THURSDAY, AUGUHT 28. 1H34 PAOB THRBE THE HPRINOFIHLD NEWS Vacation .1 H o r .. creafc— Mr. | HESSIAN FLY CONTROL Laraoti Wright and ehlldran and METHODS DISCUSSED her parents, Rav. and M r«. Elkins ut Monmouth, are »pending the Tim I Ina. la n fly. which dncrnaand ■ week nt tho Wright cabin on Horan I lie yield nt w heit In anr*ral Ora crank. goti counties from 6 Io 10 bushel» mi acre thia year, can !>« control­ At Basche« — Wright will re led by good fanning, aaya J R malli al III law -li» uuar T ati unlll i H, , k p0|h ( oU„ ty „gent. The fly (he tirai of die monili II. lisa heen „ , hrougt, lwo ||fe Cyvlaa a F u It II EN'I I Acre cow paatura iway fur lwo week, now year, lie aaya. batching out In time Amusements and barn, will taka milk HIM to attuck the spring wheal and then NOTICK Kaal Main Hi 2tp lying dormant until the young OF FIN A L SK TTLK M K N T T H E W IN T E R G A R D E N Notice la hereby given that W il­ wheat la up In tbn fall. Many larva Nth and Charnelton. Eugen. FLY TIME IS IIUKB! liam It Hobba, elecutotr of the are never reached by burning stub­ Anna B Orawell. Mgr of Edna W Hobba, deceased, ble or pasturing after harvest The Our My Spray lit guaran- estate W illam ette Rea. Ph. 27F14 and of her laat will and testament, beat method la to plow under all i<*i>tl io rid your houae of flit*« Iina fil'd hla fluul account In Hi" Modern and Did Time Music and tlnaecta. Fllett are not County Court of Lam- County, Ora- wheat stubble aa .non aa the for All Occaalona. only bothernotne lint (hey aim. mid thal aald court haa aet aa ground la ready for plowing, and the time und place for the final work It down tn a good seed bed Auctioneers e a r n Allan. 877 W illam ette Street. TO STELLA V MASTERSON, Open Day und Night latrator of the eatate of (llenl- Eugene. Oregon, the undersigned T H E ABOVE N A M ED D E F E N D Phone 1757 wortb Shumaker will be taken up ua guardian of aald minora will 1*6 Bant Broadway AN T for allowance and an order made proceed Io join with other owners Eugene, Oregon IN T IIE N A M E O F T H E STATE aaalgnlng the realdue of »aid eatate. In mortgaging the following pro Persona Intereated In aald mattera perty. vlx: The north 7B feet of OF OHBOON, You are hereby re­ S C H E R E R M O T O R CO. may appear at aald time and be lot 7 In block 7 In Skinner's Do­ quired to appear and answer the beard thereon , nation to l,ane county, for the complaint filed against you In the BU IC K — O LDSM OBILE — above entitled Court and cause on CLYDE W SHUM AKER . Ad­ sum of »2600, aald mortgage to or before the 22nd day of Beptem PONTIAC i run three years. Interest payable ministrator her. 1*14. aald date being more Motor Cara H ll ALLKN. attorney for Eatate semiannually, and to be made to than four weeks from the day of SALES and SERVICE the person or persona who w ill (A 3 * 16 23) furnish aald money on terms moat the first publication of thia sum 7lh and Olive Sts. — Phone 866 mon« and herein entered of record Eatate of Inea P. Flannlgau. be­ beneficial Io «aid minora The In­ Eugene, Oregon. reaved terest of aald minora tn aald pro­ and If you fall so to appear and NOTICE perty la an undivided one fourth answer for want thereof the plain Auto Repair OF F IN A L CC TTLBM CNT part thereof Bald mortgage will tiff will apply to the Court for the be made pursuant to an order of relief In hla complaint against you Notice le hereby given that A r­ Itcenae therefor Issued out of aald demanded, to-wlt For a judgment MARSHALL’S tiste I Murray, administratrix of court July 11. 1934 and decre-- of Divorce dissolving BODY AND FENDER WORKS the estate of Ineg P. Plannlgau. the bond» of matrimony now and S H IL LS . Guardian "Auto Rebuilding" deceaied. haa filed In the County heretofore exlaflng between you (Ju 26— A 2 * 16 23) mid the plaintiff on the grounds Tops and Upholstering, Olasa. Court of the State of Oregon In and for l^ n e County, her final re­ W E L L * a W ELLS of desertion and for such other re- Ka "" aud* <‘ "J A U T O B O D Y & F E N D B R C O . objections to aald report aad for underslgned. Date M Smith. Ad the of the 8tate of ------------- --■« n.uu». *» Fender and Bodies : unaKriiRiini. ami** m mnim, <»«• , *h'' County Court . i Radiator«. v e u i b i u i «. r «’•*«*»’• ••»» a waaa«?«» the final settlement of the eetate M1" 'R ^ '^ n b a 'h ^ F , Phone 24» W IN G A RD A REID. Attorneys <2 ’Un,. i'. ^ J i . * t , . « t M '" n C»” d Vn e ^ p a ^ r " a n d that the Cor. 7tl. and Charnelton. Eugene for the Administratrix. O'cl” i ” the forenoon of Hrs. pubHc.tton »8 ,al. with the -------------------------------------------------------- (Ju 10— A 2 * 1 6 3 1 ) Auto Wreckers »aid day. In the County Court Room i ¡L ' t h r t ’X . h '« u . 7 at " '¿ ¿ .n e . •»"«. ,^ h 10urg, (A »16-23-30— 8 6) Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M Oregon, July 24, 1934. Beauty Parlor* NO TIC E la hereby given that 406 Fourth Street NOTICE Joseph A. Baker, of Marcóla. Ore­ Permanent Push Wave* OP PIN A L S E T T L E M E N T gon. who. on April 26th. 1932. made *1.76 and Up. Notice 1« hereby given that Belle 1 " f J 8 W ^ N w \ . i The BR O W NIE B EA U TY SHOPPE Saw Shop SAW SHOP WHO IS WHO and W hat They Do Watchmaker and J«w*l*r SPRINOFUBLD Bo. Paelflo Watch I napes ter First Class W ork at Reasonable Prloee. General Law Practice Dentista Iloora » A M to 6 P. M Pitone 20 J 'dh and Maln Sta Springfield OR WM. N. dow DENT1ST X Bay Dtagnoal» Houra * to 12 1 to 6 and by appolntment. Office Phone 8 — Re». Pilone (7 First Nat i Bank Bldg. Springfield Department Store* Turner’s Variety Store I. M. PETERSON Attornay-at-Law City H all Building * i m i ‘« * a iv ha*nd fm *tht°fina? i n Aftin«*. if any. and for tno nnai rfi dement of said eatate B E L L E O BROW N. Executrix W E L IJ t A W K L L 8 . Attorneys (Jn »(— A > *-lt-23) I Sl'r’ ngfleld, Orkgon Reliance Life Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh. Pa Kepreseuted By E. H. TURNER 846 A HL Mprlngfleld, Ore. POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e Formerly Walker-Poole EUGENE 11th S P R IN G FIE LD and Charnelton 228 Main Phone 62-J Telephone 723 BE FAIR TO YOURSELF AND YOUR FUTURE Eyes Ihat see clearly posHeHs perfect vision. They are always alert. They "lake" perfect pic lure« In tnntly and easily with­ out strain and needless waste of energy. Thousand of ambitious men mid women, handicapped by confused thinking and Impaired judgment, seo their fond hopes crush, yet remain wholly un­ aware that their eyes cheated them. I) o n 't ta k e unnecessary chances. Have your eyes exam­ ined frequently by a dependable eye doctor. Examinations are Free at DR. ELLA MEADE O p t o m * t r lB t *1 Waal Bth Eugans Dorsev Fenton F Dorsey Itoraey. Fenton E Dorsey « “ «• * C' Ew ,n«' “ “ of W IL L IA M H. CANON. Register _ . 