THE SPRINGFIELD BPK1NUFIELD, LANK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. » KPT KM BER 6. 19»4 THIRTY-PIK8T YEAR DRY FORCES FILE AiucA Material WHEAT CHECKS 10 Used In School c o m THIS MONTH FIRST PETITIONS fANHLY HIGHT » 1 ? « ' SCHOO In Idaho Town CHURCH FRIDAY Ton And Quarter Of Kai no­ Wat Element Promlee* To mine Put On Walls At High Oregon Farmer* Will Get And Lincoln School« Second 1933 Payments In Meat Ventura With Sate M Modified Control Roque* September. Others Set A realisation <»( tbe work which ; _ 7-' V carried no at the Spring-; Oregon wheat farmers will re­ FILING WILL END TODA'»® « been school buildings during the ceive their second and (Inal wheat ------------ | mouth« will readily be Active Campaign To Bring olilnv^. when one considers Ike production control checks from the federal government some time thia Out Larger Vote; Registra­ amoun. " material- and labor month and they may also expect to uned. tion Books Opened Again receive the first payment on the I-nt was made thl« week by noon and with this action annouu ways al Ibe Lincoln s l i d high II E. Farrell, head of tbe wheat ced to lbs couuty and state tbat - I'hnol htilldliiKs. «ectlon of tbe AAA during Ills visit they Inland to make a political Is­ It required 64 gallons of paint to to the state sue In« November of I be liquor reflnlsh the Interior of tbe Lincoln The benefit payments on the question, at least In Lane county. school and to paint the mop boards 1934 crops, which w ill be paid In Whether the petition filed has In all tbe rooms at the Brattaln. 1936. will be the same as they were sufficient name« bas not yet been Another large Item le cold water this year stated Mr. Farrell. Tbe determined Two factions In the glue. A total of 70 gallons of this established reduction base of I t county bavs beeu unable to agree was used In applying the kalso- percent will be lowered to 10 per­ on the number of names required tnlne cent for 1986. to place a measure on tbe ballot, Floors In the Urnttnln and high The wheel program has paid Ita son»- contending that 3196 names schools were cleaned and covered own way from tbe start, be said, ars required and others declaring with a new floor wax and varnish and has plenty of mooey on hand that 1700 are sufficient. It seems subslnuce. A tola l of 160 gallons to meet payments that come due. Io be a matter for t'ouot Clerk of this was purchased, but bas not W hile mure than «98.000.000 Is be­ Dillard to decide. bran all used yet ing paid to growers (or tbelr first Have Plenty of Names Actual expenditures for mater year's benefit, only «3.000,000 bas The drys do uot term perturbed Isle which will be paid by school l»-en needed Io cover administra­ lu this matter Their petition filed d k tiic t Ik w ill total approximate­ tive expenses, yesterday wa » one day ahead of ly 11449 4k This Includes «400 for! No decision has been reached yet the deadllue and they are ure they labor by janitors as supervisors as to the continuance of the ex­ have sufficient names regardless all other labor being paid by the port corporation at Portland, but of the number required If they (all HERA office Farrell «aid he Is fam iliar with the short of the required number their Other Items of expense were measure cannot bi- placed on the lumber «68.77; sand pnd gravel particular problem« of tbe Pacific Northwest In this regard and that ballot as all names to a petition «10 76; planing mill work and ma-| they will be met In one way or an­ must b- filed at one time. They are terlals «63.SO; plumbing *3.2*. other He quoted figure* to show now being checked against the list paint, kaleomlne, varnlrb. etc. that the export corporation has of registered voter- «623.13; floor dressing (360. and served to hold Portland prices Filing of two other sets of peti­ urinal construction «160. much more nearly In line with Chi­ tions sometime today has been Tbe labor expense paid by tbe cago quotation«, while the AAA promised by Fred Vincent. Fort HERA office amounted to I l l i M program In turn has helped keep land advertising man who Is lead up to the first of the month. Total Chicago prices well above the lug tbe campaign against complete labor for the project will probably world market. prohibition In Lane county. exceed «1,000 before the end of Three Plane Offered ihls week. Tbe dry forcee seek complete This sum and «144 received for WATCHMAN LOSES BIKE; prohibition The oppoelng group tbe library project are tbe only BOY CULPRITS FOUND offers two measures, tbs first funds pgld out by SERA for work which would pruar’de