and Service Notice la hereby given that the Susan Klug went to Portland F ri­ Band People Here— Mr and Mra. baring claim» against aald »slat* undersigned. Dale M Smith. Ad­ Complete Automotive Service day to visit with her daughter. Floyd Magill ami family of Bend are required to present them, ministrator of tbe Estate of Haael Open Day and Night with the proper voucher*, within M cam* here Bunday to visit with hla Retcbenbach. deceased, haa Mrs. Minnie Fletcher a ll month» from the 23rd day of filed hla Float Report and Account | Phone 1787 mother. Mrs. Mary Magill, who la 195 East Broadway August 19.34 io Ih * »aid eiecutor aa auch Administrator with the Teacher Leave*— Mia* Audrey Eugene. Oregon IU. al the law office of L L. Ray In Clerk of the County Court of lame McPherson left Saturday for Klam­ the Miner Building. Bugena. Ore­ County. Oregon, and that Satur­ ath Falls where »he will teach Portland People Hara— Mr. and SCHERER MOTOR CO. gon. day. the 3th day or Sept 1*3« at Mr». Oren Neet and family of Port­ FRED KRKR. Executor of the 9 80 o'clock In the forenoon of school during tbe next year. B I’ICK — O LDSM OBILE — last W ill and Teatament of said day. In the County Court Room land spent tbe week-end here at PONTIAC Mother III— Olive Ann Cornelius Margaret Kerr, deceased In the Court House at Rugene. the home of ht» brother and staler- Motor Cars waa called Io Aahland laat week­ I, I. RAY, Attorney for Estate. (jane County. Oregon, ha» been In-law. Mr. and Mra. Levi Neet. SALES and SERVICE (A 23 SO H < 11201 set by the Hon Fred Flak, Judge end because of the serious illness of aald Court, aa the time and place of her mother 7th and Olive Sts. — Phone 866 Guests Leave— Mrs Brown and N O T IC I of hearing objection* to the aame. Eugene, Oregon. her daughter of Vancouver. Wash­ OF FINAL B ITTLB M K N T If any them are. and for the final Colorado Mon Hare Ben Beatty ington. left Haturday after spend­ Notice la hereby given that W il­ aett lament of aald estate. and Matt Wangler of Fort Collioe. Auto Repair liam H. Hobba. egecutotr of the ing «everal days here visiting with DALE M S M IT H . Administra­ Colorado were guests at the Spring- relate of Edna W Hobba. deceased, tor Mrs Ella Lombard. MARSHALL’S and of her laat will and testament, W ELLS * W EI .1,8 Attorney* field hotel during the week-end. baa filed hla final account In tba BODY AND FEN D ER WORKS (A >1823-80—S 8) Visit In Washington— Mr. and County Court of Lana County. Ore­ Attend F air—M r ood Mrs. Harry "Auto Rebuilding'’ Mra. Guy Halsey »p^nt the holiday gon. and that aald court haa »at aa SU M M O N S Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tops and Upholstering. Glass, week-end at Toppenish, Washing­ tbe time and place for the final IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF Whitney visited tha fair at Salem settlement of said estate Saturday ton visiting with their son. Wal Radiator Repairs, Auto Painting. T H E S TA TE O F ORBOON FOR Monday. September Ifttb. list at Ten Duco, Woodworking. T H E CO UN TY O F L A N E lace They returned Monday. O'clock In th * forenoon of said day Phone #01 Oren E Masterson. Plaintiff, V8. Visit In Seattle— Mr and Mrs at tbe County Court Room In tba Return Home— Mrs Charles Ku- 8» W. 6tb Ave. Stella V. Masterson. Defendant, Eugene. Ore. Court House In Kugena. Oregon. Al Peterson returned Monday even­ cera and aon. Junior, and Mra TO STELLA V. MASTERSON, Objections, If aoy to said final ac­ ing