9 a (Ju zg A 3 * 1 6 33)------------ u / u j t v d u v iv r c- *; " '" J Attorney at Law (Ju -A I M -M -M ) Furnlahea a COMPLETE HOME K iik p ii »*, O r n t o it Shoo Repairing ___ JOHN NELSON SHOE SHOP General Shoe Repairing Building and Repalrlng Service. Onr work Is Guaranteed. Oer For Service Phone Springfield 66 price« are most reaaonabla. or If no answer, phone 34-J Glve Ua a T rial and Be Satisfied. Springfield Opposite McKee’s Bakery 507 Malo St.. Springfield Lsundriet Hall's Shoe Repair Shop SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY We Repeat— We are striving to We Speclallxe in Silks. Woolens, live up to the Spirit as well aa the aad Curtains. . Letter of the National Recovery Rough Dry - T h rifty Damp Wash , Act Phone 76-J <20 Main St. Springfield. 10* Main St Bprlngfield Swimming Crockery. Kitchenware, Stationery. Orthodontist SWIMMING and CANOEING Hosiery. Notions. Summer Hata. DR J. E. RICHMOND Perfume«. Pottery and a complete Swim at the ANCHORAGE lu O RTHO DO NTIA line of Novelties CANDIES Eugene— In City W ater which is Phone 2253 J Main St. Bet. 3nd and 4th Tested Daily by a Doctor and Al­ 1175 Charnelton Eugene ways Kept in Class "A ” Condition. Springfield, Ore. ....... . II.—.... .. ... ■■■..........11 Also Canoe« for Rent at 26c per Physician - Surgeon Dry Goods. Men’s. Women's and Hour. Children's Shoes and Clothing 11th and Frankin Eugene. Ora. C. J. BREIER CO. Phone 1328 968 W illamette Springfield Electric Supply W iring. General Contracting G. E. lam p«, Universal Household Electrical Supplies. General Repairing 442 Main Springfield PERRY’S BATTERIES, BRAKES IO N IT IO N . MOTOR WORK. Wheel Aligning "Any Service— Any Car” 725 Oak Ph. 767 Eugene I)R. MILTON V. WALKER Surgery and Disease« of Women Transfer A Storage 4th and Main 8ts. Springfield Eugene Phone 82-J Electrical Industries LANECO BATTERY 734 W illamette Eugens, Oregon SUMMONS FACTORY IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F SUM MONS • A HO M E IN D U S TR Y T H E STA TE O F OREOON FOR IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E Eugene L A N E COUNTY. STA TE O F OREOON. FOR John W. Moss. Fannie Moa« and 867 Pe* rl______________ Phone 1008 LA N E CO UN TY Emetine Moss. Plaintiffs. vs. Eva L. McCoy. Plaintiff. va. Creameriee-Dairy Product* Mary E. Potterf. Amanda M Lingo, Morrill Sturgeon Lumber Co.. F. O. -— -------------------- ---------------------------- | John W Richardson May Rich­ Stuart, léonard Hlner, Neal ardson. Bethena Gibson Ia>rd, I Demand the Best— Costs no More Hlner.. Clifford Hlner. Herbert Mrs George Cropp. Itha Pedrone,' BLUE BELL L. laitnbard, Margaret A. Ball. Dan Pedrone. Ernest Banlfleld. Dairy Products Vadn Benfield. Orville Benfield. I Fay Elisabeth Bond. Leola D. Hetnenway. Frieda M Herring, Ice Cream. Butter. Cheese. M ilk Alice Banflcld. Art Benfield. Her-j all unknown heirs of T. L. Ball, rlet Ranfleld Lucinda Green and deceased, also all other persons EUGENE FARM ERS CREAM ERY. W alter Green, Defendants or parties unknown claiming any Phone Eugene 638 To Mary E. Potterf. Bethena — right, title, estate lien or Interest Gibson laird. Ithn Pedrone and Dan In the real eatate described In Pedrone. Defendants. Convale*c*nt Home* the complaint. Defendants. IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STATE TO Fay Elisabeth Bond. Frieda OF OREOON FOR L A N E COUN MISS NELSON’S TY You are hereby required to M Herring, all unknown heirs of. CO NVALESCENT AND .n « w « r th e Fourth T.L. Ball, deceased also alt other. Amended Complaint filed ngalnsl persons or ',n9" o* n ..<'’* ,^ r M A T E R N IT Y HO M E you In the above entitled suit with Wto. Good Care at Reasonable Rates In four weeks from the «lay of the " ‘ «wat In th e .re a l estate d«crlbed Phone 794-J first publication of this summons. the complaln' d a - .« - .» Eugene, Ore. and If vou fall to appear or an IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E 639 East 11th Ave. «wer for want thereof the plaintiffs (IF OREGON: You are hereby re- wlll take s decree against you for qulred to appear and answer the SUNSET HOME the relief as prayed for In said amended eomplalnt filed against Rev. R. Bogs tad fourth amended complaint as fol you In the above entitled suit with Sanltorlum — A home tor Elderly In four weeks from the day of the lows: A decree that the plaintiffs and first publication of this summons People— Graduate Nurse in Charge. defendants are the owners In com­ and if you fail to appear or answer Rates *1.00 a day and up. Depend­ mon of the following described for want thereof the plaintiff will ing on care needed. Centrally lo­ take a decree against you for the premises- cated in refined neighborhood. N H of NW % of Sec 6 Tp. 18 relief as prayed for In said amend­ Phone 1494-J S H 4 W of W M and all that ed complaint as follows: A decree quieting the title to the 172 — 12th Ave. W „ part of the Art Cantrell D. L. C. Eugene No. 39 Notlf No. 3350 which Iles I following deecribed premise« North one-half of Lot three In In Sec. 6. Tp. 18 S R. 4 W. of Black eight of Christians Second T H E L IL L IA N V A N DARW ARK W M All of the N H of N E U Addition to Eugene, Lane County. CONVALESCENT HOME and N H of NWVi and lots 1 and Oregon and the cloud on plain­ 2 In Sec 1. Tp 18 9. R. 5 W Lillian Van Darwark. Prop. tiffs title be cleared and you and of W M. All being In I,ane Eugene each of you be decreed to have no 1 County Oregon and In the propor­ Ph. 3078-W tions ns set forth In the fourth right, title, estate, lien or Interest; 1409 Oak St — amended complaint and particular­ In or to the aforesaid premises or I Cleaning & Dyeing ly Mary E Potterf 46-1200; Bet any part thereof and that the plain liena Olbson I-ord. 46 1200; Itha 1 tiff as against you and each of you Pedrone «nil Dan Pedrane each I be decreed to be the owner In fee Jimmie's Cleaning Shop 1 360 Thai said premises be par­ simple of said premises and each JAMES M IT C H E L L of you be forever barred from - titioned and If It can not be par­ Cleaning. Pressing, Alterations. claiming nny right, title or In te res t' titioned then said premises be sold We Call For and Deliver. and after costs of »ale and suit In or to aald promises or any part balance of proceeds be distributed thereof arising out of any c la im ! ROYAL Made to Measure Suits. Snrlngfleld Ph 75-J In proportion set forth In f >urth existing at the time of the Inxtltu- tion of this »aid sull and for such 309 Maln 81 • apringtieia, rn . (t>j amended complaint, and to defend­ ant« last named a« set forth herein, ckher and further relief as to the Cabinet Shop and for such other relief a« to the court may appear equitable. The order directing tha service court may appear equitable. SPRINGFIELD CABINET The order directing service of of summons upon the aforoaald de | this summons by the publication fendants by the publication thereof SHOP thereof Is dated August 8th, 1934 Is dated July 24th, 1*34 and