for s 14 per­ done Inside tbe city llmtte A small epidemic of bicycle steal­ cent limitation allowing sale of ing bad beeu prevailing In Spring- beer and wlnae. and tbe second, field for several days without the which would permit only tbe sale CHARTER MEMBERS OF discovery of any guilty persona of beer -over five percent. In any O. E. S. TO BE HONORED until Saturday afternoon when the evenl If one of tbe three meaeuree boys made the sad mistake of bor­ le carried lu the tall election It Plans for charter member night eeeme that aale of bard liquors by of Cascade chapter. Order of East­ rowing the bicycle belonging to A. the state liquor store or any other ern M ar. were made here Twee- J. Cowart, nlgbt watchman. When agency would become unlawful In day evening nt the first (all meet­ Cowart discovered that his own bicycle bad bean taken be started the county. ing of the order The charter mem Tbe prohibition campaign la be­ hers of tbe organlxatlon will be for home to get hl- car and hunt ing carried on by the churches of honored at the next meeting to he the bike Evidently tbs boys were tbe county Rev Frank 8. Belstel. held September I I . The usual not sure who the owner of the bike president of tbe Eugeue Ministerial monthly fam ily dinner w ill precede was as they rods right up to the association, has led the campaign the bueinees meeting according to nlgbt watchman as be walked to secure petitions Now Rev. M il­ Mrs. Clifford Wlleon. worthy mat­ homeward. They were brought to ton 8. Weber, pastor of tbe Presby­ ron. Mrs. W. E. Buell will be chair- the city hall Tuesday where they were questioned and reprimanded. terian church of Eugene, has been mao of the supper committee. Both Boh Rodrnbough and Teddy named to manage tbe actual cam­ W right lost their bicycles last paign 1 nursuay evening only to have LOANS AVAILABLE FOR Probable Results Interest them found abandoned the next Many person« are wondering just NEW CONSTRUCTION morning. Friday evening someone wbat will happen It the three mea­ apparently wanted a ride and again sures are carried. Some contend 1 xians under the Federal Houe- the W right machine tbat the total prohibition measure Ing Administration up to «3.000 borrowed which was again found ubandoned would supercede all others al­ are now available Io farmers and though no legal decision has been others. The loans will be made on a vacant lot Saturday morning. made through the banks and usual chan There Is one thing tbat the llq- nels approved by the Housing Ad DEPARTMENT ANSWERS nor contest Is certain to do and mlulstralnn which w ill Insure the I tba t Is to bring out a larger vote lending agency against loss. The FIRES; NO DAMAGE DONE than ba- been cast In the county act w ai previously Interpreted to I What might have been a -erlou« for some lime. Registration books restrict the loans to modernisation fire was quickly extinguished F ri­ have been opened again lu various and repairs. day afternoon. Children playing on parts, lu Springfield voters can the second floor porch of the old register nt the city hall anytime lioapltal building dropped lighted prior Io October 4. Several have al­ HOP PICKERS BUSY AT matches to the ground and set fire ready made out tbe necessary MOST LANE YARDS NOW to the tall grass. The city fire de­ cards according to I. M. Peterson, partment put out the fire before It registration officer. Picking of early hops has beeu reached the frame structure completed In moet Lane county Bunday a fire was discovered In hop yards now and crewa are start­ JULIUS MILLER DIES the wood pile at the Roscoe Per­ ing on the late varieties. Picking FUNERAL SATURDAY kins residence. The cause of the of tbe latest varieties at the Sea- fire was undetermined and ’ he vey hop Island In scheduled (o be Graveside services for Julius M il­ damage was slight. ler who died last Thursday at his started today. The absence of rain , has meant much to hop growers homo In* Went Springfield follow­ ing an Illness, were held Saturday enabling them to harvest th e ir ! PRINCIPAL CALLED TO morning with Interment In the old crop* as they ripen without a n y ; BEDSIDE OF MOTHER delay which frequently lowers the | I. O. O. F. cemetery. Rev. E. F. Lee M r and Mrs. W. E. Buell left officiated and tbe Branatetter- quality of the crop. ■V' Blmnn chapel had charge of ar­ rangements. CHALLENGERS FAIL TO Mr. M iller was born lu Germany APPEAR FOR BIG GAME on November 9. 