from Seattle where they »pent Lalhle left for their home at K la­ AUTO BODY & FENDER CO. count. must be filed on or before T H E ABOVE N A M E D D E F E N D ­ the I-abor day weekend ANT Radiator», Fenders and Bodloe aald date math Falla Saturday after vlaltlng IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STA TE W IL L IA M H. HOBBS. Bzecu Repaired — All W ork Guaranteed here with Mra. Charles Schneider Returns Horn» — Kenneth De tor of th * Batatv and Laat W ill OF ORBOON, You are hereby re­ W RECKS A SPECIALTY and Teatament of Hdnu W quired to appear and answer the Lapsus left Sunday for San Fran­ Return Home— Mr. and Mrs. Paul A Home Industry—Give Us a Trial. complaint filed against you In th * cisco after spending two weeks Hobba. Deceased F Alley left Monday morning fov above entitled Court end cause on I M PETERSON. Attorney for Phone 24« or before tbe lln d day of Septem vacation with relative» here their hnm> at Moro after visiting Cor. 7th and Charnelton, Eugene said Executor. bar. 1*34. said date being more (A 1« 2130— B 8 18) Tonsils Taken Out— Ml»» Janice with her parents. Mr. and Mrs W .............. .. a . . 1 i than four weeks from the day of Auto Wreckers Rust had her tonsils taken out at E. Buell for several week». the first publication of thia sum , mon» and herein entered of record | the office of a local physician Tues­ 10<7t off with thi< coupon Visit from Cushman — Mr. and and If you fall so to appear and day morning. Red Read Mgr. Mr». E. E Brattaln and daughter Phone 3283 answer for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the Picnic Up River— Mr and Mr». and son-in-law. Mr. and Mra. Cook, East Side Auto Wreckers relief In hla complaint against you Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN demanded, to-w lt: For a Judgment John D. Pyle. Mrs Pyle» mother. ot Cushman were week-end vHItora Used Cars. Trucks and Trailers Generator. Armature A Electrical and decree of Divorce dissolving Burl Pyle, and W II Hobba held In Springfield. Naturopathie Fhyalelaa the bond* of matrimony now and a picnic on the upper McKenile Service Vacation on Coast— Among tbe Phone »14 heretofore existing between you Monday. 2048 Franklin Blvd Eugene. Ore. Hprlngfleld people at tbe coast over and the plaintiff on the grounds Uftlca Hours: I t a t i * . M of desertion and for auch other re­ Visit at Resort— Mr and Mra. C. the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Beauty Parlor* lief ae to the court shall meet. E Wheaton and Mr. and Mr» I. Harry Fandrem and M r and Mra. 40« Fourth Street Thl» summons la served upon vou Ray Nott. They traveled from Flor­ Permanent Push Waves hv publication thereof In the D. Larimer visited with Mr. and 31.78 and Up S P R IN G FIE LD NEW S, a news­ M r*. Bert Vincent at Redsldea Mon­ ence to Yachats. paper of general circulation pur­ day. The B R O W N IE B E A U T Y SHOPPE Visit at Monmouth— Mr. and Mrs. suant to an order of the Judge of Watchmaker and Jewalar Apprentice Finger Wave 26c. the County Court of the State of Paisley Paopla Visit — Mr. and Fred Louk and daughters. Mary SPRINOFUBLD Oregon for the County of Lane Mrs Paul Brattaln Jr. ot Paisley Ann and Jean, spent Sunday at the Shampoo & Finger Wave 50c to. Paoille Watah Inspector duly made and entered of record Roth home at Monmouth and visit­ 841 W illam ette. Eugene, Ph. 469 were here oyer the I-abor day holi­ First Class W ork kt Reasonable on the 20th day of August. 