directs Geo. W. Stephens and directs publication once each publication once «ach week for Bash. Doors. Glass, week for four successive weeks and four successive weeks and the date and General M ill W ork the date of the first publication la of the first publication Is July 26th, 1*34 August 9th, 1934 Used Doors and Windows C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Attor­ C. A W IN T E R M E IE R . Attor­ Springfield. Ore. ney for Plaintiff. Residence: 4th and C Bts. ney for plaintiffs Residence Eugene, Oregon. Eugene. Oregon. (A H U H » - » •) o « ik The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. ____ DK. (I. A. BROWN I Estate of 8. W Brown, deceased | * W illam ette Meridian ba* Apprentice Finger Wave 26c. , has filed her Final Report and (ZUJJ ln tw it,on , o make shampoo A H uger Wave 60c n f C°r|n.rk " o f VhT1 t'ouniv Court o^ f,Dal lh r* * >re ,r proof' ,o e«ub,tah 841 W illamette. Eugene. Ph. 469 the (le r k "J Id t b it lelalm to the land above described. h i', i t Satuntav X E ° I»»«1’'1- »• 8 Commle- Battery Service « r h s .v ,.fh A,.m ..t Si*3 4 L he «1,,ner »» Oregon, on the «7 E Broadway Eugene, Ore. hour of 10 00 o'clock In the fore name»''’ «» 'witnesses: noon In the County Court Room of the Court House at Eugene. In f r e Lane County. Oregon, as the time •> BRUNO'S SAW SHOP Phone 2222W 709 Business D irectory Edward C. Privat All kind» of SAWS OUM M ED. filed, straightened Circular and Band Sows Repaired, hammered and filed All Kind« of Welding. £ A Claaalfiad Directory of Reliable BuainM* Firm* and Prof*Mion*l Paopla This Newspaper Recommands to You. MOVING— Onr Plano and Furni­ ture Moyers are Experts. STORAGE — Concerts Building, Reasonable Rates. Reliability. PACKING — Experienced H e l p Means Safety and Protection. MEIA'IIaLE 8. JONES. M. D. Surgery and Disease» of Women X-Ray and Physiotherapy Springfield. Oregon First National Bank Bldg. Ph. 43 PACIFIC TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. M H 5th. Ave. W. Eugene. Ph. 74 I f no answer Call 104-R Plumbing A Pipe Fitting NIEL POLLARD Inspect our New In»tallation at the State Game Farm Weatlnghouae Lamp« and Appliances. P L U M B IN G Rea. Phone 153-J 420 Main St. Springfield, Ore. HENDERER ELECTRIC Pnotographers-Films 420 Main St Springfield Res Phone 148-J Carl R. Baker Film Shop __ Upholstering-Mattreaaea Furniture Upholstering And Mattress Shop Export Workmanship Phone 155 1 736 Charnelton St.. Eugene. Ore. Eastman Filina — Kodaks — Frames — Album -— Motion Woolen Mills • Picture Cameras. Eugene Fruit Grower’s Ass’n W e Photograph Everything EUGENE Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers Anywhere. W O O L E N M IL L CO. and Shippers. Ice and Cold Storage. Mail films to P. O. Box 6(7 Manufacturers of Woolena. College Ice (Team Manufacturers. 69g W illamette. Eugene Ph. 535 Specializing In Ladiea Coco Cola— Klst Beverages -------------------------------------- COAT’ NOS A N D SU ITIN G S. Cider Vinegar Printers Retail Department at M ill. Phone 1480 East End 6th Ave. Eugene, O ts . Ferry near 8th Ave E Eugene. THR WILLAMETTE PRESS Fruit Packers Feed-Seed-Hay — ADAMS FEED & SEED STORE Full line of Feed. Seed and Hay. Cu tom Grinding. Cleaning and Mixing A Home Owned Institution. 119 — 5th St. Springfield. Ph. 3 Oregon Feed & Seed Poultry Co., Inc. Qoo