1864 and came to the United States 49 years ago. He Member* of the Irish-Murphy had tired In this vicinity for the past 30 years. All of hl« «urvlvlng softball team could not find a team to play against Sunday afternoon relatives live In Germany. when they drove to M cKenile bridge. They had scheduled a game SERVICE OPENINGS GIVEN with the Sign of the F ir team, but FOR HAWAIIAN ISLANDS that aggregation, which had alao promised them a flah fry, could not Enlist man (a are now being re­ be found as many had gone away ceived for wurrtce In the Hawaiian for the Labor day week-end. Islands for a period of three year«. The Springfield pary stopped at Openings »re available In the In­ the Boy Scout camp for a swim on fantry, field artillery, coast a rtil­ their return trip. lery. engineer and air corp«. Mual- clans for Infantry and field a rtil­ lery ports In the Pacific coa«t are CHRISTIAN CHURCH SETS also being received. Application* MONTHLY CHURCH NITE should be made at the Post Office building In Portland. Oregon. Regular monthly church night for members of the Christian Tensile Removed— Virginia Flah church will be held at the church underwent an operation for the re­ parlor* this evening. A devotional moval of her lonslle at the office hour will be followed by a program of a local physician Tuesday morn­ and social evening. ing. Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs. Return from Vaoatlon— Mr. and Robert Neale, route 1, Springfield, M r* Roy Btearmer and Mr. and are the parents of a baby daugh­ Mrs. Leland M. Cray have return­ ter born to them at the Nelson ed from a vacation trip to Seattle Maternity home In Eugene on Bun­ where they »pent a week. day. September 2, 19«4. Wednesday morning for Dallas call­ ed there by the serious Illness of Mr. Buell'« mother, Mrs. ('arietta Buell. Mrs Buell has visited here several times and has many friends here. I f her condition permits, Mr. and Mrs. Buell w ill return the end of the week, and Mr. Buell w ill he al the high school to meet new student* before the opening of school next Monday. N E W Y O R K . . . The British Gold Cm challenging yacht "Endeavor* (below ), la getting her tuning up trials off the Con­ necticut snores aa her owner, M r. T . 0 . M. Sopwith and w ife (above), smile optimistically in the hopes • f liftin g the famous yachting trophy which the late Sir Thornes Upton tried ae valiantly to take back to England. . . . The Interna­ tional races are scheduled to sta rt off Newport, R. I. about Septem­ ber 1*. . . . Mrs. Sopwith will sail In the races with her husband, as the first woman ever the historic classic. Methodist Church Members Plan Potluck Supper, So­ cial and Bueinees Evening GolUie Smith and Elmer Fer­ guson Married Wednesday t Directors In Moscow; To Live Here ¡ng Toni Openir Announcement« of the marriage Annual Family Night to be held at Moscow. Idaho on Wednesday. REFINI8H» ! at the Methodist church social August 39. of Miss Ooldie Smith of that city and Elmer Ferguson ' parlors Friday evening starting at Three Naw i 6:30 will open tbe fall season of well known 8prlngfleld resident w»re received here thia week. The; Faculty; > activities for members of that con- wedding was held as a complete' B r a tt& in I gregatlon. The gathering will start with a surprise to their many friends In j School bell potluck dinner and will feature 1 clty- musk and talks. Reports of various i T'ollowlog the wedding the couple morning. S committees who have been study- took s «hört trip to the coast and Springfield Irg activities for the church are to arrived In Springfield Wednesday. grades and k They will make their home here. I have been be presented Mrs. Ferguson la well-known Ing and refl; The church board which met Tuesday evening, and the pastor. here having had charge of the tor the new Teaching i Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, w ill also week-day Bible school work h e r* and at Oarden Way for three years, same as they submit recommendations for the next year’s work to the church Last year she attended school In though at leg membership. The choir of the California and later lived at home, bera w ill join Both Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson have meeting of chnrch was reorganised Wednes­ day evening under tbe direction of been very active In the work o f1 cheek Inst ml Mrs. Buford Roach and will make th" Chrl tian church of Springfield ! held at the — - — — 1« expected that the their first appearance Bunday L IO N S T O H E A R A B O U T e'"? » '°u rth morning. The young people of the event that Ole church are also making plans for' NATIONAL HOUSING ACTi return as prlnc a busy fall season. school. Louis W aldorf. Eugene paint