1*34 Prima ordering this summons to be pub­ days vlaltlng at the home of his ed at the Sate fair In Salem Mon­ Battery Service day before returning home. lished once each week for four mother. Mra Paul Brattaln, Sr. successive and consecutive weeks «7 E Broadway Eugene. Ore. Deaerai Law Practice Visit Parent»—Mr. and Mra. E l­ In »aid newspaper and that the At San Francisco— Mr. and Mr». PERRY’S first publication shall be with the Edward Prlvat and aon. David, re­ wood Lee of Alpine were week-end I. M. PETERSON tsaue of August 23rd. 1*34 and the BATTERIES, BRAKES to Springfield Tuesday visitor.: at the home of her par­ Attornay-nt-Ukw laat publication ahall he with the turned IG N IT IO N . MOTOR W ORK. ents. Mr. and Mra. C. A. Swarts In evening from San FranrHco where laaue of September 20th. 1934. City Hall Building Wheel Aligning. FRANK A D E P U E . Attorney they »pent the Labor day holiday». Eugene. Miss Maxine Swarts ot Hprlngfleld. Orbgon •’Any Service— Any Car" Grants Pass was ala a visitor In for Plaintiff. Residence, Spring- They left Saturday. Ph. 787 Eugene field. Oregon Eugene and Springfield for tbe 725 Oak (A 18-30— 8 « 18 20) Parents of Son — Mr. and Mr». week-end Matt Hart are the parent* of a LANBCO BATTERY Returns to Homs— Mrs Roy SUMMONS baby »on born to them at the Paci­ FACTORY IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF fic hospital in Eugene on Friday. Johnson of Birmingham. Alabama A HO M E IN D U 8T R Y THE STA TE OF OREGON FOR left Tuesday evening for her home August 31. 1*34 Eugene L A N E COUNTY after »pending two weeka with her 867 Pearl Phone 1008 of Pittsburgh, Pa. John W. Moes. Fannie Moes and Visit F a ir--M r aud Mr». Elmer aunt. Mrs. Janie Cruaon. who has Emellne Moaa. Plaintiffs vs Pyne. Mis» Dawn Church. Mr. and been very IU. Mra. Cruxan la get­ Creameries-Dairy Products Mary E Potterf. Amanda M. Lingo. John W. Richardson. May Rich- Mr». W alter Taylor and W illiam ting along nicely now. ardson. Bethena Glbaon I/Jrd. Cox »pent Monday at the State Demand the Best— Costa no More Montana People Here— Mr. and Mrs George Cropp. Itha Padrone. fair. BLU E BELL Represented By Dan Padrone. Ernest Ranlfleld Mrs Bud Foley. Ted King, and J. Dairy Producta Veda Banfleld. Orville Banfleld. Teacher Visits— Ml»» Margaret King and family of Glendive, Mon­ C. H. TURNER Alice Banfleld Art Banfleld. H a r­ Polev of Ixtstlne ha* been visiting Ice Cream. Butter. Cheese. M ilk tana. arrived here Monday even­ riet Benfield Lucinda Green and EUG ENE FARM ERS CR EAM ERY. »4« A BL Springfield. Ore. al the D. B Murphy home. She ta ing to visit at the H E. Gerber W alter Green. Defendanta. Phone Eugene 638 To Mary E Potterf. Bethena to teach near Reedsport during the home. The J. King family went to Glbaon Lord, Itha Pedrone and Dan coming year. Corvallis Tuesday evening. Convalescent Home* Pedrone. Defendants. IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STATE Return From T rip —Mr. and Mta. Quests at Camp— Mr. and Mrs. OF OREOON FOR I.A N E COUN­ MISS NELSON’S TY. You are hereby required to O. 11. Turner returned Bunday 8. S. Potter and fam ily were guests C O NVA LESC ENT AND appear and answer the Fourth evening from a 10-day motor trip at the summer home ot Dr. and M A T E R N IT Y HO M E Amended Complaint filed against during which they visited several Mr». W. H. Pollard oyer the holi­ you In the above entitled suit w ith­ roes! point- from Florence south day». The Pollard family has Good Care at Reasonable Rate». Formerly Walker-Pool* in four weeks from the day of the Phone 794-J moved into town for the school first publication of thia summons, BUGENB— U th S P R IN G FIE LD Portland People Hara— Mr. and year. 889 East 11th Ave. Eugene. Ore. and If you fall to appear or an­ aud Charuelton 228 Main swer for want thereof the plaintiffs Mr». George Epps and Mra. Epps' Visit Fair — Among those who SUNSET HOME will take a decree against you for niece. Delilah McPherson were Telephone 722 Phone 88-J the relief aa prayed for In aald here from Portland over the week­ visited the fair at Salem Monday Rev. R. Bogs tad fourth amended complaint aa fol end visiting at the home of Mrs. w er* Mrs. Riley Snodgrass. Miss Sanitarium — A home for Elderly Iowa: A decree that the plaintiffs and Eppa brother. H arl McPherson Maxine Snodgrass. Lloyd Garrison. People— Graduate Nurse In Charge. Mr. and Mr«. Ralph Oakes, Denny Rate» »1.00 a day and up. Depend­ defendanta are the owners In com­ mon of the following described Move» Furniture — Merle Carr Cyr and hts grandson. Junior Lax- ing on care needed. Centrally lo­ premises: left Sunday for Klamath Fall» ton. and S. C. Delph and family. cated In refined neighborhood. N H of N W U of Bee 8 Tp. 18 Phone 1494-J 8 R. 4 W. of W. M. and all that with a load of household good» for Many at Yaehato— One of the 172 — 12th Ave. W.. Eugene part of the Arl Cantrell D. L. C. his parent», Mr. and Mr». Robert No. 3» Notlf. No. 8360 which Ilea Carr who plan to move there with­ larger groups from Springfield to vacation on the coast over the In Sec 6. Tp. 18 8. R. 4 W . of W M All of the N U of N EI4 in a month. Labor day week end was assembled CONVALESCENT HOME and N H of N W « and lota 1 and at Yachats and Included Mr. and 2 In Sec 1, Tp 18 9. R 5 W Lillian Van Darwark. Prop. Visit* Parents— Mr. and Mr». 1. Mrs. Clayton F. Barber and family, of W M. All being In I-ane M Eugene Peterson and two children, Mr. and Mrs. W alter N. Gossler County Oregon and In the propor­ 1409 Oak St. Ph. 3078-W spent two day» at Hillsboro visit­ tions as set forth In the fourth and faintly, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence amended complaint and particular­ ing with Mr». Peterson’s parents. C. M offitt and family. Dr. and Mrs Cleaning A Dyeing ly Mary E. Potterf 48-1200; Bet­ They returned home Monday morn START YOUR W. N. Dow. Mr. and Mrs. Henry hena Gibson Lord. 48-1200; Itha CHILD RIQHT Fandrem. Mr. and Mra. Larson Jimmie's Cleaning Shop Pedrone and Dan Pedrane each ing. 1-380. That aald premise» b.< par­ W right nnd their families. JAMES M IT C H E L L Poor V illon now may moan titioned and If It can not be par­ Agent Return« — Carl Olson. failure later. Cleaning. Pressing, Alterations. titioned then aald premise» be »old Hprlngfleld agent for the Southern We Call For and Deliver. and after costa of »ale nnd suit Why Take Chances? RO YAL Made ta Measure 8ulte. balance of proceeds be distributed Pacific rnllrond returned to work HOT WEATHER BRINGS School will «tart soon and your In proportion set forth In f >urth Wednesday after hla annual vaca­ HEAVY BUSINESS HERE 309 Main 9t., Springfield, Ph. 78-J child will do better If not handi­ amended complaint, and to defend­ tion. George Prochnow was In capped with poor vision. Many anta la»t named as set forth herein, charge of the day shift at the depot Cabinet Shop Although n large percentage of email defects can ba perman­ and for auch other relief na to the ently remedied