THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS thirty - first ykar BMUNOFIKI x D. LANE COUNTY. ORBQON. TH U R SD A Y. AUGUST 80, 1984 SELF HELP PLAN EXPECTED SOON LEAGUE GROUPS ™ Worker START FALL WORK County Relief Commltt* Hear Rehibllitation Outline Project Committees And Assistants Numed At Moating Of Ep­ worth Cabinet Tuesday To START IN LANE SOU Government Coneldere Pu> Chase Of Cutover Traots For Subsistence Acreages Hebabllltalloii work with some dvflulla plan of action la «xpected Io ba launched In Lane county soon according Io 0 . K Crowe, county Commissioner and in a in bar of Iba county rallaf cuuimlttaa Mr Crowa baa called a iporlal moating of the rallaf body for Friday luornltx at 10 o'cluck al tha court bouaa at which lima Clifford Siullh. «lata rehabilitation director, will ba proa- ant to discuss plana for a rehablll I at ton project tor la u * county Ha Io anxious to see tba l-ane project started aoou Juat whal tba project would cover In tbla county la uncortaln It we- announced aoiua time ago that tba rehabilitation work In Lerna county would uot Include at tba outset moving of distress cases to marginal landa with federal sup­ port. According to county officiate tIo- amount of atate and county-own­ ed acreage In tha county la not very large at thia time, and vary little la u«eable land Tha healta lion of the county to foreclose on delinquent property for several years baa caused moat of the pro party to remain In private owner­ ship A ta t sale will ba bald soon and It la expected that the county will arqulre considerable acreage Coupled with tha local situation 1« the announcement from Wash­ ington. D. C.. that the federal gov­ ernment Is contemplating the pur­ chase of large tracts of cutover land In Oregon and Washington. There are approximately 4.000.000 acres of thia land, and with newly devised methods of clearing the land, the stumps can be pulled and burned at small expense Moat of this land la now under the ownership of large lumber com­ panies and may ba purchased at reasonable prices. Considerable amounts of the land are very fer­ tile and would grow fine crops. Only the high coat ot clearing the stomps from th e land ha* prevent­ ed prior use of the property The rehabilitation plan does not necessarily mean moving of needy persons to the land It alma to rreate a situation where the Indi­ vidual can make hla own living without being a burdeo to the gov­ ernment or private Individuals. The plan of providing those per­ sons who ran manage acreage with small tracts and loans for equip­ ment or buildings aems to be the easiest method of attaining the de sired goal. FO R E S T H IL L S , L I ------ “Get Ferry" (above). Is the battle cry of ranking U. n. tennis stars as the ace Britisher seta sail for America and our national cham- ptouahip late this month. DEXTER PIONEER FUNERAL HELD Pioneer Storekeeper, Farmer, William Williams Pasaea Away On Sunday Hurvlvors Include his widow, Mrs. Ida Williams, and the follow­ ing children: Mrs. Mabel Hills, Dexter; Mrx. Berths Jacobs, Trent; Mrs. Alta Younle of Portland; Ber­ nie H Williams, San Francisco; W illiam Williams. Jr.. Portland; Mrs Evo Hlgglus. T ren t; Montleth W illiams. Uradwood; Carroll P. W illiams. Dexter One brother. Charles P. Williams of Pleasant H ill, and two tille rs , Mrs. Ilene Whllbeck. Oregon (Tty. and Mrs. Kffs Fenton of Portland, also survive. Funeral services were held Tues­ day morning at 10 o'clock from the Pleasant Hilt Christian church of which Mr. W illiams was a member. Veatch chapel In Eugene had charge of arrangements. CHURCH PLANS ACTIVE PROGRAM Rev. Claude O'Brien of Multno­ mah conducted the services and Interment was made In the JTeas ant H ill cemetery Special music was provided by the Henaant H ill choir, and Mr W illiams sons and sons-in-law acted as pallbearers. LODGE VISIT SET AT IRVING HALL TONIGHT Elm er Pyne. president of the Lane County I. O O F. association, STANDINGS IN SCOUT and other members of the Spring CONTEST ARE LISTED field lodge will visit Irving lodge tonight The first degree w ill be Bvott W right continues to lend conferred at the meeting. all Boy Scouts In Springfield troop Idist Thursday evening Mr. Pyne 11, In points earned towards