i W ants Year's dealer and member of the promo-I M r Wood asked TEACHERS TO RETURN tlon committee for the N a tio n al' for a leave of FOR SCHOOL OPENING Housing Act. w ill speak at th e 1 months and thia r semi-monthly meeting of the' — ed on by the bo Funeral Service» Held Tues­ Several Springfield school teach­ Springfield Llona club Friday noon quested a leave ers who hare been visiting are ex­ at Taylor hall. Mr. W aldorf Is a day For Chester Wallace pect'd to return this week-end for member of the Eugene Lions club.) gardlees of tha At Pleasant Hill the opening of school Monday. H. E. Maxey and M. C. Kirkland- of absence if expected that Chester Wallace, lifelong reel-1 Misa Aille Manning will return are In charge of ’ he program. new member < from a vacation trip to Boise, Ida­ Plans for a Joint picnic with th e ! dent of the Jasper community died1 p' ho. and Miss Edna Platt w ill re­ Eugen« and Cottage Grove Lions! „ Ten , at hl« home there Saturday even­ turn with Mrs. L. K. Page frpm clubs to be held In two weeks will Brattaln sell ing following a long Illness. Mr. Sacramento where they have been also be discussed at the meeting. tor w ill then be Wallace was born near Jasper 58 Roy Qulney. visiting. Mr. and Mra. Marion years ago and bad been a resident coin building. Hall are expected any tint* now FLOOD CONTROL WORK there bla entire life. Faculty from California where they have Hs la survived by his widow,. W E. Buell been spending the summer. Foot­ TOLD AT CHAMBER MEET Mrs. Clara Wallace, and one son,' principal at the ball practice w ill start as soon as Archie Wallace, at home. He alao Achievements of the Lane Coun­ two new teach he gets here. leaves four slaters, Mrs. James Mis Bernice Conily and her ty Flood Control association and algnments. The Awbrey. Mr«. M. L. Sebring, and mother will return again to make the outlook for the future were dis­ terton and lows Mrs Homer Roberta, all of Jasper, their home at the Laxton apart­ cussed at the monthly meeting of on the faculty Mra. C. J. Bears of Cloverdale, and ments. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chat­ the Springfield Chamber of Com­ will be Clyde D three brothers. Robert Wallace and terton have already arrived, and merce at Taylor hall Wednesday oly. Glen L. Charles Wallace of Jasper and Miss Marguerite Mlllhollen and evening. Reports of the Lane May Hewes. Fred Wallace of Waldport .Miss Clarabel Wagner will come County Chamber meeting held last Mary Elliab eth Funeral services were held Tuee- ' month were alao beard. No action ion E. Hall. from Corvallis. day morning at the Pleasant H ill on any business was taken at tha Faculty ma Glen Wood fa expected here tor church with Interment In the Pleas-1 session. school w ill lac the opening of school, although he ant R ill cemetery. The Poole Fu­ I^ o ta Roden li w ill not teach here this year, bnt neral home had charge of arrange- : ford. Edna K. mckenzie bridge will will continue his work In the CCC Hobbs. menta. HAVE LARGER SCHOOL The Lincoln corps. Construction of a North wing on dltion to the p FIND BAD ROAD OVER Roberta, VESTED CHOIR TO SING tbe school house at McKenzie Opal Sweeney. WILLAMETTE PASS A T M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H ' h rU 6«* now w ril alon« and when Thelma Miriam Male and 1 completed will provide that dls- M nam M a,r ■ Although the road across the W il­ m W , » k.iiiain» T h o I All Subject Ta Our vested choir w ill be present trict with a two room building. The lamette pass above Oakridge is All the teacher« and sing for us this Sunday. Mrs. district takes in Belknap Springs. open and la. being traveled It Is schools are employed Cascade Resort. Belknap bridge, Buford Roach w ill lead the singing. yet far from being the short-cut an.) Rainbow sections. A schoo, I assignment and t k v The theme of the morning sermon tbat it fa Intended to eventually by Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, w ill bus transports the children to and “d from one buitdtag become says Marlon Adams. On re from school. n* * ded' A fuH be “The Home of A ll Men'« turning from a motor trip with his school has be« Dreams." The Church school at fam ily to Klamath Falls and Crater board member» 1 9:46 is preparing for a real fall IUKA INITIATES TWO lake over Saturday and Sunday, tbe earlier start rally. The young people will meet left The Dalfas-Callfornia highway AT REGULAR MEETING Mr. Buell is ] this Sunday at 7 o'clock in the 40 mllea east of Oakridge and high school or I League room. The Sunday evening Two candidates were initiated