cttlc Hltkway Ranges and Circulators The forerunner of what lumber­ Schools-Colleges Several Linea Including Montag- men expert to be an important Eugene Business College Linoleum—Inlaid and Felt Base market has appeared in the form ». E. Roberts, Pres. Attractive Prices on Furniture of a government request for bids Stenographic. Secretarial or and Rugs. on lumber to be used in building 18 Bookkeeping Courses See Us Before You Buy , bouses on subsistence homestead» W e Deliver Phone 1188 F A L L TER M BEGINS SEPT 4 in Went Virginia, the West Coast Eugene I Phone 666 Miner Bldg. Lumbermen's Association reports. 649 W illam ette " Eugene. Oregon Species called for include three _____________________ Groceries Northwest woods — Douglas fir. See the Modern Machine Method TOOMB.g GROCERY West Coast hemlock and Western of Shorthand t red cedar. Eancy «■‘»‘•eHes. Fruits. Vegetables SPEED and ACCURACY The West Virginia homesteads Dairy Products. Soda Fountain with Ease. project Is but one of the many vari­ Free Delivery SCHOOL OF are developing or 521 — 5th St. Springfield. PH. »0 MODERN STENOGRAPHY , ous agencies , K 841 W illam ette. Eugene. Phone 117 planning. The first fifty houses ■ n — I— I ■ ■ ■ built for the Tennessee Valley D1BBLEE S Servie* Station* homesteads also are of wood and R E H & WHITE GROCER ...I 500 more have been planned. Be Phone 4 SPRINGFIELD SERVICE cause of its adaptability and econ­ Cor. 4th and Main Sts.. Springfield STATION omy wood construction Is particu­ Frank Sharman. Prop. Hospitals larly well suited for the homestead G ILM O R E O ILS and GAS dwellings. PACIFIC HOSPITAL. 5th and Main Sts.. Springfield INC. 12th and Hllyard A ST. SERVICE STATION Phone 2600 Baas of AD LB U K A quick- General Gasoline, Oil and Greases to T e B a w gas Woatlng. clean« Eugene, Ore«on Goodrich Tire» M t K X r a uppor .‘» J * “A Home Owned Station.” EUGENE HOSPITAL 5th and A Sta., 8prlngfleld. Ph. 44 , "The Frlendly Institution" Your First and Last Chance to Phone 1800 Patronise a Home Owned Flanery s Drug store 1162 W lllam ette Eugene Independent Service Station. Stom ach Qao • A D L E R I K A THURMAN’S Ladie* R*ady-To-W*ar DEIJ-iA BORIN’S DRESS SHOP On Main 9t.. at the Bridge 100 Main St. Springfield. Ore. , Mrs. Della Borin. Proprietor AUGUST CLEARANCE Of All Summer Apparel. Prices Greatly Reduced! Eugene Phone 3592 ANGELINE DRESS SHOP Eugene. Oregon Popular Priced Dresses Allen A. Hosiery 63 E. Broadway Phone 533-W Eugene, Oregon Mitchell Service Station A L L R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS — Yale Tlrea — Greasing - Battery Recharging Expert Radio Repairing by L E E CRAY Phone 4 8-J Tib and Main Stx. 8prlngfleld BY TRAIN TO CALIFORNIA OREGONIAN SERVICE STATION At the Springfield Junction GAS AN D OILS Service Day and Night. M O DISTE , Grocery Sundries, Tobacco’s and Remodeling — Designing Picnic Goods. Miner Bldg.. E. Broadway. Eugene West Springfield Ph. 9pr. 33-J Phone 3346 Mra. Margaret M. Coldren j Lumber Wholesale-Retail EUGENE LUMBER CO. Second Hand Furniture STAR EXCHANGE FURNITURE CO. Snider Red Cedar Shingles Bring or mail us anything In Old Why not have the best? They Gold such aa Rings, Dental. Watch Coat no more. Cases, etc. Check by Return Mall. Phone 426 Rail Road Blvd. A Grand. Eugene 606 W illam ette, Eugene, Ph. 6*7 Ride in big. comfortable coaches on smooth steel rails. Tourist berth for the night as little as I I extra. See your local agent or w rite I A. O rm andy, 705 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Orc. Southern Pacific