the one-year achievement contest now went to Elmira lodge at which time being sponsored by tbe troop com­ Hans Bertelsen. special deputy mittee He baa 69 points to his grand master of Eugene, presented credit. Frank Bluart la tied with a 86 year Jewel to Ellis Richard Billy Dow for second place. Each son, brother of Emery Richardson of Springfield. Who Is a member of have 44 point«. Bruce Maxey la In the Mapleton lodge The Mapleton fourth plare with 43 points, snd James Herbert In fifth place wltb team conferred the third degree on three candidates at the Elmira 33 points. Flans are now being made to meeting Other visitors were pres­ take the boys In the troop on a ent from Irving and Eugene week-end outing school opens. shortly after CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR NAMES E. B. U. MAN Miss I .els Peterson returned Bat urday evening from Turner where she attended the annual state Christian Endeavor conference which was held all of last week. Rosa Gulley, for the past year Instructor at the Eugene Bible Col lege, was named full-time field aec retary of the Endeavor organlxa lion. He will assume his duties at once. NEW OPERATOR TAKES DEPOT NIGHT DUTIES M M Cecil arrived here Wed nesday from Cascade Resort to as sume his duties as night agent at the Southern Pacific depot. Mr. Cedi replaces C. N Brady who has been here for the past three weeks Mr. Brady was transferred else­ where Mr. Cecil has moved his family here and they are living on Fifth street George Prochnow Is Inking the day shift during the absence of Carl Olson, regular agent who la on hla vacation. LUSBY-JOHNS FAMILIES HAVE REUNION DINNER SALVATION ARMY FOLK HEAR TOBIAS LECTURE Mr. and Mrs. George Lusby and family c ' Corbett, Oregon, left Bun day evening for their home after visiting here with his mother, Mrs C. N. Lusby. Bunday the Luaby families and the Johns families held a reunion picnic dinner at the Midway park during the afternoon. Rev Kenneth A. Tobias present ed his Illustrated lecture at the Salvation Army hall In Eugene Saturday evening. Rev. Tobias Is missionary worker for the Am eri­ can Sunday School Union and has given his lecture In many commun­ ities the past few months. IUKA TO TAKE NEW MEMBERS AT MEET HAPPY HOUR MEMBERS TO MEET OCTOBER 1 Initiation rert>monles for two candidates will be held this even­ ing at the meeting of lukH circle, Ladles Auxiliary of the O. A. R. The meeting will be held al the home of Mrs. Clarlne Putman and will be followed by a potluck aup- First meeting of the Happy Hour club for the fall season will be held on Monday. October 1. It was an liounced this week Members of the executive committee will have charge of the program for tha first meeting _ .. ... . . ~ Family Night Planned Sept- ember 7, Official Board To Launch Fall Program Plans for a busy fall season at the Metbodld church are to be completed within the next week It was announced today by Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor. Miss Nissen Now At San Francisco Office; To Be- Miss Anna Vogel Becomes Bride Of Earl James At come Secretary In Idaho Ceremony At Coburg Al a qulel ceremony held al the home of ber mother, Mrs. L A. Ward, uear Coburg. Miss Anna Vogel became tbe bride of Earl | Janies Wednesday morning. The ceremony was read at 7 o'clock by Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor of the Coburg and Springfield Meth­ odist churches. Only members of tbe Immediately families and Mr. and Mrs Frank Baird, friends from Medford, attended tbe ceremony. Following a wedding breakfast at Ibe Tiny Tavern In Eugene at 8 o’clock. (he couple left over the j M rKenxl- pass for a two-weeks j trip to Crater lake and Ban Fran-i cisco. Mrs. James taught In the high I school In Springfield for several | years where she has been active In work among tbe girls, having been advisor for the Girls League for several school terms. She is a graduate of the University of Ore­ gon and a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. City Recorder Announce« De­ cision To Seek Retention Of Office In City Affaire COUNCIL FIELD IS OPEN Several Being Talked For City Treasurerahip; Buell Remains Non-Commital N E W YORK . , . From Monte Carlo comes the engagement an­ nouncement of Miss Merle Oberon (above), youthful English screen star, to Joseph M. Schenck, Am eri­ can Movie producer and recent husband of Norma Talmadge, juat arrived from France. ' BALL TITLE WON BY IRISH-MURPHY I M. Peterson, city recorder, to­ day announced his Intention of be­ ing a candidate to succeed himself in the November election. He did not make a formal statement. Mr. Peterson Is the first candi­ date to announce himself for city office, and his action started con­ siderable political talk In the city. Several others are known tc be considering entering the race for the various offices to be filled in the general election. No other per­ son has been seriously talked of for the recorder position, although at least two person* are known to be watching the position of city ' treasurer, now held by W . E. Buell Victors Consider Invitation To Play Team At McKenzie Bridge Sunday Afternoon Mr. Jaine is proprietor of the Midway service station in West Rallying from a slump during the Springfield half-way between Eu­ gene and Springfield. The couple second halt play members of the of Oregon and the National Red will make their home there after IrDb-Murphy softball team stepped out to win tbe city league champ­ ('rosa. Five of these students will their honeymoon trip. ionship from their two-time rivals. complete their training work the | the Fulop Department store team. first of September and « III be as­ In the final game played at Brat- signed territory In tbe county and tain field Tuesday evening. elsewhere. Winning this game. In which the For the preeent lime Miss Ellis score was 8-4». and the first game will attempt to maintain the same last Thursday evening in the play- schedule fur her Springfield visit. I ofl. 6-1. assured the grocers of un Bhe will continue to meet Individ­ 1 disputed championship in the sum­ uals al the offices over the old Bell theatre, and asks that persona de- Hood River Pastor and Form­ mer series. The grocers tied the er Lyceum Artist To Pres­ first half of the schedule and de­ ! siring Io see her when she is not feated Fulops In the playoff. In the |n by or lM,ril<)n „ ,he ent Free Program second half the Fulop team won ¡offices in the courthouse. Dr. O R. Vincent will give a lec- j an undisputed victory and the play- Miss Nissen has been employed ofl was held between winners of In the local Red Cross work for ture aud musical program at the the first and second half series. about three years, coming here Methodist church Monday evening Tne game Tuesday evening ended at 8 o'clock. The lecture will be from her home at Sheridan, Ore- illustrated by chalk drawings the softball competition in this gon. which Mr. Vincent will make as he city this season. CHALK ARTIST TO TALK ON MONDAY speaks Tne official board of the church will meet Tuesday evening at 7:39 to launch the fall program ar­ rangements. The following night ibe church choir will meet for the first time since the summer vacation began. I _______ Mrs Buford Koa.h has been se Springfield Girl Named Sec- cured IO again direct the singers f Qf c # Organi- Bhe has asked that all former mem- I 1 r zation At U. Of O. hers of the church choir meet Wed nesday evening In the church at Appointment of Miss Elizabeth 7:30 for their first rehearsal. Any Hughes, daughter of Mr and Mrs. others who wish to slug will please Win. G. Hughes, to the position of come and confer with Mrs. Roach. secretary of the Y. W. C. A. on the The choir will make their firs! pub­ University of Oregon campus was lic appearance al the morning ser­ announced this week. vice £k*ptember 9. Miss Hughes has been attending Annual family night gathering In a summer training school at Fres­ the church parlors will be held F ri­ day evening. All members of the no, California for the post several congregation will gather for a din­ weeks and Is expected to return ner and will consider the church to her home here Friday night. The campus position has been program and needs as developed held by Mrs. Margaret Edmundson by the various commltteea. Norton for the past several years until she resigned last spring to LEATHERS - VOIGHT move to California. MISS HD6HES IN Y.W.C.A. POSITION WEDDING IS SURPRISE PETERSON TO RON [ FOR RE-ELECTION H.8. TEACHER IS to Boise WED WEDNESDAY Mias Rowena Nissen. Red Croen Plans for a busy fall and winter j fiotd worker for the Springfield season among the young folks of district has been celled to the re­ the city were formulated Tuesday gional headquarters at Ben Fran­ • veiling si u meeting of Ibe cabinet cisco for a two weeks training of the Epworth leagu e at the ptrlod after which aba will be tran­ Methodist church The Epworth sferred to Boise. Idaho, tb become league la divided luto two groupe, executive tecretgry there It was the high acliool age and Iba older snnounced today nt the Lane coun ty Red Croat office young folks. The opening of school In the next The Springfield district will be few weeks will also mark tbe open-1 takeh oVer by Miss Violet Ellis, lug of lb * busy season for tbe present member of tbe county staff church groups. A reception for all Mla, (Cille bas been working In a Methodist and olber uuafllllnled perl of tbe Eugene territory and young people Is usually planned will continue this aa well aa taking early In the fall. over the large Springfield area To assist the officers of tbe lea Hhe will also administer to tbe gue uxslslsot- to Ibe vlce-presld- needy of the upper Willamette as euts were appointed as follows; far as Oakridge and Westfir. It was Ckarlett- ►Teh. first vice-president, announced Frances Stiles, Roy Crandall. Beat Another change In the county rice ((arson. Arlle Barnett, and start Is tbe calling of Miss Ellis Cora K orrell; second vlce)pre«l- Maxwell from llu Eugene office d e til, Delores Casteel. Rodney Vest, by the State Emergency Relief Roy Shipley and James Davie; committee to do field work for that third vice-president, Alwln John, organisation. son. Marlon Shipley, Raymond These changes do not mean the Davis, and Dale Carson, fourth employment of new workers by the vice-president Florence Fish, Col­ Red Cross. A training center is leen Cornell, Dori« Robinson and maintained In Lane rounty with Gwendolyn Barnett. the cooperation of the University W illiam Williams, native of l-ane couuly, and lifelong resident of the Dexter community, passed sway at his koine Sunday at the age of 78 years. The son of Thomas and Hannah Hubert Brown. Dorothy Hoblnson, W illiam *, pioneers who came to and Ed James were named to as- Oregon In 1863. W illiam W illiams slat Edna Vest on the music com was born at Dealer on July 8. 1868 tnlllae. He operated a general store there for many years before turn­ ing It over to his son. Carroll, while he engaged In farming He was well known snd look an active part In school and community affairs. NO. 32 The speaker it now pastor of the Methodist church at Hood River, coming there recently from the First Methodist church at Super­ ior. W l consln. Before entering the ministry he toured the country in lyeeum work and Is favorably known as a lecturer, entertainer and man of genius. It did not end the reason for all the teams, however, as th> Irish- Murphy team has accepted an In­ vitation of Phil Daniels to go to the Sign of the F ir on Sunday and play the champions of the Upper McKenxte valley at McKenxIe bridge. The upper river team has promised the local team a fish din­ ner If they make the trip. In his musical program he will Regular players on the winning play a steel guitar and will he as­ team were Everett, Freeman and sister by Mrs. Vincent. Bruce Squires. Joe Gerber. Charles There will be no admission but Cole. Elmer Pyne. Henry Simmons. a silver offering will be taken. Owen Thomas, James Darr. Ken Dr. Vincent was on the faculty neth and Bill Cox. and Bob Mc- of the summer institute at Suttle Chesney. Others who played on lake and was an outstanding fav­ the team during the season were orite among the young people as Robert McLagan. W ilbur HcPber- an entertainer. son. Jack Logan and Lamar Brat- tain W illiam Cox was manager of the team. WOOD COMMANDS CCC Mr Buell was appointed to the office to fill out the unexplred term of Wm. G. Hughes and later was elected without opposition for two years. His term, as does that of Peterson and three councllmen, expires at the end of this year. He has not yet announced any decis­ ion for the fntnre in this office. Both of these offices are filled for two