the last days of spent four hours reaching the service w ill be held at 8 o’clock. into Iuka circle number 37. Ladies mountain town. Large rocks and over problem* The sermon w ill be: “Some Avoid­ Auxiliary of G. A. R. last Thurs­ chuck holes not only made the go­ Student* at able Tragedies or Haunting Echoes day evening when the semi-month­ ing slow, but «hakes an antomobile w ill hardly know the from Hell.” ly meeting was held at the home of they return. AU of to pieces. Coburg Methodist Church M r-. Lee Putman. The candidate« the entire building Mr. and Mra. Adams and son. Dean C. Poindexter, minister. were Miss Salima Krulekoekl and somined light cr Bob. drove to the coast Monday The subject of the morning mes­ Miss Linda Laoedon. A potluck work in t j,e entire and spent the day at Yachats. |' sage at 9:46 w ill be: "From Des­ dinner followed the meeting. been painted a peration to Delight. " The Church tbe picture frag School w ill meet at 10:30. FEW REPORTED CASES have been glv JAIL GETS NEW ROOF OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASE OTHER WORK PLANNED varnish. A new cement floor BARNES-MYERS WEDDING Only five cases of contagious A new roof haa been placed on the boys toilet IS HELD AT VANCOUVER the city ja il during the past week. the toilets In disease In all of Lane county were reported for the past week by the building have Mr«. Wanda Barnes of Spring- The plaster on the Inside of the State Board of Health. Two of these The high scho field and Paul Myers, son of Mr. building will be repaired and new a new coat of are typhoid fever, and the other bedding provided for use of those and Mra. W. C. Myers of Hayden three chicken pox. A warning walls and the Bridge community, were married detained In the structure. against swimming In the W illam ­ finlnhed. Some quietly Saturday in Vancouver, ette river where the water Is ex­ has also been Washington. Mrs. Minnie Fletcher Californian Here — James Rob­ tremely low at this time has been The Brattaln of Portland, friend of Mrs. Barnes, erts, nephew of Rev. R. E. Rolen«, issued by Dr. E. D. Furrer. path­ the three, did m attended the wedding. pastor of the Baptist church, ar­ somlne. The floor» ologist at the Pacific hospital In The left immediately for a 10- rived here Monday from hla home Eugene Some persons are having there and the dav trip on the Oregon coast after at Glendale. California to visit for room and hall 1 samples of their well water test­ which they w ill return to make a short while. Tuesday Rev. Rolens, ed dally says Dr. W. H. Pollard, their home near Hayden bridge. his eon, Robert, and their guest GORRIE-VAN Springfield health officer. The couple were one of the more went up tbe McKenzie for a camp­ than 40 which obtained marriage ing trip. FAMILIES CIVIC CLUB CALLS FOR licenses at Vancouver Saturday. One of the FALL MEET TUESDAY Engineer« Shortage Seen ings over the First meeting of the Springfield LOCAL ODD FELLOWS Engineering authorities foresee at the home of ] Civic club will be held Tuesday HAVE GOOD MEETING a shortage of trained engineering A large outdoor afternoon at the Springfield Libr­ graduates by the time young men ’ held at the ary It was announced this week. On« of the most Interesting ses­ entering college this fall w ill he afternoon, i T h l* meeting w ill officially open sions In some weeks was held graduated. from out-of-town the fall activities of this commun­ at tbe local I. O. O. F. lodge at C. G. Van VaB ity group following their summer Its hall here last night. The at­ On Coast T rip — P. J. Bartholo R °’ eb“ ra: I * ' vacation period. tendance of the meeting »»» good mew spent Tuesday evening and; a a an with three visitors. Several talk* Wednesday at Florence In hla cap-1 and Mr« Elery were made. The next meeting will actly as deputy coroner Investi- EARLY EVENINO BLAZE ,he accldent which , rM|. HOUSE PAR THREATENS SAWMILL be held In two week«. Septem her 19. CABIN ON dent was fatally Injured when she The roof and celling of the hall stepped on to the highway north Fire which broke out In one of Harry W righ t the conveyors at the Booth-Kelly here has been recently repaired of town. number of his sawmill here about 6:30 last Tues­ and a report on this work wa s party at the ' day evening was quickly extingu­ made at the meeting. Conte for School— Mrs. O. L. Cle­ creek over the ished by fire fighting apparatus of ment and children are moving to In the group the «awmlll. The «Iren was blown Scout Executive Here— H. B. Sal­ Springfield from W altervllle. The «nd the city fire truck made a