with small ex­ court may appear equitable. during M r Olson’s absence. the population of Springfield was pense If treated at the proper SPRINGFIELD CABINET The order directing service of out of the city for the holiday, Sun­ time. thia summons by the publication SHOP day proved to be one of the best Vl«lt at Newport— Among the thereof Is dated August 8th, 1»34 Examinations ara Fra*. Geo W. Stephens buslress days for Egglmanu Kandy Springfield people at Newport tor and directs publication once each Hath. Doora, Gloat, week for four »uccesalve week» and the week-end were Mr. and Mr». Kitchen of the puat three years and General M ill W ork the date of the flrut publication II Lum Andoraon and children, Irene according to C. F. Egglmann. Many DR. ELLA MEADE August 8th, 1S34. Used Doors and Windows strangers were In th * city during C. A W IN T E R M E IK R , Attor­ and Frank, Mr. and Mr», W. A. the day. Monday also proved to be 4th and C Sts. OptomstrlBt Springfield. Ore. Taylor and nephew. Pets, and ney for plaintiffs. Residence 41 West Bth Bufane niece, Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. B. a better business day than had Eugene, Oregon. a t) n S m ith and aon. Kvle. V is it* from W a lto rv lll« — Miao and W hat They Do Business Directory Edward C. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e (A »-ls-ss-io— FVRNl Q A Classified Directory of Reliable Bring or mall us Gold such aa Ring*. Case*, etc Check by Ratura W hinn-tte. Fuses*. PR. Busineeg Firm* and Professional People This Newspaper Recommend* to You. Saw Shop S A W SH O P Dentists •'he Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. DR. O. A. BROWN COMPLETE HOME Furnishes a Hours * A M to B P. M. Phone 20 J 8th and Main Sta. Springfield DR. WM. N. DOW DENTIST S aw s Repaired. Med All Kinds of Wa Building and Repairing Service. For Service Phone Springfield 85 BR UND’S SA W SHOP or If no answer, phone 34-J. Phons J l l I W Springfield. 70« oak Eugene. Laundries X Kay Diagnosis — Hours • to 12 1 to 8 and by appointment Office Phone 8 — Res. Phone 87 First Nat'l Bank Bldg Hprlngfleld Department Store* Turner’* Variety Store Crockery. Kitchenware. Stationery. Hosiery. Notions. Summer Hats. Perfume», Pottery and a complete line of Novelties CANDIES. Main St. Bet. 3nd and 4th Springfield, Ore. Dry Gc d», Men’s. Women's and Children's Shoes and Clothing C. J. BREIER CO. Phone 1828 *68 W illam ette A ll kin d s o f SAW S OU s tra ig h te n e d . Circular Shoe W»pairing SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY JOHN NELSON SHOE We Specialise in Silks. Woolens, General Shoe Repairing and Curtains. Our work la Otwronteed. Otar Rough Dry - T h rifty Damp Wash prices are moat reasonable. Phone 76>J Give U» a T rial and Be 8atlsfla< 309 Main St. Springfield Opposite M cKee'* Bakery 507 Main Bt.. ' ___ __ Orthodontist Hall's Shoe Repair Shop W e Repeat— We a r * striving ta live up ta the Spirit an w ell aa th* Letter of the National Recovery- Act Eugene 420 Main St. Springfield. DR J E. RICHMOND ORTHODONTIA Phone 22&3-J 1175 Charnelton Physician - Surgeon Swimming S W IM M IN G and C A N O E IN G DR. MILTON V. WALKER Surgery and l>l«ea«e» of Women Swim at the ANCHORAGE 1» 4th and Main Sta. Springfield Eugene- In City W ater which is Tested Dally by a Doctor and Al Phone 82-J Electrical Industries any» Kept In Class “A ” Condition 1 Also Canoe» for Rent a t 26c fer Springfield Electric Supply MELVILLE S. JONES. M. D. Hour. Wiring. General