THURSDAY. AUGUST 23, 1984 THE BPRINOffELD NEWS PAGE FOUR Deerhorn HOG TAX RETURN Pla™ for STOCK LOANS ARE BULESim iN E O .0 " ''" ? ” ^ M M - _ 77 - . Many Farmers Over-Compute Government Tax In Making Processing Returns I Regular Pomona Meeting At Ada Saturday; All-Day Pic- nic Planned For Sunday i from Walla Walla, Washington, to visit at the Lee Putman home. 9at urdav the two families and Mr. aml Mrs. Harry Wlckum went to Marshfield to spend the week-end. The two putmans are brothers. 1 JMHMMf ICAPS TO U K I ttktUßie Jûdùe KEOT-COOPER IN STEVENSON’S GREAT If ISIÄNI . , . Coming . . . SUNDAY 4 GALA DAYS Prepare For Higher Prices Canned Corn, Lard and Meat Products are increasing in price because of the middle west drouth. Now is the time to lay in a supply of these foods and save money. We carry only the best brands and you can make real buys NOW. PETER PAN CANE BEST HARD WHEAT FLOUR 49 LB. SACK 51.79 DIAMOND “A" CORN 2 FOR 25c GOOD HARD WHEAT FLOUR THREE SISTERS TOMATOES CAN 10c 49 LB. SACK 51.59 Soda Wafers Or Graham Crackers 2 Lb. Box THREE SISTERS B eans 25c 3 for 25 c We have a very Complete Line of Jars aud other Can­ ning Supplies. QUART JARS, Complete, Dozen ON STREETS WEDNESDAY visitor In Springfield Monday i,v <^*PO, Visits in Salem — Julius Fulop drove to Salem Sunday to Inspecl At Creaawoll ___ - Sunday— - ___«• __and Mr ^ rJ Severson and daughters. his prune croR which Is being bar „pent Sunday visiting with friends seated this week X #( Creswell. Visits Parent»— Delbert Hinson Visit at Creswell — Mr. and Mrs. came down from Ikirtland over the Fred la>uk and family spent Sun week-end to spend a few daya vlalt ' day at Creswell visiting with Mrs lug with his parents. Mr. and Mi» Mary Howe, mother of Mrs. Louk Fred Hinson. fflM T in or GOvennoR A safe. * • " » soonomlsel ad­ ministration ef i U U affair« I * the Interests of economy and Visit Saturday — Mrs. ('hartes Scott and Mrs. Ed Schults and duughter. Eddie Lou. of Waltervllle were visitors in Springfield Satur­ day. Fam ily R eturn»— Mi and Mrs 1» II. Jarrett and family returned - Tuesday evening from a vacation ’ out at Suttle lake. They left the next day for the roast. reduced taxation. Returr from Coaat—Mr and Mrs. H K. Gerber returned the past week-end from the coast where they spent a week fishing and resting Plan» K lam ath Falls T rip — Mias Kuth Pollard will leave Friday fori Kluniatb Fall» where »he Will I »pend some lim e visiting with an aunt. velt. Returns from Washington— Ml»» Luna Pulman returned last Thursday evening from Walla Walla. Washington where she has Iw-en visiting with relative Jo Takes Vacation — Miss Maxine Snodgrass la taking a vacation thia -. A complete line of »n. the fam connection with the preparation of fornia to Isvli another daughter. „ . . . . i. mia Ennä Jettlck shoes . for women their hog processing tax returns it Washingtoo Fotk v „ iv_ Mr and has been installed In the Williams will be appreciated If you will call Mr> daughter SJelf-ServIce store according to Joe these matters to their attention. Max)a# an(, son Thurs(on are here Hayward, manager. The shoe de- I ___ .— ------------- ------------ Struck in Back—Mary Allen, of Marcóla, was Injured in the back Monday when she was struck by a load of lumber at the Fischer Lum­ ber company mill. Man Itaui li of Deerhorn was a business 69C Are You Ready for Upper Willamette Cool Fall Evenings? WE ARE WITH A FULL STOCK OF CIRCULATING HEATERS AND HEATING STOVES. PRICE« T o MEET EVERY PURSE. 542.75 553.50 574.50 549.75 559.50 589.50 Terms If Desired. W r ig h t & S o n s HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT