TH V RS DAY. AUQUST >0, 1»14 FORESTER BACKS PBiSEKl POLICI TUITION. FEES LESS AT OREGON INSTITUTIONS FALL-SOWN FEED H MARKETS BRIGHI TOWN AND VICINITY METHODISTS PLAN FINAL EARLY EVENING SERVICE IRRIGATION TO BE SEEN ON TOUR A group of Oldeona from various Stata 1 ducati»« Board M akes ! northwest eitle« will participai» In tib ia Reduction» Below Thoea Biotoro Vielt Hero Claudiaa and the morning worship »ervlce at lhe Ir Othar School» Drives to Idaho— Mias AUlo Man­ Methodist church Sunday The Old -, ning motored to Boise. Idaho the Brilla Briggs of Cheshire wore eons are In couvontloa at Corval ¡ V isit To Four Land Farm» Present Income To State Is Oregua young men and women Fewer Hog». Lamb». Predic­ first of (ha week tor a 10-day visit. visiting trloads hero Tuesday ' Ila this week end and are seeking Friday Planned By County Greater Than If Areas Were are offered higher education In ted For 1935; Winter Sup­ Homo from Boooh— 8 C, W right to give their loellmony In all the On Bualnoaa Trip— Mrs. Grace their own state supported Institu­ Agent And Fruit Grower» ply Of Feed Half-Normal Private Owned and Taxed Lansberry left Saturday for San has returned from an outlug to the churches of the valley tions at a cost substantially below coast beaches at Taft This I» a flue uioveiueul In which FraaeinM UB a bualuesa trip. A tour Io study uielbod» of aup Farm outlook Information cover­ Clsimlug that the National forest the average throughout the United laym n of the various churches plimeiilul Irrlgalluu used lo Irrigai- State». It la shown by a comparison Portland Man Haro — Alfred ing current and prospective pro­ Goss te Portland—Mis llarbara areas in (.»regon are paying more are llukeil together lu an active )|||( , rUt b ,.rop, sil(| orchard» will than one and three-quarlera mil­ of present cost schedules here with duction and marketing sltuatlou for Baruell left Tuesday (or Fortlaud Johusou of l*orllaud was a busi­ Christian service and they have b2, 1924, EUGENE tor of tbs Eetata of Jacob ovan, railroad roadmaater at Win and the road fund up to 4002, dated Young, deceased. namucca, Nevada. Jana 2. 1924. tA 9B -B 2-9MB-97) < »^DONALD ► I McKenzie Valley 1 Upper Willamette I Philco Radio Guaranteed School Shoes W illiam s’ Self Service Store