year terms. The present city recorder Is now completing his eighth year in the office. He has been elected for four consecutive terms. During the latter years he has worked out a retrenchment plan which has been working effecMvely In bringing the Springfield finances out o t the had condition which heavy indebted­ ness. lowered income, and two bank failures, plunged the city Into. No announcements hare been made for positions as Councilman, three of whom are to be elected. The terms of Jess Cro*s and John D. Pyle will expire January 1. and successors will be chosen for four year terms. The place held by Clayton F. Barber is now vacant following his resignation, and re­ gardless of whether or not a suc­ cessor is appointed a councilman will be elected In November to serve the two remaining years of the term. Neither Pyle or Cross have in­ dicated whether they w ill seek an­ other terra, and no candidates are being talked for these offices on the street. The opinion being that It w ill be necessary to draft men to take these offices. The general election w ill be held on November 6. and all petitions nominating candidates m in t he filed with the City Recorder on or before September 2«, 40 days be­ fore election so they can be certi­ fied to the county clerk and the names placed on the ballots. CAMP IN WASHINGTON PAULINE CIED IS Lieutenant Glenn Wood, princi­ BURIED ON MONDAY pal of the Brat tain school. Is now stationed at Doty, Washington, where he is In command of a CCC Long Illness Is Fatal To Resident Of City; Adventist Elder camp. His tour of duty there lasts Conducts Funeral until the first of next year and he has asked the school board for a Mra. Pauline Cled. 53. died at the leave of absence during the first home of her son at 726 W ater semester. street. Friday morning after a long Lieutenant Wood la a member of Illness. the officers reserve corps and has She was born In Russia on Sept been ordered to active duty for the CCC work. He was stationed at ember 12. 1880 and came to the United States 24 years ago. com Medford the first of his service. Ing direct to Oregon. At the age of 16 she was married to Sidgay Lake, PENSION SUPPORTERS and In 1916 she was married to WILL RALLY TONIGHT Alex Cled In Portland. TROUBLE CENTERS ON THUMBS OVER WEEK-END Thumbs came in for their share of trouble the past week-end when three individuals found It neces­ sary to visit the doctor with cut members. W H. Cook of Garden W ay dis­ trict ent bis thumb quite badly Saturday while washing some seeds. Monday Morris Stewart cut his thumb with an axe and paid a visit to the doctor. Monday even­ ing Grant McKinnls received a mashed left thumb when It was caught against an automobile. Miss Hughes Is a graduate of the university, has taken special work The marriage Saturday afternoon in social science, and studied at a of Ml s Juanita Bond Volghi and religious education training school Coy Leathers was a surprise to in Berkeley foV one year. their friends In this city. The cou­ During the past two years she ple were married at 2:30 by County has been employed In Salem and Judge Fisk In hts office at the Tacoma court house. Mrs. Leathers is a resident of Eugene and Is a graduate of the CATHERINE ANKENY Eugene high school. Mr. Leathers PASSES AT MARCOLA Is a graduate of the 9prlngtleld Resident Of County Since 1910 high school. MANY ATTEND COLORED Dies Monday; Funeral Ser­ They will make their home in She Is survived by her husband, vice Held Wednesday A county-wide rally of support­ Springfield where Mr. Leathers Is BALL GAME SATURDAY and two children. Max Lake of employed at the McKee bakery. ers of the Townsend Old Age Pen­ , Springfield, and Mrs. Mary Sllrkov A large number of Springfield Funeral services for Mrs Cath sion law will be held at the court­ in San Francisco. She also leaves people went to Eugene Saturday ertne Ankeny. 