Contracting Surgery and Disease* of Women 11th and Franktn Eugene. Ore. G. K. Lamps, Universal Household X Ray and Physiotherapy Electrical Supplies. T ra n s fer A Stör« Springfield, Oregon General Repairing Ph. 43 M OVING— Our Piano and RmM- 442 Main Springfield First National Bank Bldg. ture Mover» are Experts. Plumbing A Pipe Fitting STORAGE — Concert* Buiidiag. Inspect our New Installation at Reasonable Rates. Reliability. the State Game Farm. NIEL POLLARD PACKING — Experienced H e l p Westinghouse Lamps and P L U M B IN G Mean» Safety and ProtectiSM- Appliances. Ree. Phone 153-J PACIPIC T R A N SFER A HENDERER EI.ECTRIC 420 Main St. Springfield. Ore. 420 Main St Springfield STORAGE CO. 59*4 5th. Ave. W Engene, Ph. 74 Res. I ’hone 148-J Photographere-Films I f no answer Call 104-R Eugene Fruit Packers Carl R. Baker Film Shop Uphoistering-Mattre—4te Eastman Films — Kodaks — Frames — Album-— Motion Furniture Upholstering Diamond A. Brand F ru it Packers Picture Cameras. And and Shipper^. j ce and Cold Storage. We Photograph Everything Mattress Shop College Ice Cream Manufacturers. Anywhere. Expert Workmanship Coco Cola— Kist Beverages Mall films ta P. O. Box «87 Phone 156 Cider Vinegar 698 W illamette. Eugene Ph. 638 736 Charnelton St.. Eugene, Ore. Phone 1480 Ferry near 8th Ave E. Eugene, Eugene Fruit Grower'* Ass’n Feed-Seed-Hay Printers Woolen Mills THE WILLAMETTE PRESS EUGENE WOOLEN MILL CO. Springfield Manufacturers of Woolens. Phone 2 Specialising In Lodie*_ Full line of Feed, Seed and Hay. Business Stationery—Office Forms CO ATING S A N D S U IT IN G S . Cu-tom Grinding. Cleaning and Booklets — Placards — Retail Department at MUL Mixing. A Home Owned Institution. Dodgers, etc. Eugene, Ore. 119 — 5th St. Springfield, Ph. 3 A Modern Print Shop Producing East End 6th Ave. Up-To-Date Printing. ADAMS FEED & SEED STORE Oregon Feed & Seed Co., Inc. Good Luck Manamar Poultry and Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. Dairy Feeds Restaurant* Prosper W ith Manamar Seed Cleaning a Speciality. IRENE’S CAFE Delivery Phon» 689 205 E. 6th St., Cor. High Eugene Breakfaet 16c up — Dinner 26c np. Chill 10c PAC IFIC FE E D ft SUPPLY CO. Home Cooking Ice Cold Beverages on Tap EUGENE EGG DEPOT Main Bet 4th and 6th Sts. W e Pack and Grade Eg . for the Open TUI Midnight Merchants of Eug<--«e .-l1' ^Spring- Springfield field. \ LET’S EAT Cor. 5th and W illam ette St. Eugene. Ore., Phnne ^«“ at the N E W M AM M Y'S CABIN. The ason for the New Cabin I» public Furniture demand for larger accommodation». Chicken A T-Bone Steaks os usual. JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. Special 9unday Entertainment. Ranges and Circulators Judkins Point The same location. Several Lines Including Montag. Pacific Highway Ph. 277« Linoleum—Ir'a id and Felt Base Attractive Prices on Furniture Schoois-Collngws __ and Rugs. E V E R Y M O N D A Y IN SEPT. See Us Before You Buy W e Deliver Phone 1188 Students may enroll at EUG ENE 649 W illam ette Eugene BUSINESS COLLEGE, a good school. Groceries TOOMB’S GROCERY Fancy Groceries. Fruits. Vegetables Dairy Products. Boda Fountain Free Delivery- 521 — 5th St. Springfield. PH. 90 DIBBLEE'S RED & WHITE GROCERY Phone 4 Cor. 4th and Main Sts.. Springfield Hospitals PACIFIC HOSPITAL, INC. 12th and Hllyard Phone 2500 Eugene. Oregon EUGENE HOSPITAL "The Friendly Institution" Phone 1800 1162 W illam ette Eugene Ladies Ready-To-Wear DELLA BORIN’S DRESS SHOP Mrs. Della Borin. Proprietor AUGUST CLEARANCE Of All Summer Apparel. Prices Greatly Reduced! Eugene Phone 2692 ANGELINE DRESS SHOP Eugene. Oregon Popular Priced Dresses Allen A. Hosiery 63 E. Broadway Phone 533-W Eugene. Oregon : S T A IR W A Y IS P A IN T E D IN NO TIC E TO C R E D IT O R * Notice 1» hereby given to all whom It may concern th at the un­ dersigned I. D. Larim er haa been duly appointed Adm inistrator of the estate of Jesse K. Platts, de­ ceased, by the Connty Court o f tha State of Oregon for Lane County, and has qualified oa auch admin­ istrator, and all persona, having claim» against said estate are here by notified and required to present the same verified oa required by law. w ith proper vouchers, to the »aid administrator a t the office ot Calkins and Calkins, attorneys. 218 Tiffany Building. Eugene, Oregon, within »ix month» from the date of this notice. Gregg Shorthand. Bookkeeping. Date of first publication, August Typing. Buatne»» English. Spelling,} 30. 1934. I. D. LA R IM E R . Adm inistrator etc. of the Estate of Jesae K. Platt«. Eugene Business College Deceased. A. E. Robert», Pre». (A 30—S 6-13-20-37) Phone 666 Miner Bldg. NOTtCB Eugene. Oregon OF F IN A L H B A R IN Q See the Modern Machine Method N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that Donald Young, adm inistrator ot the of Shorthand estate ot Jacob Young, has filed SPEED and ACCURACY bis final account in aald estate, with Ease. and that Saturday the 28th day of September. 1934, a t 10:08 o’clock SCHOOL OF In the forenoon ot »aid day. a t the MODERN STENOGRAPHY County Court Room In Eugene, 841 W illamette, Eugene. Phone 117 Oregon, hare been fixed aa tke time and place for hearing aald Service Stations account and for final eettlement of said estate. Any person* having SPRINGFIELD SERVICE objections ta said account a r* STATION hereby notified to file the asms lu writing with the County Clerk for Frank Sharraan. Prop. I^ine County, Oregon, on or before G ILM O RE OILS and GAS the time set for «aid hearing. 5th and Main Sts.. Springfield DO NA LD YO UNO , Administra­ tor of the Estate of Jacob Young, deceased. A ST. SERVICE STATION (A 30— B 8-13-20-17) General Gasoline. Oil and Grease» [ Goodrich Tire» "A Home Owned 8tation.” 5th and A Sts., Springfield, Ph. 44 i Your First and Last Chance to Patronise a Home Owned Independent Service Station. BY TRAIN TO CALIE THURMAN’S On Main Bt.. at the Bridge 100 Main St. Springfield, Ore. Mitchell Service Station OREGONIAN SERVICE STATION At the Springfield Junction GAS AN D OILS Snider Red Cedar Shingle» Service Day and Night. Why not have the best? They Grocery Sundries, Tobacco'» and - Coat no more. Picnic Goods. Phone 426 Ph. Bpr. 33-J Rail Road Blvd. & Grand, Eugene West Springfield EUGENE LUMBER CO. BUILDING The stairway in the Stanley building at Fifth and M ain atreeta was painted brown during tbe week-end. The building, form^aty the Sutton block, houses the offices of Doctor» Pollard and Brown and Frank DePut. attorney, and apart­ ments. all on the second floor. A L L R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS — Yale Tire» — Greasing - Battery Recharging Mrs. Margaret M. Coldren Expert Radio Repairing by M O D ISTE LEE CRAY Remodeling — Designing Phone 48-J Miner Bldg., E. Broadway. Eugene 7th and Main Sts Springfield < Phone 3346 Lumber Wholesale-Retail LOCAL Ride io big, ., coaches on smooth Keel tails. Tourist berth for th* n i^ t aa little as f l extra. Seej local agent of write 709 Padfic 1 Ora.