Til®. SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, AUQU8T »O, I W — Second Hand Furniture ! LUMBER MARKET BELOW REMODELING LOANS PRODUCTION OF MILLS FOR HOMES AVAILABLE Knit K EN T I Aero cow puslur» mid barn; will lake milk HIM Heat Main M l.' Dtp CANO OF T H A N K ! I wlali at thia lime to expraaa my thank» Io the Hprlugfleld Kira de­ partment, the telephone company, my neighbor» and friend» and ollier i who ao kindly helped me at Ilia tiro. Melville H Hanna Return« to Worle— Mlee Margaret tlorrle ha« returned Io bar work at the Hprlugfleld Creamery following a vacation during which aha hud her tnnalla removed NOTICK TO CRKOITORB Notice la hereby given to all whom It may concern that the un deralgned I 1» Imrltner ha» been duly appointed Adnilnlatrator of the eatate of Jea«a K Platt», de­ ceaaed. by the County Court of tha Htate of Oregon for l-!»>_______ . ------ n ------- ----------- ' Business Directory Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Naturopathie Fhyslolae I ’bono (1 4 orfico Hou.»: 1 to 6 P. 40« Fourth Street M Edward C. Privat Watchmaker and Jawaler ‘ SPRINQFUBLÜ Be. Feelfle Watoh Inspector Flrat Claae Work At Reaaonable P r io r a General Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney-et-Law City H all Building Sprlngfle!!, Orhgon Reliance Life Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa. Represented By E. H. TURNER A BL Bprlngfleld. Ora. POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e Formerly W alker Poole KUOENK -11th S P R IN G F IE L D and Charnelton Telephone 728 228 Main Phone «2-J I WHO IS WHO First step. In the application of ihe National Heustng Act which Il Is hoped will start a small build Ing aud remodeling boom over the entire country are now being taken by the Federal Housing Adminis­ tration. Efforts nre being made to organise each community to pro­ Amusement»_______ mote remodeling and repairing of privately owned homes with bor THE W1NTEROARDEN rowed funda. Kth and Charnelton. Rugeiu- Quantities of literature have Anna B. Orswell, Mgr been distributed In this city, but W lllam elte Rea Ph 27FI4 no active campaign has been laun­ Modern and Gld Time Music ched here such as was started In for All Occasiona Eugene this week The money for Improvement ____ Auctioneer*_______ work about the home Is made W L BRAY available at the banks and other G EN ER A L AUCTIO NEER Institutions at a flngnclng charge Farm Hales and Livestock Our of not to exceed (6 per (100 In any Hpeclalty. sums from (100 up to (2.000 for Community Hales any period up to three years, to be Every Wednesday repaid in monthly Installments. Hprlngfleld The repayment of the funda to the 111 Main HI. bunks or lending Institutions la Auto Dealers guaranteed by tne government of the United Htates ANDERHON MOTORS, INC. Full details on the proper "pro­ Expert Repairing — All Work MIDWEST DROUTH SENDS cedure In obtaining a loan are con Guaranteed. BARLEY PRICES UP HERE tallied In pamphlets received this Gas, Oil. Tires and Batteries week, a copy of which la al Ihe 6lb and A Mia., Hprlngfleld Ph. 49 A short crop of brewing barley News office. In the middle stales baa Increased BROWN MOTOR CO. the demand for Oregon Hannchen CHRYSLER and PLYM O U TH barley to the point where buyers FALL TERM TO OPEN Sales anti Service actively In the field In the Klamath AT BUSINESS COLLEGE Complete Automotive Service Falla district have raised their Open Day and Night The Kugi-ne Buslnees college has offers from (1.60 to (1.70 a hun­ Phone 1767 dred In hulk at the ahlplng point, just closed Its summer session thus 1(6 East Broadway Eugene. Oregon reports <1 H ltyslop. chief of the completing a successful year. The Seattle, Wash . Ann 8O-—A total of 663 down and operating mills In Oregon and Washington which reported to the W»at Coast l-um Ix-rtnen*. association for the week ending August IK produced 9!.466.- 818 luiard feel of lumber Thia was iipproxlmalely 1 6011000 feet under the preceding week The average production of Ihla group of saw­ mills In 1(8! has been 76.016,7(7 feet; during the same period In 1(33 their weekly average was 7!, 696.662 feet. The new business reported last week by 660 mills was K3.143.166 hoard feel against a production 04 96.266.2(2 feel and shipments of l(K.361.(76 feet. Their ablpmenla were over production by 13.6 per­ cent and their current sales were under prodm lion by 12.K per cent. The orders booked last week by thia group of Identical mills were under the preceding week by about C600.000 feet or approximately 10 3 percent. PAO B THREE ■ and What They Do * Q A Classified Directory of Reliable Bueineee Firms and Profeeaional People Thie Newspaper Recommende to You. STAR EXCHANGE FURNITURE CO. Bring or mall us anything In Old Hold such as Rings. Dental. Watch I Cases, ete. Check by Return Mall. Mr, W illamette Eugeae. Ph. 6S7 Saw Shop SAW SHOP Dentista The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. DR. G. A BROWN COMPLETE HOME Furnishes a All kinds of SAWS G UM M ED. filed, straightened. Circular and Band Saws Repaired, hammered and filed. All Kinds of Welding. Hours 9 A M to 6 P. M Building and Repairing Service. Phone 20-J For Service Phone Hprlngfleld 66 BRUNO’S SAW SHOP Mb and Main Sts. Springfield or It no answer, phone 34-J. Phone 2222W Hprlngfleld 7M1 R Maeterson. Plaintiff, VS. Phone 79!