run. lee. executive of W alamet Boy children attend school In this city. Clifford Statai Norweld Ne No serious damage resulted al­ Scout council, was a visitor In . Theim er Neli though It might have been a costly Springfield Thursday morning. He Collect. Bounty— D. R. Sheub o f. J>cobwD fire had It not been discovered was enroute to the Boy Scout camp Creswell collected the county boun­ W right shortly after It started. Cause of Luck Boy on Blue river. ty on one coyote at the office of the fire was not determined. i the rounty clerk Wednesday. I Return from SEÎ DAI E JKSPEH HUH DIES DIG OUTING FINAL RUES HELD Entire Troop and Workers To Spend Week-end Of Sept­ ember 14-16 At Fall Creek Plan« for the long uwaited outing of (he Springfield Boy 8cout troop were formulated here Tuesday evening at the regular meeting of the troop. Accompanied by Glen Murtln. scoutmaster, and h it as- alstant*. BUI Cox and W illiam Man- ley. assl-tant scoutmasters, tbe en­ tire troop w ill be taken to a camp site on Fall Creek Friday evening. September 14 after the first week of school. They will spend the en­ tire weekend In the open return­ ing borne Bunday. Final plans for the outing w ill be made at tbe Scout meeting next Tuesday. Dr. W. N. Dow. chairman of tbe iroop committee, and other mem­ bers of tbat body will accompany th - boys. E C. Stuart and Larson Wright are members of the com­ mittee In charge of the outing ar­ rangements Bruce Maxey set a fast pace in the Boy Scout achievement con­ test during the past week when he climbed into second place closely behind Scott W right. Maxey has a total of 64 points while W right has 66. Billy Dow and Frank Stuart are tied for third place with 56 point« each; James Herbert Is In fourth place with 30 points and luiwrence Thompson has the fifth place this week with 38 points. W ith the beginning of school and the return to the city of many who have been vacationing and working more competition is expected to develop In the Scout contest, prises for which are on exhibition In the window of the W right Hardware store. SWIM AWARDS AWAITED BY CHILDREN HERE Swimming awards earned by Springfield children during the re­ cent Red Cross classes have not ar­ rived here yet, but are expected .oon. They are to be distributed at (he City hall when they arrive. Tbe learn-to-swlm program In I.ane county woe concluded Satur­ day with the Red Cross classes at Blue river. This was the only class In the county In which each stu­ dent earned some recognition. EGG TAKING STARTS AT RACKS ON McKENZIE Taking of egga from salmon at the Hendricks bridge rack* la now In full swing. The egga are taken to the hatchery near Vida and the flesh of the flah are cut off In two strips along the back and placed In cold storage until fed to the small fish. SMALLER BEER CLASSES NOW DISPENSED HERE In conformity with the order of the State Liquor Commission, smaller beer glasses are now being TRAIN HITS FRONT OF used in th l* city. The Commission AUTO; MAN IS INJURED ruling set 12 ounces as the maxi­ mum sited container which can be Ralph Bristow of Natron narrow­ used in dispensing the frothy bev­ ly escaped serious Injury Friday erage. when the front of hi« automobile was struck by a passing train and badly damaged. Brlatow. an em­ CITY COUNCIL MEETING ployee of the Southern Pacific TO BE HELD MONDAY railroad, stalled hla car on the Monthly meeting of the Spring- crossing and was unable to start It before the accident. He received field City Council will he held at the C'lty hall next Monday evening only a slight head wound. at 7:30. Routine business will be Attend Fair— Among the Spring- taken up at the meeting. field people attending the State fair at Salem Monday were Mr. and Tl Visit Slater— Leland Gould, M ri. R. L. Drury, Mr. and Mr*. brother of Miss Edna Gould and Charles Myers and daughter. Doris, student at the medical school In Mr. and Mrs. Elvln May and daugh­ Portland, will «pend the week-end ter, Florence, and Mr. and Mr«. Is Springfield visiting with his sis­ W. N . Long. ter. Takes Vacation— Miss Edith Jobe took several days vacation from her duties at the dental office of Dr. W. N. Dow this week. She re­ turned to her work this morning. ----------------------------- - P. J. Barthor Tonsil* Taken Out— Mis« Eloise At F air Today— Mrs. C. F. Eggl- ‘ M r*. Paul Farrier underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils at the manu, Mr*. Geor.ina Clover and day evening office of a local physician Thurs­ Miss Eva Louk went to Salem tkto t they spent m orata* to attend Ik e M a ta fair, la s ■ day morning.