89. who died at the house tonight starting at 8 o'clock three grandchildren and her broth­ BAPTIST PASTOR BACK afternoon to see the Van Duyn home of her daughter. Mrs. Nor­ at which lim e Dr. S. C. Wade, re­ ers and sisters In Russia. She was House of David colored ball team man Workman, at Marcóla Monday presentative of the national pen­ FOLLOWING VACATION a member of the Baptist church In play against the Eugene team. The were held Wednesday at 2 o’clock sion campaign headquarters at San Francisco, colored players exhibited some Rev K. E. Rolens, pastor of the from the Veatch chapel In Eugene Ixing Beach, California, w ill bo the Funeral services were held Mon­ good ball playing and clever ex­ with Interment In the Laurel H ill Baptist church, will return to his principal speaker. day at 10 o'clock from the Pooie hibition despite the fact that they duties this week-end following his cemetery. Several Springtleld people are Funeral home In Springfield. Elder Mrs. Ankney was born near Ank- month's vacation He will not planning to go to W altervtlle F r i-1 w * Bun1en q, Eugene offlciated came out with the short end of a 5-8 score. preach at the morning service, hav­ enytown. Ohio on October 26. 1864 day evening to discuss the Town and Interment was made In Laurel ing arranged for a visit from a and lived In Iowa and California send plan at a gathering there. H ill cemetery. number of Gideons from Corval­ before coming to Oregon and Mar LIQUOR SALES SHOW lis who will take charge of the cola In 1910. She was a member STEADY GAIN AT AGENCY FULL GOSPEL SERVICES ervlce. There will be services at of the Christian church. PRISCILLA CLUB PLANS Survivors Include her daughter, 8 o'clock In the evening, but the FOR WEEK ANNOUNCED Total sales of liquors have in- ELECTION OF OFFICERS two granddaughters, Mrs. Avon program Is unannounced . _______ creased steadily each month aince Derrick of Fort Rock. Oregon, and Service at the Full Gospel s- officers for Priscilla clu b ! the agency was opened In Sprlng- M bs Neva Workman of Marcóla sembly for next week were an wl|J elected at , he next meeting field according to Loyal Scott, MISSION WORKER GOES She also leaves two great grand nounced today by L. D. Hoffman. , f on 8eptamber u at the local agent. The only difference BACK TO CALIFORNIA children. Kenneth and Delbert pastor. ° B Bun^ ' home of Mrs E. C. Stuar». It was noted now is that fewer persons Kester. Marcols, and a brother, held at 11 and 7:30 with Sunday decided at the meeting held here from out-of-town are coming here Mrs. Mary Harrington left Mon­ Francis M. Hess, Bellville. Ohio. school at 9:46. last Thursday at the home of Mrs. ■ to buy their drinks, and that more day for her home at Stockton, Cali­ Prayer meetings w ill be held Merle Casteel. 1 local people are trading at home. fornia after spending the week end BRIDGE CLUB PLANS Tuesday and Friday afternoons at Mrs. Floyd Flanery and Mrs. Al ------------------------------ here at the home of her niece, Mrs. 1:30 and Friday evening at 7:30. Peterson were guest* o f the club DRILL TEAM HOLDS FOR POTLUCK LUNCH Dean C. Poindexter. Sunday even­ Bible study will be held Tuesday lMt week UICNIC FOR MEMBERS ing she spoke at the services at Members of the Contract bridge evening and Cottage Prayer on the Methodist church on the sub­ Wednesday afternoon at 1:30. All club will hold a potluck luncheon ject of the Americanisation Work SMALL FRIENDS INVITED Members of the d rill team of at their next meeting on Septem are Invited. Among the Spanish Speaking Peo­ FOR BIRTHDAY PARTY i Plne C,rcle’ Neighbors of Wood- ber 6 Mrs. W alter Scott will be _______ craft, held a picnic for their faml- ple of California. She spent 26 Arkansas Peaple Here—M r and the hostess Mrs. Lester Patrick entertained lies and a few friends Wednesday years In mission work In South Mrs. Joseph A. Deatherage at Mt. At the meeting last Thursday a group of 12 small children at a evening at Skinner’s Butte park In Africa. Mrs. W. K. Bnrnell was hostea* for Hbme, Arkansaw, and their two birthday party In honor of her Eugene. About 30 persons were two tables of players. Mrs. C. E sons, Birch and Eugene, are here daughter. Jeannlne's birthday S at-1 present according to Mra. III at Hom»— Mrs. Emory Pyle Is Wheaton and Mra. I. D. Larimer visiting relatives. Mr. Deatherage urday. Game* and refreshments oc- Stevens, captain of the drill were guests, and high score was' spoke at the Christian church last reported to be 111 at her home to- cuplad the afternoon. ' who bad charge of tba picnic | 1 Bunday evening. won by Mrs. W . M. day