-J Eugene. Oregon first publication of this summon».' ateilB y Masterson. Defendant. SPRINGFIELD SERVICE 539 East 11th Ave. Eugene. Ore. j and If you fall i ’iETnhrintlff» - TO S TELLA V. M A8TERSON, California Folk V isit— Mr. and STATION swer for want thereof the platntirrs , T H R AB()VR N A M E D DBFBND- EUGENE HOSPITAL Mrs. Dan Folds of Pasadena. Cali­ wlll take a decree against you for, • ' SUNSET HOME Frank Sharman. Prop. "The Frtendly Inetltution’’ fornia visited at the J. D. Pyle the relief as prayed for In s a l d l * " 1 Rev. R. Bogstad G ILM O R E O ILS and GAS IN T H E N A M E O F T H E STATE Phone 1800 home for several days over the fourth amended complaint as fol OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ Springfield Sanltortum — A home for Elderly , Eugeae 5tb and Maln s t" ' lows: week-end and left for Vancouver, quired to appear and answer the People—Graduate Nurse In Charge.! 1162 W illam ette A decree that the plaintiffs and complaint filed against you In the A ST. SERVICE STATION Br,tlsh C°Iumbla Th®y Plan J o ship defendants are the owners In com­ above entitled Court and cause on Rates (1.00 a day and up, Depend­ Ladiea Ready-To-Wear General Gasoline. OH and Greases their car and return home by boat. mon of the following described ing on care* needed. Centrally lo­ or before the 22nd day of Septem premises: Ooodrich Tires her. 193!, said date being more DELLA BORIN’S DRESS eeaaeaggaeaaggaaaaaBBaBB N H of N W Ii of Sec. 6 Tp. 18 than four weeks from the day of cated in refined neighborhood. "A Home Owned Station.” Phone 1494J SHOP 8 R. ! W of W. M and al) that the first publication of this sum­ 5th and A Sts.. Springfield, Ph. 44 i Mrs. Della Borin, Proprietor pari of the Arl Cantrell D. L. C. mons and herein entered of record 172 — 12th Ave. W . Eugene No 39 Notlf No. 8360 which lies and If you fall so to appear and AUGUST CLEARANCE Your First and Last Chance to In Sec. 8, Tp 18 S. R. ! W of Ot AU Summer Apparel. answer for want thereof the plain­ T H E L IL L IA N VA N DARW ARK W. M. AU of the N H of N E U Patronise a Home Owned tiff will apply to the Court for the Prices Greatly Reduced! and N H of N W I4 and lots 1 and relief In his complaint against yon CONVALESCENT HOME Independent Service Station. Eugene Phone 2692 2 In Sec 1. Tp. 18 8. R. 5 W. Lillian Van Darwark, Prop. demanded, to-Wlt: For a Judgment a WE GIVE YOU A ; THURMAN’S of W. M. All being In Lane Rnd decree of Divorce dissolving Eugene On Main St., at the Bridge County Oregon and In the propor­ the bonds of matrimony now and ANGELINE DRESS SHOP Ph. 8078-W tions as set forth In the fourth heretofore existing between you l!0 9 Oak St. Eugene. Oregon 100 Main St. Springfield, Ore. amended complaint and particular­ Popular Priced Dresses and the plaintiff on the grounds Cleaning A Dyeing ly Mary E. Potterf !6-1200; Bet- of desertion and for auch other re­ Mitchell Service Station Allen A. Hosiery * THROUGH 3 hena Gibson I«ord, !6-1200; Itha lief as to the court shall meet. A L L R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS 63 E. Broadway Phone 633-W Jimmie’s Cleaning Shop Pedrone and Dan Pedrane each Thl ■ summons Is served upon you — Yale Tires — 1-380. That said premises be par­ bv publication thereof In the Eugene. Oregon JAMES M IT C H E L L titioned snd If It can not be par­ S P R IN G FIELD NEW S, a new»- Greasing - Battery Recharging Cleaning. Pressing, Alterations. titioned then said premlsea be sold paper of general circulation pur­ Mrs. Margaret M. Coldren Expert Radio Repairing by W e Call For and Deliver. and after costs of sale and ault ® There» no catch in i t ! J suant to an order of the Jadge of M O DISTE LEE CRAY balance of proceeds be distributed ROYAL Mnde to Measure Suits. 5 Southern Pacific takes you tu S the County Court of the State of Remodeling — Designing Phone 48-J In proportion set forth In f turth ■ Chicago, New York and most ■ Oregon for the County of Lane 309 Main St.. Springfield, Ph. 76-J amended complaint, and to defend­ Miner Bldg., E. Broadway. Eugene | 7th and Ma)n sta. Springfield 5 other eastern cities through duly made and entered of record ants last named as set forth herein, Phone 33!« Cabinet Shop ■ Caliloruia for the same rail and for such other relief as to the on the 20th day of August, 193! OREGONIAN ordering thia summons to he pub­ 3 lire as a trip straight East and court may appear equitable. Lumber Wholesale-Retail lished once each week for four SERVICE STATION SPRINGFIELD CABINET ■ back See your local agent or The order directing service of 3 write J. A. O R M A N D Y, 705 At the Springfield Junction SHOP his summon oy o npw„pnp).r an